Corruption games (also brainwashing,mindcontrol)


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Apr 1, 2012
Ok, from the request thread in the Hentai Game forum for the Maika Sailor Knight 2 game, I've noted that there's at least 3-4 people who shares this "interest" and I thought that we might have a thread to talk about this while waiting for the game to be ripped.

I've posted some links to what corruption games is (written by one of our forum member aquaspirit39) if someone's interested in knowing more about it. And I might as well include brainwashing & mind control here since they're linked but mostly I want to talk about corruption game in particular.

So...let's get started....
What's your first corruption game that introduce you to this "interest"

Mine was Haitoku no Gakuen (the first one, not the sissie sequel, to this date I think Liquid never surpassed themselves). Its a classic demonic corruption game where you turned innocent girls (students and teacher) into your loyal slaves.
By now Corruption and MC are my favourite genres so I cannot quite remember what my first encounter with it was, but i think it was an Inoino manga (Ikusa Otome Valkyrie maybe?) or a lilith game (Prison Battleship or Taimanin Asagi) or a Soushinjutsu game. But my favourites are Sailor Knight, Patoreiza and Saimin Reido. BTW, very interesting links.
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It was an honor to have my blog post linked by AS :happytears:

By now Corruption and MC are my favourite genres so I cannot quite remember what my first encounter with it was, but i think it was an Inoino manga (Ikusa Otome Valkyrie maybe?)
Yea, inoino is a good one. I think he has planned for a Date-a-Live doujin next.

Still waiting for Sailor Knight2.... :aloprosen:

Btw, I think it is a good idea to start this post, at least for me. I have been writing about corruption without having slightest idea of the number of potential reader. Hopefully by starting this, I can have better picture of how many people are into this fetish so I can decide how often I will write about it.
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mine is Vennus Blood frontier ( may be? well at least i loved Odin in that game), Eushully game, Justice blade 0, .
my fav: VBF, JB0, Aku no onna kanbu.
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I'm fairly new to games having character corruption, and for what I tried, I liked :
- Inda no Himekishi Janne 2
- Gakuen Sei Senshi Sailor Knight

I really like when the corruption is not the "end" to the game and when the corrupted heroine is used to corrupt other characters :). It's even better when the mc is the corruptor ^^
If you have ideas to games featuring that, that would be awesome!
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I really like when the corruption is not the "end" to the game and when the corrupted heroine is used to corrupt other characters :). It's even better when the mc is the corruptor ^^
If you have ideas to games featuring that, that would be awesome!
Yea I understand that. Unfortunately, the main corruption game company, Maika, hasn't put a lot attention into post-corruption evil deed(悪事 in Japanese). There are however people like you who have tried to ask for the increase on this aspect in their corruption game through Maika BBS.

As for game with this element, hmm...Divine Heart Karen series is one I think. The second game of Divine Heart Karen have a lot of those.
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I really like when the corruption is not the "end" to the game and when the corrupted heroine is used to corrupt other characters :). It's even better when the mc is the corruptor ^^
If you have ideas to games featuring that, that would be awesome!

Examples where you play as the corrupter and the game continues after you corrupt some heroines include:
-Maika's series (Justice Blade and Sailor Knight) both feature this.
-The Venus Blood series from Dualtail also has plenty of it. Look to the Frontier, Empire and Desire entries for best results (Warning, these are full fledged games with a VN aspect, they'll take a while to pay off. In my opinion though, they're right with Maika as the best in the buisness)
-The 2nd and 3rd games in Heat Soft's "Death Brand" series also feature it. The first game in the series only features it as an ending.
-Suisei Tenshi Prima Veil Zwei by Escude has a route like this, but not only is it small, its FRUSTRATINGLY HARD TO UNLOCK since this has more game aspects than normal.
-Mahou Shoujo Nayuta by Pink Hatena
-I havent played the Ikusa Otome Valkyrie series from Lune in a while, but if memory serves correct it also fits

There are a few where you dont play as the corrupter, but still have the game continue after one (or more) heroines are corrupted:
-CatwalkNERO's Seisenki Valkyrie Sisters
-Shugo Seijo Prism Saber by Lusterize also has it, but is sadly the only game they've made in the genre (you make some decisions for both sides of the conflict in this game)
-The Hitozuma Sentai Aisaiger series by Discovery fits this as well
-Divine Heart Karen, as previously mentioned, is another fit
-Maika's Uchuu Keiji Soldivan game fits in this category

-Anim's 2 game series "Tokumei Sentai" fit here too. The first game doesn't actually have any tangible corruption, but the 3 heroines from it all return corrupted to take up the mantle of main villains for the 2nd one.

