Recent content by Refuto

  1. R

    Can you help me find the this manga?

    It's always a weird and embarrassing thing to almost immediately find something you were looking for after asking for help, but I managed to find it in the form of a depressing manga list using Japanese and some luck. I appreciate everyone who clicked this thread and read my post. The manga...
  2. R

    Do you purchase your manga?

    I've got a decent collection of about 200ish books but sometimes I find it hard to justify buying manga because of shipping. I live in the US, so I really only see merit in buying stuff in large orders but it can get pretty costly, eventually I just stopped. I could get a used book shipped to...
  3. R


    Long time lurker here, I'm always amazed at how well this community is at for uploading, pretty much a one stop shop for H games and manga. I mostly signed up to find a manga that I forgot the name of, but registration is one of the bigger hurdles I have from jumping out of lurker status to...
  4. R

    Can you help me find the this manga?

    Can you help me find the this manga? (Solved) Been searching way too long on google for this manga in Japanese and English and I'm afraid I wont find it. I read in on a hoster site several years (5+ years) ago so I can only really recall the actual story pretty vividly. Characteristics: The...