NSFW The Family-S


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May 11, 2013
The Family-S
Chapter 1

Duke Temple was sitting in his math class, in a slightly depressed mood, while eyeing Vanessa Elder, the most popular girl in his high school, "I wonder what she would say to me if I asked her out?" He thought to himself, as the teacher droned on. He saw that Vanessa stood at the five foot mark, her long blood red hair, light jade green eyes and elf like ears that had fueled many of his night time fantasies.

"She'd probably kick my ass if I asked her out." Duke thought to himself, with a majorly depressed sigh. He thought he was a freak of nature, due to his silver gray hair and gray eyes. He had had them at birth. He had to take a moment to compose himself as he recalled how all the other kids since kindergarten had mercilessly taunted him and called him a freak.

Also to make matters worse, he never had any friends when he was growing up. Not only due to his looks, but he also had an aura of freakiness that seemed to drive most people away from him. So much so, that he never had kissed a girl in his life. The proverbial salt in the wound was that he didn't fit in with any of the high school crowds because of his personal interests did not classify him as a nerd. He thoroughly enjoyed computers, role playing games like Advanced Dungeons &Dragons, the entire Star Wars trilogy and the like.

Also, he had no real interest in sports, since he was freakishly thin and gangly and there was the twin fact that he had no stamina what so ever nor the agility for sports.

Music, forget that action, he had no real interest in the musical arts and his musical and singing skill were even more pitiful than his sports skills. Academically he was just barely scrapping by and as such, he was way out of his league with the more gifted students.

Art? Well to put it quite bluntly, his stick figures always ended up looking like a victim of an attack of mutant hemorrhoids from hell, so that was a no-go for him.

He was one of the minorities of boys and girls, who for whatever- reasons, were the silent majority of social outcasts. They were doing their level best to survive the hell known as high school.

Even these lost souls, considered him a freak of nature and as such would have nothing to do with him.

"What a boring day!" Vanessa thought to herself, as she was wishing for nothing more to leave this shit ass class. Knowing she would hang out with her circle of social elites and lord over the lesser students of *HER* high school.

She got the unwelcome feeling that she was being watched, seeing that the teacher was facing the blackboard and she quickly looked around the classroom.

"What the fuck?" she thought to herself, with a hateful heart, as she saw a tall, thin boy looking at her. She could see that even among the freaks and fuckups in her school, that he was worst of them.

She gave him a hateful look and when she saw him look down at his desk in shame. She felt the need to rip him a new asshole for daring to sully her, by thinking his perverted thoughts about her.

Suddenly the lunch bell rang and there was a migration for the door of the classroom. Vanessa got up from her seat and walked over to the perverted freak and tore into him. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?!" She shouted and watched, as a panicked look appeared on the boy's face, which just stoked her fiery hatefulness all the hotter.

"How dare you think about me, you fucking freak!, I bet you have an inch long limp dick, you fucking faggot ass bitch!" She added, as she continued to verbally castrate the boy who was looking like he was about to burst into tears.

"Hey Vanessa, is this little prick giving you a problem?" an all too familiar voice said and when Duke looked towards the sound of the voice.

He felt his heart sink even lower, as he saw that it was Brock Stone the school's fullback and god of the jocks," Why Bret, it's nice to see you." Vanessa said as she turned to face the missing link with a sweet as pie tone of voice with a coy look on her suddenly angelic face.

"It's Brock." The human tank said as he was openly leering at her,

"Whatever, to answer your question, this low life piece of shit was looking at me with his filthy eyes." She said with an innocent and girlish voice, as she fluttered her eye lashes at Brock.

"FUCK!" Duke thought to himself, as he realized that the bitch had the walking bulldozer wrapped around her little finger.

This meant that there was a good chance that he was in for another ass kicking from the hairless whale ape, "You want his worthless balls on a platter?" he heard Brock say, with a lusty look on his face and he knew that his time on earth was fast coming to an end.

"Oh would you… thanks so much Brick!" Vanessa said with an shy and playful tone of voice as she gave him an interested look," It's Brock, sweetie pie, don't worry this fag boy is going to be a bad memory." Brock said as he looked at Duke and began to loudly crack the knuckles of his ham-like fists, "Thank you so much, ta ta for now Brok." Vanessa said as she turned and left the class room in a better mood, now that Duke's death warrant was soon to be signed in his blood.

Duke knew that the teachers where of no use to him because he had gone to them many times, about the roid monkey's bullying.

But since the school's football team was on the verge of taking the high school championship, they were not going to do anything to put that victory at risk.

In fact Brock was such an all-around sportsmen, that he knew, in his pea-sized brain, that as long as he kept winning games, the teachers would not hassle him, "See you after school Dog Meat!" Brock said as he could see that Duke was looking like he was about to lose all control over his bladder and bowels.

This put him in a far better mood then he had been in since the school day started and left Duke to make peace with God before the day was done.

"I'm so dead." Duke thought to himself, as he gamely picked at the lunch that been made for him as he was having visions of all the ways a person could die with him in the lead role.

"Fuck it!" He said to himself, and threw out his partly eaten lunch and leaving the lunchroom to find a quiet place to ponder the mysteries of death, that were going to be revealed to him at the end of the last day of his life.

When the last bell of the day rang Duke finally understood how a death row inmate would feel, as he was being taken for a long, hard ride on Old Sparkie, because he knew that there was no way he could escape from the beating from Brock, he had tried before and failed every time.

