Mafia Game 2: Angel Beats Version (Revised Full Game)

Selvaria Bles

Elite Member
Jun 7, 2012
hello gamers and audiences.

with further Ado I will now post the official game thread sanctioned by SB productions, produced by Samwise Gamgi

The Rules: Please READ them carefully

The phases will change at the same time each day~ The SSS can use abilities during the day and the Student council can use abilities during the night~ (PM me and/or weiB to take actions) Actions will be posted at the end of each phase and can be canceled/changed if the request is sent before the phase change~ Each player can take one action unless otherwise indicated~ Lynches will happen during the day and the person that gets the most votes to be lynched at the end of the phase will be killed~

All ammunition will be replenished every 5 phases unless chaa is killed~ The replenishing will be delayed until chaa respawns~

There will be levels which will determine if an attack is successful or not~ 50% successful attack if same level and +/- 10% per level above or below~
1 Unarmed
2 Trained
3 Melee weapon
4 Weapon mastery
5 Projectile weapon
6 Powerful projectile
7+ I wonder…

Melee- Basic attack, unlimited use
Projectiles- One use per projectile until replenished

The characters of those who are killed will be announced~ Otherwise the targets attacked will be announced with their user names~ The attacker and ability used will not be announced if the attack was a projectile and/or if the attack was successful~ Attackers revealed will be named with their characters

Attackers can use any weapon/ability in their arsenal and the defenders will defend with the most powerful weapon they have unless they stated during their phase that they wanted to do otherwise or have an ability that would help

Secondary abilities will be indicated with an (s) and can be used with a primary ability unless otherwise stated

Every respawn will take an increasingly longer amount of time to recover from~ There will be a different respawn counter for the two sides~ Both sides will start with 1 phase required to respawn and each respawn afterwards will take an additional phase~ There will be only one player returned per respawn and the order that they respawn will depend on the phase they were killed~ If multiple members of a team are killed within a single phase then the order they respawn will be determined by the amount deaths they experienced or an agreement between the two members~ If one of the members that were to respawn that turn are absent that phase then the other member will be the one to respawn~ If both are absent then the next in line can respawn or players can vote on who should respawn~

To win the game would require that the other team be elimination (all members are either dead or passed on) before yours although there will be a third method where you may both win or lose if certain events happen~ Student council members will know who the other members are and SSS members will need to discover the identity of other members through deaths~

Note: Each ability will need to charge before use when the game starts.

Note: nobody is to PM me or sam, asking who is who in the game

Note if you don't know who to play the game look at this thread

my first game that I hosted here.

Roles and Perks:

Student council

Kanade Tachibana/Tenshi
Ayato Naoi
Yuzuru Otonashi
Yuri Nakamura
Hideki Hinata
Misami Iwasawa

It Has Begun
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One spot left if anyone wants to join~


First phase started at 8:31 PM for me at GMT -7 so each successive phase will change at the same time whether we announce it or not~

Actions will be sent to sam and/or weib through pm~ Lynches can be done through any method~ Official lynches will be in [Vote lynch *insert name*] format~

Day phase~
Pick a target to lynch~
Pick an ability/attack and a secondary ability if available~
Choose a target if the ability/attack requires one~

Night phase~
Student council
Pick an ability/attack and a secondary ability if available~
Choose a target if the ability/attack requires one~

Player list- Plz tell me if i forgot someone... theres still roles left if i did...
[MENTION=16583]hayate akihisa[/MENTION]
[MENTION=13241]Ein[/MENTION] (may not be playing but was sent a role accidentally)
Selvaria Bles (special role~ i wonder what~)

