[Illusion] Sexy Beach Premium Resort (Sexyビーチ プレミアムリゾート) Mod Release Thread


Trusted Member
Nov 12, 2013
Release and share your mods for Sexy Beach Premium Resort in this thread.
No discussions, questions, bids, etc. please.
Broken links you may report directly to the original author.

For modding discussions open a new thread ('cause there is none for SBPR at the moment) here->
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Conditions: Place the included folders into your main folder.
For the high heels to work properly, you'll first need the GGmod installed.
GGmod for SBPR atm only available @HF, so you may have problems access it.

Fool Fashion Mod#01
A little bit of everything; skirts, hotpants, leggings, heels, net stockings, gloves, socks, neckstuff, tops, colorable
Fool Fashion Mod#02
Sexy, shiny high heels and sexy swimsuits in new cuts and textures, also long nails, colorable version of everything
In case of broken links, contact me.
Dead Or Alive Extreme-2: Pool Map

Dead OR Alive Pool Item Map For Sexy Beach Premium Resort Studio
**Special thanks to Enimaroah for early help dealing with vertices splits. :D**


Place file in

You need to add the CODES in the studio list for item to appear in the studio
ItemList_ES Code:

Found in Studio under section "Other"

How to add the code in ItemList_ES?
Click on link to view how to add code in the list.

Re-Distribution Autherization
This will remain in Anime-Sharing Mod Release thread until I decide to distribute in Hong-Fire Mod Release thread. So no middle-man needed to share links.
Only Members Allowed For Re-distribution
**Aastaroth is allowed to port this map to HoneySelect Studio. (Because I am done with HS mods :angvoodoo:)
**GIL★ギル is allowed to port this map to PlayClub Studio. (If I don't allow him I will be taken down by The Cabal :shockmenft:)

Download Link:
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Ninja Gaiden 3: Spa Room Item Map For Sexy Beach Premium Resort Studio
Place file in

You need to add the CODES in the studio list for item to appear in the studio
ItemList_ES Code:
<6><NG3-Spa Room><studio/Item/NG3_Spa.unity3d><p_ng3_spa>

Found in Studio under section "Other"

How to add the code in ItemList_ES?
Click on link to view how to add code in the list.

Re-Distribution Autherization
This will remain in Anime-Sharing Mod Release thread until I decide to distribute in Hong-Fire Mod Release thread. So no middle-man needed to share links.

NO DISCUSSION IN RELEASE THREAD. If there is no discussion thread then create one. No lame excuse if some one scold at you for your own stupid mistake.

Download Link:
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The Witcher 3 Bath-house Item Map For Sexy Beach Premium Resort Studio

It does not contain the "Fog" and "Water". These are separate items. I will release them at later stages.

Place file in

You need to add the CODES in the studio list for item to appear in the studio
ItemList_ES Code:
<6><TW3-Bath House><studio/Item/TW3_Bathhouse.unity3d><p_tw3_bathhouse>

Found in Studio under section "Other"

How to add the code in ItemList_ES?
Click on link to view how to add code in the list.

Re-Distribution Autherization
This will remain in Anime-Sharing Mod Release thread until I decide to distribute in Hong-Fire Mod Release thread. So no middle-man needed to share links.

NO DISCUSSION IN RELEASE THREAD. If there is no discussion thread then create one. No lame excuse if some one scold at you for your own stupid mistake.

Download Link:
Roman Pool Item Map For Sexy Beach Premium Resort Studio

Place file in

You need to add the CODES in the studio list for item to appear in the studio
ItemList_ES Code:

Found in Studio under section "Other"

How to add the code in ItemList_ES?
Click on link to view how to add code in the list.

Re-Distribution Autherization
This will remain in Anime-Sharing Mod Release thread until I decide to distribute in Hong-Fire Mod Release thread. So no middle-man needed to share links.

NO DISCUSSION IN RELEASE THREAD. If there is no discussion thread then create one. No lame excuse if some one scold at you for your own stupid mistake.

Download Link:
Dead Rising Mall Item Map For Sexy Beach Premium Resort Studio

This map has low polygons and looks bit outdated. When I done creating this map and opened it in the studio. I debated myself whether to release it or not. Since there is no "decent" shopping mall map in any Illusion game and nor I couldn't find any good one. I decided to release it anyway.

Place file in

You need to add the CODES in the studio list for item to appear in the studio
ItemList_ES Code:

Found in Studio under section "Other"

How to add the code in ItemList_ES?
Click on link to view how to add code in the list.

Re-Distribution Autherization
This will remain in Anime-Sharing Mod Release thread until I decide to distribute in Hong-Fire Mod Release thread. So no middle-man needed to share links.

NO DISCUSSION IN RELEASE THREAD. If there is no discussion thread then create one. No lame excuse if some one scold at you for your own stupid mistake.

