[Illusion][AG3] Artificial Girl Mod Release Thread


Elite Member
Nov 5, 2013

Here you can upload your mods or you can find mods which you want.
Please don't start any discussion, requests or something else.
For talk and questions, please use the [AG3] Artifical Girl 3 FAQ and Discussion Thread,
for requests the [AG3] Artifical Girl 3 Request Thread
and for new girl and guy creations [AG3] Artifical Girl 3 Character and Clothing Upload Thread.

Thanks ahead for your comprehension. :fulfilled:
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Artificial Girl 3 HF Patch

This patch will install full uncensor and translations. The patch will install several to mods that will improve your AG3 game significantly, for example the textures of all the standard locations. In addition it will install a few showcase girls to show you what can be done with this game. The patch has been developed with experienced AG3 users (hereaus in particular) to help you get all the essential mods installed, so that it will be easy for you to add new stuff. :)
The Artificial Girl 3 expansion (Artificial Girl 3 Plus aka. AG3+) is required to use this patch

Artificial Girl 3 HF Patch version 1.0 includes:

English Translations
Location Improvements
Showcase Girls

This patch would not be possible without AG3Decrypt_to_AG3Demo.exe by Alamar

Show your appreciation of the modder's work and click on
buttons above and write a comment!

  • The Artificial Girl 3 expansion (Artificial Girl 3 Plus aka. AG3+) is required. The patch will check for certain required AG3+ files in \data when you specify the location.

Having problems?
  1. Read the Artificial Girl 3 Technical Help wiki!
  2. PM me

This patch will be updated if there are updates to any of the included mods or if other essential mods are released.​

DOWNLOAD: anime-sharing-


Version history
1.0, 2013.11.09: Initial version
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Milky Breasts Mod(s)

I don't want that someone is spreading my mods on other boards, like HongFire, Nihonomaru, 4Chan etc.
You have first to ask for my permission.

Okay I manage it to uncensor the Milky Breast Mod.
I used the Expanding Pussy Mod made by Profundis and there are two versions: Spraying and Flowing.
By request, I also combined the milky mod with the Animated Pussy Mod from Uppervolta, which contains only the spraying milk mod.

NOTE: This mod will only work, if you create a new girl.

Milky Breasts -Flowing

Milky Breasts -Sprayin


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AG3 Ghost

AG3 Ghost is a tiny tool that enables you to edit or create new characters based on a custom character that you may have downloaded. It's basically a hack and it has known issues. Be sure to read this post before you use the tool.


Why use AG3 Ghost?

  • You can edit or create new characters in AG3_Make based on a modified character (like one you downloaded or modified with e.g. Illusion Morpher).
  • Custom body and head morphs, hair and uncensor will be preserved.
  • You don't have to worry about which body mods you have installed or don't have installed.
How to use it?
  1. Browse and select your character .pp file.
    - AG3 Ghost prepares your game files with the selected character.
    - AG3 Ghost automatically launches AG3_Make when ready.
  2. Edit the character or create a new one and save.
  3. Close AG3_make.
    - AG3 Ghost restores your AG3 files to how they were before using AG3 Ghost.
How does it work?
AG3 Ghost modifies js3_00_02_00.pp to use the body and head from the .pp file you select. It backs up your original js3_00_02_00.pp before making any changes, and restores it when you close AG3_Make.

Known Issues
  • AG3 Ghost only 'resurrects' the head and body. Custom skins or textures are not included!
  • Hair is partially supported since 0.3.0, but it will always be selected as the first hair (number 1) in the maker, which may lead to odd looking textures.
  • Use on your own risk. Please remember to keep a backup before using this tool.
  • If you installed the game to the default location you will need to run AG3 Ghost with Japanese regional settings.
  • AG3 Ghost is still a beta.
Thanks to
ScumSuckingPig for PPextractor
radware59 for his advice
profundis for testing and support
Stormwing for his mannequin replacement guide and for testing and advice


Version history
2012.05.29 - 0.3.0: Hair is now included, but with known issues.
2010.02.09 - 0.2.0: Add support for changing the mannequin, so that clothes can be edited on the custom character.
2009.12.16 - 0.1.3: Add trailing '\' to found AG3 folder. Other minor corrections.
2009.12.15 - 0.1.2: Attempt to fix game location problem. Improve error handling and reporting.
2009.12.14 - 0.1.1: Corrected a problem with resuming after loading an invalid pp file.
2009.12.13 - 0.1: First beta


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Mods by hereaus

This post contains info on the mods I have made for AG3. None of this stuff would be possible without the contributions, help, inspiration, perspiration, etc. of a bunch of others. The readme files in my downloads tell the story...