Phase 1 Day~
Yui was attacked and killed this turn~
Kanade was lynched~
Phase 2 Night~
Hisako was attacked and killed~
Yui respawns~
Kanade respawns~​
Phase 3 Day~
Tk and Yuri are lynched~
Tk attacked Second but the attack was unsuccessful~
Phase 4 Night~
Takayama was attacked and killed~
Naoi attacked Kimovis but the attack failed~
Hisako respawns~​
Phase 5 Day~
Satou was lynched~
Otonashi was lynched~
Iwasawa was lynched~
Tk was already dead~
Chaa refills all ammo~
Phase 6 Night~
Takamatsu was attacked and killed~
Naoi uses an ability~​
Phase 7 Day
Tk respawns~
Tk was attacked and killed~
Matsushita was attacked and killed~
Sam was attacked~
Kanade was lynched~
Takamatsu was already dead~
Phase 8 Night~
Hinata was attacked and killed~​
Phase 9 Day~
Shiina was lynched~
Kanade respawns~
Tk was already dead~
Takayama was already dead~
Satou was already dead~
Phase 10 Night~
Ooyama was attacked and killed~
Hisako was attacked and killed~
Yuri respawns~​
Phase 11 Day~
Naoi was lynched~
Ooyama was already dead~
Otonashi was already dead~
Chaa refills all ammo~
Phase 12 Night~
Chaa was attacked and killed~​
Phase 13 Day~
Iwasawa was already dead~
Takamatsu was already dead~
Matsushita was already dead~
Hinata was already dead~
Phase 14 Night~
Hisako was attacked and killed~
Takayama respawns~​
Phase 15 Day~
Tk was already dead~
Takamatsu was already dead~
Ooyama was already dead~
Shiina was already dead~
Kanade was lynched~
Yui was lynched~
Naoi respawns~
Takayama uses an ability~
Phase 16 Night~
Takayama was attacked and killed~
Satou respawns~​
Phase 17 Day~
Noda was lynched~
Takamatsu was already dead~
Shiina was already dead~
Phase 18 Night~
Satou was attacked by Naoi~
Kanade respawns~
A shadow appeared~​
Phase 19 Day~
Noda was already dead~
Matsushita was already dead~
Iwasawa respawns~
Satou was attacked by a shadow~
Phase 20 Night~
Otonashi respawns~
Iwasawa was attacked and killed~
Yuri was attacked by Naoi~
Kanade was attacked and turned into a shadow~​
Phase 21 Day~
Satou is attacked and turned into a shadow~
Otonashi is attacked by a shadow~
Takamatsu respawns~
Kanade reverts from being a shadow~
Phase 22 Night~
Tk respawns~
Otonashi was attacked and killed~
Yuri was attacked by Kanade~
Naoi was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Yuri was attacked and turned into a shadow~
The Programmer appears~
Satou reverts from being a shadow~​
Phase 23 Day~
Matsushita respawns~
Kanade was lynched~
Takamatsu was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Phase 24 Night~
Kanade respawns~
Hinata respawns~
Matsushita was attacked by a shadow~
Hinata was attacked by two shadows~
Naoi reverts from being a shadow~​
Phase 25 Day~
Naoi respawns~
Shiina respawns~
Iwasawa was already dead~
Otonashi was already dead~
Naoi is attacked by a shadow~
Kanade is attacked by a shadow~
Yuri reverts from being a shadow~
Another shadow appears~
Phase 26 Night~
Ooyama respawns~
Shadow was attacked and killed~
Eien was attacked by Naoi~
Kionea was attacked by a shadow~
Naoi was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Shadow Takamatsu was killed~
Shadow was killed... again~
Shadows got binded~​
Phase 27 Day~
Hisako respawns~
Shadow regenerates~
Shadow Takamatsu regenerates~
Iwasawa was lynched~
Otonashi was already dead~
Yui was already dead~
Shadows became denser~
Shadow Takamatsu was attacked~
Shiina was attacked by a shadow~
Phase 28 Night~
Chaa respawns~
The Programmer turned into a shadow~
Kimovis was attacked by a shadow~
Matsushita was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Kanade was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Tk was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Hisako was attacked and killed~
Naoi reverts from being a shadow~​
Phase 29 Day~
Yui respwans~
Naoi respawns~
Otonashi was already dead~
Takamatsu is a shadow~
Hinata was attacked by a Shadow~
Naoi was attacked by a Shadow~
Yui was attacked by two shadows~
Chaa was attacked by a Shadow~
Ooyama was attacked by a Shadow~
Chaa left boxes of ammo~
Phase 30 Night~
Takayama rewspawns~
Kimovis is attacked by Naoi~
Chaa was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Noda was attacked twice and turned into a shadow~
Ooyama was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Yui was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Hinata was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Takamatsu reverts from being a shadow~
Matsushita reverts from being a shadow~​
Phase 31 Day~
Satou respawns~
Otonashi was already dead~
Naoi was attacked twice and turned into a shadow~
Matsushita was attacked by two shadows~
Shiina was attacked by two shadows~
Takayama was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Satou was attacked by a shadow~
Takamatsu was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Kanade reverts from being a shadow~
Hinata reverts from being a shadow~
Phase 32 Night~
Otonashi respawns~
Shadow Naoi was attacked and killed~
Matsushita was attacked twice and turned into a shadow~
