Make a Slogan~ :o


Mar 24, 2012
it doesn't have to sound like one, but try you best to make it interesting, weird or funny XD
Don't worry if it sounds kinda lame~ :P


Fish&Chip's~ do you eat fish with Your chimps? XD
Be natural~ Be green~
Paint all your walls green~
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You better watch out~ You better not cry~
Santa's not coming to town that is already with rain~ My dear~
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7UP - it's better than 1UP

/me try to remember mario
For those trying to wield the force~
For those who want to wield three~
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Follow the first snow and leaves with the last~
Found on the whitest days with a flurry of feathers and snow~
Lol its just random xD But it does doesnt it? Snow angels can only be made if theres snow~ though i suppose i just went nuts for the second half...


Monsters for your poking enjoyment~
Ramen forever

The act of doing unpredictable things like walking into someone's kitchen and digging through their fridge in a search for chocolate~
Spammers for Hire~

For an unlimited time, the Spam King will be willing to set forums afire!
None of the new features seem to fundamentally Buy WildStar Gold change The Sims 2, but relatively speaking, outings and dates are probably the most important additions to Nightlife. This is because they add more focus and goals to a game that some have criticized for being too open-ended
Sees that bots are in the business of unearthing buried threads ;p

Hamster ball~
A ball to keep your troublesome younger siblings in~

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