The Wrong Answers to the World's Questions.


The Twisted Host
Elite Member
Jan 27, 2013
I've had this idea for a really fun sounding form game.
I don't know how it will go, but I'm hoping you all will enjoy it and have fun with it.
Here's to hoping this game catches on!!

Here are the rules.

Someone will ask a question, and you have to give the craziest answer you can think of.
After answering the question then you will ask a question

For Example
Question: What killed all the dinosaurs?
Answer: It was Tony the tiger, he did it!!! Then years later he went to anger management, and made a cereal using the dinosaur bones, and that's also why dinosaur bones are so hard to find. ^.^
Then new Question: Where do babies come from?
( they can be simple questions, it's the answers that make it fun)

I'll start the first question: Why is the Earth covered in water and not diet Dr.Pepper?

(Have fun, and be creative!!)
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He crossed the road because chick fil a was having a two for one sale?

Why does fire burn when you touch it?

because your finger is a masochist

i know who shot the sheriff, but who shot the deputy?
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Why do birds suddenly appear, every time you are near?
they know the pain I bring them :(

What Wears a Mask and has two different types of eyes?
Neo from the Matrix when he think's he's a giraffe!

How is SunnyD made?
Because I robbed a clown, and he didn't have any money so I took his shoes.

Why is it when light hits an object it causes a shadow?
because it showing ur darkside and true self

why couldnt team rocket capture pikachu?
Because the were trying to capture Ash's heart.

Why do cows say Moo?
because if she can talk she gonna make u pay for taking her milk.....

why pedobear exist..??
Pedobear? What pedobear? :traitor:

What happened when people saw slenderman riding across the city on pedobear?
People went, "Oooo, he caught a big one!"

Why don't eagles have fingers?
So they can scratch stuff with their claws and make fun of those humans and monkeys who could only pick stuff up :goodtea:

What did the pen say to the macaroni's pet snail bob?
You noodle, I doodle.

Why do we all live in a yellow submarine?
No eagles want to be call bald eagle. Take human for example, when under stress they put their hair. By the time they notice, they have a bald spot.


Cause it smells like Sunny D

Why do living things exist?
Because youre hallucinating stuff :goodtea: What have you been taking lately? And who are you even talking to?

Where in the world is carmen sandiego?
Because i was chosen by the spam gods to succeed him/her/it~

Why shouldnt i have the most posts? :goodtea:
because if u dont stop posting u die sammy

what is the colour blue?
Because blue represents manliness and considering how this forum has so many manly men the color has to be blue ;p

Why did packs of gum just fly at you?
I'll have to chew on that gum question.

Why is pizza pizza?
Because peperoni said that tomato was attacking him so they forced him to become friends by shoving them in a dough crater and locking them in with cheese~

Did you hear about that ufo last night?

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