As he was walking to the front doors of the high school, he could have sworn that the students in the hallway stood off to one side, like he was a leper and that they were whispering things like, "So that's the freak that's going to get his ass kicked," or "Dead Man walking, Dead Man walking." and the like, "It's a nice day to die." he thought to himself, as he saw that it was bright and sunny out and that the air was still but cool.

"Here we go!" Duke thought to himself as he saw Brock waiting for him, and a large crowd of students who had come out to see him be turned into an ugly red smear on the high school's otherwise pristine front lawn, suddenly there was the sound of car horn that shattered the tense and expected air.

"Dukey it's Mommy!" a voice said. Duke did not know if he should be thankful that his mom had come up to pick him up, or if he should hide under a rock and never come out due to his shame at having been rescued from certain death by his mother as he saw the looks of scorn on the faces of the other students.

Once he quickly made his way into the car, he sank as far down as he could in the passenger's seat, as his mother pulled the car out of the high school's parking lot.

Susan looked at her son and saw the majorly depressed and stressed outlook on his face."Why so glum chum?" she asked in a voice that sounded like she was stuffed to the gills with happy pills, as well as having a pot of coffee to wash them down.

"It's nothing." she heard Duke say with a frazzled tone of voice and she could tell that something was deeply troubling him. "It's ok Bunky Poo, you can tell mommy what it is that's bothering you?" Duke heard his mother say in an insufferably sweet tone of voice and for a moment, he had the fight down the urge to put his head through the windshield.

"MOM!, I'm not a child any more damn it!" He snarled, with an exasperated tone of voice, not that he didn't love his mother.

Most of the time she treated him like he was a baby and that was what was lighting the fire under his ass, "Aww don't be cross Snuggle Wuggms you know that you will always be my little baby boy." Susan said with a slightly hurt tone of voice.

Duke looked at his mother and when he saw the loving and motherly look in her dark green eyes he knew that no matter what he would say to her nothing would ever change the way she was and he took a deep breath, held it in for a minute or so and slowly let it out.

"Now do you feel better my wittle Dukey?" He heard his mother ask and he just said there and sulked, as they continued the long drive home.

"What is troubling you Dukey?" He heard his mom ask and he knew that if he did not tell her what she wanted to know that she would keep asking him until he gave in and spilled the beans.

"Well there is this girl at school." he said and watched as a slightly troubled look appeared on her lovely face, "Oh, who is this girl?" Susan asked, as she felt a deep pang of motherly concern and a slight fear as well.

"Her name is Vanessa Elder, she sexy but she's a mega bitch from hell." She heard her son say and she felt a stab of anger well up in her normally peaceful heart, "I see." She said, with a slightly displeased tone of voice that made Duke roll his eyes as he thought that tone of voice was one of disapproval as they pulled into the driveway of their home.

"Welcome home Sir." An eerily quiet voice said and when he looked to the front door of his house he saw Girl standing there as she bowed to him as he began to feel an all too familiar sense of unease.

He looked at Girl and saw that she stood four feet nine inches tall, her long platinum hair with no blond in it and that was in a single braid.

When he looked into her light gray eyes, he still could not get over the fact that she looked like she was twelve years old, which was impossible because she had been the family's maid and domestic servant ever since he was a baby.

"Girl inform my husband that we are back." Susan said with a slightly cool tone of voice, "That is impossible, Sir is busy and does not wish to be disturbed." Girl said with a lifeless tone of voice and her trade mark dead pan look that still spooked him to this day despite the fact that he had grown up with her.

"Girl make me a cup of coffee." Duke said as he was trying and failing to understand how Girl was still spooky to him in spite of the fact that she had been a major part of his life.

"This girl hears and obeys." Girl said with a deathly quiet tone of voice that gave him goose bumps and went into the house.

Once he had his cup of coffee, he made his way up to his bedroom to chill out as he felt like that his entire life was nothing more than an exercise in utter futility as his mind's eye painted a grim picture of him being utterly alone, friendless and a virgin until his dying day.

"Fuck it, why the hell do I go on with this fucking shit for?" He thought to himself as he was seriously considering suicide as an escape from his torment.

"If I offed myself Mom would go to pieces. " he mused to himself, as he was laying on his bed looking up at the dark ceiling of his black painted bedroom.

He then sat up on his bed, so he could drink his coffee as he continued to let his troubled mind wonder where it may.

"Dad.. Dad would curse me for being so weak, if I took my own life." Duke muttered to himself, as he thought about his father Dr. Alistair Temple.

He felt a lump form in his throat, because his father was not only so strict that he would make the most anal retentive Russian Spetnaz commando look like a drunken man-ho for he was one scary ass mother fucker because he had seen how with a look his father had made a hard ass cop flee in fear.

But what really pissed him off, as well as made him depressed about his father, was the fact that even though he had never come out and said it to him personally whenever he tried to talk to his father about his troubles, his father would give him a look of contempt that all to clearly told him that his father considered him a weakling.

Between his cold, hard assed father and smothering mother Duke had to wonder why he hadn't offed himself sooner.

"Girl...who the fuck knows what she would think, if I decided to blow my brains out." Duke snarled, because he had learned at an early age that not only was Girl even more of a freak then he was but that confiding in her was pointless.

Because no matter what he told her about his feelings and problems she would just look at him with that cold dead pan look until he took the hint and stopped bothering her with his problems.

However, the one thing that really puzzled him about Girl, was that she would do just about anything he would tell her to do, case in point when he was seven years old he had noticed that she was always doing the household chores around the house and so out of bored curiosity he intentionally messed up his bedroom as he best could.

As any one man or father knows that seven year old boys are the masters of mess making.