Thats all I can think of off the top of my head, so I may have missed a few, though since you're new to the genre this should be plenty to work through
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There are lots of games where you used the post-corrupted heroine and especially see how twisted (to your liking) they've been made.

Definitely the Justice Blade series. The Tossen (DeathBrand) series No.3 is a really good one too (though you have to go through like half the game in 1 hour or so of prologue before you get the bright idea to brainwash one of the three heroine). Prism Saber by Lusterise is pretty good too though of the three heroine corrupted, only the one in white see the most action post corrupted and revels in being corrupted.

I still haven't played the Divine Heart series yet nor the Tossen 2 nor the Venus Blood games (Some of it due to not having the game nor not wanting to invest the time playing an actual strategy game for real just to get to the good part) so I can't comment.

Also with the Prism Shine Doujin game out (The predecessor game of this one is actually a lot better than most Doujin Game though it's too short and have no route split at all) we have something to play while waiting for Sailor Knight 2. Though I must admit that 2014 currently isn't shaping up to be such an active year for Corruption type game since all we have waiting right now are Sailor Knight 2 and the upcoming Bladeranger both of which are from Maika alone but other companies aren't exactly putting works out in this genre unlike the previous years where you either get the Tossen (Deathbrand series) from Heatsoft or Prism Saber from Lusterise. Even the Venus Blood series seems to have changed more into monster impregnation rather than corrupting heroines and giving them an evil form. Hope I'm proven wrong during the later half of 2014 and we get some more corruption game. I'm waiting for another Tossen (Deathbrand series) or a sequel to Prism Saber.
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Even the Venus Blood series seems to have changed more into monster impregnation rather than corrupting heroines and giving them an evil form. Hope I'm proven wrong during the later half of 2014 and we get some more corruption game. I'm waiting for another Tossen (Deathbrand series) or a sequel to Prism Saber.
Venus Blood have been alternating between corruption and impregnation, so if they are sticking to this pattern, we will have a corruption game next....
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HAVE they been alternating? I haven't really kept track, I think Frontier with the Norse Gods female expy was the last time they did corruption.

Still, I'm not really keen on playing a strategy game (which looks pretty hard) just to get to a corruption scene or so. For those who do play them, how hard are they?
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Even though I do not like rape
I kinda found a liking in this...
I do not know why, but these "heart shaped pupils"(like in hiromitsu takeda's works) and the idea is somehow arousing
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-Shugo Seijo Prism Saber by Lusterize also has it, but is sadly the only game they've made in the genre (you make some decisions for both sides of the conflict in this game)

Personally, I think Lusterise did it better with Shokka ~Otome o Nerau Kuroi Kage~, the game they released before Prism Saber. Sure it's exorcists and not magical girls, but you play as the antagonist (low-level tentacle demon with mimicry powers parasitizing the main heroine's brother), and the theme of corrupting the girls one by one to use against each other in various combinations is stronger than it is in any of their other games, at least from my perspective. In their earlier titles the girls/routes all felt more "disconnected" from each other, and Prism Saber was infected with recovering heroines and happy endings. I had high hopes from the way they billed the whole "yesterday's ally is today's enemy" thing as a selling point, and there were definitely some really hot individual scenes (not to mention dat art, dem thighs), but on the whole it fell flat. But what can you do? If their next game is a nice balance between Shokka and Prism Saber I'll be really happy. Don't even know what Monster's Raid was, nope. Ignoring it. :yawn:

