



Mr.XNAaraL is the co-author of famous studio programme XNALara orginally created by Dusan Pavlicek. XNAaraL arranged a separate time for me to guide me the process of file extraction to arrangement in 3D tool and making these files ready to port.

For always being a great mentor and continuously upgrading SB3UGS tool. If anyone does not know the literal meaning of modder then look up at Mr Enimaroah and you find your answer.

The is the original creator of SB3UGS tool and later perfected by Enimaroah. If you are reading this. I wanted to say "Thank you!":pushups:

For helping me how to deal with some broken meshes. Thanks for that I progressed further!

For taking over the clothing mod that I have requested. Thanks mate. My interest in HoneySelect died back then, truthfully it was you that resurrected my interest and coming to mod again.

For working together helping me out extracting Tomb Raider Underworld scenes​

Members in Group Hentai Game Visual Arts
**Aastaroth, BastianT, BathCurtain, Bond Travolta, Capt Jam, Eleven, Elrodeus, Foolboy, Fsjoku, GIL★ギル, GoofTroop, Locomash, LovelySurrealDream, Mr.Snoolz, Noddist, Patchie, Sin07, Sinbad, Stampar, Syncorz, Tmvageis, Toxiox, Wormy and Yossarian762

**Futaboy (Orginally planned to work with him but his sudden departure made me work alone)

**AllisonRR (Only person I know who is fan of this franchise after me in AS and HF forum)

**Zeconma (He is the one who created Lara Croft card for me but I modified to my likings and I am surprise to say I like this character than the original Lara Croft model. Because it is slightly based on someone I have spent time with.)

**LinkerMan/GeekyGami (For odd reason I missed that magical pony guy)


**YashiroAmamiya (The nicest guy I ever met)

**Curr144 (Whatever I had a thought about to release something in HS mods he beats me.)

**DillDoe (He is a man full of surprises)

**Vrl0ver (For the best Studio Addon Plugin)

**Plasticmind (For the 4k Quality mod he released)

**Joan6694 (For plugin HSPE and studio users went crazy for his mods)

**Dr. BloodMoney (A silent lurker became a prominent modder)

**RyuuChiSen (Another silent lurker became good modder)

ANIME-SHARING Studio Thread:
Feel free to post your work here:

Have fun with studio and show me what studio skills you got!!!!:cheering:


It was started in May,2016 and was plan to release for Sexy Beach Premium Resort Studio. I visited many websites and forums to get the resources and tools to get started. Between that I also needed guidance using tools to extract scenes. I had to pay real money to get some stuff and got scammed few times too. The progress was a very slow and had issues with meshes problem.

Then there was issues with compatibility at later stages. I really started to feel discouraged and to the point I decided to just simply quit it and walk away. After few days of time-out I started to work again and by the time HoneySelect was released. Truthfully told SBPR Studio has major problem with performance with HoneySelect Studio (new and improved)released SBPR is abandoned by many users and I was stuck between the two games.

Now it's the last week of March,2017 and it took me 11 months to work on a single title and here I am finishing it and releasing it.
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Tomb Raider Legend (Complete)
1-Bolivia (Complete)
2-Peru (Complete)
3-Japan (Complete)
4-Ghana (Complete)
5-Kazakhstan (Complete)
6-England (Complete)
7-Nepal (Complete)
8-Bolivia: Redux (Final Showdown) (Complete)
Studio props contains stuff like objects, relics, spike traps, vehicles etc (Complete)
Croft Manor not included!
Tomb Raider Anniversary (Complete)
**Peru: (Complete)
1-Mountain Caves (Complete)
2-City of Vilcabamba (Complete)
3-The Lost Valley (Complete)
4-Tomb of Qualopec (Complete)

1-St. Francis Folly (Complete)
2-The Coliseum (Complete)
3-Midas's Palace (Complete)
4-Tomb of Tihocan (Complete)

1-Temple of Khamoon (Complete)
2-Obelisk of Khamoon (Complete)
3-Sanctuary of the Scion (Complete)

**Lost Island(Complete)
1-Natla's Mines (Complete)
2-The Great Pyramid (Complete)
3-Final Conflict (Complete)

Tomb Raider Underworld (Complete)
1-Mediterranean Sea (Complete)
2-Thailand (Partial extraction. Tool fail to extract whole) (Complete)
3-Chapel (Return to the Croft Manor) (Complete)
4-Mexico (Partial extraction. Tool fail to extract whole) (Complete)
5-Jan Mayen Island (Complete)
6-Amanda's Ship (Complete)
7-Arctic Sea (Complete)

**Miscellneous Resources:
**Miscellaneous Collection (Complete)

**Volunteers needed for help. Preference TR fans but anyone is welcome.
**Modders needed to lighten up some load.
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TRL Stage Name: Bolivia


Download Link:

NO RE-DISTRIBUTION OF THIS MOD!!!!! Because I paid for it to release these stuff. I may cancel the whole project even if I have to.
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I am a little confused? Is this a map or a model or a mod? Could you explain a little better what your project is trying to achieve?

@Super Hentai Man

I love your Hentai Kamen Avatar. Hentai Kamen is the true Hero we all deserve! :D
I am a little confused? Is this a map or a model or a mod? Could you explain a little better what your project is trying to achieve?

It's actually a studio mods that contains items and maps. I named the title project because of the time and size of the files I am doing it for long time. Initially I did work on making a unity version but I failed miserably because it requires a time, dedication, good knowledge and practical experience of using Unity Editor and 3D tools. I don't have much time on that as real life is more important.
Thanks for the mention Ramoram! I have been a bad member lately by being less active, but the real life stuff seems to have died down.... Just in time for hongfire to be down yet again.
Thanks for the mention Ramoram! I have been a bad member lately by being less active, but the real life stuff seems to have died down.... Just in time for hongfire to be down yet again.

