Shota Impregnator [F/m MILF mom shota incest underage happy]


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Mar 2, 2021
Shota Impregnator
by DiscipleN

"Momma, will we be rich in the city?"

"Aw, Sweetheart, your father will have to work very hard to keep us from falling into poverty." Mother patted my hand.

I had never ridden a train before. I asked questions to keep my mind off of the rattles and squeaks. I liked the touch of her hand. I liked everything about my mom. She was a well rounded redhead, with comforting curves, green eyes, fair skin, and lips that spoke lovingly.

Not long ago, soon after my fourteenth birthday, she proved her love in a way that quickens my blood whenever I remember it. I had torn my pants while playing in the back yard. Our fence was old, and my pants caught a nail. I had jumped up to grab the top of the fence, but the nail pulled on my pants, causing me to fall. I'd taken worse falls, and I only cried a little bit until I realized, upon falling, the nail ripped open the front of my pants. I hurried inside.

"Mommy, my pants tore!" I played her for sympathy with a sob.

She wasn't home. Mom never left the house, unless it was a quick trip to a neighbor. I pouted and sat on my bed in the front room. Our little house only had three real rooms, a bedroom, a kitchen, and a front room. I took off my pants and looked to see if I were hurt anywhere. At one point, I had to push my pee pee aside, to look under my boy sack. I was okay, but that little push caused my penis to get big. At the time, I didn't know how big penises got, but I thought mine was just the right size. I'd never seen anyone else's, not even my dad's.

Mom came in the front door, carrying a cup of shortening. "Billy!" She set the cup down upon seeing me naked. "It's not bed time." Her eyes caught sight of my erection and fixed on it.

"I tore my pants and fell." It was too late for crocodile tears. I tried pouting again. "Now my pee pee got hard."

"Are you hurt?"

"No, Momma, but I couldn't find you!"

"I'm sorry. Mommy had to run a quick errand." She stepped close to me, bent down, and picked up my pants. "We'll have to get another pair at the thrift store."

Crisis over, I asked. "Why does my pee pee get hard?" Erections never bothered me, but in the last year, they happened more frequently.

"You're growing up, Sweetheart." Mom smiled. She patted my shoulder.

"What if it never goes back down? It gets in the way, sometimes." I struggled to find something to worry her.

"You can make it go down, anytime you want." Mother fetched her cup. "I was going to use this for a pie, but maybe you need it more." She presented the shortening to me.

I love pie! Why would Momma offer shortening? Could it have something to do with my hard penis? Her eyes kept darting to it. When she looked the first time, she said I was growing up. I want to grow up, so people will stop treating me like a baby. How could shortening help me to grow up? Or was that just silly thinking...


I bit my lip as I studied the coffee cup half full of oil jelly. "Mommy, what should I do with the short - ning?"

Mother's nose twitched. Had she expected me to know? Her smile softened. "Take some in your hand and rub it all around the end of your pee pee. Maybe even rub some down it."

"That sounds messy."

"If you don't like how it feels, you can wash it off with soap. It won't hurt you. I think you'll enjoy it."

If that's what Mom thought... I reached in and scooped two fingers of the stuff. Then I touched the goo to the head of my penis. It felt cold, but it wasn't too cold. I trusted Mom and pressed the glob on my fingers against the tip. Slowly, I began to rub the cool stuff around the end. That did feel good! It was like my pee pee had been waiting to be touched.

"Golly, Mom!" I rubbed the rest of it all over the end and halfway down my young shaft.

Mom brightened. "Here, if you need more." She moved the cup under the tip.

I wasn't sure I needed more. As my hand stroked my wiener, the goo warmed, and I felt lovely tingles shiver up and down its full length. It felt so good, I didn't want to stop to scoop out more shortening. Tingles proceeded little shivers inside my loins. "Oh, Mommy!" I closed my eyes and concentrated on the feelings.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, Billy." Mother said softly. "I'm surprised you haven't been doing it already."

Mom had said something, but I barely heard her. My hand found a comfortable grip around my pee pee and I jacked on it proper for the first time in my life. Tingles and shivers shot through my privates and up my body, reddening my chest and face. I felt something else building. It was a scary feeling.

"Mommy, what's happening!" I couldn't stop my hand from flashing up and down my pee pee, but I worried about what was happening.

"It's okay, Sweetheart. Your body is going to do something wonderful. Don't be afraid."

Then I wasn't afraid. My hand plucked an incredible sensation from my penis. It rushed up from the root of my peter and filled me with scintillating joy! My body bucked. My groin lurched. I felt something pass through it. I opened my eyes and witnessed streams of white pee pulse out and splash into the cup Mother held.

Against the delight infusing my senses, I despaired. "Oh Mommy! I peed in your cup!"

"Shhh, Billy." She leaned and kissed my cheek. "It's okay. It's not pee but something special. Just enjoy the feeling."

At Mother's word, I suppressed my concern and sank back into the warm pleasures swamping my head and heart. A few, last, smaller blobs of strange goo spit out of my peter and into the cup. The stuff nearly filled the hole I'd scooped. Their white color almost matched.

"Thank you, Momma!" I flung my arms around her and hugged.

"Mommy's very proud of you. You're growing up so fast." Her free hand patted my back.

"I want to grow up fast, Momma!"

"Not too fast, I hope." She giggled mysteriously. Mom kissed my forehead before extracting herself from my arms and heading into the kitchen. "Be sure to wash."

I looked back at my red, glistening peter. I gaped as it softened and shrank to a comfortable size. I sat, amazed, for a while before washing up in our little bathroom.

Father returned from work, late as usual. "Good news, Mother." Daddy hadn't always called her that. Mom told me he started the day I was born. "I got the promotion."

"That's wonderful, Dear!" Mother placed a bowl of fried chicken on the table, next to a bowl of simmered greens. "I know it means moving into the city, but if we find a place that isn't much more than this house, we can pay off our debts twice as fast, and save a little more."

"I hope so too." Dad filled his plate and began eating.

Halfway into the meal, Mother added, "And if all goes well, maybe we can make an addition to the family."

Father didn't comment. I guess he was enjoying his supper too much. I could only eat half what he did, but I loved every bite! "Yum!"

We finished about the same time. Dad asked me, "How do you feel about going to a new school?"

"I dunno." I didn't want to move, but seeing how happy it made Mom and Dad, I didn't want to disappoint them. "I guess it'll be okay."

"You'll make lots of friends in no time." He tousled my hair.

Mother got up from the table and went to the oven.

I only had a couple friends in the sixth grade, but we'd met in the fifth. I didn't feel a need to make more.

"You'll have plenty of time to say goodbye." Father promised. "I told my boss, I'd stay until the school year ended. You'll start the seventh grade in the city." He turned to Mom. "I may have to commute a few times before then." I saw his eyes widen. I turned my head.

Mother approached the table holding something warm from the oven. Only then did I catch the smell of fresh rhubarb and strawberries above the strong odor of fried chicken. She'd made pie after all!

"That smells wonderful!" Dad exclaimed.

Later, he leaned back from finishing desert and declared. "That was incredible! I don't think I've had pie that tasted so good. You did something different this time, didn't you, Honey?"

Mother winked at me. "The secret was in the shortening."

My jaw fell open.


"Mom. Mom?" I poked the side of her chest gently. "I have to go to the bathroom." She had fallen asleep from train's constant swaying. She worked all night, packing our things for the movers.

"You can go." She mumbled. "It's down the aisle." Her head remained slumped on her travel bag.

I didn't want to wake her, but I didn't want to go by myself. I wasn't even sure which way the bathroom was. Still, my need was great. I pulled myself up from my window seat and carefully stepped over Mom's legs and the luggage at her feet. Standing in the aisle, I looked both ways. At one end was the conductor. She had already examined our tickets. I looked carefully at her then. Her badge said, Simmons. Ms. Simmons was a pretty lady younger than Mom. She appeared to be discussing something with another passenger. I started towards her.

"Young man," A low voice said next to me. "Do you need something?"

I turned at the words and saw an older, but nice looking lady sitting behind my mother. "I'm going to the bathroom."

"That's not the way. It's this way." She nodded in the other direction. "I spoke with your mother earlier, while you were looking out the window. You've never been on a train before."

"No, Ma-am."

"Would you like me to come with you? My name is Ellen. You can call me, Mrs. Guthrie."

[I would love to hear about your impressions! Please post them here or to my PM box. There'll be more of this story soon.]
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Mrs. Guthrie seemed nice enough, but I wished Momma had introduced us. She warned me against going with strangers. "Thank you, Ma-am. I should ask the conductor, though." I backed away.

The older lady sighed and shrugged. "I understand. You're wise to be cautious, but not long from now, you'll want to take more risks in life. It builds character. Maybe we'll get to know each other later."

I smiled at her and walked to where the conductor was talking to a passenger.

"Your ticket is for the regular train, Sir. This is capital express. You have to upgrade your ticket!"

"I don't have enough money!" The man in a grey suit raised his voice.

"Then you'll have to disembark at the next station."

"I have a meeting at 11am tomorrow. If I'm late, my business will suffer!" He complained. He pushed his face close to Ms. Simmons' face.

She didn't back down. "Don't take that tone with me, Sir. I'll call ahead for security to escort you off the train."

"I'm sorry. I've spent everything, maxed out my credit, to arrange the meeting that will save my company." I can't afford to miss it. Here," He pulled up his sleeve and removed a large, smartwatch from his wrist. "The fare difference is twenty dollars. I paid hundreds for this. Take it!"

I gaped at the gold band. Only adults wore something like that! The watch itself was like a tiny computer tablet. One of my school friend's father owned a full sized tablet, but it had cost less than this man's watch. I remembered then, Mother had given me twenty dollars, to buy snacks on the train. It was a lot of money, and I should give her the change if I didn't spend it all.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I'm not allowed to accept gifts." The conductor reached for her walkie-talkie but noticing me, her hand paused.

"Hello, It's Billy, right?" My name had been printed on the ticket. "Is this man disturbing you or your mother?"

I answered after an awkward pause. "No Ma-am. I have to go to the bathroom, and my Mom is asleep." The man's watch continued to fascinate me. "Golly, Mister, if you need twenty dollars for your watch, I can pay that." I took the folded bill from my back pocket and presented it."

The man sniffed. "You don't know what this means to me, Kid."

The conductor, surprised by my offer, warned me, "I can't stop you, Billy, but I'd warn against giving your money so easily. That might be a cheap knock off of the real thing. It could be a fake watch."

The man snorted. "I may be broke, but I'm not cheap, Lady. Here." He touched the crown and the watch came to life. He brought up a picture of a very pretty lady. "That's my wife. I wouldn't trust her picture to anything less than the best." He gave me the watch and accepted my twenty dollars.

He stared sullen at Ms. Simmons. "Is cash acceptable?" He held out the bill to her.

"Not normally, Mr. Colkick, but to show this child that good deeds go rewarded, I will." Ms. Simmons took the money and punched a new ticket for the man in the grey suit.

Mr. Colkick, immediately turned to me. "Thanks, Kid." He pulled out a pen and a slip of thick paper. "You'll need the passcode. I'll write it on the back of my business card." Doing so, he gave the card to me. "If you decide you want your money back, call the phone number on the front. That watch can send message to other phones. Heck, I'll pay you fifty dollars to get my sweet Angela's picture back."

By then, I was squirming on my feet. I had to go, BAD! "You're welcome, Mister." I turned and scurried to the farther end of the car.

"I'll go with you, Billy." Ms. Simmons called after. You could hear gratitude in her voice, for a reason to put Mr. Colkick behind her.

Halfway down the aisle, the railcar bounced, and I fell off balance. Ms. Simmons caught me. "Careful. Keep a hand on the seat corner handholds."

When we passed Mrs. Guthrie, she asked the Conductor. "Did we hit something?"

"No, Ma-am. This section of track is undergoing maintenance. We'll be slowing down, to ease the bumps.

Mrs. Guthrie smiled at me. I looked at Mom. She snored lightly. She must have been really tired. I grabbed handholds as fast as possible and reached the bathroom.

"The door opens like this, Billy." Ms. Simmons pressed a nearly invisible latch and slid the door to one side. "It's suppose to slide automatically, but the spring must be broken.

I didn't care. I leaped inside and did my business as soon as she closed the door.

What a relief! I still remember how close I'd come to peeing myself. Only babies pee themselves. I didn't want anyone to call me a baby! I went to the sink but couldn't find the tap. Huh.

I pressed the secret door latch. (it looked like a secret to me) The door opened, and there waited Ms. Simmons, who had pulled it aside for me.

"I can't turn the sink on." I pouted.

"Oh, yes. Here." She stepped in and pointed down. "Activate the faucet by stepping on that pedal." Suddenly the car lurched and tipped! The conductor lost her grip on the door. She fell. Flailing, she caught my pants and landed on her back in the tiny compartment, pulling me on top and ripping my pants open.

The door flew shut with a loud, CLANG!

"OW!" She grunted. For a second we lay together. Then she touched the back of her head. She blinked and slowly shook her head. "Whoa." That was quite a bang. "Billy, are you hurt?"

Her soft chest had cushioned my face when I fell against her. I was okay - it seemed. Something rasped against my penis, but I wasn't going mention that. "Un-uh."

"Code 714." A man's voice crackled between us.

"It's my radio." She reached to her belt and grabbed the small, plastic rectangle. Pulling it out, caused me to yip!


"I'm sorry, Billy. Just a sec." She pressed a lever on the radio and spoke into it. "Simmons acknowledging, Code 714." She set it rattling on the metal floor. "That hurt you?" She looked into my frightened eyes.

I nodded, pouting.

"Down there?"


"Can I see?"
When Ms. Simmons asked if she could see my peter, I blushed. I hadn't let anyone see it for a long time except a few months ago when Momma taught me how to play with it so good! I remembered that time, looking into the conductor's concerned face. Momma had looked concerned that other time. The small hurt I felt faded when a new sensation, of growing. To have my penis grow when a stranger might see it, shamed me. It's not like I could play with it in front of her. My sudden embarrassment eased in spite of Ms. Simmons' concern. She's so pretty, I wished she would play with it for me. I blushed harder.

I pursed my lips and nodded. I pushed myself away from her soft chest and rose up on my knees. From out of the rip in my pants, my young pee pee head peeked. My underwear was the kind with a slit down the front, to make peeing easier.

"Good. You can move at least. I'm a bit woozy, myself." The conductor tried to sit up but wobbled. "Banged my head silly." She smiled and paused. A few seconds later, she managed to sit cross legged but had to hold herself up with her hands on her knees. "I'll be okay, if I don't stand." She looked serious again. "Let me see it."

I stepped up until my peter was aimed two feet from her nose. Most of the shaft was still in my ripped shorts. She could only see the head.

"Can you unzip? So I can see where I hurt you?"

"I think it's okay, now. Ms. Simmons."

Her eyes quizzed me. "Are you sure I shouldn't check?"

"Okay." I squeaked approval and unzipped my pants.

"My!" She gasp softly. "It's hard, and you just peed." Her voice trailed off, as if she'd said something unprofessional.

Her hands touched my peter gingerly. "Does that hurt?"

"No Ma-am." I gulped. It felt nice, and my dick got harder.

Bending the shaft left and right, she peeked at it. "There's a little redness. The radio speaker grill left a couple marks, but it's not cut." She said professionally. "You said it feels okay now?" Ms. Simmons looked up at me.

I was about to confirm that the hurt was gone. The train shook mildly.

Ms. Simmon's hand grasped my pee pee as the closest thing to hold on to, but neither of us fell.

"OH! I'm soo sorry!" She released me.

"You can hold onto it." I piped up, not sure where my courage to say that came from. Maybe it was pride, because my erection had kept her from falling again. A part of me hoped that she might play with it. "You made it feel good!" I kept blushing.

A wry smirk crossed the conductor's lips. "Oh, did I now?"

I nodded enthusiastically.

"We'll zip up your pants, young man. I was only making sure you weren't hurt." She tried to stand. Still dizzy, Ms. Simmons had to sink to her knees. "I may be worse off than I thought."

I should have zipped up, but seeing her in a less than authoritarian moment, I stood instead. My wiener wagged about a foot and a half from her eyes.

"If I zip up, the head of my pee pee will stick out of my pants." I pouted. "You ripped it."

Her eyes lowered. "I'm sorry, Billy. I didn't mean to."

"I have to forgive you -- if you make up for it." I told her. "That's what my momma says."

"I don't have a sewing kit with me."

"What if you make it less hard? Then it won't show." I boldly took the dazed beauty's hand and held it against my pee pee.

"Billy, I'm not suppose to do that. I could get in trouble!" Her eyes blinked, but she kept looking at my wiener.

"I won't tell. I'd be embarrassed." I promised.

My body sang when the hand next to my peter wrapped its fingers around it.

"Well, okay, Billy. If you promise not to tell." Her voice sounded thicker. He eyes darted to one side.

My pee pee grew thicker. Her hand felt wonderful! It wasn't slippery, like the shortening I used when I jerked my penis, but her hand had its own kind of softness.

Ms. Simmons stroked my peter slowly. I closed my eyes at first. It felt sooo good! "Golly, that's nice!"

"I know, Billy. I do this for my boyfriend sometimes." A thin smiled crept into her worried expression. Her hand moved a little faster.

"I wish I was your boyfriend."

I felt her hand clench a little. It sent a shiver of delight through my body.

"I should have said, I used to do this for my boyfriend."

"Aww. Did you break up?"

"He didn't respect me enough. My job made him feel insecure. He was a baggage handler." Her hand slowed. I didn't mind. It still felt good moving along my penis.

"I'll be your boyfriend, Ms. Simmons. You're great at being a conductor!" I looked at her hand jerking up and down my stiff peter.

Then she blushed. "Maybe not so much at the moment." Her hand increased its motion. "But thanks. I love my job."

"Oooo, that feels real nice."

"I'm glad, Billy. I miss having a boyfriend." Her hand moved in a new way, not just up and down but with a slight swirl. My boy sack twitched from the new sensation. "Maybe I could be your girlfriend until the train reaches your stop."

"I don't want you to stop." I misunderstood.

She chuckled. "Maybe I don't either." Now she was giving my hardon a firm rubbing and fast.

"Ohh, OH, it's so goood!" I grunted and moaned.

"Billy, I would be very happy to make you feel even better. Her hand flashed enthusiastically across my hard pee pee."

"Better?" I huffed. "You mean, give me that special feeling, when I squirt white stuff?" Momma had told me it wasn't pee, but I was too shy to ask what it was called.

The conductor's eyes few wide. "You can make cum, Billy?"

"Is that the white stuff?" I asked, but I could have cared less when massive ecstasy lit up my senses. "Aaaahhh!" I ejaculated.

Just before my balls unleashed their load, Ms. Simmon's expression changed from surprise to panic. Her eyes looked everywhere at once - instantly despaired. "The mess! Oh NO!!" The last vowel shaped her lips, and abruptly that shape fell around the head of my penis, just as the first load of wonderful fluid shot from my peter.

"Mmmgl" My cum made her gurgle as it streamed into her mouth.

I cried with joy. "Ohhh, you're sucking on me, Ms. Simmons!!!" The sudden, moist lips clamped to the head of pee pee launched my orgasm into orbit. My groin spasmed continuously, forcing fresh bolts of cum into the conductor's surprised face.

She whined as if this wasn't supposed to happen. I misunderstood. I thought she was enjoying the taste of my special fluid. "That feels so gooood!!!" I told her with delirium slurred words.

The intense sensation shooting out of my loins electrified me with delights I had never felt. The mouth was then swallowing all that my balls delivered into Ms. Simmons' body. I shivered as if my body wanted her to suck every drop out of me.

Again she whined against my spouting pee pee, until the flow ended. I didn't know what to do then. I stood smiling at this woman who had made me feel so wonderful. "Thank you, Ms. Simmons."

"Goodness!" She released my peter from her lips and pushed her hair away from her face. "That was awful!" She pulled a handkerchief from her jacket pocket and wiped drips of white goo from her mouth.

"I'm sorry! Did I do it wrong?" Did I hurt you, Ms. Simmons?" I staggered away until back struck the closed, bathroom door.

The regret in her face drained, replaced with fresh concern. "Uh, Billy, I-I didn't mean it that way." She pleaded. "I was wrong to do that. I don't know what came over me. I never should have even held your penis, let alone-"

Something pounded against the door. I felt the sharp blows through the metal against my back. "Billy!" Mother shouted from the other side. "Are you okay?"

The blood drained from Ms. Simmons' face. Once more, she tried to stand. She was more successful this time, grabbing the sink for support.

"Gosh, Mom!" I shouted back. "Ms. Simmons was helping me."

I think the poor conductor nearly fainted. She had to use both hands to prevent falling. She hissed. "Billy, you promised you wouldn't tell."

"I won't." I whispered. "I mean, not this part." I stuffed my softened peter into my pants and zipped them up. All you could see through the rip in my pants was the pattern of my underwear. I held my hands over the rip.

The door rattled. "You have to unlock the door, Billy." Mother called. "Ms. Simmons?"

"That's strange," The conductor mused softly. "I didn't lock it." She shifted to the door and looked. "It's not locked, Ms. Androni. Let me try." She pushed at the door, but it didn't budge. "It seems to be stuck!"

"Billy?" Mother's was clearly worried.

I answered. "I'm okay, Momma. Ms. Simmons bumped her head, but she caught me when I fell."

"Oh, thank goodness! And thank you, thank you, Ms. Simmons!!" Mother's worry eased. "I'm sorry about your head. What can I do for this door?"

"I'll call an engineer, Ma-am. I have my radio." She made the call.

A man's voice answered. "It'll take me a while to get there, Simmons. If it's an emergency, we can stop the train."

"Let me check, Jerry." She called at the door. "Ms. Androni, your boy is fine and I'm much better. Can you wait while the engineer gets his things and works his way down the train?"

"How long?"

"No more than twenty minutes."

"Billy?" Mother asked, clearly not wanting a reason to wait.

"It's okay, Momma! Ms. Simmons is very nice."

"I'll be right here, Billy. I won't leave you."

"Okay, Momma."

"Thank you, Ms. Androni. You have a fine son."
The train continued to rattle and sway. The occasional bumps and jolts rattled Ms. Simmons. She stood, holding onto the sink with both hands. "The bump on my head does not want a sister."

"I wish I had a sister." I told my soon to be lost, girlfriend. "Girls are kinda neat." I smiled at her.

"You won't want to do, with a sister, what we did, Billy." Ms. Simmons whispered. "That's not how brothers and sisters act."

"Yeah?" I wasn't sure. I left it at that. With time on my hands, I pulled Mr. Colkick's, I mean, my watch from my pocket. I had to adjust the strap to fit my wrist, and when I touched the crown it lit up. A small image flashed in the corner. I tapped on the glass, which resulted in a grid of numbers. I struck the 'enter' button.


Ms. Simmons sniffed back a chuckle.

"Oh." I dug into my other pocket for the man's business card.

"Meals on Heels." It read. "The best cooked and served, in person!" And there was a drawing of a lady in an apron wearing high heels. It was hard to tell if she was wearing anything else.

I turned it over and found the passcode. I punched it in, and the picture of Mr. Colkick's wife appeared. An array of images (I knew they were app icons) overlaid her image. The one in the top right corner kept flashing.

Mr. Colkick's beautiful wife made me remember my Mom, who is prettier than any lady. She waited just on the other side of the stuck door. I looked at my new watch and sighed. "Momma?" I asked loudly.

"What is it, honey?"

"I'm sorry, but I spent all of the twenty dollars you gave me."

"You did?" She paused. "That must be a lot of snacks, but if they're with you in there, I'm glad you have them. Did you buy something to drink, as well?"

"I didn't, Momma. I bought a watch." I hurried, "But it's a really cool computer watch!"

Again, Mother paused. "You can't buy those for twenty dollars!"

"He did, Ms. Androni," my girlfriend called out. "A gentleman traded his watch to your son, for money to upgrade his ticket. Billy was very brave to offer his money." She put an arm around me and hugged me to her chest. It sure was soft against my cheek. I hugged her back.

"Well, I'll be." Momma declared. "Billy, that was a nice thing to do, but it really isn't fair to him. I'm proud of you, but we should let the man buy the watch back."

"He doesn't have any money." I argued. A deal was a deal, although Mr. Colkick had offered $50 to buy it back. I didn't want to tell Momma that.

"We'll get his address in the city and see him when he has money." Mother used her 'final' voice. I didn't argue. Instead, I looked at my watch, which it seemed would be as fleeting as my girlfriend. I didn't understand most of the app icons. The message one was clear, and the musical note couldn't have been more obvious. The flashing one had a red dot at one end of a rectangle with slanted lines and bump at the other end.

There was one colorful icon, like a flower. Curious, I tapped it. Immediately the picture of Ms. Colkick filled the watch face. I tapped her nose. "Gotcha!" Something my father used to do to me. The image wriggled. Huh.

I swiped across the picture. It changed. There was another picture of Ms. Colkick. She wasn't wearing any clothes!

"Oh my, Billy!" Ms. Simmons gasp. One of her hands shot out and covered the picture. Then she coughed. "Sorry. I don't mind you seeing that, Billy, but maybe it's something your Mom doesn't want you to see."

Unperturbed, I told her. "Golly. Ms. Simmons. Ms. Colkick must like her husband a lot, to make that picture for him."

"Jacqueline." the conductor said quietly. "You can use my first name, Billy."

"Oh, I didn't know it, Jacqueline."

"You're so sweet!" She kissed my forehead and hugged me closer. "I wish I could give you a picture like that of me."

"Really!" I exclaimed!

"Billy?" Mom inquired broadly from behind the metal door.

I blushed. "I'm playing with the watch, Momma. It's, um, really really neat!"

"Be careful with it."

"Ye-es!" I sang.

"Your mother is very much like my mother." Jacqueline observed. "She cares a lot for you." Her hand warmed the exciting picture of Ms. Colkick.

"If they were the same, does that mean you could be my sister and my girlfriend?"

"That's not how it works, Sweetie." She smiled.

I pouted. "Can I see my watch again?"

"Okay, but not that picture. It makes me jealous." She wrinkled her nose at me and tapped the crown. When she let go of my watch, the display showed the starting rows of app icons. I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Don't show me that - unless you're ready to use it." She winked.

I ignored what I didn't understand. I swiped at the icons, and another group of icons shifted into the watch face.

"Careful, Billy. It's battery is running low." She pointed at the blinking icon that hadn't shifted away. So that's what it meant. Only five minutes had passed since becoming locked in the tiny bathroom. I decided to turn off the watch, to save the battery and Ms. Colkick for when I was alone.

The naked wife picture that I couldn't look at, steeped into my thoughts. It sure felt nice being close to my girlfriend. I felt a little guilty thinking of the picture of another lady. I tried to imagine what Jacqueline looked like without her clothes. All I got for my effort was a hard penis. It appeared gradually through the rip in my pants.

"Oh my, Billy. That isn't- You didn't." She felt at my torn pants. "You are!" Her restrained words warmed my ear. "I've always had a fantasy of doing it in here with a stranger, while their partner waited outside."

"Doing what in here?"" I wondered aloud.

Jacqueline grinned. "I could tell you, Billy. But I would rather show you."

"What can you show me, Jacqueline?" I looked puzzled. "Momma's right outside."

"Shhh. Keep quiet, and she'll never know." The conductor's eyes sparkled. "But we will." She turned around at the sink, and with one hand keeping her balance, she unbuckled her uniform's slacks. Sticking out her rear slightly - there wasn't much room - she asked, "Help me by pulling my pants down, Billy."

I answered very quietly, "Okay." I moved behind her and grasp the sides of her pants. My hands took their time, because her hips were wide compared to her trim waist, and getting them over and down their arousing form was new to me. She wore a pair of black, silk panties under her slacks. The narrow garment stared at me. "Golly." I stared back for a bit.

"Now it's your turn. Pull down your pants and free your young, hard prick."

I blushed at the crude word. Some of my classmates used them, but Momma didn't like rude words. I did as my girlfriend requested. My peter stuck out, aimed at one of her big, bottom cheeks. I patted it. Its skin was soft, but its bulk was firm. "Whoa!"

"That feels nice, Billy. Sometimes I like real spanking, but we don't have time. She reached her free hand back and tugged her panties to one side.

My jaw fell open at my first sight of a lady's privates. I knew girls were different. They had lips and holes and sometimes hair. I was just starting to grow hair on my boy sack. Some of her hair peeked out along her revealed mound.

"Give me a second." She whispered. The fingers holding aside her panties pushed between her pouting lips and rubbed. At first, they seemed to glow in the bathroom window's light. After a few seconds, her lips began to glisten. Two of her fingers eased deeper and stirred her girl hole. She moaned softly. When they withdrew, she said. "That's good and ready for you. Do you know what to do, Billy?"

"Gosh, Jacqueline, did you want a baby?" I had seen a picture book about bodies and private parts and how they joined to make babies, 'when two people really loved each other.' She and I had become boyfriend and girlfriend so quickly, I wasn't sure.

"I know you can cum, Billy, but I doubt you could impregnate me. You're so young!" Jacqueline added. "I did have my period a couple weeks ago. You should probably pull out, before cumming inside me. Okay?"

I had to think about what I knew about 'cumming' and about making babies. I decided that she knew more than I, and she was okay with it, . "Sure." I affirmed. Moving myself until my pee pee touched her wet, pouting lips, I took her free hand in mine and held it. I eased my hips forward, popping my little head between them. The jostle of parting flesh tickled in a wonderful way!

"Mmmm." She moaned. Her hand fled mine and grasped my, um, prick. I thought the word and giggled. She moved my pee pee up an down her wet slit, until my head felt a shallow, tiny pocket within her glistening lips. "Push Billy." She urged me.

We both groaned when my penis sank its length into her vagina. I knew that word too.

"Did you say something?" Momma asked from the other side of the metal door.

I couldn't talk. I barely heard her. My mind floated on a surging sensation of pleasure as her hole enveloped my prong. Its warmth and wetness felt incredible! ...way better than her or my hand.

"Just train noises, Ma-am." Jacqueline covered for us. Our groan had been quite emphatic. "That feels perfect, Billy." She whispered.

"Are you going to have a baby now?"

"Oh, Sweetheart!" She gushed hushed. "You have to fuck me, first, to spend your cum in my pussy." She backtracked, "Except, you have to pull out."

I'm not sure which excited me more, the hot sensation wrapping my pee pee, or her naughty words. I didn't' know what 'fuck' meant, really. I just thought it mean what I was doing, resting my, heh, 'prick' insider her, ahem, 'puss.' "We are, aren't we. Won't your lady part suck my cum, kinda like you did with your mouth?"

"Sweet, sweet, child!" She laughed softly. "You have do the man's part. Move your dick in and out of me."

"Ohhh. Okay." I said blandly. I lurched my hips into action, and I immediately felt incredible pleasure! How stupid was I, not to know this important, incredible aspect of fucking? I blamed the book I read only a year ago. Really, it should have said, in big print, that fucking a hard prick in and out of a hot, wet pussy felt better than anything! After a few tentative pokes and pulls, I was sawing my peter through her puss, with rigorous thrusts.

"That's it, Honey!" Jacqueline gasp. "You're going gangbusters on me! Soo goood!" She exclaimed a little louder. Her rear humped opposite of my strokes, bringing new thrill to my hard peter.

"What's that?" Mother asked. Little did we know. She put her ear to the door.

"It's good, Momma!" I told her. The train is going good and smooth again!" I meant the train of my hard prick running smoothly in and out the conductor's pussy.

"I guess." She didn't sound convinced.

My efforts continued to pump pleasure out of my girlfriend's hole. I lost all sense of time, humping myself in and out of her, to the rhythm of the swaying train.

"Tell me when you're about to shoot your cum Billy." Jacqueline reminded me as quietly as she could but still be heard over the sucking sound of her puss on my pee pee and the slaps of my thighs against her bum and the metal clacking of train wheels. "Mmmmm." Her voice roiled. "I just felt one of mine."

I didn't know what she was talking about, but I'm glad it made her happy. My own feelings were knotting up inside my loins, as if a balloon of sensations was inflating. I had felt something like it before, but nothing as tight and full as the feelings pouring into my diving peter and collecting at the base of it. I knew the balloon would pop, but I was glad I didn't cum as quickly as I had when my girlfriend rubbed me so recently. I wanted the fuck feeling to last forever! I enjoyed and enjoyed her hot flesh sucking on my pumping peter. Our motions synced up perfectly, melding together like a single being radiating joy.

Jacqueline grunted in that special way, twice more, before the balloon of tension grew to the verge of breaking. "I love how you're lasting, Lover."

She called me lover. Did that mean, she was okay to have a baby? I guessed so. The idea of blasting my cum into the place where it was suppose to be, to begin a child inside a woman, was hotter than her dripping lips! That thought kicked my pending cum over the edge. I had to cover my mouth to silence my shouts. Boom! My body surged with joy and release! My peter gushed out hot baby starter as I continued to buck back and forth. Some seeped out around my rutting shaft, but most of it went deep.

"OH NO! Jacqueline burst out. "You DIDN'T!" To her, the sensation of my 'too young' cum was even hotter and thicker than any of her boyfriends'. She knew, at that moment, the mistake she had made. And now Mother pounded at the door.

"The repairman is here!"

Jacqueline's final orgasm outmatched the volume of my mother's announcement.

I wanted to rest, while deeply penetrating my girlfriend, as the final spurts from the best orgasm I had ever experienced, soaked her insides.

"Billy, I'm sorry. I thought the engineer wouldn't get here so quickly. We have to dress." She pulled free from my embedded peter. The cum and pussy juice soaked panel of her panties slid back across her vaginal lips. She reached down and pulled up her slacks.

While she buckled her belt, I scrambled to get my underwear over my knees. She turned to help. "You're still hard!"

"I can't help it." It was not as hard as it had been. I managed to snap my boxers over my peter.

The door groaned. "Just about free. Sure was stuck, though." A man called from the other side.

My girlfriend helped me to button my shorts, but the tear in them threatened to reveal my lingering hardon. "Get behind me." She stood and turned to the door, still holding one hand to on the sink.

The door slid open as I finished zipping up my torn pants.

"Billy!" Mother exclaimed upon seeing me. Upon seeing the conductor, her lips broadened into a shape that was and wasn't a smile. "Thank you, Ma-am, for being with him."

"It was my pleasure."

"Mine too, Momma! But my pants tore, when I fell. Jaq-, eh, Ms. Simmons caught me, but she bumped her head."

Mother told Ms. Simmons, "For that I'm forever grateful." She looked at me. "The rest -- we'll talk about it later." When she walked me to my seat, we passed Mrs. Guthrie who expressed happiness that I was all right. Mother told her, "You're very kind, Ellen."

Seated, I showed mom the watch but only the nice picture of Ms. Colkick. Behind our seats, Mrs. Guthrie smiled and observed us.

Mother asked quietly, "What really happened in the bathroom, before the repairman unjammed the door?"
I couldn't hide my blush. So I explained with pretend excitement. "Gosh, Mom, Ms. Simmons was really nice. She was so sorry my pants tore, she kept moving around, looking for something in the bathroom that could fix it. It's a really small bathroom, and we kept bumping each other. I wish the repairman hadn't taken so long, I wanted to be with you."

Mother has a look when she suspects I'm not telling the truth. "Well, you aren't hurt. That's the most important thing, and I'm sorry Ms. Simmons was. Now, I want you to remain in your seat. I need to discuss that watch with Mr. Colkick." She glanced at my torn pants and shook her head. Reaching into her travel bag, she pulled out a lap blanket and spread it over my legs. I watched her cover my pants, but just as the edge dropped on my lap, I noticed the soft head of my pee pee was visible through the tear and my boxers. A thin coat of cum was drying on the tip. My face turned deep red.

She whispered, "Remember to wash up, when you use the bathroom like that." Momma took the watch and went down the aisle.

"Excuse me, Billy." Mrs. Guthrie smiled from the seat. "I heard that your pants tore. I have a sewing kit in my tote. Would you like me to mend it?"

My original concern about Mrs. Guthrie faded when she offered to sew up my pants. Mother had certainly seen the stain on the tip of my pee pee. Her polite reaction had sent blood to my cheeks. If my shorts didn't get fixed, Momma might worry about what could pop into view. Otherwise, I'd have to keep my hands in my lap for the rest of the trip!

"I'd like that, Mrs. Guthrie, but Momma said I have to stay in my seat."

"I'll sit next to you and sew there." She foraged in her tote until she found her sewing kit. Then she got up and sat in Mother's seat but as she sat, she looked down the aisle, to where Mother was talking to Mr. Colkick. She seemed satisfied and turned to me. "Let me see it, I mean, them. She cleared her throat. Take your pants off from under the blanket, and give them to me."

When she said, "It." I thought she wanted to see my wiener, but she corrected herself. I pouted from embarrassment. "Yes, Ma-am." I nodded and reached under the lap blanket. I had never taken pants off blindly before. I managed unzip the front, but as I struggled to get them off my hips, the blanket shifted lower too, exposing my boy boxers. Thankfully, the opening had shifted to the right and only revealed the top of my thigh. I pulled the blanket up and tried again.

Mrs. Guthrie seemed amused by my effort. "No need to rush, Billy."

After careful squirming, I pushed the shorts to my knees, but once more the blanket slid down to mid thigh. To my horror, this time, the head of my soft penis poked out through the gap in my trousers. Worse, the tip was coated with white residue, now dried. I scrambled to tug the blanket back, but the lady grabbed the blanket and fought to keep it in place. She was stronger than me.

"Billy!" Mrs. Guthrie, exclaimed softly. "You should clean that up."

"I would, but Momma told me I couldn't leave my seat." I almost cried. "And you shouldn't be looking at it. It's my private part."

"Then you shouldn't have shown it to me." She countered. "It's not I haven't seen the likes before. I raised a boy. He left home for college this week. I'm returning from helping him move into his dorm."

I wasn't sure that made it okay, but Mrs. Guthrie didn't seem to mind. At least about seeing my peter. What she did mind was its condition.

"Before I sew your pants, young man, we have to clean that up." She let me cover up then reached into a pocket of her sweater and pulled out a napkin. "Unclean is unhealthy." She claimed. "Now let me see, and I'll wipe that nasty stuff off."

"Can't I wipe it?" I pouted.

"If I let you wipe it, you'd probably make more of a mess." She insisted, and I pushed the blanket down to show her my cum coated peter. My cheeks turned warm again.

She licked the napkin before reaching down and swiping it around the head, but it was soft and it bobbed out of the way. She only cleaned half of it.

"I'll have to hold it, to clean it all." She said, reaching her free hand to the soft shaft of my pee pee. She grasped me softly but firmly. Then she licked the napkin again but not in a clean part of it. She licked the dried cum she had wiped from my penis.

Without a word, she held my peter and used the napkin to clean off every last, white bit. Then she folded the napkin and tucked it into her sweater. "There. That's better."

I covered myself and kicked off the shorts which had fallen to my ankles. Mrs. Guthrie bent down to retrieve them. She immediately went to work. Her hands made needle and thread fly through ripped edges, binding them back together. I was amazed by her dexterity and efficiency. In no time at all, she had mended my shorts.

"There. That ought to hold you for a while." She handed them back to me.

"Thank you, Mrs. Guthrie." I took them and bent down to put them on, but the blanket got in the way.

"Here." She sounded disappointed. "Let's not repeat your fumbling. Let me help." She sank to the floor of the train and crawled under the blanket and between my feet. Mrs. Guthrie was a small woman. For her size, she had a little too much belly, but she could just fit between the seat in front of me and my seat. She put my shoes through the legs of my shorts and pushed them up to my knees. The blanket fell over her back, nearly covering her. "You'll have to stand. So I can get them over your hips."

I wanted to stand, but seeing her head under the blanket made me remember Ms. Simmons, when she was on her knees, jerking on my penis. The memory sent blood rushing to my peter. It hardened quickly. I was still holding the blanket over my lap, but her head made enough of a space to hide my new erection. I could feel it, though, sticking out of the gap in my boxers.

"Oh my!" The blanket muted her gasp. "Billy, you, um, your peni-" She quieted.

I stood in shock, but there was hardly room. I felt trapped by the woman. I didn't know what to say. Where was mother? I looked for her. Standing had made Mrs. Guthrie press her back against the seat in front of me, as my hips moved forward and higher.

I could just see Momma, far down the aisle, talking to a seat where Mr. Colkick must have been sitting. She seemed very far away at that precise moment.

A curious whisper floated up through the blanket. "Is that- Billy, is that for, um, for me? Did you get hard for me?"

My brain melted at the thought of the nice older lady with her head under a blanket and her face at the same height as my penis. "I-I don't know." I sputtered as quietly as I could.

"It's okay, Child. I'm sure it's not because of an old woman like me." She patted my left knee. "Young boys often get hard for no reason. My son was that way. "Although, I am surprised someone as young as you would have that problem."

"It started, just this year." I found myself answering without thinking. Considering the circumstances, she was being very polite and kind to tell me about her son. I thought of Momma, so far away. I asked, in a daze, "Did you help your son to make it go down?"

She didn't answer right away. "Oh, I see." Did she giggle? I couldn't tell through the blanket. I stood mortified once more.

"Yes, Billy. Sometimes, I would help my little Dennis, but only if he was a good boy and didn't tell anyone. That was a long time ago. I wish he was still young, but I'm more proud of the man he became. He never told on me. Are you a good boy? Did you want me to help make your penis soft?"

I almost told her no. I could see my mother, and somewhere Ms. Simmons, my girlfriend, was helping passengers, if not in this car, one of the adjacent cars. My fear of either of them discovering us should have made my young boner shrink like plastic wrap over a burning match. Instead, I felt my penis get harder. That wasn't fair! Once more I was confused about what I should do. Could the nice, Mrs. Guthrie, even get my shorts over a penis as hard as the one I had sprouting from my groin? I whimpered.

"It's okay, Dearie. It's entirely up to you."

I whined, "Yes, Ma-am. Please. I won't tell. I promise. Help make it soft again, please, Mrs. Guthrie."

"I will, Sweetie, but you have to keep an eye out. Let me know if anyone is about to pass us, along the walkway."


Her hand was softer than I imagined. It grasped my firm member, wrapping its fingers around my shaft. "Remember. No telling."

"Yes, Ma-am." I looked out for anyone in the aisle, while Mrs. Guthrie began stroking my hard, young prick. She made me feel almost as good as when my temporary girlfriend let me try to make a baby in her. I tried to keep my attention on the aisle, but her hand felt so wonderful, rubbing my pee pee, gently but firmly.

"This is a beautiful thing, Billy. I only did it a few times for my Dennis, but each time was very special. Can you feel the beauty of it?" Her hand moved a little faster up and down my hard shaft.

"I can. You're making it feel really good, Mrs. Guthrie."

"Do you see anyone?"

"No one close, Ma-am." I checked after dragging my attention from the delights her hand stroked into my loins. I looked across the aisle, but I already knew. Those seats had been empty the entire trip. My attention fell back to the lady rubbing so much goodness through my peter. My hips started humping against her rhythm.

"You're an eager boy, Billy." She admonished me softly. Her hand sped up, causing my hips to stop. "It's been so long since I've done this, and I want to enjoy every second."

"Yes, Mrs. Guthrie."

"Good. Keep a sharp eye out."

That proved difficult. Every time her hand pulled on my flesh, my thoughts fled to her warm, rubbing fingers. I could see people, one or two. None were close. Was one moving closer? "Ohhhh." I gasped, forgetting what I saw.

"Billy, you have to let me know when you're about to cum. I know you can cum. I tasted it earlier, you naughty boy."

"You were naughty for tasting it." I heard myself tell her. Oh no! Would calling her naughty cause her to stop giving such wonderful pleasures? "I'm sorry."

She giggled. I heard it and felt it warble through her firm, flowing grip. "It's true, Billy. I hoped you wouldn't notice. I had to know if you could cum. Do you hate me?"

"No! You're really nice, and it's so great, what you're doing. Please, don't stop. It feels too good!"

"I won't stop, Billy. I'll make sure you cum, even, but you have to warn me, or you'll make an even bigger mess than last time." She kissed my bare thigh.

"Yes. I will, Mrs. Guthrie." I closed my eyes for a second, to gauge how close I was.

"Ah, Madam Conductor, I think you ought to see this here."

The man's voice broke myself self-reflection. My eyes flew open and I gaped. Standing just behind my row of seats, A man looked down the aisle, towards the bathroom. I turned my head and saw Jacqueline heading our way. I froze, from panic.

Mrs. Guthrie never stopped jerking on my peter. My balls felt like they were building up for another release. I needed to warn her, but there was my girlfriend, striding closer!

"Yes, Mr. Ames?"

The man moved, to meet the conductor halfway. "I found this comb in the aisle. Someone must have dropped it." He told her.

"I see." "I'll ask around before taking it to lost and found at the final station." He handed it to her.

My heart thudded back to life. It had stopped from fear! My penis twitched in Mrs. Guthrie's stroking hand. My balls- "I-I think I'm about to-" I clamped my groin down, to hold back the impending flood. I heard rustling. The blanket rippled from movement beneath it. Something fitted over the head of my prick.

I was too young, too inexperienced. My balls broke past my clench, sending their seed shooting out through my hard penis. It flung away, Where, I couldn't tell. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Guthrie, I tried to tell you sooner." I gasp through the shockwave of pleasure riveting my feet to carpeted metal floor.

"It's beautiful, Billy. I can feel it. Let it all out. It's okay. It's wonderful!" She kept stroking, making sure to wrest every drop from my body. Cum pulsed six more times out the tip of my erection. My body shuddered from an orgasm that pulsed joy into my mind in time with my spitting penis. "Sooo goood." I hissed with delight!

"You're cumming so much, Billy! I can barely catch it all." She sounded amazed, thrilled even. "I wish-" She started to say but said no more.

A great lethargy overcame me. I wobbled on my feet. "I have to sit down, Mrs. Guthrie."

"Just a second, Boy. Don't you dare until I'm done here." She commanded. I felt my shorts being pulled up my legs over my thighs and around my hips. She zipped them up, ducked out from under the blanket, and stood free. I fell back into my seat.

In her hand I saw the napkin she had used to wipe me earlier. She cupped it, as if something might spill out. That something was a fresh load of cum milked from my pee pee. Her eyes glowed at me. "Thank you, Billy. You don't know what that meant to me. I'll never forget you." She stepped into the aisle, around Mother's seat, and next to her own chair behind it. All the while, she cradled the napkin, as if it carried something precious.

"Ellen, what do you have there?" Mother walked up, having finished her conversation with Mr. Colkick.

"Oh, hi Faun." Mrs. Guthrie's smile crawled hesitantly across her lips. "This?" She looked down. "I asked the conductor for some unscented soap. I can't handle the perfumed liquid in the bathroom."

"I thought I saw you standing next to Billy."

"Yes. I had to make way for Ms. Simmons."

"I see." Mother smiled easily. She looked at me and sat down in her seat. "You look like the cat who caught the canary."

I hugged the blanket to my lap, to hide my now repaired shorts. She reached into her travel bag and pulled out a book, Tom Sawyer. She had been reading it to me ever since the train left our station. It was getting late. The lights in the train dimmed.

"I guess, we should eat instead." She put the book back and brought out two, baloney sandwiches. We munched them quietly. Mother had a thermos of cold lemonade to wash them down.

"Thank you, Momma." I smiled, drinking from the thermos lid that was a cup.

"Mommy needs to sleep again. Put the lid back on the bottle when you're done." She closed her eyes and turned away. A while later, the full moon peeked over the horizon, sending blue light into the car. The passengers, one by one, clicked off their overhead lights and quieted. Even the car seemed to sway more gently. I heard a hushed sound, like a sharp breath, behind us. I twisted around and peeked over the back of my seat.

There, in the moonlight, I saw Mrs. Guthrie, still holding the napkin. She had reclined her seat as much as it would go, and lay back with her eyes closed. Stranger still, she had pushed a wadded cloth under the waistband of her skirt. It left an opening through which hid her other hand.

She groaned softly. Her hand retreated from under the dress. Then it did the most amazing thing. She dipped two of its fingers into the puddle of cum held by the napkin. After scooping a glob, she pushed the hand back through the gap between her waistband and belly. The skirt bent outward from the back of that hand. The bump of skirt moved back and forth, slowly. "Oh, Dennis, I wish it had been you." She muttered. Her hand moved deeper, under her skirt, nearly disappearing, always moving. "I wish you were here now, giving me fresh cream, instead of this nice boy's that has grown cold. Ooooh, I love feeling cum inside of me."

My jaw dropped, and I felt my penis get thick and hard. The only sounds in the car, half full of people, were whispers, snores, and this sad lady's soft moans.
Hearing Mrs. Guthrie's plea, I wished I were her son, but not really because my mom is awesome. I had an idea. I stepped off of my seat and stood as quiet as possible. First I studied Mom to be sure she was sleeping. Her face is like an angel. I thought about jerking myself and remembering the day she taught me. I always cum hard when I do that.

The only time I came harder was when the conductor, my girlfriend, let me try to make a baby in her. I wanted to do that again, and I wanted to help the sad lady sitting behind us, playing with her covered vagina. How could that be wrong? Well if Momma or Jacqueline found out, it might turn out very wrong. That's why I checked Mom carefully. Then I looked up and down the aisle.

I stepped over Mom's feet and ducked into the walkway. Squatting, I listened.

"Dennis, if only this was your cum, warm and fresh." Mrs. Guthrie sighed and moaned at the same time.

I took a step closer and whispered. "I'm sorry you're sad about your son, Mrs. Guthrie. I heard you, and I saw what you're doing."

"What?" She jerked a cum dripping hand from out of her dress! Her other hand dropped the napkin. "Huh?" She peered into the aisle and spotted me. "Billy?" Her eyes widened. "Oh, my. I-I-" She sputtered.

"It's okay, Mrs. Guthrie. I bet your Dennis is lonely too. I never like it when I'm away from my momma."

"Billy, I'm so embarrassed. How could I let myself get carried away like that. Please forgive me."

"But I liked watching you, Mrs. Guthrie." I straightened my legs but kept my back bent. Even in the dim moonlight, she could see my hard penis pushing out the short pants covering it. "What you were saying made me wish I was your son."

The older woman gulped at the sight of my hidden erection. "I-I wish you were too, Billy. I can't forget how nice you were to let me catch all of your cum, earlier. I'm amazed you've gotten so hard again." She licked her lips.

"You know, Mrs. Guthrie, when I was trapped in the bathroom with the conductor, she said I could be her boyfriend, until the train gets to the big city. Would you like to be my Mommy, for a little while?"

The nice lady pursed her lips, and tears came to her eyes. "Oh, Billy, I would like that. I'm so ashamed, but I really would."

"Okay." I crept behind my mother's chair and stood beside Mrs. Guthrie. "I'm going to be your son now, but just for a little while. Do you want to call me Dennis?"

"Yes!" She sobbed. Her hand cut it off by clapping over her mouth. She must have forgot that hand was coated with my congealed cum. A couple globs flew across her cheek and stuck to her hair. She didn't care. Her eyes seeped happy tears. She uncovered her mouth. It was smiling. "Oh, Dennis, my boy, I've missed you." She wiped her gooey hand on her skirt.

"I missed you, Mommy." I smiled back. My dick twitched under my shorts.

"It's been so long, since you were a little boy, since we played together in private ways." She needed to confess. "You're all grown up, and in college, and I know you'll have a girlfriend soon. I miss those days, when we could enjoy ourselves without anyone knowing." She wiped her eyes. "I'm so glad you've come back to me, even for just one night, my little Dennis who wants to be with his mommy."

"Yes, Mommy. I'm so happy to be with you."

"Do you want to sit on Mommy's lap?" She slid the seat more upright, to make room for me.

I nodded and held out my hands like I used to do with my momma. The older woman grasped me guided me to her lap, facing her. She had to remove the cloth she'd stuffed under her skirt's waistband. She hugged me and sniffled and wept. "I'm so happy to be able to hold you again."

I put my arms around her chest. She had a big one, compared to how small she was for a lady. "I like hugging you too, Mommy." It felt so good, in fact, I swear my pee pee got even harder.

"You're hugging Mommy's bosom, Dennis. Remember when you used to suck on them?"

Huh. The word, bosom, sounded odd, as if I'd heard it before but didn't know what it meant. "I did?"

Mrs. Guthrie's smile turned into a grin, as if she was about to play a game with me. "Yes, Dennis. I used to love it when you sucked milk from me."

Oh, I began to understand. I had read about how mommies made milk in their breasts and fed it to their babies. I guessed, 'bosum' was another word for breasts. It made sense. After all, my peter had lots of names! Thinking harder, I sorta remembered that my real momma said she had breastfed me, but I couldn't remember actually doing it. Sitting in this nice lady's lap with her soft bosom in my arms made me curious. At the risk of being called a baby, I asked. "Would you like me to do that now, Mommy?"

Her mouth opened, but she didn't say anything. Her grin returned. "Aren't you too big to suck on Mommy's boob?"

I began to understand her game. "No, Mommy. I'll be as big as you want me to be."

"I love you so much, Dennis." She kissed my forehead. "Of course Mommy will let you suck on her breasts." My one night mommy reached to the buttons on her shirt and began to release them. After loosening the first four, she pulled the two sides apart, revealing a tan bra. She managed to extract her arms from her blouse. "Just another minute, Sweetheart." She had to lean forward, to reach the back of her bra, but she was careful to keep me on her lap. I kissed her cheek. "I love you, Mommy."

"I love you, Dennis." There came three barely perceptible snaps, and her bra loosened in front. "Now, pull the cups away from Mommy's bosom."

I took the bra and pulled. She moved her arms forward to let the straps slide free of her body. Revealed before me were two soft mounds the size of grapefruits with large, dark circles in front. They began to sway with the train car.

"Now that you've seen my bosom, Dennis, do you still want them? They aren't as young as they used to be."

"I think they're beautiful, Mommy!" I kept my excitement to a hush. She hugged me again. This time, my face could feel how smooth they were. I looked up and pouted. "Where do I suck on them, Mommy?"

She controlled a laugh. "Where do you think, Silly?" She hoisted one of her pretty breasts before my face. I noticed that the center of its brown circle sported a firm looking nub. I opened my mouth and took the nub between my lips.

"Ooohhh, that's right, Dennis. Suck Mommy right there." Her head tilted back, and she closed her eyes. I began sucking, but there wasn't any milk. Was I doing it right?

I was about to ask, if I was, when suddenly I felt her hand reach between our bodies and touch the tent in my pants. "You're still hard, Sweetie. Is sucking on Mommy's boob keeping you nice and hard?"

