Recent content by Ortix

  1. Ortix

    Considering open-sourcing my anime download site

    So for the past year or so I have been working a couple of hours a week on my site, I have developed it from the ground up using Laravel. We used to run on Joomla, but I was forced to take it down after some years. I eventually got the idea to completely rebuild the site after a 2...
  2. Ortix

    aww man I wanted to delete that post :(

    aww man I wanted to delete that post :(
  3. Ortix

    What is your opinion on Time Travelling?

    Ok time travel into the future is very much possible. We are doing it right now. If you travel at relativistic speeds, you are essentially aging slower than your surroundings. If you somehow figure out a way to propel yourself at 99.9999% of the speed of light then you are in for some chop...
  4. Ortix

    Rate the sig above you ~!

    7.5/10 Not that much into chibi but it looks nice! It's clean and not too distracting (unlike those pesky gifs). Too bad it's not a transparent PNG would've changed that 7.5 to and 8 ;)
  5. Ortix

    Signature fix

    Try uploading it to tiny pic or any other image host
  6. Ortix

    AS Birthday: One Year and Going Strong!

    happy birthday guys! Let's work hard for an even better second birthday! :)
  7. Ortix

    Vote for my song PLEASE!

    2.3 -__- it was sooooo goddamn close. But the other guys were at it for 19 years.. this is their first break through. My band never performed live with the whole group (just once without the bass player before we met her) and we have been together for a year now. So yeah.. Close enough in my book!
  8. Ortix

    Vote for my song PLEASE!

    too bad :( We lost!
  9. Ortix

    Vote for my song PLEASE!

    there are more of us than you think ;) and thanks for voting!!
  10. Ortix

    Vote for my song PLEASE!

    Thanks for voting and your warm welcome, Pinky! I Appreciate it loads! And in this song I play all the parts except for lead vocals :P This is a demo so the drums, guitars, bass and backup vocals are recorded by me! Lead vocalist is Alex :) BTW the drums are sampled in FL Studio in case anyone...
  11. Ortix

    Vote for my song PLEASE!

    You guys are making me really happy! :D
  12. Ortix

    Vote for my song PLEASE!

    Yep! I am a hollander! Thanks for liking my song :)
  13. Ortix

    Vote for my song PLEASE!

    yeah everyone liked "The One" but the producer said NINA is better.. oh well :P
  14. Ortix

    Vote for my song PLEASE!

    Ok guys, I must ask all of you for a favor! My band entered a demo contest and to make a long story short we need YOUR votes to win! So PLEASE PLEASE vote for my band. How to vote: go to: You will see "stemmen" twice. We are the second band (it says by ortix) and...
  15. Ortix

    Are you afraid of dying?

    2 years ago I used to have mini panic attacks when I thought about death. It kinda sucked. Now I am determined to live as long as possible and I kinda forget about the fact that I will die. I'll probably accept it later on in life.