Satou was attacked twice and turned into a shadow~
Otonashi was attacked by two shadows~
Kanade was attacked by a shadow~
Shiina was attacked by thrice and turned into a shadow~
Yui reverts from being a shadow~​
Phase 33 Day~
Otonashi was lynched~
Yuri respawns~
Yui was attacked four times and turned into a shadow~
Hinata was attacked by three shadows~
Yuri was attacked by three shadows~
Kanade was attacked by a shadow~
Chaa reverts from being a shadow~
Noda reverts from being a shadow~
Ooyama reverts from being a shadow~
Takamatsu reverts from being a shadow~
Phase 34 Night~
SSS fulfilled the conditions to offer and alliance with SC~
Iwasawa respawns~
Otonashi respawns~
Shadow Naoi is attacked and killed~
Yuri was attacked by four shadows and turned into a shadow~
Chaa was attacked by a shadow~
Ooyama was attacked by two shadows~
Kanade was attacked by a shadow~
Noda was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Shadow turned into a npc~​
Phase 35 Day~
SC accepts the alliance~
Shadow Shiina was lynched~
Hisako respawns~
Shadow Naoi regenerates~
Shadow Naoi was attacked and killed~
Iwasawa was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Ooyama was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Kanade was attacked by a shadow~
Naoi reverts from being a shadow~
Chaa refills all ammunition~
Phase 36 Night~
Shadow Shiina regenerates~
Kanade was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Hinata was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Takamatsu was attacked by two shadows~
Hisako was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Takayama reverts from being a shadow~
Satou reverts from being a shadow~
Iwasawa reverts from being a shadow~
Ooyama reverts from being a shadow~​
Phase 37 Day~
Otonashi was lynched~
Shadow TK was attacked by Chaa~
Chaa was attacked by a shadow~
Satou was attacked thrice and turned into a shadow~
Takamatsu was attacked by two shadows~
Iwasawa was attacked by a shadow~
Naoi was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Ooyama was attacked twice and turned into a shadow~
Takayama was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Tk reverts from being a shadow~
Phase 38 Night~
Otonashi respawns~
Shadow Naoi was attacked and killed~
Chaa was attacked twice and turned into a shadow~
Takamatsu was attacked twice and turned into a shadow~
Iwasawa was attacked four times and turned into a shadow~
Tk was attacked four times and turned into a shadow~
Otonashi was attacked by a shadow~
Noda reverts from being a shadow~
Naoi reverts from being a shadow~​
Phase 39 Day~
Shadow Tk was lynched~
Shadow Kanade was lynched~
Shadow Tk was attacked~
Otonashi was attacked four times and turned into a shadow~
Naoi was attacked six times and turned into a shadow~
Noda was attacked by five shadows~
The Programmer reverts from being a shadow~
Iwasawa reverts from being a shadow~
Tk reverts from being a shadow~
Phase 40 Night~
Shadow Kanade regenerated~
Shadow Kanade was killed~
Shadow Satou was attacked by Iwasawa~
Shadow Otonashi was killed~
Iwasawa was attacked twice and turned into a shadow~
Tk was attacked six times by shadows~
Noda was attacked five times and turned into a shadow~
Another shadow appeared~
Yui reverts from being a shadow~
Hisako reverts from being a shadow~
Takamatsu reverts from being a shadow~
Otonashi reverts from being a shadow~
Naoi reverts from being a shadow~​
Phase 41 Day~
Shadow Kanade regenerates~
Tk was attacked twice and turned into a shadow~
Otonashi was attacked by four shadows~
Yui was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Takamatsu was attacked by two shadows~
Hisako was attacked twice and turned into a shadow~
The shadows became binded~
Phase 42 Night~
Shadows became denser~
Shadow Yui was killed~
Shadow Yui was killed~
Shadow Noda was killed~
Naoi was attacked four times and turned into a shadow~
Takamatsu was attacked by five shadows~
Otonashi was attacked by six shadows~
Noda reverts from being a shadow~​
Phase 43 Day~
Shadow Hinata was lynched~
Otonashi was lynched~
Takamatsu was attacked seven times and turned into a shadow~
Noda was attacked seven times and turned into a shadow~
Matsushita reverts from being a shadow~
Hinata reverts from being a shadow~
Phase 44 Night~​
Matsushita and Hinata slap Otonashi a couple times to wake him. They shoved his glock at him and told him to run. The Shadows had almost surrounded them but Matsushita blasted a hole in their ranks with his rocket launcher and blew away Shadow Naoi, Shadow Satou, and Shadow Takayama. Shadow Ooyama had somehow escaped the blast and leapt through the smoke to dealt a death blow to Matsushita. Shadow Takamatsu was creeping up so Hinata filled him with holes and pushed Otonashi towards the gap in the ring. They found that Takayama and Yui had reverted from their shadow form so he dragged them along before the shadows could get to them again, but the shadows got to Hinata while they were running.

