
  1. Dark Angel

    Dark Angel's Wallpapers & Banners

    I am greeting all my good friends here at the Anime-Sharing that is more or less my on-line home! So this thread is all about wallpapers. The wallpapers that i will present here if not daily at least once per week will be wallpapers either made from scratch or combined many elements and styles...
  2. Terumi

    Seikon no Qwaser II

    WARNING: THE FOLLOWING SHOW IS RATED NSFW BY ME! DO NOT PROCEED FURTHER UNLESS YOU ARE PREPARED! Seikon no Qwaser II (TV) Season 2 to the already concluded first season. Sasha returns, cross-dressed, infiltrating the all-girls school Roman Curia Suirei Academy with Hana as his Maria, to...
  3. The Cursed

    Cursed ☣ GFX Lab

    Welcome to the Cursed GFX lab™ here I will keep you updated on the latest of the lab results (yes even the bad ones) (note:the list is sorted from the oldest to the latest creation accordingly) (TwilightSeeker was my username in Keishou Scanlations) Enjoy hope you enjoyed them Please do...