[Misc] [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) Charcater and Outfit (Share DL)


Character Enthusiast
Elite Member
Sep 13, 2016
This is where you can share your wonderful character and outfit creations from Honey Select.

Decided to make this thread because of HF's issues and I believe this has not been created here yet.

So upload your girls if you would like share what you created. Upload your outfits if you would share what you created out of the clothing options within the game.

Please indicate which mods were used and by whom please, giving credit to those that made these mods is a good thing.

If you like any of the character creations/outifts, please be sure to leave a like/thanks to show appreciation to the creators.

FYI: I do invite all those to participate to post their character creations here (actually share, not just images). This was created for everyone to use and benefit from. Must upload character cards/outfit cards.

Your character cards can be found in C:\illusion\honeyselect\userdata\chara\female
Your outfit cards can be found in C:\illusion\honeyselect\userdata\coordinate\female

Studio Picture Works for Honey Select is located here
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D.Va aka Hana Song from Overwatch

Decided to share this one because it is pretty simple to make the character and straight forward. Thanks for @DillDoe for creating the mod originally from Play Club and then porting it over to Honey Select, which can be found here http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/...release-thread-530964/index2.html#post2505879

Mods Used: Illusion Plugin Architecture-(EusthEnoptEron) Wideslider (vrl0ver) D.Va Clothes (DillDoe)
Thank you very much again modders for providing these modes so we can make in game/studio creations much better.

The wideslider is at this moment only available to download at HF(as well as the IPA) so you would have to go there to get it. Sometimes the site is responding so best of luck.
Link is here

Link to images





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Ciri from Witcher 3

A fellow member on HF asked for Ciri that was posted there some time ago but it was missing the png file. So I said what the hell, I will try and make the character and then post it. So I did, but I made it differently than what the image he posted was. Anyway, here it is and I hope you guys enjoy.

Mods: IllusionPluginArch-(EusthEnoptEron), Wideslider-(vrl0ver), GGMod Plugin-(aastaroth), GGMod Collection Zeaska-(Zeaska) and Belgar's Eye Shadows-(Belgar) Thank you all for creating these wonderful mods so we can enjoy.

Some of these mods can be found here on AS and all them can be found on HF.

charaF_2016_0928_2053_37_844.png Ciri Witcher 3 upload.jpg

link to image http://kensaiakamei.deviantart.com/art/Ciri-from-Witcher-3-upload-637426074 (may have to copy and paste to browser)

here are some slightly alternates to the outfit
coordF_2016_0928_2209_04_297.png coordF_2016_0928_2214_00_677.png
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Videl from Dragonball Z

This version of Videl is from when she first meets Gohan so she still has her long hair. Some coloring might be slightly off because of particular stock clothing (like hair ties are completely wrong because you can't change the color, yet at least). I might go back and make some improvements, until then I hope you enjoy.

Mods: IllusionPluginArchiecture-(EusthEnoptEron), Wideslider-(vrl0ver) You can find both at HF.
All clothing and features should be stock. FYI I gave her some extra booty, I love booty.

link for image http://kensaiakamei.deviantart.com/art/Videl-from-DragonBall-Z-upload-637427046

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Android 18 from Dragonball Z

This version of 18 is from when she is hiding on the islands from cell. I think it came out very well. Enjoy Fellas
(I created this character previously in SBPR then ported it to HS with slightly changes)

Mods: Illusion Plugin Archiecture-(EusthEnoptEron), Wideslider-(vrl0ver), Zeaska Collection 1 I think-(Zeaska) Thank you modders

Link to image http://kensaiakamei.deviantart.com/art/Android-18-from-DragonBall-Z-upload-637427567

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!SgFWGIoA

KEY: !u7I26rM3mmhN4YhnIJoYavferEXgY0SZvyvV8N9MO2A
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Chi Chi from Dragonball

This version of Chi Chi is when see competes against Goku in the World Tournament before Goku fights Piccolo. I did ok this time, will go back to touch up face some more. Enjoy
(Characters were previously made from SBPR, then ported to HS and slightly changed)

Mods: IllusionPluginArchiecture-(EusthEnoptEron), Wideslider-(vrl0ver), Coiffure Hair Pack-(Snooley), Zeaska Collection 1 or 2 can't remember-(Zeaska) Thanks again wonderful modders.

link to image http://kensaiakamei.deviantart.com/art/ChiChi-from-DragonBall-upload-637427416

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!OlkAiCrB

KEY: !ah9YWaD4iV98WTtb4facyNF0U6ADZjRmzm_w5Kc7V3k
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The Quiet from Metal Gear Solid 5

Attempt at making "The Quiet" from MGS5 in-game since there was a SkinTexMod provided earlier in the week. Enjoy
(Will be updated further when certain mods surface)

Mods: IllusionPluginArchiecture-(EusthEnoptEron), Wideslider-(vrl0ver), SkinTexMod HS Plugin-(Alexae), "The Quiet" Face Skin Tex-(Playmate) Tyvm modders for your creations.

