Recent content by subse7en

  1. S

    [480p] [a-S] Ninja Scroll: The Series [Dual Audio]

    This is what it says, boss: File Unavailable This file has been flagged as potentially containing content that contravenes FileFactory's policies. FileFactory proudly works closely with authorities worldwide to help prevent the distribution of illicit material. Please contact support if you...
  2. S

    [480p] [a-S] Ninja Scroll: The Series [Dual Audio]

    Hey CoroCoro, "Episode 05" (FileFactory) is DOWN, boss :).
  3. S

    [480p] [Anime-MX] X [Dual Audio]

    Hey CrCr, can you also RE-up *Episode 21* (FileFactory) as it TOO seems to have been *corrupted* with NASTY video artifacts and such which is *not* suppose to be happening, LOL! The other videos work perfectly though... THANKS!
  4. S

    [480p] [E-D] Toaru Majutsu no Index [Dual Audio]

    Hey CrCr, I don't know if you saw the message up above but if you did all of the regular episodes need *replacing* as well, bro'. :)
  5. S

    [480p] [E-D] Toaru Majutsu no Index [Dual Audio]

    Yup, and CrCr can you *re-upload* ALL of the regular episodes (in addition to the Specials) as well as they are ALL down, too (all 24 of them, LOL)? Thanks :D!
  6. S

    [576p] [The Triad] Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor

    Hey CrCr, please REPLACE *FileFactory* episode 24 whenever you have the time, boss :)! Thank You ;)!
  7. S

    [720p] [Nutbladder] Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Hakairoku Hen

    Hey CrCr, can you REPLACE *FileFactory* episodes 03-26, family? THANKS :)!
  8. S

    [480p] [a-S] Ninja Scroll: The Series [Dual Audio]

    LOL CrCr, this is what it says on FileFactory for your re-up of Episode (Chapter) 5 :D : This file has been flagged as potentially containing content that contravenes FileFactory's policies. FileFactory proudly works closely with authorities worldwide to help prevent the distribution of illicit...
  9. S

    [400p] [Anime-MX] X/1999 [Dual Audio] [UNCENSORED]

    Hey CrCr, why is the file like 53 minutes or so in "Part 1" and 2 hours in "Part 2" when the actual "X: Movie* itself lasts like 97 minutes, LOL!?!?
  10. S

    [480p] [ACX] Iron Man [Dual Audio]

    Hey CrCr, when you have time please REPLACE *FileFactory* episodes 04 & 12... Thanks :)!
  11. S

    [720p] [Weapon+] Wolverine

    Hey CrCr, can you *remove* the FIRST "Episode 11" link (FileFactory)? It's *down* but I guess it doesn't matter seeing as the other is the *exact* same episode (the 2nd link), LOL! THANKS!
  12. S

    [720p] [Weapon+] X-Men

    Hey CrCr, whenever you can please *replace* ALL of the FileFactory links, boss :)!
  13. S

    [1080p] [a-S] Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    Hey CrCr, if you will can you replace FileFactory episodes 18 and 25 (part 2)? ALL of the other links *still work* though ;)! THANKS :)!
  14. S

    [720p] [AERO] Dragon Ball Z Movie 12: Fusion Reborn [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    Hey CrCr, whenever you can please *replace* this link right here: THANKS!