Answered Need A Little Help.

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Veteran Member
Elite Member
Oct 17, 2012
I need a little help with a possible double post in this thread.

The other day, I posted in the thread,

Then, 10 1/2 hours later, I was looking through the thread and commented to a post quote.

It would seem that left me with two posts in a row, half a day apart.

Someone made the comment I had double posted.

Have I erred? Obviously, half a day later, I wasn't trying to double post, it just happened. Should the posts be merged?
Double- (as well as triple-, quadruple-, quintuple-, etc.) posting is generally frowned upon. It's better to edit your post than post another reply if no one has replied in-between, yes, but we're pretty lax in this regard. Both of the posts you're referring to aren't insubstantial, and in the case of a discussion thread, we usually don't mind this so long as it's done reasonably and not repeatedly as it helps spark a renewed interest in the thread. Download threads are kinda different as abusively bumping a download thread would incur the wrath of a moderator fairly quick.

Oh, and don't worry, your "security" won't be at risk just because you double-posted in a thread. It's not like we send black helicopters, men in suits or armoured vehicles after people for doing just that.
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Thanks Ignis!

But... who are those men in black sunglasses watching my house? :alonescared:
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Don't worry about them. They are there to protect you form terrorists. Move along.
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The gubmint pays them good money to ensure that no ponies are harmed in the neighbourhood. Because harming ponies makes children cry... and we must think of the children.

That aside, I trust your enquiry has been satisfactorily addressed. Thread locked.
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