Once he had finished making his bedroom look like a mega-mall that had been blown to hell and back he walked up to Girl who had just finished polishing the family silverware and said to her " Girl go and clean up my bedroom. " and for a moment the two of them looked at one another for what seemed like forever.

Then without saying a word she turned to make her way up to his bedroom with him in tow to see what she would do.

Once she had seen the natural disaster that was his bedroom Duke watched as Girl surveyed the war zone that had once been his bedroom and she began to pick up his clothing.

As she was cleaning he had decided to try ordering her around and really made the cleaning of his room a nightmare as he belittled her and verbally degraded her as she went about cleaning up his room.

When she was done she turned around and gave him such a strange and spooky look that he felt like a major shit heel for being such a childish asshole towards her and that was the first and last time he would ever try to order her around, as he had done.

After an unknown amount of time pondering the matter of his self- inflicted death and how it would affect the few people he knew outside of his family there was a soft knock at his door, "Come in he said." He thought it was most likely, Girl knocking on his bedroom door to inform him that supper was ready.

Sure enough, it was Girl at his door as it opened to reveal herself to him, "Your father wants to see you." She said to him with her trade mark lifeless tone of voice as he could see an apprehensive look on her face that surprised him and realized that when his father had told him through Girl that he wanted to see him and that he meant like yesterday.

"Oh shit!" Duke thought to himself, as he felt his guts turn to ice water at the thought of his father being angry with him for some reason.

Because the first time he had made his father angry he had paddled his ass so hard that he thought he would have to go to see a doctor but what really scared the ever living shit out of him as the cold hard look on his father's face that made him think that his father was going to kill him.

He got up off his bed and followed Girl as for the second time in one day as he got the feeling he was being led to his death.

Alistair watched as Girl came into the large and richly done up living room of his house, followed by his son and saw the fretful look in Duke's eyes, "Very interesting." he thought to himself as he saw that his son could not look him in the eyes because of his fear of him.

"You're slut of a mother tells me that you are interested in a girl." he said with a cold tone of voice and watched as his son looked at him with a shocked look but beneath that look of shock he saw a flaring of anger and smiled to himself.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?!" Duke thought to himself as he felt like someone had walked up to him and kicked him in the balls for in all of his sixteen years of living he had never heard his father cut down his mother.

In fact he had never seen his father and mother fightand whenever they disagreed on something his father would say "We will discuss this later." and that was the end of the matter, so needless to say he was very confused as his emotions went bug shit on him.

"Excellent." Alistair thought to himself, as he saw the barely hidden look was raw anger in his son's dark gray eyes and knew that he had his son's complete and undivided attention.

Duke looked to his left and saw Girl standing beside his mother and he could not tell what they were thinking due to their world class poker faces.

When he saw that he was not going to get an answer to his question Alistair decided that it was now time to set his son straight on the matter of not only sex but the true nature of men and women in their relationships to one another.

"Girl!, get me the tenderizer." he said to a commanding voice as he saw the freaked out and pissed off look of his son's face deepen considerably, "At once Sir." Duke heard Girl say and watched as she left the living room.

"What the fuck is going on here?!?!?" Duke thought to himself, as his out of control emotions stabilized into an equal mixture of fear, anger and confusion as his father was giving him a death head's look.

Four minutes later Girl walked back into the living room with a long black whip that nearly made him piss himself in fear.

Duke watched as Girl dropped to her knees bowing her head and raise her arms up, holding the coiled black whip out to his father in her tiny hands.

"Good things are progressing quite nicely." Alistair thought to himself, as he took the coiled bullwhip from Girl as he could see that his son was trembling in near lethal terror.

"On you're feet." he said to Girl and watched as she got to her feet, while looking down at the floor.

He looked back to his son and saw that he was looking like he was in the middle of a bad Twilight Zone rerun while on LSD.

"Stand next to the worthless cunt!" he said, with a menacing purr in his hard voice as he looked at his son who looked like he had no idea of what universe he was in, let alone, which way was up or down.

"Now the fun begins." He thought to himself, as he put a truly frightening smile on his face and saw that Duke appeared like he was going to faint.

"STRIP!" he bellowed at Susan and Girl and he could see the range of naked emotions at play in his son's eyes, as his wife and Girl began to get undressed.

"....... "Duke thought to himself, as he watched, as not only his mother but Girl were now standing naked before him as he felt himself become aroused as he got his first look at a naked female.

His father had put enough anti porn filters on his computer that it would be easier to rob the world of all it's gold, then to try and find porn on the net with his computer.

Alistair could not only see the arousal in his son's eyes but he could also see that he was sickened to the core from becoming aroused at his mother's nudity, "HOLY SHIT!" Duke thought to himself as he looked at his mother and saw that she had fairly large tits that were capped with pale, pink nipples that looked to be harder than a forty foot thick bar of rebar steel.

He gulped, with sickened nervousness as he let his eyes wonder over his mother's naked body and saw that while she was thin and petite she did not look like a concentration camp victim.

"FUCK!" He muttered to himself as he saw that her fairly long legs suited her five foot two inch body and that there was not an ounce of fat on her.

When he looked between her legs he felt like he was going to cum his brains out, as he saw that not only was her mother hairless between the legs but that her small and tight looking pussy had flowered opened to reveal her outer and inner lips that were a healthy pink as they glistening with her womanly love oil.

Susan felt her pussy burn with lusty desire as she saw the small bulge in her son's pants.

She felt such a thrill at being naked and aroused in front of her son since she and his father had done everything humanly possible to steer Duke away from anything sexual.

"God I'm such a slut!" She thought to herself, as she was doing everything in her power to keep herself from finger fucking herself senseless as she saw the freaked out and hungry look in her son's eyes as they roamed over her body.

