- Oct 18, 2010
- 15,409
- 83,397
Um...Here is some problem may happen to you, so read it before asking same question !
If your problem is out of those three, contact me with more information and screenshot, or you can posting here to looking for some helps from me and other members ^^
If you have other question, just asking, if it is decent, I will answer and add into first post later ^^
That is all for today, I am quite tired of tests and those releases...
Update history:
2011/10/01: Added Magnet URI, thank to freemen
2012/01/30: Added problems and solutions come from download and extract corrupted !
2012/04/09: Good job Mediafire ! You got me this time !
2012/04/15: Last try !
2012/08/31: Random uploads
2013/06/09: Mega !
2014/04/03: Show hidden files and make it visible !
2016/06/29: Set password for Crack/Patch file !
2020/08/29: Long file name/folder problem !
2020/08/31: Package Version !
- I am new with torrent, what are best softwares ?
- My personal only uses utorrent
- I can not download your torrent ?
- Right click on torrent file, choose Save Target As, more simple, you can double click it instead
- Your torrent file does not regconize by my torrent client ?
- Sometimes, file name is too long, that is reason. You can rename to make it shorter or add .torrent after file name if torrent file you downloaded do not have extension
- My download speed is very slow and I do not see any seeders ?
- Be patient, my upload speed may slow if many games releases at the same time, no worry, I only stop seeding till I see more seeders have established
- Why I can not connect to seed/peer ?
- This had been happened recently, although I already used those trackers in years...I also noticed that if you got my torrent from somewhere else, it is working, which I do not know why too...
- What is Download Version and Package Version ? How do I open iso+mds or mdf+mds ?
- Download Version mean, when you extract my compressed file, all you got are files. This version often require Crack. Package Version mean, when you extract my compressed file, all you got are image files. Most popular format will be iso+mds, sometime it could be mdf+mds. For those files, you need to use Virtual Drive software like Daemon Tool. Google for it and install. Run and create virtual disk, Mount image file ( iso or mdf ) then install the game. Some games will require image files to be mounted while playing. In some case, Package games will have No DVD Patch made by players
- Patch/Update files release at Official Site, but I can not access, may you upload them ?
- Sure, I will upload as attachment if file size small enough, else, they are available at "my host" below !
My new Mediafire account and folder link to Update/Patch in the future ( I had reuploaded all Lovely Cation Append Life Set and Sukima Siscon Patch ):
http://www.mediafire.com/?geqlji9yuicd6 ← For Update/Patch
http://www.mediafire.com/?2r577f75bncd5 ← For some random uploads
My Mediafire account already blocked and loda stopped their services in end of March 2012, so I am looking for new place to put Update/Patch files in the future...Any ideas are welcome :)
For the time being, if you want new links for those Patch, send me message or posting here, and I will take action about it ^^
Um...Because my friends want Mediafire, so I am giving it other try also last one !
- I downloaded your torrents from here, but they are corrupted for some reason...
- In that case, I recommend you to use Magnet URI. All you need to do is copy this Magnet URI code then paste into your torrent client at File → Add Torrent from URL ( Ctrl U )
Here is an example how Magnet URI look like:
girlcelly said:magnet:?xt=urn:btih:EC296DD183066958DACC1B49B394B49C60E2387C
- I can not extract rar files, are they corrupted ?
- Um...Here are some reasons may comes
1. Download corrupt:
All my uploads have recovery record inside, when I split into parts, I also put ones too, so both side, Torrent users and Direct Download users can repair it anytime, just open corrupt file with Winrar, then choose Tools → Repair, that is all !
2. File System:
In some case, you can not extract big files, meaning files that larger than 4GB, 99% is you are using FAT32 for your File System, not NTFS, so convert it :)
- Hit Windows button + R or Start → Run, type cmd, then enter
- Type convert D: /fs:ntfs, enter it and waiting for this drive D being convert into NTFS
Note: This convert command is working fine with Data Drive without losing any data or corrupt, do not try to do same thing for System Drive where your Operating System were installed, I do not know what will happen, because I never try it too !
3. File name:
One more reason, file name itself, try to rename files or make it shorter before extracting, Japanese/Kanji title make files can not extracted if you do not set your PC to Japanese properly...
- I can not see hidden files, how to show and make it visible ?
- Um...Some company assign real execute files hidden and system attribute, here are two ways to do
Way to show hidden files:
1- Go to Tools ( hit Alt key if you are using Windows Seven for it is to show ) → Folder Options → View Tab
2- Choose Show hidden files, folders and drives option
3- Uncheck Hide protected operating system files option
Way to make file visible by Command Line:
Copy filename.exe to drive D ( drives are up to you, just my recommendation )
1- To open Command Line, go to Stat → Run → cmd
2- Change directory to where hidden files placed by using command D: \
3- Type attrib -S -H filename.exe
- I can not extract Crack/Patch file, it ask for password, what is it ?
- Um...For some reason, I gonna use password for Crack/Patch file. Password always girlcelly or you can double click to take a look !
- I just downloaded your torrent, but Game/Crack did not work
- Um...Because I am using Japanese original tittle from publishers, some games got very long name and it could mess up. Make sure you rename folder, set Japan Unicode, extract Crack to correct destination, run Locale Emulator then try again !
- What is Tailon Version ?
- Um...Tailon/Justice are Japanese uploaders who share a lot of games. Most of their games are ripping from CD/DVD as iso+mds or mdf+mds, in short Package Version !
If your problem is out of those three, contact me with more information and screenshot, or you can posting here to looking for some helps from me and other members ^^
If you have other question, just asking, if it is decent, I will answer and add into first post later ^^
That is all for today, I am quite tired of tests and those releases...
Update history:
2011/10/01: Added Magnet URI, thank to freemen
2012/01/30: Added problems and solutions come from download and extract corrupted !
2012/04/09: Good job Mediafire ! You got me this time !
2012/04/15: Last try !
2012/08/31: Random uploads
2013/06/09: Mega !
2014/04/03: Show hidden files and make it visible !
2016/06/29: Set password for Crack/Patch file !
2020/08/29: Long file name/folder problem !
2020/08/31: Package Version !
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