Phase 45 Day~
Shadow Kanade was lynched~
Shadow Satou regenerates~
Shadow Naoi regenerates~
Shadow Takamatsu regenerates~
Another Shadow appears~
Otonashi was attacked six times and turned into a shadow~
Yui was attacked four times and turned into a shadow~
Takayama was attacked by two shadows~
Satou reverts from being a shadow~

The shadows chased them into the school building. Otonashi Yui and Takayama found Shadow Kanade wandering around alone and decided to silence her before she alerted the other shadows. Otonashi swallowed his tears and turned away as Yui grabbed Kanade from behind and attempted another German Suplex. Otonashi and Yui were so busy that they didnt notice that the other shadows had arrived already. Takayama saw and gave a shout but it was already too late. He ran down the halls alone while their screams filled the air. He wasnt paying attention to the road and tripped over Satou.

Phase 46 Night~
Shadow Kanade regenerated~
Satou initiated Operation Monster Stream~
Shadow Tk was attacked by Takayama~
Shadow was killed~
Shadows became binded~
Monster Stream was attacked six times and turned into a shadow~
Takayama was attacked five times and turned into a shadow~
Satou was attacked by five shadows~
Kanade reverts from being a shadow~
Shadow reverts back into an NPC~​

Satou woke when Takayama tripped over him and demanded to know what he was doing. Then he noticed the shadows and told Takayama to follow him. They reached the river edge and he took out his fishing rod. Takayama stared somewhat surprised and screamed "You dragged me here to go fishing while theres an army of shadows behind us?" to which he answered "This is no ordinary fish Im aiming for." The line suddenly went taut and a huge shadow was seen under the water. "Im after Monster Stream" he screamed as he dragged the fish out of the water and into the group of shadows nearby. Monster Stream smacked a couple shadows, but the other shadows swarmed and managed to slayed Monster Stream. A couple shadows had been tossed near Satou and Takayama when monster stream had attacked. One of the shadows reverted back into an MPC who ran off and the other turned out to be Kanade. A third shadow seemed like it would revert so Takayama rushed over to try and help. The shadow attacked Takayama and he tried to fight back but it was no use... The shadow grabbed Takayama and Satou shot at it a couple times but the other shadows had gotten too close and he had to run. Kanade woke from the gun shots and he pulled her along.

Phase 47 Day~
Shadow Chaa was lynched~
Shadow Yui was lynched~
Shadows became denser~
Satou was attacked eight times and turned into a shadow~
Kanade was attacked by nine shadows~
Iwasawa reverts from being a shadow~
Tk reverts from being a shadow~
Takamatsu reverts from being a shadow~
Takayama reverts from being a shadow~
Yui reverts from being a shadow~

Kanade and Satou ran after the failed attempt at getting Monster Stream to take out shadows for them. They return to the principal's office to rest and plan their next move but the shadows soon started appearing... Satou tried to shoot them as they came down the hall but found that he had run out of bullets. Kanade activated her level 5 hand sonic and tried to keep them away but there was too many shadows. She leapt out the window and Satou followed... though the difference was that she had wings and he didnt... The shadows followed out the window and piled on Satou at the bottom. Kanade attempted to force them away but he had already gotten dragged away. She found that Iwasawa, Tk, Takamatsu, Yui, and Takayama had reverted though.

Phase 48 Night~
Yui initiates Operation Tornado~
The Programmer turns into a shadow~
Shadow Chaa regenerates~
Shadow Hinata was attacked by Kanade~
The Shadow Programmer was attacked and killed~
Shadow Naoi was attacked by TK~
Shadow Otonashi was attacked by Takamatsu~
Shadow Satou was attacked and killed~
Iwasawa was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Takayama was attacked twice and turned into a shadow~
Yui was attacked and turned into a shadow~
Takamatsu was attacked by four shadows~
Tk was attacked by four shadows~
Yuri reverts from being a shadow~
Monster Stream reverts from being a shadow~​