After a few long and breathless moments that seemed like forever and a day Duke looked over to Girl and saw that she looked like a ghost due to her pale china white skin.

He felt not only aroused by her naked four foot nine inch tall body but he felt a certain amount of trepidation because she looked like she was twelve years old.

This shamed him since he found himself becoming even more aroused by her small mosquito bite like tits and her small pale nipples that looked almost bloodless.

"OH WOW!" Duke thought to himself as he saw that Girl's bald cunt looked even smaller and tighter than his mother's and that it was splayed open and shining brightly with her feminine dew.

When he looked at her face, he could not tell if she was horny or not due to her dead looking face which put a dampener on his teenage lust.

"Very good, now it's time to take this to the next level." Alistair thought to himself, as he was delighted by the look of raging lust and shame on his son's face and he found himself enjoying this erotic moment as well, "On your faces you worthless bitches!" He snarled and watched as Susan and Girl turned and bow to him as they pressed their faces into the thick blue shag carpet of the living room.

"WHAT THE FUCK?..This..this is bullshit!" Duke thought to himself, as he felt his cock throb at the lovely sight of his mother's firm ass and Girl's smaller but even firmer ass.

He looked up at his father and he felt his heart leap up into his throat as he saw the cold and extremely cruel look in his hard cobalt blue eyes.

Then without any kind of warning Duke saw his father snap his arm and crack the evil looking whip on his mother's vulnerable pussy and when she screamed, he went as insane as a starving and rabid pit bull on a mixture of LSD and meth as it attacked a little old lady in a walker.

"LEAVE MY MOTHER ALONE YOU FUCKING COCK SMOKER!" he screamed at the top of his lungs, as he took a step towards his father with his hands balled into fists as he felt rage burn away his fear of the giant of a man who had sired him.

For a moment father and son stood there eying one another.

"Perfect!" Alistair thought to himself as he saw that he had provoked his son into a rage that he had never seen in his son before, which told him that he had his son right where he wanted him, "Sit down!" He said, with a deadly cold tone of voice as he gave Duke an evil glare and for a moment he was not sure if his son's rage would win out over his fear of him.

"I swear if you touch my mother again, I will fucking rip your damn heart out and eat it!" Duke snarled as he felt himself riding high on not only the raw emotions at work in his mind but the major adrenalin rush that made him feel like Death incarnate.

Alistair could see that his son would indeed attack him if he so much as farted in the general area of his mother.

Then he did something that took not only his son by surprise but his two slaves as well.

"He's fucking shit bat insane!" Duke thought to himself, as he saw his father laughing with a strange look on his face and it was the confusion of his father's actions, that put his all-consuming hate of his father on hold for the time being.

"Son, I am sorry for that, but you have reached a point in your life that you do not understand because of the mental and physical changes you are undergoing." Alistair said with a loving smile and kind tone of voice and when he saw the befuddled look on Duke's face he felt the nearly overwhelming desire to hug him.

"What are you talking about?" Duke asked as he was surprised to see that his father was human and not some kind of ogre that he had thought him to be, for all of his life.

"Son, I had to shock you in order to snap you out of your usual depressed and repressed state of mind." Alistair said, as he saw the questioning look on his son's face as he realized that his son was in for one hell of a wild ride because of what he was going to explain to him, as well as show him.

Duke stood there looking into his father's eyes and it took him some time to see that this strange human side of the man he had grown to fear and loath was a true look into his soul.

"What the hell is going on here father?" he asked, as he felt a deep sense of apprehension replace his simmering rage and confusion.

"Son, your mother has told me there is a girl at school that you are interested in." he heard his father say to him, with a friendly tone of voice and for a moment he felt embarrassed and unsure of himself because of it.

Alistair could see that his son was not sure if he could trust him or not and he knew that he had his work cut out for him and he could also see that he had Duke's undivided attention as well.

"Ok what the hell kind of game are you playing?" Duke said with a flat tone of voice as he felt his stomach do a few flip flops due to his nervous tension, "Son, you know we have never been close and God knows you have hated me at times but it was very necessary for the distance between us." he said to his son who was giving him a questioning look.

"....You're not making any sense." Duke said, as he saw a slightly sad look on his father's face, that made him feel something that he could not understand, "I know Son, but trust me, when I say that everything that I have done in my life and the way I have treated you was in preparation for this moment." he heard his father say to him, with a slightly sad and worn out tone of voice and for some reason he could not understand he trusted his father at this point in time.

"Son, I am going to explain the real deal about the true nature of the sexes but first I want you to tell me about this girl you have taken a fancy to." Alistair said, and for a moment he was not sure if his son was going to open up to him or not.

After a long moment of silence Duke decided to tell him about Vanessa.

"Well, her name is Vanessa Elder and well..." Duke mumbled as he felt a deep embarrassment at talking to his father about girls and sex.

"Basically, you want to crank a load down the cunt's throat right son?" He heard his father say, with a wry and slightly freaky and knowing smile that made his face turn a thousand shades of crimson.

"Uhh yes, but she's such a bitch." Duke said, as he was having a hard time looking his father in the eyes, due to he's nearly terminal embarrassment.

"Really, why do you say that?" Alister asked, as he could not help but to take an interest in the girl that had his son so bent out of shape.

As his son was explaining who Vanessa was to him, he felt his displeasure grow considerably as Duke told about his encounter with not only Vanessa but Brock as well.

Duke saw the cold and displeased look on his father's frowning face and thought nothing of it due to his lingering embarrassment about telling him about the girl he had a monumental woody for.

