FUN Quizzes!!! :D


Mar 24, 2012
You either take a quiz that someone puts here and share what you got, or you find a quiz for everyone else~ You can even make one??? O_O
I'll keep adding some on this post so it's all in one place~

help with images:

Here's a place with lots of quizzes

Please help me find more quizzies!! XD

index 2.
index 3
index 4
index 5

1 what anime stereotype are you?
2 what-anime-eyecolor-would-you-have
3 what-anime-are-you-part-2
4 what-anime-kiss-are-you
5 which-inner-quality-do-you-possess-beautiful-anime-pictures
6 what-is-your-heart-feeling-right-nowcool-anime-pics

7 which-dot-hack-sign-character-are-you
8 what-human-aspect-fits-your-personality-images
9 what-kind-of-dancers-are-you
10 what-weapon-would-you-use
11 what-colour-is-your-soul
12 what-female-tales-of-symphonia-charactor-are-you
13 which-tales-of-symphonia-character-are-you
14 what-is-your-true-inner-element-and-power

15 what-type-of-angel-are-you-beautiful-pics
16 what-planet-do-you-represent-chobits-based-anime-girls
17 what-magical-power-do-you-posses
18 what-kind-of-soul-do-you-posses
19 whats-your-true-writing-style


You are a living angel. Perfect (it seems) in everyway down to the last feather in your wings. You were probably popular when you were living.


You are the Sun...
Vain, Dignified, Generous


The gift of life resides in you. You are a loving person and everybody loves you, or at least, most people ^^ I know I do^__^


You have a kind soul! What can be better than cooking lemon-pastries? Only helping out sick kids of course! Congratulations, you have a kind soul. Known for your purity and goodness you follow your heart and your brain. The path you seem to talk on is golden, and your touch can make others forget about their pain. Your always the one who donates to charity, feeds the squirrels in the park, and volunteers down at the shelter. Youre determined to make the world a better place, and be sweet and thoughtful everywhere. You are probably multi-talented, and others love being around you. Be careful though. Dont let them take advantage of you.


Your writing style is looking at pics then thinking of a story to go with the pics. You just write as it comes to you. You can be a little less prepared on what youre going to do next but thats the fun of it!


Mimiru - You are Mimiru, the Heavy Blade who befriends Tsukasa. You're curious about his mannerisms and even more curious about why he can't log out. You begin to develop an attitude as a defense mechanism to compensate for lack of intelligence and wisdom.


The Hopeful
I love this one! ^^


You are a Chinese/Asian Dancer. You are the smartest in the party, you have a beautiful creative mind and you like to use it to help your loved ones, you care a lot about your friends and you try always to protect them and give them advice. Your ideal man is the one with a strong determined character, you like to feel safe with him.


A staff is for you! You are carefree, and love the world. Everything is great to you. The staff represents your lifestyle - happy! Your friends love you, and they know you as the one who has no problems. You an't really help them with theirs because your too absorbed daydreaming. Your best friend is the peacemaker. You least favorite person is the sife carrier.


You are blue!

12 meh .-.

You are Presea Combatir!!!!! You know pain well and you are very quiet because you are afraid to love and don't want to be hurt. You are a person who also only says what is nessicary and very little more.You are also wishing you could go back in the past and change your choices. My advice for you is that you need to open up and love agian and be open to new unexpected relationships. On the bright side you are nice person and try not to hurt others and care alot about those you wish to be close to. Oh and don't forget you are really pretty when you smile!!!!

You're Colette Brunel! Hurray for you! You are a very nice person, and see good in everyone you meet. You have a positive outlook on life, so every day is better than the last for you! Although you may be a bit of a klutz, good always seems to come of your clumsiness. Your happy and outgoing personality makes many people want to be your friend. Keep it up and all of your friendships will always stay true!


Your inner element is Wind! You like the sense of freedom and openess. You don't let your mind to clog with the worries of the world. You are carefree and selfless. You would sacrifice yourself any day to see another person go free. You like to be alone, but you do not reject those who decide to be around you. Prejudice is your biggest pet-peeve. Your hidden power is to soar in the clouds, understand the "language" of the wind, and selflessness.


