Fixed Navigation Links

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Oct 16, 2010
As a result of some bugs that occurred during the recent forum update, the navigation bar has disappeared. Among the things contained within the navigation bar, there were vital links such as user control panel and, most importantly, login/logout button. Until we manage to fix the bugs and bring back a working navigation bar alive, please bear with using the links below for your needs for the time being.

If you're a guest and would like to have a new account, you can go here:
The registration process will proceed as usual.

Logging In
There's no easy link to log you in, but there's a trick: you'll get automatically redirected to the login page if you attempt to access an area of the forum whose use is restricted to members only.
Let's try editing your profile, which obviously requires you to be logged in:
If you're not logged in already, you should get redirected to the login panel, which looks like this:


Logging Out
For security reasons, logging out requires a uniquely-generated hash value that cannot be duplicated by any other means but clicking the logout button.
However, now that such a button is non-existent, you can go to this link for a start:
You'll be greeted by a panel saying there's an error trying to log you out (yes, that's fine) which also provides you with a proper logout button like this:


User Control Panel
So you're logged in and would like to edit your profile or settings but don't know the magic word?
Well, this one's easy; there's an instant link to go to your control panel with all the other settings listed neatly:
You can also see your current unattended notifications there just like usual.

The navigation bar will be reinstated sometime soon. We're working hard and (literally) sacrificing our sleep time to fix these issues, and apologise for the inconvenience.
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