"Well Son, I'm not surprised about that." Alistair said and watched as his son gave him a questioning look.

"Son this is going to be hard for you to understand, but please trust me, when I tell you that men are the dominant sex and women and girls are nothing more than slaves to men." he said and watched as Duke's eyes bugged out of his skull.

"What the fuck?!" Duke thought to himself as he could not believe what his father had just said to him.

"I know that's some harsh shit son, but it's true but thanks to the men hating lesbo female bitches they have destroyed real men for the most part, with their hatred of men." Alistair said with a grim and frightening tone of voice.

"What are you talking about?" Duke asked as he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end as he got the very unwelcome feeling of standing on the edge of the deepest, darkest pit of hell.

"Son a bitch can have you thrown in jail, on a false charge of rape, those bitches get a sick thrill in baiting men into having sex with them, then go running to the pigs screaming rape, because they are not only evil cunts that should be slowly skinned alive but they are completely fucking insane." Alistair said watched as Duke was looking like he was going to be sick to his stomach.

As much as he hated to put his son through this hell, he knew that in order for him to survive in the anti-male western world, he had to be made aware of the nearly insurmountable dangers he faced because of his gender.

"Those bitches get off on sexually mutilating a man or boy, they think that castrating or emasculating a man or boy is all fun and games, They take a sick pleasure from it, but if a man so much as makes a jokes about harming a woman's pussy he'll be swarmed by a rabid mob of bitches who will string him up by his balls!" Alistair said with an enraged tone of voice, as he had to fight down his nearly all consuming hatred of women.

Duke felt like he was going to puke his guts out, as his father's words rang true as he recalled all the bullshit that women and girls had said on the net and in real life, about how it would be a good thing that men and boys be castrated as he could mentally hear the hate, scorn and unholy glee in the voices of those he heard say of such things.

"Shh son it's ok. " Alistair said as he dropped the whip and came over to his son and hugged him tightly as he saw the look of horrified understanding in his eyes, after a time they broke there embrace and Alistair could see the tired and worn out look in his son's eyes and he vowed that he would protect him no matter how many people he had to kill in order to do so.

"I think that's enough for one day son, In the meantime if you want to get laid you may use Girl but you are not to maim her or scar her, other than that anything goes." He said with a smile as he saw the questioning and slightly lusty look in Duke's gray eyes.

"But she's only twelve years old for fuck sakes!" Duke said, with a scandalized tone of voice as he looked over to Girl's upturned ass, when suddenly, his father cut loose with a belly shaking laugh," No she is not son, she's as old as you are, remember you grew up with her right? " Alistair said with an amused smile after he got over his laughing fit.

"Umm yea." Duke said, as he felt his cock become hard at the thought of sinking his rod of manly might into Girl's lovely looking pussy," Son, go rest for now, you have a lot to think about for the time being." he heard his father say to him as Alister realized that his son was confused and really tired out by the revelation he had just received and watched as Duke walked up to his bedroom lost in a maze of confusing thoughts and feelings.

The Family-S
Chapter 2

"I can't believe it, it can't be true.., but yet, I know what my father said to me is true.. SHIT!" Duke snarled to himself, as he was lying on his bed, trying to put the cold hard truth of life, he had just learned, into perspective.


"Come in." He said, as he was wondering who was at his door, when the door opened, he saw Girl standing there in a strange looking black leather outfit that made him uneasy for some reason.

"Sir this girl begs to enter your room." Girl said to him, in a deathly quiet tone of voice.

"Umm sure." Duke said, all though this was not the first time that Girl had asked permission to come into his room when it needed to be cleaned, but seeing her in the strange outfit made him wonder why she was really in his room for and watched as she dame over to his bed to stand before him.

"Wow man." He thought to himself, as he saw that Girl was dressed in a black leather outfit that consisted of a black demi cup bra and black leather panties that had small spikes on the front of it and to round out her provocative outfit, a black leather collar with a small silver padlock on it.

He watched as Girl came up to his bed and when she was standing before him she dropped to her knees looking down at the floor, "Sir this cunt's Master commands me to service you, in any way you wish, he also gave this to me and told me to have you smoke it." Girl said with a whispering tone voice, as she raised her hands towards Duke who saw the large bag full of green buds, rolling papers, a flat metal disk and a lighter which made Duke's eyes bug out.

"What the fuck?!" He gasped, as he was looking at the bag of pot like it was a starving two hundred and fifty pound Rottweiler with rabies.

"Umm Girl, do you know what this is?" Duke asked her as he was shocked to the core that his father wanted him to do drugs.

"Yes Sir, this cunt knows what is in the bag, Master told this slut to tell you that it will make you're first time all better for you, as well as to relax you because he knows that you have had just one hell of a shock." she said with a flat and dead tone of voice, that had him slightly freaked out.

"Girl, have you ever smoke pot before?" he asked her as he took the bag from her, "No Sir this slave has not." she replied, as he took the bag, opened it and carefully sniffed it. "Strange, but not too bad." Duke thought to himself, as he was debating if he should smoke up or not.

"Look at me Girl." He said, with a fairly strong tone of voice and when she looked up at him, he saw the same blank, lifeless look on her pale face that she always had, yet there was something out of place with her.

"Did my father say it was ok if you got high as well?" He asked as he took out a large, bushy bud and began to look it over. "Sir, he did not forbid this girl from using cannabis, nor did he order her to smoke it, while she services your mighty cock." It was her curt reply that gave him a nasty start as he had the mental image of her sucking him off.