I nodded and kept sucking. I stared at her other, beautiful breast. I wished I had two mouths. Although I didn't taste any milk, I was intimately aware of how the nice lady responded as I sucked her nipple. She seemed overjoyed, and that made sucking feel good to me. Her hand on my tenting peter felt even better!

"I swear, if I don't take that hard thing out of your pants, its going to tear right through my sewing!" She opened her eyes and wriggled her nose at me.

I opened my mouth to tell her, "Please, Mommy, I don't want it to tear again." I fumbled at the button on my shorts.

"Let me, Sweetheart. Mommy needs you to keep sucking on her breasts. Her hands unbuttoned the waistband. I shifted my face to her other 'boob' and took its nipple in my mouth. Again, there was no milk, but it occurred to me, this was something I used to do to my real mommy. My pee pee nearly did burst through the mended tear in my pants. I sucked the second nipple with a passion for it.

"OOhh!" She yelped quietly. "You must like that boob even better!" She unzipped my shorts and reached into the front gap of my underwear. I felt her warm hand pull my stiff peter into the night air. That felt great! She exclaimed at a whisper, "I swear you're even harder than you were a little while ago!" Her hand fondled my erection without jacking on it. She seemed uncertain what to do with it.

"Your hand is nice there." I returned to sucking her breast.

"I know, Honey. You remember how I made your penis soft, earlier, but Mommy wants it to do something for her."

"Mmmm." I enjoyed nursing on her nipple before asking, "What, Mommy?"

"Remember how Mommy was playing with your cum, and you came to me, to be my little boy for the night? I was being very bad."

"Uh, huh." I resumed sucking on her pert nipple.

She pouted and blushed. "This bad Mommy was pushing your cum into her mommy hole, because that's where cum belongs, Dennis. But I had to wait until everyone was asleep, and your wonderful cum had gotten cold. I need you to put fresh and hot cum in my hole, this time. Do you understand?"

I did understand, but I had to play along. My boner was straining to be put in a warm and wet vagina, again. "I'm not sure, Mommy." I looked up at her, puzzled.

"You probably don't remember how I taught you that, so long ago. Do you want me to show you again?"

"Yes, Mommy, I want to give you what you need."

"I need it very badly." Her voice trembled. "Now stand in front of me, and Mommy will pull up her dress for you. She gripped my sides to help me climb off of her. Her big breasts jiggled. After helping me back to my feet, her hands reached down and picked up the hem of her dress. She lifted it slowly, smiling at me, as if she was winning our little game. That was okay, because I was going to win too.

The first thing her dress revealed were two ample legs. Her stockings were tan and very sheer. The skirt lifted higher. Mrs. Guthrie chuckled when I saw the surprise waiting for me. Wrapped around her calves were the top of her stockings and her strong, white panties. She had taken them down so that she could rub cum into her puss. Her naked knees foretold what would ultimately be revealed.

My one night mommy pulled her dress all the way up and tucked it around the back of her waist. Opening her knees, I saw her hairy pussy glistening in the moonlight.

"Push Mommy's panties to her ankles, Dennis." She whispered. I barely heard her. I was too thrilled by the fact that her 'mommy hole' was already naked and waiting for me. "Dennis?"

"Yes, Mommy." I bent to the task. My peter just couldn't get any harder. I wanted to plow into the naughty sight right away, but that would interrupt the game we played. I pushed on her panties and stockings until they were stuck around the tops of her feet.

She crossed her ankles and opened her knees even wider, to make room for me. "Come to Mommy, Dennis." She held out her arms and slid her hips to the edge of her seat.

I stepped over her crossed ankles and in between her thighs. There was barely enough room, and the tips of her hairy cleft tickled the end of my penis. I shivered at their touch, but I reached out and let her hands take mine. "What now, Mommy?" I asked innocently.

"By sucking on Mommy's boobs, you made her hole very wet. It suppose to be wet, so you can put your hard, young penis into it." She grunted with anticipation. "Let me help you." She took my wiener into her hand and placed it under her dark thatch, until the tip touched her vagina's outer lips. "Now push, Honey, but take it easy. You probably won't find it on your first try."

I'm not sure if she noticed my grin. Her attention was glued to my erection. I thought very carefully, about how and where I had first penetrated my temporary girlfriend. I wanted to prove to the nice lady that I wasn't a baby at all. I shifted the angle of my penis slightly downward and thrust into the eager lady. My prick skewered her dripping pussy and drilled deep inside. It felt wonderful, fantastic! I was in heaven again. My body immediately hunched my dick in and out of her hot, wet hole.

"Billy!" She almost shouted. "I mean, Dennis!" She clapped a hand to her mouth, surprised by my sudden invasion of her special, mommy hole. "Ohhh, you naughty, naughty boy!" She hissed. Her thighs clenched around mine, forcing my hips to slow. But it was just an initial reaction. They relaxed just as quickly. "I couldn't possibly have expected-" She suddenly groaned and simply let me push my peter in and out.

"I wanted to make you feel good, Mommy, and I couldn't wait any longer." I pulled myself closer and took one of her boobs into my mouth. It seemed like the right thing to do.

"You're being so naughty, Dennis, and you're doing it sooo good!" She gasp. "Mommy never would have guessed you could be such a powerful lover. You're even sucking on Mommy's boob again! Ooooooo." He whole body writhed from all the action my penis was putting through her wet hole. "You wonderful, wonderful, boy!"

Mmmm, I closed my eyes and sucked and fucked. I felt like a man, giving my best to make a nice lady happy. I was still too young to realize how my own need for pleasure guided me into her arms and then into her grateful pussy! I humped Mrs. Guthrie for all I was worth, never slowing, changing which boob I sucked. My hands fondled her soft globes. Hers pulled at my hips, urging me to drive my hard wiener deeper into her body. Soon my groin was slapping hers loudly, I feared we'd wake up my real mother. I slowed just enough to lower our noises. I think she understood.

We didn't say anything for a little bit, except to exchange groans and kisses. I humped and humped. She whimpered. She whined. Mutual delight was all we needed then. Our bodies wriggled, squirmed, hunched and bucked. We breathed the night air faster and faster.

"I wish I could shout, Dennis, to let everyone know my son has become my lover! Your thrusting and sucking make me want to scream! Did you know I wanted you to take me so passionately? Are you enjoying taking your mommy like she was a cheap slut?" She cooed.

I didn't know what a 'slut' was, but what did she mean by 'cheap'? But I couldn't concern myself with silly questions. I just wanted to feel her hole slurping on my rutting peter! Still, she had asked and a good boy answers their mommy's questions. "Yes, Mommy! I love fu-, uh, taking your mommy hole with my pee pee. It feels so good, sliding in and out of you!" Her body was now hunching back against my hardest strokes.

"I want you to feel good, very good, Dennis!" Her vagina twitched against my wiener, almost clenching me. She was doing it on purpose. "Does that make it better?"

"Oh, Mommy, it feels like your hole is sucking my penis!"

"Yes, Dennis, Mommy's hole is trying to suck out the cum in your penis. I hope you can cum in Mommy. You came so much earlier. I wish all of it had been fed into me, like you're about to." She kept clenching her twat around my thrusts. It was incredible!

"I want to Mommy. You said you wanted fresh cum not old, cold cum. You sounded so sad. I want you to be happy. I can feel it now, building up. You're going to make me cum, Mommy. Fucking you feels too good!"

Once more, Mrs. Guthrie's hand flew to her mouth, to quell an exquisite outburst. "GGHHHHHHH!!! Hhhhaaa... Oh, Dennis, you make Mommy cum hard, saying things like that and f-f-fucking your hard prick into me!" She said the word that had been on the tips of both of our tongues. "Keep fucking Mommy, Darling. Do whatever you need to shoot your cum. Everything you do makes mommy cum! NNNNGGGGHHHHH!!!" She orgasmed again.

I couldn't last any longer. Her erotic moans and stifled groans unleashed the flood that had been building up from the moment I pushed my hard prick into my one night mommy's puss. "Ohhhhh MOMMYYY!!" I cried against the breast in my mouth. Intense pleasure raced throughout my body. My head exploded with joy, and my body quaked. I forced myself to keep fucking into the clenching vulva, where I strived to deposit every drop of my boy seed. A torrent of hot fluid gushed from my drilling peter, deep into the nice lady's wet hole.

"GGGHHHHHHH!!!!" She screamed into her fist for a third time. "I can feel it, your wonderful, hot cum!" Her vagina rippled inside. The new sensation was amazing! It's spontaneous motion seemed to pull at my penis, to draw my cum deeper, to where babies would be made. "It's filling me! How can you cum so much?"

Every distinct sensation seemed to evoke fresh spurts of cum from my balls. I fired what must have been a dozen blasts of hot goo into the good woman. I managed to keep fucking my spitting snake into the slippery slit sucking my semen. The moonlight revealed thick white globs seeping out the cracks between my thrusting pee pee and her clenching puss. "I'm making a baby in you, Mommy!"

"Oh, my sweet child, are you?" Mrs. Guthrie seemed to wake up, from her sex daze. "I love your cum so much, I didn't dare think!" She leaned forward and wrapped me in her arms. She whispered in my ear. "If only you could, Billy, I'm not so young, but it isn't impossible."

When she said that, my prick shot two more loads of cum into my one night mommy. "I tried my best."

She orgasmed on my gushing prick for the last time that night. "Yes! Maybe your youth will make up for my age. Maybe you'll give me another son, or would you like to put a girl in me?" She teased, breathing hotly.

"Girls are dumb, Mommy." My body couldn't move another inch. I slumped in her arms. "But you're wonderful!"

She kissed me and we hugged each other.

In the seat ahead, clothing rustled. "Billy?" My real mother called out into the rattling, rocking train car.
"Momma! I'm right here. Just a second." I scrambled up, out of Mrs. Guthrie's arms. My soft penis plopped out of her hairy puss. Warm cum dribbled from it. She grabbed her lap blanket and covered herself while I tugged my boxers and shorts up to hide my wet pee pee. I zipped and bounced into the aisle to block Momma's view. She studied us inquisitively. How much had she seen?

"What were you doing back there?" She peeked past me. "Ellen?"

"Hi Faun." Mrs. Guthrie smiled nervously with rosy cheeks.

"She was telling me a story, Momma." I yawned to draw my mother's attention. "I thought it might help me sleep."

Mother's eyes wandered carefully, back and forth, looking at me and looking at Mrs. Guthrie. Abruptly, they darted to my waist. "How did your pants get fixed?"

"That was me, Faun. I-I have a sewing kit."

"She told me a story while she sewed the tear."

"So efficient." Mother mused. Her lips curled with a touch of amusement. She leaned to me and examined Mrs. Guthrie's handiwork. The full moon was enough to illuminate the details. "Thank you, Ellen. You have a gift, um, for helping my boy with his boy problems."

"It was my pleasure - something to idle the time away."

"I'm happy it was. I'm sure Billy is even happier, but if I can repay the favor, do let me know."

"Yes, but it's not necessary." Mrs. Guthrie swallowed. "I'll let you sleep. I'm sorry we woke you." She curled up with her blanket and rested her head. Her eyes closed.

Mother's eyes regarded me with the same hint of suspicion she had shown earlier. "You didn't wake me, Sweetie. I was having a dream." She opened her arms in a way that said I should go back to my seat. She hugged me on the way.

"Was it a bad dream, Momma?" I returned her hug and sat on one of her knees.

"You were calling for me, like when you were little. Your voice was far away though, and I couldn't reach you, but I was there at the same time." She stroked my hair. "It was very confusing. I was afraid, when I woke and you weren't in your seat."

"I'm sorry, Momma."

"It's okay. You didn't go far. Do you want to sleep now?"

Actually, I felt energized. Something about making a baby in Mrs. Guthrie had instilled a fervor to take more risks. I couldn't tell my mother that. "Maybe in a little bit. Is it okay if I go to the bathroom?"

"Of course. Now that you know where it is and it's unique 'opportunities', you don't have to ask. However, let me know when you do." She sounded suspicious but amused at the same time.

"Yes, Momma." I got up from her knee. "I'm going now."

"Don't wake me when you get back. Yesterday was exhausting." Her pretty smile turned to her pillow, and she tucked her blanket up over her shoulders.

"Good night, Momma."

"Mmm-hmm." She mumbled.

I grinned at Mrs. Guthrie as I walked past her. One of her eyes opened and winked, startling me. She grinned. I did go to the bathroom. I washed up, like Momma had told me earlier that day. I had to use the toilet too. It had been a long, tedious day interspersed with incredibly exciting deeds! There was no way I could sleep. I exited the bathroom and turned to the door that lead to the next car. I looked through the window. Moonlight lit the car dimly. All within was calm and quiet. I turned and slowly walked back past my sleeping mother. Next, I spotted Mr. Colkick curled under a blanket in his seat. A few steps later, I reached the other end of our car.

Looking out that door's window, the door beyond was marked, "Sleeper." Through its window, I saw a short aisle that turned to the left. I pressed the panel that opened the doors. I had to see what a sleeper car was like. I knew it was very expensive to sleep in them. Maybe I would meet someone rich! I stepped onto the flexing gangway. That was a little scary. The train's rattles and clanks were much louder between the cars. I almost bolted through the other door. After it closed behind me, I could hear my heart thumping.

I looked to the left, at the end of the short aisle. The passageway narrowed and turned to the right. I crept forward and looked right.

"I have a fine bottle of Cabernet, Ms. Simmons. Would you like to join me, now that your shift has ended?" A big man in a fine suit spoke. He was standing in one of the many doorways down the right side of the car. Jacqueline stood in the narrow aisle.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Stoneburger, even off duty, it's against regulations."

"I won't speak of regulations, if you don't." His thick eyebrows bounced in weird way.

"You're very generous to offer, but I can't accept."

"Why not? I mean you no harm. In fact I'm sure we could spend a very pleasant time together."

My temporary girlfriend looked frustrated. I wasn't sure why. She had delt with Mr. Colkick today with total confidence. Her hesitation now worried me.

"Please, Mr. Stoneburger, you know this is inappropriate. I've warned you before."

"Yes, but once you were more cooperative. This time you can even scold me. I'm sure I'll earn one." He grinned and reached for her hand.

My heart left worry behind for anger. I tried to count to ten, like Momma always told me, but at three I shouted, "No!" And I ran to my girlfriend.

The bad man's hand retracted. He puffed up, "Excuse me, Child, are you lost? It's late. You need to be with your parents."

Jacqueline was surprised. "Billy!"

I took her hand and pouted at the man, "You can't touch her! She doesn't want that." I looked at her, less angry. "I don't want that."

"Ho! I see I have a rival for my affections." He leaned back and laughed. "Ms. Simmons take this boy to where he belongs. Then return to my cabin, and we'll resume our discussion."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Stoneburger. I need sleep to perform my duties tomorrow. Please write that in your report and nothing else." She clenched my hand, I think for strength.

The man scowled, "You wouldn't have that conductor's hat, if it weren't for me."

"If it weren't for you, I would have earned my cap a year ago." She marched me back to my car. His cabin door slammed behind us, but upon turning the first corner, Jacqueline knelt and hugged me. "You were very brave, Billy, standing up to that man."

"He was mean."

"Yes, but his reports can influence my job assessment."

I bowed my head. "Did I do it wrong? I'm sorry I got mad. I was so happy to see you, and then I heard him and couldn't count to ten."

She kissed the top of my head. "You are a better boyfriend than my last one." She chuckled. Her voice lost some of its humor. "Now, tell me, why are you wandering the train this late? Does your mother know?"

I kept my head low and shook it. "I wanted to see the train."

"Well, when I was your age, I wanted to see the train too. A very nice conductor helped me to experience the many joys of a train, more than I could have by myself. It's one of the reasons I became a conductor. I'll never forget that nice, old man."

I looked up, hopeful. "Are you going to show me the train?"

"I can, in the morning. It's too dark now to appreciate. I'm going to take you back to your mom and then go to sleep."

"I wish you could sleep with me." I smiled.

"I'd like that too, Boyfriend." She winked. Standing, she peeked around the corner to the long, narrow corridor. "Maybe, for just a little while, we can." She turned the corner. "Follow me."

I smiled and caught up with her. At the far end of the sleeper car, Jacqueline stopped at a door marked, "Staff Only."

She knocked, "Tara? Mind if I bring a friend in for a bit?"

A muted voice replied, "Depends upon how friendly he is."

"How does she know I'm a boy?" I looked up, curious.

"She just hopes you are." Jacqueline winked. She called to Tara. "We're coming in."

"Sure. I'm decent enough."

We entered. It was a small space, with two bunk beds and standing room for no more than the three of us. My jaw fell open. I never would have guessed 'decent enough' meant a tall thin lady with blond hair wearing only a bra and panties!

"Tara, this is Billy." Jacqueline giggled.

"Oh, you silly worker bee!" Tara shook her head. She fetched a long, nightshirt and held it in front of her body, before looking at me. Her sudden blush echoed mine. "I'm sorry, Billy, I didn't expect company of your, ahem, stature." She turned a leery face to Jacqueline and mouthed something like, "What The Fog?"

My girlfriend grinned upon noticing the tent in my pants. "What would you like to tell my co-worker, Billy?"

Tara looked where Jacqueline's eyes roamed. "Oh, my!" She gasp. A strange grin crossed her face.

"Hello, Tara." I didn't know what else to say. "Um, do you work on the train, too?"

She looked up at me. "Er, yes, Billy. I work in the lounge car's cafe and bar."

Oh! "I was suppose to buy snacks there, but I bought a watch instead." I wished I could have bought snacks from her. I looked at Jacqueline, to see if what I'd said was what I should say.

"Why are you here, Billy?" She scrutinized Jacqueline too.

"We're going to sleep together. She's my girlfriend." I was so happy.

Tara clutched the long nightshirt to her body. "Jacqueline!"

"Jealous?" My girlfriend stuck out her tongue at Tara.

I warned them. "I can't sleep here for long. I have to go back to my mom before she wakes."

Well, I was changing when you knocked, Tara had a gleam in her eye. "Don't let me stop you two." She moved the nightshirt around her body, sticking her arms through the sleeves. Her bra and panties returned into view.

Jacqueline climbed to the upper bunk. "You're just the right size to cuddle here, Billy. Come on up."

"Jackie, if anybody else hears about this, they'll assume the worst." Tara began buttoning the shirt, from top to bottom.

I stood on the lower bunk and grabbed the top rail. Jacqueline helped me reach her. Sinking in the cot, next to her, I looked down and caught a last glimpse of Tara's panties.

"I'll set a timer on my phone. How long do you want to sleep with me before going back to your mom?

I told her an hour. That long was a risk, but I had set out to take risks, I told myself. She set the timer and then hugged me from behind. She felt wonderful. She smelled a little stinky. I guessed she didn't take baths at night, but like my mom, took showers in the morning. Do trains even have baths or showers?

Resting in her arms was so soothing, even my stiffy, from Tara's 'decent enough' appearance, softened.

Tara ducked into her bed. "Good night."

"Good night." Jacqueline told her. I wriggled closer, touching as much of her body with mine as possible. She petted my hair.

Something buzzed. Jacqueline shifted. "Billy. It's been an hour."

My eyes opened to darkness. I didn't want to go to Momma just yet, but I might already be in trouble. "Okay."

She turned on a small, overhead lamp. "Careful." She whispered. "Don't rip your pants."

I wanted to stick my tongue out at her. I was careful, and I reached the floor safely. The light switched off. It took me a second to fix the door's location in the dark. I didn't mind. There was enough moonlight, after my eyes adjusted. Something tugged my shirt. Huh? I looked back.

Tara had reached out and let me know she was awake. "Come here for a second. Don't step on my bra."

What did she want, I wondered. "Tara?"

"Shhh, I just want to touch it. May I? Ever since I saw it poking behind your pants, I couldn't stop wondering about it. I couldn't sleep."

From above, Jacqueline whispered. "Why are we whispering?" She giggled. "I don't mind, if you don't, Billy. It'll just make her more jealous."

"I'm not!" Tara hissed. "I'm curious."

In the dark, I worried. The women sounded like they were teasing me. I wanted to trust my girlfriend, but I didn't really know her. On the other hand, each time I showed my penis to a woman on the train, I got to make a baby in them or at least try. Jacqueline wouldn't want me to do that with her co-worker, would she?

At that point, I felt guilty about making a baby in Mrs. Guthrie. I wanted to show my wiener to Tara, but what if Jacqueline had been joking? I asked in the direction of her bunk, "You're being silly, right Jacqueline?"

She giggled again, "See, Tara, I told you he was an okay little dude."

"You win. I'll have a free espresso waiting for you in the morning." Tara sighed. "Billy, I'm sorry for playing a game on you. Come to the cafe when you're awake. I'll give you a large, hot chocolate with a mountain of whipped cream."

Jacqueline added, "I'll come by to escort you, if your mother doesn't want to."

So they were having a little joke, but it was kind of funny. Well, I could play a joke too. I stepped into the moonlight and pulled down my pants. I was getting pretty efficient at it. No doubt, both of them could see my soft pee pee. "Nyaaaa!" I said, but instead of sticking out my tongue, I pushed out my pelvis.

"Billy!" Jacqueline gasp.

Tara giggled this time.

I retreated out of the light and pulled up my pants. The sound of cloth shifting in Tara's bed attracted my attention. She swung her legs over the edge, into the dim, bluish light. Her body remained in the upper bunk's shadow. Tara echoed, "Nyaaa." And into the light, she trust her naked breasts. Their tips pointed like the dark ends of two pool cues.

"Tara!" My girlfriend complained. "Don't look, Billy. She's teasing you with no intention of pleasing you."

"Hey, he teased me first!" Tara waggled her large, firm boobies. "And you know nothing of my intentions."

"He's a minor." Jacquline scolded. That she was a total offender, added a hint of jealousy to her voice. "He may be precocious, but the law is the law."

"Party pooper." Tara retreated her chest back to the shadows. "I think he's precious."

I grinned at their little fight, but when my girlfriend told me not to look, I covered my eyes. "What's percoshus?" I knew what precious meant. When Mother called me precious, she sounded as if I was a baby. When Tara said it, I felt she kinda liked me.

"You're mature for your age." Jacqueline answered. "Which is why Tara is probably drooling now.

"I've encountered bigger." Tara claimed, "But yes, Billy, you're clearly mature. Find me in ten years, and I'll measure it after making it hard."

"She's teasing you again, Billy. Tara has a thing for hardons. She won't have time to measure yours before she's made it soft again."

"That was confidential information, Bunkie," Tara pretended to be angry. "And I was drunk at the time. I may have been lying."

"Oops! We're forgetting your mother." Jacqueline changed the subject.

"I think Momma likes my hardon." I missed the change of subject matter.

Silence filled the cabin.

I figured out what she meant, blushed hotly. "Yeah, I gotta go." I turned to the door and tried to open it but failed. "It's locked."

"Let me." Tara got out of her bed. She stepped behind me and reached to turn the lock. I didn't dare look around, although I really wanted to. She whispered in my ear. "I'm sorry I teased you, Billy. I won't again if I see you again." She unlocked the door.

Confused but aroused, I ambled into the sleeper car's narrow aisle. I hurried to my car, bravely crossing the noisy gap between.

My fear of Mother discovering me missing increased the closer I came. I found her still asleep. I peeked at Mrs. Guthrie. She slept too. Stepping over Momma's legs, I reached my seat, pulled my blanket over me, and curled up next to her.

In my dreams, Momma scolded me, "You mustn't do that, Billy, but I can't stop you."

"Billy, don't do that. Can't you stop? Wake up?" Mother patted my hand. It was almost a slap.

"Huh?" Sunlight blinded me. I felt something soft under my fingers. She swatted my hand a little. "Wake up, Billy." My arm retreated from her body. Squinting, I saw something of a handmark on Momma's blanket. The rumpled shape was at the height of her chest.

"I need to use the restroom." She stood, yawned, looked back at me, smiled, and turned down the aisle.

Blinking, my vision began to clear. I had to use my hand to block the sun. I looked around my seat. Mother had returned with the watch, last night. I found it and activated it. "7:03". It seemed early, but I felt rested, if a little bleary. Having a yawn myself, I fastened the watch back to my wrist, but discovered a wire running to a plug in the wall. That must be how it charged. It didn't have the wire before. Momma must have gotten it from Mr. Colkick when she talked with him. I unplugged the wire. The battery icon held stable, full of white.

I peeked around the corner, to check on Mrs. Guthrie. She snored lightly. I looked around, surprised at my lack of needing to pee, and my lack of a morning boner. Actually, I could have used the bathroom, but it wasn't urgent.
I looked through the other apps on 'my' watch. The email program required a password, so I couldn't read those. I listened to an audio book for like two seconds. His music app had the weirdest music, boring songs sung by warbling guys. The pictures that displayed were of old men with pipes and dumb old hats. The more I explored, the less the watch felt like mine.

At one point, I looked at the other picture of Ms. Colkick, all naked and teasing. My pee pee twitched a little. Again, I remembered, she wasn't mine. When the train arrived, the only woman in my life would be Momma, and I had made her unhappy by touching her in my sleep. Even though it wasn't really my fault, and she wasn't at all angry, I felt like I should do something for her.

I sighed and made a hard decision. I got up and looked up and down the aisle. Various passengers milled about with their things, having woken. Mrs. Guthrie continued to sleep. I made my way past a few people and reached Mr. Colkick's seat. "Hello."

"Oh, hi! It's Billy, right?" He yawned and stretched. "I just woke. What's up?"

"My momma talked with you last night. Do I have to give your watch back?" I held out my arm.

The man stilled, examining me. "You know I'm a businessman, right?"

I nodded.

"Billy, there are two kinds of businessmen in this world, those who care about their clients and those who use people as stepping stones to foolish ends. What kind of business man do you think I am?"

Mr. Colkick could have ask my mother to give his watch back. Instead, she had returned with the charging wire. "I guess you care."

He grinned, sighed, and shook his head. "If you only guess, it's on me to earn more of your confidence." He looked me in the eye. "I told your mom the same thing I told you. Thank you for the twenty dollars. It was worth it to me. But when I return home in the city, I will pay you fifty for that watch. Before then, you may find out, you can sell it for a lot more, and you have every right to. I'll be sad to lose it, but you'll have more money. My last question, Billy, is. What kinds of business man do you want to be?

"Maybe Billy doesn't want to go into business. I see him as more of a free spirit." Jacqueline had entered from the sleeper car, her uniform freshly fitted. She looked so powerful, my pee pee felt a little heavier, remembering how I had taken her in the bathroom.

"Maybe you're right, Ms. Simmons." Mr. Colkick sounded slightly rankled, "But it's not polite to listen in on private conversations."

"It's my job, Mr. Colkick, to know everything happening on my train, to prevent unpleasantness." She clicked her ticket punch for emphasis.

He turned to me again. "I've said my piece, Billy. Now go enjoy your watch, and maybe in a couple days you'll sell it back."

The conductor followed me to my seat. Arriving, we saw Mother approaching from the other direction. "Good morning, Ms. Androni." Jacqueline greeted.

"Ms. Simmons." Mother smiled politely.

"I'm here to tell you, due to the troubles Amtrak caused you yesterday, we would like to invite you to free drinks in the cafe lounge."

"That's very generous, but aren't we arriving soon? I need to prepare." She looked at me.

I suddenly remembered Tara offering to give me a free hot chocolate. I sure wanted to see her. I remembered her naked boobs. My pee pee hardened a little more, but it didn't push much against my pants. I showed Momma my disappointment. "Please, Momma? I can help you after we get our free drinks." I wanted to help. I told her, "I thanked Mr. Colkick." but I worried that wasn't enough to atone for what I'd done in my sleep.

Mother saw my face. "Oh, please, take Billy, Ms. Simmons, if it's not an inconvenience. He'll just get in my way of repacking everything." A barely perceptible smile crossed my mother's beautiful lips. "He enjoyed spending time with you yesterday. However, I'm sure you have much to prepare. I understand if you're too busy."

"It's true, Ms. Androni, but I can walk him to the cafe car. The server will keep an eye on him. That's part of her job. I'll be sure to escort him back before we pull into the station."

Mother bowed her head slightly. "That's very kind of you."

Jaqueline and I set off for the cafe car. It was in the opposite direction of the sleeper car. Jacqueline told me, "Tara gets up very early to prepare for customers. She called to say you looked adorable hugging your Mother." Jacqueline held up her walkie-talkie.

We passed the bathroom. "Do you need to go?"

"I don't want to get locked in there again."

"What?" She pretended to be offended. "You didn't enjoy my company? I may have to alter the terms of our relationship." She giggled. "The engineer fixed the door, but we'll use the one in the next car." She opened the doors between cars. Crossing the rattling gangway wasn't as scary with the conductor there. All the way at the other end of the identical coach car was another bathroom. Jacqueline led me inside and closed the door. She wrapped me in her arms and bent down, kissing me warmly on the lips. "Mmmmm."

I would have enjoyed it more if my bladder hadn't been near its limit. I broke the kiss. She pouted, "We don't have much time left, and I must see to preparing for arrival. This may be our last chance to be boyfriend-girlfriend."

"I'm sorry." I rushed to the toilet and unzipped my stitched pants. I pulled out my pee pee and aimed.

Jacqueline stepped behind me and grasp my semi-erect member, brushing my hand out of her way. "May I?" She giggled.

I couldn't not pee. Urine gushed out, splashing a few drops onto the floor. Jacqueline squealed "It's not as easy as I thought!" She managed to tame the stream. Her hand felt wonderful, and I giggled too.

My bladder emptied, and she shook the last dribbles gently. "I wish I had time for more, Billy." She let go of me. "Sorry."

"Will I see you again, after we reach the city?"

"We promised we would break up, Billy. You have to be a big boy about it."

"I don't want to!" I hugged her, my bared penis pushed against her pants. It felt as if she was breaking up with me right then.

"Don't get any on me!" She jumped back, looking down at her uniform. She sighed, satisfied they were dry. "Billy, you're going to meet many loving girls who will want to be your special friend. Don't be sad for too long. You'll limit your chances."

"I don't care."

"You care very much, Billy. I never would have agreed to be your girlfriend if you didn't." After washing up, Jacqueline opened the door and led me into the cafe.

At our end of the cafe car were fancy, coach seats. Small tables and chairs sprouted up across the middle. The other end sported a drinks and snacks counter. Tara worked with a smile at a big, complicated, coffee machine. Behind her was a small, curtained area. She handed a steaming cup to a customer. He put a lid on it and took into the next car. There were only three other passengers in the cafe. It felt more dull than I expected.

"Billy!" Tara recognized me approaching. Her smile brightened. I wanted to smile back, but only managed half of one.

"What's the matter, still sleepy?"

"He's going to miss us." Jacqueline explained. "I have to prepare for arrival. Will you take care of him, until I can escort him back to his mother?"

Tara looked around the nearly empty car. "I don't know. I may have to enlist his help, to keep up with all the demand for coffee this morning."

"Silly." Jacqueline told Tara. She said to me. "Nobody has time to sit and enjoy their drinks. We arrive in less than an hour."

"Yeah, that's why I put out extra coffee jugs. So customers can pour their own and get back to their seat or cabin. The man you saw leave, was the first to order an espresso, all morning."

"I'll be back in thirty or forty minutes." She put her hand on my shoulder. Are you going to be okay?"

I didn't want to cry in front of Tara. I nodded, trying not to pout. Jacqueline left me in the cafe.

"One hot chocolate, on the house!" Tara broke my sullen silence. Paying attention to her was the only thing to enjoy in the cafe. Even the scenery was just row upon row of suburban houses flying past. She poured milk into a cup and steamed it with a vent from the big machine. Next she picked up a pitcher and added chocolate syrup. She stirred it with a spoon before asking, "Whipped cream?"

"Yes, please." I managed a better smile.

"You are so sweet!" She served the large cup to me. A mound of thick whip topped it. "Careful, it's hot." I caught her peeking over the counter's edge, down my front. "But not as hot as you made me feel last night when you show off." She leaned over so far, I could see down the vee of her uniform. She had no bra! My penis couldn't help but respond. She watched a tent grow in my pants. "Oh, my, did you do that for me?" She winked. "Remember, I promised I wouldn't tease you again."

Despite her promise, I did feel like Tara was teasing me. She was being professional-like to the few others in the cafe car, but secretly she let me see her unbound breasts. Now I had a hardon and would have to hide it while drinking my hot chocolate. I should have been angry at her. It’s not nice to lie. Once, Daddy spanked me after I had told a terrible lie. Maybe lying about teasing wasn’t the worst lie, but it made me feel sad. I couldn’t even go to Jacqueline for help. I didn’t have a girlfriend anymore. I frowned at Tara and looked for a table where I could drink my hot chocolate without someone seeing my boner.

She gave me a puzzled look when I walked away. I heard her shoes behind me. I sat down, and she sat next to me. “Billy, what’s the matter?”
To avoid answering, I sipped my hot chocolate and yipped! It burned my lips and tongue! My hand put the cup down so fast, it tipped over and spilled steaming chocolate milk and melting globs of cream in my direction! The incredibly hot drink would have soaked into my pants if Tara hadn’t swiped her whole arm across the table.
She winced and squealed through hard pressed lips. The flood of dark milk, along with the cup, flew to one side. Tara leaped up. “Billy, are you ok?”
“You saved me, Tara!” I exclaimed. A lady actually clapped. Tara bolted to her station and through the curtain behind it. I ran after. “I’m sorry!" A small room, no bigger than the train’s bathrooms, held a sink and drawers and some utensils. She was washing her arm. I nearly cried. “You told me it was hot, and I forgot.”

“I’m very glad you weren’t hurt.”
“But you were, because of me.”
“No, Billy, I distracted you with my cleavage. I guess I did tease you, but you walked away before I could please you.” She continued to run water down her arm. “I wanted you to come back here with me, but now I’ve ruined the surprise”
Dang, how long was she going to wash her arm? I was so worried about it, I didn’t hear myself ask, “Surprise?”
Tara looked at me. “Oh, my- you’re so innocent and sweet. You didn’t understand my intention.” She smiled. “Don’t you dare move.” She studied her arm. “Not for another two minutes. When you get a burn, you have to run cold water over it for ten minutes to save the skin.”
“Oh.” I waited. “You’re arm is gonna be okay?”
“I used the sink in plenty of time.” She looked past me, at the curtain. “Could you do me a favor, and see what the customers are doing?

I nodded enthusiastically. I owed her a lot more than that. Peeking through the curtain, I saw the lady who clapped stand up shaking her head. “Will the clerk never clean that up?” She sniffed and marched away to another car. A second customer followed her, taking his cup. I ducked back into the preparation room. “There’s only one out there, and he’s staring out the window.

Tara turned off the tap and shook her arm and dried it. “Good. Then we won’t be disturbed.” She pulled a small sign from an upper shelf and handed it to me. “Please put this on the counter. So customers can see. The sign said, “Server is on break. Self-serve is $2.00 per cup. Put cash in the basket.”

I took it through the curtain and walked around the counter. I placed it in clear view next to the basket. As if on cue a woman entered from the near doors, took one glance at the sign, grumbled, and returned from where she came. I walked into the preparation nook, pleased at my effort.

Tara leaned down hugged me. “Thanks.”

I worried about her arm. “How long are you going to be on break?”

“However long it takes to fulfill my promise.” She grinned in that funny way which made my pee pee twitch. For all the fuss, my erection had disappeared. She eyed my crotch. Her grin thinned. “Billy, I’m sorry. I may have to tease you again before I can please you. Do you want me to please you?"

I wasn’t sure if I could trust Tara. She had just saved me from an embarrassing accident. So I wanted to do what she wanted, but if she teased me again, and I couldn’t relieve myself, that wouldn’t please me at all. "Why do you have to tease me?" I dared to ask.

"I’m sorry, Billy. You’ve only experienced bad teasing. That’s my fault, but done right teasing can be really fun!" Tara knelt in front of me. She looked sincere. "I love to be teased. It makes me juicy and eager for more. I couldn’t give you more, last night, and you went away, after I bared my cleavage, which you didn’t realize was an invitation because you’re so sweet. This time we’ll stay together until you get all the pleasure you want from me. Okay?"

Her explanation made me wish I hadn’t walked away from her earlier ‘invitation’. She was very pretty. Maybe if I let her tease me, my pee would get hard, and I could make a baby in her. After yesterday’s romps, making babies had become my most favorite thing to do!

"Okay." I whispered as if we were about to do something naughty.

Tara hugged me. "I’ve been thinking about you all night, Billy." Letting go, she leaned back. "My pretty titties have big nipples right now. How about if I show them to you, and you can show your cock to me? That way we can tease each other before pleasing each other."

Breasts and boobs had nipples. So I was pretty sure ‘titties’ meant the same thing. Could ‘cock’ mean my penis? I remembered how much she had stared at mine last night. I felt a little better about being teased if I could tease back. I nodded slowly while reaching for my pants zipper.

Her eyes darted to my zipper, glistening with expectation. She took the top button on her uniform, in her fingers, and deftly unfastened it. By the time I finished unzipping, her top three buttons were free. She kept unbuttoning the three remaining. ‘’Pull your dick out, Honey. Will you for me? I need to see it."

"Un-huh." I agreed. I reached into my pants and tugged the soft mass of my pee pee out through the gap in my boxers. Hanging it in the open felt nice.

Tara licked her lips at the sight of my dangling peter. She peeled open her jacket and blouse. Her big breasts sprouted from her body like two softballs. My penis twitched.

"OH! That’s hot, Billy." She looked up. ‘That’s what I like, watching a dick get hard, especially when it gets hard for me.

"I like your, um, titties." I dared to say.

She cooed. "I can tell you like them, because your dick is getting hard." Her eyes returned to my slowly growing erection. "I have a thing for hard cocks, especially nice ones like yours. When I see one, I get wet and hot on the inside. After you showed me how hard yours could get, I wanted to see it again. That’s why I promised to please you. So I could watch this beautiful thing get big." Her hand cupped my balls. Waiting for a cock to get ready for me, is my favorite tease."

"That feels good, Tara." Her hand on my little sack was already pleasing me. My pee pee jumped from her touch.

"Mmmm. I have to touch myself now." Her other hand pushed into her pants and began to wriggle behind the material. Her breasts jiggled. "Uhhn, I can’t help this about me. Lots of women like to see and touch a cock, that they agreed to see and touch, but I’m an extreme case. If I see even an okay looking guy, with a tent in his pants, I get the urge to fingerfuck myself. I always imagine it’s big and strong and wants to fuck me, but I don’t have to imagine with you, Billy." Her hand squeezed my ball sack, gently. Then it reached around my uplifting shaft. "Now I can feel you get hard- Ooooooo, I just came, after touching your dick!" Her eyes shut, and her face filled with bliss. I felt her squeeze my penis. It was almost full, and it twitched through her fingers. It was the best teasing I ever experienced.

"Ohhhh, it’s nice and firm, but it’s going to get harder, right? I want your cock as hard as it was last night!" She started stroking me. Her other hand pulled out from behind her pants and fumbled with the clasp. "Maybe if you see my pussy, you’ll get real hard."

"Really? I’d like to see your puss." I panted. The hand on my penis rubbed me a little, up and down. Her other hand unzipped her pants.

"If I really wanted to tease you, I would let go of you, and strip and not let you touch me, but now that you’re getting harder, I have to keep touching you." Tara had difficulty pulling down her pants, with one hand. After exposing one of her hips, the waistband stuck at an angle for a second. I worried it was another of her teases. "Sorry." She let go of my pee pee, to use both hands. The roller coaster of my emotions plummeted, but my dick just got harder.

She pulled her pants down to her calves. Then, wearing only her wet stained panties and open blouse, she grasp my hard peter. "Damn, it’s so hard!" They explored every inch.

"You said you would show your puss, Tara." I grumbled.

"I know, Billy. I will. I can’t stop myself from playing with your cock. It’s almost as hard as I remember.”

Her teasing kindled a special kind of anger in me. I didn’t want to hurt her, but I wanted her to fulfill her promise. Her hands felt like a new kind of tease, fondling but not pleasuring it in the way my mother taught me. I needed to do something.

Momma wasn’t the only person who taught me about the pleasures of my peter. Jacqueline and Mrs. Guthrie let me put babies in them. If Tara would make my pee pee squirt cum with her hands, I could go back to Momma and help her, but her teasing was taking so long, Momma might be done repacking and was looking for me. I felt wound up and worried that Tara wouldn’t please me in time, I needed to make something happen.

The small nook behind the curtain reminded me of when I was trapped with Jacqueline. She was able to let me in her girl hole, from behind. I really liked that, but when Mrs. Guthrie made way for me between her legs, I could suck on her boobies. Tara’s breasts were more pert, and their nipples were very hard. Even if she wasn’t fondling my pee pee and boy sack, seeing her boobs would have filled my peter until it was harder than last night.

Tara cooed. She seemed so delighted with my penis, I wasn't sure she would remember her promise.

"No more!" I hissed and pushed her hands away. "I have to make a baby in you before Momma finds me!"

"Billy, what are you talking about?" She sounded a little stunned.

"I tried to like your teasing, because you got hurt for me. Now you have to turn around lay your head on the counter." I pouted. There wasn’t a chair to do it the way Mrs. Guthrie taught me.

"I’m sorry, Billy, did I get carried away?" Her voice sang with remorse, but I was too fired up to notice. I barely heard her say, "Okay, I’ll turn around. Are you going to spank me?"

My head considered what she said, while my hands gripped her hips to help them swivel. Her panties were especially wet in back. Wait! Did she think I was going to spank her? Once more I was reminded of when Dad had spanked me for telling a bad fib. I shook her butt, from frustration!

"Billy, what’s gotten into you?" Tara panted. "It feels like you’re taking charge. Hmmm, that’s kinda hot." She whispered between breaths and bent over until her head rested on the tiny counter.

Instead of spanking her - I couldn’t risk the extra time it would take - I pulled her panties over her waist and bottom, until they hung between her thighs. I fit the puffed head of my full penis to the base of her behind, where I could see her secret lips pouting. I split them with an initial push of my hips.

"Oh, Billy, y-you really mean to make a baby in me!’ Tara sounded uncertain.

I took my hard dick in hand to slide its embedded tip along her slit, trying to find her deeper hole. The wetness oozing out of it made it so easy to slide through her lips, it was easy to miss what I hunted for blindly.

"That feels good, a good tease I mean." She whimpered. Her words crisped, "You’re too young to cum, right Billy?"

"Shhhh!" I needed to concentrate. Also, I worried that Momma might be calling for me.

My prick head found Tara's inner, clenched dimple. I pressed my hard penis, but the dimple resisted.

"Tease me some more, Billy, please? "It feels so hard! Use it to drive me up the wall!" She gasped.

What happened next was not something I thought to do. My right hand raised and swung down, smacking where her butt and thigh met.

"Wow!" She yelped! Her inner hole relaxed.

My pee pee popped inside of her puss, and I drove its length through her wet lips. "Nngghh!" I grunted with accomplishment and from the sensation of sliding along hot, slick, soft skin. Tara's crotch lips wrapped around my eager prick as if it were sucking it.

"Ohh!" Tara grunted. "I know I teased you too much, but your cock feels incredible inside of me! I swear I’ve never taken anyone as hard as you, up my cunt."

"For a second I was glad she wasn’t mad about me spanking her, but that didn’t stop me from pulling my hips from her bottom, dredging half of my peter out of her puss, and then stabbing it back in. I took a fast pace of bucking my hard dick in and out of Tara’s slippery girl hole.

"Oooooohhhh, you’re really good at that, Billy. It makes me think Jackie didn’t say the whole truth about you and her.

"Don’t talk about her!" I burst. My hips thrust harder against her behind. My prick stuffed and dredged the mean woman’s - cunt, she had called it.

"I’m sorry, Billy. Just keep fucking me with your hard cock, as if you’re teaching me a lesson. You can even spank me again, um, more. Whatever you do, please don’t stop fucking me!" Her butt started bouncing against my thrusts. "You’ve made me cum twice already!"

Finally, my pee pee felt the relief it needed, sluicing fast through teasing Tara’s tight, slippery pussy. I groaned and humped frantically.

"Baby, how can you be so good at this?" Tara huffed. "Mmmm, you’re driving it into me like a steam engine!"

My hand cracked against the side of her hip. "I’m not a baby!" I blurted.

"OH!" She yelped. "No, you aren’t. I meant- Aaaaahh, the men I’ve had, they all buckled under my teasing. I love how you’re taking what you want, instead of waiting for me. I could have teased you for a while."

My hand swatted her flank that rocked from my urgent, pounding loins. My hand acted on its own. This troubled me. So I reached around her body, with both hands and clutched her shaking, pert breasts. I used them roughly, to pull and push her, from and to, my rutting erection.

"Teasing can be good." Tara insisted. "If I’d just given myself to you, I swear you wouldn’t be taking me so passionately. Grab my tits! Pinch my nipples! Use me for your pleasure."

I had no mind to think about what Tara believed. My groin was tight as a knot. Fucking her puss felt too incredible! No longer stifled, my thrusts built a different pressure behind my hard peter. I was going to cum!

"I feel it, Billy! Your cock is twitching inside me. It so hard, my cunt can feel every tremor, despite how fast you’re pounding." She swooned. "Oooo, get yourself off in me, and you’ll make me cum again. Nnngh! I’m glad you’re so young. I would never let a man cum in me without protection."

My boy sack heaved and let loose it’s flood. "Aaaa!" I pressed my mouth to her back, to muffle my howl! Hot cum spewed from my pistoning pee pee, splashing against the farthest wall of her puss! "Aaaaaaahhhhh," I moaned. My body jangled with joyous release!

"BILLY!" Tara shouted! "Y-You d-didn’t! Y-You CAN’T!" Her own hand clamped across her mouth. "My stars! You’re cumming in me, Billy!" She wailed through tight fingers.

To celebrate the sticky juice my pee pee poured into Tara’s unprotected puss, I stuffed my prick all the way up it. More cum boiled upon her deepest recess. Then I pinched her stiff nipples, like she wanted.

"Mmgghhlllbbblll!" The snack counter lady shrieked from an intense orgasm! If her hands weren’t jammed in her mouth, the cars adjacent would have heard her.

I continued to moan after the last pulse of my young semen drenched its soft harbor. My hands fondled her breasts absentmindedly. "I’m sorry, Tara. I couldn’t help myself. You teased me so much!"

She couldn’t talk for a moment, stunned by the flood of cum I had deposited in her cunt. Her hands dropped. "I shouldn’t have, Billy. I-I didn’t realize you actually could make a baby in me." She returned to hushed speech.

"I told you." I beamed proudly. More humbly, "I did like your teasing for a little bit. It made me cum real hard into you."

Her fingers touched the gooey globs that oozed from our connected sexes. "You came so much!" Tara whispered a little afraid of it.

Our mutual but different reasons to remain co-joined, her stunned - me expended, lasted a nearly a minute. Until my worry about Momma and Tara's professional responsibility, returned. As I shifted to pull my soft but big and happy penis out of her dripping cum hole, she said, "Jackie will be here soon, to take you back to your mother."

A laugh came through the curtain. "I can hear you." Jacqueline’s voice tinkled like silver bells.

We fumbled for our clothes. Tara didn’t even take time to wipe herself. She yanked up her panties, their leg bands scooping the rivulets of my cooling cum from her thighs to collect in its crotch panel. I gaped at how my baby making juice joined the wetness in her panties, until she pulled on her uniform slacks. She checked to make sure I didn’t forget to zip before pushing out through the curtain. "Hi Jackie. Um, Billy spilled his cocoa, and I offered to clean any spills on him."

I followed out of the nook, to the side of the counter where my ex-girlfriend stood. I felt a twinge of sadness, but having made a baby in Tara went a long way towards overcoming my greed. I finally accepted that Jaqueline and I couldn’t be together after Momma and I left the train. The beautiful conductor studied me for a second.

"It looks like he spilled more up your sleeve than he did on the floor." She threw a nod at the table where I my drink had toppled .

Tara blushed. I didn’t think it was possible.

"Momma’s waiting for me." The little sadness in me grew when I told Tara, "Goodbye."

Jacqueline took my hand.

Tara blurted, "Let me make a fresh hot chocolate and coffee, for you and your mom. Please?" She sounded as discontent as I felt.
Poor Momma! She hadn't wanted me to help her pack our traveling things. Was she unhappy about how I had touched her in my sleep? Fresh worry pulled me from the glow of orgasm, down into regret. At least I could bring her some coffee. "Yes, thank you Tara. Momma likes it with cream and sugar."

A smile returned to her face. "That's because your mother loves you, sweetie." She winked. Jacqueline sniggered.

While we waited, she used her walkie-talkie to settle a matter regarding a 'wonky ther-mo-stad', whatever that was. When both cups had been filled and covered with spill proof lids, I ran around the counter and gave Tara a hug.

"Good-bye." I showed her my sadness.

"I'm glad we met. You made this trip very special. Take care, and may you and your mother make a wonderful life, in the city."

Jacqueline, holstered her radio and grasp my hand again. Witholding a grin, she mentioned, "Whose to say he hasn't already, made one, on this train." She took the coffee. I carried my chocolate. It was once again too hot to drink. As we exited the car, I looked back at Tara and gave her a smile that felt a little false.

"How lovely!" Momma told us went Jaqueline and I reached our seats. She accepted the coffee. "Thank you for all the time you've spent with Billy."

"Thank you, for not suing Amtrak!" Jacquline quipped.

Mom sipped her coffee with a slight smile. "I'll settle for these drinks."

"I'm needed as we pull into the station." Jacqueline leaned down and kissed my cheek. "Make your mother proud, Billy. You overcame a few obstacles these last couple days. However much you enjoyed the rewards, it's how you earned them, the choices you made and actions you took, that will turn you into the man you will become."

Jacquline left us, to do her job. The train was slowing.

"It was a pleasure to meet you and your boy, Faun." Mrs. Guthrie smiled from her seat. She had packed her things.

Mother offered, "I hope your son becomes a great obstetrician, Ellen."

"May yours excel at supporting his business." Her finger tapped her tummy, once, absentmindedly. She pulled it away. "I meant, whatever business Billy chooses." She pointed at Mr. Colkick's watch.

"I'm not so sure, Ellen. I think of Billy as more of a free spirit." Momma's reply nearly made me spew hot chocolate!

The train ended its journey, and Momma and I began a new one. Our drinks drunk, and with luggage rolling at the ends of our arms, we threaded our way through the throng at the station. I held tight to her hand.

"I wish we could afford a taxi. Your father is already at work and can't pick us up. We'll have to take the municipal bus."

The bus was crowded worse than the station. We had to stand, facing each other, our luggage stacked on both sides of us. More people from the station pressed in. Mother hugged me to her. "Sorry, Billy, we arrived during rush hour, and it's a long ride to our new neighborhood. I hope you can be patient." My cheek brushed her jacket against the side of her breasts. We stepped between each other's legs, causing her thigh to contact my soft groin, and my hip contacted hers.

I tried not to think about how warm Momma felt against me. I still regretted touching her in my sleep. I looked around. There was only two other children on the bus. One was a boy, younger than me, sitting on his father's lap at the back of the bus. The other was a teen aged girl, standing a few people away, tapping on a phone.

The boy glanced at me, then at my mom. Without saying it, his mouth went, "Wow." I wondered where his mom was. His daddy held the boy as warmly as Momma held me. A stray thought came to me. Could a daddy teach his child the way Momma had taught me about relieving a hard penis?

It was then I realized, the thought wasn't at all stray. My pee pee had begun to grow against Momma's thigh.

The doors closed, and the bus roared into traffic, jostling and rocking our bodies together.

I hoped Momma hadn't noticed. I wasn't very hard yet, but I worried that if she did notice, she might get upset. She hadn't liked me touching her boob in my sleep. However her hug had caused my face to press against a breast, and she didn't seem to mind. It was best to play it safe.

Sometime after I began to get erections, I discovered I could forestall them, by thinking about something else.

"Momma, what will our new house be like?" I asked and tried to turn my body to separate my groin from her thigh. I wasn't strong enough against the other people piled into the bus. I did ease some of the pressure on my pee pee.

"Houses in the city are too expensive, even to rent, Billy. Your father found a two room apartment in a poor part of the city." When mother said, "poor", I could tell she wasn't happy about that, although she was trying to sound upbeat. "Actually, the new place is only a little smaller than our house, and we got rid of several things before moving. It should feel just as cozy."

The bus jolted to a stop, causing me to bump into Momma. I immediately asked, "Are we poor?"

"Poorer than some - richer than others, Billy. Actually, we could afford a little more, but your Father and I want to build our savings, in case our family grows. So we're cutting out all unnecessary expenses. I will be looking for work that I can do at home."

"I don't want you to work." I pouted. The bus started moving again, separating us briefly. My penis remained semi-soft.

"Hah!" Mother chuckled. "As if cleaning up after you and your father isn't work."

"I'll clean more, Momma. What if I found work, instead of you?"

"What do you imagine doing? The city isn't like our old neighborhood. There aren't lawns to mow or paper routes. Even washing cars is out of the question without outdoor faucets and hoses."

"I'll sell lemonade." I tried. The bus lurched, tipping everyone forward and backward. My pee pee bumped Momma's thigh again and got a little harder.

"Five small lemons probably cost a dollar or more. That's how much you'll pay to make one glass of lemonade. How much would you charge a customer for it?"

"Ten dollars!" I burst.

"Would you pay that much for a glass of lemonade? Our neighbors won't have that kind of money."

My enthusiasm plummeted. Mother only made lemonade when we had guests and not even then sometimes.

She hugged me closer. "It'll be okay." She kissed the top of my head. "I would never accept work that might take me away from you."

The last thing I needed, in that hot bus, was a kiss from Momma. My penis grew almost hard. The bus halted. My pee pee banged into her thigh. Some passengers exited. Some boarded. The brief reduction, let me turn my groin away. She couldn't feel it anymore. However, as new people forced their way on board, they caused my hip to push into the crotch of mother's dress. We lurched forward, and my hip banged her there.

"Nngh." Mother masked her sound as a polite cough. "I'm sorry, Billy. I never imagined a bus could get this crowded. Are you okay?" She reached down and patted my hip, to check. "I'll understand, if you're feeling any, um, discomfort. It's my fault, if so."

Had she noticed my nearly erect state?

Gosh, if she had, I hoped she thought it was a lollipop or a roll of Necco wafers. I should have felt more relaxed, now that my erection wasn't touching her, but my worries multiplied, as I reflected on where we were about to live.

"Momma, are poor people dangerous?" I looked up at her. "In the movies, they are sad or robbing people."

Mother squirmed before answering, as if she wanted to disengage her groin from my hip. I didn't understand, because she didn't have to worry about getting a big hard on. "N-no, Honey, that's not true. Those are just stories. You don't believe in fairies, do you, but you like fairy tales?"

