- Oct 18, 2011
- 149,418
- 2,431
Im bored and the anime is loading so im just going to waste time and make this thread~
Anyhow this was inspired by one of the random conversation yesterday so claim your spots if you will :3 If you feel like joining go ahead and do so~ You could write a lil backstory for yourself or ill write something based on whatever i can. If you want to make more than one character go ahead and if you dont like how your current character is you could go off to a mountain for a while and come back a new person. Ill just change stuff as it goes. If you make a location ill just add it to the list.
Random list so the good guys cant find cheap methods to win http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilOverlordList
Anyhow this was inspired by one of the random conversation yesterday so claim your spots if you will :3 If you feel like joining go ahead and do so~ You could write a lil backstory for yourself or ill write something based on whatever i can. If you want to make more than one character go ahead and if you dont like how your current character is you could go off to a mountain for a while and come back a new person. Ill just change stuff as it goes. If you make a location ill just add it to the list.
Will98 lvl 69 Must be shippo's relative because of the similarities they share but also has a sharingan for some reason. A little trickster that plays with fox fire, clones, substitution, and transformation but, if shippo was anything to go by, the dont work very well.
Name: Alex SDU
Race: Human
Job class: Warrior
Weapon type: Range (M4A1)
*character's status level at beginning
Every time I level up, I just focus on my AGI (attack speed & dodge) & DEX (hit accuracy).
Race: Human
Job class: Warrior
Weapon type: Range (M4A1)
*character's status level at beginning
Every time I level up, I just focus on my AGI (attack speed & dodge) & DEX (hit accuracy).
In his words "i may not be able to offer a lot as a lvl 10. but im a steadily progressing character with the determination to learn the ways of an adventurer. i also have passive abilities to raise the parties luck by 10 points, increase regen rates while recovering outside of combat, and the keen eye ability allowing me to detect hidden items that benefit the party. will gain more abilities and combat effectiveness as i lvl! at lvl 50 i will gain mana points and also be able to use healing abilities, which will be less potent than a white mage's healing, but the versatility will be there"
Second boss- second flight lvl 66 Loves cloudy skies and among the first vampires. Also the 4th wolf cuz sam was 2nd wolf. Might be able to fly but never actually reached the reached the sky or so he says.
Final boss- samyeung46 lvl 100 A ninja vampire wolf. Annoying clones that can make clones of their own all without losing power unlike naruto's clones. Warning: Do not poke the clones, they will level cities to kill you and since they can make more clones theyre really annoying to kill. Rumors say that there are also evil twins and whatnot running around. May have been the first vampire but then he bit second and second has been biting everyone that walks in ever since. May also have been the origin of S.A.M. otherwise knowns as Shadow's Abysmal Madness which causes random effects to everyone who walks into the spam section from random itchiness to instant death. If you happen to die he has a little stock of phoenix downs sitting around somewhere. May randomly slap you with fish, poke you, or kidnap you before disappearing into a shadow.
Secret boss- corocoro lvl 100 Who knows~ Its a secret boss
Snowkitteh lvl 50 This kitteh has nine lives and those custom made clones she ordered from sam might make it tough to even get one hit in cuz they all look like her. She also has kitteh claws to poke at people's eyes and since every clone also has a set of kitteh claws that just makes the one hit even harder. Claims to be an innocent kitteh in a box of wolves but if youre a kitteh in a box of wolves then youre probably really darn tough. She wanted to be a free monster instead of first boss forever so here she is as a miniboss. Have fun meeting her over and over and over and over and over again and again and again and again throughout the kingdom. Uses snow/ice attacks and the such so she could probably freeze/slow you and run off to bother you later.
The evil legions, the random monsters that i tamed, whatever other people/monsters that like attacking brave adventurers, whatever else we make up.
TheGiggolo lvl 6 The tutorial guide. Run to him for whatever help cuz he should know. If he doesnt then just do as Will does and just play. Usually its a horrible idea to annoy the tutorial guide cuz he probably has some random overpowered weapon and some super armor that he found in the attic or something to blow away all the pesky people. Do not be tricked by that low lvl. If he follows the rules of tutorial guides he will probably show up at odd moments to give advice or whatever else and disappear without any explanation whatsoever. If he actually taught a student theres a high chance that he might die so the student could swear revenge on the evil lord blah blah blah, stop being a wimp, and embark on the epic journey that will never be known to human kind unless theres some generic jolly bard to sing stories for generations to come and whatnot. Theres probably a chance of him popping up when all hope seems lost to save the day (with some reason for why he faked his death or im not buying it).
lpdcomic lvl 2 In his own words he is "some legendary traveling samurai (ronin) who hunts down his enemies and travels the lands!!!!" Usually carries "two cool swords" and "that cool laser rifle from the end of Akira." The first thing people usually notice would be the fact that he has "CRAZY CURLY HAIR." He has a sidekick that is a "cute moe school girl with a GIANT machine gun" who also "throws old enka CD's at" enemies so you should all be jealous~ He also gets a theme song so he can walk into rooms and whatever else like a boss xD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG14bJCKBJE&feature=related
Calibur kidnaps kitteh which sam kidnaps again and he kidnaps back and on the cycle goes.
Says he is "just a noob lvl 21 adventurer who came from a faraway dying land in search of a new home~. atm I am familiarizing myself with the ways of the spam kingdom and its inhabitants. Might have dark inclinations to take over the kingdom. Maybe. No known abilities so far, but has inherited the valued and coveted plot armor, which will for sure come in handy later on. Gets headaches often and has low stamina, so maybe I fall under comic relief spellcaster/support class? I don't even know myself. Best described as a "to be continued" character."
