[ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Dr Yoshi

Mad Scientist
Nov 7, 2013

Game Information and Download Links

About this game

Download Links

Main Game : Honey Select[Torrent from Gircelly][Torrent from 2D.G.F]
Expansion Pack : Additionnal Personality -Active-[Torrent from Gircelly][Torrent from 2D.G.F]

Official Game Updates

Download the all-in-one Update + DLC + Translation + Uncensor patches from this thread : Honey Select - MF Patch + EMF Patch

12/26 : Additionnal Data + Studio Ver.6 (hotfix)

honey_03_plus1226ss.exe (586.3 MB)[MEGA#1] [Mediafire#1]This is the latest update. You should download and install this one if you want to make sure you're 100% up-to-date.
honey_03_plus1226cp_sub.exe (69.7 MB)[MEGA#1] [MEGA#2] [Mediafire#1]This is an incremental update. Use it if you already have installed the 12/22 Update and want a faster download.

12/22 : Additionnal Data + Studio Ver.6

honey_03_plus1222sa.exe (561.8 MB)[MEGA#1]
honey_03_plus1222ap_sub.exe (44.7 MB)[MEGA#1]
10/14 : Additionnal Data + Studio Ver.5

honey_03_plus1014n.exe (550.9 MB)[MEGA#1] [MediaFire#1]
honey_03_plus1014ki_sub.exe (5.5 MB)[MEGA#1]
09/30 : Additionnal Data + Studio Ver.4

honey_03_plus0930s.exe (551.0 MB)[MEGA#1] [MEGA#2] [MediaFire#1]
honey_03_plus0930i_sub.exe (18.1 MB)[MEGA#1] [MEGA#2]
09/23 : Additionnal Data + Studio Ver.3

honey_03_plus0923b.exe (539.0 MB)[MEGA#1]
honey_03_plus0923u_sub.exe (46.7 MB)[MEGA#1]
09/16 : Additionnal Data + Studio Ver.2 (hotfix)

honey_03_plus0916r2.exe (508.4 MB)[MEGA#1]
honey_03_plus0916r_sub.exe (311.9 MB)[MEGA#1]
09/16 : Additionnal Data + Studio Ver.2

honey_03_plus0916r.exe (508.4 MB)[MEGA#1]
honey_03_plus0916r_sub.exe (311.9 MB)[MEGA#1]
09/09 : Additionnal Data + Studio Ver.1

honey_03_plus0909g.exe (211.9 MB)[MEGA#1]
With all our thanks to MegaKameha and Phoenix Flame for providing mirrors for those updates. (Original posts for credits - MegaKameha : 09/16, 09/21, 09/23, 09/30, 10/14, 12/22, 12/26 - Phoenix Flame : 09/30)

Mods & Community Content

MF Patch & EMF Patch


Character Sharing

FAQ, Tips, Walkthrough and Save Data

Modding Tools and Discussions

Trials, Pre-Release Update History & Other Information

Official Game Trials

Chara-Maker + H Trial Ver1.1.1

Chara-Maker + H Trial Ver1.1.1 : [Download][Mirror #1 (thanks to MegaKameha)]
Nakadashi Patch for Trial Ver1.1.1 :[Download]
VR Patch for Trial Ver1.1.1 : [Download][Mirror #1 (thanks to MegaKameha)]

Honey Shower

Honey Shower :[Download][Mirror #1 (thanks to Snooley)]
Honey Shower VR Patch :[Download]

Pre-release Update History

You can find all the videos and screenshots from the official Honey Select website in this MEGA folder.