It not about being an active member or good/bad member. It's about respect and the quality time. I saw your work in SBPR. I loved your Reshade file you shared. Same goes to people in the honourable mentions. I seriously feel like I am missing someone else in the mention list.:alopro:
Oh..just seen your project. Can't wait to see the final release. It is an honor to be in your credit list...although I only helped a little, thanks :P.
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Reactions: lconklejean
Oh..just seen your project. Can't wait to see the final release. It is an honor to be in your credit list...although I only helped a little, thanks :P.

That little help was the solution of my biggest problem in my work. Thought alot to quit and leave, but your guide was enough to progress further and it also helped in other works too...

Bolivia Link is restored.
Fixed the misplaced location. Smoothed hard edges.
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TRL Stage Name: Peru



This stage comes in three flavors. Lolz. The town, dig-site location (present) and dig-site location (past). Any TR fans who played Legend knows what I am talking about. I skipped the bike-chase maps for Peru because it was fucking big and there are actually been ripped in 30 pieces and putting them together is like a jig-saw puzzle and mind you I never get it right because I get confused what part comes first. I played this stage 15 times particularly to memorise the bike-chase map but as mentioned I get confused and decided to dump that map.

Download Link:

NO RE-DISTRIBUTION OF THIS MOD!!!!! Because I paid for it to release these stuff. I may cancel the whole project even if I have to.
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TRL Stage Name: Japan






This stage is split into 6 parts. The Transformation of the maps are not in the origins (0,0,0) they are off the co-ordinates because it was designed that way and I like that because it was made according to the gameplay. I have uploaded a studio scenes for quick access to these location. It will be easier than dragging mouse all the way to that area.

Extract the studio scenes and place them in Studio folder found in UserData folder. Load them. Done!

Download Link:

NO RE-DISTRIBUTION OF THIS MOD!!!!! Because I paid for it to release these stuff. I may cancel the whole project even if I have to.
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TRL Stage Name: Ghana

You will need a decent water mod to fill this area of map with water.
There is a region where two corridors cannot connect. This bug problem is by developer's fault. No fix there.

Download Link:

NO RE-DISTRIBUTION OF THIS MOD!!!!! Because I paid for it to release these stuff. I may cancel the whole project even if I have to.
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TRL Stage Name: Khazakhstan



I skipped the train chase of Kazakhstan. It is my favourite stage. Reason is same as mentioned in Peru post. Stage is ripped in pieces and manual assemble like a jig-saw puzzle.

Download Link:

NO RE-DISTRIBUTION OF THIS MOD!!!!! Because I paid for it to release these stuff. I may cancel the whole project even if I have to.
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Thanks to Nneezz for the helping me out I am glad to inform that Anniversary project will also release too. The only upsetting thing is that I failed to extract the TR:Underworld and no one helped me other than Mr.XNAaraL (Fuck you Tomb Raider Forum and it's members for banning me)but seems like there is a compatibility issues and I cannot worked on that project.
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You're the best! Many thanks. Sorry for asking this but why is there no Croft Manor on your list?
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Reactions: lconklejean
You're the best! Many thanks. Sorry for asking this but why is there no Croft Manor on your list?

Self dedicated work.

That keeps on evolving. From SBPR:

Improved and increased to HS:

And it will progress further..... Additional contents will be merging soon......

I plan to perfect the Croft Manor that will have rooms from Legend, Anniversary and possible from Underworld too.

It's something that I really kept myself awake most night to do it.

That is why I am keeping that to myself.
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TRL Stage Name: England



>>This is a very big and complex map and only Raiders know the way around here in search of Arthur's tomb. This map is in 3 parts and their transformation settings are off-the origins (0,0,0). So I decided to provide you a studio scene to load all three maps into one complete map.
>>There are few known bugs. The end corridor where the dead sea serpent is cannot connect with the location you just went past through spinning blade traps (TR players knows what I am talking about once they see it) and second there is no face of King Arthur. I don't know why it is not there I guess this must be the bugged version of the game and I don't have the fix patch. For the record I couldn't find one.
>>You may need a water mod to fill the some areas and especially the dead sea serpent area.
Place the studio scene card in Studio folder which is found under the UserData
Download Link:

NO RE-DISTRIBUTION OF THIS MOD!!!!! Because I paid for it to release these stuff. I may cancel the whole project even if I have to.
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TRL Stage Name: Nepal

Region is complex that has entrance to cave areas and secret passage. If you want to understand the environment. I recommend you watch the game-play of this stage on Youtube.

Download Link:

Nepal is the second last stage and after that is the revisit of Bolivia for final chapter. I will upload that next week. Along with studio props like Excalibur, Stone Dias, Traps (Blades, Spikes, etc) Relics and more....

Next week will be the completion of Tomb Raider: Legend. It really took a whole year and I can not believe it is over.

NO RE-DISTRIBUTION OF THIS MOD!!!!! Because I paid for it to release these stuff. I may cancel the whole project even if I have to.
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TRL Stage Name: Bolivia (Redux)

This is an optional map. Actual game is the revisit back to Bolivia to activate the stone dais. Does not contain rest of the Bolivia map. It's the last part only. So it is totally up-to you if you want to download it.

Download Link:

NO RE-DISTRIBUTION OF THIS MOD!!!!! Because I paid for it to release these stuff. I may cancel the whole project even if I have to.

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