[Hentai game] [150227] [minori] ソレヨリノ前奏詩 + Original Sound Track + Single CD + Sofmap Bonus + Scans + Crack Instruction (works with W32/W64 of 7, 8, 8.1)


Elite Member
Trusted Member
Oct 16, 2010


Romanji title: Soreyori no Prologue
Official title: ソレヨリノ前奏詩
Package Size: 8.04 GB

Info: http://www.minori.ph/lineup/_yorino/
Getchu: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=832603
VNDB: http://vndb.org/v15637

[hl-berry]Crack instructions below, please read it carefully.[/hl-berry]

Main Game

:torrent: (18禁ゲーム) [150227] [minori] ソレヨリノ前奏詩 + OST + Single + Sofmap Bonus + Scans.torrent (14 KB)

(18禁ゲーム) [150227] [minori] ソレヨリノ前奏詩 (iso+mds rr3)
(18禁ゲーム) [150227] [minori] ソレヨリノ前奏詩 「Cherish」 (tak+cue+png rr3)
(18禁ゲーム) [150227] [minori] ソレヨリノ前奏詩 「Remembrance」 (iso+png rr3)
(18禁ゲーム) [150227] [minori] ソレヨリノ前奏詩 ソフマップ特典ドラマCD 「イタズラウソツキ」 (tak+cue+png rr3)
Manual Scans & Disk Scans

Crack Instructions by Checkmate said:
Crack were made by 流風の舞@2dgal.com
***THIS METHOD ONLY WORKS WITH AS official distribution of iso+mds image (from Checkmate and girlcelly)***
Tested to work on both 32/64 bit variants of Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1

The Super Short Version:
You need Full Japanese Windows or use Locale Emulator. Run the setup loader from the crack, (0 for serial), then run the game using the exe provided with the crack in LE Japanese (no admin). Download the crack here:
:rar: crack for ソレヨリノ前奏詩 V3.rar

Longer version:
You don't have to install Locale Emulator if you already have a FULL JAPANESE WINDOWS EDITION.

1. You need to Download Locale Emulator from this page

2. Exact Locale Emulator into a directory

Then Run:
- LEInstaller.exe, click Install/Upgrade

- LEGUI.exe, then exit it (X)

3. Now Mount the YORINO.MDS file to your system virtual drive.

4. Download the crack for ソレヨリノ前奏詩 V3.rar and extract
:rar: crack for ソレヨリノ前奏詩 V3.rar

Run "crack for ソレヨリノ前奏詩 V3.exe"
Select the setup.exe on the virtual drive.

5. Now, once you have this successfully installed, go to the installed directory, for example: D:\minori\yorino\
Right click on "use_me_to_run.exe" > Locale Emulator > Run in Japanese

Enjoy the game

If you do not have the file "use_me_to_run.exe" inside the installed directory, copy it from crack for ソレヨリノ前奏詩 V3/mai/
Remember to exclude the crack file from your Anti-Virus

DDL will be posted later by girlcelly:


Problem with the torrent? See this first: http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/torrents-47/[Question & Answer]-24181/
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Re: [150227] [minori] ソレヨリノ前奏詩 + Original Sound Track + Single CD + Sofmap Bonus + Scans [NEEDS CRACK]

I think my love for this brand is no secret and well I think it is fair that I give my initial thoughts for this one.

To play minori games you HAVE to know 5 things. Hell, I think they show this to interns before working there. 1. No more than 3 or 4 heroines and make 1 the main. 2. Make the girls modestly chesty (Back in the first titles not so much but now it is a must) 3. Put an insane amount of detail on the background cg's (Scenery Porn) and last and perhaps the most important rule of them all. 4. You got a have Yui Kusuhara voicing the best heroine or main. No exceptions and non-negotiable. If you don't like her, probably you are not going to be a happy camper. To be fair, girl does have an exceptional vocal range. I have seen her voicing everything. Don't worry Rino Kawashima, you are the indisputed queen of ero-seiyus in my book. I mean you are not my favorite, hell I don't think you even break the top 5, but definitely the top 10. I say queen because you ARE on everything. I mean everything. You are as hard working as Liam Neeson. When you are not dubbing a drama eroge, you are dubbing an NTR while moaning for a nukige at the same time. Mad props and a true veteran that still schools newcomers.

