[Hentai game] [180223] [ALICESOFT] ランス10 + Arrange Collection + Manual [H-Game]


The Fallen Devil
Global Moderator
Oct 18, 2010

Remember: Keep seeding after the download ^^

baka girlcelly - NemuAndHaruka Happy download ^_^

girlcelly said:

PS 1: Direct Links for this game could be found at here: :)

PS 2: If you have problem about my torrents, make sure to check and read this thread for solutions before asking same questions ! ^^

http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/torrents-47/[Question & Answer]-24181/

PS 3: Um...I just start my blog for posting new releases, requests, random uploads and more in the future ^_^

http://girlcellynemu.blogspot.com ( New blog )

Um...kyo still around and sharing~ ^_^

Edit: Finish Seeding ^_^


  • [180223] [ALICESOFT] ランス10 + Arrange Collection + Manual.torrent
    20.1 KB · Views: 662
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Best game of the month, of the year, of the decade!! well not but Im certainly hyped. I didn't expect to like the new system but its addictive so far, Alicesoft know their stuff.
Thanks !

I've been waiting for this moment (and other games to come today) for quite a few years !
The game is a little.... unexpected; though adictive already indeed.
Not knowing japanese make you totally lost though in this mix of battle + card system.
And boy, how hard is this game already?
Guess I'll have to wait for a few tips on what to do !
Do we need a hcode or any special procedures to get the game text? If so, what is it? Asking in advance since I know Alicesoft games can be a bit iffy sometimes when it comes to that.
Even if I didn't use a software like AGTH of the likes in decades, that probably would be hard with such a game; as I believe the text hooked from the talking won't be the same than for exemple the cards themselves, the skills; and the events on the board.
I would love to know if there is something though; as right now, I'm basically trying anything untill it works.

Or the good ol' way of sharing tips can work too I guess; heck, I did all the previous Rance's games like this without them being translated after all.
Played a bit until i defeated one of the first dark lords, really addicting game altho i don't know what to think about some rng elements. The branching paths seem a cool mechanic.
Now i was trying to play it with a vn text hook, but every line gets a "message window talk01" before the text so it's kind of annoying to read.
It seems the whole "timed" and turn thing will be hard though; no chances to grind really; just like Sengoku Rance, every thing you do will need to be calculated then.

Though the RNG, yeah, is hard; if we talk about the same dark lord boss; I must say her super attack that takes a third if not half of your life; and without any way to counter it for sure is though.
Plus, heals are limited; making it very very hard to go on.

It might get more interesting if you grasp the system a little bit more I guess; or maybe if you are lucky to get some good unit as cards? Dunno.
Game is fairly straightforward to be honest. Card get rank like exp and each 10 levels it boost the characters stats, you can ONLY use ONE character per faction meaning you cannot use for example Senhime and Kenshin, only one japanese, same with the others. You get tickets each "dungeons" where you can get an intimate event after completing each stage with a character, this also boost ranks to a characters like 6-8.
Each action cost AP but you cannot use those skill consecutive because the ap cost goes up and get only 2 per turn, also need be careful with enemies attacks (fortunately you can see if next is an attack or buff, those with ! are dangerous) defense cost 1ap, multiple times more def, you can also take no action, except charas with no AP cost like Rance or Rick, to save for stronger attacks. HOWEVER there also skills with permanent AP up, each time players use Sill heal the ap cost goes up to +1 FOR THE REST OF THE DUNGEON so don't use heal regulary the same for character with strong attacks, you notize when the ap cost goes purple meaning it will stack for the rest of the dungeon you can reset this on healing spots so if you notice a waterpool in the dungeon take that way.
The system to get card is RNG based, per drop. I got Rick after a tough monster, who I recommend a lot to use cuz he gets two action without AP cost. However some are story locked, I didn't get a girl after doing an event with her then it present to me two ways after event, both leading to a red chest with 3 rare cards one of said character however depending on the way you take you might get her with another personality, so always save with different path it can also leading you to a bad ending or waste of time. Rainbow Crystals give a huge chunk of exp for the current main party.

Hope it was useful, btw 2 girls got locked because they took the kingdom so yeah even if you manage to obtain the prince, princess or strongest warriors early on game if you fail to save their region they get locked.
Also :
- Getting 3 medals let you choose a "perk" of sorts; can switch it too it seems. Like unlocking AP 6 to 10, or even getting 3 ap a turn (seems related to Rance acting or not though, not sure)
- Ap decrease each turn; if not a pink one like Sill heal; meaning, if your normal attack with Rance is 1; if you don't use it this turn, it will go to 0, and thus be free next turn. It's nice to alternate your characters, and save ap this way.
- It seems after 10 turns (if the battle dosn't ends before...) you get to switch your cards; helping with fresh characters/skills; though they CAN'T act the turn they come in.
- Some loots are random; some are fixed; like choosing one from the 3 Kalars queens; dunno if you get more chance later on; but the choice here matters... I choos I believe was it Modern Kalar? And she's bad; she has 2 powerfull free attacks but.... Can use them only once. each. In the whole dungeon.

And from the little I know about characters :
- Rance seems to have one normal attack, and one big (Rance Attack?). Normal can go down to 0ap, big at 3.
- Sill comes with 2 versions; one fire; one ice. Her heal like we said increase in cost; and her attack skill can put a debuff on target it seems, making it take more damage when you attack for 3 turns it seems? (for fire; ice might be related to ap or something?)
- Rizna normal attack is incremental, starts at 1. +1 each time. Then she has a buff; it seems to be a defense/magic defense buff.
- Kanami is pretty simple; normal attack, range shuriken. Can cancel randomly an attack/spell from ennemy.
- Lia only has a expensive 5ap attack; but seems to call randomly some people from her faction for a free attack when in party.

And... That's mainly all I learnt so far.
Not sure having more characters is the best early on though, as AP are way too scarce after all.
But oh well, I guess you get more hp, thus survive longer?

I really hope there is better ways to manage ap later on though, because this is a little...
well; not enough as of now.
So any ideas at how to supress this MessageWindow 01_talk on text :c

BTW girls dont have voice ? or am i missing something ?
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Rance 03 had voices because remake. Maybe they are willing to remake older titles as with voices since this is the last game but to be honest I prefer they move over and start a similar franchine, whatever happened to Dai anyway? could have been awesome getting a series of interconected titles again in same world.
Anyone can confirm Cheat Engine working or not???? It's much better to fumble around with untranslated RPG when you can hack money and health.
How can I hook the text game? I can read some Japanese but I still find words I don't know, it's nice being to look them up with a text hooker...
I'm afraid the wait will be long then.
Sengoku Rance/Rance Quest are long before finished, Rance IX not even started yet, so....
This one won't be before 2024 if not later.

Noticed something;
there is card "sets".
Some cards, when collected goes together; for exemple; if you have Katsuko and Torako; and use one in party, the other will attack at the start of a turn for free.
Nice bonus here, but then, it really means it's all about RNG, and know what the good cards to get early on are.
Sadly a lot of cute units are meant to be bench forever, some characters are just so good to use even when the game force to swamp to proceed that doesn't change.
But if they come with passives bonus, and attack from bench, it's good then; probably hard to build a good deck though.

Anyway, what about this golem from 2nd "dungeon" of whatever, what the deal is with is damage immunity?
You need to find the right element, or something?
First time I tried, I could damage him with Lia and Magic I think, so.... lightning?
Now that I started again, it did not.

Rance Golem.jpg
Need some specific magic I used the Kalar spirit girl you get in that dungeon, you can pick 3. Try using other magic spells.

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