"Ok what do I do now?" Duke thought to himself as he looked from Girl to the bud in his hand and back to her as his mind was swamped by a storm of confusing thoughts and emotions, "What the fuck.." "Who knows, maybe I'll be in a better frame of mind if I do smoke up and fuck Girl senseless." He thought to himself, "Girl, how do you roll a joint?" he asked with a slightly sheepish tone of voice as he handed the bud to her.

"Watch and this cum slut will show you Sir." Girl said to him as she took the bag from him and set it beside her.

"This is like something out of fucked up dream." Duke thought to himself as he watched Girl put the bud he had given her to one side then open up the bag and take out the flat metal disk.

"Now that's interesting." He thought to himself as he saw Girl take the top off of the metal disk.

He saw that there was what looked like metal teeth inside the disk and all he could do was sit on his bed, as she picked up the bud and pressed it into the open metal disk.

Duke watched as Girl placed the top back on it and pressed down as hard as she could.

"Who the hell is she?" Duke wondered as he watched as Girl began to twist the metal disk, Sure he had grown up with her, but yet the two of them never really talked to one another unless he was giving her an order or when she asked to come in to clean his room, or to ask him if the meal she had cooked for him was to his satisfaction.

After a very few minutes later, Duke watched as Girl stop twisting the metal disk and take off the top of it, he saw her twist the large part of the metal disk to reveal a second chamber that was full of ground up pot as he could not help but to wonder if his father smoked up.

Duke watched as Girl put the two halves of the grinder down beside her, open the bag and take out the package of Pirate brand rolling papers.

"Wow this is strange.., but I kind of like it." Duke thought to himself as he felt himself starting to relax as Girl took out a rolling paper from the pack and put the package down next to the open grinder.

"I wonder if my father has her roll his joints for him?" Duke thought to himself with a smile on his face as he continued to watch Girl who was holding open the rolling paper in her right hand with her right thumb and pointer finger while resting the paper on her middle finger.

He was tempted to ask her if she did indeed roll his father his joints but yet he remained quiet due to the strange and magical quality of this moment in his life.

She reached into the grinder and took out a large pinch of pot with her left thumb and pointer finger to begin slowly spreading it out onto the rolling paper.

Duke watched as she finished filling the rolling paper, Girl placed the ends of it in each of her hands, between her right thumb and pointer finger and her left thumb and pointer finger.

"Man no one in school would believe this shit!" He thought to himself with a happy laugh to himself as Girl licked the edge of the rolling paper and began to roll it in between her thumbs and fingers.

"Here you are Sir." Girl said, as she held out the joint to Duke as she watched him tske it from her and looked it over with a questioning but slightly pleased look on his face, that told her he was starting to relax and for some unknown reason she felt strange.

"Here you go Sir." She added, as she reached into the bag and pulled out the lighter and held it out to Duke as she was trying to understand the strange feeling in her heart.

When he reached out to take the lighter from Girl, he stopped for a moment, as he saw a strange and somewhat troubled look in her light gray eyes that snapped him out of his pleasant state of mind.

"What do I do now?" he asked her as he was trying to understand what the troubled look was all about for this was the first time he had ever seen her troubled.

"Sir, you put the joint between your lips and light the end of it while you are inhaling." Girl said to him and watched as he put the joint to his lips, flick the lighter to life and for some unknown reason she felt pleasantly warm as she saw him put the flame to the joint and inhale deeply.

"Wahoo that's harsh!" Duke thought to himself as he started to cough due to the slight scorching of his throat.

"Who is he?" Girl asked herself as she watched as Duke continued to cough as she realized that this was the first time that they had ever spent any real time together and she felt herself becoming aroused which surprised her.

Even though his father, her master, aroused her when he made use of her, however, this arousal was unlike anything she had ever felt before.

"Wahoo this..." Duke thought to himself as he felt the THC starting to work on his brain as time and space seemed to warp all around him.

He looked at Girl and all he could do was sit there and stare at her as he saw, not only the strange and troubled look in her spooky eyes, but a look that he had never seen before or so he thought as he was dimly aware that he had indeed seen that unknown look before but yet, he could not place it.

"NO WAY! ... she's ... she's horny!?!" Duke thought to himself as he realized that look is the same look that his mother was always giving his father and he fewas blown away as he could hardly believe that he had actually made a female aroused and for some reason unknown to him he placed the joint back into his mouth to take another toke.

Girl looked at Duke and cocked her head slightly to the right as she saw the strange look on his face, when she realized that Duke was aroused as well as stoned out of his tree, she not only felt her whole body flush at the look of masculine arousal on his somewhat handsome face, she also felt her pussy become even hotter and wetter than it was at this point in time as her nipples became painful hard.

"FUUUUCCCKKK MMMMEEEE!" Duke thought as he inhaled as he saw Girls hidden humanity starting to show itself, as her whole upper body turned crimson then he started to violently cough once more, as he exhaled the lung full of pot smoke.

"Why does this girl feel this way?" Girl asked herself as she felt herself become concerned at Duke's violent coughing.

"Sir.., do…you…want... something... to... drink?" she stammered as she saw Duke's face turn beet red as he sounded like he was yaking up a lung or three.

When he heard Girl ask him if he wanted something to drink he looked at her as he was struggling to get himself under control.

When he looked into her eyes, he felt as if time, space and all of creation had come to a standstill as he saw the open look of concern on her flushed face.

For a moment, the two of them felt a fundamental change not only within themselves, but with each other that no words could describe, then Girl began to cough slightly due to the fact that Duke had pretty well smoked up the entire room.

"Yes…get me some coke." Duke gasped as the moment ended and watched as Girl got to her feet, take three steps back, turn and left his room.