No info yet~
Place where all brave adventurers start out and end up if they have a "terrible accident" along the way. Completely safe at the moment and filled with jolly innkeepers that overcharge you for a night, shopkeepers that will wring every penny out of your pocket, bards that will stalk you singing tales of old days which you heard hundreds of times before until you tip them or they take your wallet, citizens that will repeat the same set of lines over and over till you memorize it, curious back alley shops that are even more overpriced than the normal shops but have "one of a kind" items which may or may not actually work and probably arent one of a kind if even rare at all, and of course, the tutorial guide which you can bother at your own risk.
He set up a secret base with an "unbreakable" barrier which Sam promptly overran soon after, leaving everything in flames blah blah blah. Currently filled with whatever monstrous (or not) creatures that like to dwell in these ruined places.
Filled with an assortment of magical creatures who would probably be better off without any brave adventurers walking through and randomly slaying them for seemingly no reason whatsoever but to loot their corpses for whatever magical items that they thought the creatures might have. Some of these mythical beasts have formed resistance groups that with one of the more noticeable groups being led by some weird guy who has the name of a bird and wears a hood all day. There are many undiscovered (by the passing adventurer anyway, the forest inhabitants have always known of such places) secrets like small huts filled with magical objects that some long dead magician left or maybe just cave filled with garbage that a goblin decided not to clean. The perfect place for any beginning adventurer to train or at least perfect until they stumble into some green ogre while sneaking around his swamp or something similar. Plenty or random princesses locked up in towers or enchanted castles by some horrible beast or evil step moms and even more knights with their brand new shining armor and white horses trying to rescue them. There is rumors of some powerful sword shoved into a stone somewhere in the forest but there is also rumors of a kid running off with the sword and taking over a country or other such nonsense. There is also unconfirmed sightings of a large dragon (as most of the people who said they saw it also died shortly after from the wounds that they had.)
A dark gloomy ominous castle sitting in the middle of a volcano. Rumored to have been created by some crazy sorcerer, but how he managed to actually create the castle is unknown. There are poisonous clouds eternally present that release a bit of acidic rain every so often. The walls are dark with jagged towers spiraling towards the sky and blaring speakers all over the castle playing music to fit with the mood. It is surrounded by a moat of glowing magma with odd levitating chunks of rock that float around the gaping maw between the far side of the volcano's crater and the chunk of rock that the castle was built on castle on. The rocks can form a fragile bridge to the castle at times though the intense heat, the random chunks of magma that fly up every so often, and the magma dwelling creatures had deterred most of those annoying salespeople a majority of which turn out to be some pesky adventurer or another whining about my unjust tyranny. The gate guards promptly kick the adventurer into the magma screaming "This is Spartaaaaaaa" for some obscure reason and after numerous tests to make sure the adventurer is dead will return to his post checking to make sure that the adventurer he presumed to be dead isnt following him. At times the adventurers actually bothered to level enough to deal with the guards after which i lock the gate from my remote location and give whatever other minions i have around an alert. Some adventurers try to scale the wall but will probably get impaled by the spikes on it or obliterated by whatever other traps i have installed. There were cases that the adventurer smashed the gate or somehow sneaked through before i could lock the gate, those will find a second reinforced gate and get escorted back outside to take a dip in the manga pool by a pit trap made smooth enough that even spider man couldnt find a grip in it and other traps operating under the principle of "all intruders will be shot, all survivors will be shot again". Arial attempts are usually deterred by the anti air defenses and swarms of flying creatures that love the gloomy atmosphere. If the adventurer manages to survive all of these (darn that luck of the gods) then he/she just might make in into the castle. Inside is a complex maze of hallways with traps activated with literally ever movement that an adventurer may make including breathing and walking. There are numerous puzzles including but not limited to moving of giant blocks of stone across a room into their appropriate places; finding a needle in a haystack made of other barbed wire, nails, other shiny objects, and other similar looking needles; and catching the correct flying key out of the increasing larger amount flying around the castle (they seem to magically reproduce themselves every so often and oh yes, i forgot to mention that the locks on every door change whenever there is an attempt to open any door). If the adventurer ever manages to reach the throne room (again darn that luck of gods) then they will have a chance to fight that dragon phoenix hybrid (along with all the traps i have placed in that room) that i somehow created while messing with the books and scrolls that the sorcerer left behind. It doesnt seem to ever die as it gets reborn every time it dies if anyone ever manages to kill it and has a sayan like gene in which it gets more powerful every time it gets hurt/die. Adventurers usually run during the first round but some actually manage to slay it only to watch in horror as it comes back to life. The process in which it is reborn takes a short while during which the adventurers may have taken a shot at the guy sitting in the throne and run away which would mean that i need to find a replacement who wants to play evil tyrant for a while. One group of adventurers discovered the large network of tunnels sitting under the castle during their battle against the dragon/phoenix (cowardly body double blurted it out while begging for his life). They thought that it would be a safe refuge again the dragon/phoenix and in a way they were right. The dragon/phoenix cant really run through the caverns as some tunnels are quite narrow but there are tons that can. I gave the adventurers a quick welcome to my true lair with a little swarm of poisonous creatures. They died from swarms of other creatures before completing a single puzzle. There are 100 floors to the caves, each swarming with an assortment of creatures, traps, and puzzles that await the next group of adventurers. My chamber resides on the 100th floor of the caves for any adventurers that have wanted to challenge me.
Random list so the good guys cant find cheap methods to win http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilOverlordList
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