...I, uh, play a lot of these games btw. I think... basically my entire H-Game collection is corruption and mind control, lol. Since basically anything in that entire range appeals to me. Definitely seconding Liquid's Haitoku no Gakuen as a personal favorite. (Though I also prefer to pretend the sequel doesn't exist.) Anyway, right now I'm looking forward to anim's new tentacle game. And wondering if Sailor Knight 2 will actually be uploaded before Bladeranger comes out. I remember when the wait for these games was maybe a day or two at most...
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i like training games (taming wild animal to become obidient)
I'm waiting for the new Lune's game 恥辱の女騎士「オークの出来そこないである貴様なんかに、この私が……!!」 hope its good and long

speaking of lune
Ikusa Otome Valkyrie series was one of my fovorite training games, game about a man capturing,confining and training valkyries everyday (around 30 day each game)
and yet in 戦乙女ヴァルキリーG~戦乙女達の黄昏~ the mc letting all the girls go!?....and i was like WTF! making all his(me) hard work seems pointless......
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Yea I understand that. Unfortunately, the main corruption game company, Maika, hasn't put a lot attention into post-corruption evil deed(悪事 in Japanese). There are however people like you who have tried to ask for the increase on this aspect in their corruption game through Maika BBS.
I hope we will more of these from Maika then :)

As for game with this element, hmm...Divine Heart Karen series is one I think. The second game of Divine Heart Karen have a lot of those.
Thanks, added to my "to play" list :)

Examples where you play as the corrupter and the game continues after you corrupt some heroines include:
-Maika's series (Justice Blade and Sailor Knight) both feature this.
What is the best one in the Justice Blade series? The zero one?
Sailor Knight 1 was awesome :fullblush:, but I don't think that the second one is out over there yet...

-The Venus Blood series from Dualtail also has plenty of it. Look to the Frontier, Empire and Desire entries for best results (Warning, these are full fledged games with a VN aspect, they'll take a while to pay off. In my opinion though, they're right with Maika as the best in the buisness)
These are indeed real rpgs, and my understanding of the japanese language is far too childish to really appreciate these games :(

-The 2nd and 3rd games in Heat Soft's "Death Brand" series also feature it. The first game in the series only features it as an ending.
I played the last one: indeed this is good stuff (and I'm a fan of Yuri's voice and charadesign :bliss:)
It is just really slow to get to the corruption part, and unfortunately I'm not fond of the characters waking up from their brainwashing...

-Mahou Shoujo Nayuta by Pink Hatena
-I havent played the Ikusa Otome Valkyrie series from Lune in a while, but if memory serves correct it also fits
Thanks :)

There are a few where you dont play as the corrupter, but still have the game continue after one (or more) heroines are corrupted:
-CatwalkNERO's Seisenki Valkyrie Sisters
NTR + Corruption, seems to be a good combination too :p

-Shugo Seijo Prism Saber by Lusterize also has it, but is sadly the only game they've made in the genre (you make some decisions for both sides of the conflict in this game)
-The Hitozuma Sentai Aisaiger series by Discovery fits this as well
-Divine Heart Karen, as previously mentioned, is another fit
-Maika's Uchuu Keiji Soldivan game fits in this category

Thats all I can think of off the top of my head, so I may have missed a few, though since you're new to the genre this should be plenty to work through
Yes that's a lot ;)

i also like Kangoku Senkan 1,2,3 and Taimanin Yukikaze
Taimanin Yukikaze was awesome but should have been longer !

There are lots of games where you used the post-corrupted heroine and especially see how twisted (to your liking) they've been made.

Definitely the Justice Blade series. The Tossen (DeathBrand) series No.3 is a really good one too (though you have to go through like half the game in 1 hour or so of prologue before you get the bright idea to brainwash one of the three heroine).
Yes, the pacing was weird in that one...

Prism Saber by Lusterise is pretty good too though of the three heroine corrupted, only the one in white see the most action post corrupted and revels in being corrupted.
So the most interesting corrupted character is Miyu?

