[Uncensor] SBX2 Uncensor Full Release


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Jun 8, 2016
SBX2.5 Uncensor [Major update]


This was a collab between Belgar17 (mesh works) and me (texture works).
So please remember to thank/rep him if you like this uncensor.

Special thanks go to:

Maverick, for his improvements over SBX2 basic meshes.
plasticmind and cyberbeing for their support and improvements on SBX2 and HS.
And of course, thanks to enimaroah for developing SB3Ugs and his continuous support.

SBX2.5 features:
- Expansive maliwei-based mesh with completely custom anus, inner cavity and cervix.
- Custom, smoothed and filtered textures for all skin patterns, each one featuring a slightly different vagina.
- HQ normal, occlusion, detail and specular maps for the whole body.
- Full integration of vanilla assets (suntan, clothing parts, pubic hairs...)
- Totally reworked pubic hair system.

SBX2.5 release notes:
This was a major release, which included a change in the basic mesh, a rebuild of most files related to the uncensor, redone textures and maps, and improvements over the pubic hair and suntans.

- New mesh, edited and improved by Maverick.
- Redone textures for every skin pattern.
- Redone suntans.
- Improved pubic hair mesh & patterns.
- HQ texture maps by Plasticmind.


Main- SBX2.5c Uncensor.

Patch for DLC costumes - SBX2.5c party addon costumes[MEGA]
Hotfix -> Fix for the belly button missplacement. Increased blush [MEGA]

Optional 1- 12 Pubic hair patterns for SBX2.5. [MEGA]
Optional 2- Custom Juice Textures for SBX2.5c [MEGA]

Modders only-Documentation and resources for SBX2.5. [MEGA]


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I'm bumping this thread to highlight the release of the 1.2b update and the addition of the new custom juice. Thanks for your hard work, guys, it's pretty amazing : it reminds me of the cum textures made by the guys from the Ohigetan circle.

Obligatory call to [MENTION=131531]plasticmind[/MENTION] : please work together with [MENTION=127559]Stampar[/MENTION] on this one so we can have some glorious 4K sauce.


I just checked, and the provided "alternative version" seems to work flawlessly with plasticmind's 4K diffuse.

So, if I'm not mistaken :

  1. The "Custom Juice" (2048x2048 resolution) works with the base SBX2 uncensor as well as with plasticmind's 4K texture maps.
  2. The "alternative 4K version" (4096x4096 resolution) is made to be used with plasticmind's 4K diffuse textures.
Is that it ?
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I'm bumping this thread to highlight the release of the 1.2b update and the addition of the new custom juice. Thanks for your hard work, guys, it's pretty amazing : it reminds me of the cum textures made by the guys from the Ohigetan circle.

Obligatory call to [MENTION=131531]plasticmind[/MENTION] : please work together with [MENTION=127559]Stampar[/MENTION] on this one so we can have some glorious 4K sauce.


I just checked, and the provided "alternative version" seems to work flawlessly with plasticmind's 4K diffuse.

So, if I'm not mistaken :

  1. The "Custom Juice" (2048x2048 resolution) works with the base SBX2 uncensor as well as with plasticmind's 4K texture maps.
  2. The "alternative 4K version" (4096x4096 resolution) is made to be used with plasticmind's 4K diffuse textures.
Is that it ?

After 4K diffuse initial pack (v4), you can't use it directly, because I have to use different occlusion maps in these two mods.
@Dr Yoshi Not quite. Compatibility between Custom Juice Textures and plasticmind's "4k diffuse textures v4" is not granted as of now. Technically, the juice shall work all the same, but as he mentioned other things might fail. A compatible version will be easy to make in the future.

That alternative file is meant to be compatible with the 4k body maps addon for SBX2 which can be found above. Yes, I realice it can be missleading, but sadly HS uses just one file for the body maps and the materials for the juice textures, so this is unavoidable as far as I know.

Funny thing is, juice textures do have their own file, they just retrieve the materials from the shared one for no apparent reason.
After 4K diffuse initial pack (v4), you can't use it directly, because I have to use different occlusion maps in these two mods.

Yes. The "full" 4K textures (diffuse + maps) feature some changes that aren't present in the version linked in the OP (which is 2K on diffuse and goes 4K for maps only), like better/finer occlusion.

But the fun thing here is that the "Custom Juice" textures (that are 2K diffuse / 2K maps) works pretty really well with your 4K diffuse (v4). I thought that layering 2K on top of a 4K would cause issues, but I haven't found any so far.

