[Story Driven HTML] Monster Girl Farmer

Bawdy Ink Slinger

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Jan 17, 2021

Hey, so I put a lot of work into my game, Monster Girl Farmer, and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in trying it out. Here's my little blurb:

Monster Girl Farmer is an erotic text-based RPG. Your farm is failing, but your fortune takes a turn when a starving Monster Girl barges into your home. In exchange for taking her in, she'll help you start the world's first Monster Girl farm! Collect monster girl milk, honey, pollen, and more.

Game Features

The writing:
  • Lewd scenes crafted by artisanal writers, grinding away in the paper mines until their quills and free hands are worn to nubs. With over zero years of combined experience, you can rest easy knowing I'm not happy until they're not happy.
  • Memorable characters with depth: the agoraphobic mushroom girl, the superstitious dryad, the cherry tree girl who thinks she's a princess...
  • A multitude of fetishes—many more on the way!
  • A world brimming with lore. Learn about the Monster Girl Devil and why Hellhound Girls fell from grace.
  • Color-coded, easy to read dialogue.
  • No pretentious purple prose. You won't find words like milieu, mackle, or mélange anywhere.
Wholesome turn-based encounters:
  • Raise monster girls' affection through acts of kindness, not violence. (Working—many planned improvements.)
  • Gain experience, level up, and learn new acts of kindness.
  • A mélange of item drops. Sell them for money, use them to upgrade your farm, or gift them during encounters.
  • Status effects that increase crop yield, temporarily decrease your energy, etc.
  • Minimal grinding.
  • Maximal grinding (against monster girls).
The world:
  • A clear visual mini-map to easily navigate the diverse regions. (Map is currently textbased.)
  • Upgradable environments: convince monster girls to set up shops in town, build a coop with dryad wood, etc.
  • Track critical information in your journal: the number of undiscovered monster girls, how many scenes are left, and what you ate for breakfast.
  • Check out the content roadmap (starts at the top, subject to change): https://arcweave.com/app#/project/L80Vezw69R
Customize your experience:
  • Play as male, female, or enby. Choose your name and pick your naughty parts.
  • Affect scenes by bringing different monster girls on your adventures. (Implemented for one character—more planned.)
  • Dislike a kink? Skip any lewd scene BEFORE the action starts.

And if that doesn't convince you, check out these rave reviews:
"What's up man. Everything okay?"
"Shouldn't you be looking for a job?"
"We're worried about you."
And that's just from my friends!

About me (Bawdy Ink Slinger):
  • I'm proud to say this is my second NSFW game; I completed my first!
  • I've been programming for decades, teaching best practices to others. This means fewer bugs, more content.

The main fetishes:
  • Monster Girls! (dog girls, dryads, spider girls, harpies, centaurs, mushroom girls, tree girls, etc.)
  • Lactation
  • Tentacles
  • Gaping
  • Pregnancy (*planned*)
  • And more!

You can play it in your browser here: https://monstergirlfarmer.com

I'm the developer and it's made in America, but it has anime style artwork. This game is a work in progress, but it already has a lot of content. Let me know what you think!

Here is some of the NSFW artwork in the game.


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Try the latest Monster Girl Farmer: it's like a whole new game!


I haven't been this excited about a Monster Girl Farmer release since the first public announcement! The old gameplay has been completely ripped out and replaced by a far more entertaining and fun system. I truly believe it's been improved by an order of magnitude.

That said, there's a lot of opportunity for growth, almost certainly in ways I'm not even seeing. That's why I need your feedback! Reply to this post, message me on discord, send me an email, whatever -- I love interacting with players.

Besides the new gameplay, there's new artwork of Eva the Dog Girl and a new scene with a nameless Snake Girl. Actually, the new scene is another huge milestone for me because it's the first story in any of my games written by a guest author! Deos is her name, and she's a wonderful writer. I think you'll love her scene as much as I do! If you want to know how to unlock it, you'll find that information in the change log.

Most importantly (and I know I'm repeating myself), I really want your feedback on this new system. It's like a whole new game!

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(Text-based RPG) Monster Girl Farmer 0.14 released! New battle content, a bestiary, replayable scenes, and 43% more harpy girl sass! (Supporting ALL platforms!)

Hello all!

This release significantly improves the Encounter System: last release--to give an example--when you chose to have an intimate conversation with a character, she'd respond with something random like a game of pattycake. Okay, it wasn't that jarring, but you get the idea.