Yui wanted to attempt Operation Tornado so she dragged Iwasawa and everyone to the cafeteria. There was much less Npc to steal meal tickets from but that was more than enough for this small group. The Shadows started swarming in during the performance so Kanade, Tk, Takamatsu, and Takayama tried to keep them away while they gathered tickets. Iwasawa and Takayama managed to kill two shadows by pushing them off stage and down the stairs but Tk, Takamatsu, and Kanade were not having much luck despite having weapons. They quickly grab some meals and escaped to the riverside to enjoy them. The shadows eventually reached the riverside and the SSS finds themselves surrounded once again. One of the shadows started to deform somewhat and Monster Stream bursts from it. The SSS used the fact that Monster Stream had knocked away a few of the shadows to try and escape but it turned out to be a horrible idea. There was now a monster behind them and the shadows started to gather around again. They rush towards a closing gap in the ranks of shadows while firing away but Yui, Takayama, and Iwasawa didnt have adequate protection so they got dragged away. Tk, Kanade, and Takamatsu managed to escape and found that Yurippe had reverted after her shadow had been sent flying by Monster Stream.

Phase 49 Day~
Shadow Shiina was lynched~
Shadow Satou regenerates~
The Shadow Programmer regenerates~
The Shadow Programmer was killed~
Kanade was attacked by three shadows~
Tk was attacked three times and turned into a shadow~
Takamatsu was attacked by a shadow~
Yuri was attacked twice and turned into a shadow~
Monster Stream was attacked four times and turned into a shadow~
Shadow Noda was countered~
Shadow Shiina was countered and killed~
Shadow Naoi was countered and killed~
Shiina reverts from being a shadow~

Yurippe woke and told them to start moving. They all leapt out of the way as Monster Stream charged at them and he slammed into the newly regenerated Programmer instead. The shadows turned their attention to Monster Stream so they took the opportunity to run. They headed for the office once again since Yuri had returned and they might actually be able to make a plan this time. The shadows had trouble with the hammer outside the door but eventually they managed to burst through and the SSS had to run again. They attempted to blast their way through the crowd of shadows but TK and Yuri got dragged away... Takamatsu blasted holes in Shadow Noda and Kanade sliced Shadow Shiina and Naoi to ribbons. She freed Shiina with the attack.

Phase 50 Night~
Shadow Naoi regenerates~
The Shadow Programmer regenerates~
Shadow Takayama was attacked by Kanade~
Shadow Matsushita was attacked and killed~
Shadow Yuri was attacked and killed~
Takamatsu was attacked six times and turned into a shadow~
Shiina was attacked by seven shadows~
Kanade was attacked by two shadows~
Shadow Iwasawa was countered~
Shadow Hisako was countered and killed~
Shadow Noda was countered~
Shadow Matsushita was countered~
Shadow Takayama was countered and killed~
Shadow Tk was countered~
Satou reverts from being a shadow~​

Shiina leapt into the crowd of shadows and slice Shadow Yuri in half. The other shadows charged at her and she dodged while slicing at Shadow Hisako, Noda, Matsushita, Takayama, and TK killing off Shadow Hisako and Takayama who was attacking Kanade. Takamatsu was out of weapons so he ripped off his shirt and tackled Shadow Matsushita destroying him with sheer manliness but he was unable to escape the other shadows and got dragged off. Kanade knocks Shadow Iwasawa back and cleared a path through the shadows. Shiina and Kanade were about to run but they noticed one of the shadows warping and stuck around to wait for Satou to revert completely.

Phase 51 Day~
Shadow Yuri regenerates~
Shadow Hisako regenerates~
Shadow Matsushita regenerates~
Shadow Takayama regenerates~
Shadow Naoi was lynched~
Shadow Yuri was lynched~
Kanade was attacked by eight shadows~
Shiina was attacked by a shadow~
Satou was attacked four times and turned into a shadow~
Ooyama was countered and killed~
Shadow was countered and killed~
Naoi was countered~
Otonashi was countered and killed~
Takamatsu was countered~
Tk was countered~
Iwasawa reverts from being a shadow~
Matsushita reverts from being a shadow~

Satou reverts to find himself surrounded by shadows. He tried to keep them away as Kanade and Shiina cut a path through the crowd but they arrived too late and he got dragged away again. Kanade and Shiina tried to escape again but found Iwasawa and Matsushita laying around. Kanade activated Delay and just started destroying all the shadows.