Maker Body Selector Mod

A rewrite of the standard Maker for AG3 that adds selectable body types and matching clothes to the Fashion Maker. The body selected will overwrite whatever meshes are in the character file with a few limitations, because of the various uncensors floating around.


Altered Underwear Update

This is an update by me of the Altered Underwear mod (upjs3mod2334). The panties drop down to the thighs instead of jumping down onto one leg. I finished the mod for the original author so that the rest of the panties are included.


AG3 Pants Fix

Fixes an annoying open seam flaw in the games' default trousers due to incorrect bone connections.


Girl Uncensor Fix

A fix for an annoying shading problem in the most common uncensor out there (Uppervolta upjs3mod0813)


Guy Uncensor Fix

Builds and expands on radware59's work.


Map Compilation 6.0

A collection of every aftermarket map (around 30 or so) for AG3 I could find in one tidy package. Also fixes flaws in entry/exit points in most of those maps.


Small taste in the pics below so you'll get the idea...





Like this stuff? Press that little star thingie in the lower left of the post to say thanks...
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Hello everyone! Here you will find links to download all my AG3 mods, a list that I hope will continue to grow.

AG3 Hairstyles from Sims 3 Girls

This mod adds 22 hairstyles from "The Sims 3" to the AG3 Character Maker using Darkhound's Illusion Wizzard.

Credit goes to The Sims 3 artists, to tmvaegis for converting the meshes, mk2000 for showing him how, and to hereaus for combining them into a manual-install mod. I only adjusted the brightness and contrast to make the hair look more healthy, lighter and easier to color. I also made the mod ready for use with Darkhound's Illusion Wizzard. There are a total of 22 hairstyles to choose from, each including a front and a back, which are added in slots 39 through 60 of the AG3 Character Maker.


To Download: AG3 Hairstyles from Sims 3 Girls (Illusion Wizzard version)
To Install: Just copy the .7z file into the Illusion Wizzard mods folder, and then use Illusion Wizzard to install. Please, always make a backup just in case.

The RealBush Collection for RealDolls

This is a collection of 27 different pubic-hair textures that I adjusted to fit Saev's RealDolls mod. Each texture is packaged into a separate mod file for use with Darkhound's Illusion Wizard, making it easy to change the texture used by the Character Maker Screen, so that you can adjust the color and opacity of the desired pubic-hair during girl design.

Credit for the pubic-hair textures goes to various texture designers, and I have retained their names in the file names where known. (Please message me if you designed a texture and I didn't know your name.) I only changed some colors to offer black and white versions, adjusted them all to better fit the RealDolls' body, and packaged each one into a separate Wizzard-ready mod file (.7z) which changes the pubic-hair texture used by the Character Maker Screen.


To Download: The RealBush Collection for RealDolls (Illusion Wizzard version)
To Install: Unzip the file into Illusion Wizzard's AG3\mods folder, and then use Illusion Wizzard to install various pubic-hair texture mods to the Character Maker Screen.

The RealBush Collection of textures is also available in a simple zip file, for those who just want the texture files (.tga), or those who prefer to change the pubic-hair texture of a saved girl using the Illusion Wizzard's Girl Skin Editor. Others do not need this file.

To Download: Textures of the RealBush Collection (Texture files only)
To Install: Unzip the file into Illusion Wizzard's AG3\skins\2 folder.

Additional Credits:
None of these mods would be possible without all the brilliant mod makers at HongFire and Uppervolta who paved my way.
There are far too many to list, but I hope my humble contributions can be a small repayment on my great debt to them all.