Now, monster girls react with relevant responses for all sorts of things: when you use care activities, use items, run away, fail to run, win a battle, lose a battle, and win with a cheat (cheats available to $5 pledges)! That's a ton of new content and I'm proud of it all--especially Olivia's.

Try experimenting; it can be fun to lose on purpose or pick bad choices just to see what they'll do. e.g., give Eva the dog girl some chocolate. I dare ya.

In addition to this, two highly requested features were added:
- The ability to replay scenes.
- A field guide containing monster girl lore.

There's lots more in this release, so check out the change log.

The next release will introduce the official demo. Soon, I'll be posting more details on Patreon.

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Monster Girl Farmer 0.15 released! Tentacles tie you and dryads in knots!

Hello all!

I've enhanced and extended Fern (the dryad's) lewd scene. Fans of my previous game should appreciate it; this is now the kinkiest scene in the game. I've turned her into a contortionist, and that's where the fun begins. Before this scene was pure voyeurism. Now you can join in! Of course, the voyeurism route is still there.

The major feature of this release is splitting the game into a free demo and a paid full version. This took a lot of work because I had some technically complex requirements I needed to fulfill. In the end, I decided the best way to go was to have the demo and the full game be the same executable, but you need an access code to unlock the full game:

This means your saves are backwards compatible, unlocking the game is a seamless experience (you don't have to download a new game), and it's easy for me to develop both versions and parallel. What I am saying with that last point is, both the demo and the full version are a work in progress and both will continue to improve.

Also, as was commonly requested on surveys, now if you try to go to town and you have Eva with you, right then and there you can decide whether to turn around or to leave her behind.
I think I should point out that there will now be downloadable versions of the game!

There's lots more in this release, so check out the change log.

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Monster Girl Farmer 0.16 released! Transform into a dog girl!
Hello everyone! I'm excited to tell you that I've just released Monster Girl Farmer v0.16, and it has three new scenes in it. The first two are written by me.

Scene #1, you transform into Eva the dog girl. To tell you the truth, I don't have a transformation fetish or know much about it, but I did some research and had multiple experts read the final version. I'm happy to say they've told me it's great.

In the second scene, you... have fun with your new body. Check the change log to see how to unlock it, but I don't think you'll have any trouble finding it.

The last scene is about a Doe. A deer. A female deer. She's a taur (top half human, bottom half deer) and you'll randomly run into her by exploring. This was written by a new guest author, Skulldust. I like his style, so hopefully I can get him to write another scene, possibly a follow-up to this one.

I also updated Fern's lewd scene, so it factors in some of your previous choices and your main character's... equipment.

The other things I worked on aren't as sexy and don't directly affect the game, but they were really important to work on:

First, you may have noticed I have a new name! I kicked the tires on a bunch of others, but this is the one that fit the best. Mmm. New name smell.

The game is now live on https://www.monstergirlfarmer.com The previous URL still works, but it will no longer be updated with new releases. Remember to transfer your old saves to the new website! If you go to the old one, it'll give you a warning and tutorial that explains how.

Some people told me they didn't know how to find their access code after they signed up so I've sprinkled more links on my Patreon. The top of the about page description links to the access codes, as does the $5 tier description. Finally, and probably the most important one, when you sign up to become a pledge, you'll receive a message with a link to your access code.

There was one bug fix for this version: The "Popup blocker pro" browser extension incorrectly blocks some of the libraries from loading (they've had a ticket to fix this problem that's been open for years). If you are using this extension, I figured out a way to give you an informative error message instead of one that makes the game appear broken.

I really hope you enjoy the new scenes. Please send me feedback, it keeps me going!

Check out the change log to see what else is in this release.

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Monster Girl Farmer 0.17 released! Possess a dog girl and seduce your master

What is up! Let's get right into it, shall we? Here's what's new in this release:

  • I wrote part 3 of the Eva transformation scenes. I don't know if this type of transformation has its own term, but it's a mixture of possession and body swap, I guess? You are in Eva's body, but sometimes your thoughts are hers and sometimes they're your own. Also, as Eva, you interact with the main character, but he/she/they act as themselves.

    This may be the most difficult scene I've ever written. It took around three weeks of effort, and it was an emotional writing experience. Most people who proofread it loved it, so it seems like the effort was worth it. This scene is only available in the full game.