"Child-like- you are ALL fun and games arn't you? STUDY!!! In life you can only rely on yourself and when you don't have anything to rely on because you were frittering around...hehheee...don't come crying to me! Otherwise you are probably the most sanist of your peers."

not the best test but oky~

i got red??? x_x




Behold! Da Vinci would have blown himself up for a look at you! You have perfect structure all the way around, giving the anime you a very attractive body. One of your few faults is the tendency to become overdependent on your physcal structure. You can also(like most other beautiful people) be slightly conceited. but don't fret, just keep your head out of the clouds and you should be fine!"

interesting :f


You're a caring kisser, you have a gentle and your partner envolved and you enjoy showing this to the world!



Your hidden quality is gracefulness.
Beauty, Passion, Love, In Fashion! That's you, the city chick who uses her body to show love for the world..



"u r happy!:
u wouldn't mind going outside in the sun 4 a few min.!!(pretend it's summer) u would love to lay in the grass with a friend and enjoy the scenery!! nothing else really matters now! infact, ur so happy, u wouldn't mind doing some chores, 4 just a little while,(at least thats how i am, unless i am happy cuz i just finished chores)what u really want is to share ur happyness w/ someone else! so y don't u go do that?!"

soo true X_X

more peeps should try some of these~ :D
[MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] [MENTION=32153]DaRk_AnGeL_ZoA[/MENTION] [MENTION=33148]Kasumi[/MENTION] [MENTION=29319]Kiririn[/MENTION] [MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION] [MENTION=30017]stardice[/MENTION] [MENTION=29831]thecoins[/MENTION]
[MENTION=35127]Ichiko[/MENTION] [MENTION=28568]Exaelia[/MENTION]
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Hmm... figured it might give something like this with the answers i poked~

Intellect- YOu are REALLY the center of the universe are you not? Remember that the world does NOT revolve around you....YOU revolve around the world. My advice to you is have fun pwease? But maintain a nice average while you're at it!

Backstabber- Why DON'T you JUST take a knife and KILL ME ALREADY! You have better lose your attitude or else all that's left is you in the nursing home eating mungbeans and rice! Although you may not think everyone knows you talk about them but they actually do and guess what....THEY DON'T LIKE IT! Lose it, or lose your friends....if you have any...

ARRRR! Short man's syndrome! you have some violent tendencies because the world has always viewed you as an underling. Naturally, you accepted this as a challenge and got really phisically fit. So... go where you want to, do what you want to, and don't take crap from anybody.

You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~

Your hidden quality is cunningness.
Blackmail, Bribing... You always get what you want because you can get it out of people. Your talent is that of taking what you want!

u r mad!:
u r just sooooooooooooo mad right now!!b-cuz of ur sibblings, a person, something! what u need to do is calm down! if it was something someone said, then u need to forget about it!! b-cuz they r just trying to get u mad!! they know it will tick u off, and it does!!! so just ignor them or think about somin else. reading a book ALWAYS helps!! and not just 4 me! so try doing that!

Mimiru - You are Mimiru, the Heavy Blade who befriends Tsukasa. You're curious about his mannerisms and even more curious about why he can't log out. You begin to develop an attitude as a defense mechanism to compensate for lack of intelligence and wisdom.

You are a Ballerina. You are the classic princess between all, you have an opinion about almost everything, your friends respect you and see you as a role model cuz you are always in your way up. Your ideal man is someone who respects the successful and intelligent woman you are.

You carry a sife. You hate the world, and wish everyone would just leave you alone. You don't have any friends, and like it that way. The sife appeals to you because the Grim Reaper carries it. Who doesn't like death, right? Even though you hate everyone, you deeply loathe the bow holder. They have anger in them, but they don't show it!

You are Orange!

You are a Neko!!!! Hehe umm sorry I just had to do this lol just go back and don't pick the last answer ok.
You are Kratos Aurion. You are often serious and untalkative, so you don't tend to make many friends. You are very independent and don't allow anyone to get in your way. The skill you have in battle has been gained from many years of study and training, but you can't help but be a little arrogant at times. Mabye it's because some other people remind you of yourself when you were younger, and you don't like to think about it. The friends you do make are good people, and you are extremely loyal to them. If they turn evil, you stick by them anyway. Your friends like you because you are supportive and loyal, and wise beyond your years.

