Happy New Year 2013 [Contest] [End]

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The Fallen Devil
Global Moderator
Elite Member
Trusted Member
Oct 18, 2010
Happy ( belated ) New Year to all of Anime-Sharing Members ! ^_^


*Minna-sama, Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu, kotoshi mo dōzo yoroshiku onegai shimasu~*



Um...Another year is over...Hope this New Year will bring more and more good things to you, your families and friends. Stay safe and keep it up your good works. Also thanks for stick with us for so long ^_^


It is New Year, so I will run a small contest within 2 days. All you need to do is answer 2 simple questions from below and get your reward if you are lucky person ^^

Question 1: How do you know and what do you think about Anime-Sharing ?
Question 2: Two characters that my most favourite ( Full Name ) ? What Anime/Games they come from ?
Hint: NemuAndHaruka.png


Bitshare Premium Accounts: 5 accounts x 1 month
Depositfiles Gold Keys: 2 hours, 6 hours, 24 hours, 1 month per key

Start date: From now on
End date: End of 3rd January 2013
Time zone: GMT +7

Leave your reply here, I will announce whose are winners in 4rd January 2013. Do not worry, everyone have same chance to win, even if you are New Members ( who just register for this contest ), Old Members or Staff :)

  • Multi accounts is strictly prohibited ! It is easy to figure out ! *kuku*
  • For neutral purposes, I will use some sort of "Luck of the Draw" softwares for making result :D
  • With Bitshare, I will create New Premium Account for you, Username and Password is random
  • With Depositfiles, you can activate Gold Key to upgrade your own account
  • Main post will up-to-date, winners will receive your reward through Private Messages. After that, you can use, resell or give it to your friends, up to you :)
  • Be honest and do not greedy. If you already have Premium Accounts at those two services, leave it for someone else who in need. I am telling because it happened at nihonomaru when I was sharing Megaupload Accounts there in end of 2007...
Sorry for this small gifts, but that is all I can do at the moment...Hope I can get more points to run this kind of contest more frequently in the near future ^^

Once again, my thankful to people who always support me, hope you guys will continue to do so, not only me but Anime-Sharing too ^_^

Last, here is a song that it is expressing my feelings and what I want to say ^^ ( My Fair Angel by Studio e・go! OP Song - Thank you for your love by CANDY )

http://filetrip.net/view?O1UxvpLQU1 ( .Mp3 Version )
http://filetrip.net/dl?iYpI7zeQTD ( .Wav Version )

Um...There are some members who misunderstand my 2nd question...It is "my" not "your" ! To make it easier, I gave you hint ! Since this is first Contest so I will let it pass though ^^

Members who joined this Contest:
  • Monjster
  • x-Shiki-x
  • letmegitdat
  • musangbeku
  • SuperVillain
  • kingofkongs
  • Animaksiat
  • charlieiswinner
  • Pekie
  • mok
  • urikora
  • bulon
  • friedyams
  • nanashi1
  • jadesterne
  • jinmu
  • andri0001
  • Enf0rc3
  • HelmutRegner
  • Jon Irenicus
  • choonagi
  • ryuuna
  • Datenshi
  • penjiro
Winners who are lucky persons ( who chosen ones random by Luck of the draw ):

ID⑮ ( field Participants ) match ID⑧ ( field Rewards ) → jadester win Depositfiles Gold Key for 24 hours
ID⑧ ( field Participants ) match ID① ( field Rewards ) → charlieiswinner win Bitshare Premium Account 1 month
ID⑯ ( field Participants ) match ID⑩ ( field Rewards ) → jinmu win Depositfiles Gold Key 1 month
ID⑫ ( field Participants ) match ID⑨ ( field Rewards ) → bulon win Depositfiles Gold Key 2 weeks
ID⑨ ( field Participants ) match ID③ ( field Rewards ) → Pekie win Bitshare Premium Account 1 month
ID⑰ ( field Participants ) match ID⑥ ( field Rewards ) → andri0001 win Depositfiles Gold Key 2 hours
ID⑭ ( field Participants ) match ID② ( field Rewards ) → nanashi1 win Bitshare Premium Account 1 month
ID④ ( field Participants ) match ID⑦ ( field Rewards ) → musangbeku win Depositfiles Gold Key 6 hours
ID⑪ ( field Participants ) match ID④ ( field Rewards ) → urikora win Bitshare Premium Account 1 month
ID⑳ ( field Participants ) match ID⑤ ( field Rewards ) → Jon Irenicus win Bitshare Premium Account 1 month

Congratulations to winners and thanks to all of you who take times to join this Contest, see you next time ^_^

Best regards and Good luck,


Edit : All reward sent ! Check your inbox ! Happy download ^_^
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Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

Firstly everyone happy New Year.