"I like the heroes more than the fairies." I grumbled, not convinced. The bus rolled over a bump or a pothole. We were nearly thrown off our feet. Mother's crotch fell squarely on my hip, and she cried out through clenched teeth.

"Mommy?" My other worries fled. "Did I hurt you?"

She winced, then replied. "It's my fault, Billy. You're perfect. I just need a little room to shift into a more comfortable position." She struggled against the mob of passengers but barely budged.

That's when I knew I had hurt her. I shouldn't have turned my hard penis away from her thigh! I began to cry. To mask the real reason, I blurted. "I don't want to live with poor people."

"Billy, it'll be fine. The truth is, poor people have more reason to be nice to each other, to help one another. They are reliably more generous and supportive to people even poorer than them."

The bus turned a sharp corner. Instead of bumping her groin, my hip ground into it. Mother closed her eyes and repressed a groan of discomfort."

I confessed through my tears, "I'm sorry, Momma, I don't want to hurt you."

"But you're not-" Mother started. The bus halted at its next stop, hurling us together. She grunted, unhappily.

This time, I anticipated the brief freedom of movement as passengers exited and entered.

It was a little frightening to turn away from Mother, but the only way to be sure of not hurting her was to give her my back. I managed to spin around before new passengers pressed my bum against her thighs.

The crazy thing is, Momma had the same idea. She turned her back to me during the moment of wiggle room. This left me feeling isolated in a crush of strangers. My head was filled with fears about where Mommy and Daddy and I were going to live and the people who lived there. I didn't dare make eye contact. The bus lurched forward, jostling me against the person before me. I couldn't help but look. It was the teenage girl!

As passengers had left and entered, she had been shoved closer. Her hair was half blue, half orange. She wore granny glasses, a nose stud, earrings that looked like eyeballs, a ragged denim jacket, a pink t-shirt with the words, "Not a lesbo. Just hates men.", a puffy skirt of alternating black and white, ruffled layers, and leggings with pictures of Catwoman.

After bumping into her, she looked down at me and sneered. "Watch where you're poking that shit log in your pants, Brat."

My heart nearly stopped! Yet, for some reason, the surge of fear didn't soften my erection. Worse, there was no room to move it away from her!

Words caught in my throat as I struggled to apologize. "S-soorryy!! I-I-I-I-I didn't mean-" I couldn't face her anymore. I looked to my shoes, but all I saw was my pelvis crushed into her layered skirt.

"Aw, you gonna cry, now?" She taunted. "Little perverts grow up to become big perverts. So you better take care of that stupid thing before I call the cops."

My head nearly exploded from shame. I looked at her, terrified. "P-p-please-" My words continued to fumble. "I-I-I can't d-do that here!"

Her face wrinkled with disgust. "Fuck, you think I want you to jerk off? What kind of sicko are you?"

The bus was noisy enough. I begged the universe that Momma couldn't hear us. I did cry, closing my eyes. The bus rattled and rocked. My hard pee pee kept poking this teenaged super-villain.

"Billy? Is something the matter?" Momma called back, above the din.

The wicked girl's mouth opened. Was she going to answer for me? I blurted, "IT'S MY FEET, MOMMA!"

The girl's lips returned to sneering.

"What's wrong with them, Honey?"

"How long do we have to stand? They're sore."

"We could get off the bus. So you could rest, at the next stop. Maybe the next bus won't be as crowded."

That would be great, except where would it be? I now imagined the whole city was poor and dangerous if this horrible girl roamed it freely. I could have kicked myself for not thinking before speaking.

"At least you're not a snitch, Pervert." The girl's venom eased. This confused me. Did she think she might get in trouble if I told Momma the real situation?

"Yes please, Momma, but only if it's safe to leave the bus!" I almost wailed. I decided nowhere could be as troublesome as having my hard wiener bumping into this horrible girl. If only my pee pee would relax, I wouldn't have had to put Momma in danger.

"Of course it's safe, Billy." Mother sounded a little weary too. She pushed the stop button and told the people ahead of her that we needed to exit the bus.

"Someday, you won't have your 'momma' to protect you, Brat." The awful girl lowered her voice as the bus slowed. "You better learn to stand up for yourself, or someone like me will eat you alive."

We halted with a final lurch. The teenager suddenly grinned, thrusting herself against my sore boner before looking away.

She never looked back. Momma and I squeezed past other passengers, to disembark with our luggage. The stop was a bare bench, but behind it was an open area of grass. A few trees dotted the small park.

The bus groaned as it lugged itself away.

"Well," Mother's voice lightened. "If we had to get off somewhere, I can't imagine anywhere nicer."

"I'm sorry we have to pay for another bus." I apologized. The park did look like the perfect place to rest.

"Actually, we won't, Billy. Our transfer tickets are good for another two hours. Let's find a place to rest." Mother led me away, along a narrow, paved path. We found a bench next to a public restroom. It was just a single room, sporting symbols for boys and girls. We parked our luggage next to the bench and flopped down on it. "Your feet aren't the only ones sore." She bent down past my lap.

"Oh my, Billy. Was your penis erect the whole time on that bus? I thought I had felt it earlier. You should have told me. I would have made a space more comfortable for you." She sounded sad for me, as she slipped off her shoes and rubbed her feet.

I had hoped my pee pee would soften, once we found a place to sit and relax. I blushed at Momma's earnest concern for my erection. I then worried it never would soften. Hearing her concern somehow made it harder. I covered my lap with my hands.

"Would you like to use the bathroom, there?" Mother asked gently. "There's some cold cream in my smaller case."

Cold cream? I shivered. That sounded - cold!

When I didn't respond immediately, a kind smile lit her face. Momma turned to her smaller suitcase and opened it.

I only hesitated because I didn't know what cold cream was. I would never forget how Mom taught me to masturbate with shortening, but I only used shortening that one time. Afterwards, She gave me a jar of coconut oil, which she had to replenish every couple months. I was pretty sure that cold cream was to help me jerk off, though sometimes I would do it dry when I didn't want to get my pee pee greasy. (I used a dirty sock to catch my cum.)

The problem was, my erection had lasted so long, and under a range of emotions, I wondered if Momma thought I was sick. It was a little sore, having rubbed a lot in my pants. Was cold cream a kind of medicine? Why would she carry it in a suitcase, when all the other food we brought had been in a grocery bag? We ate all of that food on the train. None of the sandwiches had cold cream in them, as far as I knew.

Regardless of my worries, I could always rely on Momma. If she thought I needed cold cream, then I trusted her. The last time I had a bad cold, Momma had rubbed a goo on my chest. It had had smelled funny but helped me breath better and, though initially cold, it warmed my chest. She had known what to do then.

These thoughts weren't helping my pee pee to soften. I had to more than trust Momma, I had to prompt her. The only thing I feared was sounding dumb. I didn't dare ask outright, what cold cream was, and I didn't want to misuse this medicine, not on my most favorite body part!

Mother plucked a small jar from her valise and offered it to me. "Here you go, Sweetheart."

I bit my lip. "Okay, Momma, but you have to help put it on."

Her kind smile thinned. She blinked. "I do?"

"Yes, Momma. I don't want to use it wrong." I settled the matter by standing and taking her hand. Then I headed towards the bathroom.

Before following me, she said. "When you're like this, Billy, I can't refuse." She dragged the rolling cases with us.

The latrine was a small space but twice as big as the train's. After hauling our luggage inside, I locked the door. A frosted, plastic window in the ceiling allowed just enough light. The walls were bare concrete blocks. It had a small sink and a toilet with a lid and was unadorned except for stains and words scrawled randomly. It had been recently cleaned, I think. The public toilets back home were painted, but I remembered most of them smelling worse. A roll of toilet paper straddled a sturdy bar. The mirror was equally simple, just a square of polished metal above the sink.

I sat on the toilet lid and unfastened my pants. I was only a little shy, presenting my pee pee. It had been seen by a lot women in the last two days, and it felt extra eager to stand out for Momma. It twitched and bobbed excitedly.

"Goodness, Billy, I didn't realize." Momma breathed heavily. She knelt on her small suitcase, before me, and opened the jar of cold cream. She had last seen my penis when she taught me how to make it go down. What she didn't realize, she never said. She looked up from my pee pee, with a serious expression. "Please don't tell anyone, about this, Billy. Some people would get the wrong idea."

What could be wrong about a mother helping her son to take care of his erection? I felt a little concern, but to make her feel better, I smiled and nodded. "I won't, Momma."

Her smile returned but looked a little off. She dipped three fingers in the pearlescent cream and reached out to me. "Are you sure you want this?" She may have meant wanting her to do it, but I was certain about that. I assumed she meant the cold cream.

"Is it going to hurt?" Sometimes medicine stung.

"No, Baby." Her smile turned amused. Carefully, she applied the cold cream to my wobbling shaft. To steady it, her other hand caught and held the tip, while the first smoothed cream up, down, all around. It was cold.

I shivered but more because mother's hand felt terrific against my hard penis!

"Uuuhhh." I sighed.

She released me, after fully coating it. "Okay, Billy, I put it on like you told me." She asked with halting words. "Do you need... Mommy, to do - anything else?"

"Thank you, Momma." I should have felt proud of a mother who applied medicine to her son's penis, but her hand had stimulated me so much, I wanted her to do more. Should I ask her to? Were mommies able to do what other ladies did to little boys? What did she want?

I remembered she said, "When you're like this, I can't refuse." She must think I'm extra cute when I ask her about sex stuff. Then I realized, I hadn't asked her. I had wanted her to take charge of applying the medicine, but I'd said she had to put it on. I had made the decision, and she had followed. What was cute about that? I felt a little guilty.

I decided I should risk sounding dumb. "Do you need to make sure it's on right? I don't want to use medicine the wrong way. You told me that some medicines taste good, but I should never eat those, unless you decide I need to."

Mother cocked her head. Her smile grew. "My, my. I didn't realize, Billy. I'm sorry. Cold cream isn't a medicine. It's for cleaning off makeup. I don't use much makeup or very often, but I keep this small jar for when I do."

"Oh." I did feel dumb, but Momma didn't blame me. She had explained with kindness, like she always did. She even noticed my glum reaction.

"Here, Billy," She put a hand around my white coated, hard pee pee. "I don't want you to ever feel guilty about expressing your desires." She began to rub me, and wonderful sensations flowed from her hand. I later learned that cold cream was to promote smooth skin. Her skin was smoother than any woman I'd touched. Now she was touching my most sensitive place, and the cold cream made her hand feel even better!

"To be clear, Billy, it's always good to express your desires, but how you express them will determine the kind of man you will become. I'm rubbing your hard penis because I want to express my love for you. I prefer to express it in other ways, hugs, making meals for you and your father, and helping you clean your room. This time is special. I decided to do this."

When I thought of the hugs she gave, and the comforting food she made, and doing my chores alongside her, a powerful feeling grew in my loins as she stroked my pee pee. I wanted that feeling to last forever, but I knew better. Soon my penis would shoot out hot juice that made babies. Only this time it wouldn't make any. That was okay, because Momma had taught me to masturbate, and while the first time didn't make babies, she had put it to use, in a pie. Did cum have other uses?

Cold cream wasn't for pies. It was for when Momma cleaned makeup off of her face. Was semen good for that? I should let her decide.

"Mmmmm." I couldn't not moan when her hand rubbed more quickly. She seemed focused on doing a good job of jerking me. It felt incredible! "Momma, I don't want to waste my cum. Can it go in the jar?" I pointed at the open vessel resting on the stained concrete floor.

"Huh?" Her head twitched. "Um, I use that on my face, Billy. Is that what you want your seed to be used for?"

"Is that okay?"

Her hand gripped me a little tighter and rubbed a little faster, as if the idea had prompted her. "I won't stop you from doing that. Do you want it to be okay? To have Momma use your cum on her face?"

"I do, Momma. I want it to be okay, to spurt my cum in your cold cream jar." I was totally confident.

She smiled, but it harbored a shadow of concern. "When you're like that, I can't refuse you." She picked up the jar and held it at an angle in front of my erection which teetered from her steady ministrations.

I'm surprised I didn't cum instantly when she complied. My cock pulsed out a spike of pleasure. "Oooohhhh, Momma!" I groaned. "Masturbating feels so much better when you do it!"

"I'm glad I'm making you feel better. It was wrong of me to stuff you in a crowded bus, where your penis got hard and sore. I want to make up for that, to show my love, Billy." Her hand swept devotedly up and down my cream slick shaft. It sang electric delights! "Take all the time you need to ejaculate. I'll never tire of doing this." Her smile brightened.

"Yes, Momma, but it won't be long. It's never felt this good!"

"Just remember, if this happens again, it won't be my choice. There many other ways I want to love you."

I was pretty sure she meant, ways to show her love for me, like reading stories to me, but I didn't have time to ponder it. My groin lurched and bucked. My pee pee shoved into Momma's slick grip as far as it could, and my inner muscles rumbled, launching hot spurts of fresh seed through my prick's sensitive shaft. The first glob burst out and hit the jar's center. More followed, a lot more! My orgasm shot me into orbit, a roar of ecstasy blasting me off, as bolt after bolt of cum flew into Mother's jar. I could hardly see. Stars filled my vision.

Mother caught every spurt with the little jar of cold cream. Only the last cum, that dribble out of the tip of my pee pee, escaped it. That final, hot cream, ran down my shaft and coated Momma's hand.

"Thank you, Momma!" I cried. "I love you too!". My eyes gave tears for her.

Her smile glowed with warmth, for me. "Now, let's clean up, Billy." She freed my perfectly relieved penis. Her other hand set down the refilled jar and unwrapped toilet paper from the metal bar.

Waves of pleasure continued to ripple from my sperm and cold cream coated erection while it softened. Bending, I picked up the jar of mixed cream and used it to scrape the same mix off of me. For some reason I stared at my mother's, similarly coated hand, as she moved to wipe it clean.

When Momma noticed me carefully saving every drop of my cum. She lifted her gooey hand in front of her. "I did put on a little make up before we left, yesterday. I haven't had time to clean it. She stood. Looking into the crude, metal mirror, she began rubbing cum and cold cream over her face. "This is working really well, Billy. Thank you."

After rinsing and wiping, and making sure I did the same, Mother led me back to the bus stop by the little park that I would never forget.

A large, black man was waiting there. He was a lot taller than Daddy and bigger in every way, except Daddy had a bigger tummy. He wore a brown suit and tie. His hat tilted jauntily on his head, and his brown shoes shined like new cars. "Good morning, Miss." He greeted Mom with a broad smile. I'd never seen teeth so white!

Noticing me, he amended his greeting. "I mean, Ma-am." He chuckled.

"Good morning to you." Mother replied pleasantly. "Do you know when the next bus arrives?"

"My phone said eight minutes about seven minutes ago."

I looked at my watch. I wondered if it could tell bus times.

The man didn't say anything else, but he would occasionally look at Mom from head to slippers. Each time, his head shook a little, and he gave the barest grunt.

Momma looked only for the bus, but for some reason I worried about the man. I moved between them and hugged Momma. She patted my head.

I heard the man laugh, when the bus appeared. Mother let him board first. "May I help with your luggage?" He reached for the largest case but waited for her to answer.

"That's very kind, but my son is more than capable."

"I'm sure, Ma-am. He has a strong spirit about him." He tipped his hat and boarded.

I did have some trouble with the large case, but mother hoisted the smaller ones. She showed our transfers to the driver.

Every seat had been taken. A few people stood in the aisle, but there was plenty of room for Momma and I and our luggage.

The well dressed man didn't have to reach far to hold the top bar. Mother grabbed a dangling loop, and I latched onto a vertical bar. I wished I was standing between them again, but the cases were piled between us. The bus roared to life and merged into traffic. This one didn't sway as much. I didn't know that was because there were fewer passengers.

Mother looked at me or out the windows. I continued to worry about the man, because he continued to take glances at her.

The bus stopped a few times, to let people off, but it passed a couple stops. It was making much better time than the last bus.

About a mile or two after we had boarded, the black man cleared his throat. "Excuse me, Ma-am. I'll be leaving at the next stop, but I would kick myself if I didn't say something."

Mother tilted her head and looked at him. "Yes?"

"You, Ma-am, have the most beautiful skin I've ever seen. Your face looks like it smiled in a rainstorm. What's your secret?"

"Do you have children, Sir?" Mother asked instead.

"I don't. My wife and I are trying." He grinned a little.

Mother winked back, without blushing. "The love for a child goes a long way, when it's used with a little cold cream."

He laughed. "I'll be sure to tell Mavis." Then he looked steady into Momma's eyes. "She wouldn't mind if I practiced a little on the side, to help me do her right. I have a lot to give a helpful woman."

"I'll take your implication as a compliment." Mother bowed her head slightly. "May you have a healthy daughter someday. Then you too will have more than enough love."

The man balked. I didn't know what Momma was talking about. He looked like he understood her, though. Whatever it was rattled him.

Before speaking, his free hand held a card out to mother, like the one Mr. Colkick had given to me. "If you should change your mind, I would be honored to reflect your beauty in the pleasure I can offer."

Mother sported a tiny smirk when she looked back at me. "It seems, he and his wife could use some help. What do you think?"
Momma had never asked such a thing before. I couldn't fathom why or what she really meant. Was she trying to be funny? She had teased friends and family before. I remember her telling Daddy once, after he playfully slapped her bum. "You'll sleep with that hand tonight, Glen." She had given him the same, small smirk. I didn't understand then, but now it made a little more sense.

More importantly, I didn't like how the giant man looked at and talked to Momma. I wanted to protect her from him, even though she seemed amused, not afraid. I wanted to amuse her. I didn't want anyone else to. If I denied the man, I trusted Mother to deny him too. But what if she was inviting me to join in teasing him. Sharing fun with Momma was the best! She was only talking about accepting his card, nothing more. We had to get to our new home, but why did she mention his wife wanting to have a baby? That sounded like a bad tease. Making babies is too important to tease about.

I knew how to make babies. Didn't the man? He had said he needed practice. Did Momma want me to show him how? That could be fun. I loved practicing with the three ladies on the train, but Momma couldn't know what I did with them. Could she? She had acted awful suspicious after each time.

More worrisome, what if Momma was actually teasing me? What if she already decided about the offered card and wanted me to squirm. I had just made her do something she normally wouldn't choose. Was this a kind of punishment? Arrrgg!! I had too many thoughts about this!! All I could do, before they thought I was dumb, was to play dumb.

"I dunno, Momma. You always said it's important to help our neighbors, but we're in the city now."

Mother blinked. Her smirk vanished. "That's true, Billy." She turned to the man. "I'll accept your card, but I can't make any promises."

The bus braked to a stop.

"Of course, I understand." He bowed after Mother took the card. He moved to the middle doors.

Momma's voice paused him, "You have to promise, to introduce your wife. And I will have my son with me. We're new here. Good neighbors don't necessary live nearby."

He tipped his hat. "Ma-am, I swear you will not regret being our neighbors." He exited the bus, jauntily.

"I can't swear the same." Mother's voice softened. She bent and kissed my forehead. "You're very mature to remind Mommy to be a good neighbor."

I hugged her.

Our new, poor side of the city didn't look anything like poor neighborhoods in movies or internet shows. The street had only a couple patches. The buildings were older, but not dirty looking. They were built of nice brick and stone. A few, tall wooden houses stood here and there, looking only a little dilapidated. One of them looked a little creepy. Another had been freshly painted with beautiful colors. Mother called them Victorians. "This area is just beginning to be gentrified." She explained, "Made nice again for people who aren't as poor."

We were walking from the bus stop to our new home. "And it's not dangerous?"

"Not any more than where we lived before, Billy. Most cities have less crime than rural towns."

"That's right, Ms. Androni." A woman about Mom's age stood before a door at the top of a half flight of steps.

"You must be Mrs. Abbey." Mother smiled at her. She told me, "She's the realtor who helped your father find our new house. She has the keys, because your father has to work."

"Hello." The lady smiled. "Call me, Charlotte." Not as tall as Momma, Mrs. Abbey wore a tan, dress suit and white pumps. She carried a folded case for a computer tablet. On her left arm was a watch like mine. She looked a little heavier than Momma, but mostly in her hips and chest.

"Hi, Mrs. Abbey." I waved with my watch hand.

"You're very kind to take time to meet us, Charlotte." Mother strode up the stairs and shook her hand. "Faun."

I guarded our luggage.

"It's no trouble. Actually, your husband's company is paying for my services."

"He didn't tell me."

"My husband wouldn't tell me the balance on his credit cards. So I kicked him to the curb." Charlotte laughed.

"Glen doesn't have that option." Mother grinned. "Either of them."

"He seems very in love with you."

Mother blushed, I think. It was hard to see her face from the sidewalk. I began to carry luggage up the steps.

"Let me help."

The three of use managed them in one trip. Mrs. Abbey unlocked the main door and led us to the second floor, up a full fight of stairs. Our new home was apartment 248. As mother had described, it had two rooms, but the main room was much bigger than any in our old house.

"There's not much to say, except all utilities including waste and internet are included in the rent. This is the kitchen/dining/living room. That door leads to the bedroom. The other is the bathroom. It also has a door to the bedroom. The movers have left their receipts on the counter. They did set up the bed for you. However, the ISP people won't be here until tomorrow. I placed a set of keys for each of you, on the counter as well.

"Mr. Wimbley (my father's last name) was sleeping on his used clothes, until yesterday." Charlotte whispered to mother. "I ran them through the washers and driers in the laundry room, downstairs. They're folded in a corner of the bedroom."

"Why thank you, Charlotte! I must reimburse you. Mother opened her purse.

"Thank you, no. I'll bill it to your husband's firm. It's nothing compared to my locating fee." Her eyes sparkled.

"Still, we should reward you somehow-"

Mother's phone rang. She answered. "Yes, Dear?" It must be Father.

I missed him a little, but to give Momma some privacy, I walked up to Mrs. Abbey. "You're nice."

"It's Billy?" She asked.

I nodded. "Are poor people safe here?"

Mrs. Abbey cocked her head. "What an odd question. Actually, this is a very safe neighborhood. There's a police and fire station near the middle school. Is that where you'll be going when classes begin?

"I think so. I missed a grade. So I'm starting a year late."

"There's nothing to be afraid of, Billy." Her eyes softened. Her hand reached up. She stopped herself. "I have a daughter your age, but we live across town."

"Are you rich?"

"Not really. At least, I can't afford to live where rich people live in the city."

"Where's that?"

"Central Heights." The name meant nothing to me.

"Oh my." Mother put her phone in her purse. "I'm so sorry, Charlotte, but could I ask a huge favor of you?"

Mrs. Abbey smiled. "Not too huge."

"Of course. It seems Glen mailed the mover's check to the wrong address. I need to run over to their office and write a new check. Fortunately, we picked a company close by."

"It's okay. I would drive you and Billy, but I took the bus. I'm an advocate of mass transit. I do own a car. I just didn't think I'd need it today."

"Oh," Mother sighed. "You wouldn't be willing to look after Billy, would you? He'll slow me down, and if I don't get to the mover's office quick, they'll close. They're a small outfit, and their movers double as admin. It's one of those internet boutique businesses. I'd transfer the money, but as you said, the net won't be installed until tomorrow.

I frowned when Momma implied I was a burden.

Mrs. Abbey brightened. "I would be delighted to spend time with your young man. We were just getting to know each other." She grinned at me.

"Are you sure?" Mother repeated. "He can be a handful." What she said, made me appreciate her beautiful face, for some reason.

"I have nearly two hours before I need to take the bus to pick up my daughter from school."

"I'm sure to return before then. It's just a few blocks away."

"Go then. Billy and I will be fine. We'll look through your boxes for a game to occupy our time, if needed."

Mother calmed at that. Did I see a flash of caution cross her expression. "Sure." She turned, grabbed a set of keys from the counter, and dashed out. "Thank you!"

When the front door shut behind her, I was left standing in a strange house with a stranger. I shuffled two steps away from Mrs. Abbey.

Her smile straightened at my retreat. "If you want, you can forget I'm even here, Billy." She went to the counter that separated the kitchen from the main room and sat on a metal stool. She took out her tablet case and unfolded it. I guessed it connected to the net like a phone. My watch did too!

I felt more alone. There were many boxes in the main room. Boxes had also been stacked in the kitchen. I recognized the ones I had packed my stuff in. I wanted to see were Dad had slept. So I peeked into the bedroom for signs of him.

Mom and Dad's comforter had been thrown haphazardly across the bed. Two bare pillows rested against the headboard.

"I am here, Billy." Mrs. Abbey giggled from the other room. "If you need me."

On the far side of the bed, I found two open boxes. One was labeled, Toys. In that box was an older, oblong box with the title, "Magic Wand." In little print it said, "Battery powered."

I knew what it was and how it was used. Just last year, Mother had read "Harry Potter" to me.

I hoped it was a present for me, maybe to help me feel better after moving. I felt guilty looking at it, in case it was suppose to have been a surprise, until I noticed the flap at one end was slightly torn. The box was also dented in the opposite corner. Had they bought it at a thrift store? Was there even a magic wand inside? Mom and Dad often reused boxes for presents. I had to find out.

Lifting the box out of the box revealed half of a magazine. The other half was obscured by a open shoe box with black, high heels. The magazine's title was "PLAY-", and it showed an almost naked man wearing a bowler hat and shorts made from a British flag. Two lines next to him said, "Gentlemen by D-", and "Ruffian at N-" I thought it was dumb and didn't bother with it.

The box in my hand was heavier than I expected for a slim length of wood. Hope sank, but maybe there was a puzzle or something else fun, that I could play with Momma or Mrs. Abbey. I stopped myself. I shouldn't be prying, especially if this toy was meant to be a surprise, but I was so curious I shook the box for a clue.

A heavy length of plastic pushed through the torn end flap of the box and plopped on my parent's bed. I yipped at my mistake.

"You okay in there?" Mrs. Abbey called from the main room. The door between us was open, but she couldn't see me.

"I'm okay, Mrs. Abbey. I saw a spider." Actually, I like spiders, but girls are always afraid of them.

"Well, don't hurt it, and it won't hurt you." She didn't sound worried. Probably because she was an adult. She'd made me feel like a baby. I focused on the wand.

What had spilled out, was roughly wand shaped. It even had the words "Magic Wand" printed across its plastic. One end was shaped for a hand, the other was a wide, bulbous length of softer plastic. What a dumb present! Even if it had been a real, Harry Potter wand, I knew it wouldn't make real magic. It was just make believe.

I chided myself. Mother once told me that anything could be a toy if you used your imagination. Suddenly, it all made sense. It wasn't a present. It was Momma's! She must use the wand with her imagination. Daddy didn't like Harry Potter, but he did take us to one of the movies. That gave this strange wand a whole new appeal!

I gripped the narrow end and waved the heavy wand. "Epoximise!" I aimed it at the torn corner of the wand's box and pretended the spell mended it. Holding and moving the wand was awkward, but I didn't care. I was Harry Potter! Like him, I imagined being summoned to a better life than my poor one. I wanted to save Momma and Daddy from their continuing struggle to make a living. I honestly believed I could, if I studied hard and got good grades and made lots of money.

"Harry Potter?" Mrs. Abbey asked. A chair moved in the other room. "My daughter and I love Harry Potter!" Then she was standing in the doorway. "Oh, my!" A big smile crossed her face when she saw me with the wand.

I felt suddenly foolish. The wand in my hand drooped.

"Aw, don't let me spoil your fun." Mrs. Abbey's smile frowned a little. "Let me think..." Her eyes lifted from me. "Epoximise is the spell that glues things together?"

"Golly, you must like Harry Potter." I brightened. I once went online to a fan site to learn the spells.

She chuckled. "The things parents pick up from our children." She asked. "What spell are you going to cast next?" A sly smile sprouted when she looked at Momma's wand. Did she have one too?

Her question turned what would have been a one-time pretend, into a game. I thought quickly. "Cantis!" I aimed the wand at Mrs. Abbey.

She blinked. "Wait. I know that one." She took two breaths before singing, "The rain in Spain, falls mainly on the pla-ain!"

I didn't know her song, but she made me giggle. She laughed too.

Then I cast, "Tarantallegra!" and waved the heavy wand at her. Mrs. Abbey thought for a second, before she started dancing in the doorway.

"That's a mean spell, Billy. It'll make me dance until you stop it." She didn't sound angry, though. She kept dancing, wild and silly.

I laughed, but I didn't want to be mean. I waved the wand. "Finite!" I declared.

Mrs. Abbey stopped dancing. "Whew!" She breathed heavily. "Already out of breath." She chided herself. "I need to find a man who'll take me dancing. Haven't done that in ages." She smiled at me. "You know, Harry Potter is about how a good boy turns into a great man.

"What kind of man do you want to become, Billy?"

"I want to be rich and successful. So I can buy Daddy a fancy car and Momma a big house. I want to be a great man, loved by everyone, and have a beautiful girlfriend and then a beautiful wife." Adults always laughed when I told them I would be rich. Mrs. Abbey simply nodded. "You have to know what you want before you can achieve it. Your confidence is a powerful asset. Don't let anyone discourage it."

The nice lady came and sat on the bed. She asked, sincerely, "What stops most people from becoming rich or powerful? In this city, only a very few people can afford to live in Central Heights. Why should you and not them live there?"

I stood idling my fingers on the magic wand. "I want it more than them!"

"You're not wrong, Billy." She pressed her lips together. "You see, there's not enough money and toys and women to make every man rich and great. You have to take what you want before someone else can. I became a realtor because it lets me find houses before anyone else, which I can buy and sell for a profit. Sure, I have to work for other people when housing prices stagnate, and I had to work for other people for a long time, before I could flip my first house, but now I have a reputation that is as valuable as my investments."

I didn't understand, completely. But Mrs. Abbey sure sounded like she knew how to get rich. I grinned. "Oh, so if I married you, I would get your riches before any other man could!"

She laughed, then. "As funny as that sounds, Billy, the world still works that way. Marriage can be a way to get rich." She cleared her throat. "Actually, that's not certain, but if you have kids, you're more likely to get a lot of your wife's money." Then she grinned. "I'm safe from you, at least. I'm old and not beautiful. So you wouldn't want to marry me."

"You're pretty." I blurted. I did like her bigger chest and hips. She had a nice face too. "I made a baby with a lady who is older than you." My penis stirred in my pants, from remembering how much Mrs. Guthrie wanted my cum. "But you can't tell my Mom."

Mrs. Abbey's faced blanked. She looked at me as if I had turned into a frog. "You shouldn't tell lies like that, Billy." Her hands fidgeted on her lap.

"I'm not lying, Mrs. Abbey. My pants got torn on the train, and a nice old lady sewed them, but my pee pee got stiff, and she helped me take care of it, twice. The second time, I made a baby with her." The stirring in my pants had become a hardness, but it didn't poke out yet.

The woman's hand reached to her collar and tugged it. "Um, I don't believe you, Billy." Her face reddened.

"If I made a baby in you, would you believe me?" The idea of doing it with her did make my erection poke out behind my pants.

"Don't be - silly." She hesitated. Her eyes spotted the tent in my shorts but quickly looked away. "Little boy's don't do that."

"I'm not a little boy." I pouted and raised my magic wand. "I'm Harry Potter!" I waved the heavy thing and cast, "Erecto!" aiming it at my pants.

Her eyes darted back to my groin. "Oh, my goodness!" Something changed in her eyes. The sparkles in them glazed over. They waited obediently, and she asked. "Are you going to use your magic to make a baby in me?"

Harry Potter never learned a spell that would make babies, but there were some to get things started! If Mrs. Abbey continued to go along with the game, I felt bold enough to try those spells. They might allow me to use my other wand and its magic!

Once more, I hoisted the heavy wand. "Relashio." I aimed it at the computer tablet she was holding.

She didn't blink for a couple seconds, until her hand released the expensive device. It fell to the carpeted floor, protected by it's folding case. She looked a little cross. "Careful, Billy. Let's not get carried away. I have to be responsible for you. That's top on my mind."

Which meant, she was just playing, possibly not really interested in making a baby. I almost gave up, wondering if there was a better game in a box with my stuff. Then I remembered a spell that would decide for me. I took my time, waving the wand in intricate patterns around the lady sitting on my parents' bed. She watched me keenly, anticipating. I mumbled and hummed for effect, until I pronounced, "Confundo!" And stabbed the heavy wand towards her head.

Her eyebrows lifted upon recognizing Confundo. "Oh, my." Her eyes lit up. "Billy," The lids fluttered, and her head twirled a little. "I-I'm feeling odd, confused. What were we talking about?"

"Making a baby." I reminded her. I resumed waving the wand, as if to prolong the spell.

"Oh. That's right. Isn't it?" She gave me a quick wink, but continued to tilt her head in circles. A thin smile crossed her lips.

I stepped closer and touched the thick end of the wand to her chest. "Revelio." I spoke confidently.

She nodded, as if she had been expecting that spell. Then she pulled her arms out of her suit jacket and tossed it beside her on the bed.

"Revelio." This time I poked the belly of her white, shirt-blouse. She unbuttoned it slowly, her head swaying, her fingers sometimes fumbling. When her dark blue bra appeared, I was reminded of just how big her boobs were. My pee pee twitched into an uncomfortable hardness confined within my shorts.

I stepped in front of her and pointed the wand at my shorts. "Revelio." I commanded.

She gasp, understanding what I wanted. Her hands grasp the top of my shorts and unbuttoned it. Then she unzipped and pulled them down my legs. Usually, my erection would have popped out through the slit in my underwear, but it had hardened to one side. It bulged out behind flannel.

Mrs. Abbey stared. Her mouth opened for deeper breaths. She looked up. "Are you hairy, Billy?" She smiled.

Harry? By then I didn't care what she called me. I touched the wand to the middle of her lap and cast, "Revelio."

She unzipped her suit pants and stood slightly, to pull them down to her white pumps. "I can't control myself, Billy. Your magic is too powerful for me." She sounded as if she needed to hear that.

"You are in my power, now, Mrs. Abbey." I set the soft bulbous end of the wand against her belly button. "Titillando." I giggled.

"Uh-" She hesitated before grinning. Mrs. Abbey, explained softly, "Billy, that wand is special. To use Titillando, you have flip the switch. She waited.

Switch? I looked at the wand, twisted it around a little. Oh. I noticed a slider that was flush in the middle of the shaft. Stupid designers, making important things almost invisible. I pushed it forward, one notch of three. The wand almost lept out of my hand, buzzing and rattling. I gripped it with all my strength, accidentally pressing it into her tummy.

"Mmmmm! That's how it really works, Billy. That wand is made for Titillando. It tickles women and makes us weak." She pushed her naked belly against the device agitating the indent there. "But, it works better when used on certain other places." She grinned. "Can you guess where?" She swung her feet onto the bed and lay down, opening her thick legs and exposing the crotch panel of her dark blue panties.

I almost missed it. My eyes kept darting to her huge bra. I began to count the places that might be especially sensitive to the tickling wand.

"I want you to bewitch me." Mrs. Abbey spoke with full, blushing lips. They made me think of the ladies on the train gurgling with delight when they sucked on my pee pee. Playfully, I lifted the buzzing wand and touched her cheek, intending to swipe it across her mouth. "Titillando!"

Except, she turned her head and started licking the vibrating, soft rubber. "Mmmm, I wish I were licking something more real." She grinned up at me. She gave the wand fat kisses. I giggled, and my penis lurched.

I wasn't sure I had time to do both things with my real wand. When Momma might return was anybody's guess. So I shifted down the bed and waved the wand over Mrs. Abbey's chest. "Revelio!" I let the wand touch the tip of a bra cup. She shivered. "Mmmm, I agree. My tits should be naked." She reached behind and unclasped the dark blue undergarment. She pulled it down her waist and wriggled her chest.

Two fat boobs spilled out, not as pert as my mom's but quite bigger. I delighted at them, so much so, I almost forgot the buzzing tool I held above her. I wanted to taste her nipples, like I had Mrs. Guthrie's.

"I swear, you're going to drool on them." She kidded. "That might feel nice."

Repressing my first instinct, I shook the wand at her chest. "Titillando!" Then I buzzed one nipple with the fat end. The whole boob jiggled like water struck with a stone. "Oooooo." She moaned.

I tickled the other nipple. She moaned louder. "I wish you could stimulate both at the same time, Billy!"

My face lowered before I knew it. My mouth opened and sucked in an erect nipple while I diddled her other tit with the magic wand. "Mmmmm." I licked the tip in my mouth.

"That feels wonderful!" She cooed. Her hands clawed at her panties, getting ready.

Mrs. Abbey shucked her matching blue underwear down her legs. "If only you had another wand, Billy. I need more!"

I pulled my face from her rubbery tip, and lifted the wand. I climbed onto the bed and aimed the magic at my warm underwear. "Revelio!"

Mrs. Abbey lifted her arms and grasp my boxers. She pushed them free of my hard pee pee. "That's the wand I want you to use between my legs. I want all of its magic, Billy."

"Oh, Mrs. Abbey, I want that too!" I scooted over her knees, and aimed my erection at her hairy nest. I hadn't made a baby with a woman lying down, before. I worried about doing it wrong or hurting her. "I'm not sure of the right spell." I confessed.

"Make me put it in, Billy. I dream of young boys using magic against me. I couldn't believe my luck when you started this game!" She thought for a second. "Use the spell, Slutus Obedtiam."

That spell wasn't on the Harry Potter website. I had to believe she knew more spells. She was so enthusiastic. I lifted the magic wand from her breasts and waved it around her midriff. "Slutus Obedtiam!"

"Yes, Master. I ache to obey!" She grasp my hard peter and drew it into her hairy cleft. She pressed it between two very wet folds of skin and gently wagged it until my pee pee tip touched a round depression. The sensation freed me from her control, and I hunched my hips forward, driving myself into her hot tunnel. Her wetness spurted around my penetrating shaft. It felt amazing! I began fucking my dick in and out of her puss.

"Oh, Billy, you're really good at this, like a real man!" She started to hump up against my strokes. "Fuck me!"
Boy! I thought, Mrs. Abbey sure liked magic to make her do sex stuff! She talked all kinds of dirty. I knew it wasn't real magic, but the buzzing wand was an empowering surprise. I kept it tickling the dark buds of her boo- "Titties." I laughed and rocked my peter in and out. Her crotch lept up to smack against mine.

"Do you like my titties, Billy? Your magic wand makes them all hard and tingly!" She lifted her arms and grasp the sides of her breasts. Mrs. Abbey pushed them together, so the vibrating head could tickle both nipples.

"Yeah! They're so big and bouncy, and I like it when you say the bad words."

"You mean, like how you're fucking poor little me with your hard, boy cock?"

My balls tightened, hearing her cuss. I frowned though. "Boys don't do what I can do. Don't call it a boy's, uh, peter." I couldn't say the other word. What if Momma had come in right then and overheard! I lifted the wand and circled it over Mrs. Abbey's face.

She frowned at the loss of sensation against her pert nipples but accepted that I didn't like to be called a boy.

"Slutus Obedtiam!" I ensorcelled her again.

"Yes, Master! You cock is better than what I said. I'm sorry. Punish me, but please don't stop fucking me! I need your hot, man prick slithering in my cunt. It makes me feel so good!" Mrs. Abbey overflowed with joy from acting out her most erotic fantasy, being controlled by magic. "I love how you plow my hot pussy with your big, strong cock, Master! I beg you. Use the wand on my hard nipples again, please?" She managed to push the tips together for maximum effect.

I liked being called, "Master." It made me feel powerful over this buxom and big assed adult. She had even invited me to punish her for underrating my dick. In truth, I knew I was a boy, but I wanted to be a man so bad. I felt that I should punish her. But spanking her would be awkward. I would have to pull out and turn her over to swat her ass. My pee pee felt too good to stop rutting in and out of her slimy slit!

Then I remembered. She hadn't liked losing Titillando on her boobies. I held the quivering, heavy wand above her. Mrs. Abbey begged me to vibrate them more. I giggled, thinking of an even worse punishment, if less enjoyable for him. But what I foreswore in the short term, I would enjoy twice as much later. My momma had taught me that patience, used wisely, could reap much greater rewards.

She use to offer me one chocolate chip cookie. She would put it on my plate at the beginning of dinner. She said, if I saved the cookie for dessert, and I ate all of my vegetables, she would give me two more cookies! I learned fast. In recent days, my mother had begun to give me anything I wanted so long as I asked nicely. I began to wonder if there was another reason, other than helping me transition to a new home far away.

I decided to put patience to the test. "I'm punishing you now." I laughed and pulled my hot penis out of her boiling snatch.

Mrs. Abbey gasped, with pretend fright. "No, Billy! Not that! I need you to fuck me! You were going to make me cum so hard!" She hadn't been that close, but she had been enjoying my fucking. "Please, take pity on your slut, Master!"

"Titillando!" I giggled. I thrust the wand head first between her legs, thinking the buzzing would tickle but not scratch the itch which my erection had been satisfying.

"OOHH!!" The real-state lady cried out when the vibrating, soft head contacted her clit. An orgasm burst out of nowhere, shooting stars across her eyes and flaming her mind with ecstasy! "Billy! I'm cumming!!!" The idea of Titillando used directly against her clitoris, was too much for her magic fantasy.

My jaw fell open from astonishment. My first slut slave had cum from Titillando buzzing against her crotch! I had no idea that was possible. What other surprises awaited? It was like Mrs. Abbey had become a toy I could play with however I wanted.

The sudden orgasm surprised Charlotte Abbey more than me. She told me later that she frequently used a vibrator on her clit, to cum oh so good, but usually it would have taken longer. I had been so masterful, employing 'Titillando' and 'Slutus Obedtiam', she swooned from my taking command. "How much do you know about Dominance and Submission?" She gasped but let her question languish to savor the intense feelings washing through her body.

I gaped. I had meant to tease her, to punish her. But she had climaxed, whereas my hard peter slowly cooled in the air of my parents' bedroom.

As joy receded in her mind, confusion at my confusion, grew. "Did you mean to make me cum, Master?"

"I didn't know that would happen." I admitted.

"Then I've been naughty, again." She explained, "A slut slave isn't suppose to cum until her master lets her."

"Oh." My dick understood what she meant before I could. It twitched, eager to fuck the nice lady some more. "Does that mean I have to punish you?"

"A slut slave never decides what their Master should do." She smiled, realizing that I had only been following her lead. I had done it so well, she believed I had an aptitude for being a Master. "Many slaves will act up, if their Master doesn't take a firm hand with them. Some might even throw a tantrum. I'm not very good at being a slave, but I really like you being my master."

That didn't sound good. How could I fuck the arousing Mrs. Abbey if she acted up? "I think you have to turn over and let me spank your big behind, M-, um, Slut." I dared to called her that.

"Yes, Master. I'm sorry I came before you let me. But please don't spank me. I'll be good, next time."

I was again confused. "Uh, okay. I want to make a baby in you before Mom gets back." I started to straddle the prone woman.

Mrs. Abby figured out that I didn't understand her contrary statements. She reinforced what she needed from me. "If that's what you want, but I'm feeling kinda surly. I should dress. After all, I've already cum, really strongly too. Maybe I don't need your cock any more." She winked at me.

Confusion turned to frustration, almost. When she winked, I suddenly knew she was still playing a game. I knew what to do. Waving the wand, I commanded. "Slutus Obedtiam!"

I put the big head of the wand against her mouth. "No talking, Slut. You have obey!"

Mrs. Abbey opened her mouth as wide as she could, accepting as much of the soft intrusion as she could, but it was too big. It's buzzing made her teeth rattle. She nodded to indicate capitulation.

"Now turn over. I have to punish you."

Her mouth fell away from the thick, vibrating head when she rolled to present her naked ass. I acted quickly.

I giggled at first, but then I had to actually spank her. I had never spanked anyone before. To cover for hesitating, I told her. "You've been bad."

"Yes, Master. Thank you for-"

Smack! I slapped her butt.


"I said, no talking." I blurted and swatted Mrs. Abbey's soft, wide butt again! My hand and voice pierced her pretense. She yipped! "Sorry!"

My first act as a master briefly stunned me, but my hard pee pee didn't want to wait. I needed her to be a good slut, right away. Her contrition broke my hesitation to spank the big assed woman. She wanted this! I cracked my palm against her fat butt, harder. SMACK!


Her outcry sounded fake, and I told her to stop talking. Was an 'OW' talking? I decided to let her voice her punishment. That way I would know if I went too far. I spanked her again. SWAT!


That made me giggle. It sounded more like she was having fun, than being punished. I was of two minds. I liked playing with Mrs. Abbey, and my hard peter, unexpectedly, didn't mind waiting to make a baby, if I could spank her. That I could enjoy punishing a slut as much as making a baby, was new, and very exciting! I beat her with both hands, one after another.


"OH, Oh, OW, ... Ouch!" That last blow must have actually hurt. I kept hitting the same spot on her ass, making it red and sensitive. Mrs. Abbey later told me, that she had been hurt worse, consensually, but I was still young.

"Billy-" SWAT!

"No talking." I struck her three more times. The red spot on her ass began to darken, but his arms were getting tired. The boy had been ready to stop, until she called his name.

"OWW!" The three blows rained on the sore spot. She tried shifting her ass, but now that I had a target, I didn't relent or miss. SWAT! SMACK!

"Bad Slut." My arms were really tired. SMACK! SMACK! And my hands were sore.

"OOOWWW!" Charlotte cried out for real.

Exhausted, I had to stop. "Are you going to be a good Slut now?"

Charlotte honestly didn't know if she should answer or keep silent. It kinda turned her on.

When Mrs. Abbey didn't reply, I barked. "Answer me."

"Yes, Master, this slut wants to be good. Thank you for punishing me."

"I need to make a baby in you. Lift up your bottom." My dick vibrated as vigorously as the abandoned, magic wand. Its wait had ended. I needed my pee pee back in her puss!

"Please, Master." Her weight shifted into her fat tits as she raised her butt to the level of my groin. I stood on my knees upon the firm mattress.

After shuffling between Mrs. Abbey's legs, I fisted my peter into her hairy, thick lips. My tip felt how incredibly wet she had become.

"This slut begs you to use your magic wand to make her pregnant!" She begged. Softly she said to herself, "It's not like he's old enough to cum."

Tara had thought the same thing. I wondered if Mrs. Abbey would be as surprised. I grinned behind the soft assed woman. I was her master. She had to accept whatever I gave her. Or so I thought. When my prick found her inner hole, I rushed to stick it deep inside! The plunging shaft sparked fires in both our loins.

"Aaaaaahhh!" It felt so good! I immediately pumped my randy erection in and out of Mrs. Abbey's hot pussy. She cooed from my urgent fucking hard cock. "Ohhh, Billy, taking me from behind makes it feel fresh!"

"I love fucking you, Mrs. Abbey!"

So much for dominance and submission, the hot assed woman smiled. I later learned that the bottom must sometimes top the top. Today, that wisdom had been vital for making her come harder than ever before. Already, she could feel her body glowing - a strong beginning for her next orgasm.

I felt my loins tense up from the incredible sensations that my humping peter dug out of Mrs. Abbey's hairy slit. Her juices squirted up the stiff shaft each time it pounded deep. I was going to cum faster than ever! Spanking the slut slave had made me desperate to fuck. All I wanted was to shoot lots of cum, as soon as possible, into the special hole that was built to use it.

"I love how your fucking me so hard with your real, magic wand! Making babies with you is the best!"

"I'm gonna cum soon, Mrs. Abbey. That's the only spell I know with this wand." I played along.

Mrs. Abbey's arousal grew slower than mine, having just cum. She felt like she had cheated me and wanted to atone. She blurted, "Impregnatus, Billy! If you use that spell, I'm guaranteed to get pregnant! Sometimes cum isn't enough." She baited me as I teetered on an orgasm. The cock driving through her dripping cunt never slowed. She begged, "Cast Impregnatus!" My hard fucking goaded her.

But my mind was too far gone, so close to exploding in the voluptuous woman's lusting tunnel. I forgot that a slave mustn't tell her master what to do, but the word rang like a bell in my head. Impregnatus. It sounded regal and powerful. It sounded better than every spell I had read on the internet.

My groin muscles contracted around the store of cum that had been building at the base of my pee pee since Mrs. Abbey took off her clothes. I shouted with the force of lust that burst through my body. "IMPREGNATUS!"

Thick, hot missiles launched into my slut's sopping cunt. "OOOOHHHH, UUUUHHHNNNNGGG!" My driving prick lurched but didn't stop fucking her. Every lurch spewed gouts of creamy cum into her inner sanctum. Hot globs filled her crevice to bursting.

"Billy, y-your actually cumming!" She wailed from surprise. Then another surprise struck her. The sensation of the hot, sticky flooding her unprotected sex was like a hammer to her masochistic psyche. She told me, lightning bolts lanced up her spine each time my cock spit more of it's boiling seed. Her cunt vibrated all around my thrusting prick. She came in waves, each lasting for an eternity of bliss!

I howled with joy! Impregnatus! Just thinking the word kept me cumming, mentally and physically. My peter had never spewed so much cum! It felt like I was blasting Mrs. Abbey's puss for hours. A tidal wave crashed upon me, drowning my senses with pleasure.

Two spent bodies crashed on the wide mattress. Our eyelids fluttered from orgasmic overload. Very soon, Momma would return.

I didn't realize how tired I was until I began to dream. It had been an exhausting trip, full of wonders and strangeness and short bouts of intense effort. I hadn't slept much the night before. I dreamed of warning Mrs. Abbey, "Mom will be home soon. We can't let her know-"

Mother talked to me. "Did you have a good time fucking?" She dipped and swung over me, like an angel.

"Honey?" I began waking. I felt clothes on my body. Had Mrs. Abbey dressed me while I slept? The bed moved beneath me. "Honey?" Mother smiled. "Is it a good time to be tucking you in?" She shook out one of the sheets Mrs. Abbey had washed before we arrived. She rolled me over, to fit the sheet beneath me. "I'm tired too." She sighed.

"The movers were very expensive, but at least your father's new company will reimburse most of it. Mrs. Abbey told me how good you were." Mother's lips curled into a slight grin. "I offered her a reward, again, for doing the wash, but she said she had been rewarded enough to have a man all to herself, if just for a couple hours." Mother's grin grew.

"We'll write her a thank you note. I got her address." Mother completed dressing the bed and took a nightgown out from her suitcase. She changed in the bathroom.

I sat up, waiting. I had seen her in it before.

She returned with a shimmy in her walk. The thick flannel wriggled at her chest and hips. "You can sleep more, with me, if you like.

"Your father will be home late. If you want something to eat, I made a sandwich for each of you and put them in the fridge. I bought milk on the way back. A nice, Muslim woman runs the corner market. They have to charge more than a grocery chain, but it's good to buy from local stores, especially since we're new here."
Grogginess parted like clouds before the sun, when mother said she had made sandwiches. Yet my first act, after climbing off the bed and making room for mom to change the sheets, was to look back for any sign of having made a baby with Mrs. Abbey. I didn't see any, and I didn't feel dirty, you know, down there. Had Mrs. Abbey washed my pee pee before dressing me? Sleeping through such a thing didn't surprise me. I can sleep through anything.

"How about if I take the thank you card to Mrs. Abbey in person?" Already, I wanted to see her again. She had taught me such amazing things! I looked for the magic wand, and caught a glimpse of its box in Dad's box, neatly repacked.

"That's very thoughtful of you, sweetheart, but I doubt I'll have time to escort you. There's so much for us to do, all the unpacking. I haven't even made your bed. The sofa bed was locked for shipping. Your father will have to unlock it, when he gets home.

Once again, I would sleep in the living room. I didn't mind. I got to have the biggest room, all to myself, all night! "I could take the bus by myself."

Mother pretended surprise. "Would you? I'm not so sure. I caught a few of the words you exchanged with that young, punk girl." Mother smiled mockingly. "Eat you alive?" Her smile softened. "I can't have that happen." She paused to shake the top sheet across her bed.

"I've heard a few things, regarding you, Billy, since we left our old home. They made me realize - you're growing up. It won't be too long until you can take the bus by yourself, but it's all too new, right now. We'll go on bus excursions, after school every now and then, to learn the transit system.

My gambit failed, I consoled myself by running into the kitchen area and grabbing a sandwich and the milk carton out of the fridge.

Half an hour later, food in my tummy revived my energy and spirit. Mother was in bed, snoozing. She was so beautiful, but I worried. If I slept with her again, would I disturb her in my sleep, like I had in the train?

Feeling rambunctious, I looked in Momma's purse and found the three business cards, she had collected, for Mrs. Charlotte Abbey, Mr. Samuel Crocle, and Mr. Harold Colkick. I guessed Mr. Crocle was the black man who had been too nice to Momma. Except for that, he had been very polite and understanding. I didn't care about that, but it made me remember his wife's name, Mavis.

I copied all of their names and addresses into the notepad on my watch. I spent another hour looking through the boxes. It was getting dark outside, and I was feeling tired again. I could grab a towel from the bathroom and curl up on the couch, or I could climb under the covers with Momma. Maybe, if I slept on the far side of her, I wouldn't trouble her. I stood quiet, deciding.

There was one more thing I considered. Mother let me take money from her purse but no more than a couple dollars, if I told her about it later. I wondered what kind of candy, a dollar or two would buy from the corner market. That was a little scary, the sun having just set. I took my keys to the apartment, just in case. That made me realize, I could explore the building.

There was plenty of time. Dad probably wouldn't be home for a couple hours.

I wanted candy very much, but using Momma's money to buy it kinda bothered me. Deciding against the corner market had nothing to do with how scary a 'poor' neighborhood could be in the evening, I told myself.

I looked in on Momma again, and frowned. She needed her sleep, not a squirmy boy next to her. Going to the front door, I set an alarm on my watch, for one hour. I tested my keys in the lock, before peeking up and down the walkway. Outside, the second floor looked down on an inner courtyard. An old man was sweeping it.

I braved going out and creeping down the second story walk, shutting the locked door behind me. I gulped and took my first steps.

"Well, hello there! Are you the new tenant?" A creaky, deep voice arrested me. It was the old man.

"Yes, Sir. Momma and I just got here today."

"Good. I hope you had a decent journey. Your old man is a fine sort. Let your Momma know, she's welcome to visit me and my wife in 101, anytime, to say hello. Colleen will make cookies, if you call in advance. Your father has our number. We're the apartment managers.

"Oh, okay. Thanks." I didn't know what to say. "Hello, to you too." We had an apartment manager for our old place. She wasn't very nice, always harping about the maintenance she had to put up with. This man sounded a lot nicer. I hoped her wife was too."

"If you're just looking around, I can let you into the basement storage, if you want."

That sounded scarier than going to the corner store. "No, thank you, Sir."

"Well, aren't you the polite one." He grinned, then looked grave. "Just don't climb the ladder to the roof. It's dangerous up there."

