[Hentai game] [121221] [G.J?] 百機夜行 + Wallpaper [H-Game]


The Fallen Devil
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Oct 18, 2010

Remember: Keep seeding after the download ^^

baka girlcelly - NemuAndHaruka Happy download ^_^

girlcelly said:

PS 1: Direct Links for this game could be found at here: :)


PS 2: If you have problem about my torrents, make sure to check and read this thread for solutions before asking same questions ! ^^

http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/torrents-47/[Question & Answer]-24181/

Edit: Finish Seeding ^_^
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The highly anticipated title is finally out ><! Thanks for it!
Been waiting for this one, thank you :)

Save game appreaciated.
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Thanks soooo much. Wow, GJ? is trying to make a new type of their game. Tanoshimi :D
Don't we need an AGTH code?

And isn't there a way to select all your team so they go to the same location/attack the same opponent?
One by one is way too slow.

Note: Make a COMPLETE back-up of the save directory (C:\百機夜行\save) first. The worst possible event that could happen is it will wipe out all of your CGs and events.
If you want to use the save game I provided, make a back-up of the top-most save.


save.zip contains saveconfig.dat and savefont.dat
-complete CG and event

savedata00.zip contains savedata00.sav
-save after the tutorial stage (stage 0), will give you 100000 gold, 999 troops, but 0 medal.
All possible upgrades you can get are maxed for that specific point. This should give newbies a leeway when starting the game.

If there is a problem with the files I posted, just inform me and I'll try to figure out what went wrong. I could post a save game set that contains all possible stages (common route, Route A after stage 15, Route B after stage 15) if there is anyone interested.


  • savedata00.zip
    3.1 KB · Views: 1,226
  • save.zip
    421 bytes · Views: 1,556
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Thanks for the saves, but the saveconfig.zip isn't complete CG and scenes. There are 5 CG missing (the 8th, 9th, 24th, 25th and last) and there are 3 scenes missing (4th, 13th and last). I would be extremely grateful if you could post a save including these. Thanks! :)
Thanks. It turns out I forgot to include one other file (savefont.dat). Make a complete back-up of the save directory just in case.

Thanks for such a quick reply. I can confirm that the save.zip now gives complete cg and scenes. Thanks again, assman!

And thanks to girlcelly for the original post! :)
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Can someone give me a brief review of the gameplay ? What does each choice in the intermission menu does ?
Can someone give me a brief review of the gameplay ? What does each choice in the intermission menu does ?
It's a real time strategy mech battle. There's an option to play with the camera behind a mech. In-between stages, you can speak with your other characters, upgrade stuff, etc.

Intermission menu from left to right:

Sortie: go to the next stage
Talk: speak with your female characters, triggers h-scenes when available
Frame Upgrade: upgrades the hero mech units, uses medals as payment
Mass Production Units Upgrade: upgrades the generic units you can deploy in camps, uses gold as payment
Soldier Upgrade: upgrades the stats of the foot soldiers
Soldier Replenish: hire soldiers, soft-cap is 999. You can exceed this when you receive new troops while in a stage
Read Database: game info regarding characters, places, events, mechs

bottom option
go back to title screen
Here the ingame menu between missions


1- Start next mission
2- Watch dialogue and scenes whit other cahracters
3- Upgrade of the heroes units, trade whit medals (you get medals if you complete some extra objectives in the mission, like kill some unit or take a base
4- Upgrade normal units
5- Upgrade infantry units
6- Trade coins for units
7- Encyclopedia


1-Save game
2- Load game
3- Exit to main menu

Overall the game is really good, is a simple RTS whit some use of units ability and special moves


There are 3 main types of units, and work like stone-paper-scissors


Heavy walkers: this unit is balanced in power-speed-resistance-range and have some large submachines and cannons for special moves, is effective vs light walkers.

Artillery walkers: this unit is the slowest of all, but have high firepower and range, is really effective vs Heavy walkers

Light walkers: this unit is the fastest and more effective to cut out infantry and artillery, anyway have really low armor and is easy to destroy

Heavy walkers--->Light walkers--->Artillery walkers--->Heavy walkers--->Light walkers---> and so on...

This scheme is important but if ou have always the numbers, you can win whit no problems at all

The Base

The main base have an square blue area where you can regenerate health of your units, is also where you can build new walkers and recruit infantry.


You can recuit infantry from the base area, every infantry use 1 unit resource

Every infantry give more power-speed-range-etc to a walker, still dont know what do each infantry anyway

Walkers abilty and menu

Every walkers have a own menu:

-Special ability menu: is only available when the ability bar is full
1- Buff ability
2- Special attack
3- Special attack

-Build menu:
1- Build Mortar
Mortar is whit long range and goo power, effective vs all walkers, anway is easy to destroy
2- Build Barricade
barricade is a defensive structure, give more resistance to walkers
3- Build supply camp
Supply camp create an area around like a normal base, where you can regen health and recuit infantry

-Infantry recruit menu
Here you can get more infatry if you are in a base/supply area

-Control the walker

Btw im stuck at mission 23, im overnumbered by enemies, i can defend an begin but i cant advance, always under fire of mortars and enemy units are too quick to create....any1 have and advice?
Well ok now im at the boss battle , the giant spider robot....is ipossible....i build a base and around 50-60 mortars and barricates, im destroy all the legs but when she use her special, kill me all my units in 2 shots....impossibe
Well ok now im at the boss battle , the giant spider robot....is ipossible....i build a base and around 50-60 mortars and barricates, im destroy all the legs but when she use her special, kill me all my units in 2 shots....impossibe

This is the Yamato no Orochi in stage 24 (Route A), right?

Build-spam supply camps and barricades nonstop since you won't need the gold anymore. Make sure you have at least two dedicated builders. I usually let the light mechs (like Yuuhi) do the construction. The rest could build artillery. This boss is a joke compared to the three bosses (
To see this hidden content, you must react with one of the following reactions : Like Like
)of stage 23 Route A.
Just a question please. When given the choice are you meant to rebel and battle or join forces?
Just a question please. When given the choice are you meant to rebel and battle or join forces?
That's the branching point of the game. You'll get different stages afterwards. It's really up to you. If we're going to base it on title of the final stage, joining forces will make more sense because of the events leading to it plus it's the title of the game.

Based on my experience, fighting Arimura will lead to harder stages later. The game gives you better units (more upgrades), though. I personally prefer the Date Sisters and the blonde gaijins over the generic looking Japanese female soldiers.

If you're OCD, do not fight since the post-game report will show some of your characters with 1 defeat. I actually had to think where my character blew up and realized choosing to fight was the cause.

Might as will keep a backup save game if you want to play the other route later. If you're not planning on using the save config I posted, you can make a complete one for yourself. Don't fight and proceed until stage 19. Load the branching point save and finish the game. This should be enough to get 100% on the CGs and events.
I've completed the game and unlocked all CGs, well that was a good game since Rance 7 I think, my only disappoint is there wasn't any animated CG like the other games of G.J?
Hope they will make a 2nd of this game^__^

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