Recent content by Astral_Goddess

  1. Astral_Goddess

    Latest Thought~

    I tend to stay away from any #chan since it usually has more... Obscene stories.
  2. Astral_Goddess

    Latest Thought~

    Where in the internet do you need to go to find stories like this? :cramming:
  3. Astral_Goddess

    Latest Thought~

    I really should get out of the habit of licking my fingers when they have peanut butter on them, I think Brian thinks too erotically when he sees me do that....
  4. Astral_Goddess

    Guardian RP (OOC Thread + Sign up)

    So is that okay? Do I need to change anything? :reallyconfused:
  5. Astral_Goddess

    Guardian RP (OOC Thread + Sign up)

    Yuuto is the guardian. Aselia is the human (Or Spirit in this case)
  6. Astral_Goddess

    Guardian RP (OOC Thread + Sign up)

    Okay, here we go. Honestly I have no idea if I'm doing this right, and I'm not too creative with names so I'm just going with their default names. Do Guardians have to be mechanical/in armor or can they just be anyone/anything as long as they have a backstory on why they are a guardian and why...
  7. Astral_Goddess

    Has an anime taught you any lessons?

    I would die from blood loss since I have to look into my drawer and see underwear every day, on top of wear it of course. :zombie:
  8. Astral_Goddess

    hello all!

    Welcome to the forums! As the post says :P
  9. Astral_Goddess

    Has an anime taught you any lessons?

    Woops. I swear I tried looking for a thread like this through the search bar but no matter what I entered I never got any results. Weird.. Also, it looks like everything you learned is something that doesn't happen for real except the first fourth one you mentioned. :lmao:
  10. Astral_Goddess

    My Favorite Word, Right This Minute, Is:

    "Capitalism, HO!" Fine, that's two words. "Rawrz" is my favorite single word.
  11. Astral_Goddess

    Latest Thought~

    I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing for this Guardian roleplay thread... Er, I don't have much of an idea how to create a guardian :dead:
  12. Astral_Goddess

    Oh hi ( ・ω ・)

    I got an invalid website. I know where you're talking about though; I've looked at it but I lack confidence in joining it right away. I will wait and observe it for a while before I decide anything.
  13. Astral_Goddess

    Guardian RP (OOC Thread + Sign up)

    EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out. I'll try my best to create a character bio for both my character and my guardian. I'll edit this post with what I come up with when I can, unless someone posts after this.
  14. Astral_Goddess

    Word Association Game

    Judge Judy