Please Vote Once for Your Favorite Chopstick Hairpiece~

  • kami-onii-chan

    Votes: 2 3.9%
  • Vietx2k

    Votes: 14 27.5%
  • samyeung46

    Votes: 29 56.9%
  • SainTPrimE

    Votes: 6 11.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Not open for further replies.


Little ⁺ I ⁺ Erase
Elite Member
Apr 1, 2012

Hello once again to another contest of chopsticks.

Welcome to Chopstick Hairpiece Contest!




Thank you for your valorous efforts and humbleness to participate in this contest.

Here are your prizes.

I apologize ahead if you do not like them.

I made do with what time I had.

Please tell me if you'd like it changed.

If not, then hope you enjoy the prizes. ^^

I mentioned you Nero because even though you didn't join in the contest to the end, you're still part of the group.

Neko and AhGwee were also dedicated and splendid judges. Couldn't have done it without you two.

Thank you to the voters and commentators. You've all been a big help in making this a success~

Thank you again. Much love for you~









For those participating you must incorporate a model. The model of your piece can be male, female, an alien, a fish, or whatever... Use your imagination or go with the classics.

Your chopsticks can be designed in any way... even using real dragons as the base or chainsaws as ornaments. You get the idea.

If you require other things like a dummy to replace your previous dummy of a model, go right ahead. No outside help from people or animals or other living things, meaning you made the work. Someone can model, but you must have made the hairpiece and whatever extra stuff accompanying it yourself!

Once you're done, post your creation and the judges and voters will decide if it's so Uber that it gets banned or just a bad egg.

We are not responsible for any injuries or mishaps that may occur. If you are maimed, electrocuted, abducted, or juiced in any way, please be rest assured that we will not contribute into harming you any further. Please have fun and may the mosquitoes suck your blood and brains.



You can post it as a description, a picture, a video, or whatever medium as long as it's your own work and you followed the rules.

Please have fun, play with the bongos, and take your time...

Whoever makes the lulzest, most huggable, death-defying chopsticks will be declared the winner!




The winner shall receive bragging rights... and first, second, third, and/or runner-up shall receive renders that renano makes. The render will have a sign with your username and placement in the contest.


The winner shall receive a glorified basket of forbidden fruits and treasures. Also, a complimentary trip to whichever time or dimension they wish to journey... Basically... a time machine... with tea.




The loser must gnaw on their tongue, facepalm themselves 1,000 times while being submerged in lime jello. :3



1. renano
2. AhGwee
3. Neko

The judges will view the work, see if they followed the rules, and decide the ones they like best. Their votes will be tallied together with the other voters.



Those who participated cannot vote for their own work.

Only one vote per person.

Only AS members can vote.

We'll tally the votes and determine the winner.



June 21, 2012

If you wish to participate by the time the deadline approaches, we'll extend it for one more week. That's it... No longer than that!




1. kami-onii-chan
2. Vietx2k
3. samyeung46
4. SainTPrimE



1. kami-onii-chan

i guess that music is perfect, tres bien!


2. Vietx2k

So here's my Entry :3 Hope you like it!
Play this while you read what i have to say :3 Trying to work up the atmosphere! ^_^

Hello Everyone! How are you? Good? That's awesome ^_^ Not so well? It's okay! I'll make you feel better with my.... CHOPSTICKS. Oh these Glorious chopsticks. Words can not express how these chopsti... actually.. my friend Mashimaro can help. He can sometimes be a smart ass but he's too damn cute to hate. Haha. Mashimaro, take it from here good sir.