Shit I deviated from the topic again. Ok back to the game. The thing I like about minori is that they grab 1 single element of the supernatural and put it to work on realistic scenarios, like pain transfer, time travel and emotion reader. No quirky situations. That is the only element out of place. And the other thing I like about their games is that they are not so focused about universe building storytelling as much as dealing with the emotions and day to day situations. Some might not like this. I personally do since it is interesting to see how "normal" people react to uncommon situations. Where am I going with this? This game presents the same formula. Protagonist or main heroine have ability of some sorts that gives them a different perspective on rather common situations and we get to see how they struggle to adapt or use it to their advantage. Repetitive, maybe. Lack of originality from minori, perhaps. But less no forget that no matter what you do there are tropes and archetypes that to storytellers appear to be impossible to escape. But in all do respect if minori does their stories like this because that is what they know, then by all means let them do so. I would rather see Micheal Jordan play basketball than baseball. Play to your strengths and make it enjoyable. That is why I endorse playing this game. minori is one of the very few brands that combines solid story with really good erotic elements. Most story driven eroges I read put the eroticism in a bubble. They isolate it from the story, which is why translators can edit them out so easily from the story. With minori you can't do that since all elements are important in the game. They are a true eroge maker in form and function. They do erotica, not a story that happens to have sex scenes. If you are a fan of minori, you will certainly like this one as well. Is it my favorite? Of course not. It is Eden. Easily their best game. To be fair, Ef the latter tale is also pretty good. It is like saying which one is better Terminator 1 or 2. Both are great but different from one to another.

So that is all, hopefully you read my ramblings. Thank you if you did. If not then: TL;DR: Game follows similar minori tropes but it still quite readable. If you liked previous minori games, you will like this as well.

Now as with most times, some goodies for your time reading the echos of a madman.


P.S: I am have tried to locate a working save this past 2 days but so far nada...Feel free to post it if you do find it before me.
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Re: [150227] [minori] ソレヨリノ前奏詩 + Original Sound Track + Single CD + Sofmap Bonus + Scans [NEEDS CRACK]

P.S 2: The walkthrough is really not needed in my opinion. The only option in the game is whether you want to start Mayura's route first or Haruka's. After doing the first route the game proceeds to the one you did not select first. And then it goes into Towa's route (TRUE route).
Re: [150227] [minori] ソレヨリノ前奏詩 + Original Sound Track + Single CD + Sofmap Bonus + Scans [NEEDS CRACK]

To be honest, whenever I see their torpedoes rack, I never want to touch this kimoi game.

Then again, minori is dead to me since supipara for betraying me and their fans and went with an all age product. Rest In Peace.
Re: [150227] [minori] ソレヨリノ前奏詩 + Original Sound Track + Single CD + Sofmap Bonus + Scans [NEEDS CRACK]

Well, when I review games I do try to be impartial about each games regardless of the story of the brand or the previous work of both the illustrator and the writer. But you are right as in why they went all ages. Which is why they have make up for it the past three games. By making sure THEY WERE NOT ALL AGES AT ALL. But I think we can all agree that they have pretty draconian antics when it comes to protecting their intellectual property. It is quite painful to need to have a proxy to access their blasted website. And no Akabeesoft, you do not get a pass from this wasteful behavior either. You guys don't see Age or GIGA or Key doing that shit do you?!

But 'mate just know the following quote: "All walks of life are welcomed in the garden of the Eden. All of them. Including incest."