@Dr Yoshi Not quite. Compatibility between Custom Juice Textures and plasticmind's "4k diffuse textures v4" is not granted as of now. Technically, the juice shall work all the same, but as he mentioned other things might fail. A compatible version will be easy to make in the future.

I'll keep on testing, but so far, they sure look like they all work the same. I went with all kind of crazy combinations (like only using your low-res version of the cum textures while using 4K diffuse on skin) and there's no scaling problems nor anything. Except for the obvious change in quality due to the resolution, nothing changes, so I think it's useable as is.

In fact, there's only one single issue I found, and it affects all the versions of your "Custom Juice" : the cum doesn't properly overlay on the areolas / nipples. I'm pretty sure you already documented this one.

That alternative file is meant to be compatible with the 4k body maps addon for SBX2 which can be found above. Yes, I realice it can be missleading, but sadly HS uses just one file for the body maps and the materials for the juice textures, so this is unavoidable as far as I know.

Funny thing is, juice textures do have their own file, they just retrieve the materials from the shared one for no apparent reason.

I simply should have fired Sb3UGS to take a look in the bundles, I would have understood how the files are structured much earlier.

By the way, what kind of changes did you perform on the juice materials ? I saw you added occlusion maps for some of them and also got rid of some specular maps... Were those specmaps even used somewhere (I can't find the references with Sb3UGS) ?

Because I tested the new textures (sirutex 2K version) with the "old" materials (from SBX2 cf_m_base) and it also works. In fact, I didn't notice much of a difference.
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Small bug report: I don't know if they're that way on the game originals or not, but the Dress (Black) & (White) have missing or inverted faces on the back of the hands with the top open. I double-checked all other combinations for those and it's just when the top is open. I hadn't noticed it on any other tops but I hadn't been looking for it either.

Edit: If it makes any difference, she's using skin 1 and none for strength.
The only body mods I use are the SBX2 1.2b, FemaleMakerAssets 1.3 pubes, RLA pubes 1.2 and RLA tooth and tongue textures.

Edit 2: Tried 1.2c, same results. BTW, the white camisole is still colorable. I had to go in and change the tag.

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@theuglyone damn, that dress is always causing trouble! In fact, the camisole was fixed in 1.2 but, partly because of that dress, it's recolourable again XD I'll remember those issues for the next version, there are already a good number of them so I'll probably work on it one of this days.

Btw, what are RLA Pubes? I wasn't aware there were more pubic hair mods out there. I would appreciate if you could link it for me :3

edit: oops Dr.Yoshi seemingly I forgot to asnwer you latest question, sorry! Regarding CJT materials, aside from the added occlusion maps, which imo make the thing less intrusive when under shadows, the changes were basically done to mat parameters such as Shininess, metallic effect, blending, bump scale, glossiness, etc. The default ones were good for the default textures, and in a certain way are good for the new ones as well, but I feel they could be improved.

The changes aren't that obvious tho, especially on some patterns and under certain lighting conditions, so it's only natural you didn't notice them at first glance. If the inclusion of the cf_m_base file poses any problem to you in the future (I mean when building a new MF patch) I guess you can ignore it!

Again, sorry for the late answer.
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Those mods are Masterpieces Stampar ! :runhappy:
Thank you so much to provide them for us !!
Ever since i add the dlc female uncensor dosnt work unless fully undressed.
I already have ver 1.3 is it a issue or just my game.?
Ever since i add the dlc female uncensor dosnt work unless fully undressed.
I already have ver 1.3 is it a issue or just my game.?
If you installed the full 12/22 patch then several top files would have been overwritten with the original censored files. In this case you will have to completely reinstall the uncensor to get those back.

If you installed the incremental 12/22 patch, the new DLC and/or the new bonus pack, the new tops on those come censored and would remain like that until you replace the corresponding files with the uncensored versions.

The SBX2 uncensored files for the 12/22 patch+DLC+Bonus are already available in the Hongfire SBX2 post here: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/forum/hentai-lair/hf-modding-translation/honey-select-mods/5718823-sbx2-uncensor-1-3-addons-xmas-patch-support/page15

If you run into any problem with the forum here is the direct link to the download: https://mega.nz/#!BwNk1ATQ!wwoU7NwVBFFKqpYwmzkobPHj_fFidxnTmj_uDP1MPDw

If you are not sure just reinstall the full SBX2 Version 1.3 files and then the above uncensor patch.
@Stampar Could you please make a version of your mod that has a more open vulva so that it doesn't look like the penis is just clipping into a closed vulva during penetration ?
[MENTION=127559]Stampar[/MENTION] :

During the test made for the latest patch, I found an interesting bug in the Custom Juice Textures. Since you seem to have changed the order of the render queue on some of the clothes and on the cum textures, the mod conflicts with the "monochrome man" mode (when you press "8" to make the male model translucent).