Link to image http://kensaiakamei.deviantart.com/art/The-Quiet-from-Metal-Gear-Solid-5-upload-637427255

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!DwlBwKAC

KEY: !NZtxHMhS2WxMKdm-AlFxcA-Zi-MC7-5MaBzmC2Y3uNA
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Haru and Tokaku from Akuma No Riddle

This character was requested by a member from HF after I made Ciri from Witcher 3 as a plea request within the thread. I am not familiar with this anime but I did use references as well as what was provided from him to create these characters with they're 3 different outfits.

It did take quite some time to make them look anime without making them look anime, was a bit of a challenge, but I think they came out fairly well. ( And please with any character creation please leave any comments and likes of course for myself or anyone in this thread, it shows appreciation)

Mods: Illusion Plugin Archiecture -(EusthEnoptEron), Wideslider -(vrl0ver), Coiffure Hair Pack -(Snooley), Short Skirt Pack -(cur144)

Haru - image link - http://kensaiakamei.deviantart.com/art/Haru-from-Akuma-No-Riddle-upload-637426503 - Note: May have to copy and paste into browser

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!XldRyJBI

KEY: !lsjCtYS6Xuw1GndQ_QRj12PvK7Z0AmLwZqJoioR9sXo

Tokaku - image link - http://kensaiakamei.deviantart.com/art/Tokaku-from-Akuma-No-Riddle-upload-637426759 - Note: May have to copy and paste into browser

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!Wk1j3ByT

KEY: !dSOdIJhR4aG4ruKAlWZpi9UXTxxFLFCX9XHm8rDjb6w
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Your image links don't work, probably because you are using imgur?
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Minotaur Warrior

There are not many male character uploads in general. So I made this one. There are no hooves at this time because they do not exist.

This is the Minotaur Warrior with no name. His hobbies are to pillage fairy, human, elf, goblin and orc encampments. He also likes to "mate" all female specie where he conquers. From time to time, on occasion he just might eat you.

Mods: Illusion Plugin Archiecture (EusthEnoptEron), Wideslider (vrl0ver)

links to images: Note - Minotaur does have a nose ring. It was just not in the picture.



MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!DtUzgQbD

KEY: !cIp2HO2KTS19xi1oBP1f3WkbgU_iizZZbVd3rnKAyH4
Kerrie the XXXmas Executive Elf

This is Kerrie, an Executive Elf. She works at the operation control center in the North pole.

She is pretty much in charge of the production and logistical departments of the Christmas preparations. She does help run other departments the of facilities as well. For example she is head of corporate operations and to the Elf Resources Center.

She also does sight overview to the naughty list to really determine if they have really been naughty or nice. Sometimes making prompt visits to see if they will be on or off of the list. On some occasions she moves certain candidates to a specific more in depth "naughty" list. Santa has also appointed her as his own personal Elf throughout the year when does not need to handle the operations. Santa btw is on that specific more in depth naughty list...

I used one of my own Elf characters and changed it to create her. She is the smallest in height that you can possibly go. Adjusted body to height so everything would look correct to scale to her size. Made her for the upcoming holiday season. More to come later. Anyway, I hope you all Enjoy

I went back re-created her after realizing is too tiny for H-scene. The small version is great for studio but normal game it does not work all that well. So there is a second character card in the folder of her that is slighty bigger but still small. Made to fit to the smallest point in H-scene without making it look ridiculous due to character bone point attachments to male.

Mods: Illusion Plugin Archiecture (EusthEnoptEron), Wideslider (vrl0ver), GGMod Plugin (aastaroth)

link to image


MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!D9EzTLII!Kd05LRVGiBFhWcDXhqm4LLCgjRqlmsFs2PFiKvckHP8
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Orc Warrior from Warcraft (WoW)

This is fearless blood frenzy fueled Orc. He shows no mercy to his enemies or his women. His prime objective is to assert his dominance anywhere he travels or stay. The Orc's bloodlust is so strong he will cut down anything or anyone in his path to achieve his goals. Although his nature is a bit savage, the warrior still stands by a code of battle and honor.

I took most of my references from creating this character from Blizzard's Orc Male, although I did use a few other references from other devs and/or media from throughout the vast lore of Orcs. This was fun to create and I hope you guys enjoy. Only thing I wish there was more clothing/hair options for males in HS, not really much to work with at this moment, hopefully in time. I hope you guys enjoy.

Mods: Illusion Plugin Archiecture (EusthEnoptEron), Wideslider (vrl0ver)

Note: I would suggest a some type of Bone Modifier mod if you wanted to get a bit more detailed on the Orc body and especially the hands.

Links to images





Update - detail in face-
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I'd downloaded a character from the database that had the cat ears but didn't like it that much. I decided to use it as a base to edit, got carried away (again) and... the only thing left of the original was the ears and the hair color.

Having exhausted my creative juices when I'd finished (or it might have been because it was 1:10 am) I gave up on a name and just called her Kitty.