Good day sir.
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Re: [150227] [minori] ソレヨリノ前奏詩 + Original Sound Track + Single CD + Sofmap Bonus + Scans [NEEDS CRACK]

P.S: I am have tried to locate a working save this past 2 days but so far nada...Feel free to post it if you do find it before me.

You are either playing the wrong game or have not actually try to get into the memories mode.
There is no "save" needed to unlock the CG or scenes because they come unlocked with a spoiler warning.
Re: [150227] [minori] ソレヨリノ前奏詩 + Original Sound Track + Single CD + Sofmap Bonus + Scans [NEEDS CRACK]

You are either playing the wrong game or have not actually try to get into the memories mode.
There is no "save" needed to unlock the CG or scenes because they come unlocked with a spoiler warning.

Thanks! I will consider it next time but unfortunately a save is needed if you want to access the music files, movie files and cg's. Like 12 Tsuki, only the h-scenes are unlocked with the warning. So yes, I am still trying to locate a save. If you can find one, please feel free to contribute or provide your own would if you would be so kind. Godspeed.
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Re: [150227] [minori] ソレヨリノ前奏詩 + Original Sound Track + Single CD + Sofmap Bonus + Scans [NEEDS CRACK]

Crack were made by 流風の舞@2dgal.com
***THIS METHOD ONLY WORKS WITH AS official distribution of iso+mds image (from Checkmate and girlcelly)***
Tested to work on both 32/64 bit variants of Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1
Start from Step 3 if you already have a FULL JAPANESE WINDOWS EDITION.

1. You need to Download Locale Emulator from this page

2. Exact Locale Emulator into a directory

Then Run:
- LEInstaller.exe, click Install/Upgrade

- LEGUI.exe, then exit it (X)

3. Now Mount the YORINO.MDS file to your system virtual drive.

4. Download the ソレヨリノ前奏詩 Crack V1.zip and extract
:rar: (18禁ゲーム) [150227] [minori] ソレヨリノ前奏詩 Crack V1.rar

Right click on "crack for ソレヨリノ前奏詩.exe", then Locale Emulator > Run in Japanese (Admin)

Select the setup.exe on the virtual drive.
- You should setup the game inside a directory structure without any white space, for example: D:\minori\yorino\
- When asked for serial, fill in all 0.

If this doesn't work for you, download the ソレヨリノ前奏詩 Crack V2.zip and repeat step 4.
:rar: (18禁ゲーム) [150227] [minori] ソレヨリノ前奏詩 Crack V2.rar

5. Now, once you have this successfully installed, go to the installed directory, for example: D:\minori\yorino\
Right click on "use_me_to_run.exe" > Locale Emulator > Run in Japanese

Enjoy the game

If you do not have the file "use_me_to_run.exe" inside the installed directory, copy it from ソレヨリノ前奏詩 Crack V1/mai/
If that doesn't work, try the file "use_me_to_run.exe" from ソレヨリノ前奏詩 Crack V2/mai/
So that was what I was missing. I thought changing setting to japanese would be enough...Goddamiitttt minori! Thanks to you and your byzantine ways I didn't not slept last night trying to debug the cracker ass crack! Both versions and zinch.

Update: If i may Check, I would like to add an appendix to your post on how to crack this up.

In my computer I tested the crack V1. I run a Win 7 64-bit with unicode and region set to japan. I could not the crack with Locale Emulator for all the love of the world. I could not run it at all. So instead what I did was that I ran the crack by itself without Locale emulator. I followed the instructions (select the setup from the virtual image and dial 0's in the serial) and installed it. After the installation was over it asks whether you want to run Yorino. I unchecked the box since if I let it open it won't. Then I went to the folder where I installed the game, and I opened the use_me_to_run.exe with Locale Emulator. It worked like sweet sweet Magic Johnson.

