Recent content by Soviet73

  1. Soviet73

    No Gravity AMV

    Thanks I'll keep working at it :)
  2. Soviet73

    No Gravity AMV

    Newest video that I have put together using several different anime. Hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think good or bad :)
  3. Soviet73

    Kimi ni Todoke AMV

    New AMV that I put together. Let me know what ya think (good or bad) ;)
  4. Soviet73

    New Attempt at AMV I uploaded it to filefactory so you can download it and watch it if it happens to be blocked in your country.
  5. Soviet73

    Are Anime Fans Shy?

    You could take it one step further and ask why don't you use your real name for your forum name. Only the internet is where you can be yourself but not yourself. ;)
  6. Soviet73

    New Attempt at AMV

    Here is my latest attempt at making an AMV. First time that I used multiple anime and some effects not many. Hope you enjoy :D
  7. Soviet73


    Here is some more gifs that I made recently. :D
  8. Soviet73


    That was only a few that I have made, I show you some more that I have made. Well my way might not be the best way but it is the way that I do it. I use the GOM video player (free to download and use). With GOM there is a Burst Capture that you can set up how many screenshots within how...
  9. Soviet73

    My Latest AMV with Mirai Nikki

    Thanks I appreciate the comments :D
  10. Soviet73

    I'm almost starting to root for ACTA

    And if you were really against it, why would you be on a site like this or others that are similar? Isn't this like throwing stones in a glass house?
  11. Soviet73


    Doh I posted wrong one for the 3rd one. This is the completed GIF for the 3rd one, it will make more sense ;)
  12. Soviet73

    Hi Everyone I'm new

    That is Futaba from Mitsudomoe, she is the middle sister of triplets.
  13. Soviet73


    I didn't see anyone post this when I did a search but if there is one just delete this post or combine it or whatever ;) Here are some GIFs that I have made. Been a lot of fun (IMO) making them. Oh and the super roll for my signature was made by me too fyi (oh and my avatar). And the...
  14. Soviet73

    Do you have a favorite anime character?

    I can't say that I really got an ultimate favorite character, but if I had to name a few of my favorites. Yuno (Mirai Nikki) Tenshi (Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari) Senjougahara Hitagi (Bakamonogatari) Yoshi (Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu) Hitoha (Mitsudomoe!)
  15. Soviet73

    Your list of completed animes - anime | manga | reviews ^ This is my completed anime list but it is always growing :D .