Hoped you enjoyed it! ^_^ If you like to see a video of me messing with it, click the spoilers :3

3. samyeung46

Hmm entry~ I think ill call this final xD (not really cuz there are stuff i wanted to add) Hmm i think this song goes well with it all~ Since its other english title is "My Most Precious Treasure"
Full image~ The light's reflection bothers me D:
Cant you feel the glowiness?~
One of the dragons sitting around watching~
Shiina with the chopstick xD
These chopsticks have twin spirit dragons dwelling in them. Theyre normally twisted around the chopsticks napping but every so often they would come out and take a look around. The dragons cant keep their form in this dimension well so they are usually near transparent. They are naturally red and blue but their emotions can effect their coloring. They will glow slightly of whatever color they happen to be at that moment and illuminate their immediate area. The chopsticks are made of emerald and amethyst so they have a crystalline quality. If the dragons happen to be curled around the chopsticks their glow will reflect within the chopsticks. They were created in a collaboration project between the Shinda Sekai Sensen and Kanade Tachibana during their short moment of peace and friendship. The SSS had accidentally discovered how to create minerals earlier but as it didnt help them in their battles against tenshi, they slowly forgot it. The Guild rediscovered that skill in their boredom during the peace and thus started the project. The SSS secretly created the chopsticks to surprise Kanade and show their good intentions. Kanade used her angel player to create the twin dragons and had them dwell in the chopsticks to show that she was part of the SSS now. Soon afterwards, Kanade became the student council president and the peace was broken once again. Kanade feeling that she had betrayed the trust if the SSS, bundled the chopsticks in a piece of cloth and abandoned it in the storage room. She never saw it again though she returned to search multiple times. Two decades after everyone had passed on (including her), she saw a pair of familiar looking chopsticks at a local festival. They were glowing slightly and stood out in the darkness of the night. It gave her a feeling of nostalgic melancholy and she walked over to the owner hesitantly. The owner was a girl with long blue hair and was standing near a group who were all of similar age. When asked the girl where she had obtained the chopsticks and she replied that it materialized besides her when she was born. As Kanade walked closer, the lights in the chopsticks began to swirl. The group was now staring at her and she made eye contact with an light brown haired boy. She shocked herself when she ran up to the boy and hugged him. He returned the hug and it sparked a sudden memory that she had hugged him before. She looked around at the group staring embarrassed and stepped back. The blue haired girl offered her the chopsticks and when she touched it, the chopsticks started to shine with a soft white light. The twin dragons appeared in a blaze of white flames. They flew around her in a intricate dance then wove gracefully around the members of the group while leaving a small trail of white flames. The group had been mesmerized by the sight and gave a small sigh as the dragons faded back into the chopsticks. A small flame floated around each member before floating into them, leaving them with a warm feeling in their chest. A purple haired girl ran up and grabbed her hand saying "Do you want to join our Brigade?"

4. SainTPrimE


Time to make my entrance....

Here is a music to set the mood and give you some clue about what I draw...

I use Minako Arisato (The female protagonist in P3P) as the model...

Here are the Pict :

The idea here is to show the Persona... She is wearing a pair of chopstick hairpiece with Thanatos and Thanatos's coffin as the decoration... So the one that comes out was Thanatos.. But if she wears a chopstick with Thanatos's coffin as the decoration and a chopstick with Orpheus as it's decoration Messiah will came out.. It's like fusing two Personas to get a new one...

And here is a picture of the chopsticks if you look at it closer... It has Orpheus as the decoration tough... Not Thanatos...

And if you look closer at the first pict you'll see that Minako holds these chopstick in her hand...

And sorry that I don't colorize this one.. I don't have enough time and my pencils are missing... Hehehe...

Well that's all... Hope you like it...



This first piece of the contest is drawn by kami-onii-chan.

The music accompaniment is lovely and tantalizing.

The most noticeable features are the figure's ample bosom. Such a grand way to appeal.

A very good tactic to gain more attention in case other areas do not work quite as well.

The proportions are very well done and the limbs are placed in a way that gives it a modest feeling.

Having her hold one part of the chopstick in her mouth has certainly increased the model's sex appeal.

The chopstick hairpiece appears somewhat pointy like it'll double as a tool for defense or a weapon of some sort.

