Translate Help: File with text in game and program for edit


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Apr 17, 2015
I would like to translate Amnesia: Memories for my language, but I already searched here and also on the Internet, clear information on how to find the text or program to modify, or identifies it.
So I'm asking for help if someone here knows which file contains the texts, and what program to use for this, tell me?

Sorry if already has some ask so I searched and not found but there's so much here that I must not have looked good.

Any things can be useful, and would also be good I test on my orinal or I should test on a without? because I would be if I could make it to work in the steam version.

If you can too, not to mention Amnesia but they know of another game, I would be very pleased to know.

my questions, just to be clear that the time may have been confused:

1. as I find the file that contains the text in the game? inside the game folder?

2. how do I do, what program to use to modify? so the name'll be fine.

I appreciate the help, and I apologize if you have already a post so here.
So right now i'll translate Amnesia:memories for my language and some others games.

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bloodvlad wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Hi sir, reupload pls
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remanen wrote on viniamin's profile.
hi, do you think it would be possible to reupload this game?
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remanen wrote on Esan's profile.
hello, do you think its possible to reupload this game?
[121010][Blue Cellar]監禁少女遠隔監視システム 【Kankin View】[RJ103666]
remanen wrote on Shine's profile.
hi, do you think you can reupload this game?
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