Okay, I had very trouble to decide, which of the 2 made siggys for this SOTM event choose would (Btw, the other siggy you'll find even in the Discussions part, post #26), and the decision is (so far) finally born...
Entry #1!!!
But probably there will be some updates give, but PROBABLY!
Here's Toon Link'sSOTM #44 entry!!! hahahaha It's a bit simple (I know) but I found it funny to use this theme, heroines against nasty monsters to protect the ¿school? and the whole world! haha :P
What girls do after school?...Yeah, kick some monsters asses! xD also I wanted to give a "comic touch" adding these stickers haha hope you like it guys! :D
Hi, UFO. Do you still do reuploads? You're one of the few reliable ones, and one of the few who have the files. If you would, that'd be awesome. 若い女将は妊婦さん 秘密のおでかけ