Then, there is how the other part of the chopstick is positioned. Having her hold it in-between her fingers is classy.

With her hair flowing down and those doe-like eyes, almost anyone would be mesmerized.

Decent shading... a background would be nice, but the model speaks for herself.

If the chopstick hairpiece had a bit more focus or some aesthetic value, perhaps it might have enhanced the overall work since it's a chopstick hairpiece contest.

Still, the model is the main highlight. Kami-onii-chan attacked that flaw of having less appealing chopstick hairpieces with something else much more to be desired.

The next entry is by Vietx2k.

Having incorprated some music, the gentle in yet vibrant tones surely sets the mood for what is come.

Viet does a good job in using humor and playfulness to describe his chopstick hairpiece right off the bat.

The model is Mashimaro. Most people especially children and females would probably love this idea of using him as a model.

Added to the fact that the chopstick hairpiece or "OMEGA STRIKE POKING PICKER UPPER" aka "Osppu" is very versatile.

Sleek and modern design. Nice description of how it's made and giving an example about one of its many uses.

The last few pictures are very gimmicky.

Would be better if the description and pictures focused somewhat more on the head since it's a hairpiece contest.

From wearing it to be used for skinning then eating... Viet's hairpiece knows how to attract customers.

Colorful visuals and short, but easy to read descriptions. Vietx2k has proved that a model does not need to be human nor just worn in the hair.

Coming right up is Samyeung46's chopstick hairpiece.

Music is also present. If played, the soothing and melancholic sound shall leave the person an expression of the overall drawing.

Sam uses a story telling method to give his chopstick hairpiece a more precious element.

This is soon reflected in the story of twin spirit dragons and about a girl named Kanade.

That mystical and light-hearted feeling flows well... Really does give much depth for the drawing.

Sam has good technique. Choosing a traditional setting with a traditionally clothed model, Shiina.

Nice and slender those chopsticks are. Would be neat to focus more on them.

Details are everywhere and even subtle designs of dragons and 'glow' are present.

However, the shading appears nice, but some darker shadows would be better. Most of the shades seem to blend too much together having not much distinction.

Her hair near the tips are quite 'pointy'... not too much flow.

The viewer's eyes will be sure to notice Samyeung46's model and bittersweet tale. Will they remember the chopstick hairpiece? Maybe, maybe not.

SainTPrimE is the last person to make his entrance.

Melodious and sultry vocals can be heard in the choice of music.

That does add some 'spice' for the piece he drew.

Wonderful choice in colors. Having the model in an orange shade while the back is a slight shade of blue-grey and black really balances it out.

Inspired from Persona and Minako Arisato, the brief description tells mostly about the decorations and what it maybe like to 'fuse two Personas to get a new one...'

The coloring and shading could use more work as well as the model herself since her body showcases lack of structure.

Perhaps showing the whole end of the chopsticks along with the first half would be nice as well.

Still, the best part are actually the background and the chopstick hairpiece.

Very well drawn those two are. The close up of the hairpiece especially. Seeing those fine details... almost anyone would like to own a pair.

With a strong, fierce background next to a demure-looking female, SainTPrimE's entry will be well-recognized... but for the chopsticks or for the decorations?


Hello guys! Gwee here. Guess it's time to give my opinion on the contestant's pieces of work. Though my words may sound harsh at times, it is only meant to encourage you to do better and not put you down. Criticism is the best way to go to improve as long as you take the words into mind and not into heart.
Just hope my comments don't make you go (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ xD Here I go:

First up we have Kami onii-chan:
Presentation 2/5
Drawing skill 3/5
Creativity 3/5
Composition 4/5
Task (or Topic) 3/5
Overall 15/25