    The following will tell you how to unlock it. SPOILERS: After you give Eva a collar, there's a random chance you'll start this sequence when you sleep. If you play until the end of each scene, the next part will randomly start when you sleep.
  • I was told that Eva's first transformation scene was a little too 'vivid' for some, so I created a new path: now you can decide if you want a 'dark dream that goes into heavy detail' or a 'lighthearted, fun dream where nobody gets hurt.' This was the first thing I worked on after the previous release so my memory is hazy, but I believe the original path got some new additions; the new path certainly did. This scene is in the demo, as is the 2nd.
  • If you purchased the full game then completed the demo characters' scenes, you would still get a demo survey. This was confusing -- some even thought their access code wasn't working. Hopefully I prevented that confusion in the future.
  • I made it possible for certain random scenes to be full-game only.
  • At the end of the 3rd transformation scene, you'll be given an optional survey to give me feedback on it. I'd love to hear your thoughts!
  • I put game links that may change in the future behind a configurable link shortener.
  • My demo is featured in the itch "Steamy Summer Hentai Bundle". You should google it because it contains 16 games, and you can choose your own price.
Bug fixes:
  • The doe girl scene had a code typo that suggested you had boobies when you didn't, and vice versa.
  • The 2nd Eva transformation scene had a passage where all the text was on one line. I've fixed this and edited some sentences too.
So! What's next?

I think I'm going to work on some features, but I'm also torn, because there is some planned content that would be really cool. I've been putting off the former for a while now, so I'll probably work on that, specifically adding some depth to harvesting your field. Regardless of what I work on next, I hope you enjoy this new release!

If you want to learn about previous releases, check out the change log.
Hello all! I'm happy to report that there is a new Monster Girl Farmer release. This one focuses on farming mechanics, scenes -- both random and focused on your pet monster girl -- and some brand-new artwork.

Regarding the new artwork, there is a new logo for the game featuring Eva the dog girl as the center of attention. And let's not forget a new image of Sophie where she is the centaur of attention.

There is a new scene when you unlock the ability to use your field, and there are over ten new scenes to discover while you explore the forest.

Some of the scenes give you seeds which segues nicely into the major gameplay mechanic of this release: you can now find seeds scattered throughout the world and plant them in your field. When they grow into crops, you can sell them for money or gift them to monster girls to gain their affection.

In addition, you can now enrich your field with soil you purchase at the general store. This'll give you a status effect that increases your crop yield.

There are lots more features in this release, so check out the change log or continue reading below:

  • Added a logo as a game splash page. Check it out, Eva is the star.
  • Added a new picture of Sophie the Centaur!
  • When you unlock the ability to use your field (see more below), you also unlock a short scene with Eva.
  • There are now three different types of items in the game: Key, Seed, and Commodity. Key items are unique and necessary for progressing in the story. Seed items can be planted in your field, where they grow into crops. Commodity items can be bought and sold. They can be used in certain quests.
  • Your inventory can be filtered by item type.
  • It is possible for a seed to be "unlimited." This means you can plant it as many times as you want and you'll never run out.
  • The field tutorial unlocks unlimited carrot seeds.
  • Certain seeds cost more energy than others to plant and harvest.
  • You must have your first encounter before you can use the field.
  • You can find seeds when you explore and grow them in your field. This was a big change and it opens up a lot of fun opportunities in the future. I'll discuss one of these ideas at the end. Seeds can't be sold or gifted to monster girls, but the crops they grow can. At the moment, seeds can be discovered by exploring the world.
  • There are a lot of webpages hosting old versions of my game. Like over a year old. I've reached out to them to ask them to update, but in the meantime, I have created a white list: if a domain is not in it, there is a pop up warning you that you may not be playing the latest version. It won't pop up if you are playing the downloaded version of the game or on the official site (https://monstergirlfarmer.com)
  • The last version of the game had a survey after the latest transformation scene. This has been removed because it's no longer the latest scene.
  • I put most of my important links (chat, support, etc.) behind a link redirection service. That way, if I accidentally delete the access code page (again), I don't have to have an emergency release for every version of my game to point to different URLs: I can just change where the redirect URL goes.
Bug Fixes:
  • If you zoomed in really, really close in your browser, the active click area for the encounter log would shift. This wasn't game breaking because the hit box was still on-screen, but it was a poor user experience.
  • If you entered an access code on a paginated page, full game buttons weren't re-rendered -- they still appeared to be locked even though they weren't. This is really obscure and probably hasn't happened to anyone: the only way I think you could notice this is if your access code expired and you loaded a game on a paginated page and then entered a working access code.
  • If you had cheats on (available to $5+ pledges), it was possible to give yourself multiple key items of the same kind (e.g. multiple dog collars). This is no longer possible as it could lead to undefined behavior.
  • In surveys, lots of people told me they thought soil was supposed to be used on the field, but they couldn't figure out how. Actually, before I had an encounter system, soil had a different purpose that no longer exists. But I figured, since people think you should be able to use it on your field, I may as well make it something you can use on your field. It increases the number of crops that grow when you harvest. It'll also remove the bird status effect.
Random Scenes:
  • Added 4 random exploration scenes for finding cabbage seeds. One of these can refer to a lewd choice you can make at the beginning of the game.
  • Added 2 random exploration scenes for finding blueberry seeds.
  • Skulldust returns to write 6 new random exploration scenes to the game. You may remember him as the contributor that wrote the Doe girl scene.
Here's a couple of things planned in the near future, ideally in the next release:
  • You should be able to invest money into shops so they can level up and offer unique seeds/commodities you can't find anywhere else.
  • There should be a lot more random scenes. I'm thinking of looking for freelance writers.
  • You should be able to assign Eva to your field to reduce the energy cost for harvesting crops.
  • More artwork!
  • I want to write the next scene in the main storyline, unlocking more monster girls, some of which will set up shops in town.
  • There should should be many more uses for money.
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v0.25.02 released!