06/17 Update
New Pages : Mini-Site Index - Download 01 (Trial) - Concept - Story - Characters - Reservation Bonus - Specifications

Related Downloads : 06/17 CM - Trial Version & Trial Mirror thanks to MegaKameha - Concept Page Embedded Videos - Reservation Bonus Video

Related Blog Post : "Honey Select"... Is this encounter unexpected ? Inevitable ? (Read post on Illusion's Blog)
06/24 Update
New Page : Chara 02 (Requests & Garments Introduction)

Related Downloads :

06/24 Pickup Movie - Chara02 Embedded Videos

Related Blog Post : Introducing the new clothings ! (Read post on Illusion's Blog)
07/01 Update
New Page : System 01 (Communication & Events)

Related Downloads :

07/01 Pickup Movie - System01 Embedded Videos

Related Blog Post : Presenting H Communication ! (Read post on Illusion's Blog)
07/08 Update
Page Update : Download 01 (Trial Ver1.1)

Related Downloads : 07/08 Pickup Movie - Download01 Embedded Videos

Related Blog Post : Trial Update for President !
07/15 Update
New Page : System 02 (Game Flow)

Related downloads : 07/15 Pickup Movie - System02 Embedded Videos

Related Blog Post : Presentation of the game flow !
07/22 Update
New Page : H-Scene 01 (Part 1)

Related Downloads : 07/22 Pickup Movie - h01 Embedded Videos
07/29 Update
New Page : H-Scene 02 (Part 2) + Page Update : Chara 02 (Costume Presentation & Election)

Related Downloads : h02 Embedded Videos

Related Blog Post : H-Scenes 2 & Vote results
08/05 Update
Updated Pages : Download 01 (Trial & Viewer) - Specs (with desktop & laptop configs)

Related downloads : 08/05 Pickup Movie

Related Blog Post : Spend a fresh summer with Honey Shower !
08/10 (Early) Update
Updated Pages : Download 02 (Chara-Maker Additionnal Data) - Manual

Related downloads : Download02 Embedded Videos - HoneySelect Manual (HTML format) - HoneySelect Manual (PDF format)

Related Blog Post : One month before release ! We successfully made it to the deadline (master up) !
08/19 Update
Page Update : Pre-Order Bonus (Oiran Costume) - New Page : Package

Related downloads : 08/19 Pickup Movie - Pre-Order Bonus Page Embedded Videos

Related Blog Post : Three remaining weeks until meeting your lovely honeys !
08/26 Update
Page Update : Download 02 (Append Data)

Related downloads : Download02 Embedded Videos

Related Blog Post : Only two weeks before release ! Disclosing Studio screenshots !
09/02 Update
Page Update : Download 02 (Additionnal Data)

Related downloads : Additionnal Costume Preview - Download02 Embedded Videos

Related Blog Post : Honey Select will hit the shelves next week !
Details and Additional Information

The Story.
This is a place you unexpectedly reached while travelling. A huge building that towers a quiet suburb.

The moment you set foot in the gorgeous-looking lobby, a woman calls you out, as if she wanted to draw you in : "Welcome, please come in."

Leaded by this woman, Sitri, you decide to penetrate the building.....

This is a place to look for a partner. A special place only made for you to share sweet moments with your chosen partner.

You may wonder what kind of story will unfold in this place. But that is something that depends on you and your partner.
Her name is Sitri Rembrandt.
On the character page, this girl is introduced as the mansion concierge, providing the player with support in various fields. It's also mentioned that she cannot be customised by the player and possesses a fixed, unique, dedicated personality.

We don't know much about her, except her name : Sitri Rembrandt. And this name is peculiarly intriguing.

In demonology, Sitri is the 12th Prince of Hell and rules over 60 legions of demons. He was extensively described in the Lemegeton (the Lesser Key of Salomon), a 17th century grimoire that compiles occult books written during the European Renaissance.
The first part of this grimoire, the Ars Goetia, was written after the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum from the Dutch occultist Johann Weyer, and introduced Sitri as a demon that is able to "inflames a man with a woman's love and also stirs up women to love men". It is also said that Sitri can reveal the secrets of women, make them "luxuriously naked" and obey his whims. And that this demon, when taking human form, is extremely attractive and beautiful.

Her surname also is interesting. It seems clear that it was borrowed from Rembrandt van Rijn, a famous Dutch painter from the 17th century that is still considered one of the greatest to this day.
Rembrandt is mainly known for his large and impressive baroque paintings often featuring biblical or mythological themes, and his clever take on tenebrism, using highly-contrasted lights and shadows (a technique known as clair-obscur or chiaroscuro) to emphasise the dramatism of his scenes.