A good attempt at something different from what the others might do. The first things that grab my attention when I look at this are the eyes. The eyes lead towards the mouth which is where the placement of one of two chopsticks happen to be. This has a good flow and gives off the idea that it is meant to be seductive. On first glance the thing that I would want to look for first would be the chopsticks. As the chopsticks were not dark enough they did not gather my attention first. So I feel that the chopsticks were not the centre of topic in this piece. Though the composition of your work is good, the shading on the hair is of the same contrast as the chopsticks themselves, making it less likely for the viewer to notice the chopsticks unless they follow the flow from the eyes.
I know that the chopsticks were meant to be what we focus on talking about, but I must also mention that the eyes are slightly off, whether if it’s because of the proportion or I find the eyes to be wonky or due to the angle of the shot. The lines I think need to be sharper to give the figure more appeal. The chest is slightly higher than usual and the right nipple is off. The left breast is also too close to the shoulder. To bring life to your work, there needs to be more shading on certain areas of the image. However you've captured the basic outline of the image which is good despite the lack of shading. The music compliments your style of work very well. I will list ways you can improve this:
-From my observation it looked like either a blunt pencil was used or the piece had been zoomed in. Therefore you can make the outline of your piece sharper by using a sharpened pencil.
-Shading is key to bringing your work to life as it displays which direction the light is facing the character. From the looks of your work, it would be under the breast(s), between the neck and chin, beneath the fringe, and some areas of the shoulder. If you are going to shade, make it light so that it doesn’t stand out more than the chopstick hairpieces themselves.
-Either darken the shade of the chopsticks. The shading in the eyes are fine but you would need less so that the focus is on the chopsticks.
-The alternative you could go for instead of shading would, of course, be using colour. With the right pencils, colour can be blended together to give the picture texture. Little note: Did you know that greens and blues actually make up the colours of our flesh?
-The other chopstick doesn't stand out as much as not all of it is shown. Since the brief wanted the chopstick as a hairpiece, maybe you could have drawn the image with one chopstick already on the top of her hair with one hand holding it in place, and the other hand getting ready to remove the chopstick in her mouth to add more appeal.
-To fit the image given by the song as well, it would have better if you took multiple shots of this picture on different areas to add to her appeal. Despite my criticism I believe you did very well for your first time piece. Your work shows promise. Once again, a good effort kami. Thank you for your participation.

Next in line is Vietx2k.
presentation 4/5
Drawing skill N/A
Creativity 5/5
Composition 4/5
Task/Topic 3/5
Overall 16/20*1.25=20/25

A very modern take on the brief. It is something I would call a contemporary type of art. I am given the impression that this is a story of a plush-doll and the way it uses it's chopstick hairpieces in its life. As you can see each different shot taken shows the movement of time for the plush-doll. Adding dialogue to your piece, is a nice take-on on humour. The chopsticks served their purpose, as the hairpiece and as cutleries, as well as being items that you use to 'hunt' for your own food. I like the use of incorporating many things into your idea. The music goes surprisingly well with the flow of the story. It makes even hunting seem like a fun thing to do in life.
Now to start with the areas that make this go downhill:
Though you made the chopsticks the focus in your work, I believe that the dialogue didn't focus on the chopsticks as the hairpiece itself. I also felt that the positioning of some speech bubbles could have been done better in certain areas. The same could be said with the chopsticks. I also found the pace of the story rushed towards the end.
I believe a few more shots could have been taken such as:
With the plush-doll putting back on the chopsticks on its head after using it to hunt for its meal; using the chopsticks to cook the meal; washing the chopsticks or so after use and being on the head all the time; the preparation of the meal; etc. Though I'm not sure, but was the chicken you're eating meant to be the wing of Gundam? If so, it might have been a better idea had you taken out the Gundam from the second last shot. Also by taking extra shots, it would go better with the length of the song. Focusing on the minor details will make your work much better.
In case anyone was wondering:
As Viet had a taken a different out-take on the topic I left out the result on his drawing skill. To make up for this I gave him a x1.25 multiplier to give him a rating out of 25 like the other contestants. A strong contender, thank you for your participation Viet.