Also with the Prism Shine Doujin game out (The predecessor game of this one is actually a lot better than most Doujin Game though it's too short and have no route split at all) we have something to play while waiting for Sailor Knight 2. Though I must admit that 2014 currently isn't shaping up to be such an active year for Corruption type game since all we have waiting right now are Sailor Knight 2 and the upcoming Bladeranger both of which are from Maika alone but other companies aren't exactly putting works out in this genre unlike the previous years where you either get the Tossen (Deathbrand series) from Heatsoft or Prism Saber from Lusterise. Even the Venus Blood series seems to have changed more into monster impregnation rather than corrupting heroines and giving them an evil form. Hope I'm proven wrong during the later half of 2014 and we get some more corruption game. I'm waiting for another Tossen (Deathbrand series) or a sequel to Prism Saber.
Well, at least if Sailor Knight 2 keeps it's promise, we can have a good game :)

Personally, I think Lusterise did it better with Shokka ~Otome o Nerau Kuroi Kage~, the game they released before Prism Saber. Sure it's exorcists and not magical girls, but you play as the antagonist (low-level tentacle demon with mimicry powers parasitizing the main heroine's brother), and the theme of corrupting the girls one by one to use against each other in various combinations is stronger than it is in any of their other games, at least from my perspective.
Thanks for the suggestion: I'll try that one :)

In their earlier titles the girls/routes all felt more "disconnected" from each other, and Prism Saber was infected with recovering heroines and happy endings.
I don't mind it in good endings, but recovery in bad ending should be banned!

...I, uh, play a lot of these games btw. I think... basically my entire H-Game collection is corruption and mind control, lol. Since basically anything in that entire range appeals to me. Definitely seconding Liquid's Haitoku no Gakuen as a personal favorite. (Though I also prefer to pretend the sequel doesn't exist.)
What's the story in that one?
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HAVE they been alternating? I haven't really kept track, I think Frontier with the Norse Gods female expy was the last time they did corruption.

Still, I'm not really keen on playing a strategy game (which looks pretty hard) just to get to a corruption scene or so. For those who do play them, how hard are they?
Yes, before Gaia was Frontier and it was a corruption game. Before Frontier was Abyss which was a impregnation game. Before Abyss was Empire, another Corruption game. However before Empire was Desire another corruption game.

As to how hard they are, I think they are moderately hard, but there are really nothing more satisfying than successfully corrupting the heroine you capture after hard work and see these corrupted heroine kill your enemy on battlefield :lmao: If you want it easy though, you can choose to set the game at easy mode which will give you an 'auto-win' button. I tried it before, but that really ruin my pleasure in corrupting these heroine though.

Fun fact:
Btw Venus Blood games are from A-G if there are people who dont realize it
VenusBlood -Gaia-
VenusBlood -Frontier-
VenusBlood -Empire-
VenusBlood -Desire-
VenusBlood -Chimera-
VenusBlood -Abyss-

They are just missing a B here.

Also I will want to throw another game recommendation: Demonion is also a good one. While the corruption itself is pretty plain because the protagonist does not use any kind of magic or brainwash ability but just plain sex, but the graphic, story and gameplay are all very good.

Btw, have anyone tried 狙われた女神天使エンゼルティア? It is freaking 8Gb so I want to hear opinion before I decide to download it
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It's your average "warlock comes to town posing as a priest and uses the power of demons to slowly corrupt a bunch of schoolgirls with magical potential, turn them into his slaves, and take over Japan" kind of game.

Sound interesting so I check it out and found out that it was released I was still a child at the time. I wonder if the game is still around to be download.
Btw what wrong with the sequel?

My favorite so far from Liquid is 変態性癖強制催眠~夢の中だけじゃ満足できないの~. Letting the girls see lewd dream and corrupt them a little by a little in their dream :giveme:
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Btw, have anyone tried 狙われた女神天使エンゼルティア? It is freaking 8Gb so I want to hear opinion before I decide to download it
Yes, art is awesome, but the routes I tried (Anzu routes) don't have any real corruption. But the game is good :)

It's your average "warlock comes to town posing as a priest and uses the power of demons to slowly corrupt a bunch of schoolgirls with magical potential, turn them into his slaves, and take over Japan" kind of game.
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Re: Aquaspirit39/ Redorc
You’re in luck…. Someone just posted link to Liquid’s Haitoku game barely a week ago. Check them out.
Though if I may…if you also want to play Haitoku 2 …I suggest you play it first to give it a fair judgment before playing the original game or you may end up disappointed like I and a lot of Japanese player did when played in chronological order because the original game in my eye was so good.
But if you REALLY want my opinion….. (and I think it’s a bit bias )