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Re: Artificial Girl 3 HF Patch

Hey there,
Thanks for all these mods, they were really helpful!
You wouldn't happen to have [AG3][Make][MakeSelector][Radware59] or a working link where I could download it perhaps?
Hello everyone!

This mod adds 22 front, 44 back and 4 side hairstyles (found on Hongfire and Uppervolta) to the AG3 Character Maker using Darkhound's Illusion Wizzard. These are higher quality and more functional than the previous collection of hairstyles converted from the Sims3 game. New features of this mod include:

* All appropriate hair styles move in-game as girls move.

* Easier to mix and match new hair styles with the originals.

* Forelock Length slider works on most fronts (see below).

* Semen (juice) textures assigned to most styles (see below).

* Most are from hair mods designed specifically for AG3 use.




Credit: I did not create any hair styles. Most credit goes to the various artist and modders from Hongfire and Uppervolta who created these beautiful hair styles, and there are far too many for me to keep track of.

I only collected, organized and gray-scaled them, and then adjusted brightness and contrast to better match the original hair styles. I made sure the longer styles can move in-game, and enabled the "Forelock Length" slider and semen on most styles (see "Known Issues" below).

To Install: Just copy the .7z file into the Illusion Wizzard mods folder, and then use Illusion Wizzard to install. Please, always make a backup just in case.

Known Issues: Front hairstyles with "Forelock Length" slider disabled: 39, 41, 42, 45, 46, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60

Front hairstyles without semen texture: 39, 41, 42, 45, 46, 57, 58, 60

Back hairstyles without semen texture: 41, 42

Thanks: This mod would not be possible without the legendary modders at HongFire and Uppervolta who came before me and paved my way, and have since moved on. My thanks to you all.

To Download: [AG3+][Maker][HairStyles_UV][Drenched][v1.0].7z

My Next AG3 Project: I would like to create a "final" update to the AG3 Map Pack which includes all the latest maps, and improves the arrangement of the maps for easier and more intuitive navigation (and so we don't have to drag our girls across so many useless maps to reach some of the nicer destinations). I've been using this tutorial, but apparently I need help learning to add and move the transition points of the maps in Metasequoia, so please PM me if you know how.


P.S. Hi MJKnight, I'm glad you are enjoying the mods! Many people are searching for the AG3 Make Selector V1.00 by radware59, including me, as you can see from my request on Hongfire. I will be sure to re-release that mod here if I ever find it, so please do the same. Meanwhile, please remove your request from this mod-release thread, as it is better when left free of clutter. Thank you!


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Hi everyone,

Vive taffy! This is a re-release of the female player-character avatars made by taffy, which can now be installed using Darkhound's Illusion Wizzard. She created 8 different variations, including Blonde, Brunette, Highlight and Redhead, each with your choice of platform or stiletto heels. Here is taffy's original release post.


I take no credit for her work; I only made it Wizzard-Ready for easier use. For more mods and girls by taffy, please see her post in the AG3 mod database thread on Hongfire.

Merci beaucoup, taffy! (I think taffy speaks French?)

To Install: Copy only the .7z files (8 total) from the downloaded .zip file into your Illusion Wizzard mods folder, and then use Illusion Wizzard to install any of the 8 variations. It may be wise to uninstall any previous player-character mod before installing a different one, and be sure to make a backup just in case.

To Download: [AG3+][PlayerCharacterMod][Females][taffy][v1.0].zip

Next Project: I've begun working on the "Ultimate (Final?) AG3 Map Pack" to include newer maps and re-arrange older maps into a more playable game-world. Each map will be only three hops or less from the street or shops for easier access, and new graphics will indicate destinations, such as signs above the many confusing doors inside both train cars, and travel options displayed on the overhead screens at the multiple-destination airport. You can find out more here.



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thanks for the hair mod & taffy character i'll be waiting for your next project ultimate map pack
Hello everyone!

AG3 Map Pack v7.0 (Ultimate)

More than just new maps, this pack transforms the maze of maps that were added randomly over the years into a coherent game-world that was planned with the benefit of hindsight.

