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Elite Member
May 21, 2011
Konbanwa~ (+7 GMT, midnight here)
Arcued to mou shimasu,
yoroshiku onegai shimasu~

Hi, and welcome to Anime-Sharing Forum

What a short introduction, do you mind if you tell us more about your fetish hobby or more information about yourself ^^
personal info? それ は 秘密 です。 :D


my fetish is about hinyuu, i don't like bakunyuu or pettan, and tentacle is really turn me down,
tsundere turn me on, but loli made me puke,
guro & yandere is my favorite,,


i like choosing mystery & horror genre for anime, like higurashi or umineko (anime),
but lately there is a lack of new horror tittle, so i go on comedy like nichijou, azazel, & a-channel,,
(OMG, this season new anime has more than 10 tittle of comedy anime!!)

this season steins gate, anohana, & nichijou is my best three must be watched anime,,


as for ongoing manga, i usually read the one running in jump like beelzebub, fairy tail, & negima,,
but i prefer the tittle that has been completed, as i could read it in one long run,
waiting each week for new chapter is a pain for me,,


as for game, i only like playing RPG & Strategy game,
puzzle, simulation & visual novel are my second choice,
as visual novel, i don't mean eroge, i usually pick the more "normal galge" that has great story like Steins Gate (PC) or 999 (DS),,


as music i have build up my collection since school days up till now it amount 250 GB+,
and all of them is only Japanese related music, like anime op/ed/album, j-pop, dorama cd, etc,
i admit that i am a japanese freak (as there is not even a single english / china / korean music in my collection),,


well that is all about my fetish & hobby, よろしくお願いします。

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Now that's some great intro.

Since you tell your story, I'll tell you mine:

my hobby is anything that cute, included, but not limited to imouto, loli, osananajimi, nekomimi, miko, and so on. But absolutely no guro or raep. (with loli + imouto top the list)

I likes rabu (love) school romance anime. In fact: I don't watch any anime that doesn't have such factor. Period. That means I'm loving Hoshizora he Kakaru Hashi~ and The World God Only Knows II to death. Slice of life anime is also on the list, though, not that much compare to School romance one (Iroha)

I don't read manga, not with my limited schedule. I play action and strategy game (RTS and definitely no TBS). I always choose school romance eroge, and it must be eroge. I refuse to play title that does not have such factor. And I play eroge for the love story, school romance is always pure and innocent ( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \ . I own all consoles and have a relatively strong PC. I have vast amount of storage (16TB, upgrading to 40TB atm) to collect all the cute eroge.

Most of my music collection is in EAC format (FLAC), I used to have a variety of music in the past but I deleted them all when I know about eroge and its great music, thus, only Japanese music remains in my database.

That's it :p see you around
my hobby is anything that cute, included, but not limited to imouto, loli, osananajimi, nekomimi, miko, and so on. But absolutely no guro or raep. (with loli + imouto top the list)
I have logs with you talking about how tentacle rape is cute, as long as a loli/imouto is involved. Something about Shiori + tentacle = win, if I recall correctly. :P

Anyway, welcome to AS, Arcued - sounds like you've been around and I hope you'll settle in here. ^^
@ Checkmate

whoa, that is a surprise, it seems our liking is a bit diverged (especially about you + loli + nekomimi and me + guro),
raep is no no, but when watching H anime or eroge, didn't almost all of it have raep scene? :D

and it is funny that we have the same amount of HDD which is 16 GB atm,
the differences is i'm anime hunter, and you are eroge hunter,
mine is 7 x 2TB + 2 x 1 TB, what about yours?


@ corocoro

frankly say i has been lurking here for sometimes, when searching for new H anime & some artbook,, :07baa27a:

H anime or eroge, didn't almost all of it have raep scene

Almost all? Woa? What? Non of them mate, where did you find that LoL

Well except the licensed / official translated one, which, I don't even bother to touch

and it is funny that we have the same amount of HDD which is 16 GB atm

mine is in 16TB, and I collect everything cute, anime and eroge included. My collection already filled 14TB >.>

mine is in 16TB, and I collect everything cute, anime and eroge included. My collection already filled 14TB >.>
i means your (hdd) hardware, or is the one you are using now is 1 HDD 16TB sized?

my remaining free space is about 1-1,5 TB, and it seems rapidly filled by this end of month,
time to pick new storage,,


btw i like this more than that,, :D

i means your (hdd) hardware, or is the one you are using now is 1 HDD 16TB sized?

Not really, I have a RAID-5 array consist of 4 x 1TB, that gives me 3TB inside my computer for gaming and etc..

256GB of RAID-0 SSD - System Disk - Very Intensive I/O Software/OS/Games
600GB of RAID-0 10000RPM HDD - Utility Disk - Active Software/Games that is being frequently accessed
3TB of RAID-5 7400RPM DualProc HDD - Cached Disk - Less active Software/Games/Temp Downloads folders - For everything else, especially downloaded stuff - to be sorted out and transfer to the Storage Server.

Storage Server:
Protected 16TB of Space.
I put anime/eroge disc images/movies etc... files on it.

Spare me out of the guro then >.>
frankly say i has been lurking here for sometimes, when searching for new H anime & some artbook,, :07baa27a:

Heh, good to know you're a fan. :P
Almost all? Woa? What? Non of them mate, where did you find that LoL
While making screencaps and thus jumping through various hentais I already noticed that most contained rape. Arcued is right about that. :(
through various hentai

Not mine :p

Not sure about H-OVA but most (over 98%) of my eroge doesn't have any guro nor raep :p
tentacle is really turn me down,

too bad~ ... you didn't see the beauty of it .. . ~

anyway nice to meet you ~

welcome here .... i do hope you enjoy your stay

if you have spare time ~ drop by in the spam section ..

see yah ~ ..
nice to meet you too schizofreak, or should i call shokushazeme? :D

been looking at spam sect for a bit, it is a bit quiet there,,

the pleasure is mine ~ . . .

schizo would be fine ~..

shokushazeme~ what is that?

yeah its really quiet out there~ but the LPW [insert number here] is much active in that section..
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