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Little ⁺ I ⁺ Erase
Elite Member
Apr 1, 2012
Hello, to the friendly, wonderful people on this site.

I should have done this introduction days ago when I registered. I apologize for that.

A few facts about me are I enjoy simple foods like rice and fried eggs. My favorite anime is Neon Genesis Evangelion because I love mechs and traumatic, psychotic teens :P... plus the music. Lastly, I'm an university student, studying for her BFA in Illustration.

Thank you very much. I hope to get along with everyone. :)
Welcome to AS Renano xD
Hmm evangelion... Shinji's wimpiness ruined it all for meh :/
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Welcome to AS Renano xD
Hmm evangelion... Shinji's wimpiness ruined it all for meh :/

Yes, I know what you mean. Perhaps, it's because I'm female that I was put off by his behavior during personal or sexual moments, but his growth through the series made me appreciate him a bit more. I watched it mainly for Asuka though and how I can relate to some of the family and social issues. (But luckily I don't have any extreme emotional scars like those characters.)
There was sexual moments in Evangelion? o.o Personal sure but didnt see any inappropriate moments in the anime xD Unless the manga is that much different :/ As far as i could tell... he didnt really change all that much during the series... (or maybe his moments of extreme wimpiness at the end left too strong of an impression on me) Not quite sure who i watch it for lol xD
There was sexual moments in Evangelion? o.o Personal sure but didnt see any inappropriate moments in the anime xD Unless the manga is that much different :/ As far as i could tell... he didnt really change all that much during the series... (or maybe his moments of extreme wimpiness at the end left too strong of an impression on me) Not quite sure who i watch it for lol xD

In the movie, End of Evangelion, when Asuka is in a coma, Shinji is heard, not explicitly seen, masturbating to Asuka's naked body. However, you do see the after result like some white stuff on his hands.

The manga isn't too different from the series. Just a few relationship changes and some back story on characters that weren't shown in the anime.

As for Shinji, he did bother me with his "I'm not running away" attitude then he runs away anyway. Along the way though, he went from an emo kid who stays silent to someone who accepts that he actually wants friends or some source of warmth and some acknowledgment especially from his father. At least, that's how I perceived him.
Hmm i didnt notice that xD
Whichever movie it was where he sat around whining while Asuka was trying to fight off the white evas and failed sorta left quite an impression on me :/ He just had to decide to stop whining and try to help Asuka when it was too late to actually save her... (in the summary it says that there was some bakelite stuff preventing him from but also something that i didnt notice...)
I find the new movies to be really nice though :3
For me i didnt really pay much attention to his attitude at the start but he was trying to get closer to the others/rely on them near the end... I dont think the father actually cared all that much though...
Welcome to ASF, renano.
Have fun in the forum.

...I love mechs and traumatic, psychotic teens :P... plus the music.
Tsk, try sitting through the 1st 15-20 episodes of Macross 7. It got mechas, obnoxious teen and lots of music.
They got so much songs, that they try singing in the middle of the battlefield, causing trouble not only to the bad guys, but the good guys as well.
I was like, "Somebody just please shoot that damn Basara down already, dagnabit!"
But in the end, I became one of his fan.
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Hmm i didnt notice that xD
Whichever movie it was where he sat around whining while Asuka was trying to fight off the white evas and failed sorta left quite an impression on me :/ He just had to decide to stop whining and try to help Asuka when it was too late to actually save her... (in the summary it says that there was some bakelite stuff preventing him from but also something that i didnt notice...)
I find the new movies to be really nice though :3
For me i didnt really pay much attention to his attitude at the start but he was trying to get closer to the others/rely on them near the end... I dont think the father actually cared all that much though...

I believe those are also from the same movie... not too sure -_-
The father was indifferent at times, making it hard to tell what his true feelings were. I still remember however a scene where Shinji and Gendou were at the grave of Shinji's mother. To me, it was a touching moment.

Welcome to ASF, renano.
Have fun in the forum.

Tsk, try sitting through the 1st 15-20 episodes of Macross 7. It got mechas, obnoxious teen and lots of music.
They got so much songs, that they try singing in the middle of the battlefield, causing trouble not only to the bad guys, but the good guys as well.
I was like, "Somebody just please shoot that damn Basara down already, dagnabit!"
But in the end, I became one of his fan.