Download Link:
Water, Waterfall, Sky-Dome and Fog

Found in "Other" Section



Well I had 12GB of files to work on it. But I explore the contents and it has all the negative points. Very low polygons and poor textures. Wanted to work on the quality stuff but it seems that the resources are not made from fine qualities. Now I feel like I have nothing to do.... Well I guess this might be last release for SBPR.

I thank to my mentors and my friends: Enimaroah, Aastaroth, Nneezz, GeekyGami/Linkerman, Syncroz and Futaboy for showing patience over my silly questions. :pushups:
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Ever played Tera, looked at those tiny elin folk and thought
"Holy fuck, these ears could go on everything!"
to then wonder if you'd ever be able to actually put them on everything?
Well, this mod brings you one step closer to that goal!
This mod adds all the Elin ears from Tera to the game.
Oh, as a bonus, I made sure that they would be at least somewhat colorable.

Take the abdata folder in the rar file and put it in your game's directory.

Remove Ca_Head_CB.unity3d, Ca_head_CC.unity3d and the characustomlist that has the most obvious name ever.

This mod is a port from a rip done by DillDoe for AA2

Special thanks:
Original version [V1.0] -> https://mega.nz/#!l9EWUbYT!M24Bk3xyu...-zgEx-wpTR9Qf4
No specular maps/bump maps (diffuse)[V1.2] -> https://mega.nz/#!k0dCxCjC!M24Bk3xyu...-zgEx-wpTR9Qf4

Could always try making your own models. It's what I'm doing right now, and while it takes quite a bit of time, as you've been able to see so far from previews, it proves to be profitable.
It also means I get to choose how the model is unwrapped without the interference of tris, as you normally model in quads before converting to tris :anblink:
In the process of posting the other mods I'd already done on here in a moment

By the by, asking questions is one of the things the mod discussion is for, along with everything else
Well, as long as it's not requests for somebody to do something, or a technical issue with a mod another guy did
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This mod is a port of many accessory mods from previous games; Mainly CM3D and 3d Custom Girl.
A small portion of the "Silly Hats" mod is also ported.

Included are:
22 wings
57 head accessories
A cowbell
Rita's necklace
1 shoulderplate
Ninetail fox's tails
the armband from NJXA (Popular body and brand mod for 3DCG)

Most of them are semi-colourable.
To use their original color, bring them into shades of grey.

Samples below.
DISCLAIMER: I currently don't have previews of any of the accessories ready on their own to put in there. If anybody feels like taking sample pictures, I'll gladly put them in there and give credit to their owners.



Unfortunately, as it stands, the Tiara does not show properly.
Neither do the firefly wings or the kinu balls.

Important note:
To anybody looking for the wings from Touhou Project, they were merged in this mod.

Move abdata folder into game directory.


Remove V
the obvious customlist

V0.95 - https://mega.nz/#!ApExxaiC!z7ewlz5UT...2rZW1x6IYjYgoA

Special thanks:

On to do list:
Re-adjust the position of accessories (Very low priority)
Find a way to get the damn alpha shaders to do what they're supposed to (Average priority)

Oh, small note: There's easter eggs littered all over it, but you can't access them from inside the game.
Happy hunting! :menft:

DISCLAIMER: All of these models came from previous mods in other games. If you are the author of one of said mods,
I would like you to message me with the name you want to be given as credit, and the models you worked on.

This mod is in no way meant to cause disrespect to previous authors.

If anyone of said authors planned or were working on porting some of these items over by themselves, I am extremely sorry, I did not mean to render anybody's work null, and wish to cooperate.

I'll post the other mods later, feeling lazy. :digoil:

This mod adds the masks of Majora's Mask that were redone for Hyrule Warriors to SBPR.
They are all somewhat colorable.

Some may have issues with anything that uses the Mamoset_Hair shader.

Unfortunately, I may have deleted the contents used by SBPR_STUDIO from this computer, as I didn't think I'd ever be using it.
No preview for now.
Note: If somebody wants me to feature their pictures of the mods, just send me a PM, and I'll see about it

Drag & drop Abdata here into your game's directory.

Remove the file MajoraMask_00.unitdy3d (/.../Abdata/Chara)
Remove the file LinkermanMajoraPort_CharaCustomList_L1.unity3d (/.../Abdata/List/Characustom)

The original models belong to Nintendo.
These do not belong to me in any way.

Thanks to MoogleTheOutfitter for providing his XNALara ports for non-lucrative use!


Special thanks:
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This mod aims to change the smile expressions that are used in the game with more... Smile-like ones.
Check out comparisons below.

... Or don't. Both samples are in the rar file either way.
Thought I'd mention the top teeth are now standardized. No longer will top teeth recede within the skull, as if from some ungodly abomination.





I won't be dealing with any "Your mod got rid of my CF_head_00 file and I can't get up!" crap.

If you absolutely need the help due to not looking at this rather obstructive disclaimer, I may decide to lend you the unedited FBX file, so that you may overwrite the edited morphs with the originals.
I can't exactly just send the original CF_head_00.unity3d file all over the place. That'd be playing in a grey area.
Well, not that posting a mod on questionable games isn't in a grey area.. But I digress.

