- Oct 16, 2010
- 120,462
- 46,418

Released: 2003-08-28
Translated: 2005-01-25
Company: ZyX
Translation Company: G-Collections
Fans of Japan's dating-sims, get ready to meet The Sagara Family.
You are Yusuke, a Japanese youth about to enter college in Tokyo. When your father suggested that you live with the family of a friend of his while you attend school, you didn't really have an opinion one way or the other. Until, that is, you found out that the Sagara Family is comprised of nothing but women: four beautiful daughters and their sexy widowed mother!
Of course you don't mind the prospect of living in a house full of beautiful women -- you are a man, after all. The trouble is, they're not used to having men around, so they don't know how to act around one. This will no doubt cause any number of interesting situations to pop up as you get used to living with these beautiful women.
Fans of Japan's dating-sims, get ready to meet The Sagara Family.
You are Yusuke, a Japanese youth about to enter college in Tokyo. When your father suggested that you live with the family of a friend of his while you attend school, you didn't really have an opinion one way or the other. Until, that is, you found out that the Sagara Family is comprised of nothing but women: four beautiful daughters and their sexy widowed mother!
Of course you don't mind the prospect of living in a house full of beautiful women -- you are a man, after all. The trouble is, they're not used to having men around, so they don't know how to act around one. This will no doubt cause any number of interesting situations to pop up as you get used to living with these beautiful women.
Maria. The mother of the four beautiful Sagara daughters, Maria raised the girls alone after her husband died. She thinks of you as a son, and is happy to have you in her home. She's a nurse. Age 38.
Arisa. The oldest of the four Sagara daughters, Arisa is a nurse in a kindergarten. Because she went to an all-girls school, she's had almost no contact with the opposite sex, unless you count the sexual harrassment she endures at work. Age 22.
Sanae. The second daughter of the Sagara family, Sanae (SAH-NAH-ae) works as a waitress to earn money to help her family out An extremely strong-willed girl, she fights with Yusuke often, but deep down she's really kind. She loves books, and is studying to become a librarian someday. Age 20.
Emiru. The third daughter in the Sagara family, Emiru seems to be an average girl, with nothing special about her personality. In reality, although she's shy, her deepest secret is that she really likes to dress up in outrageous costumes, including cat-girl. Age 19.
Ruruka. The youngest Sagara daugher, Ruruka is a bright and observant girl who overflows with energy. A very emotional girl known for sulking outbursts, her charm and honesty appeal to Yusuke. Age 18.
- Mount disc one and hit install.
- We don't need Virtual-Mate, so just deselect it.
- Doesn't really matter what you select here. I'm going with the standard path and a desktop icon because that's how I roll on VMs.
- Mount disc two when prompted.
- Wait until installation is finished.
- Move "SAGARAML.EXE" from the archive to the installation folder, overwriting the file currently present.
- Launch program by double-clicking "SAGARAML.EXE"
- Enjoy your nukige.
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