Susan was watching TV with a chilled glass of wine since her master and husband had to leave to take care of an urgent business matter.

She happened to look to her right and see Girl coming down the stairs and she was tempted to call out to Girl to see how things were going between her and her son, but yet, when she saw the strangely puzzled and distant look in her eyes she held her tongue.

"Well now, what is all of this about?" she thought to herself, as she saw Girl make her way towards the kitchen as she decided that the strange look on Girl's normally placid face was far more interesting than what she had been watching on TV and got up off the couch.

"What is this…why does this slave feel this way about him?" Girl asked herself as she made her way into the kitchen to fetch Duke his drink for she was feeling all discombobulated not only due to her strange and unknown feelings, but also because the fact that she had a small buzz going and did not know it, since her master had never had her smoke up before.

Susan watched, as Girl made her way to the large chrome fridge to open it up, "I wonder what happened between them, I mean they can't have slept with one another already." She thought to herself as she watched as Girl get out the two liter bottle of ice cold coke.

She could see that Girl did not seem to be walking like Duke had fucked her but she was not sure due to that strange look on her face, as she made her way over to the cupboard.

"Could, they be falling in love?!" Susan thought to herself as she took a drink of her chilled wine and could not help but to wonder what her master would say to that as she had the mental image of his hard face in her mind's eye that made her hot and wet between the legs.

"What the hell is going on here?" Duke thought to himself as he was debating on the idea of having another toke or not, "This is so fucked up, could Girl be in love with me?!" he thought to himself as he had no idea of what to make of the strange feelings he was experiencing as he turned that thought over in his mind.

"It can't be, I mean she's my father's slave, which in itself is a real mind fuck and a half." he muttered to himself as he was struggling to make sense of not only the strange look on Girl's face, but his own tangled and confused feelings as well.

"Could Sir be in love with this cum slut?" Girl thought to herself which startled her as she was pouring the coke spilling it all over the counter and her hand, yet, she did not notice it as she was struck stupid by that line of thought.

"Heh, this could be quite interesting." Susan thought to herself as she watched as Girl was having a brain fart, as she felt her pussy becoming hotter and wetter as her mind was showing her a slide show of not only the erotic images of Duke and Girl fucking one another but also the arousing images of what her husband would do if it turned out that Girl was falling in love with her son for She knew, all too well, just how possessive Alistair was of his slaves.

"Damn I need to get off!" She thought to herself as she felt her lust starting to burn brightly as she recalled just how possessive her master was of her, as he used her, for not only his pleasure but hers as well.

She made her way back into the living room with a head full of darkly erotic thoughts.

"OH NO!!!!!" Girl squeaked out as she became aware of the spilling coke and quickly put the nearly empty pop bottle to one side as she saw the mess she had made and felt badly frightened, since she knew that not only that her master kept a tidy house, but that he would be displeased with her for making such a mess.

She made her way to the closet in the hallway and quickly got out the mop and franticly began to clean up the spilled pop as she recalled how her master had whipped her badly for making messes which also aroused her as she also recalled how he had tortured her with pain and pleasure that always led to a nuclear brain damaging orgasm.

Susan made her way into her bedroom and shut the door to quickly strip off her clothing, "Mmm, yes!" She moaned to herself as she slid the fingers of her right hand in between her legs and began to lightly stroke her hot, wet pussy as she was imagining that it was Alistair who was slowly teasing her with his skilled hands.

She walked over to the large king size bed and sat down as she begin playing with herself in earnest, she let out a truely needy whine as she pinched her left nipple while plunging her fingers into herself.

"Oh God yes!" she hissed, as she gave her hard nipple a savage twist as she had the mental image of her husband's face that had a cruel but lusty smile on it as she started to thrust her wet fingers in and out of her spasming pussy with more speed and force.

Duke was taking another toke off of the joint when there was a knock at his door, "Come in." he said, as he exhaled his lung full of pot smoke and watched as Girl came into his room with a large glass of coke with ice in it.

"Sir here is your drink." she said to him and for a moment all he could do was stare at her as he saw the openly distracted look on her pale face.

"Thank you Girl." he said as he took the glass from her and had a long drink from it, "What is this?" Girl was thinking to herself, when suddenly she had the pleasantly erotic image of Duke licking her now wet and hot pussy, which took her by surprise.

" Might as well get this show on the road." Duke thought to himself as he finished taking a drink of the ice cold coke and put the glass on the night table next to his bed.

"Girl I want you to smoke this." he said with a slightly commanding tone of voice that snapped Girl out her erotic daydream, "Yes Sir." Girl said as she took what was left of the burning joint and for a moment she was not sure if she should smoke it or not but her master had not said one way or the other on the matter of her getting high and since Duke had told her to smoke it she put her misgivings aside and began to toke.

Duke watched, as Girl was toking and he felt himself become all the more aroused, then Girl began to cough quite violently and without a second thought about it he took the glass of coke from his night table and held it out to her.

"....." Girl's mind thought to itself, as she saw the kind and lusty look on Duke's face as she was struggling to get her coughing under control.

"T-t-thank you Sir." She gasped out as the lung shredding coughs subsided and as she took the glass from him, their fingers brushed against each other as the two of them, felt a strange connection that they had never experienced before.

"OOOOHHHHH,OH,OH,OOOOHHHH!" Susan gasped as she felt a powerful orgasm building up inside of her as she attacked her own body, like she was being gang raped to death, then the erotic daydream of Alistair cornholing her while she had tightly wound clips onto her nipples changed to the image of her son riding her ass which took her by surprise as her fingers brushed against her throbbing clit.

