- Oct 16, 2010
- 7,165
- 10
- 9,112
All right guys, the party is over. This was an April fools joke we've been planning since last year.
For those of you who wonder if Anime-Sharing would really place any kind of restrictions on the download area, the answer is NO. Anime-Sharing staff values the openness and as such would never place any restrictions.
I also apologize for the inconvenience we might have caused our fellow visitors from Japan. We are aware of the fact that the joke took place right on the Eroge release wave, and many of you couldn't register due to the language barrier and other factors. Prior to this joke, we set up a dedicated server just to send out registration emails, and we configured it so most of the emails would not end up in spam/junk folders. Though it is not perfect or without issues.
For those who encountered problems, we did our best to assist them on a case by case basis through our support channel, but the sheer volume (about 0.5 % of approximately 180000 visits in a single day) far exceeded our support capacity, and as such, many suffered waiting time for support.
Please understand that Anime-Sharing is a non-profit, donation-free and ads-free site. We are paying for all the expenses out of kindness. We cannot afford a full-fledged support team able to handle cases within 15 minutes, although I hope it will come true one day.
We managed to get a handful of Japanese visitors to interact with us. In the 1.5 years of operations, there are only four Japanese visitors who are actually active in the forum. Even though we have millions of visits per month. I'm grateful to have many of them participating in the joke.
On behalf of the entire Anime-Sharing staff, I'd like to thank everyone who participated in the joke. Those who managed to earn the pervert badge will have it reverted back to normal in a week or two.
If you have any input or ideas for the next year April fools joke, please leave a message below.
Impressive numbers during this April fools joke:
For those of you who wonder if Anime-Sharing would really place any kind of restrictions on the download area, the answer is NO. Anime-Sharing staff values the openness and as such would never place any restrictions.
I also apologize for the inconvenience we might have caused our fellow visitors from Japan. We are aware of the fact that the joke took place right on the Eroge release wave, and many of you couldn't register due to the language barrier and other factors. Prior to this joke, we set up a dedicated server just to send out registration emails, and we configured it so most of the emails would not end up in spam/junk folders. Though it is not perfect or without issues.
For those who encountered problems, we did our best to assist them on a case by case basis through our support channel, but the sheer volume (about 0.5 % of approximately 180000 visits in a single day) far exceeded our support capacity, and as such, many suffered waiting time for support.
Please understand that Anime-Sharing is a non-profit, donation-free and ads-free site. We are paying for all the expenses out of kindness. We cannot afford a full-fledged support team able to handle cases within 15 minutes, although I hope it will come true one day.
We managed to get a handful of Japanese visitors to interact with us. In the 1.5 years of operations, there are only four Japanese visitors who are actually active in the forum. Even though we have millions of visits per month. I'm grateful to have many of them participating in the joke.
On behalf of the entire Anime-Sharing staff, I'd like to thank everyone who participated in the joke. Those who managed to earn the pervert badge will have it reverted back to normal in a week or two.
If you have any input or ideas for the next year April fools joke, please leave a message below.
Impressive numbers during this April fools joke:
- Checkmate took the "Purity and Innocence" of 42 members.
- A total of 8000 registrations in a single day. In 1.5 years of operation, the total number of registrations in AS prior to this April fools Joke is 14100, of which 3000 were classified as spambots.
- We managed scared off a lot of people, they were thinking we would be closing down for real.
- There was 862 support tickets created during the first eight hours. The total support tickets after the restriction was lifted was 2488.
- The longest wait time for a single ticket was one hour and three minutes.
- The dedicated email server sent out a total of 14829 emails in a single day.
- There's over 100.000 visitors who visited AS during the April fools joke, making it the HIGHEST traffic day ever recorded.
- Close to 50 million SQL queries were sent to the database server in a single day.
- Over 20000 search queries were performed.
- And two million page views.
**I would like to thank the following now-perverted members for giving me their purity and innocence:
[MENTION=10044]海原 夏樹[/MENTION]
Due to an increasing amount of harassment from fellow dictator(s) who demand more e-peen, I've made the following change without going through a vote:
Only registered members with 150 posts or more will be able to use the Downloads and Requests section.
However, since only 0.1 % of the visitors qualify for this condition, I'll temporarily disable the 150 posts requirement. Visitors who are not already registered are encouraged to do so. Registered members who does not meet the minimum requirement of 150 posts needs to spam 150 posts before April 2nd.
After April 1st, it is required to be registered and have 150 posts.
There's another option if you do not want to go through the effort of making 150 posts: to transfer your purity and innocence to me. If you prefer this option, please reply below with the following sentence:
"From April 1st, I give my purity and innocence to Checkmate."
Please note that you will be recognized as a pervert should you choose this option. Make sure you think twice before giving me your purity and innocence.
Chief Dictator
Department of Dictation
Only registered members with 150 posts or more will be able to use the Downloads and Requests section.
However, since only 0.1 % of the visitors qualify for this condition, I'll temporarily disable the 150 posts requirement. Visitors who are not already registered are encouraged to do so. Registered members who does not meet the minimum requirement of 150 posts needs to spam 150 posts before April 2nd.
After April 1st, it is required to be registered and have 150 posts.
There's another option if you do not want to go through the effort of making 150 posts: to transfer your purity and innocence to me. If you prefer this option, please reply below with the following sentence:
"From April 1st, I give my purity and innocence to Checkmate."
Please note that you will be recognized as a pervert should you choose this option. Make sure you think twice before giving me your purity and innocence.
Chief Dictator
Department of Dictation
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