
Old King Boredom
Elite Member
Nov 17, 2012
I came to the sudden realization that some threads are indeed not about bacon. Let this be the thread for
x + 2y + 4z = bacon. The bacon plane.
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Bacon lubricant!

I've done the math, and checked all my calculations: it all adds up to bacon.
You have defied bacon for the last time :samuraihero: Prepare to be tossed into the pit of excessively fat stuff~ ;p
I don't eat piggy stuff..... :S

Or pinky stuff... Edit: or... wait, nm that last statement... I just don't eat piggy stuff :bepraised:
After I gave this thread a proper burial too! I guess you just can't keep silent about bacon. It has the answers after all.
Hmm bacon rottet in hell ? the hole white yellow fat... i don't want to think about... :dead:

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