Hope this help anybody that might have the same problem I encountered! Warm Regards and hope you like the game!

tl;dr: If you can't attach the emulator to the crack, you might want to try installing the game with the crack without the emulator and then open the crack executable with the emulator in the installed game folder.
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Update the main post with the crack v3, and revise the guide

Crack Instructions by Checkmate said:
Crack were made by 流風の舞@2dgal.com
***THIS METHOD ONLY WORKS WITH AS official distribution of iso+mds image (from Checkmate and girlcelly)***
Tested to work on both 32/64 bit variants of Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1

The Super Short Version:
You need Full Japanese Windows or use Locale Emulator. Run the setup loader from the crack, (0 for serial), then run the game using the exe provided with the crack in LE Japanese (no admin). Download the crack here:
:rar: crack for ソレヨリノ前奏詩 V3.rar

Longer version:
You don't have to install Locale Emulator if you already have a FULL JAPANESE WINDOWS EDITION.

1. You need to Download Locale Emulator from this page

2. Exact Locale Emulator into a directory

Then Run:
- LEInstaller.exe, click Install/Upgrade

- LEGUI.exe, then exit it (X)

3. Now Mount the YORINO.MDS file to your system virtual drive.

4. Download the crack for ソレヨリノ前奏詩 V3.rar and extract
:rar: crack for ソレヨリノ前奏詩 V3.rar

Run "crack for ソレヨリノ前奏詩 V3.exe"
Select the setup.exe on the virtual drive.

5. Now, once you have this successfully installed, go to the installed directory, for example: D:\minori\yorino\
Right click on "use_me_to_run.exe" > Locale Emulator > Run in Japanese

Enjoy the game

If you do not have the file "use_me_to_run.exe" inside the installed directory, copy it from crack for ソレヨリノ前奏詩 V3/mai/
Remember to exclude the crack file from your Anti-Virus
I don't have win XP to test, feel free to test it for me.
when I try to install Locale Emulator. it says "Sorry, Locale Emulator is only for window 7, 8/8.1 and above". The game it self is work but can't play it cuz I don't have a full jap window. Well, guess I have to wait a full crack of the game that also work for short jap window
not work too, when I click on use_me_to_run.exe and other exe file it pop up a warning with japanese language
Ok, then try NTLEAC

ntleac.rar (1.3 MB)

Run the ntleac.exe, then select use_me_to_run.exe
View attachment 7946

hi i went and brought the original game and install but there a problem went i try to run the game, can anyone help solve this problem that will be big help for me :D

edit : running on surface 3 window 8.1
Thank you very much for this, I am grateful!
I don't suppose it's too early to ask if anyone has a 100% save data~?
requesting for seeds, if anyone could help?
thanks in advance (>∀<)ノよろしく!!
I ran the use_me file, but it gave me a japenese warming message that I translated and found out it cannot write the save directory in C:\My Documents. The folder forms in My Documents when I run the game, but it has no contents. I used Run as Admin option, and enabled writing of the use_me file, but still doesn't work.

My OS is Windows 10. Tried to run it in Windows 7, but still doesn't work.

Ever since I upgrade my surface 3 to win10 is not playable anymore (no problem using 8.1) is kinda sad is not support (I think)
Ever since I upgrade my surface 3 to win10 is not playable anymore (no problem using 8.1) is kinda sad is not support (I think)

This is a "pseudosolution" that worked for me that might work for you. Uninstall and install the game again (make sure you save). Either play the game fullscreen or adjust the playing screen to 720p using another window or game. Bear in mind click detection on the "adjusted" screen will be fucked and it will take adjusting as to wear to click. You'll see what I mean when you try it yourself.
This is a "pseudosolution" that worked for me that might work for you. Uninstall and install the game again (make sure you save). Either play the game fullscreen or adjust the playing screen to 720p using another window or game. Bear in mind click detection on the "adjusted" screen will be fucked and it will take adjusting as to wear to click. You'll see what I mean when you try it yourself.

ok bro thanks
I downgraded my windows to 8.1, but it still gives same error..... This is DRIVING ME CRAZY. I have to make this work now. I used way too much time trying to get this work. Does anyone has same problem with me?View attachment 8832

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