It's not really difficult to connect the dots, here. We have a girl whose forename is inspired by a demon of lust that is mostly known from a 17th century grimoire compiling the work from Dutch occultists, and whose surname is the same than a 17th century Dutch painter that was famous for its mythical themes.
And this girl is going to be the one that supports you and help you find your "partner". The girl that is going to play Cupid in this story bears the name of a demon known to be able to make men and women lust after each other. It's almost weird how everything seems to correlate, here.

I doubt Illusion built that character on top of such references just for show. As far as I'm concerned, it feels a little bit too elaborated not to have any role in the story, and may explain why everything about this game and this girl has been left shrouded in mystery : there probably is more to her than meets the eye.

I explained that Sitri was able to shape-shift into a very beautiful human, but I didn't believe it was necessary to mention that under his demonic form, this Great Prince of Hell is "appearing with the face of a leopard, and having wings as a griffon".

Those overlooked details are actually important, and pretty relevant, here. Just have a look at the tie and the hat of our "concierge" :


Aren't those the head of a leopard and the wings of a griffin ?
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re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Dammit... And just when I thought I'd be safe to stick with SBPR's Studio. Then again, who's to say there will be a Studio, albeit one that actually functions as we'd like it to?

Nope, agh, I will not let the hype overcome. I am fully prepared for disappointment!
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Hopefully they've learned that making huge, amtibious sandbox games is out of their league. I wish they'll make a game with very minimalistic gameplay like PPD or Playclub and focus on the actual sex animations/interactions (there's much to improve in that regard) and of course character-making and posing.

If they can optimize it so it doesn't run like shit on every computer ever created by man, then that would be cool too.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Hmmm to me it seems like SBPR customization + PC graphical quality. Which is the very obvious logical next step, intead of absurd little experiments like Shotasphere.
If they can add to the mix a poser editor that also combines the best aspects of the previous ones this could be a masterpiece.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Thanks as always, Doc.

So this is probably what they meant by "keep your SBPR character data" sometime ago...a glimpse of the maker in the video seems like a souped-up SBPR one...

The problem this time will be optimization, of course...
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Oh! So they kept the semi realistic style, good... good :smug:
Maybe this time they'll have better support for VR?
I only wish that they stop with one game and make dlc to enhance it, but as always with Illusion, they really are into new games...
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Just like what they said at the beginning of their official blog :

Illusion Blog @Jan1, 2016
"If u still keeps ur SB-PR character cards, something good might happen at this year !"

And now that hint is clear ! Their next game is using those character cards again !
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Well if it's support studio and has an item attachment. I might work on port stuff from SBPR to this game. If it doesn't has an item attachment function which was a major issue for me in SBPR studio. Then I won't bother to work on porting stuff to this new game. My hopes are not high. Not boarding the hype train again ever. But I have to admit the textures are pretty nice and seeing the trailer looks like it has a same H system. But kissing part, now that interest me. Haven't seeing a good foreplay for a while. Let's see what new info we can get on 6/17/2016.

Thanks and take care everyone.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

I bet my butt on that they'll take one step forward and two steps back. A habit of theirs that drives me nuts.

Or actually, I'll not bet my butt, but wait with that 'til some more info is out... then I'll bet my butt.
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re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

As far as I'm concerned, this game comes as a nice surprise. Since it would have fitted nicely in their release schedule, I was ready to bet that the upcoming title would be a new episode of the Play Series and thus didn't expect that they'll pull something like this out of their pipeline.

Judging from the trailer, this one is going to be pretty vanilla : the soothing background music, the girl moaning from pleasure and loudly claiming that it's good and she wants more, the kissing action, the "Honey" game title decorated with a heart... It feels like they stayed away from the dark and rape-heavy themes that usually come with their "Real" art style and tried to give this game a somewhat "sexy and classy" vibe.