"YES, SSSSOOOONNNN FFFUUUCCCKKK MMEE!" She screeched as she came so hard, that she began to thrash around on the bed with her right hand being coated by a torrent of her womanly love oil as as her thrashing came to a stop with her luscious body tensing and arching as she rode out the crest of her mind blowing orgasm.

"I'm such a slut!" She thought to herself as she came out of her orgasmic daze when she felt her pussy clamping down and releasing her deeply buried fingers as she felt like a complete cock slut for having fantasized about her son.

"Heh!" she chuckled to herself as she had the mental image of being double teamed by Alistair and Duke, which made her body burn with lusty shame.

Duke watched as Girl took a long drink from the glass and felt his balls churn, as he had the wonderfully pleasant image of Girl swallowing his cum as she deep throated him and he could not wait any longer and held out his right hand.

Girl saw the look of raw, manly lust in Duke's eyes and she knew that he wanted to make use of her body, so she stopped drinking the coke to hand him the glass.

She watched, as Duke sat up on the bed and opened his legs and did not need to be told that he wanted her to orally service him and quickly made her way between his open legs.

Duke watched as Girls face flushed a bright candy apple red as she reached up to undo the zipper of his pants. He was starting to undo the buttons on his pants when Girl surprised him by lightly slapping away his fingers.

"Let your slave do that Sir." he heard her say to him, and he could hear the feminine arousal in her whisper-like voice that had his heart racing with lusty excitement, Girl felt her heart pitter-patter, with excitement because her master was the only man to make use of her body as she peeled open Duke's pants.

When she tugged on them Duke lifted himself up so she could pull them down completely, once they were down, she felt her mouth water as she could see the fair sized bulge in his black silk boxers.

When she had pulled them down, she saw that Duke's cock was just a hair or two under the five inch mark and that he was three inches thick and she realized if he was anything like her master, he would grow to be a very well-endowed man.

"OH WOW!" Duke thought to himself as he saw Girl looking at his hard cock with a look of hunger and wonderment that made his racing heart skip a beat or two then he saw her face flush an even deeper shade of crimson and as she reached up with her dainty right hand to take a hold of his throbbing cock.

Duke thought he was going to cum right then but somehow he managed to keep himself from blowing his load as she began to lightly stroke his cock.

"Wow." Girl thought to herself as she could feel the soft, silky heat of Duke's cock and when she looked lower she saw that he had two very large balls and she could not help but to reach up with her left hand and fondle them.

When she heard Duke gasp and felt him shudder with pleasure she felt her juices starting to roll down onto her thighs.

When she looked up at him Duke saw a faint and lusty smile on her angelic face as she continued to play with him as he felt his cock twitch in her small, soft hand as she continued to play with his throbbing balls and for some unknown reason, he reached up with his right hand and placed it on the back of her head as he saw her smile at him as he pushed her head down as she let go of his cock.

"Oh man!, this is way too fucked up!" Duke thought to himself as he felt the crown of his hard cock touch her lips then he felt her take the head of his cock into her hot, wet, mouth, and he could not help but to be overwhelmed by that pleasure known only to a stoned virgin boy who is getting his cock sucked for the first time.

"MMMM! " Girl thought to herself as she could taste not only his pre cum but his flesh as well as he continued to push her head down as she felt more and more of his hard cock piercing her mouth and throat, and she could not help but to place her right hand in between her legs to start stroking her hot, wet, pussy.

"OH GOD YES!" Duke howled as he felt Girl take all of his cock into her mouth and into her throat.

The moment he felt the head of his cock hit the back of her throat, he felt his cum shoot out of his pulsing cock it had so taken him by surprise that he felt himself blank out as he came for the first time in a girl's mouth.

"MMM!" Girl moaned, as she looked up at Duke as she felt his cum filling her mouth, when she saw the look of manly pleasure on Duke's flushed face as he held her head still, she came hard with feminine pleasure at having given a man such pleasure then she began to flex her throat as she swallowed his cum.

"Now that was fun." Alistair thought to himself as he walked into his house and felt something out of place.

"Hmm I wonder." He thought to himself as he walked into the living room and saw that the TV was still on, then he noticed the half empty glass of wine on the black glass of the copper coffee table.

He had the pleasant mental image of his wife asleep in their bedroom and then he noticed that Girl was nowhere to be seen.

"Heh!" he thought to himself, with a sadistic smile as he made his way upstairs, when he got to the second floor, he made his way over to his son's bedroom door.

He placed his right ear on the door and couldn't hear anything, so he opened the door a crack to look in to see Girl on her knees and that she had Duke's cock in her mouth and her fingers buried between her legs and that his son had a wowed look on his face.

"That's my boy!" Alistair thought to himself, with fatherly pride as he saw that Duke had a handful of Girl's platinum hair in his hand as he mashed her face into his crotch and he knew that deep in his heart that with the right words and actions that his son would make a fine master one day.

"Hehehehe!" He cackled softly to himself as he felt his cock grow hard and decided that he would make use of his other slave's body, he then closed the door and made his way downstairs to find Susan.

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Lulu368 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello, can you upload this otome asmr, please: https://www.dlsite.com/girls/work/=/product_id/RJ01110786.html
A-9000 wrote on Shine's profile.
Legend says this one was available in 2023 before it's demise...thanks in advance!

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redbeamff wrote on Shine's profile.

pls upload new NAKK videos :D
tim30069 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
hello, do you have this drama cd ,thank you!
AsterN20 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Can you reupload [Magi White] エグザミネイター?