That sounded dangerous, but it sounded kinda cool too. I had watched a few anime where school kids hung out on rooftops. "No, Sir, I won't."

He returned to sweeping the courtyard.

Above us, a few stars shined, not nearly as many as I could see from the window in our old home, though.

I walked around the second floor way until I reached the stairs. I climbed to the third floor. Looking down from that height made my stomach queasy. I walked along the front side of the apartments, trying to look straight ahead. Passing apartment 314, I heard a familiar buzzing from a half open window. The curtain was drawn, but light flew out through a small the gap between them. A quick peek wouldn't hurt, I told myself.

I couldn't see much, just a kitchen like my new one, but over the counter I saw a head of golden hair swaying. I imagined she was sitting on chair just beyond the kitchen, in the main room. It was a girl, because I could hear her voice, soft but strong.

"You dumb lug! I wanted you inside me, but your stupid car broke down, and I have to imagine you fucking me." The buzzing deepened as she pressed it harder against herself. I knew that sound, from when I had pressed the magic wand against Mrs. Abbey's puss.

"Mmmm, I should tell you to go to hell, Craig! This toy is better than you've ever been."

My cheeks grew hot. I was only going to peek for a second. I pulled myself away, embarrassed, and kept walking.

About that time, a little, scruffy dog bounded up the stairs and ran past me. It stopped three doors down and scratched it with a paw. I froze and waited.

The door opened, and a fat lady stepped one foot on the doormat. "Sir Arthur, you've returned from your quest!" She smiled. She had the biggest smile I've ever seen. "Come on, there's always a treat for accomplished knights of the round table."

The little dog darted inside. She grabbed the door but spotted me, mid closing. "Hello there."

I squeaked, "H-hello?"

She gave me the curious eyes. "Are you suppose to be up here?"

"Um, I-I live downstairs."

"Ah, you must be Glen's brat." She giggled. "Sorry, I'm kidding. Your father picked me up at the clinic once. I was on massive drugs. I kept begging him for details about your family."

Once again. I didn't know what to say. Was this person a junkie? I only knew that junkies took drugs and were bad. I wanted to run home and crawl into bed with Momma. I didn't care if I woke her.

"Whoa there little fellow! Didn't mean to make your eyes pop out. I had a cracked leg bone, and the free clinic wouldn't let me go, after setting it and putting on the cast, without an adult to check me out. See?" She hobbled her other leg onto the walkway. It was a big cast, because she was a very big woman. "Your Dad was nice enough to help me home, that night." She smiled, but it looked more sheepish than pleased. "You're Billy, right? I'm Annie Butler."


She smiled wide again. "You already said that." She stepped back halfway. "Can't let the bugs in. You have fun looking around. Tell your mom, she's welcome to visit, especially if you come with her. You're almost as cute as Sir Arthur." She winked and closed the door.

It took almost a minute for my heart to settle. I bravely moved forward. Passing Mrs. Butler's door, it opened suddenly. "Oh, and I should warn you." She peeked around the edge. "Don't go on the roof, especially after sunset."

I nearly jumped out of my skin! She shut the door again, and I heard it lock this time. It took three minutes of counting to ten, over and over, until I felt brave enough to press on. I reached the next set of stairs. The building had four floors.

On the fourth floor, I saw a girl watering a few plants hanging from the railing across from her home's door. It was open. Upon seeing me, she ran inside. A man stepped out. "Who-?" He boomed at first. I turned but was stopped by his next utterance. "Oh. You gave my girl a fright." He was big, burly not fat. He needed a shave and he wore one of those t-shirts that didn't have sleeves. His pants were sweatpants.


"Yeah," He scratched his rippling stomach. The shirt was very tight. "What are you doing up here?"

"I-I live on the second floor."

"Haven't seen you around before."

"I'm, uh, new?"

"Whatever kid. Just stay out of my plants there. You'll make my little Ginger cry if you hurt them."

"I wouldn't." I stammered. "Never."

The man simply grunted and closed the door. I didn't dare walk past it.

I went back to the stairs, without going around the walkway that looped the courtyard, from three floors up. I didn't dare look down. Just as I was ready to march home, I looked up. A ladder climbed the far wall. It led to an open trap door. I bit my lip and slipped around the railing between me and it. I had to know.

My hands shook each time the reached for a new rung. It took a whole minute to breach the opening. A few starts beckoned. I dared to peek over the lip. The roof was flat, and the walls stood raised about a foot around it. Ten feet from me, a bundle of blue plastic tarp lie. The evening's cold breeze rustled it.

"Gosh." I barely spoke. It was pretty scary. I looked down, eager to descend.

"Who's that?" A mop of frazzled hair poked out of one end of the bundle of plastic. Two black eyes stung me. "You're just a boy!" Their harsh voice accused.

I froze. I felt my bladder tighten. This was very bad.

"Ho, Child! Have you come to be a tasty treat for the roof witch?" She actually cackled!

My next memory was of racing down the stairwell. I must have flown down the ladder, for I don't remember climbing. I was so scared! I reached my new home and fumbled with the keys. It took six tries to unlock the door and flee inside. I shut it and locked it and ran to the bedroom and dashed under the covers, still wearing my sneakers. I huddled as far from my mother as I could, trying not to disturb her.

"Glen?" Mother roused. She reached out and caught my shoulders. "I've missed you- Billy?" Her eyes opened. "What's the matter? You look so scared."

"Momma!" I squealed. She pulled me to her and held me against her breasts. She kissed my forehead. "It's okay. You're safe here. What happened?"

"I went outside, just to look." I willed myself not to cry. Momma's strong arms and soft chest helped. "There was a lady on the roof." I dared tell her. "She said she was a witch!"

"My goodness! She did?" She hugged me tight. "Was she a good witch or a bad witch?"

The question bothered me. "She scared me, Momma. She must be bad."

"That's not always true, Billy. Sometimes scary people are the nicest. Most of them can't help looking scary. The have to be nice, to compensate."

I wasn't accepting that, but I didn't argue. I remained scared. Held in Momma's warm arms and pressed against her soft boobs, I knew I wouldn't be scared for long. Good witch or bad, I trusted Momma to protect me.

"Remember how I said you're growing up. You're already a smart and strong young man, Billy." She reassured. "But just for a little while, would you like to be Momma's baby again?"

For the first time, in a long while, I didn't hate being called a baby. She hadn't. She simple asked if I wanted to pretend. I knew she wanted me to feel as safe as I had when I was a babe in her arms.

An image invaded my thoughts. It was from a page in the book about making babies. It showed a baby drinking milk from their mother's boobs. I remember how peaceful the baby looked. Then something less than peaceful happened between my legs. My pee pee grew into a boner and pressed against Mother's thigh.

"Well, that's unexpected," Mother cooed. "But nice. It shows you're not too scared." She confirmed. "It's okay, Billy. I don't mind your penis touching me, if you'll be my baby again for just a little while."
I didn't want to be a baby. A man wouldn't run from a witch. He'd face her down and stand up for himself. I fled like I was two and hid behind my mother's skirt. I couldn't help my feelings, but I felt ashamed having them. Mother's gentle arms and warm hug were what I needed. I couldn't feel bad about Momma, not ever.

A number appeared in my thoughts, five. I could let Momma baby me for five minutes, I decided. Which reminded me, I had one alarm still set on my watch, to make sure I returned ahead of Daddy. I hadn't been out for even half an hour before running back. I fumbled under the covers, the light from my watch illuminating mother's soft curves, to reset the alarm. I deleted the current alarm, but before I could set the next one, Momma shifted.

"Is that light from your watch?" She asked and felt down my body with a hand. Her feet touched mine."And you're wearing shoes in bed? Billy, you know better. She poked her head under the covers. The blue glow gave her a grave look. "It is kinda fun having a light under here." She smiled. "But no shoes, please."

She waited while I untied and shucked them out of the bed. The watch darkened. "Still worried about the witch?" Her voice pierced the black space we shared.

Oddly, removing my shoes had been enough of a distraction. When I thought of the witch again, she no longer felt like an immediate threat. I wasn't so afraid. "Not really."

"Does that mean you don't want to be Momma's baby?" Her words, in the dark, revealed her smile.

"I guess I don't need to." It was sad to admit.

"Oh, pooh. I was hoping you might, for just a little bit. It'd be nice to hold you in my arms, until Daddy gets home.

"You can hold the grown up me." I offered.

"But that might made Daddy jealous." She teased.

"We don't have to tell him."

"Billy, how would you feel if I kept secrets from you?"

I wouldn't like that. I trusted my mother. I couldn't, if she kept important things from me. Then I felt bad, very bad. This was a chance to come clean, to earn her trust.

"Momma, I didn't tell you everything that happened on the train, and-"

"Shhh, Billy. Whatever you did, as long as you're okay with it, that's your business. You didn't involve me or the family. So I don't need to know, and I don't want to know."

"But Daddy is family?"

"That's right, Sweetie. But he wouldn't mind if you were my baby. Her arms reached around me again.

"For just a little bit." I allowed. She smelled wonderful under the covers. Maybe six minutes, I told myself. The length of my body pressed hers. My hard pee pee now lie between her thighs. I wasn't sure she could feel it there. My face hung below her chin and above her breasts.

She bent her neck and kissed my cheek. "Holding you makes me very happy. What can Momma do to make her baby happy?"

I stopped fearing the woman who said she was a witch. Mother would protect me from her. I knew it with all of my heart, but my heart harbored a lingering regret that begged for absolution. I spoke from the heart, "Momma, can you forgive me for last night?"

"Honey, it's okay, what you do with other people-"

I interrupted, not wanting to hear her amazing kindness again. I needed forgiveness. "No, for what I did to you, in my sleep!"

I couldn't see her expression, under the covers, now so warm from our breath. "Honey, I'm not sure what you mean. Did it happen when I asleep?" A mote of concern crept into her lovely voice.

"You woke and scolded me. I had put my hand..." I could hardly say it. "...on your boob."

Silence. Then, even muted by thick covers, a tinkling of laughter reached my ears. "Oh, Sweetheart! Have you felt guilty about that, all this time? I'm so sorry!" She sounded as if she needed my forgiveness. "I was having a dream about you, and I was reacting to that, not your touch. Goodness! Billy, I'm the one who should feel guilty." Momma's hug tightened. "I would never reject something as innocent as your hand on me while you slept."

Momma's sincerity convinced me. She was apologizing for real. "You mean, it's okay if I touched your boob in my sleep?"

"Honey, you were sleeping! It's not your fault. All human beings crave being touched, held, hugged! Why do you think I'm so happy to be holding you right now? It's one of the best things about being human."

Relief flooded my senses. I had been so worried that Momma was afraid of me touching her while she slept. She hadn't been angry at all! Even then, I sought reassurance. "Really, it's okay?" I whispered, feeling a little foolish for not fully believing her.

Mother tapped my watch, to light it up briefly. So I could see her face. She was worried, FOR me. "Billy, I trust you. I know if you touch me - it doesn't matter if you're asleep, and it doesn't matter what part of me you touch - it'll be because you honestly need to. You would never hurt me, against my will."

Momma didn't need to say the last thing. I would never even want to make Momma sad! I hugged her as hard as I could, to show her, there was nothing for me to forgive. My watch slept again.

After that, it was just a mother and child holding each other, without guilt.

Then, a little bit of adult crept into my mind, a daring curiosity. "What was your dream about, Momma?"

"What dream, Billy?"

"The dream you had when I touched your boob, last night."

"Oh." Mother caught her breath. "I, um, would rather not say that, while I'm holding my baby."

She probably didn't want to tell me at all, but I had agreed to be a baby for just a little while. Would she tell me when I stopped pretending? "How long do you want me to be your baby?"

"Forever and ever!" She sang beautifully. "Billy, it's wonderful pretending with you, like this, but I love you just as much when you're the mature, young man that you've become."

"If I stop being a baby, can we keep hugging like this?"

"Try and stop me." She gave my bum a quick pat.

I didn't want to stop hugging, but I kinda wished my pee pee would relax. I decided to try something I had only recently practiced, to show her I was ready to stop pretending. I decided to tell her what I wanted, like I had, to Mrs. Abbey. "Momma, I want you to tell me everything that happened in your dream." I said with my most confident voice.

This time, when Mother spoke, she used a voice I had never heard before, except for last night on the train and this morning in the park bathroom. I wouldn't have recognized its meekness, if I hadn't heard it in the dark.

"You do?" She started with a squeak. At the same time, I felt her heart beat faster. If my ear had been against her chest, it would have sounded like a powerful drum. Momma's voice wavered, as if she struggled to answer me. "When you're like this, Billy, I can't refuse."

She described her dream. "I was driving you to school, your old school, Billy. We were late. I don't know why. Traffic was slow, and the other drivers were looking for someone to blame. You told me, 'It's because you don't see yourself, Momma'

"You cupped my breast with your hand, and you lifted it as an example. You said it was lonely. It needed a new mouth to feed. You opened your mouth, to demonstrate, but your teeth were sharp. I video called your father, but his smile was dull. He mouthed silent words and faded. Your hand began squeezing. It felt good, but I was afraid of your teeth.

Mother hastened to reassure me. "I woke up and realized it was a dream, except I felt your hand for real." Her voice strengthened. "I overreacted, Billy, and I'm sorry for making you feel guilty. Yours was an innocent touch any child might give a parent." She took my hand in hers, holding it loose. "You can touch me, right now, if you want proof."

Now my heart pounded. Momma was encouraging me to release my guilt and to touch her however I liked, I felt. A new worry invaded the space left behind by the discarded one. My pee pee twitched and yearned to let go of its tension. Mother promised it was okay if it touched her while we hugged, but masturbating would disturb our closeness. Hugging, Momma and I could share our joy. An orgasm would be for my sake. I didn't want to do it myself or ask her to help. That would break our hug.

For the moment, my eager truncheon fit between her thighs without touching them, much. I fought it's need by concentrating on Mother's offer. I reached to her chest and gently cupped the flannel covering the curve of her boob.

"Thank you, Billy." Momma kissed the top of my head. "See, it's really no different than holding any other part of me."

Mother was wrong. My pee pee reacted very differently when I held her boob, compared to the arm snaked around her side, pressing her back. I wanted to make a baby with Momma, but thinking that fed my new worry. It felt wrong to indulge my desire and abandon our togetherness. Maybe another day, I would ask her.

I didn't know it at the time, but our special closeness resulted from her sharing her very intimate dream. I didn't want to betray or weaken that intimacy. I wanted to increase it. In her dream, I had tried to nurse on her, after making her feel good with my hand. My dream teeth had been sharp and scary. I owed it to her, to prove my goodwill, because she had given me proof of hers. The need to reassure her released me from the urgency of my erection.

At my age, small dilemmas are large when not faced with significant ones. The problem was, I believed only babies sucked on their Momma's breasts. I broke away from pretending to be a baby, when I urged mother to tell her dream. If I became her baby again, would she lose some of her respect for the adult I was becoming? That would hurt worse than my hard penis.

"You're very quiet, Billy. Are you sure you're not feeling guilty about holding Momma's breast?"

"No, Momma." I couldn't let her think that. So I confessed. I loved and trusted her more than anyone. "If I was your baby, I could prove that my teeth would never hurt you, not even your boob. But I don't want you to think that I'm a baby, since we stopped pretending."

"You sound so serious." Mother's voice wasn't.

"I need to show you, Momma. My teeth aren't sharp."

Instead of telling me, it was just a dream, her dream, that had nothing to do with the real me, she simply cooed. "Aww." She relaxed her grip around me and shifted for wiggle room. In doing so, she jostled my watch, and it lit up our space under the covers. "If that's what you need, Billy. Just a second." How she managed to pull her arm, the one not pinned to the bed, out of her nightgown, surprised me. She must do it a lot, to shuck her gown so easily. My hand, on that side of her, fell to her hip. She pulled the loose neck down, until it stretched just enough to uncover her beautiful boob tinted blue by the light from my watch.

My confidence trembled, in the face of Mother's forwardness. "Are you sure you won't think I'm a baby?"

"Certainly not, Honey. Plenty of grown men find comfort from a woman's breast." She assured.

Having seen Mother's skill at opening her gown, the idea of my father touching her there flitted across my mind. That didn't stop me from opening my mouth, teeth pulled back as far as possible, and taking Momma's nipple between my lips.

"Mmmm." She sighed. "Your kiss feels even nicer than your hand." She smoothed my hair.

I don't remember sucking on Momma's breast as a baby. Did grown men, with their mothers? The question was moot. Upon hearing her soft moan, I held her in both of my arms and pulled myself full against her body. My kiss strengthened, making her nipple harden. I remembered this from the other tits I'd sucked. But this was Mother's boob, and I nearly swooned from joy. I barely noticed that my hard penis had been pulled into Mother's thighs, until it pressed comfortably between them. It twitched with need.

Mother must have noticed, but she reacted only by petting my hair again and confirming, "This is how a man treats a woman." She hugged me with both arms, reinforcing the connection down the length of our bodies.

Upon sucking her breast, my attention zeroed in, to ensure I didn't bite Momma or rasp my teeth across her hard nipple. I didn't even notice my hips slowly hunching, rubbing my pee pee between Momma's thighs. Three layers of cloth separated them.

It's likely Mother noticed, but she continued to moan softly. "Hhhh- you're very manly, Billy."

I dared to lick her nipple, as I sucked, careful to keep my teeth away. I couldn't help but hum. "Mmmm."

Mother mewled as I sucked and sighed on her beautiful breast. My watch darkened, freeing our senses to focus on the pleasures derived from our incestuous embrace. When my hunching hips humped faster, I became aware of this potential violation of Mother's trust. I wanted to stop and simply enjoy sucking her, but my penis acted otherwise. It needed to release it's almost painful tightness. My will lost control of my body. If my mouth could have abandoned the wonderful nub of hard flesh it pleasured, I would have begged her forgiveness. My lips and tongue and hips only increased their motions.

"Ohhh, you're making Momma wish you wanted to use your teeth, Billy." She groaned. Her body started shivering, in my hands, my mouth, but most of all against my rutting, clothed pee pee. Her hips moved to increase the sensations against it. "Sometimes, the sharpest of teeth are what a woman needs. Unnngghhh!"

As my body decided its actions, separate from my will, I felt betrayed when my teeth bit down upon Mother's nipple. I blamed my penis, as it was nearly bursting to let go of its incredible arousal. I eased the bite, but it sank into her rubbery nub deeper than a nibble.

"Billy!! Ohh- OHH!! You're making Momma- Aaaahhhh!!!" She cried out! The dense, hot bedclothes were unable to mute her exclamation.

The first sounds of Mother's outcry triggered small explosions in my loins which, in turn, triggered a massive jolt of pleasure from my boner to my brain. I shouted, freeing her abused nipple, "Mommaaaaaa!!!" My penis lurched and my hips bucked against her thighs, punching my hardon fiercely into her cleft. It spasmed and jerked. My head drowned in the ecstasy that flooded up from my crotch.

The sensations soared far above my recent experiences, as if the world vanished and only Mother and I existed. We flew, united in soul if not in body.

We sighed as one, and went limp together, and breathed heavily with the same rhythm, our hearts beating equally fast. We lay together, quiet, until realization struck me. I hadn't cum.

"Oh, no!" I exclaimed, the haze of my orgasm evaporated. Had doing it in my clothes broke my penis? Was it because I had done it against my mother's body? That thought scared me the most! I was about to beg Mother's forgiveness, and apologize, when the apartment's front door opened.

"Hello, my beautiful wife, my amazing son!" Daddy called out.

Mother must have known, from my concerned outburst, something troubled me, but there was no time to explain. Father had finally come home. She told me, clearly and strongly, "You've done nothing to be ashamed about, Billy. What happened here was wonderful. I will explain everything to your father, in time. Remember, no secrets in the family, but for now, go and greet him like you always do, while I put my gown back on. She began working her arm into the flannel sleeve. I ducked out of the covers and ran to the main room.

"Dad!" I jumped, arms stretched.

He caught me, dropping his briefcase, to use both arms. "I've missed you so much, Billy. How was your trip?"

"It was really great! Mom brought a whole bag of snacks, and I got a super amazing watch for twenty dollars, and the conductor let me be her boyfriend for a day!"

"Wow!" Dad kissed my cheek. "Did you ever take a look out the windows?" He smiled.

"Of course, silly." I chided, but I suddenly realized, I couldn't remember anything I had seen of the lands Momma and I had travelled. "Momma, took pictures." At least, I was pretty sure she had.

"Hello, Glen. I've missed you so much." Mother entered, face flushed. Maybe she was embarrassed to be wearing her nightgown. "Do you two have room for me in that hug?"

Father glowered. "Just a second, Woman." He looked up and down mother's shapely figure. "I haven't seen my wife in so long, I wouldn't to cheat on her by accident." He grinned and offered an open arm, holding me up with the other. "By the stars, it is you, my precious Faun!"

We all embraced and nuzzled, until our joyous reuniting was mutually satisfied.

Mother described our journey in more detail than I had patience for, while Daddy sought the promised sandwich. I surreptitiously scuttled into the bathroom and checked inside my underwear. The crotch panel was a little wet, but I didn't see any, or recognize the smell of, my cum. What was wrong with me? I didn't dare tell anyone, not even Dad or Momma. Mother promised she would explain what happened between us. I assumed, at a better time than upon greeting Daddy after weeks of separation.

Mother did dart a careful glance at me, upon my exiting the bathroom. "...Of course, I talked with Mr. Colkick, to make sure he wanted Billy to have it." Mother explained to Daddy how I would soon have to decide whether to sell the watch back for fifty dollars or keep it."

I approached them slowly, hiding my new concern, and showed the watch to him. "What should I do, Daddy?"

"You have a tough choice, Son. That's a very expensive and useful watch. Fifty dollars is a bit more than twenty. It's a lot of money for a boy your age, but this Mr. Colkick sounds like good man. He won't take offense, no matter what you decide."

"Oh." I would have been happier for his wisdom, if my failure to cum wasn't weighing on me.

Father described his new job and the projects he was working on, while mother dug into boxes and made a bed on the sofa for me. "We'll have your father unlock the mattress in the morning."

I hardly heard her, listening to Daddy talk about all the work he had to do. It helped to take my mind off of my new trouble. I felt sorry for him. I wished I could make money for the family. The twenty dollars I spent on the watch had been all of my travelling money, even fifty wouldn't help much, but it was a lot of money for me. What Mother said next, threw all my concerns out of the window.

"Billy said, he saw a witch this evening, on the roof of the building."

Father's eyes clung to me. "Really?"

"I, for one, believe him." Mother stood up for me. "What do you make of it?"

"I'd say our son is a very brave, young man." Daddy asked, "Didn't anyone warn you?"

Mother hadn't been. Her husband's question confused her. I jumped in, to save her. "The manager said the roof was dangerous."

"Well," Daddy nodded suspiciously, "That's not untrue. It's possible to fall off the roof, but he should have explained the situation up there, instead of scaring you." Daddy guessed right, that I had been scared. "The woman you saw on the roof, Billy, she owns the building."

"Honestly?" Mother exclaimed. "That's hard to believe."

"I didn't either. Except for sleeping on the roof, Ms. McDougal is a respectable woman."

"She said she was a witch!" I repeated.

"She may call herself that, Billy, but I think she's an angel." Daddy told Mother, "Gladys McDougal could charge twice the rent for her apartments. But she actually cares about her tenants. Most of them have lived here through years that saw every other rent in the neighborhood jack up higher and higher. Our landlady spends plenty to keep the building in top shape, too. If you ever have a problem with the apartment, she'll send one of the managers, Godwin or Colleen, to take care of it."

"Does she really live on the roof?"

"She sleeps there. She swears it's the only way she can get a full night's sleep. I don't care, as long at it helps her. She even has a pup tent, for when it rains. Actually, she lives in one of the apartments downstairs."

"Wow." I breathed. Ms. McDougal didn't sound so scary after all, but I wasn't in any hurry to encounter her again, even if she wasn't on the roof.

"Bless my stars." Mother said. "The things you learn about people. It's too easy to misjudge them." She looked at me, the slightest of concern on her face. "On the matter of sleeping..." She dangled.

My bed had been made. It was only kinda late. I didn't have to go to bed by then, unless the next day was a school day.

Some invisible signal passed between Mom and Dad. He stood up and hugged me. "I'm so sorry, Billy, that I had to be away for a long time. Can you forgive me?"

"Of course, Silly." I closed my eyes and returned the hug.

He let go and took Mother in his arms. "We're all tired. Your mother and I are going to bed. Sleep when you can, Billy. I'll be up, bright and early. Tell me about your one day girlfriend, in the morning. He grinned and led mother to their bedroom.

I sighed, having been shut alone in the main room. It was a sigh of relief! I took off my pants and underwear and looked at my penis. It looked like it always did, except for a little redness where it rubbed against my shorts. I changed into my pajamas and played with my watch, to distract myself.

I heard noises from the bedroom. The walls or door must have been thinner than our old apartment. I knew Mother and Father played with each other. They called it, "...having a little party, just for themselves." I always thought they played a game or ate candy. In the last three days, I had learned what the sounds they made meant. Daddy was making a baby with Momma. Compared to me and Mrs. Abbey, they were pretty quiet about it. A long silence ended their party. I was about to go to bed, when I heard Momma talking. Moving next to the door, I could make out her words.

"We promised, when we got him that picture book, we would support any choice Billy made regarding sex, as long as it wouldn't harm him. I need you to uphold your promise, Glen. Billy has begun to explore. More than questions, he has me doing things for him. I need your support, if I'm going to continue to do them."

"You'll stop, if I don't uphold my promise?"

"That's right, Glen. You're as much his father as I am his mother. I don't believe bullshit about a mother being the more important parent."

Father answered, "Well, I recall another promise, that I made to you. I would love, honor, and support you through all the difficulties of making a life together. Our children are a part of that life. I trust, you don't want me to suffer, but if Billy decided something that might hurt my feelings, and you needed to support him over me, I will never fault your choice."

"Glen, you are wonderful, and I love you with all of my soul. Let me show you how much, with all of my body, again." Sheets rustled and their bed creaked.

"He's listening. Isn't he?"

There came light, smacking noises. "Probably. Just imagine what we're encouraging."

"Love, I'm already as hard as I can get!" Father complained humorously.

The sounds from their room relapsed into embarrassing gasps and exhortations. I climbed in bed and covered my ears with the pillow, but I couldn't sleep right away.

Tomorrow would be another day for Momma and I, to acclimate to our new home in a new city. I didn't have to go to school until next week. I made plans in my head. I had met many people and discovered all sorts of places. And there was the matter of my abrupt impotence. It was hard to decide all that I should do.
I was still asleep when the shower started. I woke to Dad singing. I couldn't hear what he sang, but his voice echoed through the bathroom door like a bad, public address speaker. I knocked and entered the source of my alarm clock. Our previous place was also small. So sharing a bathroom was no big deal. I peed and washed my hands.

"What do you want for breakfast, Billy?" Dad asked from the shower.

"I'm not hungry yet."

"Sun won't be up for another twenty minutes, but if you don't mind sitting with me while I grab a bite - I want to talk about this new life of ours."

"Sure." I returned to my bed and grabbed the blanket. I sat at the counter, unplugged my watch and buckled it on my wrist.

Dad emerged later, from their bedroom, dressed for work. He put on an apron before scrambling eggs and frying sausages. The latter spatter.

"Piece of toast and jam?" He counted slices.

"I guess so." I got the jam out of the fridge. Apricot was his favorite. It was the only one. Mom would want to go shopping today, I bet. She didn't like apricot. Yesterday's stop at the corner market was just for a few things.

"Billy, the local school, Lilith Middle School, is well regarded in the city. Central Heights has the best schools, but Lilith gets more bang for our tax bucks." He stirred the eggs.

Today was Thursday, I started next Monday. I hated school. It was so boring, but I missed my friends.

"Your grades were spotty last year. Your Mom and I think you were bored. Well, the teachers at Lilith are paid extra for personal instruction, and the class sizes are small. Which means, they are incentivized to find your limits. I met with the Principal, and she claims that Lilith's teachers are hired for their sense of duty, over raw credentials. I think you might find yourself challenged but able to use the teachers as you need. But here's the important thing." He slid the eggs and sausage on a plate, set them on the table, and looked me in the eyes. "If this school bores you, and your grades are really good, we'll send you to high school a year early."

I wasn't really listening. "Okay." The toast popped.

We ate. Daddy was clearly not trying to rush.

"Dad, how come, if you and Mom have been making babies at night, for years, Mom doesn't have one?"

He choked on a piece of egg. "CHHHHAA!" A slug of milk cleared his throat. "Sorry, Billy. By making babies, do you mean sex?"

"I mean fucking, Daddy." I said.

He blinked. "Yeah, okay, that." He took a bite of sausage and chewed. "I use a condom, when your mother and I have sex. Do you know about those?"

I shook my head.

"They keep my sperm from reaching your mother's eggs. I can explain about condoms tonight, when I have more time."

I looked at Dad's plate. The yellow globs on it were suddenly very funny. I didn't laugh. "Do you ever run out of sperm?" The question froze him. I felt a little guilty.

His face blanked, for several seconds. Then he grinned. "I used to, when your Mom and I first met. We had sex so often, my gona-, um, balls couldn't make it fast enough."

"Now they make more sperm or faster?"

"Uh, not exactly." Father looked at his plate. He changed the subject. "You said the conductor was your girlfriend for a day?" His eyes stayed low. He grabbed his toast and bit it.

"Uh-huh. Jacqueline even let me sleep with her and her work friend." I added. "I didn't tell Momma. She was sleeping."

"Okay." His face lifted and smiled at me. "Just between us guys?"

"Yeah, Dad."

"Is there anything else you want to say about her or that night?" He looked a little worried.

"It was nice to sleep in a bunk instead of the train seat."

"I, uh, bet." He breathed a sigh of relief. Father did bolt down his food then. "I'm sorry I have to work so much, Billy. We'll talk more tonight."

"I'm sorry too, Dad."

Momma appeared in the door, as Daddy was about to leave. "You're forgetting something."

Dad's smile beamed at her. "The most important thing? Never!" He darted to her and hugged and kissed her. Separating, he said, "That's more makeup than you usually wear. Has the big city turned you Cosmo?"

I didn't know what he meant by that.

"No, Dear." Mother's smile gave him a slight grin. "I have a new cold cream formula I'm trying."

"All the paint in the world can't hide your beauty, Love." Dad scurried out of the apartment.

"Silly." Mom's neck reddened, starting from where her makeup ended.

I looked up from my watch, having nibbled the last of my toast. "Momma, can we go to the library today?" I didn't tell her I wanted to find a book about how to get balls to make more cum. "It's not far from the school."

"I suppose, but we have a lot of unpacking to do first." She yawned.

I spent all morning helping her with the moving boxes, unable to tell her that I had run out of cum. We stopped after unpacking her folding shopping cart. She knew a grocery store was also near the library. She would drop me off while shopping. "The corner market doesn't carry everything we need, but for minor things, it's very convenient."

That's how I found myself in the library, facing the ugliest man I ever saw. "Say that again, I swear you said something you shouldn't have." He was taller than my dad but his face was thin enough to cut you. His eyes were bloodshot and his nose was red and sniffling. He sneezed, barely turning away, to avoid blasting my face.

"Mr. Sanders, you should be in bed." A woman in a dark red jacket and black pants emerged from the room behind the library counter. Her badge read, "Assistant Librarian, Janice."

"Ms. Vorton, I'm perfectly fine." The head librarian complained and sniffed. He pulled a damp handkerchief out of his pocket, blew his nose, and returned it to his pocket. Pulling out his hand, he rubbed it on his trousers. He told me, "Ask Ms. Vorton what you asked me. My ears must be full of mucus."

"I will not stand here, while you exhale germs." The assistant glared.

"Fine. You help the boy, but I think he's needs a professional." Mr. Sanders ambled towards the main stacks.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Ms. Vorton mumbled. She bent to me. "How can I help you, young man?"

"I need a book that shows how my balls can make more cum."

"Ah. So that's what he meant." Her smile turned porcelain. She took a breath. "We do have a special collection for young adults, to read about human sexuality, but I'm afraid that kind of book is not one of them."

"Oh." I sighed.

"And we would need a signed approval from a parent."

I lost hope. Mom wouldn't pick me up for at least an hour, and there was no way I'd ask her to sign for such a book, if they had one. Now I was stuck in the library with nothing to do! "Thank you, Ma-am. Do you know where I could learn about getting my balls to make more cum?"

Her head tilted, not sure what to make of me. "I think you're serious."

"I wouldn't pretend about something like this." I pouted.

"Okay." She nodded slowly. "You've made me curious. Would you mind if I asked you some questions about what your looking for?" Her head tilted at the room behind her. "In the office?"

If that would help me find what I needed to learn. There wasn't anything else to do, and my watch didn't have games on it, other than stupid card games. "I guess."

She opened the door. Inside I found a wooden chair before an oak desk. She sat in the leather chair behind it, after shutting the door. "What's your name?"


"Hi, Billy. I'm Janice. First of all, you don't have to stay here. You can leave whenever you feel like it."

I wasn't worried, until she said that. "You locked the door."

"There's the key." She had set it on the desk corner closest to me. "I'll unlock it the moment you want to leave. You're welcome to unlock it yourself. But everything we say in here is private. I won't tell anyone. You're safe here, to talk about anything."

"Oh." That sounded okay. "I want my balls to make more cum or make cum faster."

"Do you mind telling me why you want that?"

"I ran out."

Ms. Vorton first gulped and then swallowed. Her voice rasped. "Out of, um, c-cum?" It was actually more like a squeak.

"Yeah, I never made so many babies before. The city is really tough that way."

"H-how many babies have you made?" Her eyes bulged.

"Huh, I have to count." I mentally tallied the last three days. "Ten? But I guess I shouldn't count the times I got masturbated."

The woman blushed very slowly. "Are you sure you're not fibbing, Billy?"

I described all the women, except Momma, who made babies with me, and when. Telling Daddy about what Momma did for me, might be fine, but I didn't want to tell anyone else.

Ms. Vorton shifted in her seat. "Th-that's really hard to believe- But, I believe you, Billy. There's something..." She was clearly puzzled, studying me. "...about you. I should be calling the police, but I swear - not only are you telling the truth - I'm suddenly wanting to-" She shook her head. "I'm sorry, Billy. I invited you in, to learn what you needed. I got distracted."

"Do you know, now, where I can find the book I'm looking for?"

"Well, Billy," She finally explained. "We probably do have a book that can help you, but it won't be about increasing your sperm. Sorry. Do you know that word?"

"Uh-huh. It's also seed and boy juice and fuck sauce-"

"Yes, so many words." She gulped and blushed harder.

"But you have a book that can help?" I remembered. "Only, I have to get my mom to sign a paper."

"To get the book, yes." Her lips clenched. "But I don't need an approval to tell you the answer, right now."

"The answer?"

"To why you ran out of sp- uh, cum." She licked her lips after saying that.

"Why, Ms. Vorton?"

Her eyes glazed over, looking at me. "I'll tell you, Billy, but would you mind calling me, 'Bitch Janice?'" Her hands moved behind the desk at the level of her hips.

"Okay, Bitch Janice, why?"

"Just a second." A zipper whispered from behind the desk. "The reason is, Billy, your body is growing, and your, um, b-balls, Mmmmm." She moaned. "It will make more in time." She started breathing heavy. I heard squishing sounds from behind the desk. "You just have to wait a day or two. You simply made too many babies - Ohhh, I love hearing that! - in a very short time."

"You mean, I'll have lots of cum tomorrow?"

"You might have fresh, Ungh! - CUM - Ahhh!, right now, i-if you didn't mastur- wank yourself, this morning." Smoke curled in Ms. Vorton's eyes. She groaned. Her upper arm fidgeted or something like that. "Those words!"

My first instinct was to jack off and see if I did have cum again, but if what she said was true, I might find out and run out again. I decided absolutely, I'd much rather spend my cum making babies, than jerking off. My pee pee got hard at the idea of not wasting its precious cum, but I really wanted to find out if she was right!

What decided the moment, was the funny way Ms. Vorton acted. Had she caught Mr. Sander's sickness? Her face was getting red. I carefully took the key, when she next spasmed and grunted. "Ooohh, tell me more nasty words, Billy!" She begged.

"I'd rather be doing homework than catch the cooties, Bitch Janice." I unlocked the door and slipped out, right as she wailed intensely.

I left the counter area, but Mr Sanders snuffled up. "What was that noise? Did Ms. Vorton figure out what you wanted?"

"You should be in bed, Mr. Sanders." I was angry. I might have made a baby with Bitch Janice if she hadn't caught his cooties. I left the library in a huff. Outside, the city loomed large. I had less than an hour before Momma would pick me up here, which felt like an eternity. I used my watch to find my new school, by connecting to the library's public wifi. Lilith middle school was ten minutes away, according to it. I hustled down the sidewalk, and looked around. The neighborhood was nicer than my new one, but not as nice as our old town. Three boys and a tall girl were playing basketball in the schoolyard. I walked up to the court but didn't say anything.

A black kid saw me. "Hey, short stuff, don't jinx my moves." He frowned. The game paused, and I was suddenly the center of attention. This was the moment that all kids feared, meeting others as the new kid in town.

"You were jinxed before I got here." I stuck my tongue out at the girl.

A tan colored boy snickered.

"I oughta pound you, creep!" The black girl showed a fist. She wore sweats and a hoodie with the hood down.

"Careful, Trish, some of the teachers are getting ready for next week." The first boy warned.

I couldn't let the conversation exclude me. "You're only a jinx, Trish, cuz you're better than these guys. I saw how you made that last basket."

"Oh, so the white kid thinks he know something about basketball." A white kid sneered.

"I suck at sports, but I know a lot about girls."

The court fell silent.

"This punk doesn't know bull." Trish called me out.

"I know how to make a baby in you."

"Who don't?" The black kid snorted. The other boys rallied to him. "Yeah." They all acted tough."

"You're just a little boy, pretending to be big stuff." Trish dismissed me. "We wasted enough time with this brat."

These kids were no different than any others I'd meet at this school. I couldn't let them dump me like garbage.

"When did you bleed last, Trish? If it was two weeks ago, I can make a baby in you today."

"Bleed?" The tan boy screwed up his face at her.

Trish turned back and carried her fist up to my face. "Shut up, nerd." It was the ultimate insult, but it backfired. She basically confirmed I said something smart.

"Whoa!" The white kid said. "Maybe she's on the rag now! My dad says, when Mom's on the rag she's a nightmare."

The two other boys looked at each other and shrugged. They had no horse in this race.

"I'm Billy. What's your name?" I asked the white boy.


"What your Dad said is bull, Steve. Guys have hormone circles too. You could be on the rag, right now. Women bleed cuz it gets their body ready to make a baby. We don't grow babies inside us. All we do is make a little bit of sperm. Bleeding means power."

"Nobody makes fun of the nerd." Trish eyed her friends. "That's my job." To me she laughed. "Git outta here, you little dumb ass. We don't give a clam about that stuff. We're here to play basketball."

Before I could, Steve tackled me. "You piece of crap!"

We didn't wrestle for very long. He was bigger than me. He hit my face before Trish grabbed his arm. "No!"

A teacher ran out from the main building. "Stop that fighting!" She hollered. She was a young woman wearing a knee hugging skirt and a blouse. Her jacket matched her dark green skirt. She had blond brown hair in a bun.

"They weren't fighting, Ms. Hennifar. They were just rassling."

The teacher jogged up to us. "You're injured, lad." Her strange accent stood out, when not shouting.

I mustered will to ignore the pain. "No, Ma-am. It's my fault. I fell wrong."

Steve countered. "I started it, Ms. Hennifar. I wanted to show the new kid a move I saw in a movie."

"Al? Wendel?" The concerned woman, "What really happened?"

"Huh, I didn't see it. I was talking to Wendel." Al, the black boy, shrugged.

Wendel frowned. "Like he said." The tan boy eyed Al.

Ms. Hennifer. "Well, aren't the five of you, one big happy family. Here." She held a hand to me. "Get up."

I didn't take her hand. I stood by myself, trying to act like the bash on my face was superficial.

The teacher drew herself up. "This year, children, the school is enacting a strict, anti-bullying policy. Your parents will be held accountable, when we can show physical or mental harm. They will have to attend special classes, when you try to earn status among your peers at the expense of another student." Her accent made some of her words sound really funny. I giggled.

"Come with me, lad. I'll put antiseptic on your cut." She pinched her lips at me. I shouldn't have giggled.

I looked at my watch. I needed to get back to the library. I could email Mom, if the school had a public wifi. We had set up her her phone to ping, when I emailed her. She didn't have a smartphone, but it got text messages. Mom's email forwarded my emails as text.

I worried that cleaning the scratch on my cheek would take too long, but I had possibly made Ms. Hennifer angry when I giggled. That would be bad, to start school with a teacher mad at me.
"Gee, you must be rich!" Trish gasp at my watch when it lit up to show the time. The other boys stared, trying to act unimpressed.

"Come along." Ms. Hennifer repeated, more urgently. She turned, clearly expecting me to follow.

"I'm suppose to meet my mom." I said lamely. I should have insisted, but I mustn't cause the determined teacher additional frustration. What if she were one of my teachers, starting next week! Mother would have to understand. There just had to be wifi in the school, so I could warn her!

Just as I fell in behind Ms. Hennifer, Steve darted up and whispered in my ear. "Next time, I'm gonna pound you, momma's boy!" That was worse than being called a nerd.

"We'll phone your mother." The teacher called back. I trudged, as if being led to prison.

Halfway to the school's side entrance, I discovered that maybe prison might not be so bad. Ms. Hennifer walked with a pronounced strut that swung her behind like no woman I'd seen before. Her tight, half skirt hugged them like Momma's exercise pants. I couldn't see the teacher's chest. I don't remember her breasts being particularly large, but they clearly swayed opposite her rear as we marched along.

Then I was thinking about my cum. Ms. Vorton said I had waited long enough, that I might cum again. If she hadn't been possessed by cooties, I might have learned the truth with her. I doubted I could make a baby with a teacher so easily. That seemed like something they shouldn't do with a student. I'd heard stories, on the news, about teachers arrested. For all her stern talk, I would feel terrible if she got arrested, worse if I got arrested!

Ms. Hennifer unlocked the door with a key and opened it for me. "What's your name, lad?"

"Billy." I peeked into the dimly lit hallway.

"I'm Ms. Hennifer. I teach maths." She said it plural. "Gowan in." She did not like me hesitating. "There's a first aid kit in my desk. I don't think we'll need the nurse's office."

I gulped and stepped into the prison's corridor. She shut the door and quickly passed me. Her hard heeled shoes clacked like the sound of doors locking, echoing down the hall.

Her room, 217, was thankfully only four doors down. She unlocked and opened it for me, clearly expecting me to be more responsive. "Take a chair and bring it to my desk, young lad." She followed me in but went to her desk, opened a bottom drawer, and pulled out a red and white, plastic box. Setting it on her desk, she unlatched it. Snap!

Cartoon cut out figures were taped across the top of whiteboards along the far wall. Young boys and girls holding calculators, spoke equations in white balloons, "3 x X = 18." One had a strange symbol next to an "r" that had a little 2 raised above and to the right of it. It looked scarier than the fractions I remembered from my last grade. Heavy curtains were pulled back, and the room lights were off. I could see the basketball court, but Trish and her friends must have left. I was alone with Ms. Hennifer.

"I said, bring a chair." She reminded. I had stopped next to one before looking around. I grabbed it and half lifted, half dragged it to her desk. She had already tore open a cleaning wipe.

I sat, and she rubbed it on my scratch. "Now tell me the truth, Billy. What happened out there? I promise, I won't get your friends in trouble. The school principal expects us to have no tolerance for bullying behaviors, and I agree, but a wee scrape between young lads on a playground isn't always bullying."

I didn't know what to say. So I said the more important thing worrying me. "You said we would call my momma."

"Well, ain't we got spirit! I'll call her, when you've answered my question." She stared confidently. She opened a small tube of antiseptic and squeezed a dab on the end of her finger. She had wiped that finger before tossing the wipe tissue in the trash. "Tell me, now." She daubed the goo on my cut.

I shook my head. "I'm sorry, but Momma will worry. I'm suppose to be at the library."

"Billy!" She cut the air with my name, without raising her voice. "If you refuse to answer, I may have to employ a timeless encouragement." Somehow she could speak severely while opening a bandage and applying it carefully across my cheek.

I sat sullen. She meant she might spank me. The teachers at my old school weren't allowed to spank students. I suddenly hated moving to the city. "You're mean!" I pouted.

"I've had enough of your guff, lad. What is your mother's number? She pulled her phone from a jacket pocket.

She wasn't going to spank me? I nearly sighed, but my next breath stuck in my throat. She was going to tell Momma that I was being bad!

"Billy, I'm serious. According to the law, I have to call your parents or the police. Who should I call?"

This horrid witch teacher had trapped me! If I confessed that Steve attacked me, the kids at school would call me a snitch! If I didn't, she was going to call Momma, or worse the police! I caved quickly and told her mom's phone number. I hung my head while she punched it into her smartphone. It wasn't very new, but it was a good one. I dreamed about having a smartphone, one day. I was still amazed that I had a watch almost as cool!

Ms. Hennifer set her phone to speaker mode. Mother's dulcet tone sang beautifully from the phone's somewhat decent, tiny speakers. "Hello?"

"Excuse me, Madam, I'm a teacher at Lilith Middle School, I have Billy here. He's fine, but he said he was supposed to meet you at the library?"


"I'm here, Momma." I suddenly felt like a kidnap victim helping kidnappers demand ransom.

"You're at the school?"

"We are, Ma-am. My name is Ms. Hennifer. We're in my classroom. I can take him to the library, but I wasn't expecting a delay today. It's the last day I have to ready my room for class next week."

"I'm Faun Androni, Ms. Hennifer. I am so grateful to have you watching him!"

"Weeelll," the teacher began, "He had a wee bit of a fracas with another student, in the yard. I'm trying to learn what happened, but the story they told me doesn't add up."

"Billy's okay?"

"It's just a scratch, Momma. The teacher is making a big deal over nothing."

"You see what I mean, Ma-am?"

"I do. You suspect Billy's not being entirely honest."

"My words, Missus, as if you plucked them out of my mouth."

"I want to go home, Momma."

"I'm sure you do, Billy. The problem is, my credit card isn't working, and I'm stuck at the grocery store. After I used it yesterday, in a new city, the card company blocked it in case someone had stolen it. The store is being very helpful to resolve the matter, but it may take some time. I messaged your email, to tell you. I imagine you haven't read it."

"What would you like me to do, Ms. Androni?" The teacher asked.

"Whatever's convenient for you. Thank you again for looking out for him. You're welcome to drop him off at the library and continue working, but you're welcome to put him to work. If he can't be honest, he can at least do honest work."

"Momma, that's not fair!" I wasn't crying or anything, but Ms. Hennifer shook her head at me, disappointed.

"Billy, listen to me. Teachers will be the most important people in your life, for many years. They perform one of the most difficult and most important jobs in the world, with minimal support from most communities. If you don't learn to respect and honor good teachers, you will be a lesser man when you come into your own."

"Goodness, Ma-am!" The blush on Ms. Hennifer's cheeks surprised me.

"I'm serious, Ms. Hennifer. I recommend putting my boy to work. I would help myself, if I wasn't tied up with this credit card matter. Concerning the incident in the yard, and assuming Billy is okay, I leave it to your judgement as to how to learn the truth."

"I admit, the lad has frustrated me about it. I'm no saint, but I need to be sure it was not a matter of bullying. The school has strict regulations."

"By chance, are you Scotch-Irish, Ms. Hennifer?"

"Yes, Ma-am, but more Scot, than that far kin, if you know wet I mean."

"It pleases me to hear that. My grandfather was born in Glasgow. He knew how to sift a young man until his words came true, if you know what I mean."

"I think I do, Ms. Androni, but as your son is not officially a student, I can't use that option."

Mother's bombshell buried me in burning dirt. She told the same thing to Father, the first time he spanked me, years ago. I had never felt so betrayed, then or now. I couldn't even squeak out a complaint.

"Can your phone record calls?" Mother continued to tear at my heart.

"It can."

"Please, switch that on now. I want you to have a record of what I'm about to say."

The teacher tapped something on her phone. "It's recording now."

"Ms. Hennifer, my name is Faun Androni, the mother of Billy Androni. While my son is in your care, in or out of school, I appoint you as Billy's temporary guardian. You may employ whatever means, legal for a parent or guardian, to ensure the safety, and healthy behavior, of my son. This appointment will last until I or my husband explicitly revokes it.

"Is that sufficient authority for you, Ms. Hennifer?"

"Goodness! That's far beyond what a parent should give to another person. We haven't even met!"

"Ms. Hennifer, I am very close to my son. I know him better than most parents know their children. Every time he's spoken, I hear his confidence, even from my phone's poor speaker. He's unsure about you, but I am not. However, his heart will surprise you and earn your trust as you have earned mine."

"I am not one to trust lightly, but Ms. Androni, I promise to use the authority you have given, wisely."

"There's only one thing left to ask."

"Yes?" The teacher blinked.

"If Billy should require physical correction, please follow it with heartfelt comfort. His father and I have worked hard to help him understand that correction should never be employed out of malice. I want to be clear, I'm sure this not the case, but now you know how we go about it. I've given you full authority to do as you see fit, regardless."

"I, um, understand." Ms. Hennifer sounded off balanced.

"Thank you for taking care of Billy until I can resolve my credit card. I have your number on my phone. I'll call it as soon as I can come and pick up my boy."

"No, Momma! Wait!" I cried out. The smartphone clicked and darkened.

"Your mother is an amazing person, Billy."

I truly was in prison. I looked at my jailor and wanted to throw up.

Ms. Hennifer did not believe in pleasantries. She accepted my mother's offer, ready to earn it. "You'll find cleaning rags on the white boards, Billy. Take them to the bathroom and rinse them. Wring them out, after rinsing. When you bring them back, I want you to wipe the students' desks. While you're doing that, I expect you to supply the full account of what happened in the yard."

She stood and pulled more cartoon cutouts from a large box on her desk. "You'll see the bathroom if you continue down the hall, away from the door to the grounds."

I took the rags quickly and went down the hall. When I entered the bathroom, a brilliant idea occurred to me. If I dumped the rags in front of the teacher's door and ran outside, I could run to the library where I could email Momma, tell her the teacher dropped me off, and escape snitching on the kids who might make my life at school miserable.

All I had to do was act on it, or otherwise ruin any chance of surviving my new school.

I'm glad I didn't rush off and make everything worse. It was because of the mirror. I saw myself in the bathroom, with a bunch of rags, looking like a trapped rat, what I imagined one looked like. Running off is what a kid might do. I might escape the other kids' vengeance, but Ms. Hennifer would hold it against me. Worst of all, if she called Momma and ratted me out, Mother would lose respect for me. She might never do adult things with me again. I had to accept facing one harsh reality or another. I averted my eyes from the mirror, while I rinsed and wrung out the rags. At least I could choose - or maybe..., an idea formed, ...make a bargain.

When I entered the classroom, she gave me an eye that asked, "What took you so long?" She turned the eye back to her work, taping more cartoons above the white boards. I began wiping down the first desk. She cleared her throat, "Well?"

"Ms. Hennifer, I'm not going tell you what happened in the school yard. I'm going to deal with it, myself. I don't care if you spank me." I started wiping the next desk.

"Is that so?" The teacher said nothing, until she finished taping the cartoon she was holding. "Come to my desk, Billy." Her shoes clacked on the linoleum tile floor. They stopped at her desk.

I set down my rags and shuffled over.

"I dint wan te do this, but what you said demands correcting." She sat in her chair and scooted it back from the desk. "Take down your trousers, laddie. Then bend over my lap."

Huh? Take down my trousers? That didn't seem right! "My parents don't take down my pants." I complained.

"I'm not your parents, Billy. I'm using the authority your mother gave to me, 'as I see fit.'" She spoke curtly, my mother's own words.

I gulped. My hands fumbled with the belt. Unbuckling it, I felt a rush of courage. I'd show her! I dropped both my pants and my underwear. My pee pee was soft, but I was still proud of it. I had made babies with women older than Ms. Hennifer!

"Billy!" She flinched. "I meant just your tr-." She saw my fierce defiance. "Fine, lad. We'll do it your way." She surprised me then, by pulling her knee skirt up to her thighs. I couldn't see her panties, but I noticed she wore stockings. Mother did when she occasionally dressed up.

"I donae wan yer bits to soil me skirt. Now bend over."

I pressed my lips together and lay my chest on her thighs.

"Scoot forward, Billy. I want more swinging room." She threatened.

I crept until my 'bits' pushed into her thigh.

"That won't do, lad. I want your arse on my lap, facing me."

I had to lift and sorta hop. My pee pee wedged in between her thighs. My legs dangled nearly straight. I felt a stirring in my loins, from the sensation of my soft wiener against her nylon clad thighs.

WHACK! Ms. Hennifer's hand struck my bare buttock. I managed not to cry out, but she hit me harder than Daddy.

"That was to make sure you're in the right position." She adjusted my angle, with a slight push to my knees. "Now I want you to count, aloud. If you miscount, we will start again at one. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Ms. Hennifer. How ma-" SWAT! "OW!" She surprised me. I promised myself, I wouldn't cry.

"Hush and count."

"Wha-w- one."

SWACK! I managed to stifle another outburst. "Two."

She spanked me three more times.

"Five." It was hurting, but not too bad. Father never spanked me that hard, but I was pretty sure, she hadn't finished.

"I want to explain, Billy. I'm not spanking you because you won't tell what happened. This is more serious. CRACK!

I yipped! My resolve was at the breaking point. "Sssix." What was she spanking me for? I didn't dare ask. I felt less brave by the second.


"Sssseven." My throat then whined against my will. I told myself, she would stop at ten.

"Billy." Her voice was as grave as I ever heard. "You said you didn't care."


"Aaahh! Eight." I squeaked.

"You must NEVER not care!" THWACK! Her hand smashed like iron against my sore behind!

"WAaaa!!" I wailed. I felt tears in my eyes. I almost forgot, but she gave me a second to catch my breath. "N-nine."

"Caring is how people get along." CRACK!

"Oooohhhh, nooo." I wimpered. But that was ten. I felt will resurge. "Ten."


"WHAAATT?" I cried!

"Billy, I'm going to redden your arse until you understand." SWACK! "You have to care about others." SMACK! "About the world." SWAT! SWAT! SWAT! "And most of all, you must damn well care about yourself!" CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK!

The pain had me blubbering, "OW! Oooohhh! AAAA!!" I had lot count, "Twenty?" Any stiffness in my pee pee had vanished.