Thanks for the warm welcome.

I like Macross too. I watched Do You Remember Love? first which left quite an impression on me. As soon as I began my Macross marathon and watched Macross 7, it was very different from the previous series... mostly music and setting wise. I still enjoyed it. The fight scenes were pretty awesome.
Welcome, renano! I'm certain we'll get along just fine.
Just relax and enjoy your stay here. :)

I also like 'mechs, but it's a recent taste, so I still have a lot to do to catch up with you guys! xD
I watched a few episodes of Evangelion a long time ago, but ended up dropping it exactly because of Shinji. Anyway, I looked for the hospital scene you mentioned from the End of Evangelion... I was like "Whoa! o.O" lol
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I think evangelion would be much nicer if shinji changed more... The moment when they were both at the mother's grave wasnt too emotional for me... The father showed that he cared about the mother to some extent by the fact that he was there but otherwise he didnt really do much with shiji :/
Welcome to Anime Sharing . Have fun & good luck :)

Thank you very much for the welcome.

I will certainly have fun. Good luck? I need luck here to survive don't I? XD

Welcome, renano! I'm certain we'll get along just fine.
Just relax and enjoy your stay here. :)

I also like 'mechs, but it's a recent taste, so I still have a lot to do to catch up with you guys! xD
I watched a few episodes of Evangelion a long time ago, but ended up dropping it exactly because of Shinji. Anyway, I looked for the hospital scene you mentioned from the End of Evangelion... I was like "Whoa! o.O" lol

Thanks for the welcome.

Yeah! Another mech fan. XD

There's an edited version of that hospital scene, but it's not as sick as the original.

I think evangelion would be much nicer if shinji changed more... The moment when they were both at the mother's grave wasnt too emotional for me... The father showed that he cared about the mother to some extent by the fact that he was there but otherwise he didnt really do much with shiji :/

I understand. When I first watched it, I also wished he'd have more backbone or at least say how he felt at times instead of going with the flow. After watching it again, I guess his character grew on me.

Shinji and Gendou will always have that gap between them. I just thought that scene was one of the few times you would ever see them together in one spot without any mechs or evas.

well com to AS,have fun here with us.

Thank you for the friendly welcome. :)

I hope to get along with everyone and have a great time.
Hmm watch again mehs xD People usually notice more stuff the second or third time through so you should have a better idea of evangelion than me~ I just really dislike those characters who have power but dont use it or dont have power but try to force ideals which only sound good in theory (like protecting everyone when they cant even protect themselves and more people get hurt in the process) on others :x
Hmm watch again mehs xD People usually notice more stuff the second or third time through so you should have a better idea of evangelion than me~ I just really dislike those characters who have power but dont use it or dont have power but try to force ideals which only sound good in theory (like protecting everyone when they cant even protect themselves and more people get hurt in the process) on others :x

I watch or read almost anything twice or more. It's my analytical nature. XD

Characters that have power and don't use them. (For a moment, you sounded like Yura from Nurarihyon no Mago. I just read the latest chapter, and déjà vu struck when I read your response.) Yes, I completely agree about that. The concept also applies to real life. If you can save a life or gain something of value and you have the ability, it's hard to find a reason not to do what's necessary. Sometimes, those characters in the anime say plenty of useless things that doesn't back up 'why they don't fight.' I find myself pretty peeved.

