[Texture] Honey♥Select Tattoo Project


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Nov 8, 2013
Honey♥Select Tattoo Project 4K

(Illusion) Honey♥Select Tattoo Project 4K

Since i have abandoned this project a long time ago, i felt that i've done a poor job with this mod even though it was at the early stages of honey select modding. i've made an alternative version with 4k textures, way better than this one and bug free, but it needed alexae's to load for each character.

However, today i bring to you guys a renewed version of this mod standalone and 4k to use with plasticmind's 4k diffuse initial pack. this is what i wanted to share from the start but only finished now. i hope you guys enjoy it.


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  • HoneySelect_64 2016-09-14 09-29-22-75.png
    HoneySelect_64 2016-09-14 09-29-22-75.png
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    HoneySelect_64 2016-09-14 09-29-07-47.png
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Hay maybe you can help me here.
How do you make tattoos for Honey select?
What program do you use to convert the files?
Where can I get these programs?
How do you convert them?
In full detail if you can because I ran into a problem with the skin tex mod and it refusing to inject overlay layers.
the only program you'll need is photoshop cs4 or superior (torrent is your friend) and the nvidia DDS plugin for photoshop (free).

to make the skin into overlay, get one of mine as example, you'll see that into the folder of each skin theres a txt file where you'll set the name of the skin and if it's overlay or direct. now, talking about the skin itself, for overlay when you finish your work, you have to save it as DXT 5 / interpolated alpha, and on the second screen after clicking ok, mark the option "generate mip maps".

about how to make tats i've made a tutorial in the mod discussion thread:

My friend Gil asked for some directions about overlay tattoos for SkinTexMod and he found my advice useful, so i thought about sharing with yu guys, since it can help someone else, there we go:

GIL★ギル said:
Yo Saeki! Great work on the tattoo ports man :) I reallly dig that you made all your tattoos overlay, I think with time it will become the prefered method by everyone. Direct kind of limits the characters it can be applied to. Your solution made the most sense to me. Smart choice! They look fkn glorious and blend perfectly with the characters.

Seeing your work made me consider porting some of my PC tats, but I'm having trouble finding bases with the same neutral color as yours... can't seem to locate them in the original files. Could you please point me to them? Or maybe share your base, if it's a homebrew and it's not too much to ask? If you have a male base, I would really appreciate it too. Thanks in advance and sorry for the hassle!

i actually used the direct skin from alexae's as base, try it, they work nice. that's the exactly thought i had, the other method limits the characters way too much.

what i did to make them all overlay was quite easy, remove the base (temporary) apply a white base instead, merge it, you'll have a white base merging with your tattoo designs. then here comes the trick: go to image adjustments and invert the color, now you'll have an alpha channel! select the entire image and cut it from your work, then paste it under the alpha layer and you'll isolate the base color to strictly only the area of the tattoos, that will make the perfect blending i did with my tattoos.

don't forget to undo the merging and the white base after you cut the final result from the image, or you'll have a white base inside your tattoos and it will not work, then save it as DDS DXT5 / generate mipmaps or TGA 32bit uncompressed.

just one more hint about alpha channels: the black color is actually what's going to be hidden, and the white is what going to show up, grayish tones will show fading, so be aware of imperfection in the black areas, or if a part of the tattoo isn't showing right because it's fading too much, you can adjust the balance of brightness of your alpha using brightness/contrast controls on photoshop, that will make grayish parts closer to white :p
Personally I'm trying to avoid the Skin Tex mod as much as possible as it isn't working for me and I have done everything imaginable trouble shooting wise. I even went as far as sacrificing all my progress cards and scenes (most where backed up thankfully) just to clean install update and see if any other mod was conflicting with it.
Skin Tex mod still doesn't work for me and it has all but crushed my hopes.
So I'm pursuing making what I want as a tattoo layer instead (that being Freckles).
Im told that the SB3 utility is reasonable to work with if not a bit tedious.
So here is hoping that in the future I can make freckled skin or tattoo layers which tattoos can be added on.

DDS DXT5 that concerned me as I use Photoshop 7 which I'm pretty good at!
You said I can save the files as TGA thoe so that's reassuring.
Texture work wise I thank I'm going to be fine there.
I know quite a bit about how to wrap designs around skin files and what not. :)
Again thank you for your time and Ill keep you updated and Might pop an occasional question or two.
My thread on Hongfire was deleted which is sad as there needs to be a cohesive place to discuss these things.
Personally I'm trying to avoid the Skin Tex mod as much as possible as it isn't working for me and I have done everything imaginable trouble shooting wise. I even went as far as sacrificing all my progress cards and scenes (most where backed up thankfully) just to clean install update and see if any other mod was conflicting with it.
Skin Tex mod still doesn't work for me and it has all but crushed my hopes.
So I'm pursuing making what I want as a tattoo layer instead (that being Freckles).
Im told that the SB3 utility is reasonable to work with if not a bit tedious.
So here is hoping that in the future I can make freckled skin or tattoo layers which tattoos can be added on.

DDS DXT5 that concerned me as I use Photoshop 7 which I'm pretty good at!
You said I can save the files as TGA thoe so that's reassuring.
Texture work wise I thank I'm going to be fine there.
I know quite a bit about how to wrap designs around skin files and what not. :)
Again thank you for your time and Ill keep you updated and Might pop an occasional question or two.
My thread on Hongfire was deleted which is sad as there needs to be a cohesive place to discuss these things.

if you want to make it just for your use and as something game related you need SB3UGS and you'll need to edit stuff on cf_t_tattoo_b for body and Cf_t_tattoo_f for face mods, you'll also need to edit 00.unity3D at CharaCustom/List and insert each of your new textures in the respective lists, you'll have a lot more of work
Yes I understand it isnt that hard but it is tedious.
Im autistic so tedious is fine by me!
This is for me YES but I'm not above sharing.
Once I'm done I plan on learning how to pack it into a Zipfile and post it on megafile and shar it on hongfire.
That way other people who want freckles and don't want to bother with skin text mod can have them.
Better yet for those who use skin text mod can have freckles AND tattoos wile using the anime filter!
Im getting tremendous help with my endeavor so it would be selfish of me Not to give anything back.
not sure if it's your tats but can you upgrade to 4k/8k skins? A few of the ones I've downloaded have seams, I'm assuming it's yours cuz it's the only tattoo project on HS.
(Illusion) Honey♥Select Tattoo Project

First Version, still figuring out how to make it standalone and how to make it on a 2048 texture version, but it's good enough for people that liked that one in SBPR. now it works together with vanilla tan-lines and is under tattoos section.

To use it, match the tattoo color with the skin color of your character, like this:



However, feel free to customize tattoo's transparency so you can make the tats look sharper or smoother as you please.

Mod Preview:



There's a total of 14 new tattoos (the same of my SBPR mod) :)

Ps: This mod adds stuff to abdata/chara/cf_t_tattoo_b_00.unity3d and abdata/list/characustom/00.unity3d, so it does not replace any vanilla stuff, but you should backup the original ones in case you wanna uninstall the mod. i'll make it standalone when i figure out how >_<

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Hey dude, amazing mod!

I just have a question regarding the actual textures. Where can I find the textures for the body? I got SB3Utility but I cannot find any body textures to edit to add my own tattoos and other things. I wanted to edit currently existing saved girls. Is this possible? Thanks in advance.

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