So, it may be too early to draw conclusions, but at this point I envision the game to be more of a spiritual successor of Love Girls (or maybe Real Kanojo) than something that would have its place in the Play cycle. Even if it looks really similar to the titles from the series, on a purely graphical level.

In Hongfire I read that Illusion suggested users to keep their SBPR characters hinting their use in a future game... And in the video you can see a quick slideshow of characters clearly done in SBPR. I guess this is going to be it?

Yes, that's it. They confirmed it in their latest blog post : 『Sexyビーチ プレミアムリゾート』のキャラカード、次回作にてコンバート可能です。 プレミアムリゾートをお持ちの方はぜひ、キャラカードを作りつつお待ち下さい。

If I don't make any mistake, it says that their next work is going to allow you to convert the "chara-cards" from SBPR, and thus that you can use it to create characters while waiting for the new game.

Well, i'm cautiously optimistic, can't get much info from the video and it doesn't look like they've expanded the custom options.

As long as they don't REMOVE some of the customisation options, I will be happy.

Illusion has a bad habit of taking steps back between games and ditching features, so I am still afraid that they get lazy and remove the height slider in this upcoming title, since not having to deal with variable heights would make their work much easier (especially animation-wise).
Furthermore, as I was expecting something darker, I was also fearing that they would back-pedal on this option to prevent some undesirable outcomes. Do you remember the little Manaka ? They may want to avoid letting the player create girls that look like grade schoolers in a game that features violence towards women.

But now that I saw this video, I feel a bit relieved. The game seems to mainly feature consensual sex so there's no reason for them to hold on and you can clearly see some lolis in the card selection that they skim through in the opening sequence (a hint about what is feasible?). Furthermore, the layout of the menus in the character maker make me believe that they straight-out reused their work from SBPR without removing anything. I keep my fingers crossed.

Honestly, the SBPR chara-maker was already pretty damn fine, so I don't mind if they don't add any new options. They will probably remove some of the beach-themed clothes, add a few new ones, and maybe also a couple new haircut and accessories to fit the atmosphere of the upcoming game, without really changing anything in the body customisation options.
Actually, I wished they would change the editor UI a little bit. The nested menus with shitloads of options stacked together is a little bit overwhelming and is rather terrible from a UX standpoint. I hoped they could improve the ergonomics and use the same kind of system that is featured on games like The Sims or Black Desert Online where you just have to click on the model to select the part you want to edit.

Hmmm to me it seems like SBPR customization + PC graphical quality. Which is the very obvious logical next step, intead of absurd little experiments like Shotasphere.

Indeed, there definitely are elements from both of those games. When SBPR came out, I was a little sad that the materials and shaders they used didn't feature the same level of detail than the ones that shipped with the Play Club expansion. In this game, it seems like they massively improved this aspect.

Now, I'm eager to have some official announcement about this game and confirm those hunches, but a few things that grabbed my attention in the trailer suggest that may be a little more than this :

  • First thing is that "H Communication" thing they are referring while defining the game. This is a term they used in games like Secrossphere, Wake Ari! or Real Kanojo to describe the interactions with the girls. It may hints that they're is some interactive seduction process in the game.
  • Second is the strange wheel that you can see in the bottom right corner of the preview movie. It looks like the girl climax gauge (since it's pink) or some kind of speed gauge and features various sub-parts and marks. I wonder how this wheel will be used and if it will allow some H gameplay.
  • Third is the cards. There are cards everywhere. In the game logo. In the poster visuals. Is there going to be some card mini-game ? Is it somehow linked to the "Select" title ? Are we going to draw girls like cards or play babanuki with them (Old maid is always popular in Japan) ?
So, in the end, and in the best case scenario, we may have something that features better shading than Play Club, the same rich customisation options than SBPR and some welcome gameplay elements to top it off.
I'm not getting hyped yet, since there still is 99% chance that they will find a way to botch the game like removing customisation options, having bad lighting that ruins the shading, or using the same old boring click-to-cum no-gameplay mechanics that is a staple of their recent games... but I'm still really interested in what they may accomplish with this title.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