"Close enough, Billy." She reached forward, above me, to the desk. "For today." Her hand shuffled in the first aid kit. I was crying too much to look. "When you're a student in ma maths class, I expect precise numbers. You want to be a good student, doncha Billy?"

"Y-yes, Ms. Hennifer." I breathed.

"You'll be a special student, if you have my class. I've never been able to do this, to any other. I don't like doing it, but what you said, almost made me mad. I would never spank you when I'm angry. I care very much about my students. I don't have children of my own. I doubt I'll even marry. I love teaching more than anything. I'm sorry I had to correct you, Billy. I want to show my love now."

Something cold squirted across my inflamed cheeks. Her hand touched the thick goo and began to rub it softly into my bright red skin. It warmed quickly. "Billy, I can't- I mean, spanking can't," She corrected herself. "Make you care. You have to feel caring. I need you to realize, that you can always care." The flames in my butt cooled, as the soothing gel warmed.

"To thrive in this world, a man must care. Caring is hard. Its easy to let faults in the world, in people, widen." Her odd voice sounded almost like a song. She did sing then.
"Oh, hearts are blessed with power of life."
"But quail beneath evil will."
"Yet minds beset by troubles and strife,"
"Persevere all pains when still."

The song lulled me, took me away from my pain. When she stopped, my senses returned to soreness only. I sensed something else - my penis had grown between Ms. Hennifer's thighs. I felt my face reddened then. It wasn't full hard, but she must have-

"Heavens, Billy." Her hand stopped rubbing the lotion. "I didn't expect this," She paused. "Or I would have insisted you wear pants."

"I'm sorry, Ms. Hennifer."

"I-it's not worth fretting over. An erection is perfected normal, um, when rubbed." Her voice slightly fretted. "Stand up."

I managed to pick myself off of her lap and stand, wincing only a couple times. My pee pee jutted out, half hard. It pointed at the bulge in her jacket. I expected her to tell me to pull up my pants. Her very stern face softened. She looked almost puzzled. I felt I should say something.

"You just think I'm a kid, Ms. Hennifer, but I know stuff, maybe not much math, but I know a hard pee pee is nothing to feel bad about. I know bullying, Ms. Hennifer. People, not just kids, hurt others to pretend to be tough. Your spanking hurt a lot, but you don't have to pretend. If Momma likes you, you can spank me, and I won't complain, um, after." I sniffed. "My pee pee has done adult things, making babies even. You don't want to have kids. So I won't ask you. But I'm not a kid, okay?" I told the teacher I wouldn't complain, but I wasn't going to let Momma off the hook as easily, for betraying me.

Ms. Hennifer gaped at me. "B-billy, are you being abused? Is someone forcing you to use your, uh, penis?" She took her phone from the desk. It flashed to life in her hand.

"Heck, no Ms. Hennifer!" I almost shouted. "One nice lady asked me, to abuse HER!" I calmed. "Um, but not badly, not nearly as bad as your spanking."

"Do your parents know?" Her voice creaked, loading her question with suspicion.

"Oh, I can't let them know. I'm telling you, because Momma trusts you." And to emphasize that I wasn't a kid.

I saw a tear seep out of her left eye. "I-I didn't realize - until now" She swallowed. "Billy, I'm sorry. You're right. I did spank you too hard, because-" Her throat gave a curt whine. "You stood up to me. I said it was because you didn't care, and I didn't lie, but you chose a spanking over telling on your friends. I'm sorry I treated you like a kid. I'm sorry I- bullied you." A couple tears added to her cheeks. She pulled a tissue from the box on her desk and wiped her eyes. "Oh, Laddie, wot 'ave I dune?"

He accent deepened as emotions broke through her self-control. I stood before the woman sitting hunched over, daubing a tissue to her eyes. My pee pee hardened as I felt power drain from her and into me.

"It's okay, Ms. Hennifer." I reached out and touched her tightly bunned, gold brown hair. "I know you love being a teacher. You rubbed that cool stuff on my sore butt to show that you care. Momma wanted you to comfort me, and you did. That stuff made it feel better, but now I feel another need. My pee pee isn't sore, but it wants to be comforted. It wouldn't be this way, if you hadn't rubbed that stuff." I wouldn't have been hard if I hadn't lain naked across her beautiful thighs, too, but I didn't say that.

The sorry teacher looked up and studied my young erection. It seemed to calm her. Her abrupt grin surprised me. "Lad, don be putt'n on me, what's rightly half your fault. You chose to strip."

"I was mad at you, because you were treating me like a kid."

"Oh, and wot do your ma say about git'n riled?" She winked, intentionally exaggerating her accent.

She had me there. Momma says real grown-ups handle their anger in ways that don't make other's angry. I had defied Ms. Hennifer twice, once by not ratting out Steve and once by blatantly stripping. I didn't know what to say.

"Billy, I made a mistake today, but I won't make another." She sat up and leaned back in her chair. "You might become my student, and I mustn't take advantage of your invite. That would be very wrong and set a bad precedent between you and I." Her accent vanished. "I promise I won't abuse my authority again. I hope to earn your respect. That's the only way I can do my job well, where you're concerned." She won back much of her power.

My erection slightly softened but not visibly. "I guess so, Ms. Hennifer." I reached for the pants around my ankles.

"You are right, though." She continued, slightly amused. "A hard penis is nothing to feel bad about. If you want to make it feel good, you're welcome to use that bottle of lotion."

I brightened at her gay tone. Earlier that day, I felt I shouldn't waste my cum, but I was so pleased by her suggestion I forgot all that. "Sure!" I took the lotion and squeezed it on my hand. I started rubbing my hard pee pee while thinking about how pretty, Ms. Hennifer was.

"Give me one second, and I'll be right back, Billy. I have a responsibility to your mother." She got up and glided to the windows. I slowed my wanking. I almost stopped - in horror! I had totally forgotten. The classroom curtains were wide open!

She drew the curtains closed and returned still smiling. "This is nobody else's business."

My hand quickly resumed its pace when she sat and watched me, with that whimsical smile. It reminded me of my mother's knowing grin.

"Ooohh." I moaned. "I like how you're looking at me, Ms. Hennifer."

"Do you, lad?" She mused.

"You're really pretty, and I don't feel like a kid in front of you."

She licked her lips. "No, Billy, I won't treat you like a kid, anymore. I hope you know that masturbation is something men should enjoy, even when they have women to make babies with." I didn't realize it at the time, but Ms. Hennifer was wise to use my words instead of fancy technical ones.

"Yes, Ma-am. It's feeling really good now." I wriggled my pelvis to add friction to the lotion that let me jack off fast. "Nnnnnggg!" I groaned.

"I see you're very good at that, Billy. I'm glad I'm not spoiling it."

"No Ma-am. You're making me really hard, and I'm gonna cum soon. Oooohhh!" I slicked the lotion all over, from my dick head to the base of my firm shaft.

"You can cum?" The idea surprised her.

"I think I can." I lost some speed remembering my failure, yesterday evening. "I ran out of cum, the last time I 'jaculated. But I think it's been long enough to have more."

She looked more surprised. "Goodness, Billy, that means, in the last few days, you must have released your cum over a dozen times!" For the first time that day, Ms. Hennifer's cheeks tinged a little red.

"Is that a lot?" I was almost ready to cum, and I found her surprise very exciting, but the small worry which remained, held back my orgasm.

"It's is, Billy! And to think you expended it making babies..."

"What if I can't, Ms. Hennifer? I mean, cum now." I was too lost in emotions to hide my fear from the well intentioned teacher.

"It's okay, Billy. That's always temporary. You're a healthy, young man. You will produce more eventually and likely very quickly."

My hand flashed out and back, rubbing the hot lotion into my randy prick. "I believe you, Ms. Hennifer!" I was almost there.

"Billy, I want you to cum in my hair bun!" The woman exclaimed. "I'll explain later, but if you cum, please aim it into my bun of hair." She swiveled on her chair, facing away, and tilted her hair back. Her tight bun almost touched the tip of my slick pee pee.

I tried to say, "Okay." But her strange request and tightly bound bundle of golden hair pushed me over the edge. "OOOooooohhhhhh- Aaaayyyy!!" I yelled. My penis blasted out a huge spurt of cum. It crashed against the blond-brown mass, so close it couldn't miss. Another glob ejected out of the end of my prick and battered the first one, driving it into the tight strands. I kept moaning and jacking out fresh cum. Three more squirts soaked Ms. Hennifer's bun. Before anymore could spill out, over my hand (the last amount always did) I pressed my cock into her bun and wanked as much of it as I could before she could react.

"I'm starting to feel it." She moaned then. "It's hot and thick. Oh, Billy, it's just what I needed. Keep cumming into my hair!"

She must have felt my dick pushing her bun as I jerked my hand back and forth to get every drop into Ms. Hennifer's hair. I didn't cum as much as usual, but I was okay with that. The teacher's hair was fully soaked! It glistened from white streaks of cum. I stepped back and caught my breath. Cumming, especially into this strong woman's hair, I had never experienced an orgasm that intense, jacking off.

"Are you done?" She reached behind and touched one finger to her bun. A sticky thread pulled out and snapped as she withdrew it. Then she spun around and smiled at me. "Oh, thank you, Billy. Doing that will help me to do right by you, in the future."

I pulled several tissues from the box on her desk and began wiping myself. "What do you mean? I really liked doing it, Ms. Hennifer, but isn't it kinda gross?" Bits of wet tissue clung to my fingers as I cleaned up.

She looked naughty like a girl for a second, "It is, a little, Lad, but I treated you unfairly today, and I didn't respect your power as a young man. I'm not going to wash my hair until school starts on Monday. Until then, I'm going have your cum in my hair, to remind me to treat my students appropriately." She looked down, "And specifically to treat you the way you deserve." She blushed deeper red.

The teacher's phone sang out like a dying cat. The face of it lit up with a message. It was from Momma. "I'm at the front door of the school, Ms. Hennifer. I hope Billy has been on his best behavior."

She texted back. "Yes, Ms. Androni, your son gave me his very best."

After collecting my things, we went out to greet my mom. She immediately bent to examine the bandage on my face. Her worry eased. She straightened. "I'm jealous, Ms. Hennifer, of your golden hair. The sun makes it shine so beautifully, especially the bun."

"It would hae ta do wit the creme rinse I use, more than the color."

"I should very much like to try the creme you used." Mother once again smiled in that special way that slightly worried me.

Ms. Hennifer coughed. "Yes, it's not easy to come, um, by. I mean, I'll try to find a way for you to get some."

"You're always welcome to text, Ma-am. I should like to think we could become good friends."

"Please, call me Gloria."

"Faun." They shook hands.

Ms. Hennifer looked a little sad, watching me keep up with my mother. I helped push the folding cart that was full of groceries. Looking back, I saw the amazing teacher reach behind her hair, stroke the bun a few times with a finger, and then bring her hand to her lips-"

"Billy, are you mad at me?" Mother asked.


"You're not your usual cheerful self. Did the boy who hurt you, scare you?"

"Not really, Momma. I feel like I can handle him." 'Somehow,' I added mentally. Steve must have been a whole grade older. He was bigger and stronger. I had to beat him another way, one that would keep him from bothering me or another kid. But Momma's first question required an answer.

"You let Ms. Hennifer spank me." I pouted.

"Did you deserve it?"

Not that much, I couldn't say it. "A little." I whispered.

"Are you mad at her?"

"No, Momma. She did what she thought was right. She even put lotion on me afterwards."

Mother walked quietly. Then she smiled. "Is that how she got her creme rinse?"

My jaw fell open.

"I'm kidding, Billy." Mother laughed. "You didn't ejaculate, yesterday. It should take someone your age at least two days to recover." I missed that clue about how much Momma knew.

Then I smiled, to myself. "I'm not angry at the teacher, but maybe I won't forgive you."

"What if I were to buy you something good, at the corner market, before going home? I'm not above bribing you for my penance."

"Ice cream?"

"I couldn't buy anything frozen, at the grocery. It would melt before we get home. We'll stop at the corner market and get you some nICE, GREEN beans!"

"Mooom!!" I cried.

She laughed again, "Or some broccoli, or cauliflower, or..."

I ignored her. We did stop at the corner market.

"Hello, Mrs. Shahidi, I hope you are well."

The woman behind the market's counter stood barely taller than me. Her tummy and hips were a little round, but her breasts bumped out the front of her loose, full length dress. It was made of cloth printed with red and gold swatches. A big purple scarf surrounded her long, black hair. I think she was younger than my mom, but not by much. Her face was very uh, well, motherly. "Oh, yes, you stopped by yesterday. Welcome. I am happy."


"Wa-Alaikumussalam wa-Rahmatullah."

"This is my son, Billy." Mother smiled proudly.

"Hello, Ma-am."

"Salaam to you, Billy. I have a son about half your age. I hope you bring as much joy to your Mother as he brings me."

"My son is a delight. At the moment, though, he wants ice cream, but I want him to eat healthy food. What do you recommend?"

Halal, goat milk ice cream is very healthy, compared to regular or even organic.

Goat milk! Ewww. I kept my tongue still.

"I have chocolate in the back of the freezer. I always have some for customers of the faith and those I convince to try it." She laughed easily.

"What do you think, Billy?" Mother tried to suppress a smile. "Goat ice cream or broccoli?"

"Mooom!" I whinged again. I did like chocolate best, though. Mother knew that.

"We'll take both, Mrs. Shahidi."

"Excellent! Let me get those for you." She walked out from the counter, but the back of her skirt ballooned behind her and slipped up, over the top of a young boy who had evidently been hiding behind her, under her skirt! "Arturio, my child, is that where you went! Silly thing. Literally hiding behind my dress." She laughed again.

The boy's skin was much darker than his mother's She was quite fair for her community, but her son wasn't as dark as an African. He gave me a big smile, as if he knew a secret. He was missing two teeth! Then he ran away, into the back where his mother had disappeared.

"Do Muslims have a tooth fairy?" I remembered Momma using that word.

"I don't know, Billy, but I think their tradition is a little different.

"Different bad?"

"Of course not! What have I taught you?"

"'Different' and 'bad' are two very different things." I recited.

Mrs. Shahidi returned with frosted packages. She rang them up. "Thank you, Ms.-"


"Yes, I will remember next time."

"It's okay. It's more than likely I'll send Billy. He needs to get out more."

"Your son is a delightful young man."

The way she said that made me feel strange, as if I suddenly had two mothers. Her eyes were so kind. I imagined making a baby with her. My pleasantly tingling pee pee twitched.

I followed mother home, thinking about making babies. I told myself I shouldn't be in a hurry. I couldn't make babies if I run out of cum. I didn't want that to happen, ever again!

We reached the front door of our apartment, to find a sign taped to it. "Mr or Ms. Wimbley, please see one of us, ASAP. The neighbor above you flooded her tub, but I didn't want to check your place for water damage, without your permission. I'm in the basement getting tools. My wife, Colleen, is in our apartment, #101." It was signed, "Godwin and Colleen Cherkle."

"Oh dear." Mother rushed to unlock the door. We darted inside, hauling the cart behind us. "Put the cold things into the refrigerator and freezer, while I look, Billy."

"Okay." I leapt to the task. She returned right after I finished. Most of the goods were for the cupboards.

"I can see a few dark spots on the ceiling in the bathroom, but it doesn't look too bad. There was nothing in the main room or bedroom." She double-checked the goods, smiled, thanked me, and took me out and downstairs.

She knocked on #101.

The door opened. An older woman but much younger than her husband, greeted us. She was about Mrs. Guthrie's age, in fact, but she was far more attractive. Whereas Mrs. Guthrie was a little dumpy around her waist, Mrs. Cherkle was thin and elegant. Our last manger smoked a cigar, and he was more elegant than his wife.

"Hello, Colleen, I got your husband's note."

"Mrs. Wimbley, I-"

"I'm sorry, I didn't take my husband's name. I'm Mrs. Androni, but please call me Faun."

The manger blushed. "I'm sorry, Faun."

"It's okay, an understandable mistake. I looked around before coming. There are a few spots on the bathroom ceiling. I doubt there's much damage.

"A few spots can mean anything." Colleen pulled out her phone and speed dialed her husband. "Does Godwin have your permission to examine it and fix whatever is necessary?"

"Yes, but I will need to be there."

"That's fine." The manager let her husband know to expect Momma.

"Momma, I want to see the damage." I had to say something.

Mother looked at Colleen. "I'd rather he didn't get in your husband's way."

"Would you like me to sit with Billy?" Daddy must have told her my name.

"If it's not too much trouble." Mother sighed at me. "I'm sorry, Billy. I wanted to spend the afternoon with you."

"It's okay, Momma. Mrs. Cherkle seems nice." I said in my most adult way.

"I've sat for most of the children in the building. Billy and I will get along famously. My gingerbread cookies have never failed to keep them happy."

Mom shook her head, frowning at me. She didn't want to leave me, but I would have totally got in the way of the manager. "Here's two dollars." She fetched them from her purse. They were the only bills in her checkbook. "Colleen, if he wants to go to the corner store, please let him. I have the number there."

"As you wish." The manager nodded. "Mrs. Shahidi is a godly woman, but not too godly to be a bother. She's very trustworthy."

I didn't want to cry. "Go Momma. Don't let the neighbor's water make the damage any worse."

"Thank you, Colleen."

"Godwin's in the basement."

"Yes." Mother hastened out, leaving me with the very elegant, older lady.

"Would you like a gingerbread cookie?" Colleen smiled. "They taste best when you bite off their heads."
Well, if I had to stay out of the husband manager's way, and if his wife offered cookies, I guess I could stay with her instead of spending Momma's last dollar bills. If I gave them back, later, Momma might treat me less like a kid. But I have to admit, I had enjoyed being her baby again for just a little bit.

Colleen was elegant in a tasteful way. Her clothes weren't expensive, and they weren't girly or stuffy like what Mom wears when interviewing, they looked like works of art on the wife manager's tall, thin frame. Her features were somewhat sharp, as she was quite thin. She almost looked frail, except she radiated cheer. I wasn't sure if I liked her yet, but she seemed nice enough.

"Yes, please, Mrs. Cherkle."

She was elegant in action too. Colleen glided to the kitchen and returned with a ceramic jar that looked like a log cabin. She lifted the lid and offered. "I just finished a batch. The next one is in the oven." The apartment smelled like ginger heaven.

I took one of the boy cookies (some were shaped like dumb girls) and nibbled an ear. The cookies had lots of details like that. It tasted, darn it, elegant! The ginger flavor stood out but wasn't strong. Thin lines of lemony frosting made happy faces and buttons and other details on top of the cookie. It tasted lightly sweet, but enough molasses kept the whole thing soft. It grew less whole, the more I nibbled. "This is good! Thank you."

"You're welcome, Billy. I'm sure your mother won't be long. Godwin will likely shoo her back here, after he finds out how much work it'll take to fix your ceiling.

"Ok." I wanted Momma back sooner, but only kids whined about such things. "May I have some milk please?"

"Absolutely! The Cherkle household is never without milk, when it's making cookies." She fetched a carton from the fridge, and a glass. I held it while she poured.

"Thank you."

Colleen pursed her lips. "You must be the most polite boy in the complex."

She had told Mom that she often babysat other kids. "How many kids live here?"

"Not many. Families with two incomes can usually afford larger apartments. Our complex only has studios and single bedrooms. Most of the kids here have single parents."

"Oh." That meant kids here didn't have a Daddy and a Momma. I wondered if the abrasive man on the third floor was married. I bet Mrs. Cherkle sat for his little girl a lot. But I didn't care about her. "Any boys here?"

"Jude is a little younger than you. He's the least polite boy, but he's going through hard times. His dad missed their rent, three separate months, last year.

"Are you going to kick them out?"

"I don't decide things like that, fortunately. It's Mrs. McDougal's decision. Jude's father pays extra, each month, to cover the rent missed, but I shouldn't be telling you that." Mrs. Cherkle put a finger to her lips.

"I won't tell."

"Good, then I can tell you a even bigger secret!" Her eyes lit up.


These apartments don't have any twenty's or thirties." She let her mouth hang open.

That sounded like a dumb secret, but I didn't say so. "What do you mean?"

"There was another wing to the building, but it caught fire and had to be demolished. That happened before Mrs. McDougal bought this place, and that's why she's careful to fix any problems. The previous landlord went to prison because tenants died. Anyway, our courtyard is extra large, where the twenties and thirties used to be."

A fire and prison and dead people - that was a neat story, but it wasn't really a secret. "Why is that a secret?"

"Because of the ghosts."

Oh. I told myself, ghosts weren't real, but the way Mrs. Cherkle said it, the hairs on the back of my neck prickled.

"Never talk about the ghosts, Billy, or they might hear you." She looked grave.

"I don't believe in ghosts." I blustered.

She looked around the room and leaned closer. "Good. I don't believe in them either."

TAONGGGG! The abrupt sound pierced her whisper, and I jumped to my feet ready to fly out the door!

Colleen grinned from ear to ear. "The cookies are done!" She laughed and went to the kitchen.

I sat in the main room, pouting. That was a mean prank, but I would totally do that to Momma, someday, if I learned how to bake cookies.

"Billy, I put the fresh ones on cooling racks. Would you like to draw them with frosting?"

"Okay." I ambled into the kitchen area. She picked up a squeeze bottle of homemade frosting and deftly applied a girl's face, including dimples and eyebrows and a hairline. She offered the bottle to me. "Don't squeeze too hard. The lid will pop off and make a mess."

"What happened to these cookies?" I pointed at one that was very large and one that was very small.

"That's my fault. The large girl was the first I cut out of the dough, I should have used one from the first batch, to keep the sizes right."

"What about the boy?"

"That was the last cookie. There wasn't enough dough to make him regular size."

"Can I frost them?"

"You don't want to frost the normal cookies?"

"Un-uh." I drew a face like Colleen's, on the tall cookie, only badly. "This isn't a girl, it's a woman."

"Oh, is she?" Mrs. Cherkle was appreciative.

"And this is a boy who stopped being a kid." I drew his face, a little better.

"Size doesn't matter, I suppose." She gave a shallow shrug.

Next I drew buttons down the center of the lady cookie, but only to the waist. I added frills to her 'blouse.'

"That's very good, Billy."

"And under her skirt is her puss." I squeezed out a narrow slit with a tiny button at the top. Being very careful, I didn't hear Colleen gasp. I added, "And these are its hairs." I drew tiny, curly lines. I started accenting her breasts, but she stopped me.

"Billy, um, where did you see something like that?" She sounded strange.

"The first time was in the book that Momma and Daddy gave me last year, but that wasn't as accurate as real ones."

"You saw- photos?" She wanted to ask where, was the impression I got.

"No, Ma-am, I made babies in them." I decided, since Mrs. Cherkle had told me a secret, I could trust her with one. Also, because I had jumped like a scared boy, I wanted her to know I was actually very mature.

She stepped back, confused. I finished the gingerbread woman's breasts and added buttons to the boy. I set the bottle down and felt proud. I couldn't draw details as well as Mrs. Cherkle, but I thought mine looked pretty good.

A few seconds later, Colleen whispered. "Are you going to draw the boy parts?"

"Okay." I picked up the bottle and drew what I thought mine looked like, compared to my height.

"That's a little big for a small boy." The apartment manager sounded a little out of breath.

I looked at it. "I'm not good a drawing small things." The pussy I'd drawn was oversized too. She hadn't make a fuss about that. "My Daddy's is bigger than this."

"Godwin's too." Mrs. Cherkle muttered like a vapor, without realizing. "But still..." She licked her lips. "I'm not sure I can believe it."

"Would you like to lick it off the cookie, and draw it for me, Mrs. Cherkle?" I unbuttoned my pants and unzipped them. Reaching into my boxers, I fished out my pee pee. "It's bigger when it's hard like the one I drew."

Mrs. Cherkle gasp, "Billy, you shouldn't show me that!"

As she said that, I felt my pee pee stiffen. It was fun to see her blush and pretend to look away. "How can you draw it, if I don't show it to you? And you didn't believe me."

She held a hand before her eyes, but I could see them peeking around it, looking down. "I'm sorry I said that. You can put it away now."

"You should draw it right, Mrs. Cherkle. Your frosting pictures are much better than mine." Her reticence emboldened me, and my penis stuck out half hard already.

"Please, I shouldn't look at you. It's not right. It makes me feel-" She did look away. Her face was flush with red. I'd never seen someone so embarrassed.

"Don't be afraid, Mrs. Cherkle. I won't hurt you. I just want the cookie to look right."

She kept shied away, but seemed to reach some decision. "I'm not afraid of you, Billy. I'm afraid of me."

"That's silly." I couldn't comprehend the concept. "Can't you just draw the picture now? That's all I want." I put the squeeze bottle into her hand. She clutched it fiercely, squirting a glob of frosting out of the tip. The screw on nozzle cap popped right off! I jumped back.

"Oh, my!" She yelped at the mess.

"I'll clean it up. I'm sorry." I had pushed it into her hand.

"No, Daddy. It's my mess." He voice lifted its pitch, sounding like a little girl. She knelt, set the bottle on the linoleum tile floor, and looked aghast at the frosting blotch in front of her. "I don't have a towel, Daddy." She leaned down and licked the goo from the floor.

I took another step back. "Wow, you're licking the floor!" I had never seen a woman act or sound like that. Was she playing a game? Maybe that was it. My boldness returned.

"Yes, Daddy. I made a boo boo, and you always tell me to make it better, right away."

My pee pee stood fully erect at the sight of this once elegant lady reduced to a little girl licking a mess from her kitchen floor. Then I realized, in her game, she wanted me to be the daddy. That made me feel really good. I deepened my voice. "You're a fine girl, um-"

"You remember my name, Daddy. It's Colleen."

"Colleen, when you're done with that. Do you want to draw my-" I almost said pee pee, but I was a daddy now. "Prick?"

"Yes, Daddy!" She looked up from the now spotless floor and smiled. Mrs. Cherkle picked up the squeeze bottle and top. She frowned at it. "Your prick is pretty big, Daddy. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I don't think there's enough frosting left to draw it."

I couldn't tell from where I stood, but I assumed she was right. I suppose she would have made more, but I wanted to help however I could, now that she wanted to draw my hard penis on the gingerbread boy cookie. I didn't know much about frosting, but I remembered Momma making it, with shortening. A way to contribute to the effort dawned on me.

"I'll make more frosting, for you, Colleen. Give me the bottle and I'll fill it."

She handed it to me and stood. "You wanted me to lick off the pee pee you drew." Her lips parted for the tip of her tongue. She then leaned over the cooling racks covered with cookies.

"Yes please, Sweetheart." I aimed my full prick into the bottle. I was so hard, it was difficult to bend my penis down far enough.

"You're a nice daddy." She licked the small cookie's crotch.

I struggled to jerk off and keep my pee pee aimed. An easier plan struck me, seeing Mrs. Cherkle lick off the frosting penis I drew. "Colleen, when you're done with that one, please lick this one." My cock twitched at the thought of my crazy idea working. I released it, letting it aim naturally at the middle aged woman.

"If you say so, Daddy." She turned to me, but upon seeing my hard prick, her face scrunched up. "I like frosting better."

"If you lick it good, it'll make more frosting, Honey." I used the words Daddy called Momma sometimes. The first one had pleased Mrs. Cherkle a lot.

Her face perked up. "I trust you, Daddy." She knelt once more, this time in front of my exposed erection. Her tongue darted out and licked the base of my cockhead. What a rush that was!

"Mmmmm! You're a really good girl, Colleen. Lick Daddy's prick, and it'll make fresh frosting you can taste and use to draw it." I liked this game!

Some of her affected innocence parted. Mrs. Cherkle abruptly groaned and opened her mouth. She sucked my dick into her face before I knew it. It felt amazing! "Wow!" I said in my regular, boy voice.

We moaned in duet, as the apartment manger sucked and licked my eager pee pee. My hips began to rock against her rhythm, pressing deep as she leaned into me, taking my prick to the back of her throat. She choked a little but never stopped bobbing her face over the spit coated staff in her mouth.

I might have cum very quickly, if I hadn't suddenly worried about my balls. I had cum once, a few hours before, and not as much as I did over the last few days. Was there any left? How long would my balls take to fully recharge? I hadn't considered it, in my eagerness to play this game with Mrs. Cherkle.

She moaned on my dick, sounding like the women I had made babies with, when they got their bursts of pleasure. Another concern nagged. Maybe I shouldn't waste my cum in a frosting bottle. I was pretty sure I could play Daddy and make a baby with Mrs. Cherkle, but that thought formed at the far reaches of my awareness. Most of my attention was on the swift sucking mouth trying to pull the cum out of my balls. I let go of my fears and simply immersed myself in the swarm of incredible sensations her lips and tongue released into my stiff cock.

My hips shuddered, breaking our mutual thrusting. It was happening! A first bolt of cum shot out of my prick, into Mrs. Cherkle's mouth. She surprised me then and pulled her head off of me. Her hand grabbed my rod and aimed it into the bottle. "I love your frosting, Daddy! I want to paint lots with it!" As she proclaimed her intent, my loins blasted six more globs directly into the squeeze bottle. I hollered from extreme pleasure electrocuting my consciousness, while still more cum launched through the round opening. Mrs. Cherkle's aim was as impeccable as her taste in clothes. I fired a final three shots before the last of my sperm spilled out slow, coating the front of my pee pee and her hand. She began licking both. I took the bottle from her and set it carefully on the counter. The way she cleaned my sperm dripping cock kept me dizzy for all the long minutes she took to drink every drop that hadn't filled the frosting squeezer.

"Your prick is way more delicious, Daddy when it's covered in frosting!" Mrs. Cherkle nuzzled a cheek between my ball sack and my upper thigh. "Did you make enough to draw the rest of the cookies?"

I looked at the bottle. Once more, I felt I didn't cum as much as I did over the previous days. I told myself, I would have to wait before making any more babies, or play any special games like filling a hair bun or a frosting bottle. "If you're very careful, Colleen, I bet you can paint them all." I had to sit in a chair. The dizzy, wonderful, sex feelings swirled on and on, inside my head.

She drew my prick first. "That's you, Daddy." She smiled impishly, blushing, pointing at the small boy cookie.

"It looks perfect, Colleen." It really did.

"Thank you, Daddy. I couldn't have done it without you!" She smiled and resumed painting the fresh batch of gingerbread cookies. I stowed my softening pee pee and zipped up my pants.

We never found out if there was enough frosting to finish the job. The moment Mrs. Cherkle completed the next cookie's details, her doorbell rang.

"Colleen?" Mother called from behind the front door. "It's Faun."

"Oh, my!" The lady dropped the bottle, and her face flew into a fright! "What have I done?"

The game was over. It made me sad to realize it, but I was also happy that Momma was there. "You made me feel really good, Mrs. Cherkle." I got up and hugged her. "It was fun to play Daddy and Colleen, with you." I dashed to the front door and opened it. I wanted to rush out and hug Momma too, but only little boys did that.

"You don't seem worse for the wear." She nodded at me before greeting the apartment manager. "Colleen, he didn't eat too many cookies, I hope."

Mrs. Cherkle looked more than a little shaken when she shuffled out of the kitchen. "No. He just ate one." She held out the ceramic jar. "I have too many. Please take some."

"You're too kind." Momma raised a hand.

"Those aren't as fresh." I grabbed her hand and dragged Momma to the kitchen, ignoring Mrs. Cherkle's sudden, mask of horror. She was so afraid, she didn't move an inch while I pointed the cooling racks out to my mother. I picked up the big cookie and pushed it at her. "This is you." I took the small one and headed out the door. "Thank's Mrs. Cherkle! Your cookies are awesome!"

Mother walked passed the apartment manager with a slim smile. "My boy can be very silly, sometimes. I'm sure you were very adult about these, Colleen. We mustn't ever let our personal demons prevent us from being good examples for children."

"N-no, Faun." Mrs. Cherkle's voice shook. "Boys and girls are always tastin-, um, testing us." She wiped a small, white dot from her chin.

"I'm sure, now," Mother smiled broadly. "You and I are going to get along famously."

I believe the apartment manager remained standing in her front room, long after Momma and I returned to our apartment. When I told my mother, I had drawn the frosting on the cookies, (I didn't tell her, Mrs. Cherkle, had drawn my pee pee on the small one - it didn't seem important, because Momma had seen my pee pee plenty, recently.) Mother took two plastic containers from the cupboard and preserved the cookies. "You should show your father what you drew, Billy."

Mr. Cherkle, wearing his toolbelt and a stained, white t-shirt, emerged from the bathroom. "The damage was worse above your ceiling, Ms. Androni, but I patched it up. Almost ran out of calk." He hoisted a white spotted calk gun and aimed it at me. "Bang!" He smiled.

"That's okay, Mr. Cherkle. I think I ran out too, painting your wife's cookies." I assured him. "There's always more, if we don't rush."

A confused apartment manager cocked his head at me and shrugged. "Let me know if anything else goes wrong, Ms. Androni."

"Thank you, Mr. Cherkle. I will." Mother had that strange grin on her face, but he didn't take notice. I waved as he walked out the door.

It was late afternoon. Father wouldn't get home until nearly my bedtime. Mother put her arm around me. "It's been a busy day."

We rested, listening to a podcast from my watch. "Darling Dimensions!" was a romance sci-fi, RPG played by five women. I found it while searching for information about my new school. One of the teachers, Ms. Laghari was a member of the podcast. I played a random episode, and it was pretty fun. Momma sat on the couch to listen too. She leaned against me.

"Drat that Uthurator, She got away!

"The refrigerator ray wasn't strong enough, and we had to fight off a dozen thrallbos to save our darling Hercule!"

"How did you find the password to her minion robots? Without hacking into their brains, it would have taken twice as long to dismantle them with our laser spatulas."

"Pride goeth before a thrallbo, Dear Chutney. Uthurator used her middle name, Doris, for their password.

The announcer, a man's voice, concluded. "Another dimension saved, by the Spice Witch Five! For next week's podcast, be sure to contribute to the Darling Dimensions FunYouFundMe page, where you can decide their next adventure."

"It's going be harder now, to sell the watch back to Mr. Colkick." Mother got up. She went to the kitchen, banishing early twilight from the room by turning on its overhead light.

"I'll help you, Mom." I grabbed a sharp knife and was soon chopping vegetables. I thought about the watch and Mr. Colkick. He had been sad to sell the watch. I remembered the naughty picture of his wife. She must really care about him, like Momma cares about Daddy. "Can we visit Mr. Colkick, tomorrow?"

"You decided to sell it?"

"Maybe? I would like talk with him about it."

"I have to settle paperwork, at your school, but maybe afterwards, we can take a bus from the school to his house." Mother was slicing chicken for the stir fry. "Why don't you email him."

"Okay." I punched in a request to see him the next evening. It made me feel like I had done something right, something worth a reward. "Can I have a cookie?"

"Don't you want to save your cookies, to show your dad?"

"I want one of the other cookies, the ones you put in the back of the top cupboard."

"I'm not surprised you found them, Billy. This apartment is so small." Momma chuckled. "I was dumb enough to think I might surprise you, in your first school lunch bag."

"It's okay, Mom. I can wait."

"There's no fun in no surprise. Here." She climbed on a kitchen chair and plucked the box out from its hiding spot. "I don't mind having one myself." She stepped down, opened the box and inner bag, and handed one to me. Two chocolate wafers were bound together with peanut creme. I bit into it and chewed. My chewing slowed.

Mother stopped after a bite too. "These might be over their due date."

I didn't spit it out. It wasn't terrible, just stale. A kid would spit it out, I thought. I finished eating my bite and followed Momma's lead. She put her half a cookie on the counter. As I put mine down, she grabbed a paper towel. She spit into the towel and threw it away. So that's how adults did it. I smirked. "I wish I could get the taste out of my mouth."

"Would you like some milk?"


I poured and drank some, while she finished slicing the meat. "I'm sorry I bought old cookies."

"It was an accident, Momma. The grocery shouldn't have sold them."

"I'll be more careful, next time."

She was more sad than I would have guessed. "Eat your gingerbread cookie. I'll save mine for Daddy.

She smirked then. "I was hoping to have a bite of yours." Her eyes twinkled.

"Why, Momma?"

"Because I love my little boy."

"You can love me. I'm right here."

"But a Mother shouldn't love the parts you drew on your cookies."

My pee pee twitched to life. "Why?"

"Because your Daddy wouldn't like that very much. Remember, we don't keep secrets about family."

"Oh. Did you tell Daddy about snuggling and rubbing our bodies, last night?"

"In a way. He didn't want to know the details."

"So it's okay if we do things he doesn't want to hear about?" My peter was filling with blood, very quickly. Talking about doing things, Daddy didn't like, made me very excited to be with Momma.

"That's not quite right. We have to tell him something."

"Okay, Momma. I don't want to hurt him."

"I know you don't, Sweetheart. But sometimes we have to do things that might make people sad."

"What do you mean?"

"Yesterday, for instance. I don't mean last night - we can always snuggle. That's perfectly innocent. But after that first bus, in the park, you made Momma use her cold cream to make you ejaculate."

"'jaculating is bad?" I didn't believe it, but I had to make sure.

"Of course not, but Momma is suppose to do that for Daddy, not you."

"I'm sorry I made you." I felt sorry.

"Thank you, Sweetie. I forgive you. I know that you're dealing with a special time in your life, when you need certain comforts. Sometimes your comfort is just as important as protecting your father's feelings."

I still felt sorry, but also I felt my pee pee pushing as hard as ever against my pants. Momma couldn't not notice.

"Are you going to make Momma comfort you again?"

Golly, my pee pee sure wanted to! I was feeling less sorry too, but I hesitated. "I don't know, Momma. I think I ran out of cum. I don't want to waste it again, if it still has some."

"Is that what happened, last night?"

"Uh-huh." I nodded, frowning. "I ran out."

"That's understandable. You put a lot of sperm in my cold cream jar, yesterday. And that's not the only place you put some, since we left our old home, is it?"

"No it's not, Momma." I admitted, blushing.

"What you do outside the family is for you to tell, or not tell. I don't need to know. But comfort yourself however often you like. It doesn't matter if you ejaculate or don't. It will still feel good, and that is never a waste. Your body will always make more sperm."

"Thank you, Momma!" I embraced her, suddenly wanting to cry. She was incredibly wonderful, explaining away my fears."

She hugged me back. "This is why I can't say no to you." She spoke almost too soft to hear. My erection, poking firmly into her thigh, did not interrupt our emotional exchange.

When we parted, I asked, "Can I have the shortening?"

She grinned. "You know where it is. You don't have to ask."

I got the canister from a low shelf and was going to take it into the bathroom, like I used to. Instead, I pulled the plastic lid off and placed it on a corner of the counter we hadn't used. Mother turned on a gas burner and took the large frying pan off the hook it hung from. It was non-stick. She began stirring the meat, intent on keeping it from burning.

I went to the other side of the counter, in the main room and took down my pants. My pee pee was as hard as ever, as I dared to pluck a glob of shortening from the can and rub myself behind the counter, where Momma couldn't see. Just being near her, made me want to cum so bad. It felt naughty to be doing it just out of her sight, and that made it feel better.

We both stirred, for several minutes, but I was going to finish first. Masturbating, from where I could see Mom but she couldn't see me, was a big turn on. My groin pulsed with promised pleasure. I couldn't help but groan.

"Be careful not to get any on the rug or furniture, Billy." She called back, stirring a little faster for some reason.

I jerked mysef much faster than that, almost ready to burst, but I couldn't tell if I was going to cum or not! Suddenly, I thought of Mrs. Cherkle telling me how good my sperm tasted. And I thought of how stale the peanuty choco cookie was. "Momma, I want to wash away the bad cookie flavor in your mouth." She hadn't drank any milk.

She stopped stirring and looked at me with a calm, possibly worried expression. "Are you sure, Billy?"

My dick was twitching uncontrollably in my grease slick hand. "Yes, Momma, I don't want to waste any." Especially on the rug or furniture! "I need to cum in your mouth."

"If you need to. I can't say no." She turned off the burner and scurried around the counter."

"On your knees, Momma." My feelings were so urgent, I acted more boldly with mother, than I had before. "And open your mouth."

"Yes, Billy." She fell, her knees partly thudded against the carpet, but she opened her mouth silently and lifted her chin, inches from the head of my dick slicked in white.

"Oooohhhhh!!! I'm cumming Momma!" How could I not! I gasp and jerked. My prick throbbed and lurched. My body soared from intense joy shocking every inch of it. A stream of white cum spurted out of my dick and splattered on Momma's tongue! She gulped it down and opened her mouth for more.

I sang and danced from the incredible sensations flooding my being, but no further cum issued from my pee pee.

Mother remained still and silent, waiting on me, lips wide apart. When I stopped jerking on my erection, and stepped back, finished, she closed her lips and licked them smiling. "That tasted wonderful, Billy. Thank you."

A sad thought lifted through my haze of pleasure. "You have to tell Daddy, don't you."

"I have to, Honey, if you don't. But I won't tell you he's going to like hearing it.

I didn't talk much at dinner. I told myself, I had let Momma down in more than one way. Not only had I made her do a naughty thing for me, I had only cum a little bit into her mouth. I felt very foolish, and scared. What would Daddy say?

Mother served some of the goat milk ice cream. It's rich chocolate flavor helped to lift my mood, but I didn't say much more than, "Thank you." Before I helped her wash the dishes.

Mother hugged me after dinner and again after washing up. "Your Daddy will be home in a little while. I have to get your paperwork ready for tomorrow."

"Didn't Daddy do that? He said he talked with the principal."

"No dear, he doesn't have time, because of work. She gave the forms to him." Momma went to the bedroom.

"Oh." I listened to another podcast, but it wasn't as good as "Darling Dimensions!" In the middle of it, my watched buzzed on my wrist. Mr. Colkick replied to my email. "I'll be at home working, tomorrow afternoon, but you're always welcome to visit." He included his phone number and address, which I had already put in the watch, from his business card.

I still didn't know if I was going to sell the watch back to Mr. Colkick, but I knew I had to talk to him again.

Father opened the front door and waltzed in. "Hullo!" He cheered. I sunk down in the couch, feeling sullen. Mother glided out of the bedroom and hugged and kissed him. "I'll warm dinner for you."

"No, Momma." I called loudly. "I have to talk with Daddy. I'll warm it." I got up.

She gave her husband a helpless look and shrank back into their bedroom.

"What's up, Sport?" He took off his business coat and hung it in the entrance closet.

I took the skillet out of the refrigerator, pulled off the plastic wrap, and turned on a burner. "You said you would explain condoms, tonight, Daddy, and why you wear them when making babies with Momma." I stirred the mix of chicken and vegetables. Dad put a plate and utensils on the counter.

"Sure thing!" He beamed. "A condom is like a balloon designed to fit an erect, adult penis. It holds the man's sperm during ejaculation. So the sperm can't reach the woman's eggs. Instead of rubber, they are made of latex plastic, but they are sometimes called rubbers. A few people are allergic to latex. So they have to buy condoms made of something else, most often sheepskin."

"Do people call them skins, too?"

"Not often, but yes."

"Why do you wear them with Momma?" I really wanted to know. She seemed to really like cum.

"Billy, you know about making babies and the pleasure of it. Who doesn't?" He laughed. "Everyone masturbates."

"Do you masturbate?"

"Yes, but that is a very personal question to ask."

"But we're family, and we don't keep secrets."

"That's right, Billy, but we don't have to ask about them either. You are welcome to." He assured.

Huh. I hadn't thought of it that way.

"To answer your real question, your Momma and I decided to save our money before having another child, a little brother or sister for you. It costs a lot to raise a big family. We use condoms because we enjoy giving each other the pleasure of sex."

I understood what he said about the cost of families, however much I underestimated it. He was doing his best to be a good father. Now it was even harder to confess what I had to. "Daddy, I made Momma taste my cum today. I'm sorry."

My father's smile flattened. "Oh." He clearly was at a loss but struggled to respond.

"Momma said it might hurt you, but I did it anyway. I just got so-" I didn't know how to describe it.

"Horny, Son." His cheer deflated, offering the word I didn't know. It didn't sound like one of the careful sex words, he and Momma always used. It sounded a little bitter.

I finished stirring his dinner. I took the skillet to him and scooped hot food onto his plate. He ate quietly.

"Can I hug you, Daddy?"

"Maybe later, Billy. You took advantage of your mother, and I'm not happy about that. Just let me eat."

"I am sorry."

"I believe you, Son. You're still young and not able to make the best decisions regarding sex. At least you know what you did wasn't very good."

Father's words made me feel lower than a carpet. I would have been happier if he spanked me for shooting my cum into Momma's mouth. I put the skillet in the sink, noticing I had forgot to turn off the flame. I couldn't even warm a meal right. I went to my couch and sulked, ignoring my watch. I didn't want it, right then.

Father left his dishes in the sink. "I'll clean them before going to work, tomorrow." He said. He went into the bedroom, quietly closing the door.

I crept up to the door and listened.

"He told you what he did?"

"He did."

"I'm sorry, Honey. I warned you, and you didn't object."

"It was right that I didn't, Faun, but I wish there was another way."

"If you think of one, let me know, Glen." There was smooching.

"If it's any consolation, the apartment manger made a pass at me."

"He did?" My father's voice lost the weight on it.

"What do you think I did about it?" Momma sounded strangely happy.

"I think you're above such silliness." Daddy almost chuckled. "Common infidelity isn't weird enough for you're perverted weakness."

Louder smooching followed. "I told him, only if my husband gets to watch while he puts a baby into your wife, but you have to wear condoms!" Momma's voice twinkled. "He shut up, but his hand shook while he calked the leak in the bathroom ceiling." They both laughed then.

"I should have a look at his work, if he was paying more attention to my beautiful, sexy, dirty wife, than to it.

I had to fall back to my couch and bury my head in a pillow. I was so mad! How dare Mr. Cherkle try to make a baby with Momma!

My anger kept me awake, fuming, until I simply collapsed. Before then, I planned what I would do the next day, Friday.
When I woke, Father had already left for work. His dish and the skillet were washed and drying in the rack.

I listened for sounds of Momma, but it was a little early for her to be up. I yawned and changed out of my pajamas. I wanted to surprise her, since I spoiled her plan to surprise me. Leaving a note, I braved the morning beyond home's door. Outside was cool and overcast, but I was wearing my warm hoodie. I bounced down the stairs and headed for the double, main doors.

Mrs. Cherkle didn't see me at first. She was busy sweeping the building entrance way. My footsteps caught her notice, and she looked up. Her faced reddened. "Good morning, Billy."

I don't know why a flash of anger overcame me. She had been nice, when her husband was propositioning my mom. I held my emotion in check and nodded. "Good morning-" I said the next thing before I realized. "Colleen." I didn't say it nicely either, but not awfully.

She hung her head, "What you must think of me."

I marched passed her and pushed through a glass door. A gust of guilt flapped my hood. I turned before closing the door behind me. "You're okay, Mrs. Cherkle. I didn't mean to be rude." I didn't quite apologize.

Maybe her frown faded from her lips, but I left too quickly to be sure. I took the sidewalk to the first street and looked both ways. Fortunately, major streets were a few blocks away, in all directions. Still, I had to be careful of the cars that zipped past. Many didn't slow for me. Once more, I wasn't sure I liked the city.

Across the street was a corner coffee shop, not one of the new kinds that had fancy cups and filters and took forever and sold biscotti. This shop served hashbrowns and omelets and bacon and pancakes. A big lady wearing an apron poured coffee from a metal pitcher in each hand. She laughed at a customer's joke, making her belly jiggle. I felt conspicuous, after scanning the posted menu, and strode away. Down the street was a thrift shop, but it didn't open until 9am. I had left a little after eight. I reached the next block.

Across the diagonal, the corner market stood. I checked my pocket for the dollars there. I hadn't forgotten.

"If it isn't the Androni brat!" A harsh voice grated my right ear. Looking gave me the second biggest fright I'd known since arriving in the city. Next to me stood our apartment owner, Gladys McDougal. I nearly jumped into traffic.

"Heh!" She cackled. Despite her wild hair, weather worn face, and piercing eyes, she had dressed in sharp, white slacks, and was warmed by a white fur coat. Her shoes were silvery white, leather, meant for walking. Morning breeze rippled across the short hair of her hip length coat. I wondered if she had hunted the animal herself. (it was probably fake fur) "Don't lose your shit over a mad, old woman, Child. You gave me quite a hoot, the other night!" She cackled again.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know. I should have listened-"

"If you had heeded those idiot warnings, I wouldn't be teasing you now. What's your name?"

Somehow, by acknowledging her brash behavior, she eased my fear a little. "Billy, Ma-am."

"Call me Gladys or Witch or worse, but never be polite to me, Billy. You won't get the same from me."

"Why are you like that?"

She grunted. "No one asks that question, Child, except my last two husbands." She leered at me, "Want to be my next one?" Her cackle stopped traffic. Actually, it was the street light. We crossed the same direction.

"You gonna play with Norma's boy, Arturio?" She pointed at the market.

"Uh-uh, Mrs.-" I couldn't say a name. I sputtered past my block. "I'm going to surprise Momma."

"I don't like the sound of that. Little boys who surprise their Mommas usually get spanked!"

"Not my momma!" I found some courage.

"Glad to hear it. Spankings' for fools and fetishes."

I didn't want to sound dumb, asking her what that last word meant. I blustered back. "Mr. Cherkle is a fool who deserves one."

"Last night's log says he fixed ceiling damage in your bathroom. Was he rude?"

"To my Momma." I had to fight against shouting it.

"I'd fire him in an instant, if he wasn't a crackerjack super. His wife is even better, at handling the books, and I work both of them for the price of one!" Mrs. McDugal's cackle drove two crows away from the overhead lines. "If your Momma wants to complain, send her to me. I promise, she'll get satisfaction."

I wasn't sure if Momma wanted to complain. She hadn't sounded like it, last night. I needed to complain. "I wish I was big enough to spank him." I fumed. The light changed again. The wild, apartment owner escorted me.

"Oh, you don't need to be any bigger. Every man has his weakness, especially married men." The witch pushed into the market. "Hello, Girl Mutilating Slut!" She called the clerk.

Mrs. Shahidi grinned. "Hello, Wicked Bit-" She cleared her throat at my entrance.

"Yes, well, the boy is a problem. Aren't they all?" The witch noted.

From behind the counter, the clerk's son, Arturio, stood and smiled. "You're the nasty, nice lady."

Mrs. McDougal shot her head back at me. "See, it's easy to pay respects to me." Her head shot forward. I'll take a pack of cancer and two boxes of rolling papers. You know my brands."

"Of course." The clerk scanned the rack of goods behind her.

I crept into the store, searching the aisles.

"Are you gonna steal something?" Arturio appeared beside me. I nearly jumped out of my hoodie.

"I want cookies." I wasn't afraid of him. He was just a little boy, but he sure surprised me.

"Here." The clerk's son dragged me closer to the counter. A register beeped.

"Thank you, um, Norma." Mrs. McDougal grimaced at my approach. She flew out of the shop.

I chose Momma's favorite, lemon wafers with creme, and took them to the counter.

"Two dollars and thirty eight cents, Billy." Mrs. Shahidi smiled.

I pulled the bills out of my pocket. There were only two. I dug in my other pockets. I found a penny and a nickel. "Sorry." I frowned. "I'll put it back."

"That's the last pack of those. Do you want me to keep them, while you get more change?" The clerk tried to be helpful.

"Mommy!" Arturio suddenly shouted. "I want my allowance."

"In a minute, little angel. Don't make the boy feel bad."

"YOU'RE making him feel bad." Her son turned to me. "Isn't she!" It wasn't a question. It was the oddest moment. The entire shop quieted. Strangest of all, Mrs. Shahidi looked at her son, as if waiting for him to tell her something. He waited for me to respond.

I had never been put on the spot like this. Mrs. Shahidi was kind enough to save the last box. I guessed she thought I might be jealous of her son's allowance, but I thought he was just annoying in general, the kind of kid who would never be taken seriously. The strange thing was, his mother took him very seriously. That I didn't understand, which annoyed me more. I considered what an adult would say.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Shahidi, but I wanted to surprise my mom with the cookies. If I ask her for change, that would spoil the surprise."

"SEE!" Arturio burst. "Now give my friend some my allowance to pay for his cookies."

The corner market sure was a place of odd surprises. First, goat ice cream, now the clerk's boy was paying for me. Well, the difference I owed, but he seemed to think that made him my friend. I had to resist. "It's okay, Mrs. Shahidi. I don't-"

She rang up the cookies and handed them to me. Her eyes were a little frightened. "Please, do as he wants."

My money lay on the counter. I looked at her son. "Are you being mean to your Momma?"

"NO!" He shouted. "Mama loves me! I want you to make your mama love you. I like your mama." He frowned at his mother. "Now you kiss and hug Billy. Maybe someday his mama will kiss and hug me."

I just stood there, when Mrs. Shahidi came from around the counter, her eyes less afraid and more inviting. She opened her arms. I could have run away with the cookies. She gave me time, but I waited for her embrace. Warm, full lips kissed one of my cheeks and then the other.

"It's good, huh?" Arturio said. "Hold him a little more, Mama. You get something nice too." The boy disappeared behind her. I felt his mother flinch then shudder. A soft moan surprised my ear, before she let go.

I took two steps back, still astonished but happy for the hug. Her long skirt rustled prior to the boy appearing beside her as if he had been stooping. He sucked a middle finger. "Thank you, Mama."

"I'm sorry." Mrs. Shahidi blushed and returned to her station behind the counter.

Simply leaving, at that point, seemed wrong. I needed something normal to reseat reality in this place. "Uh, thank you for some of your allowance, Arturio. Um, would you like a cookie? Momma won't eat them all." I held the box to him. Surprising Momma with an open box would make me look like a kid, but it was better to surprise her that way than to surrender to the weirdness of this store.

"Okay!" He tore open the box, carefully. "I don't want to make a mess for your Mama." He took two of the lemon creme wafers. He gave one to his mama before gobbling his. "Thank you but tell her, I'm a real nice boy. My dada taught me how to be nice to my Mama, cuz he had to go away, out of America. I want to be nice to her." He gave the cookies back to me.

Then I did leave, suspicious of Arturio's intentions and his mother's lack of authority. I didn't hate them. I just felt weird there, like I needed to grow more, inside, to deal with them.

I walked home on the other side of the street. I passed a barbershop. The store beside it was called Nail Salon. They shared an opening in the wall between them. A prim, old man stood cleaning an electric razor in the barbershop, and a curvy woman watered plants in the salon. I wondered if the plants grew nails. Momma once talked about a neighbor's new nails. Daddy told her, she should indulge herself if she wanted. Momma had laughed then.