Next up is samyeung46:
Presentation 5/5
Drawing Skill 5/5
Creativity 4/5
Composition 5/5
Task/Topic 5/5
Overall 24/25

A very detailed piece of work. Traditional. The shading gives off the feeling that the setting is taking place in the dark, a place with very shallow lighting. I can see that you tried to darken the chopsticks, but it isn't enough in my opinion. There were equally just as much things I could see that were just as dark as the hairpieces, such as the edges of the kimono and the lamp. The dragon in my opinion blends in very well. The light tones give the impression that it is not meant to be noticed but at the same time makes the hairpiece above/below shine even more. Though I would love to commend you for drawing as a whole and give my criticism, the focus of the contest is meant to on the chopsticks and the hairpieces were not the first things to gather my attention.
The close-up shot (the second one) is the one I found much more better. Why? Because there is less happening in the background and I see more of a focus on the chopsticks. However the shading on the lamp still stands out much more than everything else, as much as I like it, it should be less dark as that is where the light is coming from. Much like I said for Kami onii-chan’s piece of work, maybe it would have been a good idea to make the eyes darker as well as it is very close to one of the hairpieces meaning that the eyes will be drawn to the direction of the hairpiece as a result.
Now when I look at the image with the chopstick hairpiece and the dragon I think that if you had drawn a picture of your figure similar to how you had done except while sitting down instead with the other chopstick next to her and the lamp also, and focused less on the background it would have spectacular. Having just a plain white background means all of the attention is brought onto the work instead. But you did well making the background less 'dark'.
Though I'm unsure if many people would agree with me on this but the final shot you took of your work could easily have been the winner as I find the composition of the chopstick done well and is what I see as the most darkest, which grabs my attention first.
The story. Full of content. It explains the origin of the chopsticks very well. My only problem. It's a block of text! Would have been nice if you had just used a few paragraphs to make it easier on the eyes. I was unsure about the music since I didn't watch Angel Beats and I felt that it didn't fit the atmosphere of the work. It seemed more like an insert song that would have went well with the ending of your story rather than the piece as a whole. Thank you for your participation Sam, it was a pleasure to annotate.

And finally, we have SainTPrimE:
First piece Second Piece
Presentation 4/5 Presentation 3/5
Drawing skill 4/5 Drawing skill 3/5
Creativity 3/5 Creativity 3/5
Composition 4/5 Composition 2/5
Task/Topic 2/5 Task/Topic 4/5
Overall 17/25 Overall 15/25
Overall average 16/25

A good effort. The colours work really well. What strikes me at first is the balance between the dark background and the light blue on Thanatos coupled up with the orange yukata worn by the MShe which I find to be really effective. However, there's a problem which strikes me when I look at this piece, which happens to be that because of the balance of colours, it seems hard to find the right choice for the colour of the chopsticks. Though the work is good, the chopsticks don't stand out very well in this image. What you could have done was either darken the chopstick hairpiece so that they wouldn't be overshadowed by the dark background or shift the placement of the chopsticks into the upper part of the yukata as if it had been tucked in with Orpheus dangling out. Because the female main character's Orpheus is yellow/gold it is less likely to stand out. The thing that I happened to find the most strange was the lump sticking out under her left arm. Could I ask what's up with that? So far, I haven't felt that the chopstick hairpieces in this image have stood out to me due to the colours from everything else that overpowered them.
Onto the next. I felt that the second piece was slightly rushed. And I understand from the fact that you were limited in time. It might have been a really good piece had you been able to finish it on time. You choose the colours on your background well. But I think the close up shot of the chopsticks could use some work, maybe having Orpheus slightly smaller and enlarging the chopsticks themselves? Also, it might have been a good idea to add the moon from the dark hour. As for the choice of music, wouldn't this theme fit better?
I believe it sets the mood much better but that's just my opinion. The alignment of the text could have been done better as well for both pieces of work. I can see a white line below the title. =]
Another thing you could do. Instead of colour maybe try your luck with shading? I find that the second piece you made was better that your first when it comes to focusing on the brief. Thank you for your participation in the contest too SainT.