Your inner element is Fire! You may be a little hot tempered at times, but it cools down quickly and you rarely keep grudges. Although you are not nessesarily power HUGRY, you are drawn to things that have power. You like heat and things that are warm, and can't stand to be in the cold. Most of the time, your anger doesn't cause damage. But when you get too upset, your fury burns. Your secret power is resistense to intense heat and to burn things with the touch of your hand, and courage. Rate please!
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Red like fire...


Not really a leader, but not much of a follower either. You pave your own path; usually out of the way of most people, though you are sometimes known to have a few good friends. You have a bad tendancy of letting the things you love or want overpower your better judgement. so just keep yourself in control of your emotions and the world won't be destroyed. Or let it run amok! it doesn't really matter to me. Have Fun!!
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i was a little disappointed when i got red :f I'll post some more quizes up tomorrow and make the page easier to see~
Why no red D:

Ehh... what happened here...

You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~

Now why this...

Your hidden quality is sensitivity...
The hidden quality of emotion, too much emotion which has led too you having no desire to live... this isn't a pleasant quality and it should be changed.
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It's ironic how Sam gets the Tall and Muscular, while I get the Short and Muscular. I'm taller than him.
All of the descriptions in my results are negative, except for the Anime Eyecolor.
Hmm mines are odd o.o

Hmm this quiz was odd... nvm the result =.=

u r sad:
u need 2 cheer up. somin to lift ur spirt! i am sorry that u suffer in sadness, but i am sure u can make it better! if ur sad cuz everything is rushing u, it will pass, trust me!(i had the same experience!)or it could be becuz someone died, or an animal. u need to get over it and remmember that we r supposed to die!ok? and u will see them in heaven!!(that is what i am sure of anyway!) and it is best to belive it! cuz if u don't u will b sad 4 a looooong time!
u could b sad about somin else...but what ever it is, get over it!! cuz i know it will pass!!
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this is mine

what anime stereotype are you?

Novice- LEARN!!! How can you be so....stupe? YOu are not going to have a future, and if you're future has occured it's never too late. next thing oyu know---(splat)....where are you now?

hurray~!!! :XD::runhappy:


Blue like the sky...:casserole:

What anime ______ are you Part 2 What anime body type do you have

Behold! Da Vinci would have blown himself up for a look at you! You have perfect structure all the way around, giving the anime you a very attractive body. One of your few faults is the tendency to become overdependent on your physcal structure. You can also(like most other beautiful people) be slightly conceited. but don't fret, just keep your head out of the clouds and you should be fine!

BEEEEEPP!!! Wrong!! i'm as skinny as a scarecrow :rant:


What anime kiss are you

You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world.

am i ?

Which Inner Quality Do You Possess !! Beautiful Anime Pictures!

Your hidden quality is bravery.
You never get scared and you always put up a fight for those you love and yourself, this is a great quality to have.

Really Really?

what is your heart feeling right now(cool anime pics!!^-^)

u r lonely:
u need someone there 4 u. what you need is a pet or a friend. or maybe a hug? try to see if u can invite a friend over or buy a peet?! unless u r lonely in an other way

well,that's mybe quite true~
the only problem is xd

i'm afraid my kiss so intense, that'll make her lips on fire xD
More quizzes~ /me runs to the front page~


Maha - You are Maha, a mysterious cat that befriends Tsukasa. You develop an obsession with a blade of grass given to you as a gift. You just picked all the answers about grass and cats, didn't you?


Decided to take it anyway... but wth is this xD

You are a Hip hop Dancer. You are the witty chick in the gang, you have a special life style and that makes you different with your own unique way, your friends love you because they know they can trust you. Your ideal man is the guy with a free style not afraid of saying how he feels, and life is never dull with him.


A staff is for you! You are carefree, and love the world. Everything is great to you. The staff represents your lifestyle - happy! Your friends love you, and they know you as the one who has no problems. You an't really help them with theirs because your too absorbed daydreaming. Your best friend is the peacemaker. You least favorite person is the sife carrier.


You are blue!


You are Sheena Fujibayashi!!! Wow you are sooo pretty! You are ummm volumptous and very popular with guys! But that doesn't matter to you because you only want to help others. You have probably been hurt by someone and haven't or won't ever admit it to anyone for then they could hurt you. It seems to you that no one will stay there for you. But don't worry you will have someone who loves you very much someday...


