[Utility] HS_SlotID - Honey Select Slot Manager


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Sep 20, 2016
HS_SlotID - Honey Select Slot Manager v.1.1.1

  • Easily view all the slots in a mod
  • View stock name in English (requires UITranslation Mod)
  • Searchable Slots to avoid conflicts
  • Slot Type can be translated


Put HS_SlotID.exe in you HoneySelect folder for easy setup.


On first run it'll create an '.ini' file to store preferences

Under 'Tools > List', make sure 'Auto Update' is checked. This will scan all your mods and create a List to search from everytime you open the program. You can either close and reopen the program or click Tools > List > Create Local'

For search function to work you need to create a List to search from. You can download it via the program (link here: dilldoe.org/AG3/HS_SlotID_List.txt) or create one based on only the mods you have installed (if you have all the mods installed)

Translation requires UITranslation Mod to be installed (in you Plugin folder) with the current English Translations.

CLIFFS: Put in HoneySelect folder. Run and 'Tools > List > Create Local'. View Mod or search for Slot.


Created mainly for Modders (more for users later on) to quickly see if a slot for their mod is already taken or not.

I download all the STANDALONE mods I can find to compile a Full List of all the used slots. I did not include mods that are incorporated in stock ones, in hope that they be converted into standalones. There's even a function to compare the mods themselves to find conflicting slots.

215606_Elysium_shoes_006.unity3d [215606] found in cleep_shoes_pack.unity3d
354102_22_Mrbbb_acc_pack.unity3d [354102] found in zeaska mod package1.unity3d
354102_22_Mrbbb_acc_pack.unity3d [354103] found in zeaska mod package1.unity3d
354102_22_Mrbbb_acc_pack.unity3d [354104] found in zeaska mod package1.unity3d
354102_22_Mrbbb_acc_pack.unity3d [354105] found in zeaska mod package1.unity3d
roy12_christie_00.unity3d [202075] found in stinger722mod_hairf01.unity3d

These are the ones found with conflicting slots.

I did not enable a Save function (yet) to allow users to change the slots themselves. There isn't much conflicting slots, so it's better to let the creators of the mod change it themselves to prevent more conflicting slots later on (imagine if every user picked a different slot)

Also on the TODO list, is to create an upload function for the list. So when a new mod comes out, the creator/user can update the online list.

The Slot Types are stored in the '.ini' file, so if you don't like the way I name them or want to translated into your own language, you can edit it there. PLEASE DON'T MANUALLY EDIT 'HS_SlotID_List.txt' ! Either generate one or download it to avoid errors in searching.

Also, if you're using it to figure out which outfit you want to copy/paste as the base for your mod using the English translation, the Index number should be in the filename when you open it in SB3U. ex. T-Shirt (White) has index of '4', so in SB3U look for p_cf_body_top_04_xx. etc...


10-27 - v.0.2.0 - Fixed issues with conflicting slot number in different slot types. Added Slot Type to Search Results. Fixed Slot Type naming.

as zeaska and cur144 mention, modders might not use the same slot number format as Illusion since the game only focus on last 3 digits. So a bra slot can have the same number as an underwear slot and HS_SlotID will return it as a conflict. My solution is to correct the format before storing it to the List. This way an underwear slot using a bra slot number will be reformatted to the panty slot.

Example: Bra 207123 & Underwear 207123, both works in game cause different types. will be stored in the List as 207123 & 208123 to reflect the correct slot type.

this has no effect on the mods, or show up in the grid, only in HS_SlotID_List.txt. So if you do a conflicting search, only conflicting slots will come up (which is the shoes)

I've also included the Slot Type in the search Result, so if you search for 207123, it'll tell you "Bra slot 207123...etc.." is taken or not. This (I hope) will help modders conform to the Illusion format by making sure the slot number is in the right slot type.

forgot to mention, I've also added an Append option for Creating Local list, only adding new mods to the list instead of creating a new one. It'll show which new mods are added in the status area on the bottom. This will make it easier to see which mod(s) are missing from the Downloaded list. It'll automatically ask you if you want to update or create a new list when you click 'Create Local'

10-28 - v.0.3.0 -Fixed incorrect slot type with names containing letter & numbers. Changed Download List to 'Stable' & 'Nightly' version for future user submission (currently both list are the same). Fix minor bugs.

10-29 - v.0.3.1 - Bug fix & icon change to match HS icon

10-30 - v.0.3.2 - Fixed Slot Type naming. Fixed typos/double entries (Lips showing as Headtype and male clothes showing as body type) Other bug fixes.

