[English] [G-Collections] Lightning Warrior Raidy 2


I Am Admin, Hear Me Roar!
Oct 16, 2010

Official Title: Lightning Warrior Raidy 2
Released: 2007-06-15
Translated: 2010-06-29
Company: ZyX
Translation Company: G-Collections


"Ugh... desert travel is terrible on the skin, let me tell you!
Why did I ever choose to come this way...
If I don't find water soon it's going to be troublesome.

Wait, what's that in the distance - an oasis?! And a town next to it! Civilization at last..."
I am Raidy, wandering the continent of Else as a swordfighter. I can freely bend the power of thunder to my will, so people have taken to calling me the "Lightning Warrior". I'm traveling far and wide to improve my fighting skills and search for clues about my past, and my mysterious power over lightning.

After defeating the monsters in the Cubust tower in my last adventure, I left the village of Sadd behind and continued on my journey. My travels have taken me across the desert to the oasis town of Lake Blue. Looking forward to a break after the long and dusty journey, I settled in for the night at the local inn... only to have its peace shattered by the cries of the young, beautiful innkeeper!

I rescued her from her mysterious assailant, to learn that the town was living under constant fear of attack from a gang of marauding bandits led by a cruel woman called Jammy. It seems my vacation won't be so uneventful after all! I set out to find information on the gang's hideout, and a new adventure begins...

The epic sequel to 3D RPG Lightning Warrior Raidy, Raidy II brings our heroine's world to life as never before! Featuring a brand new map interface, the town of Lake Blue and its surroundings present a host of new locations to explore, with new items, equipment types, weapons (including the legendary Sexcalibur), and gameplay elements - including a gold economy, dual-wielding weapons, and a new charge-based Thunder Slash! Hordes of new "monster girl" enemies for Raidy to face in victory or defeat are present as well - with more than three dozen new monster types and two dozen named characters, not to mention fetishes from yuri to bondage to futanari and beyond, this is an action-packed RPG you won't want to miss!




Split at 500MB:
Split at 500MB:

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Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy 2

The fileshare upload is fully in japanese. There are no no-cd cracks in there, nor are there translation patches (then again there are no translation patches for this game period). The install actually requires you to switch to the GAME cd 63% in, and there are no instructions as to that unless you can read japanese. If there is a way to switch the game language from Japanese in your upload, then pardon me, and please tell me what it is - I can't find it, I really tried to. Your upload consists of

RAIDY2CD.mds+.mdf (appears to have nothing but pictures and a video)

after unzipping.

I haven't tried the hotfile upload. Seeing as nobody has posted replies in the hentai games thread, please delete my reply if I'm not supposed to post here.
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Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy 2

Seems I accidentally grabbed the wrong links, sorry about that.
Anyway, I uploaded a fully tested (well, played until I won the first battle) version that is in English - hope you'll enjoy it. ^^
I also took the chance to check all my other uploads and they were correct.

Again, sorry about the mistake and the time of yours wasted because of this. The comments in these threads are also for pointing out errors like you did, so nothing wrong with you posting here.
Hello. I'm sorry for asking this, but can you upload this game in mediafire? My internet seems to hate such like megaupload, fileserve, and something like that :(. If not can you help me find the english patch for the game? I really want to play the game >.<
There's four hosts, one of them should work even for you.
Mediafire on the other hand corrupts split archives like no tomorrow, so I'd have to spend several hours to transfer things over there, test them, retransfer all the broken files, test again, repeat the retransfer, and so on. It's just not something that is very practical.
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O_O wow I don't know if mediafire is that bad. Yeah I'll try all of it patiently =P. I saw both fileserve part 1 and part 2 total is 673.66 MB and hotfile is 673.7Mb. Is it ok? Cause I saw upload station and filesonic part 1-3 total is 1060.97 MB =P. Sorry for asking ridiculous things but I'm just curious =P.
Hotfile/Fileserve and Uploadstation/Wupload/Filesonic are differently packed (some people had problems with the password used for Hotfile and Fileserve, so I added the other three later).
So choose either set of hosts and you should be fine. ^^
Eh...? Well... the weird thing is, I don't need to put in the password when I'm downloading from fileserve. Ah about my question in above, what I mean is... Is it will be the same Raidy if I download it from fileserve or hotfile than from wupload, upload station, or filesonic since from fileserve and hotfile are smaller than those three?
Hello. I having problems extracting the files for the game after downloading. I’ve tried several of the hosts and it’s driving me crazy:

Lightning Warrior Raidy II.part1.rar - extracts fine
Lightning Warrior Raidy II.part2.rar – whenever I try to extract this I get a “CRS mismatch error”

Lightning_Warrior_Raidy_2_2GB_-_ANIME-SHARING.COM.rar – I get a CRS error when it is extracting the “RAIDY2CD.mdf”. By the way is this file meant to be 2GB? Since on Wupload it is only 1GB.