Hurray! You're Lloyd Irving! You are a kindhearted, courageous, and understanding person. You believe in what's right and fair, and you do whatever you can to stop those who wish your friends harm. You aren't exactly smart and dislike school, but you pull through...somehow. You tend to fall asleep in classes but your friends probably wake you up before the teacher has time to throw chalk at you. You're good at picking the right friends, the ones that like you for who you are. Your friends are very valuable to you and you'd die protecting them if you had to. Don't ever change, because you're a very good person!


Your inner element is Wind! You like the sense of freedom and openess. You don't let your mind to clog with the worries of the world. You are carefree and selfless. You would sacrifice yourself any day to see another person go free. You like to be alone, but you do not reject those who decide to be around you. Prejudice is your biggest pet-peeve. Your hidden power is to soar in the clouds, understand the "language" of the wind, and selflessness.
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i was bored so i just went and did em all~

Child-like- you are ALL fun and games arn't you? STUDY!!! In life you can only rely on yourself and when you don't have anything to rely on because you were frittering around...hehheee...don't come crying to me! Otherwise you are probably the most sanist of your peers.
Black like the universe...

You are a cheetah! You are a falcon! You are a really fast person! you are the one that would get in a fencing match and walk away without getting scratched. Think of yourself as a James Bond. I.E. you have alot of skills that people only dream of. Key phrase:
Be suave and clever, it will get you far.
You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~
Your hidden quality is bravery.
You never get scared and you always put up a fight for those you love and yourself, this is a great quality to have.
Your Result

u r entranced!:
u get distracted by things eaisily!diffrent types of things amuse you.(4 me,vry tiny cute things!!) and 4 u it might b somin diffrent!? but u tend to get disstracted alot. in school(if u go 2 school...), in a museme(spelled wrong...oh well...)and more!u might not b able to control it, and u might b able to, but whitchever it is, it would b best to try to pay attention as hard as u can!!
Tsukasa - You are Tsukasa, the WaveMaster who can't seem to log off the network. You're a loner and believe people are inherently selfish and dumb. You're confident you're better off stuck in The World, away from those people that've hurt you.
The Objective
You are a Chinese/Asian Dancer. You are the smartest in the party, you have a beautiful creative mind and you like to use it to help your loved ones, you care a lot about your friends and you try always to protect them and give them advice. Your ideal man is the one with a strong determined character, you like to feel safe with him.
You use a bow. You keep your calm no matter how much you want to yell. Your logical thinking really keeps you from ripping someone limb to limb. Your friends like your logical thinking, and they come to you for answers. Your calm attitude makes it easy to hold the bow steady. You dislike the sife holder, because they seem to hate everything. Your best friend would be the sword carrier. They need a logical mind to keep them from doing stupid things.
You are green!
You are Presea Combatir!!!!! You know pain well and you are very quiet because you are afraid to love and don't want to be hurt. You are a person who also only says what is nessicary and very little more.You are also wishing you could go back in the past and change your choices. My advice for you is that you need to open up and love agian and be open to new unexpected relationships. On the bright side you are nice person and try not to hurt others and care alot about those you wish to be close to. Oh and don't forget you are really pretty when you smile!!!!
Congrats, you're Genis Sage! You are a good friend, though not as courageous as you'd like to be. You are an excellent cook. Everyone loves the food you make. You're a smart and talented person, who does well in school and is also able to do complicated things that no one else can so much as figure also tend to help your friends with schoolwork they don't understand, even if they're several years older than you.
Your inner element is Water! You are very intelligent and shy. You are always calm and people have rarely ever seen you angry. Most people like you, although you are not swarming with friends. Your shyness may be a contributor to that. You like to be near things that are warm, but not too warm, as too much heat makes your mind fog. You are very kind and loving. Your hidden ability is to breathe underwater and to wield the power of the waves, and wisdom. Rate please!
oh idk if the pics r gonna come up or not? if they dont im not gonna bother to fig it out~
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Jelly-filled Donut wrote on Shine's profile.
Excuse me, Shine. It's another title on the brink of extinction. You're the last line of defense. Would you reupload the dead links, please?
Bolt Crank wrote on FapForFun's profile.
I've seen some of your previous posts and they have machine translations. Would really appreciate that for the following game:
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ProfProcPlot wrote on Shine's profile.
Could you please re-upload;
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I'm really sorry, but please upload the game again.
[230526] [v23.10.04 KOR]
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Hello, if possible, can you re-upload the entire Voice asmr? I'm sorry for being greedy.
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