Forcing ideals is quite troublesome as well. Some are hypocrites when they don't practice what they preach and when they do put it into action, it becomes a disaster. If this was real life, I'd be upset, but in the anime world (since I'm kind of a sadist :3 ), I would find it entertaining just to see how they would fix up the mess. (That reminds me of Luke from Tales of the Abyss in which he tried to convince everyone he was good and kind, but he kept backfiring.)
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Hmm my thinking is that i couldve finished another anime with the time it takes to watch an anime twice (or read another book) xD I usually like analyzing the anime too and i know that i miss stuff (reading the sub is somewhat distracting >.<) so i probably should watch a second time :/
Never read Nurarihyon no Mago but i guess ill put it on my to read list and hope i can dig it up from the other hundreds that i want to read xD
There are various exceptions (like comedy) in which i accept even if the character is acting like a complete idiot (by my standards) xD Otherwise if its a serious situation then they better have a really good reason...
Hmm im somewhat of a sadist myself~ Not as much as someone i know but im somewhere on that scale xD Finds it fun to see what screw ups happen and what else happens when they panic trying to fix the first mistake and so on :evillaugh: but there are moments when its not so fun to watch and they arent doing anything decently in which this happens :raging:
The subs distract me too. I sometimes like to watch it RAW if the storyline is simple enough, but anime with too much detail or references like Sayounara Zetsubou Sensei requires subs.

Nurarihyon no Mago is a good shounen manga. Adventure, supernatural, little romance, action... but the art is what draws me in.

Idiots in comedy are typically forgiven. I find that in some anime despite the serious situation, the characters don't give a solid reason to do things. They give the clichés of revenge or it's better for the world, but I consider that too selfish or not enough justification.

However, there are anime that mix comedy and seriousness in one, so it's a nice balance. Gintama has been my preferred source of that. As soon as you think Gin or anyone else doesn't care about whatever happens to somebody, they really surprise you in the end.

Hello, fellow sadist! XD

When the characters screw up, it's always a joy to see the aftermath. There are times when they did something wrong, not only do they not bother to fix it, they would push the task onto someone else.

I guess there are protagonists that you love to hate and hate to love. :P
I want to take some japanese course so i could watch without subs but thats not going to happen anytime soon :x
Hmm i read pandora hearts for the art xD Its quite the gloomy manga lol~
If they pull out cliche stuff then i want them to explain why they want revenge and have it be a decent reason which i would agree with to some degree. The better for the world stuff usually doesnt justify anything cuz thats only their opinion and others could view it otherwise in a less optimistic light and point out the negatives.
Heard quite a bit about Gintama but never got around to watching it xD (quite very long :x)
I think everyone has a bit of a sadist inside them~
I dont really mind if they push tasks on others since that is a way to try and fix stuff (esp if they have no idea how and the others do) Though i would appreciate if they bothered to try and learn how :/
I would just prefer protagonists that dont annoy meh :x
I was the same. I wanted to take a Japanese course, but decided against it. There are other things that are more important, but yeah... if there's any time and brain cells left, I'm willing to take a course. Hope you can too if you find the time.

I can only read hiragana and katakana. Kanji is just mind-boggling, but not as worse as Chinese. XD

Pandora Hearts is also a nice read. Her art is simply beautiful. That manga really keeps me guessing. Everyone calls it a troll, but a good one.

Angel's Doubt by Aki has some pretty art. She has some other works if you're willing to try.

I think it's because I watch too much wuxia (Ancient Chinese dramas). That's why the revenge thing doesn't click with me sometimes.

I'll just watch Code Geass again if I want anything better for the world. (For the mechs of course.)

Gintama is long. It's just one of those series that you think starts off mundane or weird, but after awhile, you can't get enough. Like peanut-butter! JK

I'd rather be a sadist than a masochist. That anime MM!! explains it all.

Learning from your mistakes is always a plus. Then, there are those characters that even after apologizing, they still do the same mistake. So annoying.
Please take the time to check out the rules and then enjoy your stay! I'm sure you'll make plenty friends!
Have a nice da:ninja:y!
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I doubt you will run out of brain cells to store the stuff considering how its basically unlimited storage (decays but oh well cant do anything about that xD) Time on the other hand... yeahhhhh tough :/
Im almost done self teaching myself hirigana but havent really poked at katakana and kanji seems tough >.<
I heard Pandora Hearts ended which im hoping isnt true :x The anime was disappointing with that rushed ending but the soundtrack was nice...
I poke at pretty much everything (except horror unless someone suggests and i try to avoid plain hentai as much as i can :/)
Hmm i dont watch too much chinese dramas (maybe sometimes at the dinner table being asian and all xD)
Code Geass was quite very awesome (dropped a little piles of clues about what might happen in the end so it was fun to take random guesses after every episode~)
Hmm whenever i read any manga i usually cant wait for the next chapter to be out xD
Hmm yeah i think being a sadist is better xD
Characters that work hard after a failure are usually decent :3 Those that sit around complaining on the other hand... not so much...
Thank you for the welcome. I hope to get along everyone and you too.

