[Japanese] [091030][ぱれっと] ましろ色シンフォニー -Love is pure white-


Oct 16, 2010
ましろ色シンフォニー -Love is pure white-


Official Title: ましろ色シンフォニー -Love is pure white-
Romaji: Mashiro iro Symphony -Love is pure white-
Released Date: 10-30-2009
Company: ぱれっと



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When i install this game and apply the NTLEA always get an error that says "musica player is error"
I already install the game correctly (*with serial number ofc) but its always happen
Can u guys help me ??

(*btw i'm now using windows 7 32bit ver ant NTLEA 086 beta)

Thank you
Er...Sorry for asking for this, but do you mind putting what you need for it to actually run/maybe a step-by-step tutorial? Once again, sorry but I can't seem to find out how to run it. x-x
Bleh. I'm an idiot. Barely finished installing this correctly.
But besides that...Yea...I'm having the same problem as Cytokine. NTLEA seems to be giving an error that says:
"musica for ClearRave has stopped working"

Any ideas on how to fix/run this?
When i install this game and apply the NTLEA always get an error that says "musica player is error"
I already install the game correctly (*with serial number ofc) but its always happen
Can u guys help me ??

(*btw i'm now using windows 7 32bit ver ant NTLEA 086 beta)

Thank you

Er...Sorry for asking for this, but do you mind putting what you need for it to actually run/maybe a step-by-step tutorial? Once again, sorry but I can't seem to find out how to run it. x-x

Bleh. I'm an idiot. Barely finished installing this correctly.
But besides that...Yea...I'm having the same problem as Cytokine. NTLEA seems to be giving an error that says:
"musica for ClearRave has stopped working"

Any ideas on how to fix/run this?

I do not know if you have already been solved this problem, but anyway, i can tell how i get runing the game(First, i need highlight 2 things: 1.-I use a Windows 8 PRO 64-Bits and 2.-Using this files in order i dont need use the NTLEA to run the game, I hope it serves also to you.)

Here the pack of files that you need for the Installation: https://hotfile.com/dl/187649143/c5bb2cf/Keygenandinstallpatch.rar.html

Follow this order:

1.-The rar [Keygenandinstallpatch] is for the serial and the installation. Also have a "Save patch", this can be detected as a virus but it's method to fix the problems for save the game, so don't worry.

2.-The rar {[True Crack]mashiroiro} is fo replace the mashiroiro.exe for mashiroiro.exe that it's in the rar{The crack for 32/64 bit windows:https://hotfile.com/dl/187649209/1bfa770/True_Crackmashiroiro.rar.html}(This cracks is for the problems of the closing window at the 5 minutes of playing)

3.-The rar [savepatch] is for fix the problem of the game give you a error at the start(Put the file on the mashiro iro installed game folder and run it)

4.-Try it and see if it works(If you use NTLEA, try using it without it. Anyway, when you use the savepatch, the game run automatically)

Well this is all, for any questions, please send me a message or quote this reply.
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I do not know if you have already been solved this problem, but anyway, i can tell how i get runing the game(First, i need highlight 2 things: 1.-I use a Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit and 2.-Using this files in order i dont need use the NTLEA to run the game, I hope it serves also to you.)

Here the pack of files that you need: http://www.mediafire.com/?89e5udj9qd5dr1d

Follow this order:
1.-The rar [Keygenandinstallpatch] is for the serial and the instalation.

2.-The rar [mashirocrack] is fo replace the mashiroiro.exe for mashirocrack.exe(I recommend when once you replace the .exe rename the file to mashiroiro.exe){Attention 64-bit users, this crack for 64 bit windows:http://www.mediafire.com/?z9pyedepaazplaa}

3.-The rar [savepatch] is for fix the problem of the game give you a error at the start or when you playing 5 min. or more.(Put the file on the mashiro iro installed game folder and run it)

4.-Try it and see if it works(If you use NTLEA, try using it without it. Anyway, when you use the savepatch, the game run automatically)

Well this is all, for any questions, please send me a message or quote this reply. Sorry, for any ortography error.

