[Utility] WaifuRipper v.1.0


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Sep 20, 2016
WaifuRipper v.2.0


  • Ripped character(s) from Studio Scenes into Card(s) for main Game!

Uncompress and run

1. Open Studio Scene (scene/image will load as show below)
2. Click Rip and all the characters in the scene will be extracted. (Tip: delete any characters you don't want to extract in Studio first)

Details of the Rip will be show in the Status area below the image, like how many cards were Ripped.

Characters will be saved in their respective folders with SUPER GOLD FOIL WAIFU RIPPER CARD!!

Limited to HS Studio Scene files (well you can rip the cards too). I know a few have requested this, much easier to make than I thought. There even the possibility for snowflaking, making HI-Res studio scene images that can be used in Studio!
You should open up a scene in studio first to see how many characters there are, so you don't get like a dozen unexpected cards to go thru.
And I just know someone's gonna ask this...but NO you can't rip characters from studio screenshots or images of a character. They just don't have to data stored in the image to do so.


11-24 - v.2 - Added 'Snowflake' function. You can now replace the game generated image with hi-res version. Works for studio & characters.


download to your studio folder and open it up.



pw: 1yag

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Oh, nice, glad to see something like this for HS! Thanks!

And btw, wow, that girl from the images looks A LOT like one of my favorite jav girls: Aika!
If you wouldn't mind, I'd love to have either her card; or the scene, hweh heh heh.
This is AMAZING!
Many thanks :)

Now the only thing left to do is to create a different image for each character. Not that Waifu Ripper ain't cute, but...
yup, that is indeed aika, she was my spokesmodel for playclub and now HS. so sadly she's one of my very, very few personal mods that I can't share. (generally I don't share my waifu :P )

he's just a place holder and is meant to be replaced via. game save.
he's just a place holder and is meant to be replaced via. game save.

I know. I understand how difficult it would be. You'd need to load the character in HS, make the photo and save it.
By the way, would you kindly give a hint about how the game actually stores the data inside the image? Some kind of inserted metadata?
I know. I understand how difficult it would be. You'd need to load the character in HS, make the photo and save it.
By the way, would you kindly give a hint about how the game actually stores the data inside the image? Some kind of inserted metadata?

they just basically create an image and stuff all their data at the end of the image. I'm not sure how the data is encoded/decoded (i'm just looking at the hex values) I just need to find when it starts
oh...kind of a shame considering that most of the maps in Honey Select's studio mode feel kinda samey and not all that interesting. Wish someone would import the maps from SBPR to it.

Actually is there a way to get more maps in the game? I tried something for with that kind of idea but all it did was cause studio mode to crash
yup, that is indeed aika, she was my spokesmodel for playclub and now HS. so sadly she's one of my very, very few personal mods that I can't share. (generally I don't share my waifu :P )
I was just hoping you'd save me the trouble, as I intended to create her, as well, among other jav girls. Damn... Well, it was worth a shot, lol.
Amazing job, btw!
Anybody interested in making a parent/couple into child program like that one for AA or AA2? I mean if it can rip data and just combine or averages them and spits out data I would like it cuz right now I'm using excel spreadsheet or Google sheets to do calculations. It'll be 10-20 times easier to have a program or app to do it by just looking at PNG files and making a child from that etc...
Anybody interested in making a parent/couple into child program like that one for AA or AA2? I mean if it can rip data and just combine or averages them and spits out data I would like it cuz right now I'm using excel spreadsheet or Google sheets to do calculations. It'll be 10-20 times easier to have a program or app to do it by just looking at PNG files and making a child from that etc...
I haven't tested it yet so I can't tell you how effective it is, but there is something like that available in the main game. No, it's not like the Sims where you can combine two people to get a "child" with mixed features, but it's... Something, I guess? lol. Anyway, at the very least it seems to be a decent way to create random girls.

(You have to talk to Sitri and do a Character Search, btw.)

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