Phase 52 Night~
Shadow regenerates~
Shadow Ooyama regenerates~
Shadow Naoi regenerates~
Shadow Otonashi regenerates~
Shadow Yuri regenerates~
Kanade used Harmonics~
Matsushita disappeared off to the mountains~
Shadow Hisako was attacked and killed~
Shadow Naoi was attacked and killed~
Clone Kanade was attacked by two shadows~
Iwasawa was attacked by two shadows~
Shiina was attacked by two shadows~
Kanade was attacked by two shadows~
Matsushita was attacked by three shadows~
Chaa was countered and killed~
Tk was countered and killed~
Hisako was countered and killed~
Hinata was countered~
Noda was countered~
Takayama was countered and killed~
Yui was countered and killed~
Takamatsu was countered~
The Programmer was countered and killed~
Monster Stream was countered and killed~
Satou was countered and killed~
Naoi reverts from being a shadow~
Hinata reverts from being a shadow~
Monster Stream reverts from being a shadow~​

Kanade used Harmonics and left a clone to delay the shadows while they ran. When they got outside, Matsushita said that they needed more training and dragged them off to the mountains. He was the only one who really got training since everyone else was busy killing shadows, but he did blow away a couple while meditating... with his machine gun. Shiina poked holes in Shadow Hisako and Iwasawa stared at her former friend for a while before repeatedly bashing Shadow Naoi with her guitar to show her dismay. Clone Kanade soon appeared again and the four girls started a bloodbath.

Phase 53 Day~
Yuri was lynched~
Shadow Chaa regenerated~
Shadow Takayama regenerated~
Shadow Yui regenerated~
The Shadow Programmer regenerated~
Shadow Tk regenerated~
Shadow Takamatsu regenerated~
Shadow Satou regenerated~
Clone Kanade used Harmonics~
Shadow Noda was attacked and killed~
Shadow Yui was attacked and killed~
Shadow Takamatsu was attacked and killed~
Hinata was attacked by two shadows~
Kanade was attacked by a shadow~
Clone Kanade was attacked by a shadow~
Monster Stream was attacked by a shadow~
Shadow Ooyama was countered and killed~
Shadow Noda was countered and killed~
Shadow was countered by Kanade~
Yui reverts from being a shadow~
Tk reverts from being a shadow~
Satou reverts from being a shadow~

The shadows were dwindling in number but regenerating as fast as they were disappearing... Clone Kanade used Harmonics to create yet another clone and they continued the slaughter fest. Monster Stream was thrashing around and sending chunks of trees everywhere. Shadow Noda, Yui, and Takamatsu were too slow and got smashed by the trees. The shadows tried to attack the Kanades, Monster Stream, and Hinata but were easily countered in their lowered numbers... Yui, Tk, and Satou broke free of their shadow forms during the chaos and joined the fight.

Phase 54 Night~
Shadow Ooyama regenerated~
Shadow Hisako regenerated~
Shadow Yuri regenerated~
Shadow Takamatsu regenerated~
Clone Kanade used Harmonics~
Naoi used Hypnotism~
Shadow Otonashi was attacked and killed~
Shadow Takamatsu was attacked and killed~
Shadow Ooyama was attacked and killed~
Shadow Hisako was attacked and killed~
The Shadow Programmer was attacked and killed~
Shadow Ooyama was attacked and killed~
Shadow Hisako was attacked and killed~
Shadow Takayama was attacked and killed~
Iwasawa was attacked by a shadow~
Monster Stream was attacked by a shadow~
Matsushita was attacked by a shadow~
Hinata was attacked by a shadow~
Naoi was attacked by a shadow but Shadow Otonashi defended and got killed~
Shadow Chaa was attacked and killed~
Shadow was countered and killed~
Otonashi was countered and killed~
Takayama was countered~
Takayama reverts from being a shadow~
Otonashi reverts from being a shadow~
Noda reverts from being a shadow~
Hisako reverts from being a shadow~
Shadow reverts from being a shadow~
Ooyama reverts from being a shadow~​

Clone Kanade used Harmonics yet again and created another clone to help fight. The SSS charged at the remaining shadows and destroyed most of them before they were able to completely regenerate. Naoi hypnotized Shadow Otonashi but another shadow destroyed Otonashi before Naoi could do much. Monster Stream leapt at the crowd and crushed Shadow Chaa before rolling off. Otonashi, Noda, Hisako, an NPC, and Ooyama were found laying around in the aftermath.

