Recent content by Yuka Jean

  1. Yuka Jean

    [LPW #160] Pizza Party At Leggy's!!!

    Minions! ^
  2. Yuka Jean

    Cute profile pic! :korokke_hiya:

    Cute profile pic! :korokke_hiya:
  3. Yuka Jean

    Current Overload Problems

    When you're mentioning software, are you speaking of Vbulletin ?
  4. Yuka Jean

    Current Overload Problems

    Well, I am not sure what to say. Usually when a site gains so much traffic (you're probably higher than Alexa data in rank), you would need to upgrade. I think you can manage bigger servers but it comes with bigger headaches, so that is...
  5. Yuka Jean

    Current Overload Problems

    If you have a lot of traffic, wouldn't be wise to upgrade your server ? More traffic probably is bring you more revenue. Is there an issue with upgrading servers ?
  6. Yuka Jean

    Fixed Anime-Sharing Site Down?

    I keep getting 522 error very frequently, is there a fix for this issue ? May be a backup restoration ? Do you take backup before you roll out an update ?
  7. Yuka Jean

    Answered Is my avatar a rule violation?

    You write too much and most of it didn't make any sense, it looks ridiculous which i don't have time for. How old are you ? I've already made my point clear, it is called a hypocrite rule. You're welcome to fix it though. But i find the complain about side boob pic more troubling. Well great...
  8. Yuka Jean

    Answered Is my avatar a rule violation?

    I made this topic for general discussion, there wasn't anything private about this case, it is the discussion of the rule as I see it ambiguous already. This topic didn't involve a private matter or a private dispute. So i think this topic is perfectly fine, at least for future reference : )...
  9. Yuka Jean

    Answered Is my avatar a rule violation?

    I think you missed the point here. "When the rules says so" not a mod say so. A moderator can make any sort of interpretation, what really gets enforced is the written rules and if the rule looks ambiguous and unclear then it needs to be modified to meet the proper defined term. Honestly, i...
  10. Yuka Jean

    Answered Is my avatar a rule violation?

    Well consider that no admin warned me about it and i've been using it since i registered. Now i receive this pm from @KingArturia In general, are you that offended by my avatar ? Consider that this is a Hentai forum anyways, you even have hentai ads all over the hentai sections with no warning...
  11. Yuka Jean

    Answered 7k Traffic Surge : Out of Curiosity

    Well, i am not concern about the claimed constant 6k visitors. What i am concern is the 'surge' and the reason i said this is because it was 1,930 for members + guests then suddenly in a mere moment traffic jumped to 7k+ (almost like a soft ddos) , mind if you explain that sudden jump happening...
  12. Yuka Jean

    Answered 7k Traffic Surge : Out of Curiosity

    I don't know what to say to this, you modified vbulletin codes ? Mind if you share your Google analytics graph ? My take is that where would be that surge of sudden traffic coming from ? it is ok even if it is 10k or 15k like you claim but the question is the weird sudden surge, would you know...
  13. Yuka Jean

    Answered 7k Traffic Surge : Out of Curiosity

    I was suddenly browsing the forum 2 hours ago and the number of guests + members were around 1,930 something then in a mere moment that status jumped to 7,400 something online users + guests. How is that possible ? The rise in traffic should increase gradually but this appears to be a surge of...