Overall, I enjoyed this competition very much. If I sounded harsh, it is due to how I’ve been taught when annotating people’s work and marking other’s work. My apologies if I offended anyone. I can say it's been a fun experience being a judge *haha*! I wouldn't mind being one again if there happens to be another contest but who knows, I may decide to enter instead at the time *eheheh*. Thank you everyone who participated in the contest. Thank you viewers and to the people who gave out your votes.Thank you to all the new members that gave out your time to vote. Most of all that you Rennie (Renano) ojou-sama for the fun experience. It's has been a fun ride. I hope to see more people entering the next contest. ^^

3. Neko

Sorry for late evaluation, i got nothing to do with my job, kinda busy this month.. :donefor:
But at least i must finish this evaluation :3
Here it is (sorry for bad engls.)


(+) Points=

- The music is really suit with your work,it gives some sexy sensations instead.

- Your figure drawing skill is good enough, blur effect in sensitive area is a great point,
it made not too pointed on her nipples.

- She's covering "those" with her finger, very good idea.. she looks so sexy with it.

- Her eyes looked at our perspective, it release some sensual desires like she want to say "How is it?"XD

- Her body are quite proportional, more plus point.. (note: i'm not pervert)

- The chopstick hairpiece on her lips and fingers looks like a "kunai" (ninja weapon)

(-) Points=

- About chopstick hairpiece, like re-chan and gwee said..
it would be great if it drawn more darker so it can be focused than the figure.
The figure itself as feature to support the chopstick hairpiece viewpoint.

- No description XD

- Her eyes are kinda lil` gloomy, brighter on it's margin will do.

- Maybe you can add some background like onsen or sakura tree to support it value.

Yep that's all for kami-onii-chan.
Thanks for participate. Good work :3


(+) Points=

- Very enjoyable, nice music you had, it brings mood back :3

- It's a creative idea to made "marshmallow/Mashimaro XD" as a figure.
The only one 3D figure on this contest. Good job viet.

- Using Mashimaro as second main person viewpoint to describe.

- Interesting description, full color design, anyone who saw will fascinated on it.

- Using chopstick/OMEGA STRIKE POKING PICKER UPPER (Osppu) as a weapon and tools for eat XD
impressive idea.

- The way you describes it is very friendly with those awesome pictures.

(-) Points=

- Too many object to describe, but it still great.

- Messy viewpoint, it should be chopstick hairpiece :3

That's all, Vietx2k
thanks for participate, good work.


(+) Points=

- Great music, means someone/something precious that you had, also it really suited with your story.

- Nice design, both illustration and shading.

- I know what you mean of "glowiness", 3 shadows on different directions below the lantern..
You put a good effort on it. Your shading techniques are great.

- Shiina as figure with yukata, really epic.

- I can see you adds her katana and dagger over the pillow. plus point :3

- The chopstick description is very detail, focused on chopstick hairpiece.

- Your plot story line is good enough. Adding some essays on true story and changes it into different one.

(-) Points=

- Only one i can say, it would be great if you add more colors to your work :3

That's all for samyeung46
Thanks for participate, great work.


(+) Points=

- The music sounds comfortable :3

- The colors combination was good, orange as base, little green and dark/black background suited well.

- The description of chopstick hairpiece's design and decoration looks really detail.(zoom mode activated XD)

(-) Points=

- Same as re-chan n gwee, what're you focuses about? the chopstick or the decoration? XD

- Maybe you needs more line depiction techniques :3

That's all for SainTPrime
Thanks for participate, good work :)



1. x-Shiki-x

meh...since nobody is posting stuff, i will post a status of my omake~ :goodtea:


looks strange~ :/
samy...any tips?