1. The game is in no way an actual sequel nor a true spiritual sequel to the first game, it feels very much IN NAME ONLY.
2. I have found NO memorable sex/corruption scene in that game, the art also doesn’t appeal to me.
3. Your main character is quite pathetic. (He corrupts/ turns girls to the darkside to grant his wish to heal his hand and play baseball again) & I may be remembering this wrong because I haven’t played it for years now outside of when I just got it, but he gets himself killed in the end or ends up as a pathetic physical slave of the demon inhabiting one of the girl. I don’t think there’s any route where he WINS at all.

Haitoku 1][liquid(リキッド)-]-徳の学園~闇に捧げられた乙女たち~-195724/

Haitoku 2[070323][liquid(リキッド)]-背徳の学園2~闇を継ぐ者~-195725/


The other game on the link is魔将の贄2 also by Liquid. There are SOME corruption in there as well. You play as a demon lord who managed to switch his soul with the hero who killed you and now you’re bent on revenge on the heroines who helped the hero in his quest. There is one ED scene involving the corrupted black mage & priestess &some civilian that really is quite memorable to me. (I’ll let you experience it yourself)

Here’s the link to the first game but I have NO idea if there’s any corruption/ mind control in it or not. There might be sex training though.


Regarding Justice Blade and which game is good in the you used the heroine after corruption… I’d say all the Blade game have some degree of that , though if you’re looking for them in evil uniform all the time, Blade 2 might fit the description since as a direct sequel to Blade 1, you start with three route where you corrupt each one of the heroine and they are always in their evil uniform. However Blade 2 feels the weakest to me in terms of corrupting the remaining heroine, or brainwashing them alongside art that I don’t like. It’s also a little hard to find since it’s also pretty old.

Oh and Venus Blood with the B Title: How about Venus Blood Braves (where you can corrupt all of a country's Yuusha) (heh heh heh)
While corruption game (with the evil costumes,etc) are far and few in 2014 for now... the mind control/ hypnosis game seems to have become a staple of H-Game offering....

Here are some new ones that I think might be fun if you're also into them

催眠クラス ~女子全員、知らないうちに妊娠してました~ by Ole/M (Feb 28 release) (Please repost in address bar to be redirected)

仮・想・侵・蝕 ~Virtual Hack Online~ by PriSort (Feb 28 release) (This one could be good, you use a program to hack virtual avatar of girls in a fantasy game and it can link with their real self)

催眠術 Re by 筆柿そふと (April 25 release)

超催眠術学園 by C:Drive (May 30 release)

Oh and also
Demonion 2 デモニオンII ~魔王と三人の女王~ 初回限定生産版 by Astronaut (April 25 release)
(I'm not even sure if this have corruption or even mind control but someone mentioned it earlier so...a maybe?... )

On another tangent...
PANDRA THE ANIMATION 「白き欲望 黒の希望」 (April 25 OVA release)
(Someone correct me if I'm wrong but Pandra did start off with some mind-control in the early chapters right?)

仮・想・侵・蝕 ~Virtual Hack Online~
[MENTION=21073]deathranger[/MENTION] ;
thx. True all these gam have outdated drawing but still they are much better than the non-uploaded Salior Knight2 =.=

Finish reading Haitoku 1&2. I agree that Haitoku1 has a better planned story setup and better details while Haitoku2 story feel lackluster. Haitoku1 main character is more likeable too. However I also like the possession corruption + ntr thing from Haitoku2. That was pretty unique.

Overall really enjoyable read. Really like the evil face that the heroine sprites have once they are corrupted.
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Finish reading Haitoku 1&2. I agree that Haitoku1 has a better planned story setup and better details while Haitoku2 story feel lackluster. Haitoku1 main character is more likeable too. However I also like the possession corruption + ntr thing from Haitoku2. That was pretty unique.
Wait what? NTR+corruption, my preferred combination? Now I have to play Haitoku 2 :D
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