Recent content by stupidadsxce

  1. [Request] [RJ353411] 【バイノーラル】クールな男の娘メイドによる、愛ある事務的性生活

    [Request] [RJ353411] 【バイノーラル】クールな男の娘メイドによる、愛ある事務的性生活

    Title: 【バイノーラル】クールな男の娘メイドによる、愛ある事務的性生活 Link: VA: てんしナチュラル
  2. stupidadsxce

    Otome or BL which is better

    I love both BL and otome, cause I love to dominate the boy/man so it's not that hard to position myself as a male character (masculine or anything). As for otome game, I like it because they have more genre and story from school to fantasy. There are also fluffy, sweet, cute to adult and gore...