New Scene:
  • A massive amount of lewd content has been added to the chipmunk girl scene. Don't forget to bring some carrots!
Bug Fixes:
  • When Amy sleeps over, playing hard/easy/for fun wasn't affecting the outcome of the scene. Now it does.
Technical Details:
  • For player convenience, I created a test passage that allows you to jump directly to the new scene to try it out. Simply go to https://monstergirlfarmer.com?passageName=Test Chipmunk and from there you can play it over and over again. IF YOU ARE USING THIS URL, DO NOT SAVE OVER ANY EXISTING SAVES YOU CARE ABOUT. It's fine to save, just don't overwrite anything important when you do.

    Anyway, that's not what this technical issue is about: That test page had a link that was only there for automated testing. It provides no value to a real player, so I have hidden it.

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Monster Girl Farmer v0.29.00 Released!

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What's new:

  • New artwork of Olivia the Harpy was added to game!
  • Two pictures (one’s an alt of the other) of the Doe girl have been added to the game. They’re very lewd, so I think you’ll love them.
  • This release introduces Lisa the Leech Girl! Before you run away screaming, you should know there’s no blood play involved. I mean, if there’s enough demand, I suppose there could be in the future, but even then, I’d make it optional.

    Enough about the future, let’s talk about this new character. I don’t know about you, but when I think “Leech Girl,” the first thing that comes to mind is “Big Titty Goth Girl.” Come to think of it, that comes to mind when I think of most things.

    Anyway, Lisa fits that description to a T, which is ironic, because no Tees fit her. Get it? 'cause her boobs are so big? Hellooo? Is this keyboard on?
    Oh yeah, I almost forgot: she lactates. Milk. From her boobs. And you get to help.

    Despite my crass description, the truth is, Lisa’s a sweetheart. On your first encounter, she saves your life. But she’s shy, she’s lonely, and she’s never had a friend. She’s never even had a visitor! So give the dang leech girl a chance.

    SPOILER: This character is temporarily available in the free demo at the location named, “A Little Creek.“ She will end up in “An Overgrown Primeval Region,“ a location only accessible in the full game, but I wanted to make her freely available first so I could get more feedback. BTW, you can only view this scene if you do not bring Eva with you.
  • Woo! Finally working on improving the look of the game. I hired a UI designer who’s made a bunch of suggestions and provided me with some lovely mockups. Since this is a textbased game, I’ve decided to change the typography first. This change alone doesn’t really do the mockups justice, but it’s the first step on a very important journey.
  • The new game fonts can be toggled off and on in the settings menu. I’m hoping nobody wants to turn them off, but just you find the new fonts to be an eyesore, you can go to the settings and turn the fonts back to the defaults.
  • Newly styled buttons have been added to the game! This took a really long time for technical reasons I won’t bore you with, but hopefully, you like the new look. Many more visual improvements coming soon!

