Recent content by Kingsly

  1. [Request] [SanaYaoi] 二人のアイドルの裏話 -A story behind two idols

    [Request] [SanaYaoi] 二人のアイドルの裏話 -A story behind two idols

    Title: 二人のアイドルの裏話 - A story behind two idols Circle: SanaYaoi Release Date: 11-29-2023 Link:
  2. つるぺた守護騎士 エルフィナ堕ちる ~前編~[田辺京]

    つるぺた守護騎士 エルフィナ堕ちる ~前編~[田辺京] つるぺた守護騎士 エルフィナ堕ちる ~前編~[田辺京] Release Date: 2023/04/14 Brand: Queen Bee
  3. K

    [Japanese] [230224] [ガールズソフトウェア] エロキャス! ~学級委員の隠れた性癖~ [H-Game] [Crack]

    Yeah, I click and it does nothing. Just a little loading circle and that's it.
  4. [Request] 魔王と豚の城

    [Request] 魔王と豚の城

    Original Title: 魔王と豚の城 Released Date: 02/27/2019 Company, Producer: Noble Ogre DLSite link: Hello if anyone is willing to upload the version of this game that includes the cleared save data from the Mar/03/2019 version I would be...
  5. K

    Question about certain hosting site.

    Has anyone here ever used or I downloaded a few rar files from these sites but they are password protected and the password is nowhere to be found anywhere on the site. The files seem legit, but for them to be hosting locked files without an indication of...
  6. K

    [Hentai game] [200626] [WAFFLE] エデンズリッター第2章外伝 煉獄の魔王バルベリト編 [H-Game]

    Can anyone upload the trial? Seems they've disabled access or something. Unable to download from the official site and getch. Edit: nvm, figured it out.
  7. [Request] 女戦士テオドラ~恥○の闘技場~ The Motion Anime

    [Request] 女戦士テオドラ~恥○の闘技場~ The Motion Anime

    Title:女戦士テオドラ~恥○の闘技場~ The Motion Anime Release: 4/24/2020 Company: アパタイト/ WORLD PG ANIMATION Link: Does anyone have this and willing to share? EDIT: I have found a dl link but it requires RG premium.
  8. [Request] 戦乙女エスメラルダ~想い馳せていた師匠に拓かれる聖女

    [Request] 戦乙女エスメラルダ~想い馳せていた師匠に拓かれる聖女

    Original Title: 戦乙女エスメラルダ~想い馳せていた師匠に拓かれる聖女 Romaji: Ikusa Otome Esmeralda ~Omoi Haseteita Shishou ni Hirakareru Seijo~ Released Date: 2013-3-30 Company, Producer: MorningStar VNDB: I think I have tried every link and torrent I could possibly dig up. Would anyone still...
  9. [Request] ドロシーと使い魔ヴァル~禁制道具編~

    [Request] ドロシーと使い魔ヴァル~禁制道具編~

    Title: [八房の小部屋] ドロシーと使い魔ヴァル~禁制道具編~ Romaji: Dorothy To Tsukaima Varu ~Dorothy Hen~ Release date: 2010/03/12
  10. K

    Requesting reupload or reseed if possible for [131220][raiL-soft] 星継駅疾走軌(アステライトシッソウキ)[827M]...

    Requesting reupload or reseed if possible for [131220][raiL-soft] 星継駅疾走軌(アステライトシッソウキ)[827M]...
  11. K

    EDIT: Forgot how to count my bad, part 2 is missing...

    EDIT: Forgot how to count my bad, part 2 is missing...
  12. [REQUEST] 続・殺戮のジャンゴ ~地獄の賞金首~

    [REQUEST] 続・殺戮のジャンゴ ~地獄の賞金首~

    Original Title: 続・殺戮のジャンゴ ~地獄の賞金首~ Romanji: Zoku ・Satsuriku no Jango ~Jigoku no Shoukin Kubi ~ Release Date: 2007/07/27 Company, Producer: ニトロプラス; Nitroplus; Nitro+ Link Info: Requesting download or torrent seed for this game. If...