Now, where was I? Ah, yes.

Take the abdata file within the RAR file, and extract it to your SBPR directory. When prompted to overwrite, say yes. If you want to keep your old CF_head_oo.unity3d file, just rename it to CF_head_oo.unity3ddd before copying the contents over, and that should do the job.

Delete the overwritten CF_head_00.unity3d file, and rename your backup to CF_head_00.unity3d

v0.35 (Original upload) - link

v0.75 - link

V0.35 - Initial release.
V0.75 - Ahegao added. Re-inserted old Nigarawai modification. It may still serve its purpose, as it requires the eye morphs to have any context whatsoever.

Special Thanks



Note to self:
I can't believe I didn't know what the body of a post was when I first released this on HF.

As for news regarding what I was working on, I'm currently in the process of properly unwrapping Roxas' redone front hairdo.
The other haircuts will hopefully be much simpler ;-;
Well, I know two or three that won't be, but that's beside the point.
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Reactions: espiekerella
Fool Fashion Mod#03
Blood for the blood god. In your face, scars too.
Also a selection of horns for your head. Minor colorable.
Happy Halloween 2016!

In case of broken links, contact me.
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Reactions: espiekerella
Cursed House Item Map For Sexy Beach Premium Resort Studio
Place file in

You need to add the CODES in the studio list for item to appear in the studio
ItemList_ES Code:
<6><Curse-Living room><studio/Item/Cursed_House.unity3d><p_living>

Found in Studio under section "Other"

How to add the code in ItemList_ES?
Click on link to view how to add code in the list.

Re-Distribution Autherization
This will remain in Anime-Sharing Mod Release thread until I decide to distribute in Hong-Fire Mod Release thread. So no middle-man needed to share links.

NO DISCUSSION IN RELEASE THREAD. If there is no discussion thread then create one. No lame excuse if some one scold at you for your own stupid mistake.

Download Link:

Yeah. I am not inactive or dead. Just retired.... **Mumbling** "well mostly tired......:XD:"

This one is dedicated to Stampar for creating hentai-horror comics. I don't know the exact names for these comics. 

Well this one is for you. Cheers mate!
Devil May Cry: Fortuna Main Item Map For Sexy Beach Premium Resort Studio
Place file in

You need to add the CODES in the studio list for item to appear in the studio
ItemList_ES Code:

Found in Studio under section "Other"

How to add the code in ItemList_ES?
Click on link to view how to add code in the list.

Re-Distribution Autherization
This will remain in Anime-Sharing Mod Release thread until I decide to distribute in Hong-Fire Mod Release thread. So no middle-man needed to share links.

NO DISCUSSION IN RELEASE THREAD. If there is no discussion thread then create one. No lame excuse if some one scold at you for your own stupid mistake.

Download Link:

Yeah. You guys seen it in PlayClub mods and HoneySelect mods released by GIL★ギル. Now it's in SBPR too!!!! Hurray!!!
Why didn't I released it before? Hmmm actually I lost the file in process and too tired to do it again till long time I just realized that I uploaded somewhere else and it needs to upload only. Lolz :D
More Hairs & possibilities

This mod adds 22 hairpieces for your girls.

Included are:
-19 bangs
-7 back hairstyles
-6 side hairstyles

Most of them were originally models ported from other places,
but after seeing how they ended up looking in-game, I decided to go overboard and remake all of them to fit within the game somewhat.

The side hairstyles are also available from the accessories' HEAD tab,
with their rig intact, whilst being adjustable.

Enjoy using side hairstyles as armpit hair, or tails, if that's what you go for.

Planned on making more, but some of them were redundant, or already pretty much there.
If I had kept on going, I would've never released, so I decided now was a good time to smooth out the kinks and get this thing together.[/FONT][/SIZE]

Drag & drop Abdata here into your game's directory.

Remove the file FHAIRPORTS.unity3d (/.../Abdata/Chara)
Remove the file Linkerhairport_CharaCustomList_AO.unity3d(/.../Abdata/List/Characustom)


https://mega.nz/#!4512UYLD!8MqEjyB0sIjYnwIEg1MCk1QtcuN6ToAlWobcKabSI1Q <- V1.0

Special Thanks:

Huge help:
(If I've missed anyone, let me know. It's literally been years.)

Thanks to Snooley for allowing me to to make a variant of one of his hairstyles as a side hairstyle (you'll recognize it, trust me.)

If anybody wishes to port the models elsewhere, credit me for them, either as GeekyGami or Linkerman.
Original models used as reference belong to their respective owners.
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Reactions: espiekerella

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nettomondo wrote on Lebedev's profile.
Hello, could you please reupload this game with new links?
Unfortunately the link is glitching on my end, but the game is Sakura Mau Otome no Rondo, all the links aside from the Rapidgator site are broken, and you cannot download them from Rapidgator without paying