
  1. TheRealOne66

    Wasuup ma people :P

    Hey all 'sup? It has already been a week that im a proud member of anime-sharing, but I thought why not share a couple of things with u guys? ^^ Im 21 yearz old, male, searching for a wife.. just kidding xD. I like to play golf and playing darts. Furthermore I like watching anime, and series...
  2. Hideki

    What would you do if you meet the above poster in irl?

    Simply follow the Tittle description... ;) Would it be a awkward moment? Where would you most likely meet? where would be the most inappropriate place? Description^ samyeung46 enragesky Snowkitteh Will98 Second_Flight Just want some starter spammers here ;)
  3. Perplexing


    So other than the obvious hobbies which brings us all together here what other hobbies do you enjoy doing in your free time? I'm a family man first and foremost so anything that involves my kids comes first. They enjoy being outdoors which is a plus for me as I like to go on trails with them...