The next block had a 1 Buck store. It looked kinda trashy, and the customers acted funny. One of them was playing tug of war with her daughter, but instead of a rope, it was a box that had a picture of a cucumber. Even from the street, the picture looked like a plastic cucumber.

Mrs. Cherkle had finished sweeping. I thought of Mrs. McDougal, when I found the entrance area empty. That was because I was still mad at Mr. Cherkle. Mrs. McDougal had said his weakness might be his wife. I wondered if she meant I should tell Mrs. Cherkle. I went to the door of #101 but paused before pressing the button. Did I want to be a snitch? Had Mrs. McDougal meant something else? The cookies were in a resealable bag and would probably keep fresh...

Ding Dong! The bell rang. My heart began to race. I had never done anything like this, snitch on an adult. But I had to protect my mother from any threat. Mr. Cherkle had proven his danger, but even Arturio's hope for a hug and a kiss from Momma could not be allowed.

The door opened, and there stood Mr. Cherkle. It took all my nerve to not run away and prevent my face from exploding with fear. "Yes?" He asked.

I tried to say, "Hello." But terror had welded my mouth shut.

"Who is it, Dear?" Mrs. Cherkle asked from within the apartment.

"It's Billy Androni. He looks lost, but that can't be." The odious man puzzled. "What's the matter, Billy?"

I did open my mouth, but words stuck in my wind pipe.

"I-I should talk to him, Godwin." Mrs. Cherkle appeared behind him, looking meek. "Come in, Billy. I'll get you a cookie."

"I know kids are always stopping by for a cookie, but this one has a box of them." Her husband stepped back from the door.

"Never you mind, Dear." She turned, expecting me to follow. I wasn't sure I could. I wanted to run home! My feet decided for me, and I stepped into the apartment of my enemy. Once inside, I hurried to catch up with Mrs. Cherkle. Their old, leather lounge chair scrunched behind us. The TV started talking, not loudly.

She spoke with a low voice. "After yesterday, and this morning, I thought you wouldn't talk to me again."

I had to say something. "I-it's not your fault, Mrs. Cherkle, I-" My bravery petered.

"Here's a cookie. Godwin is right. The few kids living here do stop by for cookies, but that's not why you're here. Is it, Billy?" Worry thinned her lips.

"No, ma-am." I hung my head. This was harder than I could have imagined. I liked Mrs. Cherkle. I didn't want to hurt her. It's not her fault her husband threatened my mom. He hadn't actually threatened her, but I could only see it as a threat. If anything, his pass at Momma threatened me! I took the cookie. Doing so delayed telling her. She seemed to understand I needed a prompt.

"Is this about yesterday?" She reached in the ceramic log cabin for another cookie, should it be necessary.

I nodded.

"I did something very bad yesterday, Billy. I wasn't myself. I promise it'll never happen again."

I shook my head. "It isn't that, Mrs. Cherkle. I liked that."

"That's not what matters." She shook her head. "I shouldn't have done- Wait, then what did you want to tell me?" Her hand retrieved the second cookie.

I hadn't cried from fear before. Tears seeped out. "Mm-mister Cherkle, h-he- uh, what said to Momma-"

"Godwin?" Her voice was a ghost. "What did he say to your mother?"

"H-he wanted to make babies with her." I prevented myself from balling, but more tears emerged.

The gingerbread boy in Mrs. Cherkle's hand bent and cracked until pulverized bits littered the floor tiles. "Are you sure?" An unwholesome expression drew her lips into something between a smile and a grimace.

"Momma told Daddy, last night." I imagined I might be her next pulverized cookie.

She nodded. "Billy, you're being very brave right now, but I have ask you to stay brave a little longer. Can you do that?" She didn't sound angry at me. It was like a time bomb that never went off, because anyone experiencing it would immediately defuse it at risk of their life. At least that's how I interpreted it. I had seen Momma this angry, twice. Fortunately, neither Daddy nor I had been its target.

"Can I go home?"

"I won't stop you, but I could handle this better if I know you're here." Did she mean she was less likely to stab her husband? I didn't want that to happen! I reluctantly agreed.

"Thank you, Billy. You can eat your cookies here, or go to the bathroom if you need a door between you and my husband and I."

"Okay." I squeaked. My stomach had no appetite.

She went to the main room, where Mr. Cherkle sat.

"Billy is worried about his mother." She told him, as if she were saying hello to a pleasant acquaintance. I doubt he heard the trap within her words. I did. I just had no idea what the trap might be.

"Why come to us? Why tell you?" Mr. Cherkle muted the TV and set down its remote control. "And what's there to worry about anyway?"

"You," She told him, "Dear."

He grumbled, "That's crazy. I fixed her ceiling yesterday. Is the woman ungrateful, or did the patch fail?" As if he would leap to fix his fix.

"I'm the ungrateful one, sweet Godwin."

"You're talking in riddles."

"Only because you made a fool of yourself -- again."

The older, burly man hunkered down in the lounger. "You believe the boy? I promised you, after the last time."

"I didn't believe your promise then, Godwin." The dam broke in Mrs. Cherkle's heart. "I let it go, because I know nothing happened, that time and this time. Why you even try is beyond foolishness. I wrote it off as hanging on to your middle age crisis. By the stars, Dear, you're almost sixty!"

"If nothing happened, then why are you haranguing me about it? I'm not ashamed of my fantasies. If I stepped over the line, I'm sorry. But you should have heard her, Colleen. Ms. Androni, didn't just reject me. She's a piece of work, real naughty, not fantasy naughty. She threatened forcing her husband on you!"

"That's a lie!" I heard myself shout. I jumped off the counter stool and stomped up to the main room. "Momma likes Mrs. Cherkle! She only asked how you would like it if another man made babies with your wife!"

"Get out of our house, Brat!" Mr. Cherkle started up from his chair.

"Don't you dare move an inch!" His wife declared. "Either of you." She glared at her husband but looked longing at me, somehow at the same time. "I can see Faun saying that. She has a bit of Mrs. McDougal in her, to her credit. Hell, if her husband wanted to give me a run with his gun, I'd happily lay downrange for him. The man's a shining gem, compared to your dull quartz." She snorted.

"Don't start, Colleen. Maybe I invite women to a good time in bed, because you're incapable of it!"

"That would be how you perceive your inadequacies for my needs. Maybe it's time you learned what you've been missing." Anger fled Mrs. Cherkle's sudden grin. She pulled a flip phone from her apron pocket. She pressed one button, waited for speed dial to complete, and said into the phone, "Gladys, my husband and I are having a bit of a brouhaha. Call the cops if I don't call you back in ten minutes." She paused. "Yeah, he wouldn't dare, considering the records they have on him."

Her transformation from terror to devil fascinated me to such a degree, my fright at the situation drained away. I gaped in awe! "Mrs. Cherkle." I said softly.

"Billy, could you help an ugly old woman like me, with something I need to do in the bedroom?" Her grin glowed with warmth, after it had froze her husband in his chair.

"What's going on, Colleen?"

"You stay put, or go fix something, or even stare from the bedroom doorway. It won't matter. When you see me again, I'll have the one thing you've never given me, and you'll know it. If you dare step into the room with us, I'll call the cops myself." She walked to the bedroom entrance, holding out her hand. "Billy?"

I could have left. I wanted to leave, from awkwardness rather than fear, but my gut told me, I would miss out on something truly great. Mr. Cherkle and I exchanged beguiled looks. He seemed afraid, now, to even move. Me? Like his wife had told me, I just needed to be brave a little longer. I hurried to her side, and she led me into their bedroom.

It was the same room as Mom an Dad's but looked completely different. One wall had pictures of cars and posters for MAC Tools with sexy but dumb looking ladies. The wall across from it had beautiful cross stitchings of orchids and cattle dogs and pink letters that read, "Happy Hearts are Sexy Hearts." The word sexy was stitched in bold red.

"What did you want me to help you with?" I looked at the bed. It was queen sized with a dark blue comforter. She set her phone on the far night stand and pulled back the cover revealing two tan clad pillows. "Sweet Billy, did you really make babies with those other women?" She asked with respect. Her hands fiddled with the strings of her apron and let it fall to the carpet.

I nodded.

"Did you tell your Mom about them?"

"No, Ma-am. She told me what I do is my business."

"Oh." Her eyes bulged for a heartbeat. "I think I like your mother even more, now." A warm smile brought all of the older woman's elegance to her face. Arriving slower, red blushed her cheeks. "I'm not as old as my husband, Billy, but I'm no spring chicken. Would you please make a baby in me?" A glint appeared in one of her eyes. "It's not impossible, actually. I haven't reached menopause yet, I mean that time when-"

"I read about menpause, Mrs. Cherkle." I had, but the book didn't say much more than it happened when lady bodies stopped having eggs.

"I keep forgetting you're not as innocent as you act." She quieted. I hadn't answered her question.

My fear of Mr. Cherkle hadn't vanished entirely. Just knowning he was in their home gave me the heebie-jeebies. However, my anger hadn't vanished either. Mostly, I felt excited to be with Mrs. Cherkle, in their bedroom with her. My pee pee was stiffening. "Yes, Mrs. Cherkle, can I please make a baby in you?"

She blushed harder, but her hands reached up and began to unbutton her blouse. "I want that Billy. You see, my husband has never made one. We tried, as married couples do, but he's not very good." Her hands worked efficiently. Beneath her blouse she wore a thin, short chemise. After dumping her white blouse, her hands moved to her light purple skirt, unzipping it. "I-I need you to do something first, something I never trusted Godwin to do."

She was saying she trusted me more than her husband. I couldn't refuse, no matter what she wanted. "Okay." My voice quavered a little.

Mrs. Cherkle dropped her skirt and hooked her thumbs into her white, plain panties. She pulled them down to mid-thigh and promptly bent over the bed, catching herself with her hands. "I need you to spank me, Billy. I need to be your Colleen again."

"Why would I spank you?" I was genuinely puzzled. "Your husband needs that."

"It's not easy to explain, but if you spank me, you'll hurt him far worse. I won't even feel it compared to his punishment." She put up a brave front. "But if you need a reason, Billy. I do deserve it. I'm doing a very naughty thing to my husband, much worse than he deserves, but I need to do it for me. That's probably very confusing. I'm sorry. If you don't want to-"

"I'll spank you, Mrs. Cherkle." I interrupted. A painful erection had taken my pee pee, as she described what she was doing to her husband. I wanted, if not needed, to make him suffer. I went around the bed to stand behind her.

"Thank you, Billy. You have to spank me hard. You can spank me with whatever you want. I-I haven't been spanked in a long time, because of how it changes me. Y-you weren't afraid yesterday, when I called you Daddy?"

"No. Mrs. Cherkle. That was fun!" I had been a little afraid, but I thought she was playing a game. If she needed a spanking, her game must be more serious. I remembered spanking Mrs. Abbey. My arms and hands were sore for a day, afterwards. I did need something to spank Mrs. Cherkle with. Looking around, I spied a wide leather belt dangling from the far bedpost. I could have walked over and got it, but I felt I should take charge when spanking someone, like I had with Tara and Mrs. Abbey. "Get your husband's belt from the bedpost, Mrs. Cherkle, and give it to me." I tried to sound grave.

Mrs. Cherkle flinched at my words. She whispered, "...with Godwin's belt." It's metal buckle had a small wrench welded across it. She pulled the long strip of leather off of the post and lifted it behind her. I took and hefted the massive thing. I worried I might injure Mrs. Cherkle with something that powerful. "How many do you deserve?"

"I-I'm not sure, uh-" She sounded more than a little worried. "Twenty?"

"Okay, Mrs. Cherkle, but you have to count. If you make a mistake, we will start again at one."

"For every mistake?" Her voice squeaked!

That's how Ms. Hennifer did it. "Yes." I swished belt and struck! It landed awkwardly against her porcelain white bum. I had never spanked with a belt before. The belts I wore were like feathers compared to Mr. Cherkle's. His wife didn't even grunt. Her bum flexed a bit. I almost said, Sorry.

I took a longer grip on the belt, allowing half of it to flex. I raised my arm and swung again. This time it smacked her butt with a hefty THWACK!

"Ow!" Mrs. Cherkle, sounded almost pleased. "Two!" She remembered.

I had to be fair. I had warned her. "You didn't count the first one, Mrs. Cherkle. So that was one."

"Yes, Billy. I'm sorry, Billy." She called out, "One!"

My next stroke hit perfectly. Her outcry matched the volume of the belt swatting her behind! "Ohhh! Two!"

CRACK! I was getting the hang of it. "OWW!" Her voice cried louder. "Three, ohh."

Pleased with my work, I swung the belt three times in quick succession. The last landed awkwardly. I had lost control. "Yeoww, Oww, OHH!" She was looking sore after she called out "Six!" A bad spank was still pretty painful, I guessed. I took careful aim, just above the red lashes I had been working. SWAT!

"Ouch. Thank you, Billy. Eight, I mean SEVEN!"

I hesitated. I shouldn't have, but I allowed her mistake. I belted her darkening bottom hard to cover for my kindness.

"OOWWW!!" She yelped. "EIGHT!"

I tried another quick three. Each landed meatily, provoking heartfelt cries followed with a correct count. "Eleven! Unnngggghh. That really hurts!" Her pained voice raised in pitch.

My arm was tired. I hadn't noticed it weaken. I was too excited by Mrs. Cherkle's once delicate looking behind. Dark swatches covered it. I held the buckle with one hand and the middle of the belt with my swatting hand. After eleven swings, I wished I didn't have spank her. My pee pee wanted to dive between her thighs and stick into her dark but graying pussy hair.

Where was Mr. Cherkle? He hadn't make a sound. Had he left? Had his wife's shouts and his belt's swats masked the sound of the front door opening and closing? It worried me, but not enough to stop. I thought this in the span of one breath, each deeper as my arm tired. I lifted and swung. I had promised. THWACK!

"OOWWWW, DADDY, It hurts so bad!" A little girl's voice wailed. Mrs. Cherkle had started to play her strange game.

"You didn't count that one." I warned.

"Count what, Daddy?" She groaned.

"Your spanks."

"I have to?" She couldn't have forgotten. That didn't make sense.

"We have to start at one again." I heaved my breath. My arm was really tired!

"You mean start all over?" She continued to sound confused. "NOOO! Daddy that's cruel!"

Her saying it made it sound cruel, but I had promised. "This time, don't forget to count, um, Colleen."

"Waaaahhh!" She whined.

I lifted the belt and swung! WHACK! I tried to hit a fresh spot, but her slim ass was completely crossed with dark welts.

"AAAAA!!! AAAA!!" She shrieked! Her butt danced as if it were on fire. I let it dance. She whimpered, almost too late, "one."

"That's very good, Sweetheart." I dropped the belt on the bed and bent over, to hug her torso. "I love you." Ms. Hennifer had waited until the end of my punishment to show her love, but I couldn't. I was sad that I had promised to spank Mrs. Cherkle hard, twenty times and start over if she lost count.

"I'm sorry I was bad, Daddy."

"I can't stop, Colleen. I have to keep my promise, until you count to twenty."

"Please no, Daddy." She looked back with strained elegance.

I let go of her, but I didn't pick up the belt. Instead, I stepped around her protruding backside. I raised my other hand and spanked!

"Oww!" Mrs. Cherkle cried. Her tears were real, but she realized I was taking it easier. "Two." She sniffed.

I hit the reddest part of her bum, with the palm of my hand, as hard as I could. I had promised, but it wasn't half as painful as the belt, according to the volume of her cries. SWAT!

"Nnnnggghh!!" Mrs. Cherkle yelped. "Three."

After thirteen swats, I changed hands. My off palm was very sore, but my main arm had recovered some of its strength. Mrs. Cherkle didn't miss a count.


"Ow. Daddy, I love you. Fourteen."


"Aaa." She whimpered. "Fifteen."


"OOH-OWW-OWW!" Her bum was so bruised, a kiss would have hurt it. "Sixteen, Daddy. Seventeen. Eighteen!"

I picked up the belt again. "I'm sorry, Colleen, but I have to make sure I didn't break my promise. Sore and tired, I swung the belt sharply. It smote her purple rear with a fierce TWACK!

"AAAAAA!!!" Mrs. Cherkle screamed. Tears poured out of her eyes. "NO, DADDY- Uh, uh- Nineteen." She managed.

I landed the final blow on the lightest colored swath of her ass, but I belted it as hard as I could. CRACK!

Mrs. Cherkle, screamed and fell to her bed. Blubblering, she managed, "Twenty, Daddy." She curled up and cried.

I ran to the dresser in the room, obviously hers with perfume and brushes. I opened drawers until I found what I needed. I returned to the bed and fell next to her. "Daddy's sorry for doing that, Colleen, but you made me promise." I opened the jar I had found and dug out a handful of cold cream. I applied it gently to the edge of the welts on her behind. Her butt flinched at every touch.

"I was really bad, wasn't I."

"I think you're wonderful, Mrs- uh, Colleen."

"Do you, Daddy?"

"Uh-huh." I smoothed the cream over he welts. She kept crying. She sniffled, "That's good of you. It hurts so bad, but the cream helps. Thank you, Daddy."

I hugged her where I thought it wouldn't inflame her behind. She nestled her face close to mine, kissing me on the lips.

My raging hard on jerked and jolted. More than being sorry for whipping Mrs. Cherkle, I needed to push inside her.

"I promised something else, Colleen." I whispered. My lips brushed her.

"Are you going to hurt me more?"

"I hope not. Do you remember?"

"No, Daddy."

"I promised I would make a baby in you, Sweetheart."


"Yes, Honey."

"Oh, Daddy, that would be wonderful! I aways wanted to have my own baby."

"You're very sore, Colleen. I'm afraid it would hurt you more."

She answered in a very small voice. "It's okay, Daddy, if you're going to make a baby in me."

"I don't want to, but okay." I kissed her and pulled off her panties. "Lay on your back, Honey. Spread your legs." I opened the fly of my pants and pulled a rock hard peter from my undershorts.

"Okay." She winced and grunted, turning on her back. The soft sheets grated her cream soaked bum. When her legs offered pussy, I looked eagerly. The hair was neatly trimmed along and above her outer lips. It made her sex look bigger than it was. She had the tiniest pussy. I briefly worried if my pee pee would fit. It had to. I had promised Mrs. Cherkle.

"Daddy, you have a nice peter." She smiled, but tears crept out, as her bum failed to stop flinching against the bedclothes.

"You have a beautiful pussy, Colleen." I smiled and walked on my knees until I reached the inner top of her thighs. The tips of belt marks pointed at my hard dick.

"Do you want to see my boobies?" She asked.

"I'd like that, Sweetheart."

Mrs. Cherkle groaned as her arms pulled the hem of her short chemise up her chest. The motion rocked her ass against the sheets. She had shallow but pert breasts. I had never seen a little girl's breasts, but I imagined they looked like Mrs. Cherkle's only smaller.

"You have pretty boobies." I fingered my desperate prick. I couldn't hold back any longer.

"Please make a baby in me, Daddy. I don't care if it hurts." She whimpered saying.

I fisted my cock down, splitting her outer lips, with the head. "Oh, Honey, I need this too." I groaned as my prick speared Mrs. Cherkle's tiny cunt. She was really wet! The head found her inner opening quick, as if there was nothing else behind her vulva. I plunged into the willing puss more forcefully than I wanted. I couldn't help myself! I'd taken so long to spank Mrs. Cherkle, my pee pee would have died if I hadn't thrust in as quickly as possible. My groin slammed into hers, pushing her butt against the sheet.

"AAAA!!" She cried more tears. "Ohh, it hurts, Daddy! It hurts!"

My dick pumped automatically, my crotch slapping her hips. Her ripe snatch was creamy silk sucking on my turgid penis. Each pump brought fresh tears to her eyes. "I'm sorry, Baby. I can't stop. It feels too good."

"OWW- i-it's okay, Daddy, as long as you make- UUHH!, a baby in me!" She groaned over and over as my peter plunged in and out of her dripping hole.

Another cry, low and throaty howled from the main room. I felt a little sorry for Mr. Cherkle, but not much. He must have been very sad that I was making a baby in his wife while he couldn't do anything about it. It served him right for asking to make one in my momma!

"I don't like that man, Daddy. He never, Nnngg!, made a baby in me." Mrs. Cherkle cried.

"Hush, Sweetheart." As much as I loved fucking my hard cock into Mrs. Cherkle, I knew it wasn't right, and the game she was playing wasn't really a game, but I needed to do this, to teach her husband a lesson he would never forget. "After this, we can forgive him."

"I want your baby, Daddy. I really do." She continued to wince and whine as my weight pressed down, jackhammering her sore rear into the bed. My dick plunged through her inner softness and warmth. It filled my body with electric pleasure.

"If only it didn't hurt so much." She bit her lip.

"Just a little longer, Colleen. I'm going to cum quick." Her wet pussy and sad cries tugged the cum in my balls. Sperm pooled into the bulb of my penis, eager to launch deep into Mrs. Cherkle's body.

"I want you to cum a lot, Daddy!" She urged, despite her grimace. "You have to!" To my surprise and amazement, she bucked her hips against my thrusts, to make sure I plumbed her deepest parts. She wailed continuously from the intense pain in her bum but didn't miss a single pound into her puss. "WAAAAAHHHH!! I want your cum, Daddy! I want you to cum deep. Make me pregnant! Knock me up. I want you to be a Daddy all over again." She cried and cried.

I lunged passionately, my head swimming in lust, until my body slammed down, piercing her farthest reaches upon meeting her thrust up. She sobbed. "I need it, Billy!" Her voice deepened.

My prick erupted unlike past orgasms. Cum blasted her cunt and blasted out of it. I exploded like a bursting dam, shooting a cascade of boiling liquid that flowed without end. My body wrenched and flailed atop the suffering woman who prayed for my seed to quicken a child within her womb. I lost my vision. Intense ecstacy shut down my senses and all self control. My prick lurched, shooting globs now, thick and potent.

Mrs. Cherkle yelped from each of my body's gyrations. She reached around me and pulled me to her slight breasts. I kissed one before sucking it into my mouth, as if my body was a baby again. Then she screamed away from my ear, "HAAAAAHHHH!!!! AAAHHHHH!!! AAAAHHH!!" She didn't stop until I had sucked and bucked more spunk into the once elegant, now bruised and shuddering woman beneath my pleasure wracked existence. "Oh, Billy, Billy, I've never cum like this before!"

"NOOOOO!" Mr. Cherkle howled from the other room. "I'M SORRY, COLLEEN! OOOOHHHH!" His outburst ended with a strangely familiar expression, but I was too gone from the universe to identify it.

I sucked on Mrs. Cherkle's nipple and poured the last of my thick cum into her sucking cunt. I did think to lean over and fall to the bed, releasing her bum from the torture of our fucking.

She held me and kissed me, again and again. "Thank you, Billy." I lay there breathing shallow and quick. She hummed a peaceful phrase.

Mr. Cherkle's voice whispered from the door. "I-I didn't know I couldn't satisfy you like that."

"We forgive you, Godwin. Pull yourself together, wash up, and we'll talk again when Billy's gone home." She picked up her phone and told Mrs. McDougal everything was just fine.

Sometime after falling asleep in Mrs. Cherkle's arms, my watch buzzed. Mother had sent an email, asking where I was.

A half naked Mrs. Cherkle escorted me to the door with kisses and hugs. We heard her husband whimpering in the bathroom. There was a soft slapping sound too.

"I hope you can forgive him." She sighed.

"I want to, Mrs. Cherkle, but he made me very mad."

"Are you still mad?"

"I don't think so." I scratched my head. "I can't tell. What we did was so amazing."

"Yes, Billy. It'll probably never be like that again."

"I guess you won't want that anymore." I felt even more sorry for hurting her.

She laughed. "We'll see, you young tiger, but right now I'm going to sleep on my tummy and avoid sitting, for at least a week!"

I trudged outside and slogged my way up the stairs, box of cookies in hand. I had emailed Momma, telling her I was helping Mr. and Mrs. Cherkle with something they needed. The smell of burning tobacco snagged my attention.

"I wonder what could have caused the great and powerful, Godwin Cherkle to howl like a loon?" Mrs. McDougal squatted on her heels, smoking on the landing between floors. "Do you still want to give him a spanking?" An expensive phone sat in her lap.

The witch apartment owner's eyes burned and twinkled at the same time. Did she know? Was she actually a witch? I couldn't speak with those haunting orbs boring into me. I ran up the rest of the stairs, along the interior walkway to my door, and hurried inside to Momma.

She greeted me from the sofa bed. "I hope you gave the apartment managers your very best."

What she said sounded a little like Mrs. McDougal. I froze at the notion. My hazy thoughts and vision imagined Momma with wild, gray hair. Please, no! I quailed on the inside.

"Are you ready to start the rest of your day?" Mother got up and collected her coat and purse. "You wanted to see Mr. Colkick, after I submit your papers to the school principal. What else?"
I asked her, "Did you write a thank you for Mrs. Abbey?"

"I did, while you were out. It's in my purse, to drop off at the apartment mailbox." She walked to the door.

I followed. "What if we went to her place and gave it in person."

"That would be difficult." She opened the door and held it for me. "She lives on the far side of town. We couldn't see her and Mr. Colkick today."

"Even for a cookie?" I had been holding the box behind me.

"Aww," She relaxed and closed the door. "You know I like lemon creme wafers."

I opened the sealable package, and she took two. I took one. She didn't say anything about the box being already open.

"I'm sorry your surprise cookies were stale. I wanted to surprise you."

She kissed my cheek. "Thank you!" We nibbled, enjoying the moment.

"Just because I accepted your bribe doesn't mean we can take the card to Mrs. Abbey." She shrugged. "Unless you don't want to visit Mr. Colkick."

I thought about it. "We would waste a stamp if we took it in person?"

"Such a frugal son I've raised!" She laughed. "You don't need a reason to see her. Email her. The next time she's showing a home in the area we'll visit with her."

I didn't know that taking the transit system across town involved a lot of busses. "Okay." I agreed.

We left after eating our snack. I put the box in the cupboard, to save for later and share with Daddy. Momma mailed the card to Mrs. Abbey, and then we walked to the school.

The main doors had strange metal holes around them, in the concrete slab that stretched out before them. Mother raised her eyebrows at them but didn't comment. We went to the school administration counter and an older man, Mr. Vouse, called the principal for us. "Principal Agincourt, Ms. Androni is here with her son's records."

A tall, powerfully framed woman with silver hair and tiny, silver rimmed glasses emerged from the principal's office. "Hello, Ms. Androni." She noticed me with a glance. "Hello Billy." Very business like, she invited us in. We took to plastic chairs in front of her desk, then she sank into her wood and leather chair.

"What are those metal holes outside the school doors?" I asked.

Her long nose pointed at me. "The school used to have a fence and barbed wire, to protect students from gunmen, and to allow inspections before and after school. Brave members of the PTA told the school board to cut it down.

"Students aren't prisoners. Schools that treat them like criminals set a terrible example for society." She nodded slightly. "You're very perceptive, Billy. The truth is, I was hired to return respect for students and education, to this school. I let go nearly half of the teachers, the ones who were simply working for a paycheck. I won't have that in my school. I scoured the state for educators who are called to the profession. I increased salaries, and I don't mine saying, I'm risking my own position, to defend these changes. Fortunately, the community voted religious zealots out from the school board of directors. That board had even refused evidence based sex education." She paused, gauging my mother's reaction.

"Don't most states save that for high school?" Mother was curious.

"Ma-am, European nations offer age appropriate introduction to human sexuality at all levels. In primary schools, students are given condoms to play with, to blow them up into balloons for example. This is to normalize them as familiar objects. In America, the majority of men are too embarrassed to buy condoms."

"Daddy has condoms." I fidgeted. Principal Agincourt was boring.

Ms. Agincourt blinked. "Uh, good for him."

Mother hugged me. "You won't find me disagreeing with your policies, Ms. Agincourt."

The principal tapped mother's paperwork on her desk. "Your husband answered most of my questions in our interview. I'm sure these are in good order. Unless you have questions I will have these filed."

"There is a small matter I'd like to discuss. I hadn't thought to, until you declared your perspectives on education. I would have added a note if I had known."

Whatever it was, I worried Ms. Agincourt would blather on about dumb things again. "Momma, can I go see Ms. Hennifer?" I must have interrupted the principal just as she was about to speak. She pursed her lips. Brown eyes pierced me through thin framed glasses.

"My son met her yesterday. Can he walk the halls unescorted?"

"I'm sorry I didn't make my stance more clear." Ms. Agincourt spoke cooly. "My faculty trusts their students at this school. Ms. Hennifer did mention the incident. I'm sure she'd be happy for him to say hello."

I started a beeline to the front counter but the principal's firm voice stopped me. "Unless a student proves untrustworthy."

"It's okay, Sweetie. I'll find you in Ms. Hennifer's room." Momma said.

A more melodic voice issued from the principal. "It's the parents we have to be careful with."

Mother laughed lightly.

I walked quickly out of the administration area and found the hall to Ms. Hennifer's room. She was writing simple equations on the white boards but turned to the door when I opened it. A big smile lit up her face. "Billy!"

She opened her arms and I ran into her hug. "Are you so mad for math, you've come ta visit, Lad?"

"No." I frowned. She knelt down until her face was level with mine. "I need to say something important. Don't get sad, but if you're in my class this year, I won't give you special attention or treatment. It wouldn't be fair to the other students."

"I guess." I let my frown soften.

"And ye can't be taking after me. Do you know what I mean?"

"I can't hug you or cum on you."

She snorted a laugh. "Yes. You know I could lose my job."

"I know." I nodded. I was looking at her hair, but from the front I couldn't see her bun.

"Good lad. I may surprise you some days, but you mustn't be wait'n for me, okay?"

I would have to find other women, if I needed to make babies. She caught me looking. "What's ta matter?"

Without answering, I reached up and pushed her chin to the right. It was still there, in her bun. Flakes of my dried cum encrusted the top of it. Standing, she was tall enough. Most people wouldn't notice. They certainly wouldn't believe what it was. I giggled.

"Oh, Lad, I haven't forgotten. I promised to keep the reminder until school starts."

I hugged her then, and she wrapped her arms around me.

"Where's your mum?"

"She's talking to the principal."

"Principal Agincourt is a straightforward marm. They won't be long."

I helped to prep her room, until Momma knocked. "Is Billy bothering you?" she asked from the hall.

"Nary a fig, Ms. Androni. Come in!" The math teacher must have thought it was strange for my mother to give warning before entering. She gave me a curious eye but presented a pleased face to Momma.

"Please, call me Faun." They shook hands. Mother continued. "I brought news. Principal Agincourt agreed to assign Billy to your math class."

"Yay!" I shouted and jumped.

Momma held back her smile. "You must remember, Billy. The authority I gave to Ms. Hennifer is still in effect. I trust you won't give her reason to apply it."

I didn't know what to think. My new teacher could spank me how ever she saw fit? My glee splashed on the floor.

"I promise, I'll use it responsibly, Faun." She looked at me. I remembered her promise. I had seen the reminder. I felt I could trust her. Could I trust myself?


Momma smiled then. "I'm sorry I can't stay to chat. We have to see a man about a watch."

Mother and I caught a bus that ran past the school. It was early afternoon, and there were plenty of empty seats. "How are you feeling about the watch?"

"I don't know. I should sell it, huh?" I wanted to keep the watch. The more I played with it, the more stuff I found I could do with it.

"You should make up your mind." She let me toy with the powerful tool on my wrist.

We had to change busses near Central Heights. "Mrs. Abbey says this is where rich people live."

"Does she?" Momma pursed her lips. "Is this where you're going to find a wife?"

"Cut it out, Momma." I pushed her thigh that rested warmly against mine.

"You're old enough, if your father and I sign papers..." She teased again. I learned later, our state allows people my age to marry with the permission of all parents.

I returned to playing with my watch. It had a compass feature. I imagined myself on safari, hunting poachers, with only my watch to guide me.

Mother pressed the stop button. The bus slowed to a halt, and we stepped off into a neighborhood not much nicer than our new one. She looked at a paper map she had drawn. We walked two blocks, turning once. We stopped before a modest home with very little yard in front.

"Here we are." Momma studied me. We stood on the sidewalk.

"I'm okay." I took the first step. We reached the porch together. Mother let me ring the doorbell.

A beautiful woman, wearing a simple house dress and open toed slippers opened the door. "Yes?"

I recognized her from the picture. She was Mr. Colkick's wife. I blushed hard.

"I'm Faun Androni and this is my son, Billy. He emailed about our visit today?"

Hearing my name, Ms. Colkick's face erupted with joyous amazement. "Billy!" She stepped out and hugged me before anyone could stop her. "You wonderful boy!"

I found myself wrapped in a python's grip, a hot blooded one.

Mother cleared her throat. I trusted, if that didn't stop my assailant, she would use sterner means to protect me.

The excited woman released me and patted her dress. "Yes, Ms. Androni, my husband is-"

"Right here." The man entered the doorway, beaming at me. "Billy, it's good to see you again!" He held out his hand. I managed to shake it in my daze.

"Hi, Mr. Colkick."

"Please, come in!"

"I'll fetch tea, and I have danish." Ms. Colkick went to the kitchen.

There was a desk in what should have been a dining room. Three seats waited around a small table. Mr. Colkick sat in his desk chair and swiveled around to face us.

"I can't thank you enough, Billy." He began.

"Mr. Colkick, I don't mean to be rude, but Billy hasn't decided about the watch. He wanted to meet you again, before deciding."

The man's delight intensified. He winked at me. "Do you let all of your women speak for you?" He aimed an elbow at me, whatever that meant.

"Momma, it's us men talking now." I told her.

Momma drew back, her face a blank. It was the first time I had ever surprised her.

"Billy." Mr. Colkick cautioned. "Don't be rude to your mother. She's as much a part of this meeting as you and I and Angela."

His wife set a platter with danish, cups on saucers, and a teapot, on the table. She sat between me and her husband.

A meeting sounded very serious.

"I think Mr. Colkick wants to talk about something other than the watch."

"Bingo!" The man grinned. "And it's all because of you, Billy." He looked at Momma. "Please call me Harold. This is Angela, my beautiful partner in business and love."

"Faun." She nodded. She prompted me. "Call them Mrs. and Mr. Colkick, Hon."

"Who am I to overrule your mother?" He laughed.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked him. I took a danish and bit into it.

"Business! An incredible business that I now have years of funding for."

"How could Billy be important to your business?" Mother was on her guard.

"Actually, Faun, you are who I need to discuss this with."

"Momma?" I held my danish like a brick.

"But let me back up. I'm getting ahead of myself. I still need to thank Billy properly."

Ms. Colkick contributed. "Excuse my husband. When he gets too excited, I have to make the decisions." She smiled at me. "But he is right, if you hadn't bought his watch, poor Harold would have had to declare bankruptcy. Our dream would have died."

"I take it, this relates to the business meeting he almost missed." Momma interjected.

"Not only did the twenty dollars let Harold reach the meeting in time, but if he had been wearing that watch, we would be selling our house right now." Angela explained. "There was a special guest at the meeting. She is a very powerful woman who is on the board of a rival computer watch manufacturer. Wearing that one would have guaranteed being dismissed from the meeting before it began."

"Thank you, my angel. Yes. When I saw Ms. Long I automatically clapped my hand over my bare wrist. Even its tan line might have ruined our chance." Harold returned to the conversation.

"I'm very glad you were able to secure funding for your company!" Momma appreciated.

I didn't really understand, but I was excited too. "Yay!"

"You're so cute!" Ms. Colkick gripped my shoulder and shook me gently.

"That's where you, and many more women looking for work, come into this conversation."

"How many women?" I asked, privately worried that I might not be able to make babies in all of them.

"Not too many, at first." He answered with a kind face.

"Momma, are you going to work?" What would happen to me, if Momma left early and came home late every day, like Daddy?

"Let's hear him out, Billy. I won't agree to anything, unless you agree."

Oh. I quieted and listened. I did catch Ms. Colkick raise one eyebrow at Momma's declaration.

Mr. Colkick began. "My company is named Meals on Heels. Aside from the silly pun, which tested favorable in market surveys, we do what it says. We hire women to cook for people, in their own homes. It's very professional, despite its slightly suggestive slant."

"If Harold had his way, he would be selling orgies!" Ms. Colkick laughed. Her face darkened. "That's why I'm a partner, to keep my husband's fantasies in check. I have written extensive guidelines on proper behavior for our employees as well as our guarantee of full support for any decision you make regarding the behavior of our clients. Your word will always be taken with the utmost seriousness, I promise. You will always be believed over anything a client claims."

It sounded as if they thought Momma was already an employee. I didn't feel so good.

"We have deep pockets to ensure that every woman we hire will be worthy of our trust."

"Harold has already vetted you, after your exchange on the train."

Mother surprised me with a tinge of red on her cheeks. "I will always protect my son."

"Yes. That's the strength we need in our chefs."

Angela finished with a smile. "The only remaining question is, can you cook?"

"Momma's the best cook!" I shouted.

"I'll have to think about it, but I can't accept full time work."

"You can work whichever hours you choose. You have full autonomy over accepting clients."

"This is a gig economy business," Harold assured. "Only without economizing. We pay top wages for quality chefs, more than what fancy restaurants pay."

"Because our intended clients can afford the markup we put on your salary."

"That makes a certain sense."

"We'll send emails with all the details. There's no hurry to accept-"

"Before the end of next week." Angela pursed her lips.

"I have a question for you." Mother silenced them with her tone. "I may need to take Billy with me. He has to be given the same guarantee you promise your chefs."

They cried simultaneously, "Absolutely! We'll trust your judgement about his reliability."

It was a happy moment. Momma wasn't going to leave me behind, if she accepted the job. I was sad, however. I unbuckled the watch from my wrist and offered it to Mr. Colkick. "Here. I know it means a lot you."

He sobered. "It does, especially since you said that." A slow grin formed. He pulled back his sleeve and revealed a watch that looked just as fancy. "Between you and me, I like your brand better, but I made my new partners give this to me as a signing bonus. You should have seen how asking for it made Ms. Long smile."

"Harold." Ms. Colkick coughed.

"Oh, yes." He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. "I promised I would buy it. Good businessmen keep their promises."

"I'm not sure Billy would want to-" Momma engaged.

"Don't misunderstand me, Faun. I'm going to pay him for the watch, but I'm not going to take it from him."

"You don't have to give me any money, Mr. Colkick."

"I'm not giving you anything. I'm buying that watch, but I want you to keep wearing it. On your wrist, it's been a good luck charm for Angela, Meals on Heels, and I. I'll pay extra for you to wear it, if you like."

"Fifty dollars will be fine." Momma settled the matter.

That's how I held my first fifty dollar bill.

The adults made light conversation while I investigated my watch, free from worrying about wanting it too much.

"Faun, may I borrow your son for a minute?" Ms. Colkick got up and lifted the tea tray.

"Don't wear him out." Mother used that special tone that made me suspicious.

Our hostess blushed a little. "Billy can you help me in the kitchen?"

"Okay." I was kinda bored. I followed her through a swinging door.

Her blush remained, after setting the tray beside the sink. "You wouldn't be a little boy if you haven't found the picture I sent to Harold before his trip."

I didn't like being called a little boy, but I had enough confidence to be polite about it. I nodded. "Am I in trouble?"

"No, Honey. If anyone's in trouble, I am. Is the picture on your watch?"


"Have you sent it to anyone?"

"No, Ma-am. If you're in trouble can I be the one to spank you? You're very pretty."

Clearly surprised, she answered politely. "You're more grown up than I realized."

"Yes, Ms. Colkick. I can even cum!" I whispered.

If asking to spank her hadn't thrown her for a loop, revealing that I could cum did.

"Uh. That's nice, I guess." Her blush deepened.

"It feels really good."

"I just want to talk about the picture."

"Do you want me to delete it? I like looking at it."

"Billy! I'm pleased you would offer to do that." She paused. "I did, but now I'm not sure."

"If I deleted it would you send another one, that was just for me? It's not right to keep the picture you meant for Mr. Colkick."

Again, the business woman had to think. This was not the conversation she expected. She responded out of poor assumptions about my intentions. "H-how much do you want me to show in a picture for you?"

"All of you, of course." I wanted a picture of her, from her hair to her shoes. I failed to understand she meant how she should dress.

"Would you show the picture to anyone else, like your mother?"

"She doesn't have anything to do with it."

"So you would keep it for yourself, not share it, not even for money?"

"Selling gifts is wrong, Ms. Colkick."

"Okay." She nodded timidly. "I can't send it right now, but I will. Can you trust me?"

I answered by deleting the picture right in front of her. If the watch had had a camera, I could have taken it right then. I shrugged when she thanked me, and I trundled back into their office.

"It's been an amazing day. I didn't expect to be interviewed." Mother stood when I entered. She smiled at me.

"Thank you, Mrs. and Mr. Colkick."

"Thank you, Billy."

The second bus arrived in our neighborhood just as the sun began to set. It was really crowded. Mom and I had to hug each other the whole way. Upon boarding I worried about my pee pee getting hard against her dress. Before exiting, I guessed I had spent so much cum in Mrs. Cherkle's little pussy, that morning, it didn't need to.

I helped Momma make dinner. She gave me new tasks, that required patience, like removing the shells from hard boiled eggs.

"Let the faucet's water help to separate the shell without cutting the egg." She instructed. "If I take Mr. Colkick's offer, you're going to help me make meals for rich people. I need to rely on you."

I still wasn't sold on Momma taking the job, but being needed by her always felt good.

Daddy came home in time for dinner. "It's the end of the week, and I want to spend as much of the weekend as I can with the most important people in my life."

Mother explained the Colkicks' business and their offer. He munched thoughtfully. "Where do I sign up? I'll get surgery if I have to." He laughed. "It's your call, Faun." He meant he would be happy for her, whatever she decided. "Billy, you have to protect her, if anything goes wrong."

I was extremely confident about that. "I will, Daddy. If you don't believe me, talk to Mr. Cherkle." I gave a curt nod.

Momma and Daddy swapped puzzled expressions. They shrugged.

Only two things of importance happened later. I couldn't not listen at their door, when I was suppose to be in bed. I think they knew I listened, but that didn't seem to trouble them.

Daddy told her, "How can you not accept, Faun? Spending time with strangers, in their homes is one of your favorite fantasies."

"That may be, Dearest, but reality is reality. No matter how earnest the Colkicks are about supporting their employees, there is a risk, and while I might accept it, I don't know if I should include Billy, but if I accept the job, I won't leave Billy behind."

"You're right, as always, my love."

I returned to my bed. My watch was plugged into the charger. I had turned off the ringer but I heard the vibrator buzz. I tapped it awake. An email from Ms. Colkick had arrived. I opened the app and read, "I trust you, Billy." In the email app, the attached photo was too small. I saved it to the photo app and reopened it.

She stood in the entrance of the doorway of their bedroom, completely naked, arms and legs spread. The camera was low looking up at her. I guessed she had used a timer. I could see all of her brown pussy hair and the full size of her breasts. She smiled with beautiful confidence. Her golden eyes smoldered. There was something in her hand, a handle to something that stretched out behind the wall. I guessed it was a big spoon, maybe.

I looked for other details. I had to scroll and zoom a lot. It was very high resolution. Behind her, to the right of her shapely hip, I saw something shiny that appeared to crawl up the corner of their bed. The metal chain poked over the top and was attached to a black, leather band. The band was fastened around the ankle of a large, naked leg and foot.

I didn't puzzle over it for long. I ran to the kitchen and got out the fresh jar of coconut oil Mom had bought for me. I returned to my watch and jerked off to a very nice cum. Except I didn't cum. For the first time, that didn't worry me. I remembered Momma's words, "It doesn't matter if you ejaculate or don't. It will still feel good, and that is never a waste." In fact I was glad I hadn't spilled cum on the carpet or furniture.

Father made good on his promise to spend the whole weekend with us. On Saturday we went to the zoo and then to a fancy restaurant at the top of a building on the biggest hill in Central Heights. We didn't eat there. It was too expensive, but we took the ten dollar tour.

"There is it, our new home." Father gestured at the incredible views through glass walls, as the restaurant slowly rotated. The sun sank behind the horizon. The sky turned beautiful shades of light blue, pink, and orange before darkness engulfed the city and thousands of lights surrounded us. "It's beautiful." Momma hugged him, nestling her head in the crook of his arm.

"Wow." I gasp.

I heard them making babies that night. Daddy asked between their grunts and moans, "Should I take it off? If you accept that job, we will be able to afford another child."

"Nnngg, Not yet, Sweetheart, I-it's not the best time to decide such a thing." I left the door before they made really silly sounds.

I jerked off to Ms. Colkick's picture but still didn't cum. Again, I was grateful I didn't make a mess. My cum would have just gone to waste.

On Sunday, we took a special bus to the river. It was wide and slow and beautiful. We picnicked in a park running along it, and we went hiking all day. Daddy got sunburned, but Momma didn't. She asked me to put her lotion on and told me to rub it everywhere I could reach. Daddy tried to ignore my hands when they slipped under Momma's shirt and hiking pants. But I saw his eyes dart at her. And he had a funny look, not angry, not sad, but intense.

I listened at their bedroom door. "Don't make me use it tonight, I'm as hot as a furnace. If you're anywhere close to the right time of the month, we'll be new parents before the end of the year."

"You know what happens when you get too excited, Glen." Mother's voice tinkled. "And that sunburn-" SLAP!

"YAA - OOOHHH! Hhhhhh. Darn you, Faun!"

"It's okay, Honey, I'll clean it up."

I had to run away from Momma's slurping sounds. Daddy's voice faded behind me. "You just had to make Billy rub it on you, in front of me..." He sounded annoyed but not disappointed.

I emailed Mrs. Abbey, asking if she would be in the neighborhood again.

I didn't jack off that night. I wanted to be at my very best for Mrs. Hennifer should she surprise me. Already I was breaking my promise not to expect anything. I had trouble getting to sleep, pondering tomorrow's uncertainties. Daddy woke me at my regular time.

"I'm going to walk you to school, with your mom, on your first day."

Momma called from the kitchen. "Don't worry, Sweetie. Your father and I won't embarrass you. We'll catch the bus across the street." Eggs and sausages lent their smell to the apartment. I raced to the bathroom, showered and dressed. I had to leave my watch at home. School policy.

Daddy had told his work, that he would arrive late, and he had left early on Friday night. "I'll have to get up early and return home long after sunset, again starting tomorrow." He sighed. We three walked the six blocks to my school. Mother was going to see Ms. and Mr. Colkick, to discuss Meals on Heels with them. That's why she would catch a bus.

They kissed my cheek and hugged me when we could see the school yard. Children my age converged there from all direction. A line of big cars out front let off more students. I waved goodbye. Mother had printed out my schedule. I clung to it like a security blanket. My first class was History.

An energetic young man, Mr. Glouvert, nearly sang to us about the sweep and scope of the world's nations and famous people and how history affects today's societies. He would emphasize American history, with enough world history to bring it fully to life. We wouldn't have won our revolution against the British, if it weren't for the French, I learned.

Next class was Mr. Yong. He taught Science. He spoke slowly and precisely. He began by asking what we thought science was. Nobody raised their hands. He wrote something on a piece of paper, placed it face down on his lab table and lay a five dollar bill across it. "We're going to play 20 questions. Each of you will ask one question, but when you think you know the answer, anyone can raise their hand to guess. The first person who answers close to what I've written gets five dollars." Everyone jumped at the chance for five dollars!

After half the room had narrowed it down to a practical concept, a girl, Kelly, asked, "Testing ideas and sharing tests?" She won. The answer he'd written was "A Conversation of Experimentation." He thanked us and told us, "Congratulations, everyone of you is a scientist, now! By asking questions and sharing the answers, you discovered something! Tomorrow, we'll play with fire." He dismissed us.

I went to my locker, to get my math book. Something struck my shoulder. I looked around. Steve had whacked me on his way to his next class. He scowled at me and shook a fist. I stared back until he left. My shoulder hurt, and I favored it going into Ms. Hennifer's room.

I sat in back, to keep from looking too eager to see her. She noticed me and gently smiled. She took roll and told a story about Albert Einstein. "Albert wasn't very good at Algebra, but his uncle told him to think of it as a fox hunt. Instead of a fox, we're going to hunt the letter x!" She spent half of the hour showing how x could be in any part of an equation. She used, 2+2=4, repeatedly replacing a number in the equation with x, and asking what x was. It was always the number replaced! I think I got it.

Instead of going to the cafeteria for lunch, I went outside to one of several picnic tables and opened my sack lunch. Mother had made peanut butter and strawberry preserves on lightly toasted whole wheat. There was an apple and a slice of cheese. I munched hungrily, watching the other kids.

"Hey, little man," An older boy sat next to me. It was Wendel, the tan boy who played basketball on Thursday. "Thinking deep thoughts?"

"Is Steve your friend?" I asked.

"Maybe. He bugging you?"


"Let me tell you a secret about him. He's a momma's boy, acts tough but stand up to him and he'll back off."

"He didn't when I fought him. It's not fair to pick on me because I'm smaller."

"Yeah, the world ain't fair, dude. Your problem on Thursday wasn't Steve. It was Trish. He's sweet on her."


"You made him look bad. Anyway, I like you because you did your best, little man, but I can't be seen talking to a freshman. So hasta and all that. If anyone asks what I said to you, tell 'em I threatened to punch you if you bother us again."

"Tell Steve I won't play fair either."

"Whoa, giving me chills!" Wendel laughed and marched away.

After lunch was my English class. I hurried to my locker, looking carefully at the crowd of kids. I double checked my schedule and nearly dropped my grammar book. The teacher was Shoona Laghari! She was one of the Spice Witch Five on the Darling Dimensions podcast!

I took a seat in the middle of the class. So I could be as close as possible, no matter where she stood in the room. She said English was particularly well suited to express one's self. She described her background with florid details, but I don't remember much. She was a gorgeous woman of Pakistani descent. Both her parents were born in America though. I added the gorgeous bit.

"English is also good for technical writing." She assigned us to describe how to draw a circle. She took our papers when the school harp sang. I shuffled up to her, while everyone else left the room. "Would you sign my paper when you grade it? My name is Billy Androni."

She gave me a suspicious look. "Is this about Darling Dimensions?"

I nodded, blushing.

"Just between you and me, I don't like the name the writer gave me. Please don't call me Chutney."

"No." I swore on my life.

"Thank you, Billy. I hope your first day at school is wonderful."

"Yes, Ma-am."

I had to change into my P.E. clothes. Father had ordered the orange and grey pants and reversible shirt after talking with Principal Agincourt. The boys around me watched all the other boys, as they changed, careful to neither hide their pee pees and balls, or show them off. I didn't think about it that much. I just changed and was first to meet the teacher, Mrs. Lum. She was the oldest teacher I had ever had. I thought she was forty. She turned out to be sixty! "Name?"

"Billy Androni."

"Check." As boys and girls filed out of our respective shower rooms, she checked them off her list. She put us in a wide circle, and we played a strange game of running around the circle and learning each other's names. I was pretty good at the names, but only middle fast at running the circle. After that, Mrs. Lum produced a portable speaker and played some fun music. She taught the beginning of a very special dance called "Capoeira."

I went into the showers and washed. The other boys acted as if it was a dare. Two of them were making fun of the boy who didn't want to shower. He was a big kid too, but he acted like a baby. I stepped out of the shower and told his harassers, Carlo and Phil, to worry about their own stink. I waved my hand at my nose.

Phil got mad. "I'll take you apart, Billy Willy!" He snorted at my dangling pee pee.

"Save that name for James. He's bigger than any of us." I had lied when I said I didn't look around when I changed my clothes. James had a big dick. I never saw it hard, but it was pretty amazing for our age.

Phil and Carlo changed in another aisle.

"Hey, Billy. Why did you tell them about me?" James asked. His face was deep red.

"Because only kids who worry about their pee pees would make fun of another boy's."

"Huh." He took off his clothes and went into the showers.

My last class of the day was Art and Music. A quiet man with shining eyes didn't take roll. He didn't introduce himself. As students fill the chairs in his class, he played a lame tune on a flute, until the room was full.

"That music is over five thousand years old. It was described on clay tablets that were deciphered in the last century. The only thing missing was the composer's name. It kinda sucked, didn't it?" The class laughed.

"That's the weird thing about music. People of different cultures like different music." He played another tune. I had heard it lots of times, mostly on commercials. "But some music, no matter where in the world you play it, has instant appeal. I wish I could tell you why that is, but nobody knows. What I hope you'll learn in this class, is the different types of music you enjoy listening to and playing.

My name is Darrin. Now get out your pencils and sketchbooks. I want you all to draw this hand crafted flute. He placed it vertical on a music stand. We drew until the school harp sang and handed in our sketches. I could hardly wait to go home and tell Momma about my day!

My classes had one thing in common. Each entry on my schedule had a URL for the "" website. We were suppose to watch ten minute videos for homework and take notes. In class, we would be given worksheets to practice what we learned. The teachers' main role was to help individuals finish their worksheets. They rarely lectured for more than a quarter of their hour! I'd never had a class or teacher like them!

I ran out the door of the music room. A strong hand grabbed my shoulder. "I've been waiting for you, Billy Willy." A coarse, low voice announced. It was Mrs. Lum! "Come with me." She let go after tugging me to follow. We wandered through the maze of kids, some staring at me. Was I in trouble?

We reached her office. It was near the showers. I entered, worried about what had transpired in them. She shut the door and smiled. "I want to thank you for supporting James after class. It's rare for a boy to stand up for a stranger. You're response was exactly what he needed, Billy."

How had she known? She wasn't allowed in the boys' showers. Had James talked with her? I felt more embarrassed about it. She noticed.

"Don't do that, now." Mrs. Lum pouted. "You'll bring out the mom in me."

"You have kids?"

"All grown up and kicked out of the nest."

"Are you going to make more?"

Her eyebrows bounced. "Well aren't we forward."

"I guess I shouldn't have asked."

"Nope." She nodded, confusing me. Did she mean yes or no, and to what?

"I'll be teaching Sex Education, as part of our class. Just the basics, but if you have questions, no matter how silly or scary, you can always come to me. I'll give you the best answer I can, without judgment. Any question you have won't bother me, and I won't bother you about it. Whatever you ask will remain private."

"Why would a man jerk off after I made babies in his wife?"

Mrs. Lum froze like a statue, her face slightly scrunched up.

I waited. I probably could have left, but was she okay? I sat in the student's chair. The florescent lights hummed. I looked at my watch. There was an email. I didn't check it. I just waited.

"Sorry, Billy." She shook her head. "Please forgive my reaction. I hope it didn't trouble you."

"No trouble, Mrs. Lum. Can I go?"

"Did you want me to answer your question?"

"I thought you didn't want to."

"I do. I just had to prevent myself from saying the wrong thing."

"It's a hard question?"

