Job histories


English VN guru
Elite Member
Oct 3, 2011
I got the random curiosity to see what kinda jobs everyone around here has had, so enlighten us :P .

What was your job title?
How much did you make?
Was it worth it or did it suck?
What sucked about it?
What was great about it?
Interesting experiences?

So far the only job i've had (and still have) is being a deli clerk at a local supermarket. Started off at $8.50 but am now making $9. Like most jobs it has its ups and downs but its definetely not a bad job.
Customers can be a little ridiculous at times like in most places, like the time this guy came in at 9:55 (5 mins before closing) and wanted me to make the PERFECT sub (im not kidding, he wanted his vegetables taken from the bottom of the trays, he wanted an exact amount of everything, 3 different kinda meats that werent on the menu so i had to slice them up, seeds picked out of the jalapenos, i even had to remake it halfway through cuz he realized he didnt want that much mayo on it). Though its a fast paced job so days go by rather quickly.
And i guess my most interesting experience is when there was $500 worth of boxed christmas turkey dinner specials on a cart that had trash on it (for some reason) and i mistook it all for trash and threw it away, i had to dig through the compacter half an hour later to get it all back. It was carefully inspected for any damage or wrapper tearing and then able to be used.

I hope I get this job at a computer repair shop in the next town over, then ill be set.

So what about you guys?
What was your job title?: Project manager
How much did you make?: I don't use to talk about money, but not too fair :/
Was it worth it or did it suck?: sometimes it was good, sometimes it was bad
What sucked about it?: to deal sometimes with irresponsible people
What was great about it?: to know other countries
Interesting experiences?: friendship with persons around the world
What is your job title?: Warehouse employee
How much do you make?: 1300 +/- depends on the hours you make
is it worth it or did it suck?: it's a good not. without stress and with funny people around
What sucks about it?: some people act like they are bosses and like you don't know what to do next x.x
What is great about it?: you know people form all over the world and learn a lot about them and their culture/language
Interesting experiences?: friendship with persons around the world
What was your job title?
I worked as an enumerator (Census Taker) for the 2011 Hong Kong Census, fantastic experience really.
How much did you make?
I was given a flat sum of HKD$7800 for 18 days of work (so it averages out to ~$50 an hour, double of minimum wage), not to mention, there were training subsidies as well, it all adds to ~HKD$8100.
is it worth it or did it suck?
It was definitely worth it, there were times where there was absolutely heap loads of work to do and some times where there there was absolutely nothing to do (especially towards the end).
What sucks about it?
The parts that sucked was the weather that we were conducting the Census in. For the first week, I was soaked at the end of my shift due to heavy rains. After that first week, I would usually go home smelling like crap because I was sweating alot during the day. Also, shifts. Working a Night shift than a morning shift the next day is not fun, especially when you only had 5 hours of sleep and the people you interview are three times as moody as well.
What is great about it?
It was great because I've had time talking to local students. I'm the only person in the center that doesn't go to a local school, it was definitely great that I've had the time to talk to them, as well as do what they do. (Apparently, hot pot is really popular)
Interesting experiences?
Interesting experience? Learning some of the Hong Kong slang was fun :P
What was your job title?
Marketing Research Manager, Accountant Manager, and Junior Executive

How much did you make?
Averagely USD 100$/hour, but I only work part-time

is it worth it or did it suck?
All works sucks, but I do have the enjoyment of being a superiority... for a while

What sucks about it?
Headache and tiresome, also responsibilities. At my position, if I fuck up, a lot of people gonna lose their job, and it is highly unlikely for me to lose mine, which is good, or sucks, depending on your point of view.

What is great about it?
You work on big and serious project, that gives you a feel of your effort is rewarded all after the pain. Unlike school project: no reward, and simulated projects that nobody care about the result.