Well, that helped. Thanks. But uh...The savepatch was what was needed to run the actual game for me. Later on, it still automatically closes around 5 minutes later. Any ideas on what to do? Appreciate it.
I'd recommend you to use Japanese locale instead of NTLEA, the game are more stable that way.

As for the game automatically closes around every 5 minutes is due to savepatch problem. You can run the game with original mashiroiro.exe just fine, the trick is to set your pc timezone to (UTC +9.00) Tokyo.

Hope that help.
Well, that helped. Thanks. But uh...The savepatch was what was needed to run the actual game for me. Later on, it still automatically closes around 5 minutes later. Any ideas on what to do? Appreciate it.

Well i have 2 solutions, for your problem, 1: You can use the crack for the 64-bit windows and test if work with the VN, 2: You can put your PC in Japanese Local, Timezone (UTC+9.00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokio; and use the last version of the NTLEA. But please tell me what OS you use? and is x86 or x64?

If help this is my PC and status of the VN: Windows Ultimate x64 with Japanese Local(Only this without the timezone). I use the bypass for the instalation, i use the savepatch and use the crack: mashirofix-b for the x64 bit users... I hear about problems of the x86 windows users and the location and the timezone, well also the NTLEA are the solution....

If you need the lastest version of the NTLEA here is: http://www.mediafire.com/?tsjb37lb2zucdk6
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Yea...Once it closed around 5 minutes later, I tried replacing the .exe with the crack for x64 that you uploaded. Turns out it seems to have fixed it. At least temporarily anyway. Thanks for helping guys. Appreciate it.
Yea...Once it closed around 5 minutes later, I tried replacing the .exe with the crack for x64 that you uploaded. Turns out it seems to have fixed it. At least temporarily anyway. Thanks for helping guys. Appreciate it.

Well, i recommend you, if you use the x64 crack also keep the original mashiroiro.exe to work together(The crack and the .exe original this is for the the savepatch work good)

Well, its a pleasure help you... X3
Is there any file permission problem for the keygen&install patch? I was trying to install it onto a Windows Vista computer and it just keep popping up the line that says "Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item"
Is there any file permission problem for the keygen&install patch? I was trying to install it onto a Windows Vista computer and it just keep popping up the line that says "Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item"

You tried using the file with the option "Run as administrator"?

I have windows 7 x64, and i no have any problem with the file...
I've tried that option as well, it's just that the same message keeps on appearing. I've tried to modify the permission only that I found out all the options can't be modified.
I've tried that option as well, it's just that the same message keeps on appearing. I've tried to modify the permission only that I found out all the options can't be modified.

Uhmm... that it strange... Are you sure you have administrator permissions? or maybe an antivirus blocking the file?
That's the one and only account in that computer which is have admin permission. Antivirus literally does not exist as I do not trust those companies who make them. I could install it on my old computer running XP with no problem at all but not my newer one running vista
Hi there~

have you tried to set the compatibility to XP? I know there's an option for that in Win7, forgot in vista tho...

that said, I actually have problems with installing this game.
It said that the disk set in the drive is not the master disk and can't install it. Any suggestion on how to fix this? (I've download the game three times each with different uploaders and still the same T_T)

thx and sorry for my bad english.
Just wondering if anyone has a solution to my problem. Its regarding the VN closing every 5 minutes or so, I tried the solution to change the timezone, but it didn't seem to work. I'm using a 32 bit Windows Vista home premium, and I've kept both the original as well as the crack and the save patch inside the folder of mashiro iro in the program files, I tried running all 3 but they all seem to also close every 5 minutes.
Is it possible to have the files uploaded again, preferably at ul.to? All I need is part 8 to complete.
Sorry for the late reply, I've tried out all the compatibility mode that is available yet non of them succeeded.

& @battleYousei
thanks for the help, I've recently upgraded my OS to Windows 7 Ultimate and made it completely Japanese and that solved the region problem. The permission problem was apparently gone in my new OS as well. Thanks for all the help.
well i hav a question? the game mashiro iro syphony s in japanese or with a patch to see at english?
i hav a question? the game is n japanese or english? because i dnt understood japanese well :c ... or the post hav the patch to
see n english? pls heeelp mee

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