Lightning_Warrior_Raidy_2_500MB_-_ANIME-SHARING.COM.part1.rar – extracts fine

Lightning_Warrior_Raidy_2_500MB_-_ANIME-SHARING.COM.part2.rar – I get a CRS error at the start when trying to extract “RAI2_INST.bin

Lightning_Warrior_Raidy_2_500MB_-_ANIME-SHARING.COM.part3.rar – I get a CRS error when I try to unpack the file

I’m using winzip to unpack the files.

Could you double check that the files uploaded to those sites aren’t(haven’t become) corrupted? I have a limited download limit (and therefore would not like to try all the host sites only to find all the files corrupted:) ) and since this game looks really good.
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All files on all hosts tested and working perfectly fine here.
Please note that the 500MB files are interchangeable.
Also note that you should use WinRar to extract the files and not WinZip, which is a horribly bad piece of software.
For downloading I'd recommend IDM (if you have premium accounts) or JDownloader (if you're a free user) since it sounds like your connection is unstable.

And, oh, the reason it's 2GB in the filename is because I split archives at 500MB and at 2GB. Combine that with forgetting to change the renaming script and you have your answer.
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Hello, and thank you for the list and links!

I dl'd the file from Wupload and it extracted fine, but when I went to install, the 'second' install disk (RAI2GAME.iso) showed as infected with a virus (Win32/Heur in RAIDY2R.EXE). Of course, can't 'clean' it since the virus scanner (AVG) sees it as an optical drive..

any help?
False positive. If you want to be sure, upload the file to virustotal.com.
ugh... seems to just not be my day! Set the exclusions so I could stop getting the false positives and installed. Set the exclusions again for the install directory so it would run

... and it is in Japanese /headdesk

Went through the intro hoping it was just that the beginning that was, but it never changed and since I can't read anything...

Oh, wait - it is not *totally* Japanese, the menu titles ARE in English.

Does the game text switch to English or is it not the English version (or did I mess something else up - always a possibility)? Again, I got this from your Wupload link
ugh... seems to just not be my day! Set the exclusions so I could stop getting the false positives and installed. Set the exclusions again for the install directory so it would run

... and it is in Japanese /headdesk

Went through the intro hoping it was just that the beginning that was, but it never changed and since I can't read anything...

Oh, wait - it is not *totally* Japanese, the menu titles ARE in English.

Does the game text switch to English or is it not the English version (or did I mess something else up - always a possibility)? Again, I got this from your Wupload link
I'll check it out. Audio should be Japanese, all the text (dialog, etc.) should be in English.

I clicked the "Saves and Unlocker" spoiler tag back in the OP post, but there's nothing in it.
I never found the time to add them. Removed the spoiler since it doesn't look like I'll be able to get around to it any time soon.
Sory just wanna make sure..
but when i playing.. not all of converstation voiced..
is it just me? voice file around 80k kb..
especially in h-scene.. there were many scene without character voice..
__ [ i downloaded the filesonic one..]
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Sory just wanna make sure..
but when i playing.. not all of converstation voiced..
is it just me? voice file around 80k kb..
especially in h-scene.. there were many scene without character voice..
__ [ i downloaded the filesonic one..]
The game was never fully voiced, so that's the creator's fault.
can u reup the links?
i see that i has nw only 2 parts and both are not 500mb
I think you're confusing "split at" with "split into". Links work fine as they are.

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Agent_Smith wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
thanks for your uploads
do you by any chance happen to have this?
[こどものこえ] 三姉妹の平凡な日常を淡々と描いてみました (みなみけ)

this is the only game i was never able to find free, online
Deladela2000 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Is it possible to re-upload this game?