10-31 - v.0.3.3 - Added resize. Fixed bug where items might not be read/skipped


open it and edit the following lines:

cf_f_top = Normal Top (F)
cm_f_body = Normal Top (M)

11-02 - Added Upload site. http://dilldoe.org/AG3/Nightly/HSList.php (key: 49CC4F5) If your mod isn't on the list, then upload it and it'll be in the Nightly List.

11-03 - v.0.4.0 - Added Map function to visual all the slots. bug fixes.

11-03 - v.0.4.1 - fix bug causing program to crash on map

11-18 - v.0.4.2 - conflict search now reports multiple conflicts for same slot. change pin function on map to stay pin while change cloth type.

12-12 - v.1.0 - Added Save function and scalable status area.

01-03 - v.1.1 - Added Auto Update function. Bug fixes & more error detecting.

01-31 - v.1.1.1 - minor bug fixes.

Notice alot more people are using this to fix conflicts due to new DLC, so here's a quick start.

  1. Put in HoneySelect folder.
  2. Run and go to 'Tools > List > Auto Update'. Make sure it's checked
  3. Go to 'Tools > List > Create Local'.
  4. Go to 'Tools > List > Conflicting Search'
  5. If there are conflicts, the status area at the bottom will show which files are conflicting.
    Select that file (upper left box) and change the SlotID in the YELLOW New Slot ID column.
    Click 'File > Save'

If the upper left box (where all the files are listed) is blank and program is in HoneySelect folder, the program can't find your folder (happens on non-english system and custom game paths) You need to open HS_SlotID.ini in notepad and on the first line 'Path=XXXXXX' enter your Honeyselect path. Save.

Program is listing Conflicts for mods you don't have. (who told you to download a list?!!) Go to 'Tools > List > Create Local'. Click 'Yes', then when asked to Append, click 'No'.


PLEASE DO NOT post this mod onto other sites without informing me first.
請尊重原作者,本MOD禁止轉載,搬運。 如有興趣轉載,請先聯絡本人。

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Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

@DillDoe, love your mods, thanks for creating SlotID.
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Thanks a lot for the tool, it made finding free IDs a breeze.

I have a suggestion, mostly cosmetic, but useful in the long run.

Could you make it so that the list view, image view, cells table and text box all scale with the window?

At the moment it looks like this when scaled:

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Reactions: lconklejean
Thanks a lot for the tool, it made finding free IDs a breeze.

I have a suggestion, mostly cosmetic, but useful in the long run.

Could you make it so that the list view, image view, cells table and text box all scale with the window?

At the moment it looks like this when scaled:

View attachment 12975

yup, on my todo list. stuck on bug fixes to do anything else.
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I've setup an upload page, so modders can update the list with their mod, keeping the Nightly List the most up to date list for other modders.

http://dilldoe.org/AG3/Nightly/HSList.php (key: 49CC4F5)

just fill out the basic info and upload, if your mod isn't in the Nightly List, it'll add it and show you a log of all the new mods added. If you want your mod to be on the Stable List, provide a link to your mod so I can verify that it's an actual mod and not a fake.
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New update: Added Map function and fix bugs.


Download the latest Stable List and click Tools>Map

On the first run (every time you open the program) it'll take a second or two for it to load the 1000 slots placeholders, so if you close the Map window (not the program) and reopen it should be instantaneous.

Select the clothing item you want to see in Slot Type drop down box. It'll map out all the slots that are taken (GREEN) and all the slots that have conflict (RED).

Putting your cursor over the box will give you the Slot ID and the status, if it's free, taken or conflicting. If taken it'll show the Filename taking that slot. All conflicts will be display in the status area below (in case there are more than 1 conflicts in the future)

To exit out the Map, click the [ X ] button on the right (next to the Legend Key)

Now this way if your mod takes several consecutive slots you can quick look to see which area is free for your 'block' of slots. You can click on the slot to pin it so you don't have to keep your mouse over it. (changing Slot Type will remove the pinning)
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Not my work but I'd hate to see them get stomped on. He's done some outstanding costume and accessory work. His primitives entry is worth the look-see to get a belly laugh from his example pics.

He lists the slots used on each mod page but they are all well worth the download.