Question 1: How do you know and what do you think about Anime-Sharing ?
I found AS googling "anime forum" xD Well, on AS, most important thing is that all people are nice and respectable. I've been here for few months and I haven't seen even one fight. That is really rare nowadays, forum without those "hate" kind of trolls. And that was the biggest reason why I decided to actually hang around. Well what I like also is all the anime releases. I am not really able to use the properly cause of lack of premium account, that's why I actually decided to do this little quiz (that and Im too hungover to move lol). Anytime I needed help or anything I always got it. Well I won't keep this longer so Ill go to second

Question 2: Two characters that my most favourite ( Full Name ) ? What Anime/Games they come from ?

First one will have to be Guts from Berserk (well from the series and not the movie). He is a deep man but in the same time really strong.

Second one, I would have to go with Teresa from Claymore. I wasn't sure here to post Clare or Teresa but I guess Ill go for Teresa. Damn, now I have a sudden urge to get her as my avatar and sig xD.
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Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

mmh.. a contest. will give it a shot~ :goodtea:

#1: I actually don't really remember how I found myself on ASF. I was probably looking for either VN or music. I guess it was music, since I really liked the wuhugm compilations. "Rita - reach for the runway" was the reason why I started liking those.
Was lurking, until ofc on April's Fools Day I signed in.
Since Hideki (who was the first to greet me), sammy and kactaplb seemed kind of interesting, I decided to stick a bit longer with the community. Now I am actually grateful, since I found some pretty nice ppl that I share interests with and chat with everyday. So all in all I gotta say that it's a pretty laid back and cool forum, I guess.
Oh, and ASF got me really started with VNs ;D

#2: asakura nemu from the da capo series and suzumiya haruka from kimi ga nozomu eien? thx for the hint xD
not really asked for this, but my favs are:

male: Sakata Gintoki (Gintama), Yuki Terumi (BlazBlue)
female: Ryougi Shiki (KnK) and... too many else to list ;P

last but not least.. happy halloween again!

EDIT: forgot to say that those aren't really small gifts! they are really nice and everyone appreciates it!
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Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

Though I won't be entering the contest, I'll be using the chance to say, happy new year to you too girlcelly. ^^

If I can describe A-S in one way, I really love the site to the point that it's my favourite site to use (up at the apex with YouTube). :goodtea:

Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

:hi: Happy New Year to All!

Question 1: How do you know and what do you think about Anime-Sharing?
I've been a member of Hongfire since 2004-2005? the old timers know what happened to hongfire; and over the years you kinda learn to stalk...err...follow certain posters of "teh goodeez" ;). GirlCelly happened to be my goto source for HCGs (to this day one of the few posters that uploads BMP/PNG **AND** in torrents! to boot).

As far as my opinion of AS...hmm...I'm not sure what to think... because of AS's post "cover previews" I've had to buy 3 more 2TB harddrives....................................................:dthumbup:

Question 2: Two characters that my most favourite ( Full Name ) ? What Anime/Games they come from ?
Of course GirlCellys favorites are:
Nemu Asakura (朝倉 音夢) from De Capo
Suzumiya Haruka (涼宮 遙) from Kimi ga Nozomu Eien

mine are:
Tomoyo Sakagami (坂上智代) from Clannad
Saeko Busujima (毒島冴子) from HOTD
Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

Question 1: How do you know and what do you think about Anime-Sharing ?

hmm, I forgot how I meet this site, but I believe I wanted to download some anime at that time. So I registered to this site and not being active at all. But after some months I open this site again, and thinking why I don't try to being active? So, I started to spam all around and finding that it's really fun interact with people in such a funny way :XD: . This forum is the first one I become active in it, because yeah I finding it's really fun and interesting with it's great and funny people :dthumbup:

Question 2: Two characters that my most favourite ( Full Name ) ? What Anime/Games they come from ?
1. Asakura Nemu - Da Capo
2. Suzumiya Haruka - Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

Happy new year!

Question 1: How do you know and what do you think about Anime-Sharing ?
Having seen Samurai Champloo and really enjoying it, I wondered if there was a good version of it to download with both the Japanese and English audio. I searched and this was a place I found one (albeit in the graveyard). Browsed the site and ended up returning more and more often. Its a really well laid out site, I can't comment too much about it as I'm fairly new to it. People seem really friendly here too, and the community aspect is appealing.