Interesting experiences?
Meeting big guys, negotiation, etc... Most people I know really want to meet and learn about big CEO guy. Unfortunately, I have no joy and no interested in them what so ever. I'm more of a normal person who's into really cute 2D girls and what's not. But then, again, the peoples surrounding me is weird, no surprised.
Wow, my job is noobish compared to all your guys' jobs xD. Your jobs all seem rlly interesting, im hoping to be able to climb up the ladder in my I.T. field all the way to my masters degree where ill be able to have a job that isnt just doing the same shit all day then going home. gunna try my hardest and strive for that goal, though until then its "did you want white or yellow american cheese" for me xD
What was your job title?
Radio Announcer (2006), UNICEF Employee

How much did you make?
when i was still as announcer i made around US$500 per month but then again it's 4 hours per week job, now i managed to get around US$3000 per month as UNICEF Employee

Was it worth it or did it suck?
dunno about it this one, could be worth the job and salary sometimes...

What sucked about it?
sometime i need to travel around someplaces that's not even wired! like in the depth of village in Congo

What was great about it?
the traveling of course

Interesting experiences?
shaking hand with some historical people i.e nelson mandela
What was your job title?
Currently I'm an IT Support. Before that I was a Document Controller, in the same company.
Both jobs none related in what so ever.

How much did you make?
At the moment I only made RM1117.60(Basic). Trust me, it's ain't that many, after you pay all the bills.

Was it worth it or did it suck?
Considering the job is not related to the diploma course that I took(Multimedia Tech.), then my answer would definitely is suck.
I need to money for the Internet.

What sucked about it?
-People tend to think that we can fix all the problem with their computers.
-People think that formatting and installing all those software into their computer is easy, like washing dishes or something.
-People tend to think that they're the only one that have some 'major' problem with their computer at the moment.
-Finance Dept think that our dept, which consist of only 2 people, not deserve to request money for getting parts for the computers. Just because the company is an Engineering company, doesn't mean we're not important to them.
-People calling you to come over to check their computer, but didn't bother to tell us what's the problem was. One time there's this one employer call us saying that she need help. So I drove several miles to our main office and ask her what's seem to be the problem. Guess what, she only want the task bar to be put on the top of the screen and she don't know how.
-People blame the IT dept when they got no connection. And guess what, it's the Finance Dept fault for not paying the internet bill. They also responsible for several PC that are waiting for release from the computer service company, coz they didn't make the payment yet. And guess who are getting blame for this? IT Dept.
-And many more...

Seriously, we're not talking about a small new company here, guys. This is a company that was established back in 1912.

What was great about it?
IT Dept have unlimited access to the Internet. When we not busy, I usually check on your guys in here.

Interesting experiences?
So far, nothing interesting happen...yet.
Oh just wait, ive heard some pretty funny stories that rlly piss Tech Support off but at the same time they cant stop laughing xP

Read one story online how a woman called IT complaining she didnt have internet connection. 15 mins into the conversation she was asked where she was currently located.... she was on a plane >.> . The first question tech support has to ask shouldnt be "are you more than 30,000 feet from the surface of the earth?" -.- lol
May I not good at English because in Japanese?

What was your job title?
Temporary employee...

How much did you make?
Averagely USD 15/hour.(I'm work full-time)

is it worth it or did it suck?
Telephone reception of a Zen koan dialogue.
Documents and staring contest.
the work of build and scrap.
Work which will make a castle from sand if it compares.
The salesperson of a store.

What sucks about it?
Melancholia and back pain and headaches and stress.
Marriage time is missed.

What is great about it?
various spots were able to be seen.

Interesting experiences?
It goes to a building construction site and carries out office layout creation.
The structure of accounting is got to know.
It goes to inspect the Office.
Job Title: Intern (Noobie)

How much I made: I won't say, but I usually had my lunch paid for me and other stuffs.

Was it worth it or did it Suck: It was worth it but it kind of sucked too. The job was for construction and such. I was learning how to be an electrician, plumber, engineer, cement worker guy.... The only thing that I can say sucked was I didn't get along too well with one of my co-workers... Also being the new guy on the outfit was a little hard, since I had to learn so much.