The teaser looks really promising. SBPR customization + PC graphics kills me, but illusion can always find something to f- up themselves.
Although I am a studio user, I still want some gameplay. Cross-dresssphere has a good concept but the execution is poor.
If there are some mini-games fun to play with... hmmm can't get my hype so early at this stage...
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re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

If they will roll studio out again...better not be the crappy one that is the SBPR studio...no object attachment, crappy object list that poorly deals with composite objects, and a useless 'studio' map...
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re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

If they will roll studio out again...better not be the crappy one that is the SBPR studio...no object attachment, crappy object list that poorly deals with composite objects, and a useless 'studio' map...
Exactly... If they willl roll out a studio, again. As I mentioned earlier, we haven't even confirmed whether we'll actually be getting one or not.

It's never safe to assume, especially with Illusion.

*Update* - Correction! A studio is confirmed! See the top post images!
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re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

I'm really hoping the Hscene gameplay will be like SBPR or @Homemate :fullblush:

That's my deciding factor on whether I like it or not. :lecture:
Well, unless they try to innovate a bit more. Well, if the innovation works decently, anyways.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

By the way, here is the update from today. I'm going to quickly design a heading banner for the OP and will update it accordingly as soon as it's done.

06/17 Update

New Pages : Mini-Site Index - Download 01 (Trial) - Concept - Story - Characters - Reservation Bonus - Specifications

Related Downloads : 06/17 CM - Trial Version & Trial Mirror thanks to MegaKameha - Concept Page Embedded Videos - Reservation Bonus Video

Related Blog Post : "Honey Select"... Is this encounter unexpected ? Inevitable ? (Read post on Illusion's Blog)
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Hm, I see no mention of a release on DLSite. I am getting the weird feeling the folks who post their games on there are catching on to the whole "Search game's ID to find download" gig, though I'm surprised this hasn't happened with DMM as often.

Downloading the demo, gonna see what's changed :fag:

EDIT: Graphical options are quite extensive form the start, which is already a good step up.
Nothing is lagging so far, but I'm only seeing a customizer. Seems there's no demo of the H scenes?

... That's rather fishy :shockmenft:
In fact, there's no male customization included in the demo, and I can't seem to get my cards into the game.

Probably doesn't help that I don't understand Japanese for shite :wasclose:
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re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

By the way, here is the update from today. I'm going to quickly design a heading banner for the OP and will update it accordingly as soon as it's done.

06/17 Update

New Pages : Mini-Site Index - Download 01 (Trial) - Concept - Story - Characters - Reservation Bonus - Specifications

Related Downloads : 06/17 CM - Trial Version & Trial Mirror thanks to MegaKameha - Concept Page Embedded Videos - Reservation Bonus Video

Related Blog Post : "Honey Select"... Is this encounter unexpected ? Inevitable ? (Read post on Illusion's Blog)
Seeing the video, it seems that this time there isn't any story like in SPBR?
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Actually, there is an H scene demo. After you're done customizing your girls, you click on the blue button on the lower left.

I know, I know, it's just a demo... But it's the best damn h-game demo I've set eyes on... That customizer is even more glorious than SBPR's, the quality is fantastic (SSAO!), 10 accessories, I could go on and on, really. The h-scenes, btw, are MUCH better than SBPR's and PC's; far more interactive.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

ah ok well one last try please? and if it not work i'll delete de post cuz i got a few complains in the other post as well =\
I don't think it was meant to be, lol. Didn't work, yet again. Again, why don't you try uploading it here?
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

I managed to download it. No viruses.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

I managed to download it. No viruses.
Dammit. Well, let me just turn off Kaspersky completely, download it, then scan it, just so I feel better about this, lol.

*Edit* Oh, man, now I'm more than just a double poster!
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edarce09 wrote on Esan's profile.
could you reupload
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LalaKom wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hi, can you please reupload the main and bonus for this? https://www.anime-sharing.com/threads/1522294/
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