Question 2: Two characters that my most favourite ( Full Name ) ? What Anime/Games they come from ?

1. Eikichi Onizuka - Great Teacher Onizuka
2. Nyuu/Lucy - Elfen Lied
Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

Moved from Hongfire when they decided to close the torrent section .....
I like the availability and speed of Hentai releases here

1. Asakura Nemu from Da Capo
2. Suzumiya Haruka from Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

1st Answer: it's simple, i tracked on your name at sukebei nyaa :XD:
2nd Answer: Asakura Nemu from Da Capo and Suzumiya Haruka from Kiminozo :gotidea:

and HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU! SPECIALY FOR YOU GC! thanks for all of your torrent!
Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

1. I was at Hongfire before i came here. You were one of the best uploaders on hf. I googled your name in relation with ero game and anime and came to this site.
2. Nemu Asakura from De Capo and Suzumiya Haruka from Kimi ga Nozomu Eien

P.S: Happy New Year to Everyone!! I hope this site will continue on since i have no other place to wander when i'm bored. :)
Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

Question 1: How do you know and what do you think about Anime-Sharing ?

- I don't know what time is it, but that time I want to play [PC] Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo + English Patch and then I type in google and see [ [PC] Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo + English Patch ~ ~ girlcelly x eXalpha - Anime ~ Pandora Blog ♥ ] with MF(mediaFire) link , I'm add that blog to my bookmark, after that I'm following this blog until you get main website (That time maybe said "Join our main website at AS-anime-sharing" on the headder (If my memory not recall wrong)

Question 2: Two characters that my most favourite ( Full Name ) ? What Anime/Games they come from ?

- Asakura Nemu from Da Capo / Suzumiya Haruka from Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
NemuAndHaruka.png <--- it have a lot in my PC ^^-
Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

Question 1: How do you know and what do you think about Anime-Sharing ?
yeah.....in last of 2010,I was search some doujinshi by search site.then i found the link of anime-sharing.....fate start.....
Question 2: Two characters that my most favourite ( Full Name ) ? What Anime/Games they come from ?
first one:
朝仓音梦(あさくら ねむ,Asakura Nemu)
[20020628][CIRCUS(NORTHERN?)][ADV]D.C. 〜ダ・カーポ〜
凉宫遥(すずみや はるか) SuzumiyaHaruka)
[20010803][AGE][ADV]君が望む永远(Kimi ga Nozomu Eien)

some month ago,deposite was could not download in area i live.....but can be dl now....
Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

Question 1: How do you know and what do you think about Anime-Sharing ?
I know Anime-Sharing when the time i seaching a game.I think this forum is the best place i met ever.
Question 2: Two characters that my most favourite ( Full Name ) ? What Anime/Games they come from ?
1. Nemu Asakura - Da Capo
2. Haruka Suzumiya - Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

How do you know and what do you think about Anime-Sharing ?
Get to know this site while i was searching for an anime. Anime Sharing is surely the best designed and most established forum compared to other websites i have been to. It makes searches easy and also the load time for pages is fast, simply efficient, elegant and convenient. Thanks for all your effort, Animesharing and girlcelly/Nemu-chan.

Two characters that my most favourite ( Full Name ) ? What Anime/Games they come from ?
My two favorite anime characters are Uzumaki Naruto and Kurosaki Ichigo.
Uzumaki Naruto is from the anime Naruto and Kurosaki Ichigo is from the anime Bleach.

Happy New Year all!
Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

1. Anime-sharing is the best site out there. We have super helpful mods that are kind, take requests and also answer our questions! I just followed girlcelly and tessu haha from the older forums!

2. Nemu Asakura from Da Capo and Suzumiya Haruka from Kimi ga Nozomu Eien. DA CAPO SIII is coming out!! GC must really be excited :D!
Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

Hello and HNY for you, too girlcelly, have really a good and healthy year you and your family/friends...~!

Well to question:

1) : Hmm... That is really good question, but I try it to explain: I was actually already since 2011 around here registred, but I've the/my password stupid way forgot, where I only/just about a year later again here registred could. ...

Well I know ASF actually since his/her birth-year (2010), until my registration here was I in some another with this related forums (HF and NM), but as HF his/her activity set have, have me finally here to registred. ...

But why finally I me here registred? - ask you sure, not? Well okay, I tell you: The first; Because I sought a forums, where I accepted shall, and that I with another meaning colleagues meet/share can... The second; VN's, animes, music and etc. ...

Well to second que.

