HS SEXY DRESSES PACK 3.1 for SBX2.5 Edited 6/1/17
HS SEXY DRESSES PACK 3.1 for SBX2.5 Edited 6/1/17
These are 5 new dresses in 2 different styles.

All dresses are standalone so they wouldn't replace anything; most are recolorable.
They will only work correctly with the SBX2.5 uncensor.
There are some clipping for very small or very large breasts. The Choker neck dresses in particular will only works with breast size between 20 to 90.
Bras can be used with these dresses but depending on the bra style, breast size and pose there may be some clipping.
Note: 6/1/17 Updated to version 3.1 to correct errors in one of the dresses. Anyone which installed the previous version please download the new one and reinstall.
Extract and copy into your main Honey Select main directory.
IDs used: (Tops [F]) 205653-205657
Downloads P3.1: https://mega.nz/#!ltVGmIDJ!zQPrYgOI-HA2_B8n4ZPBi7qfRDn9sUhLefHDeRgZLMo
Hope you enjoy them!
HS SEXY DRESSES PACK 3.1 for SBX2.5 Edited 6/1/17
These are 5 new dresses in 2 different styles.

All dresses are standalone so they wouldn't replace anything; most are recolorable.
They will only work correctly with the SBX2.5 uncensor.
There are some clipping for very small or very large breasts. The Choker neck dresses in particular will only works with breast size between 20 to 90.
Bras can be used with these dresses but depending on the bra style, breast size and pose there may be some clipping.
Note: 6/1/17 Updated to version 3.1 to correct errors in one of the dresses. Anyone which installed the previous version please download the new one and reinstall.
Extract and copy into your main Honey Select main directory.
IDs used: (Tops [F]) 205653-205657
Delete file bmhs_cf_dress_D3.unity3d from directory HoneySelect\abdata\chara\Belgar17_Mods
Delete file bmhs_cf_dress_D3-(Tops[F])-IDs 205653-205657.txt from directory HoneySelect\abdata\chara\Belgar17_Mods
Delete file belgar17_hsdr_D3.unity3d from directory HoneySelect\abdata\list\charaCustom
Delete file bmhs_cf_dress_D3-(Tops[F])-IDs 205653-205657.txt from directory HoneySelect\abdata\chara\Belgar17_Mods
Delete file belgar17_hsdr_D3.unity3d from directory HoneySelect\abdata\list\charaCustom
Downloads P3.1: https://mega.nz/#!ltVGmIDJ!zQPrYgOI-HA2_B8n4ZPBi7qfRDn9sUhLefHDeRgZLMo
Hope you enjoy them!
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