
  1. P

    Region installation problem with [Triangle] 魔法戦士フェアリーメイズ

    When I click the setup.exe I get the text "this product is for the inside of japan only." My region is Japan and I've tried using both Applocale and ntlea. I've tried extracting the files from the ISO and using the no-dvd patch, but when I try to run the game it demands I install it using the...
  2. Murakumo

    What manga made you cry?

    So what manga series made you cry? (for various reasons, mainly story) Tears of laughter or sadness are included. For me: Chrono Crusade (sadness). Yeah, that's about it for me. :(
  3. Tenshi

    Rant Thread

    We all have our own personal problems in life, and after a serious convo that occurred in IRC, I figured a rant thread would be a good way to let off some steam. As I have nothing to contribute (yet), I shall let you all take the honors.