Here are some test made with SBX2 1.3 and CJT Beta3b, with no other mods enabled, on a fully-clothed female character (click for larger pictures) :

On this one, you can see that the cum texture doesn't show on the clothes behind the "monochrome man". The cum stains properly appears on the female character skin, as well as on the "visible" parts of the outfit, but are culled when they're applied on clothes that are behind the male model (check the difference between her left buttock and the right one).

On this other one, you can see that her panties and fishnets also disappear when occluded by the translucent male model. On her right thigh, you can see her stockings and the waistband of her underwear, but on her left thigh (behind the male model), they simply don't show.

You probably should try to give them a higher priority on the render queue to make sure they're not culled when occluded by the male model. If possible : I don't have extensive knowledge on how transparency is managed in Honey Select.

PS : I owe you an answer to your private message. I'll try to handle this as soon as possible.
[MENTION=127559]Stampar[/MENTION] :

During the test made for the latest patch, I found an interesting bug in the Custom Juice Textures. Since you seem to have changed the order of the render queue on some of the clothes and on the cum textures, the mod conflicts with the "monochrome man" mode (when you press "8" to make the male model translucent).

Here are some test made with SBX2 1.3 and CJT Beta3b, with no other mods enabled, on a fully-clothed female character (click for larger pictures) :

On this one, you can see that the cum texture doesn't show on the clothes behind the "monochrome man". The cum stains properly appears on the female character skin, as well as on the "visible" parts of the outfit, but are culled when they're applied on clothes that are behind the male model (check the difference between her left buttock and the right one).

On this other one, you can see that her panties and fishnets also disappear when occluded by the translucent male model. On her right thigh, you can see her stockings and the waistband of her underwear, but on her left thigh (behind the male model), they simply don't show.

You probably should try to give them a higher priority on the render queue to make sure they're not culled when occluded by the male model. If possible : I don't have extensive knowledge on how transparency is managed in Honey Select.

PS : I owe you an answer to your private message. I'll try to handle this as soon as possible.

Yeah, that mod is, sadly, very conflictive in its current stage. I'm planning to remake it on a fundamental level, but lately I didn't have the time/will to do so. Cur144 told me the key resided in the renderqueue, but my tests weren't that conclusive. To put it bluntly, I have no solution yet.

If anyone is experiencing issues and want to get rid of the addon, reinstalling 1.3 SBX2 files will effectively reset all layers/renderqueues to vanilla.

oh and don't worry about the PM! I'm aware you must have a lot of things piled up and, truth is, it wasn't that important. In the end I managed to keep things under control without an installer.
Just a thought. I think this mod is awesome overall. But I was wondering...has anyone thought of making a similar mod for ANAL? While the uncensored mod was great for vaginal genitalia I find that there isn't nothing for the anus side of things.

Could a modder make something for that too?
Im not sure if this is the same author...but anyone here got the other uncensor with a "innie" ?
Hi. I find addon version of your mod at Japanese site. It makes for more juices over everywhere. Hope to see this add to yours Stampar.

Author is Anonymous from Yuki.la site.



Also wonder is possible to add to selections of vagina types in HS? Would like if this was on selection.

It have been made in past by Futaboy and NanooNanoo for SBPR game.
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The rules here are no other than on HF. I hope you will improve the text above. It should include information about the author and origin.

Especially if you like someone's mod you should respect their work. A text such as "I found something somewhere do something with this" is missing such respect.
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Hey Stampar, I just came across a slight seam issue with the pubic hairs and figured I'd share it with you. I was scrolling through the pubic hairs while trying to decide what style Aya would be having in Honey Select (if any!!) and noticed two of the default styles have seams. None of your others have these issues from what I was seeing. here's a pic for clarity!


The seam on this one is rather large and pretty noticeable. There's another one on Type 3 but it's much more smaller and probably easily overlooked. My picture barely catches it, but it is quite noticeable in game. Here's a pic here.


Just figured I'd let you know about it! I was debating on opening the textures and seeing if I could fix it myself and just posting a link, but I'm not sure when I would have been able to get around to it! Thanks for all your hard work as usual! And thanks again for this amazing uncensor!
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