* Maps arranged into a logical, intuitive and convenient world.

* Most maps within three "hops" from the Street or City Shops.

* In-game signs help you navigate the trains, airport and city.

* Total of 123 maps, including 10 released since previous pack.

* 140 more accurately labeled icons (set of four for each map).

* Includes a World-Map to help you find your favorite locations!

Also, many maps have had textures cleaned up or minor flaws fixed, such as the Torture Dungeon which now has working (glowing) candles. In the City Shops, some store-front signs have been added, and the bland old "Hotel AG" building (from an earlier map pack) has been converted into an abandoned mega-church where the Bible Black rooms are now located.

Click for Full Size World Map

Maps new in Version 7.0 by author:

beelzebub3: Adult Shop, Adult Studio, Skid Row, School Art Room
Capt Jam and XnonameX: Dance (Strip) Club
Viper13: Teacher's Lounge, Video Game Store
Zeniner: School Head Master, School Showers, City Library


New adult-themed store fronts in the City Shops.

Improved textures for the bland "Hotel AG" building.

Signs to guide travelers at the multiple-destination airport.

Displays on both trains make it easy to find favorite stops.

To Download:

The total file size is 1.69GB, so I have divided the zip file into three separate MediaFire downloads:

Zip File 001: http://www.mediafire.com/file/402g83...D.zip.001/file
Zip File 002: http://www.mediafire.com/file/0qxslt...D.zip.002/file
Zip File 003: http://www.mediafire.com/file/cydxcc...D.zip.003/file

To Install:

This is a manual install mod, but it takes just a few seconds to complete the 5-step instructions included, which have been tested using a fresh install of AG3.

For Best Results:

After installing Map Pack 7.0, use Illusion Wizzard to install the wonderful room re-textures by Darziel, Gillsing, and wurlox that were re-uploaded by tmvaegis.

Slow Frame-Rate in Windows 10?

This known issue with older Illusion games is fixed by placing a d3d9.dll file into your AG3 folder (renamed to d3d9_alt.dll if you use the subtitle mod). The dll file that worked for me is here. For other alternative d3d9.dll files, and discussion about which one works best, see this thread.

Credits and Thanks:

Most credit goes to Illusion and to the modders who created or converted these maps, and especially to Viper 13 who was kind enough to write a clear manual for me about how to change AG3 action points. Also lots of credit goes to hereaus, unmei220 and others for hard work on previous map packs. As with previous packs, some maps look nice but have no solid walls nor action points other than doors.

This map pack was a labor of love. I wanted to enjoy the huge variety of maps in a more immersive world, and now everyone else can too!



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But nonetheless, is a long time ago to see you in HF.
File 2 and 3 not Unzipping please helppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp

This is the error that i got
View attachment 27036

Hi illusiongamesprime23, thanks for being interested! I've checked MediaFire and the files there are intact and unchanged. Remember, files 2 and 3 are not meant to unzip separately. First, you need to combine all three downloaded files together into one huge zip file. Then you can unzip that file to install.

I hope that helps!

Hmmm...... almost 2022 and many people around H-sites are still asking for help at installing this great H-Game on Windows 10 and even 11. XD
That Map Pack 7 is something new for me. Any reviews on that???
i think map pack 6 is the latest one. think we need yuusha to create mods tho.

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TasogareHentai wrote on Shine's profile.
Sorry for interrupt, but can you please update this game? Thanks in advance.
Puxli wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Hey! Could you re-upload RJ298049 and RJ362239 mp3 files?

Appreciate it, thanks!
sikany wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Hi could you please upload a new update file for RJ01227025?
olfi wrote on xenolin's profile.
Thank you for the last time. I'm sorry to ask again, but can I make a new request? I'd like to make the ``H-scese video'' of 真・恋姫†英雄譚-series&真・恋姫†夢想-革命-series.
Jelly-filled Donut wrote on Shine's profile.
Shine, do you have the update for this? It has additional content and bug fixes. Please and thanks.
まものす to v24.08.25 (Ver1.20)