"It is, Billy." She answered. "But there's a worse problem. If you are currently, um, making babies with a woman, I am legally bound to report that woman to the police and probably her husband."

"Please don't do that! I didn't want to tell. You said asking was a secret." I felt like crying.

"I'm going to pretend you asked a different question. So I can keep this secret. Don't mention adults again, okay?"

"Are we going to play a game?" I calmed a little.

"Not quite. Let's pretend you asked this question instead. 'Why would a boy jerk off after you made babies in his girlfriend?' Okay?"

"Ohhh." I got it. I nodded.

"Good. My answer is going to assume you know more about sexual intercourse than most of my students. If I say anything you don't understand, please ask."


"First, you know that before sex, people get aroused, they get erections when they're thinking sexy thoughts."

"Like hard pee pees and nipples?"

"That's right. Now some people get aroused when certain rules about society are broken."

She lost me, but I didn't want to sound stupid.

"I think the boy in your question was aroused because society wants girlfriends to make babies with their boyfriends and nobody else, but you and his girlfriend broke that rule. I think he got aroused when you broke that rule and that's why he jerked off.

"That's the simplest answer I can give. People are very complex, especially about sex. I'm sure there were many more factors involved in his situation. Please allow for lots of other possibilities, but I hope my simple answer helped."

"Wow!" I whispered, mouth gaping. "Am I in trouble?"

"For what?"

"For breaking the society rule?"

She grinned. "Not in my book."

"Did you ever make babies with a man beside your husband?"

"I'm sorry, Billy. I'm not going to answer questions about my sex life, for the same reason you worried about asking your question, but I'll answer anything else."

"I'm sorry."

"You have a good afternoon. Don't forget to watch all those videos."

"If I had my super watch, I could be watching them right now." I got up and went to the door.

Before I could say, goodbye, she told me with a sad voice, "My husband died a couple years ago, and I'm too old to have babies anymore."
I released the doorknob. "Aw, you can't be that old, Mrs. Lum. You run and dance as much as we do in class. And you teach classes all day!"

Her reluctant expression brightened a little. "I do keep in shape. My students inspire me, every day."

I walked back to her desk. Manilla envelopes and other letters cluttered it, unlike Ms. Hennifer's neatly arranged desk. A large, plastic letter opener was the only thing keeping them from sliding off Mrs Lum's desk. I told her, "You're prettier than any old woman I know."

She laughed. "I'll take the compliment instead of the truth, Billy. I'm sixty. Well, I turn sixty in a couple months. But I might as well be a hundred. It's not easy to find a man like my husband. He kept me young. Most men my age are in terrible shape and have gone sour in their minds. The women too, but I'm not as keen on them as I once was."

Despite her laughter, it was easy to tell how her age and loneliness weighed on her. I didn't know what she meant by being keen on women, maybe BFF, I guessed. I was sorry my questions had sunk her feelings. "My momma told me, when you can't have babies, making them still feels good and is never a waste. I ran out of cum last week, but I would try to make you feel good, if you want."

She said respectfully, "That's a nice offer, Billy. It would be against the law to accept."

"Not if you pretend you're my age!" I pressed. "That's what you did before."

"I was pretending for your sake, Billy. I couldn't break the law just to feel good." She said. Something in her eyes looked familiar. I remembered Mr. Cherkle peeking at his wife and I in their bed.

"Some people get 'roused when they break the law." I told her, thinking she might be like that. She misunderstood.

Her eyes warmed. "Are you going to break the law, Billy? Does that excite you? If you were to rape me against my will, you would be breaking the law, not me."

That sounded bad. I didn't want to force her. Her eyes looked hotter. She continued. "Some people get aroused when they are forced, Billy. And you already have me at a disadvantage. As your teacher, I would never call the police unless you endangered another student. A teacher is suppose to help students become a better person. The police just want to punish people. If you were to rape me, I would try to make you a better person. Her hands fidgeted with the hem of her sweatshirt. Her eyes darted at the letter opener on her desk.

"I dunno, Mrs. Lum. You're really strong and quick too. Are you playing a game with me? I don't think I could, and wouldn't that hurt you? I want to make you feel good."

"You're right." She seemed genuinely impressed. "I wouldn't call it a game so much as make believe. But the pretending has to be good for both of us."

"I like games, and I like pretending, but it would be hard to pretend to rape someone so much bigger and tougher." My pee pee twitched at the idea, despite my concern. I wanted there to be a way.

"What if you pretend you're in the prime of your life, say 35, and tougher than me?"

"Like Jawain Donson?" I liked his movies, but that would be a lot of pretending.

"Anyone you like." Her eyes sparkled with promise.

I looked at the messy desk. "But not here." I thought of a good plan. "Mrs. Lum, I think you should check the equipment storage room, where you put away the music speaker. It looked like some jump ropes in there are jumbled up." I had noticed them and maybe a tug of war rope too. "Someone might get tangled in those ropes, unless you straighten them out."

Mrs. Lum frowned, her eyes still sparkling. "The safety of our students is the most important thing here at Lilith Middle School. I should do something about those ropes. I know I would hate to get tangled in them. I would feel so helpless."

"I'll wait for you here. I won't follow you or surprise you or anything like that." We were pretending. So lying was okay.

"Certainly not, Billy. I wouldn't want you to get tangled up." She rose from her desk and walked to the door. "I'll try to be careful, but you never know. If I'm not back in ten minutes, please send for help." She left with a spring in her step.

Ten minutes later, I sneaked out of her office. The halls were mostly empty. A couple teachers noticed me and smiled. I remembered Principal Agincourt said that they trusted students in the halls. I went outside, to the shower rooms and equipment locker. Several kids played on the grounds but were too busy with their games to notice me. The door was slightly open. I peeked in.

Mrs. Lum was bent over a pommel horse. Her arms and legs were laced with ropes. She heard me open the door and enter.

"I can't believe how clumsy I was. I didn't see that big rope on the floor, and stumbled. It wrapped around my legs. I tried to pull myself away with a couple ropes on the wall but they tangled up my arms! I'm glad you're here, Billy. I can hardly move. Did you bring help?"

Mrs. Lum did look helpless. Was she not pretending? Maybe I should have brought help. But if she was pretending, I didn't want to break the mood. The way her ass wriggled, jutting over the pommel horse, made my pee pee twitch in a good way. I needed to test her.

"I didn't, Ma-am. I'll see if I can help." I closed and locked the door.

"Billy, did you just lock the door? I'm not comfortable being locked in this shed with you, especially since I'm so vulnerable to anything you decide to do to me." She didn't sound angry or all that worried. I decided to play along.

"It's okay, Mrs. Lum. You can trust me. I just want to help." I examined the heavy, tug of war, rope wrapped around her legs. I tugged on one end and then the other.

"Billy, it feels like you're tightening it!"

"Sorry. It's really tangled. I can't find the part to loosen."

"Maybe if you try freeing my hands, I can unwrap my legs."

"Now, now. Don't rush me, Mrs. Lum. In class, today, you told us that giving up would make us weak." I tugged the big rope tighter.

"Ungh. I was talking about exercising."

"Untying knots is a puzzle kind of exercise. I like figuring out puzzles, like the RubyCubie and knots." I moved to the far side of the wooden horse and examined the ropes around her arms. She had tied them with two jump ropes. They didn't look very tight. I think she could have pulled free of them. That told me two things. She really was pretending, and I should make sure she didn't give up during our exercise in rape.

"Oh, good. I'll be free soon." She gave a brave smile.

"Let me fix these." I smiled. My pee pee was getting pretty hard, looking at her pained but hopeful expression.

"Oh, yes, before they affect my blood circulation."

I didn't know what she meant by that. I took the longest loose end and wound it around her arms again, then tied it to another loose end.

"Hey, Billy, that's not helping!" She feigned distress. "You're not tying me up more, are you?"

"Of course not, Mrs. Lum. Tying that end will let me untie the other end more easily."

"That can't be correct."

"Let me handle this, Mrs. Lum. You're the one who got into this mess." I reminded.

The tone of her voice hardened. "I-I can trust you, right, Billy?" I don't think she pretended to say that.

"Of course." I tugged the free ends of the jump ropes around her arms and then tied a tight knot. "There. You're free, Mrs. Lum."

"What do you mean?" She looked as if I had betrayed her. "I can't move at all, now!"

"You're free for me to do whatever I want."

"Nooo!" She complained, unsure about my trustworthiness. "I trusted you."

"Now I can make you feel good, Mrs. Lum. That's what you really wanted, right?" I unzipped my trousers and pulled down my pants. My fully erect penis stared back at her surprised face.

"But that would be rape, Billy!"

Mrs. Lum's voice carried the authority of a teacher. Had she stopped pretending? I think she would have said so. I didn't want to break the mood by asking. A little boy would do that.

When my pee pee stood out in the open, I worried less about how I was perceived. Boy or man, or in between, didn't matter when I about to make babies. Before that though, I wanted to explore Mrs. Lum's body. Her sweatshirt and pants hid most of her shape. She was certainly in good shape, better than any woman I had met, better than Momma who exercised every morning. This woman conducted six classes of physical education every weekday. What would she feel like? How had age affected her physique? I didn't have those exact questions in mind, I just imagined there was much I couldn't imagine. I had to find out. I reached my hand to her hair. "I promised to make you feel good, Mrs. Lum. I'm sorry if I have to rape you." Her graying hair was softer than I imagined.

"It's my job to teach you not to rape." She sighed. Her eyes sparkled looking at my sturdy erection. "You have a lovely penis, Billy. I would probably suck on it, but I won't because you're going to rape me. You could have a nice mouth and tongue to pleasure you. Rapists don't deserve that." Her head leaned into my hand when my fingers slipped through her short tresses. She said gently, "Rapists would risk getting bitten by forcing their penis into their victim's mouth, but I would never bite a student. Violence is the worst way to teach someone."

I stepped close to her doubled over body, until my pee pee almost touched her face. I gripped her closer arm and felt the muscles there. Her skin was a little looser than Mrs. Guthrie's and Mrs. Cherkle's. She was very warm to the touch. Her face glowed at my pee pee's proximity.

"Please don't force that in my mouth, Billy. I'm wish the law would let me suck you, but raping me is almost as bad as an adult molesting a child. Let me go, and I won't get you into trouble. We could talk ab-"

I giggled at her babbling and pushed my hard penis into her mouth. "Shhhh, Mrs. Lum, I can't pay attention to how your body feels, when you're talking." I stuck my hand down her collar and felt one of her breasts. It was larger than I had imagined. It wasn't as firm as the other two older women I had made babies with, but it felt real nice. I wanted to see it.

"I'm nod gunno thuck you." She declared, but her lips closed around my shaft and made it shiver. They were warm and moist. My body reacted by fucking a little in and out of her closed mouth. That felt almost as good as being sucked.

I reached over her back and pull her sweatshirt up to her armpits. I had to twist her body a little. So I could see her naked breasts, but that made it easier for her to keep her lips clamped around my humping stiffy. I felt her voice say, "Nooo. Please stop, and let me go. You shouldn't do this to a teacher." I think that's what she said.

Mrs. Lum's breasts weren't the largest I'd seen, but they hung down farther than any I had. They looked a little sad. Their beautiful sadness strengthened my resolve to make the poor, lonely teacher feel good. I was surprised about one thing. I pulled out of Mrs. Lum's mouth. "Your breasts are so loose, Mrs. Lum. They must flop a lot when you exercise. Doesn't that hurt?"

"They would, but before I explain, Billy, I want to thank you for stopping." She meant raping her lips. "I normally wear a bra, but my underwear get uncomfortable after a day's activities. When I came in here to tidy up these confounded ropes, I took them off and slid them under this pommel horse. I never dreamed that I would get stuck across it and a naughty student would want to rape me."

When I looked down, I saw a black strap sticking out from under the padded, wooden riser. It was another sign that Mrs. Lum was just pretending, I told myself.

"I realize you have a young man's urges, but there are many good and moral ways to enjoy them. We can tal-"

I poked my dick back into her mouth. It closed around my hard shaft, and I resumed fucking it gently. "Thank you for taking off your underwear, Mrs. Lum. I want to feel your pussy. That'll make it a lot easier." Before invading her sweatpants, I rubbed her firm belly. The skin was a little lose. Beneath it her muscles were harder than any I had felt on a woman. It was a little strange, exotic even, but not particularly arousing. My hand then pressed behind her waistband. I felt her thick patch of hair. It was coarser than her head's but felt no different than any of the other women I'd made babies with. My pee pee was twitching a lot, from the gentle pressure of her lips. I told myself to save any cum for Mrs. Lums pussy, but her mouth felt really good. Even if she was too old for making babies, I should give her my best. I was sure she would appreciate it.

I reached lower and discovered my teacher's vulva were as wet as her lips!

My body humped its pee pee in Mrs. Lum's mouth faster, but I didn't want to cum in it, if I could. The pussy I probed was as eager to be raped as my P.E. teacher. "Oh, Mrs. Lum, you're so wet! I bet it'll feel really good when I rape your puss." I pulled out, ready to move behind her. She instantly complained.

"No! Billy, untie me. Don't rape my vagina, please! You shouldn't force yourself in my mouth. Interrupting your teacher is wrong. I can't help you be a better person when your penis is stuffing my face. Only bad boys rape their teachers. Listen to me. I'm not really wet down there." She gulped. "It's, um, sweat, from all my exercising. I could never be aroused by a rapist."

"Hee." I giggled and darted around her body. I had to pull her sweatpants down to her knees. That helped to keep her legs from moving, but I had to climb over them to get in position behind her. My pee pee spouted over her naked ass like a sapling in spring, ready to bud flowers. I couldn't wait to bud Mrs. Lum's flower.

"Please untie me, Billy. Talk to me. You don't want to do this. I don't want you to do this." Her body flinched when I stuck the head of my hard penis between her thighs. "Nooo! Be a good boy, Billy! Don't rape me!" She wailed. It wasn't like she was shouting. Her voice was intense not loud. And I had yet to see any tears in her eyes. They had been shining with hope, like Mrs. Abbey's and Mrs. Guthrie's.

I prodded the crevice of her thighs just below her butt. I spanked her butt to show her I wasn't taking any of her advice. The angle of her legs hid the wet slit, but I found the slick lips and tight dimple within. "I have to rape you, Mrs. Lum, because I promised I would make you feel good." I thrust my prick into her body. It slid through her opening smoothly, and the warmth of her sex sucked up the length of mine. "Ohhh, it's going in so easy, Mrs. Lum!" I delighted.

"No! Nooo." She pouted. "Take it out!" Her backside flinched when I struck her ass a second time. "You're even spanking me! You're such a naughty boy. How will I ever teach you not to rape?" She groaned when I began fucking in and out of her juicy cunt.

She was less bent over than the other ladies I fucked from behind. The angle of her thighs made penetrating more difficult. A couple times, my dick head slipped out, but it popped right back in because she was so wet.

I remembered reading that older women didn't get as wet as younger women, but Mrs. Lum's puss was juicier than Mrs. Abbey, Mrs. Guthrie, and Mrs. Cherkle. Raping her must really excite her. The walls of her vagina were loose, but because her thighs were clamped together, their drier friction felt different but just as good as the other women I'd made babies with. "I love raping your loose, old pussy, Mrs. Lum!" I exclaimed. "I want to make lots of babies by raping you."

"Uuuuhhhhhgggghhhh!!!" She groaned loudly for the first time. Her lower half lurched nearly throwing me out of her slick recesses. "You're making me cum, Billy!" She cried. "It's not fair, to make your teacher cum by raping her!"

The urge gripped me too. I moaned and grunted while I pounded her loose, wet fuck hole. I spanked her ass with one hand and held on to it with the other. So I could hump hard cock into the old teacher as fast as possible. "You sure like being raped, Mrs. Lum. I don't think you'll ever convince me to stop raping you."

"Please, Billy, never again! OOhhhhhh, I'm seeing stars!" Her butt suddenly thrust back against my thrusts, pushing me deeper into her loose but hot snatch. I couldn't hold out much longer. Raping a willing teacher was incredible!

"I'll never stop trying to convince you that rape is wrong, Billy. No matter how many times you force your nasty boy cock into my unwilling cunt-!" She exclaimed nastily. "Andmakemecummmmm!!!!" She screamed into closed lips.

My body jerked and twisted. The space between my balls and my dick was filled to the brim with cum. The muscles surrounding it heaved and shot a boiling load of sperm deep into Mrs. Lum's cunt! "I'm cumming too, Mrs. Lum. Ooohhh! It feels amazing!"

"Your cum is gushing into me! There's no stopping it. Billy, if I was younger, this much would make a baby in me!"

My dick pulsed another six times, spewing white blobs into the woman. She groaned each time. "It's not fair! Rape shouldn't feel this good!" Her insides surprised me by firming up and quivering, as if it was sucking on my spitting snake. I had never felt such a shift from loose and wet to firm and slick. The sharp transitional sensation drained cum from my balls as if my pee pee was a straw for her puss to drink from.

I wondered who was raping whom! "Amazing!" I shouted again. My head swirled with joy.

"I can't stop myself." The aging teacher wailed. "I've been so lonely." Her body kept twitching against me, long after I had stopped thrusting my pee pee into it.

I hugged her then, and kissed the middle of her back. "Your wonderful, Mrs. Lum."

Her voice strengthened. "Promise me, Billy. This is just between you and I. Never do this to anyone else, or I will call the police. I don't care if I go to jail too. You must never become a real rapist. I'm going to teach you lots of loving ways to make babies, even if you have to rape me every time." She looked back, fully serious. "Promise me."

I liked pretending, but I would never want to hurt anyone. "I promise." I didn't tell her that while I promised not to rape for real. If another woman needed me to rape her in order to make babies, that was my business, not Mrs. Lum's.

We rested. My penis softened and fell out of her cum dripping hole. White rivulets ran down her thighs, soaked into her bunched up sweatpants.

I stood up and dressed. She wriggled her arms and legs against her bonds. "Billy?"

"Mrs. Lum, I don't think a rapist is suppose to untie a victim." I left the storeroom and shut the door behind me. It was time to go home.

Along the half mile to my family's new apartment I decided, I liked my new school.

I didn't remember the email on my watch, until I was almost home. It was from Mrs. Abbey!
I didn't remember the email on my watch, until I was almost home. It was from Mrs. Abbey!

Hi Billy,

I was happy to get your email. I hope you have a great time at your new school. My daughter is always complaining about hers. At least she gets good grades. But you didn't write about her.

I would like to see you again too. It's difficult for a single mother to find someone who will do what you did for me. If my husband hadn't proven so unreliable, I wouldn't have taken such a risk. But you didn't write about that.

I'm sorry if I'm not being very good, letting my mind wander to other things besides you. It's been too long since you corrected my bad impulses. I'm even more sorry that I won't be in your neighborhood until next week. I'm sure I'll be even naughtier by then. I need your help to be good again.

yours however you want,

Charlotte Abbey

Her email ended with an emoji of a ping pong paddle. It was fun to read it. My well drained pee pee twitched from remembering making babies with her. I raced home.

After taking off my shoes, I wandered into the kitchen for a snack. Something silky rustled from the main room. I looked over the counter.

"Billy?" Mom must have been napping on the couch. Her head lifted from the pillow I slept with. Her appearance stunned me. She was wearing a deep blue gown like dress, with a great ruffled skirt. Her face was made up like a movie star, and she rose from the couch with a big smile on her face. "What do you think of my new uniform?"

"Wow!" Was all I could say. I forgot all about wanting a snack.

"I'll take that as a compliment, my clever son." She stood up and primped the folds of her dress into perfect form. "It's a style that housewives use to wear at parties in the 1950s. Ms. Colkick promised I would mesmerize our clients when we cook in other people's homes.

"You took the job."

She answered seriously. "Yes, Billy, but I made them promise to let you assist me. They said they would only send me to clients who agreed to your company."

I'd experienced too many changes in one day. I couldn't think of anything to say. I nodded stupidly. My mother looked gorgeous! Until that fabulous moment, I had been tired and dull headed and hungry, with well satisfied urges. I only wanted to sleep and eat, until that moment. "Are we going to work right now?" I asked eagerly.

Momma smiled. "Aren't we in a hurry." She stepped into the middle of the room and twirled. Her skirt flew around her like wings. "No Billy, not today. I just wanted to try it out. I've never worn anything like this." She stopped twirling and smiled again. "How do you like it?"

My mind raced at the mesmerizing sight, but my tongue floundered. Compared to all the other women I'd met, Momma was so much more beautiful, I doubted any women existed who looked as pretty. My pee pee had no hesitations. It filled happily, but not urgently. My tryst with Mrs. Lum had been very satisfying, but to have remained limp at Momma's display would have been a insult.

I did want her, but not to make babies. The idea tempted but that would sadden Daddy. He hadn't been at all happy when I told him how I had made her taste my cum. Seeing Momma in all of her beauty was a glorious moment I didn't want to spoil with sad thoughts. I didn't know what to say to her. So I didn't.

I rushed from behind the counter and crashed into the folds of her skirt. My arms flung around, and I held her as tight as I could. I buried my face in her tummy. The midsection of her dress was firmer than it looked. Its sturdy material thrust out her breasts, blocking the harsh afternoon glare from my eyes. I closed them and hummed. I'd never let her go.

"Oh my!" Momma hugged me back. "You must have had quite a day." She gave me opportunity to explain, but Momma's radiance outshined my amazing first day of school.

She didn't say anything after sustained silence. We held each other. We stood embraced for a very long time. When my feet tired, I maneuvered her slowly to the couch. She sank down on a cushion, and I curled up in her lap. Our arms never let go.

"Is this what you need?"

I nodded.

"When you get hungry. Let me know.

Starvation wouldn't have dragged me off of her lap. The sky outside darkened. We slid down to lie together along all the cushions. Her skirt wrapped and warmed my bare legs and feet.

Mother hummed at times, low and musically. She petted my head.

I woke at one point, unsure when I fell asleep in her arms. "Is Daddy home?" My pee pee remained stiff, but the folds of her skirt softened its pressure against her.

"Soon, Honey. I should get up and remove my makeup. Do you feel like fetching my jar of cold cream?"

I was instantly aware of and excited by how Momma had been using the cold cream she had mixed my cum into, but a pang of guilt tapped on my heart. I had made her jack me off, which still didn't feel right. At the time, the idea of making her had been too compelling.

Now, having sated my urges, a few hours earlier, I assumed I had more self-control. "Yes, Momma." I smiled and slipped off the couch.

"Bring it from my dresser, and I'll meet you in the bath room." Mom got up and went there.

I found the jar easily enough, from the top drawer of her dresser. I took a moment to peek inside. It was a fresh, full jar, not as exciting as the one she had used up. I ambled to the door between the bedroom and the bathroom. It was locked.

"Just a minute."

About a minute later, the door opened, and a bare arm held out her dress. "Give me the jar, and hang this up in the closet. Be careful with it."

"Yes, Momma." I did as she asked. The dress was still beautiful, but nothing compared to being on my mother.

The door opened fully. Mother stood in her robe. The top edges were split open enough to see the crests of her boobs. I could even seen the top of her sturdy bra and the strap connecting them. My pee pee hardened at the sight. She said, "You can come in now."

"But I gave you the jar, Momma." I was confused, but I entered. There was barely enough space for the both of us.

"Yes, but after I ejaculated you into my previous jar, I kept getting compliments on my complexion. Your father seemed especially pleased with my facial. That jar ran out yesterday. I bought more on the way back from Mr. and Ms. Colkick's. I can't afford the better brands, but you turned this cold cream into something special. Would you like to do it again?"

Would I! My pee pee jerked into a full, almost painful erection, at the thought of adding more cum to her cold cream. I did worry that I had spent myself dry again into Mrs. Lum's puss, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to try. Momma had assured that the pleasure of orgasm was never a waste. Still... "Daddy probably wouldn't like it, if I made you do it again." I confessed

She thought about that. "That is probably true, Billy. However, he did adore my complexion when I used the mixture. That's why I don't mind doing it for you again." She took my hand. "It's a decision only you can make." She flashed a wry, amused expression. "Or do you want to wait to ask him?"

Wait? The urge in my loins silenced any thoughts of waiting. "I'll do it, Momma." I told her. I find that moment funny, now. I didn't want Dad to be sad again by making her stroke me. I thought, only a little boy would choose pleasure at the expense of someone dear to him. I was going to be a man by jacking off in front of my mother and spilling my seed into her cold cream jar. So she could spread it all over her face. I do laugh now at my reasoning. Then again, it was a tiny step in the direction I needed.

I tugged down my school shorts and let my pee pee stab freely into the air. Momma smiled. Her eyes shined at the sight, making me blush.

A smaller thought nagged at the far edge of my awareness. Would jacking off actually make me cum? How Mrs. Lum's pussy had milked cum out of me still haunted. My hand would be a poor substitute.

Momma held the open jar out. She leaned forward slightly, and her robe parted a little more. I almost missed the cream when I stuck out two fingers to dip some. She smirked gently upon noticing me ogle her chest. Her other hand tucked the vee until it covered her bra and only the very top of her cleavage showed.

I dug a lump of cream out of the jar and carefully applied it to my hard pee pee. It was cold, but I knew it would warm quickly. My hand then grasp the shaft and I looked into Momma's eyes before stroking myself.

"I'm always proud of you, when you take charge, Billy." She exuded hope.

My hand started slowly. A boy would rush into jacking off, I thought. I stroked the whole length, gripping firm and even. It didn't feel as good as Mrs. Lum's puss, but it didn't feel bad! I closed my eyes for a moment to compare. The sensation was nice enough, but if I'd been alone, it might have bored me. Mother's presence make me hard and randy. I jerked faster, but not very fast. Momma's cream felt better than the coconut oil she had bought for me. I didn't want to rub it off.

My dick twitched and I felt a warm spark. I opened my eyes. Mother was intent on my hand's motion. Then I wished she was rubbing me. That felt so much better. I almost told myself it felt better than Mrs. Lum's quivering puss. I rubbed and rubbed my happy pee pee, but I had distracted myself from how it felt by comparing Momma's hand to a P.E. coach's raped slit. I tried remembering how I had tied her up and forced my hard penis into her. My pee pee responded delightfully, eliciting a moan.

"Don't hurt yourself, Honey." Momma said in a low voice. I had been jerking it longer than she had seen before. It was the longest I had jerked myself. I usually got off quickly, when I thought of the women I had made babies with.

The warmth at the base of my dick cooled. I shouldn't have worried. It was feeling really good up until I realized how long I had been masturbating. I frowned but jerked faster.

"It's okay, Sweetie. You don't have to. Regular cold cream will be fine. I shouldn't have made a fuss about it." She moved the jar away and leaned in close.

I didn't dare stop. What kind of man would I become if I gave up trying to please a woman as beautiful as my mother? I gave a little whimper. She sighed, heaving her chest up and down. My eyes caught the vee of her robe as it split a little wider.

She must have noticed my renewed fascination with the slopes of her boobies, but she didn't say anything. She simply fingered the collar of her robe, splitting its vee until the top halves of her bra cups and the strap connecting them were clearly visible in the bathroom light. My dick pulsed, and I moaned from renewed pleasures in my self abused pee pee.

"Billy, my robe is slipping off. I should pull it back together, right? You don't want to see your mom's chest when you're masturbating."

Momma's objection surprised me, but what she said wasn't nearly as surprising as it was irritating! I love my mother, but her many coy smiles and curious remarks about my adventures, which she shouldn't know anything about, came back to me, and in less than a nice way. I spoke without thinking or regarding my vast love for her.

"Are you teasing me, Momma?" I frowned. "Don't do that." I had also disliked it when Tara teased me on the train.

My hand jerked steadily, but the sensations in my pee pee weakened. My mouth didn't wait for her to answer, either. "I don't want to be teased. It's almost like bullying, Momma." I told her. "I'm sorry if you didn't mean to tease, but now you have to take off your robe and undo your bra, to prove you weren't teasing. You have to show me your boobies because you're being a booby." I made a joke to show I wasn't too angry.

"Billy!" Mother gasp. Shock stretched her features. "You're telling me to undress my breasts while you masturbate?"

I felt if I didn't take charge of her likely unintended meanness, she might make a similar hurtful mistake again. "Yes, Momma. Do it now. Take off the top of your robe. You can leave the sash tied."

A drawn out, deep grunt sounded low in her body, possibly from behind her navel which her robe still covered. She reached for the edges of the thick terrycloth garment, eyes questioning my intentions. Something darker seeped into their sparkling depths like smoke.

"You shouldn't tease me, Momma."

I almost heard her heart thudding. "N-no, Billy. I'm sorry." Her voice use the upper, quieter range of meekness she had used during the other times I took charge. She drew the top of her robe over her shoulders and down her back. She pulled her beautiful arms out of its white sleeves. The curves of her skin, from her sweet chin to her newly visible navel, propelled fresh vigor into my waning arousal.

Her bra contrasted sharply. It was sturdy and tan upon her lighter, smooth skin. Its frilled edges could not forgive the purpose it had been designed for, to sharply thrust a woman's breasts out from behind the complex tops of yesteryear's fashion.

"I can't help you with your bra, Momma, but you have to be quick about taking it off." My hand sped up, anticipating the sight of mother's full bosum in the cold, bathroom lighting. My balls tingled.

A full groan resulted from my demand, kept where it originated, by her pressed lips and tightened neck. The smoke in her eyes swirled, and their sparkle intensified. Her chest heaved with a sudden full breath. Her arms flew behind her back, and she continued to breath heavily. "Oh, Billy, when you're like this, I can't refuse." She whispered, leaning forward, dropping her face from my sight. Makeup concealed her blush, except where it ended and her neck began.

Her head hid her cleavage. I watched Momma's fingers fumble but couldn't see the clasp. Sharp pips sounded barely louder than the fervent smacking of my greased hand on my penis. The straps on her shoulders loosened, and the unlatched ends of the back band drooped at her sides. My pee pee twitched. I nearly orgasmed. For the first time since I agreed to fill Momma's cold cream with mine I had to resist sensations welling in my loins.

"Show me, Momma. Lean back, and let me see them."

"Yes." She agreed with a rush of breath. Mother straightened her posture high before easing her chest forward which caused her head and shoulders to tilt from me. "Thank you for making me atone for my mistake, my wonderful son." Her voice was like an obedient ghost.

Momma's breasts hung free from their prison, confirming the beauty I had glimpsed briefly before and had touched and sucked and bit, in what had been mostly darkness. Seeing them hang from her chest, somehow soft and firm at the same time, was a glorious moment. I almost came while she hoisted them as I had told her. I wanted to hug her and taste them both this time! My rapidly stroking hand refused to part from its mission.

I would have forgotten the jar of cold cream and sprayed my mother's tits with hot cum, if she hadn't picked it up and held it before me. She must have sensed my impending release.

Suddenly, I needed more from her. "Get on your knees, Momma, and hold your face close to me." I desperately held out against the intense urges in my groin.

"Yes, Billy." Mother was quick. Her knees struck the tile floor, but she did not wince. Her jutting breasts heaved from quick, deep breaths. I stood as straight as I could, and she pushed her face close to the bobbing head of my cock.

"Good, Momma. Now hold out the jar and scoop out some. Smear it on your makeup, and hurry!" I wanked and commanded.

"Aaahhhh!!!" Mother surprised me with a passionate groan. She dipped three fingers madly into the jar and spanked the blob across her cheeks and forehead. Her hand then smeared it into the thick layers of her 50s style makeup. The white cream tore streaks of peach colored paint from her face.

I cried out and aimed my throbbing prick! "Ohhh, I'm cumming, Momma!"

"Mmmmgggghhhh!" Mother answered with similar exhortation. "Billy!"

Hot globs of spunk shot from my prick and splotched the streaked white cream covering her face. Her hand swirled as my ball juice sprayed. Firm fingers whipped cum and cleanser into a naughty froth. Momma's body convulsed, tossing her breasts up, but she maintained her face before my spitting snake.

The first wave of orgasm obliterated my vision. I soared from pleasure erupting far hotter and grander than the sperm flying out and down upon Mother's upturned face.

I fought for awareness and shifted my aim between my cock's heavy spurts. "Hold the jar still!" I told her. The next glob of cum landed in the divot our hands had dug. I continued to masturbate. Mother continued to swirl cum and cold cream and loosened makeup into an orgy of a mess. We grunted and moaned as one. The room darkened as my pupils narrowed.

My balls sent another six missiles. Nearly blinded, I landed every drop into the glass receptical. When they ended in a last stream of cum, I squeezed my softening penis from base to tip. The total amount surprised me. I estimated cumming almost as much as I had in Mrs. Lum's pussy.

Half of my cum for that evening couldn't fill the jar, but mother seemed more than pleased. "Your daddy will be so happy for this." She gushed, giving the jar a tiny shake. The off-white blobs within were quickly jelling.

I stepped back, still breathing fast. I realized, despite my accomplished aim, my orgasm compromised eyes never lost sight of Momma's naked breasts. I counted the few freckles on them. 13 was almost my age. She smiled at my obvious reverie, grabbed a towel hanging next to the sink and wiped her hand. There wasn't much to wipe. She had managed to impart every blob of cream and cum upon her dirty snow coated cheeks, forehead, nose, and chin.

Beyond the bathroom, our front door opened. "Faun? Billy? Are you home?" Daddy asked. He sounded a little tired.

Mother's demeanor changed in an instant. She handed the towel to me. "Clean yourself and dress. Then greet your father. I'll go into the bedroom." She stood up and kept the robe, secured only by its sash, from slipping down her hips. Holding lid and jar, she entered their bedroom and closed that door. After wiping my hand and pee pee, I hauled my shorts up and zipped them before running to greet Dad.

Momma called from the bedroom. "I'm in the middle of changing, Honey."

He gave a quick hug and released me. "I'm glad you weren't longer in there." He scooted to the bathroom. I went to the refrigerator to see what I wanted for supper.

A couple minutes later, I heard the door open between the bath and bed rooms. "Faun, did you mean to leave your bra in here. Billy must have seen it."

"It's okay. I doubt he looked at it for long, Sweetheart."

When they emerged, Momma's face was still coated in dirty white. She wore her robe tightly cinched from neck to ankles. She told him. "The makeup for my new job is very thick. I have to let the cream soak in before washing it off."

"Did you work today?"

"No. I just shopped for my outfit and makeup. Angela Colkick helped. She's very knowledgeable and imaginative about clothing."

"And she paid for it all?"

Mother smirked. "Of course, Silly."

He tried to kiss her lips, clearly willing to wash his face afterwards, but Momma held up a hand. He kissed it instead. She didn't give him a choice.

"Is that perfume on your hand? I thought you didn't like artificial scents."

"It's one hundred percent natural, if you don't count the cold cream."

"It's oddly familiar." He sniffed it again. "I like it!"

"Of course you do. Now rest, and let me work with Billy to make supper. We need to practice as much as we can."

We didn't have time for a fancy dessert, but Momma told me to look up pie recipes. They were sure to be popular in the homes we would service. After eating our meatloaf and stewed green onions, she opened a can of pears.

I spooned a chunk of canned pear from my bowl. It was the same color as the cum I had ejaculated into Momma's face and cold cream. "I guess I don't need dessert. Thank you, Momma."

"Give your serving to Daddy. He's had a tiring day." She took her time eating every solid bite of canned pear, licking off the syrup before nibbling it to nothing.

"You must have had a good, first day at school, from the way you're smiling." Daddy observed, stuffing a blob of white pear into his mouth.

"I did. I'm sorry yours made you tired." I found out how tired, after they had gone to bed.

Like a snooping security guard, I listened at my parent's door.

Mother entered from the bathroom, having finally washed the makeup, cum, and cream from her face. "Do you need your Faun's special loving tonight?"

"You can always tell how tired the job makes me. Thank you, Dearest."

A minute later, I heard a repeating, slurping sound. Father moaned over them. He managed to ask. "Are you sure I can't return the favor?"

The slurping paused. "I'm quite satisfied, Love." Mother's mouth sounds resumed.

"Did Billy make you do something, today?" Father's voice quieted. I had to press my ear to the door to hear him.

The slurping stopped. "Yes, Dear. Would you like to hear about it, or would you like this." She slurped more.

"Your mouth is perfect doing that. I don't need to know, and you know I completely support you to ensure Billy grows wise and strong." When Daddy said, "Strong." he started moaning again, louder this time. "I wish I was stronger for you." Almost as if he was crying. "This damn job..."

I left their door. Before falling to sleep, I thought about what I wanted to do at school the next day or all week for that matter.
I couldn't go to bed right away, because I had to watch online videos for my classes. They were okay. I took some notes but mostly played a number doubling game on my watch before I fell asleep.

In the morning, I asked Momma when our first job with Meals on Heels would be.

"Mr. and Ms. Colkick weren't sure. They are still in the process of promoting the service, but they have some interest. They will give us three day's notice, unless a customer pays for express service."

"Oh." Sounded complicated. I nodded and finished my breakfast.

"In a hurry to get to school?" She observed.

"Kinda." I said, but I wasn't. I wanted to check on on something. I put on my jacket and grabbed my lunch bag.

"We'll that's a good sign, I think." She cocked her head.

"Love you, Momma." I raced out the door.

"I love-" SLAM!

I slowed down when I saw Mrs. Cherkle sweeping the front entrance hall. "Good morning."

"Hello, Billy." She immediately blushed. "It's a little early for school."

"I'm not going to class." I didn't explain what was driving me, but it expressed itself. "Are you okay?"

She looked away, smiling. "I'm recovering. Don't stop and natter with an old lady if you have to be somewhere."

"You're wonderful, Mrs. Cherkle."

"All because of you." She whispered as I sped up again. I might have imagined it, though.

I traveled quickly but took care at each intersection. I wasn't in a hurry, I just wanted to find out something.

That something, I arrived at huffing and puffing, was the P.E. storage locker. I knocked on the door. "Mrs. Lum?" I asked. "It's me, Billy Androni." I felt silly. There was no way she could still be tied up there. I woke up thinking about her, how I had left her well tied yesterday afternoon. I suddenly felt guilty for leaving her that way.

"I can see it's you, Billy." Mrs. Lums voice announced behind me. I spun around.

She stood wearing a fetching suit of slacks, blouse, and light jacket. She didn't look as happy as when I left her. Her vague concern was a little frightening.

"I was just going in, to change my clothes for teaching. Did you want something?"

"Uh, I'm sorry about yesterday afternoon?"

"What for, Billy?" Her face was like cold stone. "Did something happen yesterday afternoon?"

"I, uh, we..."

"We talked, Billy. Did you have more questions for me. We should go to my office if so. It's not very private out here."

Oh. I nodded, getting what she meant.

I followed her to her office. She let me in and closed the door. I sat feeling more than awkward.

"Now. Billy, tell me what you're feeling sorry about."

"I left you tied up. I shouldn't have done that, right?"

"Normally, no, Billy. You're just lucky that when you slammed the door on your way out, I had a most marvelous additional orgasm. I didn't realize I could react that way to selfish power."

"Are you angry with me?"

"Yes and no." She sat back in her chair. Her face warmed slightly. "It took me half an hour to wriggle out of those ropes. I was angrier with you then, but I realize, you're very inexperienced with rape play.

"Now I'm grateful for learning something about my sexuality I hadn't known."

"I should have untied you?"

"Not exactly, but you should have waited to make sure I was okay."

"Oh, okay. I will next time."

"About that," Mrs. Lum leaned forward. "You must be very careful, Billy. From now on, I'm not going to invite you to rape me. If you pick a bad time or place, I will stop you. Can you respect that?"

"Yes, Ma-am."

"Good." She got up from her chair. "I have to change before school begins. You're welcome to use my office computer, to study about Capoeira." She left me in the office, to change in the storage locker.

I heard other teachers arriving in the halls, going to their classrooms. It was a chance to talk with one or two.

I considered following Mrs. Lum to the storage room and raping her again. My pee pee got hard from imagining her helpless, trying to convince me to stop while I did what I wanted with her body. I almost took out my penis and jerked it off, but I didn't want to waste my cum.

Too many teachers were arriving, preparing for class. I didn't know their routine or if the storage room was private enough in the morning. I didn't want to be stopped by Mrs. Lum, if I guessed wrong. Instead, I thought of Ms. Hennifer.

It had been less than a week since I came into her hair bun. She had warned me about expecting too much from her. She was a very stern person and soundly beat my bottom for displeasing her. Yet I felt she had needed me to show her she could be unrighteous. She had thanked me profusely for cumming into her hair bun, to remind her to be more fair.

I might not make babies with Ms. Hennifer or have simliar fun with her, but I trusted her to counsel me with a matter I had little control over. Momma had entrusted her with punishing me, should I be unrighteous. If Momma trusted her...

I left a thank you note on a text window, for Mrs. Lum, and got my things.

I wandered down a hallway, less than an hour from first period. None of the teachers who noticed me acted concerned. They had been instructed by Principal Agincourt to trust students. I reached room #217, my math room. It was unlocked, and Ms. Hennifer sat at her desk studying a planner.

She looked up at my entrance. "It's early Billy, and you don have me class until third period." She let her brogue slip. She hadn't once during yesterday's class. It made me feel special. "Yuu canna be expecting something I got no time for."

"It's not that, Ms. Hennifer." I shuffled up to her desk.

She pointed at the closest student desk, like a stoic. "Sit and tell me what you need."

I obeyed quickly. "My mother's going to work in other people's homes, making meals for them. If she has to work when I'm not in school, I have to help her. I like helping her, but I wish she didn't have to work, at least right away. The city is so different, I don't want anyone to hurt her."

"You want more time with her yourself, I'm guessing. She's your comfort in a strange land." Ms. Hennifer's face remained stoic, but I saw a brief sparkle in her eyes.

"I-I guess so, but I want to make friends at school too or at least try." I could still feel where Steve had hit my shoulder yesterday. "It'll be even harder, if I'm gone a lot after school."

"Billy," Ms. Hennifer stood up and walked around her desk to stand before me. "We agreed that you are going to handle what happened in the playground last week, but I still have a duty to pay attention to your situation. Did Steve or the other three cause you any grief, yesterday?"

"Wendel was nice to me, but he doesn't want to be friends with a freshman." I tried to evade. "I didn't see Trish or Al."

"But you saw Steve."

I kept my lips shut.

"Fine. I won't grill you further." Ms. Hennifer's stoicism tilted "But you might like to know that his mother drives him to school each morning and picks him up in the afternoon."

Huh. I thought, maybe that's why he's having trouble attracting Trish. He has to leave school when his mother picks him up. My next thought was more troubling. When Momma took me to work, I would face similar problems. I almost felt sorry for him.

Was Ms. Hennifer thinking the same thing? When I didn't comment, she told me. "I doubt your mother will take you from school very often. You'll make friends, Billy. Don't be in a hurry. Let them happen as they happen, just be open and ready."

She was right! "That's more important than worrying about it." I smiled and got up. "Thank you, Ms. Hennifer."

"I'm glad I could help." She looked darn right pleasant at my gratitude, but her eyes wandered. One of her hands reached up to her hair bun. At the same time, her lips parted slightly and I saw the tip of her tongue. It retreated quickly and her eyes refocused on me. "Tomorrow I'm going to give a little quiz. Do study for it." She was even kind enough to give me advanced warning. "It's intended to measure each student's ability, and I'll be busy grading that afternoon."

"Okay, uh. I'll study." I filled her pause.

"But on Thursday perhaps you could help me after class. I often have free time on the days when I return a test."

"Oh!" I piped without thinking. "Yes, I would like to help you again."

"Be good, lad, until then. I'd hate to have to use the authority your mother gave me, again."

"I will, Ma-am." I walked to the door and opened it. "Thank you."

She nodded and returned to her desk.

I went to my locker and took off my watch. I couldn't wear it during school. I had thought to study my math book, until first period. The first chapter covered concepts from the previous grade, to ease students into its new material. The watch flashed on. There was only fifteen minutes left. Students were arriving now. Steve was probably arriving. As I set my watch on the high shelf in my locker, I wondered what his mother looked like.

I shut the locker door and spun the combination dial. I hastened to the parking lot. There I realized the futility of my quest. A mob of cars filled the parking lanes and the street. I felt lucky to be able to walk just a few blocks to school, but I knew most of these kids were luckier. They had families that could afford two cars. I decided to go to the playground and risk saying hello to some of the classmates I'd met yesterday.

"Mom! Don't blame me in front of everyone!" Steve's voice rang out above the idling engines and the opening and shutting of car doors. His mother's car was four away from me. He stood on the pavement between the car and its front passenger door. His head was bent down into the cabin. The driver window was open, and that's why I could hear them.

"I can't believe you forgot your soup thermos, Steve! Now I have to fetch it before lunch. Go to the school office after your first class. It'll be waiting for you." His mother's anger sounded tired. I walked past a couple cars, trying to look normal. Steve couldn't see me. One car away, I saw his mother. She looked haggard, hair in curlers even, but her face was quite pretty. Her expression was a sigh waiting to happen. She sighed, "What I do for you."

"Mom, I don't need soup. I'll buy lunch."

"But you have your lunch box. Don't waste your allowance."

"I'm going, Mom." He backed out and slammed the door shut.

I ducked behind the car parked closest to me, peering through its empty cabin. I didn't get up until he had stormed into the building. Steve's mom couldn't leave so quickly. She had to wait for the cars ahead of her to clear. I walked within spitting distance, not to spit at her, though. It's just a saying. I wanted to see her close up.

She turned her head and called to me. "Young man, can you see how many cars are ahead of me?" Her voice was not happy, resigned to the wait.

I looked. She wasn't the only parent arguing with their kid, holding up this lane of cars. "It's not many, but they're slow, Ma-am." I told her directly.

Steve's mom wore a daisy print house robe. She clutched it when I gazed into the window. A light blush told me she was more embarrassed than afraid. I averted my gaze, but I remembered her red hair and freckles. Her eyes were tawny. They would have been very pretty if they hadn't looked so tired with dark circles under them. Her shape looked average, but her breasts filled her robe more than my mother's filled hers.

"You don't happen to know my son, Steve Dinty, do you?"

She might as well chat with a polite boy while she waited, I guessed. First class didn't start for a little while.

This was scary ground. Should I talk with a bully's mom? What if Steve found out? Wouldn't he be angrier with me? I wasn't really afraid of him though. If only I were big enough to deal with him. That got me thinking. I shouldn't be afraid of his mom either. Maybe she knew something that would stop him from bugging me.

She sighed again, probably because I didn't answer right away, but she appreciated me when I said, "Steve? Yes, I met him playing basketball last week. He tagged me in the hall yesterday. I don't know much about him, but it's nice to meet you, I'm Billy."

"Well, you just missed him, Billy, and that's probably for the best. He wasn't in a good mood." She craned her head out her window to look at the car jam ahead of her. "You don't have any classes together?"

"No ma-am, I just started middle school."

"Lilith has an amazing record. Their drop out rate has halved each year for the last two years. Fifty percent of the graduating classes are in the top ten percentile at their high schools."

"I got to meet Principal Agincourt. She seems like a good principal."

"I got to meet her too." Mrs. Dinty looked away. "I've tried my best..." She said softly to no one.

"There's a girl that Steve likes." I had to say something. It was all I really knew about him besides his lousy attitude.

The tired lady perked up. "Really?" She looked at me as if I were traffic cop. "Uh, are they, uh, close?"

"Nah. She doesn't know, and he goes home after school."

"Billy!" Energy flooded into her. "I'm such a terrible mom! I should have guessed."

"You aren't terrible, not if you drive him to school everyday." I almost added how she was going to fetch soup for him.

"No. That must be why he's been in a terrible mood. What's her name?"


"You don't know her last name?"

"I don't know her or Steve all that well."

She studied me for a minute. The car ahead of her scooted forward almost two car lengths, but she kept her foot on the brake. "Well maybe you should. I don't like driving him, but Principal Agincourt suggested it in our, um, meeting."

Hers didn't sound like the nice meeting Momma and I had with the principal. Mrs. Dinty fretted, "I know he misses making friends, but what can I do? His father refuses to accept responsibility for Steve's-" She stopped after getting quite loud.

"I'm sorry, Billy. What I mean to ask is, would you like to come home with Steve this afternoon? He's got some expensive video games, but no one to play them with. I could drive you home in time for supper."

Video games! Wow! My elation was cut short by a long honk from the car behind Mrs. Dinty.

She yipped, "Sorry!" It was probably meant for me and the honker. "I have to go, but think about it, if you have free time after school. Meet us here. I'll certainly be happy to square it with your parents." Her car rolled past.

"Okay." I waved without thinking. I'd be in the same home as a bully! Why did I say, "Okay?" I knew why. I felt sorry for Mrs. Dinty. She seemed like nice person who had to deal with a moody son. I wanted to help her. And just maybe Steve might bug me less, if I played video games with him.

Still, I felt it couldn't be that easy. I went to class, mulling it over.

Most of my classes were spent with workbooks. The teachers lectured rarely and only briefly. They spent most of their time helping students with their workbooks. Except for Mr. Yong, who hadn't been kidding about playing with fire. He held up a slime like goo for all to see. Then he lit it on fire. He invited students to take the goo from him and pass it around, while it burned. Everyone hesitated, until the girl, Kelly, got up from her seat and took the goo from him. When she offered to pass it, several guys, including me held up their hands. When it got passed to me, it was half the amount. It felt very warm but otherwise was like the slime I had played with as a kid.

Mr. Yong explained, "That's a special substance with a low combustion temperature. It's really expensive, but the important thing is, notice how it's shrinking. Like wood, burning it turns its molecules into gasses, in this case, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Today we'll talk about how one form of matter is changed into another with fire."

In P.E. Mrs. Lum gave us a calisthenics test before showing new steps in the Caprioera dance. I didn't last as long as most but longer than many. James was pretty strong, but so were Phil and Carlo. Mrs. Lum ignored me. I suspected she would answer any question I had, but the question I want answered most wasn't something for public query.

My school day ended with art and music. We spent half the day drumming on our seats and then practicing straight lines.

When it was over, I went to my locker and got my watch. The school turned on its public wifi after class. I emailed Momma and asked when I had to be home.

She must have been on the computer. She answered right away. "If you want to spend time at school, you don't have to be home until supper. But if you go anywhere else, let me know. I'll decide how long." She added. "I've been scheduled to cook for someone on Friday afternoon. You'll have to come home right after school, that day."

As excited as I suddenly felt about Momma's first cooking job, I couldn't delay my decision any longer. Mrs. Dinty was probably already in line to pick up Steve.
I raced to the parking lot. There were more kids than cars, but I quickly spotted Steve, as if my senses had sharpened for him. I kept kids and cars between us while following him to his mother's car, an older SUV. Just as he opened the door she spotted me and waved through the windshield. "Billy!"

Steve spun his head and almost snarled. "Mom?" As if asking, 'What's the meaning of this?'

"I invited him to play video games with you this afternoon. You're always complaining about not being able to make friends. I spoke with Billy this morning. He was nice, and he said you know him.

Clearly Steve wasn't in a position to reveal our adversity. "I don't want to play with him." Was all he could say.

Mable Dinty surprised both of us. "Steven Dinty, get in the car this instant. Billy is going to ride up front, and you will treat him with the courtesy you give a guest."

"But Mom!"

"Billy, please ignore my son. He'll calm down when he gets home. Steve doesn't like surprises, but I'm sure you'll become fast friends, once he realizes how nice you are.

To my only credit, I managed to keep my jaw from falling open. "Yes, Ma-am." I studied her. Instead of a house robe, she wore a silky, white blouse and a pair of crisp, dark red slacks. The blouse fit snug, revealing a bigger bosom than I had guessed that morning, but it hid her cleavage.

Steve muttered mockingly, "Ma-a-am."

"What was that, Steven?" His mother demanded?

"Nothing." Steven looked away. "Hi, Billy."

"Hi, Steve." I hopped in beside his mother, certain that this would be a disaster, but what could he do to me when his mother would be around until she took me home? If the situation hadn't been so awkward, I would have counted it a victory of sorts.

"What do you think of your new school, Billy?" Mrs. Dinty asked.

She had a lot of questions, which I managed to answer in four words or less, until we reached their home. It was an actual house with a yard, but it wasn't particularly big. It had two bedrooms and a bath. It did have a garage and a dishwasher. I was impressed.

I remembered to call Momma. She spoke with Mrs. Dinty briefly. They agreed I could return after supper.

"Steve, why don't you let Billy pick a video game to play, while I fetch you boys some snacks." His mother went into the kitchen, leaving me alone with him in the living room.

"You little shit. I'm going to pound you so hard tomorrow..."

"I'm not afraid of you, Steve. That's the only reason I came."

"Tomorrow you will be."

I pretended to look through the dozen or so video games for his Switch, wishing he would just let it go.

"Did you decide?" Mrs. Dinty placed a tray of cookies and lemonade on the coffee table.

I grabbed one at random, "Arms." I'd never played it, but I saw some videos on YouTube. I handed it to him and took a cookie.

His mother probably thought it was best for us to work things out. She disappeared into a back room.

Steve said nothing. He chucked a pair of controllers at my feet and plugged the cartridge in before starting the device.

I of course, sucked at the game, but I still managed to win after three losses. Steve fought angrily, not paying attention, while I figured out how to play. He threw down his controllers and stormed into his bedroom. We hadn't exchanged one word.

"Would you like me to take you home?" His mother appeared.

I hadn't got what I came for. In fact, Steve was going to hunt me down worse, tomorrow! I thought quick. "I'm not very good. Maybe if you played, I could give Steve a challenge."

She looked over her shoulder, frowned and possibly shrugged. "Okay. How does it work?"

She and I played three games. I think she was genuinely surprised by how much fun the game could be when real lives weren't at stake. By the third game, she was laughing at the crazy power moves she had managed to figure out. I let her win the last game.

Steve was standing in the hall. "I'll play him, Mom."

"Good!" She smiled at her son. "Your father will be home in time for dinner. I'll start making it."

"You got lucky last time, Brat." He took the controllers and started a new game.

I didn't have a chance. He may have realized he lost because of his earlier anger, or maybe not. This time he played with conviction. I got a little better, but he totally dominated the arena. I think his anger waned only because playing me bored him.

"Let's try something else." I offered.

He grinned evilly and pulled a package from the screen cabinet. "I've beaten every level and secret level of Smash."

I was the one bored. I didn't bother to ask for co-op mode. I let him grin and taunt me as he killed my lives one after another. I remained determined to give him a challenge. Neither of us heard his father arrive.

"Who's the runt, Steve?"

"Dad!" He flinched and leaned away from the man.

Mr. Dinty wasn't very tall or big but he had a bit of a belly. His sneer was the largest thing about him. His short hair was half gray. He looked older than his years. Something about his posture said that.

"Well? I asked you a question." The man totally ignored me.