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i just download it and put it on my hs folder but for some reason it not listed all the mods on the tab, any idea what went wrong with mine?
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Reactions: lconklejean
i just download it and put it on my hs folder but for some reason it not listed all the mods on the tab, any idea what went wrong with mine?

could you give some more details, like which mods aren't showing up? which tab?
all of the mods that i have are not listed on the left tab near sitri picture

it worked now, i have manually edit where i installed HS on HS_SlotID.ini file using notepad...
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Say, DillDoe, is it possible for a future update to also list CAB string conflicts?

I think it would be more useful when you're making mods, since it's nearly impossible to get a repeating CAB when created from scratch, but sometimes one could forget to change it from a copied asset bundle (yep, me, mistakes have been made).
Say, DillDoe, is it possible for a future update to also list CAB string conflicts?

I think it would be more useful when you're making mods, since it's nearly impossible to get a repeating CAB when created from scratch, but sometimes one could forget to change it from a copied asset bundle (yep, me, mistakes have been made).

Yeah I do that sometimes too, but I know it's a conflict when it doesn't show up in maker (which is why I never bother to add that function)
But I have notice that modders (specially newer ones) are using other modder's asset bundle as their base and forgetting (or not knowing) to change the cab string. So will possibly add that function.
Say, DillDoe, is it possible for a future update to also list CAB string conflicts?

I think it would be more useful when you're making mods, since it's nearly impossible to get a repeating CAB when created from scratch, but sometimes one could forget to change it from a copied asset bundle (yep, me, mistakes have been made).

Ok, started adding the function and some good news & bad.

Good news, it works finding tons of list files with the same CAB strings. And I mean a bunch.
Which is kinda surprising to see that game allows it to work. So CAB conflict in list files don't really matter?

Bad news, since the list alone won't disable the mod from working if there's a CAB conflict, that'll mean having to check the asset bundles in the chara folder(s), which HS_SlotID doesn't do (it is possible, but more involved than I thought.)
Yeah, the lists have never really mattered when it comes to CAB string conflicts. The actual problem is with asset bundles in the chara folder. I think it just joins all the list files in the list directory without checking the CAB string or something.
View attachment 15329

Why is this happening, the three 205999 files (female tops) keep changing list numbers at the same time, and I cant separate them. Conflict isn't even listed in the program. Just found it like that after changing the list one day.

EDIT: Okay I think I just need an original 00.unity3d file. Got a new one, fixed conflicts, and bada bing! Note to avoid changing original default sets, change mods only.
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this app is a must now after new DLC update, a lot of ID conflict on mine even though i only use half mods that listed on pastebin
all of the mods that i have are not listed on the left tab near sitri picture

it worked now, i have manually edit where i installed HS on HS_SlotID.ini file using notepad...

Can you tell me the details? i have same problem.
Hs_slotid told me the conflicted slot is in xxx.unity but i cant find that xxx.unity in the list beside that sitri picture
I wonder where i went wrong...
Can you tell me the details? i have same problem.
Hs_slotid told me the conflicted slot is in xxx.unity but i cant find that xxx.unity in the list beside that sitri picture
I wonder where i went wrong...

i have that same problem before, usually i update the list mod, if it still not visible then delete the mod file that have conflict with main file and then reinstall it again to make it appear on HS_SlotID
i have that same problem before, usually i update the list mod, if it still not visible then delete the mod file that have conflict with main file and then reinstall it again to make it appear on HS_SlotID

But i dont know why i dont have all of those actual files on the abdata characustom folder.
The programe indicate theres conflict with that mod. I'm so confused.
But i dont know why i dont have all of those actual files on the abdata characustom folder.
The programe indicate theres conflict with that mod. I'm so confused.

because you downloaded the list (stable or nightly) which contains publicly available mods so that MODDERS can avoid conflicting with other MODDER'S mods.

if you only want to check mods you have DON'T DOWNLOAD A LIST.
Go to Tools > Create Local, click YES, then NO when ask to append.

this will create a fresh list of all the mods you have installed.

I know this is kinda my fault for not updating the first post with instructions (like I did for hongfire) and will do so once site is back up so I can copy/paste.
because you downloaded the list (stable or nightly) which contains publicly available mods so that MODDERS can avoid conflicting with other MODDER'S mods.

if you only want to check mods you have DON'T DOWNLOAD A LIST.
Go to Tools > Create Local, click YES, then NO when ask to append.

this will create a fresh list of all the mods you have installed.

I know this is kinda my fault for not updating the first post with instructions (like I did for hongfire) and will do so once site is back up so I can copy/paste.

Omg im soo stupid, thank you so much DillDoe.

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