Phase 55 Day~
Shadow Chaa regenerated~
The Shadow Programmer regenerated~
Shadow Takamatsu regenerated~
Clone Kanade used Harmonics~
Clone Kanade was attacked~
Iwasawa was attacked and killed~
Ooyama was attacked by Monster Stream~
Shadow Yuri was attacked and killed~
Monster Stream was countered and killed~

The SSS didnt see any shadows around so they quickly left the mountains. Clone Kanade took the opportunity to create yet another clone and Shadow Yuri decided to try and attack but the other clones warded her off. The SSS had Shadow Yuri surrounded when Monster Stream leapt at them. Iwasawa and Shadow Yuri were killed while Ooyama narrowly escaped. Ooyama quickly shot at Monster Stream while he fell and a lucky shot managed to kill it. The SSS decided to have turn Monster Stream into dinner as all the shadows were gone at that moment.

Phase 56 Night~
Shadow Yuri regenerated~
Iwasawa respawns~
Clone Kanade used Harmonics~
The Shadow Programmer was attacked and killed~
Shadow Yuri was attacked and killed~
Shadow Chaa was attacked by Matsushita~
The Shadow Programmer was attacked and killed~
Shadow Yuri was attacked and killed~
Shadow Yuri was attacked and killed~
Shadow Takamatsu was attacked and killed~
Shadow Takamatsu was attacked by Yui~
Shadow Yuri was attacked and killed~
The Shadow Programmer was attacked and killed~
The Shadow Programmer was attacked and killed~
Shadow Chaa was attacked and killed~
Shadow Takamatsu was attacked and killed~
Shadow Yuri was attacked and killed~
Shadow Takamatsu was attacked and killed~
Hinata was attacked and killed~
Takayama was attacked by a shadow~
Tk was attacked by a shadow~
Clone Kanade was attacked by a shadow~
Shadow Takamatsu was countered and killed~
Yuri reverts from being a shadow~​

Some shadow wandered by while the SSS were enjoying their meal and they got obliterated in the blink of an eye. Do i really need to say more? Anyhow Yuri managed to revert in the mess that followed~

Phase 57 Day~
Hinata respawns~
Shadow Chaa regenerates~
Shadow Chaa was lynched~
Shadow Chaa was attacked and killed~
Shadow Chaa was attacked and killed~
Shadow Chaa was attacked and killed~
Shadow Chaa was attacked and killed~
Shadow Chaa was attacked and killed~
Clone Kanade disappears~
Clone Kanade disappears~
Clone Kanade disappears~
Clone Kanade disappears~
Clone Kanade disappears~
The Programmer reverts from being a shadow~

Hinata wandered back and started weeping about how everyone else had eaten all the food. Shadow Chaa popped up out while Hinata was making that scene but the Clone Kanades launched a synchronized attack and destroyed him before the effects or Absorb merged them with Kanade again. They saw The Programmer running in the distance.

Phase 58 Night~
The Programmer went into hiding~
The Programmer was attacked by SSS~
Takamatsu reverts from being a shadow~​

The Programmer noticed that he had been spotted and ran. The SSS chased The Programmer it the school building but he disappeared somewhere... The SSS searched the building but only found Takamatsu laying around...

Phase 59 Day~
A shadow appeared~

Eventually the SSS found a trap door in the floor of the computer lab. Matsushita suggested that they explore and jumped inside without hesitation. He found an empty tunnel inside and yelled for the other members to come in as well. They were wondering which path they should follow when a shadow appeared in the distance.

Phase 60 Night~
The Programmer was attacked and killed~
Shadow was attacked and killed~
Tk was attacked by a shadow~
Chaa reverts from being a shadow~
Shadow reverts back to a npc~​

Matsushita blasted the shadow to smithereens as the rest of the SSS ran past~ They ran down the tunnel slaying shadows and eventually reached the room of The Programmer~ Yuri found a room and saw The Programmer sitting surrounded by computers...She destroyed all the computers and the shadows vanished~ Chaa wandered in at some point or another~


The Programmer
SSS Respawn counter- 1

SC Respawn counter- 1​

Hmm dont feel like bothering weiB every time i make whatever small changes so ill just shove it here ;p Theyre mostly just little changes in wording and specifications of stuff that i thought didnt sound quite right... xD Basically the same rules as posted above~

Angel Beats
The phases will change at the same time each day~ The SSS can use abilities during the day and the Student council can use abilities during the night~ Players can target one player with an ability/attack each phase~ (PM me and/or weiB to take actions) Actions will be posted at the end of each phase and can be canceled/changed if the request is sent before the phase change~ Each player can take one action unless otherwise indicated~ Lynches will happen during the day and the person that gets the most votes to be lynched at the end of the phase will be killed~