"Uh, this is Billy. Mom-"

"Is this the kind of friend you want to make, Steve?" He snorted. "A boy like him is for pussies!"

"It's not- I didn't, uh, I don't want to be his-"

"You can't even spit it out." He shook his head. "I'm very disappointed."

"Um, Mr. Dinty?" I dared.

He struck me with a look. "I'm not talking to you, you little creep!"

"For goodness sake, Bob!" Mrs. Dinty appeared from the kitchen. "He's our guest!"

The wicked man swiveled. "He may be your guest, but I don't have to like him."

His wife's eyes teared up, and with a brief sob she ran down the hall.

Mr. Dinty dismissed her with another angry snort. He retargeted. "Don't let your mom pick your friends, Steve. This one might as well be a girl in shorts and a t-shirt. You need to hang out with boys who are going to become men!"

"Yeah, Dad, I know." Steve managed to finish a sentence before his father continued ranting.

"This runt isn't a man, and you never will be until you get manly friends."

"I'd better go." I looked for a path around the horrible man, to the front door.

He zeroed in. "You look like you're a momma's boy. Aren't you ashamed of that? You aren't big enough to do anything but suck on your momma's tits."

I wanted to be angry, but I suddenly started crying. He was so mean! I didn't know what to say or do. I lost track of the door beyond him. Tears stung my eyes. "I'm just a freshman." I managed.

"What for, Kindergarten?" Mr. Dinty laughed.

Steve pretended to laugh, but I thought it was real. I had made a terrible mistake coming here. I wanted to die. I couldn't stop from bawling.

"You're just a whiny, little shit."

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, BOB!" Mable Dinty screeched, storming out of the hall, both arms flailing, like real Nintendo, Arms! "I'LL CALL THE POLICE IF YOU DON'T TAKE STEVE AND LEAVE RIGHT NOW!"

Mr. Dinty flinched. He grabbed his son's hand and dragged him to the garage. "We'll be back after dinner!" He counter-threatened. It was almost comical. The door shut them away, and a car roared to life. It faded away from the house.

Mrs. Dinty, still sobbing, collapsed to her knees on the wall to wall carpeting. I kept crying too, until I had to catch my breath.

"I'll drive you home, Billy."

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Dinty."

"You're sorry? My husband was a wretched fiend to you!"

"I know Steve doesn't like me. I shouldn't have come."

"Child! That's the bravest thing I've ever heard!" She gasp. He tears slowed. She wiped her eyes with her sleeve.

"I just wanted to find a way to make him like me." If I'd been more honest, a way to stop him from hating me so much.

"Billy." Mrs. Dinty's voice was very small. "Has Steve ever, uh, hurt you?"

"I don't want to say."

"Oh, Billy." She took me in her arms. "I've tried so hard to prevent what Bob's doing to him. It's not your fault."

I hadn't considered my situation was anyone's fault but Steve's. Now I'd seen his father who was much worse. This poor woman had been trying to help her son from becoming like his father. I felt so sad for her I forgot being sad for myself.

"I love my son, Billy, but right now I wish you were my boy." She hugged me fiercely. Her on her knees, my face was pulled into her ample breasts.

"I-I'm not a boy." I tried to recover some sense of pride.

"No. You're far more adult than either of my men." Her hug softened.

I nuzzled her chest without thinking. It was a habit formed from many recent encounters with loving women. Though sad, my pee pee didn't stand a chance against her soft, warm body. It grew hard against her thigh quickly. She was too distraught to notice.

"You deserve a better man, Mrs. Dinty."

She sniffed, but it was also a little laugh. "That's Bob's last name. I wish I had never taken it."

"I could be your man, for a little while." My words surprised me. Later, I understood the one thing I could always be confident about was making babies. I needed confidence right then. She didn't understand.

"What are you saying, Billy?" She released me and looked at me from a little farther away.

"I think you need someone to care about you, to make you feel good. You give so much to your family, but what about you? What were your called before you got married?"

"I was Miss Camden-"

"That's pretty, Miss Camden. I love my Momma and Daddy, but I'm with you right now, and you did everything to protect me. Let me give what I can, to you."

Her voice faltered. "Wh-what can y-you give me?"

I put my arms around her and hugged. This time, I pulled myself into her body, my face nuzzling her big breasts. When I lifted my head higher and kissed her, she trembled from confusion and possibly shock. She cringed when I broke the kiss.

"But you're too young to-!"

"You can choose, Miss Camden. I want to be a man for you." I kissed her lips again, confidence swelling in more than my peter. "But I'm am kind and loving. I'm not moody or mean. Just for a little while, enjoy this for yourself."

She sniffed back new tears. "Oh, Billy. Why can't my son be strong like you? Why can't Bob-" She stopped. "I should take you home." She stood up. "And call me, Mrs. Camden."

"Please don't, Miss, er, Mrs. Camden." I claimed her hand. I turned to the hall entrance, tugging her gently. "You can take me home later."

"Billy, I feel so ashamed." She stepped behind me to keep from falling. "I can't believe you would do this." Mrs. Camden walked another step. "You're like my boy and my husband, who take advantage of me."

"You get to choose this time." I repeated trying to show I was earnest. She saw the fire in my heart. I walked into the hall. She followed.

"This isn't right." She choked a sob. "Let go of my hand. Please?"

"All you have to do is take it out of mine."

"I-I can't, Billy. I want-" She gave a full sob but kept up.

I peered through three open doors. The closest led to a bathroom. The farthest held her marriage bed. I led her into Steve's room. Just inside, I turned and hugged her again. I kissed her breast bone, the patch of skin that peeked from the top of her blouse.

"Not in here, Billy." She shook her head, but her hands clasp behind mine to keep my lips pressed to her chest. "It's my son's room."

"Take me home, and I'll take you to mine." I imagined leading Mrs. Camden past my mother and into her room, telling Momma not to peek or listen. My cock stiffened like never before.

"Please don't joke, Billy."

I pulled her hands from my head, stepped back and placed them at the top button of her blouse. Then I moved forward, pinning them between our chests. I tilted my head back and reached behind her head, caressing her curled hair from behind. She bent at the neck and her lips touched mine.

We kissed while she unbuttoned her blouse. I gave her hair soft strokes. She straightened before her next gasp. "My husband does not love me." She sobbed. "I don't know why."

"I want you to have love. You give all of yours. It's not your fault they don't give back." I hugged her and pressed my face to her thick bra.

"It is. It has to be my fault."

She smelled tainted. I didn't know it was from her stress. I told myself what mattered more was to make her feel good, not complain about a strange smell or taste. I made myself lick her cleavage. It was only strange I decided, not bad a little salty. "Mrs. Camden, please don't punish yourself. You deserve good things." I shrank down and kissed her naked belly. It bulged with sadness. I wanted to kiss it away.

"That feels nice, Billy, but you should stop. I should button it back, and we should go to the car."

I took the top of her blouse and pulled it down her arms by stepping behind her, the sleeves captured her arms there.

"No, Billy. Please."

"All you have to do is put your shirt back on, Mrs. Camden." I let go and tapped the back of her bra where metal hooks cinched it tight, to let her know what I wanted.

Her head tilted forward again. "Thank you." Tears dropped from her face. She stood still. I waited.

"This is for me." She tugged the sleeves bunched at her wrists, until the blouse floated to the hardwood floor. Her hands moved up and pulled her bra hooks free.

I helped by pulling the top straps over her shoulders. She leaned forward and let the sturdy white underthing fall. Steve's mother turned around and hugged me to her naked breasts.

I kissed them once before opening my mouth and sucking in a dark red nipple. It was firm and big. I wrapped my arms around her torso.

"Oh, Billy! What are you do- Ooohh, careful they're really sensitive."

I let go and sucked in her other nipple, gentler this time.

"I haven't felt that since Steven was a baby."

"Shhh, Mrs. Camden. It's me, Billy."

"I'm sorry!" She cried louder than I would have expected. "Kiss them. Suck them. You make my fat titties feel so good."

I resumed sucking but nipped one slightly with my teeth!"

"OH!" She yipped.

It distracted her from noticing I was moving her closer to her son's bed. But when the back of her knees touched the mattress. She had to make the real choice.

"I, CAN'T!" She sobbed. "I want to, but it's not right!" She let go of me.

Undaunted, I gave her space, but immediately reached to my shorts.

"Billy, what are you doing?" She gaped. "I need to get my blouse and my keys."

I stepped on her white blouse. My shoes no doubt stained it. I was quick to unbutton and unzip my shorts. I pulled them and my underwear down to my ankles. My erection wobbled free, sticking extra firm in the warm air. "All you have to do is get your blouse, Mrs. Camden." I felt like I was playing a new kind of game, one that I could invent while playing it.

"No, Billy! You're naked down there. You should have kept it in your pants." She held a hand to her mouth. "It's so..."

"It's so what, Mrs. Camden? Do you like my peter?"

"It's beautiful." She breathed. "I-I haven't seen my husband's in years. He thinks women can control men if we can find their, uh, peters."

"I'm Billy, Ma-am." I stepped out of my pants and right up to her until my penis nearly poked between the legs of her pants. "Not Mr. Dinty."

"But it's wrong, Billy." She whimpered. "Don't you know?"

"All you have to do is take off your pants, Mrs. Camden." I changed the rules.

She hung her head. "Yes, Billy, I know." Her hands trembled but they unclasp her slacks and they unzipped them. They pulled the dark red pants off of her wide hips. The silky material slid the rest of the way to the floor. Her panties were as white as her bra. Both were plain, unadorned. Both were beautiful to me. She was much prettier, more so when she blushed. He fair skin burned with red, brightly. Even my mother's blush was not as intense.

I wanted to hold her so bad. I wanted to pierce her sex and make a baby, but she had to choose each time. I put my hands on her hips. My fingers felt the cotton protecting them. My pee pee danced just below them. "All you have to do is sit, now."

"Yes, Billy." She gave a contrite look. Her eyes held something akin to fear, but it sparkled. Mrs. Camden sat back on her son's bed and held out her arms, wanting reassurance.

I sat on her lap and hugged and kissed her. My naked thighs rested on hers. My peter was like iron.

"Billy, you worry me. You're so wonderful!" She feared my experience.

"I just want to make you feel good." I confessed.

"Don't you want me to make you feel good?" Her hand hovered above my erection.

"Uh huh. But you need it more." I returned to sucking on her nipples. I caressed her titties with my hands, fingering the nipple I wasn't sucking.

"Ohh, Billy. I can't believe it. Y-you're gonna, Aahh, make me- UNNGH!" She groaned. "Just from sucking on me!" I think she had a little orgasm.

Bit by bit her resistance crumbled. After that first delight, she stuck the hand near my cock into her panties. She rubbed herself while I continued to love her breasts. I kneaded them, but I kissed her lips while doing it. They trembled. All of her trembled.

"OOOhhhh! Oooooo!" She moaned and groaned.

Improvising, I rubbed my nose against her. That felt kinda nice too. I stopped mauling her tits and hugged her again. My thigh felt her hand pleasuring her puss. I kissed her neck and cheeks. Her lips countered, capturing mine, and when they did her other hand took my hard pee pee and fondled it. "Oh, Billy, you're so hard!"

"It's for you, Mrs. Camden. It wants to make you feel good by making a baby in you."

"OOOHHHHH!!! UHHHGGGHHHH!!! BILLLYY!! I"M CUMMMING!!!" My sincerity must have pushed her over the edge. She called out my name. "BILLY!!!" Her body convulsed and her hand pounded her crotch. "OH THANK YOU BILLY!!! AAAAAAHHHH!!!" She meant it, but her body nearly threw me off. I escaped to the bed for the final throes of her orgasm.

Mrs. Camden slumped, wobbling slightly. She breathed heavily and hugged herself. "Oh, Billy. What have I done?"

I didn't answer. I was too amazed by how her naked body glowed red from brows to toes.

She cried lightly. "I'm terrible. I let a boy-"

"No, Mrs. Camden." The word irked me. "Please don't call me that. I tried really hard not to be like that."

"You weren't, Billy." Her body curled lower. "I'm sorry. I'm so ashamed."

"You haven't done anything wrong, Mrs. Camden, or I would have spanked you." I meant it.

Her laughter was like drenching rain, heavy but purifying. "Oh, Billy. You're so-" She looked at me, eyes shining. "I almost said, 'silly.'"

I pouted.

Her eyes darkened. "Do you really know about making babies?"

I nodded.

"Did someone teach you?"

"I read a book."

I felt it would be boasting if I told her about my experiences."

He eyes widened. "You're a very good learner." She smiled.

"Do you want me to make a baby with you now?" I asked seriously.

She lurched away from me. "Billy!"

She studied my expression. As she did so, her body straightened and leaned closer again. "You really mean that."

I nodded and smiled earnestly.

Time and space halted for an unknowable stretch.

Her eyes darted down. She wrung her hands. "I-I can't. It's not-"

"It'll be okay." I promised.

"I know." She surprised me. "I was going to say, 'It's not something that deserves you.' I can't give you something my husband makes filthy."

"But, Mrs. Camden, you don't have any awful parts. You're wonderful!"

"Thank you, but I could never give you pleasure that way. It would be like giving you Steve's old clothes or the crumbs from a sandwich Bob jammed into his mouth. I want to give something just for you."

I didn't understand, but I knew better than to ask. Maybe Mrs. Lum could explain what this poor lady meant, tomorrow.

She smiled again. "There is something my husband never touched." She blushed. "I would give that to you, if that kind of thing doesn't bother you."

I couldn't stop myself from looking puzzled. I felt like a stupid boy again, but she wasn't trying to disrespect me.

She grinned a little. "So there is something you haven't read about." Her eyes twinkled. Without saying more, she shifted her whole body onto the bed and turned around, standing on her hands and knees. She aimed her bottom to me. "It's there, between my fat cheeks, Billy. You know what I mean, now, right? I can give you pleasure, as much as you want, with my little hole there. It will be all yours, yours and only yours."

The concept threw me into awkward silence. At least I wasn't so dumb I didn't realize what she was talking about or how such a thing might be possible. She had no reason to trick me, I trusted. She wanted me to put my hard pee pee inside her bum.
My confidence took a hit, contemplating Mrs. Camden's offer. I had so many questions. I felt out of sorts about it. I wanted to talk to Mrs. Lum, who was good at answering my questions, but she wasn't here. I briefly considered calling the school to talk with her, but that would have been more lame.

It occurred to me that if I trusted her offer as genuine, I should completely trust her, even with my questions. Could revealing your weakness be somehow more adult? I gathered my nerve, which had been slowly draining.

Mrs. Camden's face grew a serious waiting for my answer. "You don't have to, if you don't want to, Billy."

My pee pee wanted to! That's for sure. It wasn't daunted by her wide, naked butt that swayed invitingly.

"I think I would like to, Mrs. Camden." My senses were alert for any disappointment from her. "But isn't that a dirty place?"

"Oh, Billy!" She wasn't disappointed at all. "I should have explained better. You're so good at making a woman feel wonderful, I forgot this wasn't part of your skills." She wore a frown of guilt. "Please forgive me?"

"Explain what?" I felt more dumb, but if I didn't ask, I might do something wrong. I could be lame by making mistakes or I could be lame by revealing my ignorance. I chose the lesser fear.

"I would never let my bottom foul your beautiful prick." She crawled over to the edge of the bed, and reached out. Her hand opened the bottom drawer of her son's desk. "Steven should have what we need." She pulled out a bottle and a colorful box labeled, "EGYPTIANS!"

"Bob told me to buy these for Steven. He wanted his son to masturbate proudly, with lube to get use to wearing condoms which would protect him from girls plotting to get pregnant and force him to marry them."

I knew about condoms, but I never considered wearing one. Momma made Daddy wear them, because we are poor. Suddenly, the concept made sense. I only saw it as a barrier to making babies, but the book said they protected from catching any disease. If it was that good of a barrier, it would surely keep my pee pee from getting dirty.

The idea of not getting dirty, in Mrs. Camden's filthiest place felt naughty in a good way. My prick twitched at the thought.

"Ohh, huh. Yes Ma-am."

"Billy, you can call me Mable." She blushed. "I mean, we're going to be close in a way neither of us has ever been."

"You haven't done this?"

She looked at the ceiling with a little smirk. "Well... I did stimulate my butthole with dildos, before I was married. Bob doesn't let me buy toys. He says if I use anything other than my hand, I'm undermining his manliness."

Mrs. Camden sure had a lot of things she needed to say about her husband. I just smiled and waited.

Despite her digressions, she was eager to let me pretend to make babies in her butthole. I could hardly wait to see it. She plucked a foil wrapped condom from the box and unpeeled it. I knew you had to unroll condoms down over an erection. I reached for it.

"Tut-tut, impatient one. Let me try something I saw once." She pulled the coiled condom away. "I want to roll it on with my mouth."

"Golly!" I gaped as she determined the right facing and put it between her lips. She leaned down to my hard peter and pushed the condom against the head of it. It had already warmed from her mouth. It glided across my prick as her lips devoured me, leaving a snug latex coat. I'm lucky I'm not allergic. Her mouth fully enveloped me, and I thought this was good enough. She could have sucked me without the condom, and I would have enjoyed that plenty, but the idea of putting it in her butt was too strong to resist!

Maybe Mrs. Camden was thinking the same thing. Her mouth didn't release me until after I felt her sucking and licking me through the rubber. "Nice!" She exclaimed upon seeing the result of her effort.

"I liked that!" I giggled. Mrs. Camden was really fun. But what would being inside her bum feel like? I wanted to know. I reached out and spread her butt cheeks, wanting to discover the hole between them.

"Just a second, Billy." She took the bottle of lube from her son's desk. "You don't want to hurt me."

I let go of her cheeks before spotting the crinkle I expected to find. "I'm sorry." How was I going to stick my cock into her butt if I couldn't spread her big cheeks?

"No, Silly. You can spank my bottom if you want, but the butthole is not like a wet vagina. Buttholes are dry. They need lots of lubrication for a penis to enjoy it. Here." She held out the bottle to my rubbered pee pee. She poured so much in her hand it dripped onto her son's bed. Then she took my prick and coated it with as much lube as it could hold.

"That's not all. I need more inside me, to make sure. This lube is silicone based. It won't hurt a condom like grease disintegrates latex. It's expensive, but it doesn't dry out as quickly as water based lubes."

I should have written that knowledge down, but I doubted I would need to know, since I mostly wanted to make babies the right way. This was going to be a fun experiment, only. I was very naive back then.

"Would you spread my butt again." She positioned her backside in front of me. I happily complied. Her cheeks were big and jelly like. I liked Mrs. Camden's ass a lot! Her hole, though, looked very small for my penis. Would that be a problem? She didn't act like it.

My eyes didn't miss a single thing she did with the lube and her butthole. Her hand, again full of lube, pressed the gooey stuff along her crack, and then her finger began stuffing lube into her hole! She mewled doing it. My glistening prick trembled eagerly. She coated her finger with fresh lube six times, each time transferring a lot of it into her bum. "I would prefer you to lube me up, Billy, with your rubber coated penis, but I'm in too much of a hurry."

"Bob hates anal sex. He thinks it's for gay men. He doesn't like gays, but he says he doesn't discriminate. Hah, the bastard is a walking pile of homophobia."

Waiting was difficult. As much as I didn't want to hear about her husband, I realized I was the only person she could tell. It must be hard to bear terrible things in your heart. I think she really cared for her husband, but he was the worst, and she knew it.

I had my own worries bubble up, while she let off steam. I was eager to pretend making babies in Mrs. Camden's bum, but I didn't want to waste my cum when her real baby making part was so close! She said her husband had made it dirty. But I didn't think she meant it literally. I didn't know what she meant.

"Mrs. Camden? Why does your husband make your pussy dirty?"

"I'm sorry, I keep talking about him. It's not fair to you." She reached back with her hand, slimy with lube and dirty from lubing her filthy hole. She grasp my dick gently. "Does that bother you? You know where my finger was."

Now she didn't want to talk about her husband, after I had asked, but her hand felt good. I told myself, the condom would protect me. I had to believe that, because Momma made Daddy use them to protect her from his sperm. I humped my covered peter through her slick fingers a little bit. Knowing that one finger had been in her butt made it more exciting. She accepted my answer.

"Bob doesn't make me dirty like my finger is, Billy. He doen't make love to me, or make me feel loved like you do. He jams himself inside me and ruts until he finishes, filling me with uncaring spend, and then he goes to sleep. He doesn't even like to look at me, always taking me from behind. You saved me when you sat on my lap and sucked my nipples and let me finger myself to wonderful orgasms. He treats my pussy like it's a tool for making him cum. That's how he makes me feel dirty."

She looked back, eyes shining, cheeks wet. "I need you to put your love inside me, where Bob will never ruin it." She pulled my cock to the shining crinkle of her butthole. "Please, Billy. Love me here."

Her words moved me with more strength than her arm. I pressed the tip of my cock against her small crinkle, but it resisted.

"Keep pressing, Billy. I know a trick that will help, but it's going to fight you at first." She told me later that she was clenching her ass on purpose and held her breath.

"Yes, Ma-am, but maybe it's too small for me." I did press harder. If my penis hadn't been eager to push inside this strange place, I would have given up from the little bit it hurt. I didn't want to hurt her.

Suddenly, Mrs. Camden exhaled with a whoosh! Like doors opening, her butthole relaxed and sucked my hard prick into it's dank recesses! I fell against her, crotch smacking ass! "OHH!" I gushed, "It's so tight and hot!"

"BILLY!" She blubbered. "You feel wonderful inside there!"

Her dirty sphincter tightened around my shaft. I had never felt such encircling pressure. I thought I might cum right then, but my days of making babies and resisting the urge paid off. I even dared to stroke my prick in and out of her slick but tight ass.

"You're doing it, Billy!" She cried. "You're making love to my only virgin hole! You're so hard! I feel every inch of you! I can feel you stretching me! It's beautiful, darling! Does my a-asshole feel good to you?"

I picked up speed, driving my prick in and out. "Wow, Mrs. Camden! Your hole is squeezing like crazy!

"Keep loving me there, Billy! Ream my hole in back. It's yours and only yours!" She hissed. "I want every inch of you! Make me feel it, darling boy! Make me cry with joy instead of tears. F-fuck it!" She exploded the word. "Fuck my ASS!" On her hands and knees, she rocked against my thrusts. I could not see it, but she was again fingering her pussy, increasing the pleasure from her ass with sensations from her clit.

I felt her asshole wrapping around and squeezing like a fist. With each thrust in, I blazed more and more with the fire of young lust. My swollen balls bounced together and slapped her butt. As I fucked Mrs. Camden's ass, driving my full length into her again and again, the burning turned into an ache, a good ache.

The ache seared through my loins, heating my testicles, inflaming my spine. I speared Mrs. Camden's filthy hole for the incredible pleasure and fire it gave, unlike all the pussies I had filled with cum. She wailed, "This is better than my lousy husband's best. It feels incredible, Billy. Don't stop!"

For the first time my cum would shoot into a sack built to deny its purpose. My joy at pounding the sharp hole meant only for nasty dirt, would soon peak, and my seed would spatter uselessly, close to where it should fill. Mrs. Camden didn't want me to touch that place her husband defiled, but even great pleasure from novel love making was a poor excuse from its true purpose, to make babies. I can think of a dozen reasons now, to justify what happened next, but at the very moment when Mrs. Camden's hot, tight bum pleasured me most, I felt sad for her.

The events of that afternoon had not been strange enough, when I felt my orgasm cascade, instead of peaking. It plateaued, spreading a rise of joy rather than a surge of ecstasy. I did not cum then. I cried out. "Ohh, Mrs. Camden. It's cumming, but none issued. I assumed I had run out, but I continued bucking my prick into her, to milk more pleasure for both of us.

"Yesss, keep it up, Billy. I'm almost there. NNnngggghhh!!" I saw then, she stood only on one hand and two knees. "Don't stop."

I plowed and reaped strenuously, but the grasp of the latex wrapper loosened as my post orgasmic erection slightly softened. My bold action of retreat pulled my cock clean out of the sheath clenched by Mrs. Camden's ass.

"Oh, Billy, what happened?" She reached her hand back to find out.

I slowed my next thrust to prevent it from thudding it into the rubber tail I had left behind.

Her fingers caught my naked prick. "I need it! I'm so close."

I reached for my mostly firm dick and thrust. Our fingers touched as the head of my cock bent down, spearing instead of her lubricated ass, her incredibly wet cunt!

I fucked between her dripping lips and by luck pierced her inner hole, surprising both of us! My cock sank fully into her. "Oh, Mrs. Camden!" I exclaimed. "I-I didn't mean-" My mouth seized up, when the most incredible thing happend. Special muscles in my loins spasmed, sending shots of cum into the place it belonged. It was not an orgasm I felt but simple spewing of fluid, hot and thick, a physical response only.

She, on the other hand, shouted, "AAAAHHH!!!! YYEEESSSSSS!!! OHHHHH BILLYYY!!" "You're cumming into my pussy!" She wailed. "And it's making me cum! It feels incredible!" "HHHHhhhhhh...." Breaths exploded from her lungs. "Sooo gooooddd!!!"

I did not stop fucking her convulsing cunt. Instead of orgasm, the joy I felt was accomplishment and love. I was meant to fill her vagina with fresh, young cum. I pumped until the well emptied. Her puss kept twitching along the full length I left buried within its grasp. I bent down and hugged Mrs. Camden from behind. I kissed every freckle on her back. She shuddered from the last of many orgasms.

"That was incredible, Billy, impossible even!" She gasp for breath. "I haven't felt anything down there since Steven was born. Except when I finger my clit, it has been dead, numb, just a plaything for my husband." She turned a face of total amazement back at me. "You awakened it, Billy! My pussy is alive again. I can feel your juice inside, warming my sex that was sleeping. I would take you in my arms and hold you if I did not need to feel your prod so alive within me. Stay there a little longer. Please?" She requested.

"I like how your pussy feels, Mrs. Camden." I smiled. I had really liked fucking her tight ass, but there was nothing like shooting hot cum into a woman's quivering sex. I remained plunged, kissing naked outer parts that my lips could reach while my peter softened against her silky confines. She pulled my hands, one at a time, to her lips and returned the affection.

"I promised your mother, I would make dinner for you, before I took you home." She eventually said. We disengaged, freed from the awful circumstances of our engagement, energized by mutual joy. "Stay on my son's bed, Billy. I want to clean you here." She left and returned with damp towel.

Either she hadn't wiped herself, or I had spent so much cum into her pussy, it was still leaking down her legs as she bent to wash my crotch and pee pee that were stained with sperm and lube.

"Silicone lube requires extra effort to wash away, Billy. That's what makes it so effective."

"It's really slick, Mrs. Camden, but your bottom hole still felt super tight." I wondered idly if the condom was still sticking halfway out of her ass.

"D-did you like it?" She blushed. I loved how red her fat breasts became.

I nodded enthusiastically. "Can we do it again sometime?"

"I-I don't know, Billy. Bob may never let you come over again. Steve-"

"I'm not afraid of Steve, Mrs. Camden."

"Your braver than he is, Billy. I'll talk to him."

"No!" I blurted.

"Billy!" She stopped washing my soft prick.

"I have to talk to Steve. If I don't, I'm just a kid. I want to be an adult."

She smiled then. "Brave and wise. You even seduce beyond your years."

"I'm hungry." I smiled and rubbed my belly.

Dinner was roasted lamb with rice and asparagus. We kept touching each other while we ate. I loved how her boobs bounced. She loved to tickle my side. We both giggled a lot.

Dessert was a delicious pudding with little round chewy bits. I was halfway done with my pudding when a low but strange sound creaked repeatedly from the other side of the kitchen wall.

"They're back, Billy." Mrs. Camden steeled herself. "Don't let them hurt you again. I know you want to confront my son, as much as I want to confront my husband, but give them the chance to make fools of themselves, and we will prevail." She meant they would likely say something stupid that we could use against them.

The garage door sounded a second time, closing. We waited. A few minutes passed. Mrs. Camden fidgeted. We finished our puddings, then waited more.

"I don't want to know." She got up and began to clear the table.

I couldn't wait any longer. When she turned away to the sink, water running, I got up and went through the door to the garage.

"This is a manhood, Steve. Look at it!" Mr. Dinty stood with his pant down around his thighs. A rigid penis stood out from his crotch. "This is a man's weapon and his weakness. Don't be afraid and show it, Son. Be a man, not a momma's boy like that runt."

Steve unbuttoned his jeans but hesitated before pulling them down his legs. He wasn't happy about it, but his father had demanded that he show what kind of man Steve was or would become. It was a test, he thought. His dad's sports car squatted between them, each having exited different sides. Still he didn't feel completely safe from his father's demand. Steve lost all bravery the moment I opened the door and his penis hung limp exposed for anyone to see.

I had been ready to tell Steve to stop bothering me, or I would fight him every time. I didn't care if he was bigger. I would prove I wasn't afraid. I opened the door and silence expanded from the center of the garage. I didn't understand what was happening. It looked very very wrong.

A moment later Mrs. Camden shattered the eerie silence with a shriek! "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!" She burst into the room, brushing me aside, continuing to shriek! "YOU'RE SICK BOB!


Both scrambled to pull up and zip up their pants. "It's not what you think, Mable." Her fumbling husband squeaked. "You know I would never do anything gay!"

Steve's mother huffed so loud it might have been a sonic boom. She blustered back through door, grabbing my arm. "You have to go home, Billy." She slammed the door shut and called a taxi. "I want a woman driver! You can do that for women, can't you?" She completed the request and hung up.

The garage door opened. Bob's head peeked in.

"Stay out there!" Mable roared! The door shut quickly. "Rot out there!" She called after. She knelt before me and took my hand.

"This is a nightmare, Billy, but I will be fine. You know that none of what happened out there was any of your fault, right?"

"I know, but what-" I wanted to know.

"I don't understand myself, but that's the final straw and may be the last you see of my husband."

She stood up, trembling. Then she called the police.

The cab driver arrived first.

"Would you witness something, Ma-am?"

"I'm just a cabbie, lady." A powerful looking woman spoke with a course accent. "Do you want a cab or not?"

"Take this boy home. Here's a hundred dollars. But please, I need to you see something, just in case. My husband-" She couldn't finish. She sobbed suddenly.

"Dat is all I need hear, Ms. Dinty." The tall dark haired cabbie strode into the house. "Vat do you vant me to see?"

"You don't have to go in." Mrs. Camden promised before opening the garage door.

Both occupants burst into lamentations, begging forgiveness. Mable ignored them. "This is my son and my husband. I caught them about to do something terrible. That's all you have to hear and see." She shut the door. "Now take the boy home. If something happens here, while your gone..." Mrs. Camden didn't finish.

The cab driver took up the torch, "Yes, Ms. Dinty. I understand." She swept me out of the house and into the cab. "What is your name, little boy?"

"I'm Billy, Ma-am." I didn't argue. I did, very much feel like a boy, and it was the right thing to be. Physical adults were needed in those circumstances.

"You're cute, you know dat?" She winked in the rear view mirror at me. "Where am I taking you?"

"Home." I told her the address.

"I am Tanya Velakowski, at your service." Sirens grew louder and then softer behind us as she drove me away from Steve Dinty's home.

That night, I asked Momma to hold me while we sat on the couch waiting for Daddy to come home. "I love you both." I told her.

"Do you want to say what happened?"

"I don't know what happened."

She held me until I rushed to Daddy when he appeared in the doorway. I was so lucky. I knew it beyond doubt when we hugged.

"Whoa, Sport! I missed you too." His arms didn't feel as strong as they used to. It was something I didn't care about at the time. The only thing important was, he loved me too.

I stayed awake long into the night, a whole hour past my bedtime, wondering what I should do the next day. It would be Wednesday.
Sunlight woke me in the morning. Mother was already dressed. She worked quietly in the kitchen. I looked at my watch, 8:12. "Why didn't you wake me earlier, Momma?" I rubbed sleep from my eyes. School started at nine.

"You came home very stressed last night. You needed your sleep more than you need a class at school. I'll write you a note if you're late." She wanted me to tell her why I had been so stressed. She had asked last night, but I didn't answer. She would now wait until I did. That was my Momma.

I climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom. I did feel better. A hot shower helped too. We didn't have much of a tub. After I had dressed, pork chops sautéed in wine and garlic waited for me at the breakfast table along with Au Gratin potatoes and a seared salad with pomegranate nuggets. "Momma, how can we afford this for breakfast?"

"It's what I'm making for my first client, Friday night. Part of their cost allows me to practice making the dinner."

"I'm suppose to help you." I dug into the food. Mom's new job was already helping the family expenses.

"I'll practice again tonight. You can make the dressing and toss the seared vegetables." She grinned. "You'll be tired of pork chops by Saturday morning."

"No way." I stuffed myself with the delicious food. My lunch bag sat by my backpack by the door. I grabbed both on the way out. It was 8:48.

I ran as far as I could, to school, minding the traffic lights. Waiting for one gave my brain the first pause it had had since I woke. "NO!" I wailed, alerting the other two people at the crosswalk. "Sorry." I followed up. I had forgotten to study for Ms. Hennifer's quiz!

I fretted over my lapse. If I got a bad grade, would she punish me on Thursday afternoon? I hadn't watched any videos for my other classes either. I missed the first harpsong by five minutes.

Mr. Glouvert nodded when I entered. "Take a late pass, Billy." He continued his introduction to the pre-history of America. "The Vikings probably weren't the first Europeans to discover the north continent, but they were the first who established communities. Meanwhile, the peoples already living here had built diverse and powerful cultures of creativity, knowledge of nature, craft and skill."

When students were late, they had to pin a small sign on their clothes for the day. I wore mine. The pass showed a drawing of a lioness missing her tail. I didn't even notice that important aspect until it was pointed out in my next class.

"Take the pass off, Billy." Mr. Yong told me when I entered his room. "I don't agree with that form of social punishment. Early adolescence is marked by rebellious spirit. It could be misconstrued by other students as a badge of honor."

The girl, Kelly, was sitting next to me that day. After our science teacher introduced the day's topic, hydrogen, she whispered. "The lioness doesn't have a tail."

"Maybe it's behind her."

"You would see the tail curl around behind it from that angle." She insisted.

"Open your workbooks to Elements. You'll be please to learn that your textbooks contain enough hydrogen to roast an eggplant." He chuckled, "But it's much more nutritional in its current, potential energy state."

Ms. Hennifer smiled at me when I entered her class. I returned a smile but knew she would sense its lie. The quiz was meant to establish what she needed to emphasize in her teaching. It wasn't all that difficult, but it covered a lot of different things. Some of the questions were really hard. I only dimly remembered hearing about irrational numbers. How could something named that be of any use? I hunkered down and answered what I could.

At lunch, I allowed myself to fret over the mistakes I thought I had made. I sat outside staring at the green school yard. A few trees lined the far end.

"Hi, Billy." It was James. He had a tray of food from the cafeteria. The heavyset boy plunked it down at the picnic table and proceeded not to say anything.

"Uh, Hi." I munched on my pork chop sandwich.

"Do you like any sport teams, like The Custers?" He sounded as if he had to whip himself to ask.

"Not really. They play football?"

"Eggball. There's a lot more strategy to eggball. It's has two battle lines instead of a bunch of guys playing basketball with their feet."

"I saw some women's basketball where I used to live. It was pretty lively." The small town team practiced in the community gymnasium.

"You just like to see the titties bounce. HEH!" He laughed uncomfortably and blushed deeply.

"Scram, Freshman." Al's face glared at James, suddenly two inches away from the eggball fan. He laughed when the overweight boy left his tray behind. "Come on, now, don't leave your food."

James took his tray to an empty table. Al's sharp brown eyes contrasted with his darkest brown skin. "I saw you get in a car with Steve, yesterday. Why isn't he here today?"

"I don't know." It wasn't a lie.

"I told you, Al, he said he wasn't going to fight fair." Wendel arrived at the table. He sniffed my food. "Cold pork chop. Better than the 'burger' the cafeteria serves.

"Someone had to be today's burger." I joked. "Who'll be missing, next Wednesday?"

Al laughed like crazy!

Wendel rocked slightly. "Okay, that was funny." He slapped Al's shoulder, "But not that funny."

"What happened between you and Steve after school?" Al interrogated again.

"We played some video games. Then his dad took him out to dinner. I went home." Again, I didn't lie, just didn't fill in the gaps." It was none of their business.

Wendel pulled out a cell phone. I refrained from reminding him not to make calls during school hours. He dialed Steve's house and got voicemail. "Buy Steve a cell phone!" Was the message he left.

"Never happen." Al declared. "His dad thinks the Chinese government is spying on cell phones."

"His dad has a cell phone, I think."

"It's what Steve told me."

"His dad's a creepy dude all around."


"Did you win?"

"Huh?" I had lost track of the conversation. I answered Wendel. "Win what?"

"Video games."

"I won one game. They were Steve's games. He won all the others."

"Not bad for a freshman." Al mused.

They gave each other a, why are we gabbing with a freshman, look and wandered off.

The school harp sang.

I was lucky in English. Ms. Laghari didn't call on me about the short story I forgot to read. I spent most of the period writing an essay.

I told James I was sorry about lunch, at P.E.

"It's okay. Why did those juniors want to talk with you?"

I shrugged. "Just to mess with me?"


After showering and dressing, I pinned the late pass on my chest and went to Mrs. Lum's office.

"Hello Billy. Am I to assume you plan to be late for your last class?"

"I need to ask you."

The instructor bolted up. "Yes. Sorry."

"Should I wear condoms?"

"I would hope so. You're having sex with multiple partners, right?"

"I guess."

"Condoms are the best defense against sexually transmitted infections. If even one of your partners is having sex with someone else, you could pass a disease to every one of your partners."

"We didn't use a condom." I looked down.

"You raped me, Billy. I wasn't in a position to require that from you."

"But it was pretend, right?"

She sighed. "It was, but I didn't really believe you were sexually active. I paid lip service to your honesty. Then you proved how experienced you are. I'm sorry for not believing you."

"I'll use a condom when I rape you again."

She chuckled. "Do that, Billy ... Unless-"


"Unless you promise to use condoms with all your other partners." She looked at her desk and tapped it idly. "It's, um, harder to pretend if my rapist is wearing a condom."

"I don't know if I can promise that." I knew in my heart, if I ever made babies with Momma, I would never use one.

"Then I may have to take a risk." She turned to a lower drawer of her desk and pulled out a wooden box. "That doesn't mean I'll take a stupid risk. Come, bring your chair to the side of my desk."

I scooted my chair up to her.

"This is a blood sample kit. I can take your blood to an acquaintance and have it tested for anything you might already be carrying."

"You mean, a disease?"

"Yes, Billy. I should have done this when you first told me, but like I said. I didn't really believe you. I'm sorry."

"You're going to take my blood?"

"Not without your consent." She held up a small test tube with a rubber cap. Inside the tip was a small amount of powder. "This is all I need. Your body will replace it in a day."

"I can rape you without a condom, if I let you test my blood?"

"Sex infections are very serious, Billy. It's better to have safe sex than to be treated for infections. You know there are terrible diseases without a cure, right?"

"I know."

"Unless you can trust the sexual histories of your partners, you'll always be at risk." She pushed a paper at me. "This is the consent form. The part that you sign will be separated from the from consent part. That lets you remain anonymous.

I signed the paper and let her take my blood. It was the right thing to do, but I shouldn't have, because I didn't fully understand. Fully informed consent is true consent. She had again assumed I knew more than I did. When she stuck the needle in my arm, the school harp sang. We ignored it.

"Thank you, Billy. Now," She rummaged in a different drawer and tossed a handfull of foil wrapped circles at me. "Condoms. State law doesn't allow them to be distributed to grades below high school, but fuck state law!" She smiled. "Do you need me to show you how to use them?"

"I'd like that, but I know how. I should get to class."

"I'm glad I could help you, Billy. Be good out there!"

Darrin, the art and music instructor, put a finger to his lips when I entered. My classmates were strumming extra large, rubber bands. I picked up a pair and joined them.

When school ended, I counted five condoms on my way back home, and those were just the ones lying in the street. I'm kidding.

Was five enough? I wondered. I decided to stop in at the corner market, to see how much it would cost to get more.

"Hi, Mrs. Shahidi." I greeted her, immediately on the alert for Arturio.

"Hello, Billy. What can I help you with?" Her son didn't seem to be around.

"How much do condoms cost?" I looked for them down the market's three aisles.

"You are too young for condoms. Are you try to tease Mrs. Shahidi?"

I got a little mad when she called me too young. I almost blurted, my teachers told me I'm old enough! But I didn't want to get them in trouble. I knew my age could be used against them.

"I just want to know how much they cost."

"Oh, I was not fair, sorry. Do you want to buy them for your father?" She turned to a rack behind her. "What size is he, large, medium or small?"

With her back turned, I quickly read the wrapper on one Mrs. Lum had provided. "Small."

"Those cost three for five dollars or a dozen for twenty."

Dang! I had almost ten dollars in my hand! My pocket change, though, couldn't afford one of the market's condoms.

"Thank you, Mrs. Shahidi. I'll let my momma know." It was nice that she wasn't embarrassed about selling condoms. I felt a little more confortable around her. If her son had been around, I'm sure I wouldn't have. "Where's Arturio?"

"My son goes to school in the afternoon. His school is used in the morning by another school that is being remodeled."

More students entered the market, to buy candy and ice cream. I watched her serve them.

I thought about going home, but it was the first time I had talked to the pleasantly plump lady with the beautiful dress, without her son being a brat.
After a bit, I felt conspicuous being in the store without shopping, watching customers. Mrs. Shahidi landed an occasional eye on me. The round mirror in one of the ceiling's corners was more intimidating, though. At one point, she gave me a soft smile.

My self-consciousness broke when the entrance door shut, and I realized I was the only one in the market. Mrs. Shahidi sighed. She asked, "How is your mother?"

"She got a job. I'm going to help her."

She looked at her hands. "It is good. A boy should learn from his parents. My father was a shopkeeper in Kazak land."

"Boys and girls you mean?"

She shook her head. "No. My brother was my father's apprentice. But he did not come to America. I learned from watching them." She sounded sad.

"Do you have any daughters?"

She smiled, "Are you looking for a wife?"

That cracked me up. "No. Do you only teach Arturio?"

"He is my son. He must learn his family trade. My daughter is silly and is more interested in band boys."

"Is she pretty, like you?"

Mrs. Shahidi's smile broadened. "Of course she is."

"Does she bother you like Arturio?"

Her smiled vanished. "She may be silly, but Alune is less foolish than my son." She pursed her lips warily. "Arturio will learn in time.

The last time I was here it seemed like Arturio was training her. I remembered him sneaking into his mother's great dress from behind.

The door opened, and a tall, older man wearing a turban entered. He spoke in another language to Mrs. Shahidi. She answered, then looked around her shop, a little nervous. She crooked her finger at me. "Billy, would you watch the shop ? I have to go in the back room to get something."

"Uh, okay." I shrugged.

"I'll be right back."

The old man stood silent with patient eyes that scanned the racks near him.

I looked around and saw the mirror. I moved to the end of the counter. From that position the mirror could almost look down at all three of the shop's aisles. I stepped just behind the counter, and the angle was perfect.

The man shuffled on his feet, darting his eyes at me, each time I moved.

I didn't look away from him except for brief glances at the mirror.

Mrs. Shahidi returned with a large, heavy bag - generic dog food. I stepped out from behind the counter to let her through. She rung it up and the man pulled cash from a vest pocket. When she looked at it, she barked something not friendly. He barked back. I stepped away from them. They exchanged heated, foreign words three more times. Then each smiled. The man paid, and he left with the sack.

"Please forgive that, Billy. He is a man to be careful with, but I let my nerves get the best of me."

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Yes, of course. In my old country, passionate bargaining is part of shopping. I should have lowered the price more for him. He is poor." She sighed. "If Arturio was here-" She looked at me. "Thank you for watching the store. Would you like a candy bar?"

"You don't have to pay me, Mrs. Shahidi."

"You would make a poor shop keeper." She smiled again.

"Does Arturio make you less nervous?" I could only imagine that the way he treated her made her more nervous.

"He is my strength."

"But he talks mean to you."

"Yes, but he loves me more. He is too young to understand. Only time can teach and properly mature a child." She shook her head. "You have many years before-"

"I love my momma, and I'm not mean to her." I interrupted the pretty lady from implying I was too young.

Her eyes sparkled. "Are you sure? You have never made your mother do what you wanted instead of what she wanted?"

I almost blurted, Never! But I knew better. I had made Momma do things for me that had embarrassed her. Now I blushed.

"It is okay, Billy. My son makes me strong by testing my weaknesses. Your mother is stronger than me. She needs you to be stronger for her sake. That is how we all grow."

"I'm not too young." I almost pouted.

"Do you understand then, how a mother's weakness is her power?"

I didn't, and it bothered me. I thought of Mrs. Camden and Steve. He was strong, and she was weak. But I was weaker than Steve, and I had helped her overcome him and his father. I thought Mrs. Shahidi was wrong. I almost told her so. Another customer arrived.

It was a woman I had seen somewhere else. She was curvy with boobs and hips a little larger than Mrs. Shahidi but not as large as Mrs. Camden. However, where they were pudgy in the middle, this younger lady's waist looked firm if not narrow. That firmness accentuated her soft curves above and below. Her stocking shirt was dark green and her skirt was black. She wore what looked like the lab coat that Mr. Yong wore when he had played with fire. It's white contrasted with the long tresses of her brown hair. Her nails were all different with animal icons drawn on top of clashing colors.

She picked up a bag of corn chips and a jar of salsa and brought them to the counter.

"Hi, Mrs. Shahidi. The old man wants his afternoon snack."

"Tell Mr. Amberson, 'Hello', for me." The clerk smiled. She rang up the purchase and gave the lady her change.

"You have beautiful hands." The lady told her. "I'm sorry I can't put my art on them."

"You are kind, Carole, but it is not my way."

"I know. Thanks." The lady smiled and was about to turn away. She spotted me. I hadn't been hiding. She had been too intent on her task. "Who are you, scrumptious?"

"I'm Billy, Ma-am."

"Well, Billy, if you ever bring that mop of yours to my daddy's clippers, you come see me in the salon, next door." It was almost an order. Then, flash, she left the shop.

I must have looked as dumb as I felt.

"Mr. Amberson is the barber down the street. Have you seen his shop?" Mrs. Shahidi asked.

I had, and the nail salon next door. I shook myself free of the lady's charisma. It made me think. There were different kinds of strength. I looked at Mrs. Shahidi. She had turned to a small record book next to the register. I walked around behind the counter.


"You're right, Mrs. Shahidi. I don't know what you mean, but you're also wrong. I am old enough. I'm going to pretend I'm Arturio, Mrs. Shahidi, when the next customer comes in.

"No. You mustn't do that, Billy. You are not my son. It is not simple-."

"I'm not afraid of making a mistake, Mrs. Shahidi." I wasn't, but I didn't want to endanger her either. "You can stop me if you really want. That book." I pointed to the one beside the register. "Turn it over, and I will stop."

I saw anger in her eyes. She reached for the book. The door opened, and two police officers walked into the shop.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Shahidi." A young man greeted. The other cop was older, a woman about Momma's age. She had dark African features. They wore so much equipment it was hard to tell the shape of their bodies.

"Hello, officers. How may I help you?" The clerk asked.

"Got any sandwiches?"

"In the refrigerator."

The police walked to the back of the shop and opened the refrigerator. I moved the other direction, up behind Mrs. Shahidi. I put my hand on the waist of her dress and stroked down. I had wanted to feel it since I first saw it. Actually, the first one I saw had been a different color. It wasn't the same dress, but it was just as compelling.

She turned a timid face to me. Her hand hovered over the book.

Her body was soft. I liked the feel of her waist, the little bulges there. I drew my hand down her hips and then her thigh. It felt silky, but I had never felt silk. It was probably polyester. I rubbed upward, lifting the hem of her dress to her calves.

"No!" She hissed as quietly as she could. She dropped her palm to the book, threatening.

With my far hand I held the dress up behind her. My close hand dove down under the hem. I patted a sturdy leg."

"Ham?" The man asked.

"She's not going to sell ham sandwiches. Mrs. Shahidi is devout."

The clerk pushed against my lower hand. I pushed hers away with my upper. She was stronger than me, but I pushed it away easily. Her breathing deepened when I reached my hand up her dress.


"No. But you go ahead."

"Please, Billy." Mrs. Shahidi's voice quailed when I felt the thickness of her thighs, from between them. "I don't like that when my son- nnnggghhh!" She grunted.

"Shhh." I hissed.

"What do you recommend, Mrs. Shahidi?" The woman officer asked. Her head popped up over the aisles.

"There may still be some pita falafel wraps. They usually sell out at lunch, but since school started, many of my lunch customers-"

I wriggled my fingers, and she paused. I pushed my hand further up. Her legs were very hot the higher I climbed.

"I pity the falafel-" The man chuckled.

"Stop it." The woman cautioned. She said louder. "Thanks! I found one."

"Looks like two meat balls in a soft taco."

"They're ground chickpeas, dumbass."

The tips of my fingers felt wetness. Was it sweat or something better. I whispered. "Why do you let Arturio do this?"

"Because it makes me humble." She breathed deep when my fingers touched coarse hairs. She clapped a hand over her mouth to bury a gasp!

"I know what falafels are. They look like meat."

"Are you a vegetarian, Mrs. Shahidi?" The polite woman asked.

"Not strictly." She separated her fingers to answer, then closed them when I touched the source of her wetness. Her body rolled once, like a wave, and her backside jutted out allow my fingers to find the groove of her sex. "Please stop." I barely heard her. Her other hand tapped on the register book. She straightened just in time.

Two sandwiches and two cans of soda, one diet, plopped on the counter. We looked up. The woman officer held out a credit card. The tag sewn onto her jacket, just beneath the city logo, read "West." Her eyes scanned me from head to toe. Her face was empty of emotion. "Andy, get some chips, two small bags." She called back. "Put those on the bill, please."

"Yes." Mrs. Shahidi trembled. She had to take her hand from the book to charge the card.

I dug two fingers into her vulva. My thumb rubbed the clerk's taint slowly. Her ass flinched, but she ran the credit card without fumbling. She returned the officer's blank expression.

Did you hire a helper for the afternoons? Officer West asked.

"Not hired. He took the initiative, but it's just for today."

The policewoman gave me a nod. "Well done." She asked Mrs. Shahidi, "Do I need to sign?"

"No need." The shop keeper replied. "I trust you." She put the goods into a paper bag.

"I value that from the community, Mrs. Shahidi." The policewoman spoke plainly. She took the bag. The other officer rounded the aisle with their chips. Ms. West's eyes prompted his to the door. He missed making eye contact with me. Perhaps he didn't see me standing behind the clerk, slowly plowing my palm up and down between her thighs. Half my body was behind the plump, shop keep, but I felt exposed.

The man opened the shop door for his partner. He asked with a low voice. "Crazy thing about that Dinty fellow, huh?"

She stepped out. "The crazy had nothing to do with him, everything to do with how his parents raised him."

"Is freezer gay really a term?" The man left and shut the door.

I stopped groping Mrs. Shahidi. The mood had fled.

She sighed. "You need to go home, Billy."

"I'm not too young for condoms." I disengaged my hand from the woman's loins. The back of her dress fell straight and beautiful.

"Yes, you are." She flipped over the book. "Like my son."

I didn't argue, but I felt humbled. I had done what another kid did, because I envied him and worried that he might try something with my momma. I was no better than a kid.

I should have apologized. Instead, I marched out of the store with my handful of condoms feeling like I didn't deserve them. I went home and helped Momma make pork chops. I love pork chops.

"Momma, what do you know about our first customers?"

"Not much. He and his daughter live in Central Heights. He's as old as my father. She's," Momma paused, "Um, younger." Mom resumed chopping vegetables.

I was measuring vinegar and oil for the dressing. "Is she my age?"

"No." Mother paused again before adding. "Ms. Colkick told me a rumor about her. She invested her father's retirement money into a tech stock. It soared, and now they are both retired."

"That sounds suspicious."

"I'm glad you think so." Mother looked in on the pork chops grilling in the oven.

I patted her bum.

"Careful, Billy. Don't distract me right now."


Later that night, when Daddy came home, I warmed up his supper. Mother was researching alternative recipes for Au Gratin. "Mine is just okay." She said after we'd tasted the dinner for our supper.

"You're looking strong tonight, Billy." He said proudly, but during his dinner, he sighed a lot."

"Maybe you can work less when Momma makes money from cooking."

"That'd be nice, but I'm committed to the current program at work. I'm not the only one burning extra hours. My boss often sleeps at the office."

"Should I buy you a sleeping bag?" Mother entered with a printout in her hand.

"You can't keep me out of our bed so easily." Daddy perked up.

"I can, if you can't keep up with me." Mother's jaw opened. She put a hand to her mouth. "I'm sorry, Glen."

"Stress makes you stupid." Daddy nodded at the paper in her hand. "That for your job?"

"Yes." Mother looked at it meekly.

"Blow their tastebuds away, my love."

I didn't listen at their door that night. I didn't like it when things were awkward between them. It rarely happened, but it intimidated me. I knew my parents really loved each other. Why would they ever have awkward moments?

I watched my video assignments. I read the stories Ms. Laghari had assigned, while I listened to the latest podcast of Darling Dimensions with the Spice Witch Five. I went to bed at bedtime.

I woke up at 7:30am to the smell of Au Gratin, from the middle of a crazy dream. I had been showing Steve how to shoot his cum into his mother.

Momma called me to taste her new recipe before I could go to the bath room and rub out the urge in my morning wood.

"I like it, Momma." I scooped another spoonful. I looked around. "Did Dad leave already?"

"Yes, Honey." She sounded sad. "Before I finished cooking this. I wanted his opinion too." She looked at the baking dish on the table and slowly shook her head.

I set down my loaded spoon, got up from my chair at the kitchen table and hugged Momma. "We're gonna make a lot of money. So Daddy can be with you and me more." My morning wood returned against Momma's thigh.

She took a deep breath. "Do you have to pee?"

I almost said, yes, but I didn't have to pee. I was horny. I had told Steve something in my dream. "Everything you cum on is happier." I didn't know what to say to Momma.

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Idaho wrote on Shine's profile.
I am the creator of the game you uploaded.
Please immediately delete the data uploaded on the relevant page (including other sites) and the links written there.
And do not upload my game data again.
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DmsHunk wrote on Shine's profile.
Sorry to bother you but all link about this two are down.

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Could you please reupload?
love you:alice_love:
Agent_Smith wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
you are so fast on the reupload, great work!
OPGaming wrote on zhonyk's profile.
Hi zhonyk, can you upload this video from 7pupu, tysm