Easygoing, Lazy, Pleased and Sensitive Crotch.

Needs cur144's (I think) Panties, fijas' Tube Dress and Zeaska's Lingerie.

Don't make her mad... she might bite.

Both cards are the same but the second one shows her hidden assets.
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Garona - Female Orc from Warcraf- WoW Game

This is the other version of the previous female orc dubbed Garona that I created in the maker, but this version is modeled after her appearance in the games. So this one looks a bit more orcish than human. Enjoy.

Mods: Illusion Plugin Architecture (EusthEnoptEnron) , Wideslider (vrl0ver), Coiffure Hair Pack (Snooley)

link to image





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Garona - Female Orc from Warcraft Movie

I made this character same time as I did my male orc character but since my HDD ended up dying on me I was not able to upload her and share with all you. So I had to re-write and clean my drive, lucky I didn't have to buy a new one but I did have to start from scratch and re-install everything....

Anyways, I made her, I like the way she came out. Enjoy

Mods: Illusion Plugin Architecture (EusthEnoptEnron) , Wideslider (vrl0ver)

link to image





Widomaker Headgear WIP from Overwatch

This is just the headgear for Widowmaker. Character at this time is not right to my liking so I will upload it later when she is up to par.
The headgear consists of one standard accessory that comes with the initial game and I warped it's x/y/z scales to make it appear the way it does.

The png.file will go in your USERDATA\COORDINATE\FEMALE folder. It will show up in your clothing UI in the character maker, just select it and load. It takes all 10 accessory slots.

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Mr. DeVille from DeVille & associates

This is Mr. DeVille, practicing law under his alias so no one can annoy him with crazy ancient rumors about who did what and said this to someone. He likes sulfur and tar, so they make good gifts. He also likes fire and brimstone as well. On occasion he likes to grant dreams at the small cost of soles, no that is not right. Why would he want to have the piece of your shoe that touches the floor? Hmm, maybe a foot fetish? I don't know, he will discuss the terms and conditions of the contract with you in person and of course in parchment and blood.

Mods: Illusion Architecture Plugin (EusthEnoptEron), Wideslider (vrl0ver)

link to image






Allarii Moonrage - Night Elf from Warcraft-WoW

I originally made this character in SBPR then ported into HS with updates and touch ups.

She is a Night Elf from Darnassus. Disciplined in all aspects of combat, from the melee to ranged to the mystic arts. There is not one task she does not accomplish when setting her sights on the goal. Although she has been trained in all aspects of combat, she is more of a curative support with her mystical knowledge of the priests and earthen druid magic, blending them together to become one great magical force.

I would have released a lot sooner but with pc issues and distractions of other character works I forgot about them. I still have a lot more characters from SBPR to port over and update, in this genre as well. (Note: Character will be updated at a future time when more clothing/accessories/facial tattoos become available)

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy. Hopefully they release a Girl on Girl mode in the future and then we get see some ladies of Azeroth "battle it out".

Mods: Illusion Plugin Architecture (EusthEnoptEron), Wideslider (vrl0ver), GGmod Plugin (aastaroth), Zeaska Collection 1-2 & GGmod (Zeaska)

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Grey Alien Female

I really don't have an explanation on why I really created this character. To be honest, it kinda creeps me out. All I can say is that I was watching a really messed up show about Alien Encounters at the time. I was going to delete it but then I figured I would throw it out there and perhaps someone can use it in there studio works as an alien abduction or something. In any case, enjoy.

Mods: Illusion Plugin Architecture (EusthEnoptEron), Wideslider (vrl0ver) D.Va Outfit (DillDoe) Hair Mod (DillDoe)

links to image





Maybe I will revisit this one and make it sexy instead of creepy.......
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Ada Wong from Resident Evil 4 & 6

I tried to make Ada Wong as best fitting to her appearance in the Resident Evil 4 and 6. The character itself I am pretty happy about as well as the R6 clothing (R4 came out ok). The outfit from Resident Evil 4 is the "Normal Clothing" and the Resident Evil 6 is the "Room Clothing".

At first I kinda did not want to put this out there since it took quite some time to make the character but again I never really created this one for myself. I saw a kind plea in the HF Character Upload Thread for this to be created. I can't remember at this time who it was that requested it but when I find the name I will throw his tag on her so they can realize that I created the character. I usually don't mind requests but sometimes I will not do them, but in this case it was one that I did not mind to make.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this one.

Mods: Illusion Plugin Architecture (EusthEnoptEron) Wideslider (vrl0ver), GGmod Plugin (aastaroth), Adapated Shoes (Belgar17) Zeaska Collection 1 (Zeaska)

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Namek from Dragonball Z

This is a simple Namekian just chillin. I would of made Piccolo or Dende or some other cool named Namek but I wanted to move on after the base character was made. Will revisit this one later, until then enjoy.

Mods: Illusion Plugin Architecture (EusthEnoptEron), Wideslider (vrl0ver)

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