I'm just going to spam for awhile. XD
I used to delay my watch by a couple of minutes just to feel like 'It's not time yet. I still have a few minutes." But I learned my lesson after I was almost late for an appointment. ORZ

Only if you're really dedicated, then you can tackle that Kanji. I only bothered memorizing some words I'd see often in VNs. Other than that, I don't bother. Oh those headaches~

Pandora Hearts is still ongoing. There's only a rumor that it'll last around 20 volumes the most. The anime really butchered it. A decent watch, but left something to be desired. I like the soundtrack. I remember replaying the OP until I memorized the lyrics. XD

I can watch about anything even hentai whether it's slash or not. I'm pretty open-minded although I tend to laugh during the wrong scenes like when a character gets decapitated, but only because I think he deserved it.

I'm Asian too. I only watch those ancient dramas for the fighting. I like to watch good-looking men and strong women fight, but the newer dramas don't cut it for me. I watch Taiwanese, Japanese, and Korean dramas too. Some are superb while others just make you wonder 'Why you even watched it in the first place?'.

Code Geass reintroduced me to Pizza Hut and made me a fan of C.C., while learning it's okay to root for the bad guys.

Whenever I wait for the next chapter of a manga to come out, I find another manga to read... then I sometimes forget about the last manga. -_-

You'd think by now there would be an anime about sadists. Is there one? Maybe I didn't see it yet.

There are characters that try to solve something and don't see the answer that's right in front of them. Then there are characters that try to solve something, but do see the answer in front of them. However they opt for a different answer that makes everyone happy. 'Not everyone can be happy' is what I want to say to him. >.<
Hmm my clock is a minute ahead so i can tell myself to hurry up xD
I dont think i will try kanji... too hard xD
Pandora Hearts was decent until they lit fire to the city and shoved a giant dragon in the middle of it all :/
Hmm decapitation... makes me thinks Elfen Lied xD Lots of decapitation happening there lol (manga is better here again and i really wanted to hear the actual Elfen Lied poem being sung...)
Yeah...some dramas are quite lacking :x
I started watching anime last summer so i think i missed most of the Code Geass craze xD I wouldnt exactly call Lelouch a bad guy but he wasnt exactly a good guy either lol xD
I have about 12 manga that i read in a loop (read one till the latest chapter then move along to the next and continue) lately ive been watching anime a lot though :/
Hmm theres tons of sadistic enemies arent there? xD Not the protagonist i suppose :/
Happiness... The Iris Zero manga is kind of about a guy that manages to find solutions where everyone is happy~ In real life it doesnt really work out that well cuz everyone has different opinions :/ Characters tend to have sudden bursts of intelligence where they find the right answers and everything...
I don't like alarm clocks. I fell out of my bed a few times. At least it got me up.

Kanji is... no.

I remember that in Pandora Hearts. My reaction was a little different. 'Oooohhh fire!', 'Oooohhh dragon!'. Too mesmerized to realize the fail.

Elfen Lied... now that brings back memories. The music was good. Still, I agree. Manga wins.

Too many manga and novel adaptations in dramas. Most make me almost regret watching them.

Code Geass craze: pizza, C.C., Kallen, Rolo yaoiness, chained Nunnally, Nice Carts, what else... oh, rainbows! When Zero comes opening, waving, and outstretching his hands, people took screenshots of that and placed a rainbow in between his hands, describing the fruitiness of it all. Fabulous~

I'm getting into VNs and LNs more with manga and anime on the side. :3

Allen from D.Gray-man is slightly sadistic on certain occasions.

I'll try out Iris Zero. Thanks!

Sudden bursts of intelligence are quite rare for me... maybe I don't see it as intelligence. XD
There are characters that are naturally smart but just doesn't put it to good use. I don't mean they turned evil. They just don't use it.
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