    Since this is a visual change, it’s probable I’ve missed a few places. If you find some buttons that don’t look right, please let me know so I can fix them as soon as possible.
  • $5 tiers and above can access cheats that jump you directly to Lisa’s scenes: https://link.monstergirlfarmer.com/cheats
Random Scene/Quests:
  • I added a random exploration scene that fleshes out Eva’s character and gives you a subtle clue about how to find Lisa. This scene is found in “An Overgrown Primeval Region” if you bring Eva with you.
  • I wrote a scene I really like but I have a feeling only 10% of players will find it. That's a shame, so I wanted to tell people how to trigger it: SPOILER: Once you meet Lisa, if you return with Eva and search for her, it unlocks this scene.
Bug Fixes:
  • When you first go to town, there is a poor old man you can talk to. Yada, yada, yada, he offers you a farming tool. In the middle of that yada, yada, yada, you could go down a path where you explain how farming works “in the real world,” but if you did, it wouldn’t unlock the option to purchase the item. This has been fixed.

    Note: this wasn’t game/quest breaking because you could talk to him again and go down a different path. That path would unlock those purchase options. But both paths were supposed to unlock those options and only one did.
Monster Girl Farmer v0.30.00 Released! Here's what's new:

  • A new tree girl has been added to the game! This scene was originally commissioned by me and written by Lope. It started as a random scene, kind of a throw away moment of lewd-ity you could discover by exploring the forest. Because of this history, this character's name is simply, “Pine tree girl.”

    Once it was written, I started editing it, and -- as tends to happen -- got carried away, expanding it to at least 2x the original size. None of the story beats changed really, I just kept adding meat to them existing bones.

    In its current state, I would say it’s been upgraded from “random exploration scene” to “optional monster girl scene” because she shows up in your journal and the lewd-ity is quite detailed.

    You can find her by exploring the forest entrance, but it’s only available in the full game. Fetishes include macrophilia AKA giant tiny sex (GTS) and, I don’t know the official name of this one but, being used as a human sex toy.
  • The background used to be solid black, but images have been added. I have a lot planned with regards to the look and feel of the game, so the way this looks now shouldn’t last long. At the moment, I think they can interfere/distract with the player’s ability to read the text because the words render directly on top of the pictures; that's why these images are off by default. Here's how to turn them on: In the sidebar, click the “Settings” button. It’ll open a dialog box where I’ve added a new toggle called “Show Backgrounds.”

    At the moment, there is a background for each map region. This’ll improve soon. For example, if you visit the well in the forest, it still uses the generic forest background. Someday, I'd like to have a well in the background instead.

    I hope you like the new backgrounds and see their potential! Enjoy!
  • I have been working with my current artist for multiple months now which, for Monster Girl Farmer, is a huge achievement. Allow me officially announce Teta, Monster Girl Farmer's artist! In celebration, I’ve added their name to the game credits with a link to their twitter account.
In Monster Girl Farmer, centaurs are notoriously difficult to please, but they have a secret backdoor: their backdoors. Experience the most detailed donut worship scene you've ever read (that's written by me).

I’m especially proud of this latest scene. It involves Sophie the Centaur; it’s titled, "Mmm, donut"; and it has nothing to do with pastries.

See, in the game's introduction, you meet Eva the dog girl and have the option to say hello as a "formal greeting." Ya know, say hello "the dog (girl) way?" Too subtle? Fine: she asks to smell your asshole (and vice versa).

Well, behind closed doors, Eva gave Sophie the Centaur a "formal greeting" too, and Sophie can’t stop thinking about it! She’s obsessed, really, and now these naughty thoughts keep cropping up in her head but she’s too embarrassed to tell anyone but you.

What happens next? Well, dear player, that all depends on you and your kinks. As always, you can choose not to partake without any negative consequences. Alternatively, you can dive right in, helping Sophie live out her fantasies by giving her a “formal greeting” of your own. But this time, it goes way beyond sniffing.

Claiming this is the "most detailed donut worship scene you've ever read" may be hyperbolic. After all, there are probably some out there I haven't read yet. But with that in mind, I'd like to make a simple request: if you know a donut worship scene you think is better, send me a link because I’d really like to read it.

Minor spoilers on how to unlock the scene: This scene occurs after you’ve played through Sophie’s previous lewd scene, you’ve played through Olivia the Harpy Girl's lewd scene, and you visit Sophie at the stable without Eva as a follower.

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Monster Girl Farmer Version 0.31.03 Released!

