first MM0 games discussion


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2013
What was your first MMO game you ever played. MMO is massively multiplayer online game just for anyone if there is someone that exists that doesn't know what MMO is lol

Mine was Lineage 2, Ragnarok Online, then City of heroes, back to RO then back to City of heroes, then World of warcraft then quit all mmo's in that order Not going to mention any others because I just tested them out but I have to say after the closure of city of heroes all official by the way, It made me think and realize that this isn't what I want to spend my time on playing knowing all my stuff will be in my memory what if i get amnesia I'd forget I'd even played it as I have no proof I did.

as long as MMO's dont let us save our data offline so we can play the games offline even 1 player an mmo game is useless and pointless to me because life is a fleeting moment all mmo's needs to be saved I'd want to build a legacy if I spend years in 1 game wouldn't you?

MMO games become boring to me because of the grind but not just that, its changing the way you play causing you to repeat every hard work you made in the game to be reproduced so you can get the best gear again only then the next expansion they raise the bar again and time again for you to repeat the same thing over and over, isn't that reason enough to quit? Thats another the other is All MMO's have a chance of shut down which is complete deletion of your character and items, imagine playing for 7 years and your stuff gets wiped just like that, welcome to anyone who played City of heroes.

So yeah in my opinion all MMO's are useless, I cannot understand why enough people didn't protest against World of warcrafts change into Cata and mists of pandaria, O wait they did blizzard lost over 3 million players lol
ok I cannot understand why 6 mil or so people continue to play it, and why any mmo's aren't blacklisted from peoples recreational pass time as you don't own your account, your characters everything you do is not owned by you, your playing someone elses game your borrowing it and then you lose that. I have partial memory loss and didn't even know I wasted my time on some of these games. if your in my boat you'll be depressed too. I guess Its time to quit mmo games it would teach them a lesson not making it grind well actually I wouldn't mind grind if i could save my account eternally. but since you can't I'm not giving Blizzard the satisfaction of subscription fee's for a game that's gotten worst over time and I'm not going to play any of their new games as a result if they think they can kick us off a game for another game they got another thing coming.
My first MMO would be Special Force (known in North American as Soldier Front), a Korean FPS game ported into local language and hosted by local hoster. I used to be a die-hard advocator for offline gaming when everyone else was playing Ragnarok Online. I never play MMORPG, though, they do not click right with me (heck, I fail at Diablo 2 singleplayer, what hope do I have in a perpetually multi-player field?).

I have had an MMO (another MMOFPS called Karma) closing right on top of my head before (worse, it's a global closure, wiped off the face of the Earth for good due to developer discontinuing the project). I stayed with it until the very bitter end. I was among the more [in]famous player of that game, running around in the world of guns with a saber and a general's dagger, and occasionally even without weapons whatsoever. All online games I've played are free to play, though. I've spent a lot of money on this particular one (but it is totally free to just play), and I think this would be the last time. Like you said, online games are but a fleeting moment that will be gone, either completely or gone too rotten to even bear to play (like how SF descended to the pool of dump it is today, despite a long time ago a great game to be in). Afterwards, I basically steer clear of online FPS.

I've started World of Tanks in middle of 2012 (Karma International closed around July 2012, my locale's closed around middle of October 2012, as the other establishments followed suit, with Korean server closing down before the end of 2012) and stuck with it until World of Warplanes came around...I got into World of Warplanes's closed beta testing from day one but only get to play it to full effect some time after the non-disclosure agreement was lifted and then I had the entirely of Open Beta to practice. The people who are active in its community would say something like this upon wiping complaint: The only one thing they cannot wipe is the skill that you have accumulated over the time of Beta. Lo and behold, World of Warplanes got a lot of bad rep even before its release and the player base is very small. I stick with it, wanting to see what future have for it. These two games has got a good F2P model - one can become successful without spending even a single [insert currency here], but will be limited on what he or she can do without spending...or manage to earn that virtual currency somehow.

I don't just play the games, but participate in the community as well. While we are at it, you got any real life friend(s) playing the same game(s) that you did? That alone can drive one far in the 'pointlessness' of MMO games...much like how having a friend to play with in an offline game with multiplayer (Multiple controllers or Hot seat) make that little game's fun multiplied many times over.
Don't sweat it any mmo takes practise when I first started out in RO i sucked but over time I got better and anything you do in life with experience you can do anything without qualifications. Muscle memory helped me type without looking at the keyboard as an example. Muscle memory is the best thing in life rather than qualifications, having both though does put you ahead in life, but qualifications take time and memory is faster than learning off paper.

I learned to fix computers qualified by experience only, I've done things better than qualified personnel I worked for tech companies and my own thing for a while until I got bored of it lol. So any game you play you don't need to be good at it, just keep at it and you get the experience which matters more in this world than anything else.

I see what your saying and I'd have to agree with you on your last comment, mmo's are pointless but if you go with friends it does become a lot more playable. Although having said that when I played the last of us on ps3 single player its way more fun than any mmo i played with friends, I could imagine how amazing the game would be if it were co-op story mode it would blow out any mmo and single player experience 100x over.

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