What was great: I was learning things an average teen would not even know until his video games were taken away.
Also hitting things with 6-pound hammers for 9 hours is great. (Construction is like a membership to the gym, you love it, but it gives you a work out.) Also being covered in cement when pouring footer or walls felt pretty good. The best thing about it was when I had been working for a couple of hours, one guy would start talking about what to eat, then another would try and top what the first person had said, then I'd join by talking about BBQ. Then the boss would come up and say "It's time to eat isn't it?". We'd all just nod and load up into the truck.

Interesting EXP: I'd say after starting on a project by rocking land and running the plumbing and stuff, then pouring cement, then smoothing out that. Then raising frames, raising walls, adding floors and roof, then looking over it, see that I helped build a structure that is going to be used.
What was your job title?
Graphic Designer (ongoing)

How much did you make?
$18.5/h (fulltime)

Was it worth it or did it suck?
It's a job I wanted so yes, it's worth it. Pretty easy going for the most part, except for annual report season...

What sucked about it?
Clients that think they know design better than you and tell you to go with their gay concepts, and b*tch at us when their ideas fail saying it's your fault. *gives middle finger*

Also, sometimes I have to work overtime to meet the deadlines but not get paid for it.

What was great about it?
The people, great equipments, free Adobe suite programs, cupcakes, and drink fountain. Also, our lounge has a PS3 and a Wii. \o/

Oh and sometimes when I do a gig for retail companies I get free gift cards :3

Interesting experiences?
Getting to chat with corporate big shots with fat wallet and network from high profile companies.
What's your boss like Alexsdu?
A lil bit hard to get along, unless you really really close to him. Not that he's evil or something.
It's just one of those "spidey-tingling sense" kind of feel when you around him.
What was your job title?
Encoder/Technician/Former Delivery Boy/Former Truck Assistant

How much did you make?
its a daily basis here ~
Encoder - $ 8
Technician - $ 11-15
Delivery - $4
Truck Assissant - $ 4-6

is it worth it or did it suck?
i guess it worth ~ but sometimes it sucks a lot especially when i work as delivery/truck assistant ~ though i learn something away from my interest that would surely helps me in the future.

What sucks about it?
well as you can see my salary it sucks a lot though i have to swallow the bitter pill not to mention stress and hassles on the way. its laborious and tiresome job (truck/delivery)

What is great about it?
you learn something new as they goes by and meet a lot people.. and make friends with them.

Interesting experiences?
I met a lot of pretty girls while on work.. and make friend with them..~
went out in a places i never seen before and of course. ~ good food
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What was your job title?
Computer Technician on call and for an Internet Cafe (still working)

How much did you make?
Not enough... but I enjoy it anyway.

Is it worth it or did it suck?
Worth it 'cause I really like fiddling with computers as a kid so this is like a dream job... until the big problems come along.

What sucks about it?
The customers who use the computers who treat it like cheap toys. Keyboards with missing keys, dead mice, monitors that look like they've been spit on... the list goes on. Good thing we use Deepfreeze so software isn't much of an issue.

What is great about it?
Aside from getting to fiddle with all sorts of rig set-ups. As for the Internet Cafe: Free Internet all day, Really fast connection lets me download a lot of stuff over there.

Interesting experiences?

I get to solve a lot of computer problems which I have never encountered before. It's really fulfilling when you fix something using all your skills and discovering new solutions along the way.
deep freeze is a term used for software or a set of software that keeps a 'frozen' state of a computer backed up so no matter what you do on the computer, when u log off or restart the computer will revert to the before mentioned frozen state. Its commonly used in schools, internet cafes and libraries. any data saved on a frozen computer will be deleted once the revert takes place.
I see. Now I've learned something new here.
Is the feature part of the computer system, or do we need to install it 1st?
you need to install it ~ and set settings on it on how you will freeze it i mean the settings you want to freeze.

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