What's new:

  • I added the new snake girl image to the game.
  • The entire UI has been restyled according to my designer’s mock-ups! The game has an entirely new look and feel. If you’ve played it before, you may not recognize it. And if you’ve considered playing it in the past, now’s a perfect time.
    This was a huge effort, far beyond what I originally imagined. I’ve restyled lots of websites in the past, but it’s never been as challenging as this: to pull this off I had to change over 8000 lines of code.
    Although I’d say the UI looks a gajillion times better, I still consider this a first pass. There’ll be many more in the future, so stay tuned!
  • Added a cheat to skip directly to Sophie the Centaur's new “donut” scene. Mmm, donuts.
  • The version number in the game footer links to the change log.
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Monster Girl Farmer v0.32.00 released! Horny but afraid of the dark? Sleep with Enoki, the bioluminescent mushroom girl, and proudly tell your Mom you sleep without a nightlight now. (Monster Girl Farmer, a surprisingly wholesome text-based RPG. Play on any browser.)

  • I edited the Field intro scene to improve the humor.
Bug Fixes:
  • The main change in this release is a performance improvement, and it was a doozy. Before I go into specifics, I’m going to cut to the chase and tell you the result of the fix: 10 times faster! Actually it could be much better than that, depending on how larger inventory was. I tested on a save that was taking a second to perform every action. Now that same save takes ~80 milliseconds to perform every action. And it should stay that way no matter how large your inventory gets.
    Yeah, so, the inventory system... What can I say? It had a terrible design (in my defense, I am stupid).
    For those that want more details, I was keeping track of every item. Every item! Harvested a carrot? I kept track of that. Sold a carrot? I kept track of that. Gave six carrots to the chipmunk girl? I kept track of all six. And I kept track of the day you gave them to her.
    That’s a lot of data. The game state grew and grew, slowing the user experience down (technical note: the game engine copies game state on every action so you can undo any choices you make.)
    Now, I only keep track of the main character’s inventory and the total they own. Problem solved!
    It may sound simple, but the hard part was making old saves backwards compatible. You shouldn’t lose any items from this upgrade. It’s important to me that you don’t have to restart the game every time I release, and this is no exception.
    Also, some quest code needed to be rewritten. For example, the game used to let you bring Eva with you if SHE owned a collar and you owned a leash, but I don’t track what other characters own anymore. Pretty easy fix, but those changes added up.
    Phew. I hope you all notice the difference. Wait, do I? No, I hope you never noticed the issue in the first place. But if you did notice, I hope you noticed the difference. Either way, enjoy!
  • Two wonderful people in the chat pointed out typos in existing scenes, one of whom goes by the name, “Comrade Soup Beans” (the other prefers to remain anonymous). Typos can really break immersion so I love when people inform me about the ones I’ve missed.
    Many of you may not know this, but I injured my hands a couple years ago; I write most content with dictation software and, while the technology is a godsend, sometimes typos slip past my editing process.
    If you’d like to help out, all you need to do is send me the sentence with the typo so I can find it. You don’t even need to explain how to fix it.
  • If you revisited a paginated passage, it would start you on the last page. Now you start on the first.
Technical Details:
  • I made a huge refactoring to the code that migrates old saves to the latest structure. It used to be in one big file and it was difficult to reason about. This refactoring means less bugs and less time spent migrating old saves in the future. I don't normally mention technical details, but I thought it was worth noting because this took was more effort than the performance improvement, and the performance improvement was a huge effort.
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Monster Girl Farmer v0.33.00 released! Struggling with the ladies? No worries: Golem girls come with their own instruction manuals.
What's new in v0.33.00:
  • One of the most requested features has been an image gallery to view all those sexy images in one place without all that pesky content I put my heart and soul into getting in the way (/s). Hopefully you'll enjoy this feature to the point where you'll cry too--tears of joy, that is.
    If you have an old save, don’t worry, you won't have to restart or anything: the images you’ve already seen will be automatically unlocked.
    In the future, a cheat will allow you to unlock all the images without needing to view them in-game first.
  • Teta created an amazing image of Lisa the Leech Girl and I’ve added it into the game. If you hate big tiddy goth girls, you may want to avoid this one.
  • The new image of Lisa the Leech girl has her swimming on her back, topless. Unfortunately for me, this didn’t actually occur anywhere in the scene, so I had to add it. Per usual, I got a little carried away: I could have simply said, “She floats on her back and smiles,” but I decided to write a 500 word, multi-joke excerpt instead. For those that have already played her 2nd scene (the lewd one), consider replaying it to experience this new content (remember, there are cheats to jump straight to it).
  • A new NSFW image of Mivennah the golem girl has been added to the game. It depicts the moment you find her asleep on a stone slab.
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Altorese wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
誰ソ彼ホテル hewwooo can you please reupload fikper or mexashare links? :(
sincyy wrote on Shine's profile.