Hello everyone !
So, are you ready for the noobiest question of the year ? yes ? Are you REALY READY ??? So, wait for it... Wait for it... NOW : what is this studio thing about ? I mean, you can make screenshots and vids, that's ok, but can you make your own positions, for example, and put them in the "real" game (the "hotel") ? If there's a good tuto about the studio, please let me know. Or an english/german/french version of the manual ?
Oh, and i'm discovering this kind of games, i even didn't know it existed before last month. Very fun, and, as i'm a bit artist, images are realy beautyful. Ok, off-topic.
Have i been noobish enough to put this post in the wrong thread ? Not imppossible - i'm french, "impossible n'est pas français" ! ;-)
And, one more time for so many video games : thank you moders, without you we would never play any achieved game !!!