2) : I agree with my collegues about me: It are Asakura Nemu (from the first DC-universe-generation) and the second; Haruka Suzumiya (from Kimi ga nozomu eien)
Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

Happy New Year Everynyan!!!

Question 1: How do you know and what do you think about Anime-Sharing ?
googling make me stuck here and i'm really happy because i found very interesting forum with nice and respectable people.

Question 2: Two characters that my most favourite ( Full Name ) ? What Anime/Games they come from ?
1. Asakura Nemu from Da Capo
2. Suzumiya Haruka from Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

how do you know and what do you think about anime-sharing?
after hongfire database don't share hentai game anymore, i search google then got this website and there i see tessu upload game to this website.
for me anime sharing is replacement for hongfire to download hentai game.

two characters that my most favourite (full name)? what anime/games they come from?
nemu asakura (da capo) and haruka suzumiya (kimi ga nozomu eien) (thanks for urikora)
Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

Question 1 answer : i know anime sharing from you, at the time, i\m browsing at hongfire,and i found you, i figure out that you're the one that's being uploading these games, so i google you're name and found anime sharing, since then anime sharing is my favorite for searching anime and games.

Question 2 answer : Kagari from Rewrite and Hajikano Shizuku from Sinclient

Happy new year and have a good year everyone
Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

Question 1: How do you know and what do you think about Anime-Sharing ?

My english is not very well but without Anime-Sharing i would feel really lonely in WWW :D. Its the biggest source for eroges,animes... i love the site and the community, but i dont have not more so many times for eroges ^^

Question 2: Two characters that my most favourite ( Full Name ) ? What Anime/Games they come from ?

1 - Nemu Asakura //// Da Capo
2 - Haruka Suzumiya //// Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

Hello everyone, first of all I wish you a happy new year!

Answer 1: I learned about Anime-Sharing when I searched for websites about anime one year ago (when I started to watch anime), especially those where you could also find download links. This website is very useful and has a great and friendly community!

Answer 2: Hard to answer for me because I have rather many favourite characters intead of few a specific ones. If I had to chose, I'd say Onizuka Eikichi from GTO and Sonozaki Shion from the Higurashi franchise.
Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

Question 1:

I had been for about 7 years in hongfire, until they closed the torrent section.Since eroges is like my cocaine, i panicked quite a bit when it was closed...until i remembered to try to google the name of my favorite uploader, you. So i found AS thanks to you, and it is definitely my favorite website right now...

Question 2:

1- Asakura Nemu from Da Capo
2- Suzumiya Haruka from Kimi ga Nozomu Eien

Wish everyone a good new year.
Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

Happy New Year to you, too.

Question 1: How do you know and what do you think about Anime-Sharing ?​

I found one of the credits for a manga I was reading citing Anime-Sharing. I went and checked it out, and although I'm new to the site (and posting in forums, in general), I've been lucky enough to make some friends and found it quite fun. The TONS of goodies I found here aren't bad, either. :lmao:

Question 2: Two characters that my most favourite ( Full Name ) ? What Anime/Games they come from ?​

Sakata Gintoki (Gintama)
Ferris Eris (Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu)
Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

Question 1: How do you know and what do you think about Anime-Sharing ?

Well i know anime-sharing from google ( searching ) for hentai gamel after hongfire didn't share hentai game anymore.
This forum is really good and uptodate , i really like this anime-sharing now.

Question 2: Two characters that my most favourite ( Full Name ) ? What Anime/Games they come from ?

1.Asakura Nemu ( 朝倉 音夢 ) -- D.C. ~Da Capo~ ( D.C.~ダ・カーポ~ )
2.Suzumiya Haruka ( 涼宮遙 ) -- Kimi ga Nozomu Eien ( 君が望む永遠 )
Re: Happy New Year 2013 [Contest]

Question 1: How do you know and what do you think about Anime-Sharing ?

From google.
This forum is really good and up to date , i really like this anime-sharing.

Question 2: Two characters that my most favourite ( Full Name ) ? What Anime/Games they come from ?

1.Asakura Nemu ( 朝倉 音夢 ) -- D.C. ~Da Capo~ ( D.C.~ダ・カーポ~ )
2.Suzumiya Haruka ( 涼宮遙 ) -- Kimi ga Nozomu Eien ( 君が望む永遠 )
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Hit1919 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Hello, Otokonoko.can you please update this game?
[240702][すみれぐさ] プリシアの冒険のやつ Ver1.07 [RJ01206437]

Thank you!
ffauj61 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Can you please reupload RJ433218 ?