There will be levels which will determine if an attack is successful or not~ 50% chance of a successful attack if same level and +/- 10% per level above or below~
1 Unarmed
2 Trained
3 Melee weapon
4 Weapon mastery
5 Projectile weapon
6 Powerful projectile
7+ I wonder…

Melee- Unlimited use but character will be revealed if the target is not killed~ The attacked may also have a chance to counterattack~
Projectiles- Each projectile can only be used once and lasts a phase, Ammunition can be replenished by Chaa, If you find out who Chaa is then you can request a refill every 5 phases separate from the refill that Chaa gives~

Those who defended with a projectile or two weapons can counter melee attacks~ If the character used both weapons to defended then they will not counter~

Deaths will be announced with their character~ Otherwise the targets attacked will be announced with their user names~ The attacker and ability used will not be announced if the attack was a projectile and/or if the attack was successful~ Attackers revealed will be named with their characters~

Attackers can use any weapon/ability in their arsenal and the defenders will defend with the most powerful weapon they have unless they stated during their phase that they wanted to do otherwise or have an ability that would override everything~

Secondary abilities will be indicated with an (s) and can be used with a primary(p) ability unless otherwise stated~

Every respawn will take an increasingly longer amount of time to recover from~ There will be a different respawn counter for the two sides~ Both sides will start with 1 phase required to respawn and each respawn afterwards will take an additional phase~ There will be only one player returned per respawn and the order that they respawn will depend on the phase they were killed~ If multiple members of a team are killed within a single phase then the order they respawn will be determined by the amount deaths they experienced or an agreement between the two members~ If one of the members that were to respawn that turn are absent that phase then the other member will be the one to respawn~ If both are absent then the next in line can respawn or players can vote on who should respawn~ The cap for turns taken to respawn will be 3 phases~

To win the game would require that the other team be elimination (all members are either dead or passed on) before yours although there will be a third method where you may both win or lose if certain events happen~ Student council members will know who the other members are and SSS members will need to discover the identity of other members through deaths~

When the game starts, each ability will have to charge before the first use so there should be at least 5 turns which are somewhat calm so everyone can get settled down~

There may be exceptions to certain rules due to abilities~

Players who are not active for 5 rounds will be regarded as having been killed until they return~ If there are any special occasions then notify me beforehand~

Im allowing players who have been killed to continue lynching~

Players can now choose to guard a player during a turn and they will take all attacks on the guarded player until the phase ends~ This can be used during day or night phase~
You can also reveal which character you are if you choose to do so~
Shadows can be attacked by declaring an attack on the shadow~ You do not need to know who the player is to attack the shadow~
You can attack once every round (Day and night phase) regardless of which team you were on~
Every shadow has 15% chance to revert into a character/npc each turn~ If they are attacked then the chance raises 5% per attack and if they are killed then the chance raises 10%~
Shadows will attack each turn unless they were killed in the previous turn in which they regenerate~
There is someone controlling the shadows~

Players can suggest the direction that the narration takes if they want~
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Reactions: oilaolenm
Hmm maybe have a link of the original rules here too? xD

Hmm also have that other rule that we talked about~
When the game starts, each ability will have to charge before the first use so there should be at least 5 turns which are somewhat calm so everyone can get settled down~
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Reactions: oilaolenm
Hmm... i think that should be enough :goodtea:

Btw do you think weapon mastery for lvl 4 is somewhat misleading? :/ considering how its still melee but weapon could refer to projectile... though all the weapons have the lvls next to it anyway xD
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Reactions: oilaolenm
no its fine, its makes it more interesting to give the players more choice XD

it gives it a more surprising element.
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Not all the roles have been given out yet since we can only send 6 pms per hour :/ So game hasnt started~
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Reactions: oilaolenm brain hurts from reading all those instructions i dont think i was able to absorb more than 20% of all that >.> :alopro:
Itll stay there for however long is needed ;p I guess i should make a tldr version with the basic stuff...
i feel like i was reading one of the rants i do on skype when im on the road and offline and just seeing how much i can build up by the time i get home T_T
Lol ill make a tldr version thats just for the two groups ok? ;p

[MENTION=34651]KuroYuki[/MENTION] Hmm would you join? xD Game hasnt started yet~
Lol the tldr will basically be a checklist for what youre supposed to do during a turn~
wa.......... O.O i got Chara....... Khukhuhku.. im gonna beat [MENTION=23111]Slayn312[/MENTION] with this.... :XD:
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No you don't I have tenshi and yurippe in my harem.

Everybody knows that.
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