2. renano

Notice the mistakes I tried to erase. xD


3. SainTPrimE

Less than 1/2 an hour.. It came out like this.. :

Just going to put something else here..
Should I put it up as an omake or the entry? I guess the omake is fine.. and make the one before an omake to...


4. samyeung46

Hmm well here the omake of my work during this contest~

Blurry... too lazy to take another picture and its a horrible pile of sketches anyway :x Hair and first attempts at anime stuff...

Second page of scribbles~ Practicing kimono and stuff~

The idea for the chopstick which was originally going to be the pair that was in the first contest~

Practicing eyes and other more specific details on shiina~

What shiina might have looked like during the festival thing xD

Thoughts on what the theme could be like~ Shrine theme at top and pond theme at the bottom~

Poses and the theme i decided on randomly cuz it popped into mind~ Its just quick sketch of stuff that i though might work with the theme~



I, renano, will not participate only if there are not enough participates. If there are at least 4, I will not join. If there are 3 or less by the time the deadline approaches, I shall join.

I won't be here often during the competition. If you have any questions or need advice/help/critique you can:

1. Wait for me to reply (Although, the chances are slim.)

2. Ask the other people participating or previous participants.

3. Solve it yourself or nag Sam, Deca, Shiki, Hideki, or other people you know.



Due to personal circumstances, Decalcomania has withdrawn from the competition.

Please do not ask further questions as to why, when, how etc.

Please respect his decision.

Thank you.

[MENTION=159]alexsdu[/MENTION] [MENTION=27006]Angelus knight[/MENTION] [MENTION=25286]Dante1712[/MENTION] [MENTION=27120]DavRoc777[/MENTION] [MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION] [MENTION=13241]Ein[/MENTION] [MENTION=27287]Ellie_kitty101[/MENTION] [MENTION=24034]Evac[/MENTION] [MENTION=19454]Fall[/MENTION] [MENTION=20225]Franela[/MENTION] [MENTION=25661]GenKiDan[/MENTION] [MENTION=12156]Hideki[/MENTION] [MENTION=25939]japespszx[/MENTION] [MENTION=16592]jikannouse[/MENTION] [MENTION=10115]kactaplb[/MENTION] [MENTION=26209]kami-onii-chan[/MENTION] [MENTION=8663]kasumi-chan[/MENTION] [MENTION=10809]Keima[/MENTION] [MENTION=26533]Kionea[/MENTION] [MENTION=14400]kona[/MENTION] [MENTION=13464]lpdcomic[/MENTION] [MENTION=25147]MokouX13[/MENTION] [MENTION=29]Neo-Exile[/MENTION] [MENTION=6030]nr345[/MENTION] [MENTION=26148]perrypig123[/MENTION] [MENTION=26445]Ralium[/MENTION] [MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] [MENTION=4451]sarnagon[/MENTION] [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION] [MENTION=27148]selgon1234[/MENTION] [MENTION=13840]ShadowStorm666[/MENTION] [MENTION=4859]Snowkitteh[/MENTION] [MENTION=27446]testers[/MENTION] [MENTION=26184]Tsuwa[/MENTION] [MENTION=25346]Uninstall[/MENTION] [MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION] [MENTION=10870]Vietx2k[/MENTION] [MENTION=25619]vittusk[/MENTION] [MENTION=23970]x-Shiki-x[/MENTION]
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Oh my gosh. I'm one of the people that should nag to. I'm so excited.

Anyways, good job on setting up the contest rules and guidelines, renano! :3
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Hmm now to expect to dies in this xD Ojou sama just set a bar for how the entrees could be~
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Hahaha... your imagination and humor always make me laugh and smile! :)

Do as you please~
Lol i should work on drawing expressions~ Im quite horrible at that (anime wise) so time to go give myself a crash course on it all~

I redid your picture... I felt pretty bad for drawing that previous picture.~

I hope you like this one~ :3

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